Donor Impact Report 2016

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Donor Report 2015–2016

Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology

Thank you

The last year has once again seen significant growth in the number of meaningful connections we have been able to make with our alumni and friends. Our investment in alumni engagement has grown to ensure that we can continue to expand our activities and offer support to our many friends all over the world. I know from the many activities I have been involved in and hosted that there is real warmth towards UQ amongst its graduates and a real desire to help us achieve our goals as a world-leading provider of higher education and research.

What I can state with clarity is that the support we receive from our alumni and friends is making a real and lasting difference at UQ: enhancing our ability to offer worldclass education opportunities to students on the basis of ability through scholarships, prizes and bursaries, whilst at the same time ensuring we maintain our position as a leading research organisation.

I am very pleased to be able to say that 2015 has been an outstanding year for philanthropic support of the Faculty. I hope this report will give you a greater appreciation of how your support plays a vital role in keeping The University of Queensland’s engineering, architecture, design and technology at the leading edge of innovation, both in education and research.

It is not too simplistic to say that we can only continue both these ambitions with your help and so I give you our heartfelt thanks for all of the support we have received. Your philanthropy is providing leadership and inspiration to others in supporting the educational and career aspirations of the next generation.

Warmly, Professor Simon Biggs Executive Dean Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology




The figures

Advancing philanthropy




A gift from the Class of 2015

CROP ‘15

The Bill Blake Bursary in Civil Engineering





Support for 1st year engineering

Inspiring women in tech

The WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff Scholarship for Women in Engineering

Engineering a skin safe future



Support for early career research

The Icarus Program




2015 Donors (individual)

2015 Donors (organisations)

Regular Giving Funds

The figures 6.48m

funds received

Scholarships $1.5+ million

Prizes $65,000+

Lectureship $110,000+

Teaching & Learning $590,000+

Research $3+ million

Infrastructure/Capital $400,000+

Student Experience $60,000+

Unrestricted $55,000+

Chairs $610,000+

(+$533,000 from 2014)


gifts received (+182 from 2014)

395 donors

(+139 from 2014)


Advancing philanthropy It has well been said that philanthropy is a highly leveraged investment. Through your gifts, together, we are making a difference in individual lives and making our world a better place to live. As the new Director of Advancement at the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology, it is a privilege to thank each of you, our donors, for your contribution towards making the lives of so many, better. I am still learning the full extent and details of what you have helped to make happen and the more I learn, the more excited I am about what we can accomplish together. As important as these gifts are, we also appreciate the implied message you send with your gift – that working together we can make significant improvements in our world. Scholarships and prizes encourage gifted students, who might otherwise not have the opportunity to pursue a career in engineering, architecture or IT, to study their chosen field. They also serve to recognise the accomplishments of our students and inspire them to strive for even greater heights. Funding for research at EAIT makes possible the technology breakthroughs that address the pressing challenges of our day. Already, these

technologies are making a difference in millions of lives in areas that include breakthroughs in the treatment of cancer, cleaner water, air and power, and the creation of technologies that make the workplace and our world safer. This year, we have articulated some broader, multi-disciplinary areas of priority, where we believe the Faculty as a whole can have significant impact. These priority areas include our work in Sustainable Futures, much needed upgrades in studio space for Architecture, scholarships and mobility programs, a new program in the Business of Engineering, a Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and funds for pioneering and emerging research. I look forward to meeting each of you and to expressing my personal thanks for your gifts and for your belief in our work. I hope that you might drop me a line to let me know the kind of difference you would like to have at your University. Best Wishes, Eric Billman P.E. P +61 7 3365 4302 M +61 428 927 592 E 5

A gift from the Class of 2015 The Engineering Class Gift initiative provided us, the graduating class, with a way to leave a legacy for future students – a positive impact on University life. As graduating donors, we hope to foster the professional development of future engineers through the creation of a space dedicated to industry events. Thanks to 110 donations from students, alumni and staff, our gift to future student engineers and alumni is the installation of a permanent BBQ, which will provide an enhanced experience for those hosting industry seminars and class reunions. NGAIRE HOWARD Engineering student and Class Gift Committee Member


