Up With Trees 2020 Summer Canopy Newsletter

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TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS URBAN FOREST MASTER PLAN UPDATE Up With Trees has been working on a districtwide Urban Forest Master Plan after Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) set a goal in 2017 to increase tree canopy coverage from 5% to 10% for each of their campuses. Generously funded by the Joe & Jean Holliman Family Foundation, this goal launched a collaborative visioning process to create a resilient, safe, and connected urban forest on TPS grounds. This master plan includes planting nearly 2,200 trees on 85 TPS campuses. Further tree planting needs, current trees and species assessments, the

impact of tree plantings in the area and how to properly maintain the trees is outlined for each campus as the district continues to plan for and develop its facilities. The mission of this urban forest master plan is to guide the management and growth of Tulsa Public Schools’ green infrastructure, to understand the contribution trees have on the health and wellbeing of our students and community, and to facilitate the role an urban forest offers in creating a healthy and engaging learning environment.














FROM OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR STEVE GRANTHAM Now, more than ever, the Tulsa community faces unique challenges with many unknowns. But, what we do know is that trees planted in our city continue as perpetual symbols of resilience, perseverance, and hope as they bring

us closer together. Up With Trees is committed to moving forward into a bright (and wellshaded) future for tomorrow’s generations, for our diverse communities, and for our city as a unified whole. Thank you for

your continued generosity and support. We are excited to work with you to forge what lies ahead.

In Memory of Larry Hovis (1937-2020) Larry Hovis was a devoted supporter of Up With Trees. He propelled our mission forward by volunteering for a variety of our events, serving on our Board of Directors, and was a constant steward in the community by advocating for healthy trees. In addition to his contributions to Up With Trees, Larry was an OSU Master Gardener, served as a board member for the Tulsa Garden Center, was a part of the committee that established the location of the Tulsa Botanical Garden and volunteered for several other committees. Larry valued our natural resources, and he continued his education by taking courses in Entomology, and Environmental Impact and Forester Services in Urban Settings. We are so grateful to have worked with such a passionate individual, and we extend our deepest offering of love to all those whose lives he touched.

Sid Patterson

Founder (1921-2012)

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tom Wallace President

Anne Brockman Secretary

Adam Brown Laura Bryant Chris Carter Joe Howell

Nathan Pickard

Stewart Swayze

Vice President

2nd Vice President

Jeff Case

Kathy Vancuren

Immediate Past President

Zac Kulsrud Chris McKenzie Tim Nall Roger Reeves

Susan Scott Farrell Seay Vanessa Thompson Ron Walker


Andrew Warren Jeff Weagley Christen Webb


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2020 12:00 PM | A VIRTUAL EVENT GreenLeafGala.org Up With Trees will be taking on New Perspectives as we host our first Green Leaf Non-Gala. We invite you to swap out your formal wear for your comfiest loungewear as you virtually join us to celebrate a stronger, greener community.


We are very excited to welcome the AmeriCorps NCCC Team Sun 3 to Up With Trees! They will be with us through late September learning about our nonprofit, working out in the field and of course, learning about the many wonderful benefits of trees. Be sure to say hello if you’re in the office!

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Up With Trees has evaluated our programming and volunteer opportunities based on the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control, the City of Tulsa and the Tulsa County Health Department. Our highest priority is the safety and wellbeing of the community, and we are excited to welcome back volunteers in a socially-distanced and safe way! Volunteers are invited to join us on an individual basis, or in groups of 10 or less. Join us in accomplishing the following activities this maintenance season, while earning service hours and gaining exposure to the outdoors: • Sign Painting: Schedule a training to learn how to paint our iconic wooden signs. • Tree Pruning: Pruning Fridays from 8am-12pm, where anyone can receive training and help us prune our I-44 sites. • Trash Pickup: Keep our sites and green spaces clear of litter for our mowing crew. This is a continuous opportunity in which volunteers can assist in cleanup at any time. Please ask for a site in advance. • Food Pantry Organization: On the first Tuesday of each month, Up With Trees partners with the Kendall-Whittier Food Pantry to help organize food supplies and deliver food from the Community Food Bank. To sign up, or for more information on locations, supplies, and guidelines, contact Program Associate, Kaitlyn Beard, at kaitlyn@upwithtrees.org or (918) 610 - 8733.

meet the new kids on the block (but, not the band) We have a few new faces on our team and some familiar faces transitioning into new positions within our organization!


OPERATIONS CREW MEMBER Andrew recently moved to Tulsa from a small town in Massachusetts and is excited about joining the Tulsa community.


OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Baylee is a Tulsa native who loves the outdoors. She is the friendly face behind our front desk and is usually the first voice you hear when calling our office.



ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Shawn and her three-year-old son love taking hikes with the dogs, kayaking in a nearby lake, and having spontaneous dance sessions at home.


MARKETING & OUTREACH ASSOCIATE Kaley is passionate about nonprofit outreach, is an aspiring plant mom, and loves spending time in the outdoors with her husband and two pups.




Zachary moved back to Tulsa from OKC and is happy to be here! He loves concerts, games, and petting cats/dogs (preferably at the same time or a hybrid).

Jacob recently graduated from OSU with a degree in Recreation Management and has been involved in Boy Scouts for most of his life.



Jonah is passionate about Tulsa and serving in the community. He loves disc golf, movie theater popcorn, and recently became a certified notary public in the State of Oklahoma.


COMMUNITY OUTREACH OFFICER Diana is a Tulsa native and loves to photograph weddings, walk her dog on the Riverside Trails, read novels and binge Netflix.