From UQ's sombre red brick engineering buildings in George Street, to the present state of the art engineering complex at St Lucia, I am delighted to see the progress that has been made. I trust that my donation to this year’s Engineering Class Gift will inspire future students to never forget what The University of Queensland gave to them. CLAUDE REGHENZANI (BE 1960) Alumnus and donor to the 2015 Engineering Class Gift initiative

CROP ‘15

Each year the best student design work is exhibited to the public and to the architectural profession. Many architects have contributed to the students’ education through teaching and part-time employment. For graduating students this is the moment where they show the profession who they are and what they are capable of. With such a strong and ongoing relationship between the School and industry, each year we see architectural practices supporting the exhibition though philanthropy and sponsorship, and welcoming graduates into the architectural community. PROFESSOR SANDRA KAJI-O'GRADY Head of School, UQ School of Architecture

School of Architecture exhibition at The Edge, SLQ. Image courtesy of The State Library of Queensland


Receiving the Bill Blake Bursary meant that I no longer had to let my financial situation detract from my education. I'm now even able to consider going on an exchange and making the most of my time at university. KYLE BISHOP Engineering student and bursary recipient

The Bill Blake Bursary in Civil Engineering 8

After six years working as a design engineer, Bill Blake (BE 1977; BCom 1978; BLaws 1990) began studying law at UQ. The following year, 1985, he was invited to join the Construction Law Group at the legal firm, Morris, Fletcher and Cross, working there fulltime, while completing his law degree. This was no farewell to engineering, but the beginning of a lifetime of professional commitment to the engineering profession. He showed engineers they could work within legal and contractual requirements to deliver what was best for their project. He supported the profession through participation on national groups within the Institution of Engineers Australia, applying his knowledge to the broader profession.

Bill and I highly valued education. It’s been a privilege to establish The Bill Blake Bursary in Civil Engineering to honour Bill, but more importantly, to support the education of a civil engineering student, so that education can give them greater life choices. The highlight of 2015 was meeting Kyle Bishop, the Bursary’s first recipient. I was thrilled to meet such an enthusiastic young man, and to know that, through Bill’s memory, we can support the education of another engineer. ANASTASIA BLAKE Donor


Support for 1st year engineering 10

Over the past six years, The University of Queensland's Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology has invested heavily in upgrading our degree programs to produce highly skilled industry ready graduate engineers. Our students engage in authentic handson creative design challenges supported by innovative purpose built online learning tools and award winning teachers with years of industry experience. Generous support from industry stakeholders, Boeing Australia and the Royal Australian Navy, and philanthropy from alumnus, Mr John Barnes (BE 1969), has helped to make UQ a global leader in engineering education. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR CARL REIDSEMA Director of Teaching and Learning (Engineering) The University of Queensland


Inspiring women in tech 12

Last year I was fortunate to be awarded a scholarship from Agility Applications to study the Bachelor of Multimedia Design. This was incredibly helpful when I moved to Brisbane and had to set myself up for university – amongst my first purchases were a laptop, printer, a Wi-Fi modem and a subscription for the Adobe Suite. Of all these purchases, the most invaluable were the lenses for my glasses – which I would definitely have struggled without. I’m so grateful I was given the opportunity to focus on my studies without the extra financial burden. Over the Christmas break, I was also given the opportunity to work at Agility Applications. I have been compiling product profiles and working on redesigning and implementing the company website. While challenging, I couldn’t have asked for better support to keep on top of my coding skills!

As former students of UQ who got to experience what a great environment the University provides, it seemed natural for us to assist someone else in having that same experience. Our hope is that our gift takes away enough of the financial burden of relocating to Brisbane to free the student up to enjoy their time at UQ and learn as much about themselves and what they want to achieve. We also hope that by offering scholarships for study in IT, that it encourages students to pursue IT as a study and career choice. CRAIG APPS (BSC 1993) & PAUL BIGGS (BINFTECH 1994) Agility Applications

GRACE TUDHOPE Multimedia Design student and scholarship recipient 13

The WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff Scholarship for Women in Engineering Receiving an industry scholarship with Parsons Brinckerhoff has been invaluable to my professional and personal development. The financial aid has been particularly helpful with costs associated with living away from my home in Far North Queensland, enabling me to focus on my studies, community involvement, volunteering and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The scholarship has opened a world of networking opportunities and industry links to me, as well as giving me insight into the engineering profession. RUBY FITZ Engineering student and scholarship recipient 14

The donations that my wife, Judith, and I originally made to the University’s medical Faculty were influenced by my having survived four melanomas. As a result of being on ‘melanoma watch’ following treatment, I was hugely impressed by the collaboration of all involved UQ faculties in the Translational Research Institute (TRI). The TRI practices ‘concentrating on the greatest possible collaboration between cancer researchers in seeking real answers rather than researchers competing to be the first to make meaningful discoveries.’ When this involved engineering researchers collaborating with medical researchers, and with the aim of an early detection of potential incipient melanomaforming skin imperfections by a particular laser wave-length, as an engineer myself I was excited to be able to direct additional donations to support this important research.

Engineering a skin safe future


Through their philanthropy, the Hull family have provided a number of early career researchers within our Faculty the opportunity to build and strengthen their research. In 2015, three early career researchers were awarded funding for their biomedical engineering projects focused on developing medical devices for diagnostic imaging. A fourth engineer was awarded funds for a project investigating the effectiveness of reactive coatings under fire conditions. The Hull’s support ensures that these proof of concept studies and prototype device development work, which can then be leveraged to apply for more substantial funding and larger-scale application. Investment in young researchers is vitally important as they are the drivers of transformative research that will impact on the health and welfare of our communities. Moreover these talented researchers are the future of innovation in Australia. PROFESSOR STUART CROZIER Associate Dean (Research) Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology


The support that the Hull family has provided has been invaluable. It has enabled me to develop a prototype device for monitoring physiology during sleep which has facilitated collaborations with world experts in the field. Currently we are testing the device in clinical trial and we hope that it will form the basis of some exciting and clinically relevant tools for sleep and respiratory medicine.

Support for early career research

DR PHILIP TERRILL (pictured) Biomedical engineer


The Icarus Program was one of the many initiatives from the Regular Giving Funds that have benefited from collective alumni support through class reunion gifts‌ The Icarus Program not only provided us with the core knowledge and skills to apply to engineering situations, but also incorporated innovative learnings from other disciplines. This unique experience has helped me develop my personal, academic and professional skills, while at the same time helping me to create strong relationships with other likeminded students. We help each other, improve together and share our successes.

The Icarus Program

After the semester ended, the Program assisted in enabling me to attend the 2016 Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Cambodia Humanitarian Design Summit where I learnt a lot about humanitarian engineering and human centred design. Through this experience I see that my engineering skills can create change within society. KEVIN PLASENCIA UQ civil engineering student


2015 Donors (individuals) Gifts received 1 Jan – 31 Dec 2015 Thank you to our alumni and friends who made a gift to the Faculty in 2015. Please note, UQ alumni are listed in groups of graduating classes with UQ degrees denoted within brackets. Those who gave a leadership gift of $1,000 or more in a calendar year are highlighted in bold with an asterisk.

Classes 1940-1949 Doug Moffett (BE 1947) Norman Traves (BE 1944, BA 1951, ME 1965) Rosario Russo (BE 1949)

Classes 1950-1959 Walter Brake (BE 1953) David Harvey (BE 1959) Clemens Pratt (BE 1959, MESc 1961, BSc 1962)

Classes 1960-1969 David Allan (BE 1964, BEcon 1969, ME 1992) John Barnes (BE 1969)* Keith and Annette Bennett (BE 1966)* Russell Bielenberg (BE 1964) Edwin Codd (BArch 1964) Peter Curtis (BE 1966) Nev Ducat (BE 1964)* Alan and Wendy Grummitt (BE 1962)