NAVIGATING A NON-PROFIT DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC We are continuously grateful for the ongoing support from our community. With each challenge presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to navigate each obstacle with open minds because of supporters like you. When things were initially canceled and shut down, we saw strength in our nonprofit partners as we worked to deliver food to those in need. We transformed our Seedling Program into a no-contact delivery system so we could safely provide greater Tulsa with trees they could plant at their own homes and neighborhoods.

We had dedicated coworkers who came into work during unprecedented times to care for the trees we planted last fall to ensure that they continued to flourish as we entered the summer months. We were joined by nature lovers who attended virtual tree walks and the loving parents who stayed home with their children doing outdoor scavenger hunts to beat the fits of “cabin fever.� As an organization, we continue to consider the safety of our community as we plan for the coming months.

Throughout the stress of it all, we are called to pause and recount the purpose of why we plant trees. We plant trees in parks to shade our playgrounds, in Downtown to increase walkability in the thriving business districts, and to absorb pollutants for clearer water and cleaner air. We plant trees for the people of Tulsa to have a healthier, and more resilient future. Once again, we are truly grateful for every individual that has supported our mission during this time. Thank you for investing in beautifying Green Country and a healthier Tulsa.

INHALE & EXHALE HEALTH BENEFITS OF TREES We all know that trees gift us many comforts: beautiful sceneries when hiking in the forest or strolling in your favorite shopping district, shady sidewalks to cool you in the Oklahoma heat, and as a leafy umbrella for those unexpected rain storms. Did you know trees have multiple benefits for our health, too? It’s true! Not only do trees provide the air we breathe, but it also takes five trees to absorb the CO2 produced by one person, whereas one large tree can supply enough oxygen for four people. That fact alone affirms the importance of planting trees! Trees trap airborne pollutants on their leaves and bark, removing them from the atmosphere and keeping them out of our lungs. They also help relax us. Research shows views of green space with trees help with recovery from stress. Studies show that patients in hospitals with views of trees outside of their windows heal faster and with fewer complications. Additionally, trees outside classrooms and offices impact the learning and working environment. Children with ADHD show fewer symptoms when exposed to trees and nature, as they aid concentration by reducing mental fatigue. Access to trees, green spaces, and parks promote greater physical activity, and reduces stress, while improving the quality of life in our cities and towns. Trees interrupt rainfall, thus allowing the water to flow down the trunk and into the earth below the tree. This prevents rain water from carrying pollutants (such as spilled oil, chemicals, or trash) into nearby rivers, streams. Additionally, when trees are properly mulched, they act like a sponge that filters this water naturally and uses it to refill groundwater. Ever think about the apples or pecans you buy at the grocery store? A tree made that for you! An apple tree can yield up to 15-20 bushels of fruit per year and can be planted on the tiniest urban lot. Aside from fruit for humans, trees provide food for birds and wildlife, which help promote local ecosystems.

Resources: https://www.arborday.org/trees/benefits.cfm https://www.treepeople.org/tree-benefits https://canopy.org/tree-info/benefits-of-trees/


BEAUTIFICATION OF HISTORIC DISTRICT As the centennial anniversary of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre quickly approaches, Up With Trees will be refurbishing an area of the Historic Greenwood District with funding provided by the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission and Keep Oklahoma Beautiful. This commemoration project will include the removal of unhealthy and decaying trees, fenceline clean up, pruning of mature trees along Greenwood Avenue, and planting new trees for the next generation. This project will commemorate this tragic event, and beautify the area for anyone visiting, shopping, eating, or working in the district.

l eaf rubbing activity

Try leaf-rubbing! Go out, find an oak leaf like the one above (or whatever leaf you can find), place it under the page in the square to the right. Color over the square lightly, with a crayon of your choice! The result should be a colored imprint of your leaf!

Up With Trees is honored to be a partner in beautifying such a significant place to Tulsa and our community. This revitalization project is expected to be complete by December 2020.

T PROJECTS TULSA’S GATEWAY TO THE WORLD: I-244 & OK-11 LANDSCAPE REVITALIZATION Thanks to the support and generous contribution from the City of Tulsa, the first phase of Tulsa’s Gateway to the World is fully funded and well underway. Phase One of this project includes the cleanup of 33,152 linear feet of overgrown and unkept fenceline, and plants more than 1,300 trees. With the assistance of our volunteer corps of more than 870 individuals, we will maintain these trees for five years to ensure their healthy establishment. Tulsa’s Gateway to the World: Phase Two cleans up more than 25,000 additional feet of overgrown fenceline, plants 736 trees, and maintains them for five years to properly establish them. We are passionate about this project because it completely transforms

the highway from Downtown to the Tulsa International Airport. Once complete, visitors and residents are welcomed by a beautifully landscaped drive into and out of Downtown Tulsa. Up With Trees intentionally plants trees to have the highest possible impact on the community. A high priority planting project of this magnitude will economically, aesthetically, and environmentally benefit the surrounding businesses and neighborhoods for generations to come.


To be a part of this revitalization of our community and fund portions of the completion of Tulsa’s


Gateway to the World: Phase Two,email Diana Ting at diana@upwithtrees.org or call the Up With Trees office at (918) 610-8733.


1102 SOUTH BOSTON AVENUE, TULSA, OK 74119 Address Service Requested

DO N’T BE “ LE AF - T” O U T! Hey #treehuggers! We have some exciting things in the works at Up With Trees. Be sure to follow us on social media for all updates, volunteer opportunities, events and more!

Facebook @up.with.trees

Instagram @upwithtrees

LinkedIn @up with trees

Twitter @upwithtrees

Check out UpWithTrees.org/calendar for all the details and upcoming events in 2020.

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