Frank Grigg (BE 1963, MESc 1974, PhD 1974) Kevin Haley (BE 1964) David Harris (BE 1969) Peter Higgins (BE 1966) John (BE 1969) and Gabrielle Hull Navin Kothari (PhD 1966) David Langford (BE 1960)* Bruce Lindenmayer OAM (BE 1960, BAppSc 1959) Alastair MacLeod (BE 1968)* Ian McBryde (BE 1965, BEcon 1970)* David McCarthy (BE 1960, BAppSc 1958, MAppSc 1967) Barry and Elizabeth Murphy (BE 1965, BAppSc 1964)* Arthur and Anne-Maree Nommensen (BE 1961, BAppSc 1960, BEcon 1969)* Janice Perry (BArch1967) Neil Railton (BE 1965) Ross Ranger (MESc 1969) John Ready (BE 1964) Claude Reghenzani (BE 1960)* Selwyn Russell (BE 1966, MESc 1968, GDCompSc 1973) Huat Seng Lim (BE 1968)* Richard Steindl (BE 1966) Robert Sneyd (BE 1965, BAppSc 1964) Peter Symonds (BE 1967)

Denis Wayper (BE 1967, BAppSc 1966) Peter Wetherell (BE 1966, BAppSc 1963, GDSuTech 1964) David Whybird (BE 1966) Dennis Wogan PSM (BE 1966, Becon 1974)

Classes 1970-1979 John Baird (BE 1976)* Kevin Barrell (BE 1975) Grant Cairns (BE 1975, BSc 1977, MScSt 1979) Peter Chan (BE 1975, PhD 1980, MScSt 1984 Jim Clacher (BE 1972) Peter Cleary (BE 1975) Ross Colvin (BE 1976) Leonard Cowen (BE 1975) Neil Davey (BE 1975) Nicholas Detsimas (BE 1976)* Laurence Doyle (BE 1976) Ross Foxton (BE 1975) John Gersekowski (BE 1978)* Oscar and Peta-Anne Groeneveld (BE 1975)* Brian Heggie (BE 1976)* John Heike (BE 1974, BECon 1981) Bruce Hughes (BE 1970) Trevor Johnson (BE 1977, MESc 1986, PhD 1992)* Peter and Elizabeth Jones (BE 1975, PhD 1981)* James Litster (BE 1979, PhD 1985)* 19

Donald Mackintosh (PhD 1971) Peter Moy (BE 1975, Bcom 1979, MBA 2001, MBA 2002) Angelo Nicolosi (BArch 1977) Vinod Odhavji (BE 1972) Tony Oliver (BE 1972) Anthony Seeto (BE 1975)* Bosco Seeto (BArch 1970) Carol Sieker (BE 1975) Paul Shea (BE 1972) Noel Williams (BE 1975)* James Wilson (BE 1975, GDCompSc 1981) Bob Wood (BE 1975)

Classes 1980-1989 Neil Bentley (BE 1982, MESc 1988)* Leeanne and Gregorie Bond (BE 1987, MBA 2008)* Ross Fryar (BE 1987, MESt 1995)* Brendan Gaffney (BDesSt 1986, Barch 1990) Lachlan Graham (BE 1986, PhD 1991) Chris Greig (BE 1982, MESt 1984, PhD 1995)* Frank Halim (BE 1981) Peter Halley (BE 1987, PhD 1993, GCEd 1997)* Tracey Hendy (BE 1989) Kathy Hirschfeld (BE 1982)* Brian Imison (PhD 1983) Brett Kuskopf (BE 1985) Rob Knott (BE 1986)* Damian Lillicrap (BE 1988)* 20

Steven Lowe (BE 1989) David Mee (BE 1982, PhD 1987) Gary Nock (BE 1985) Claudio Rossi (BE 1981) Carol Smith (PhD 1985) Warren Traves (BE 1986, MESc 1989)* David Wanstall (BE 1989)

Classes 1990–1999 Amanda Ament (BE 1995) Mark Baczynski (BE 1992) Matthew Bilson (BE 1999, PhD 2004) Anthony Canfell (PhD 1999) Luke Connell (PhD 1990) James Coons (PhD 1993) Terrence Douglas (BE 1990) Amanda Dryden (BE 1999)* Anthony Gallo (BIT 1993, BIT 1994) Paul Gampe (BIT 1991)* Kelly Greenop (BArch 1996, GCHEdt 2009, PhD) Alexandra Kootsookos (BE 1990, PhD 1995) Max Lu and Lian Liu (PhD 1991)* Angus Munro (BArch 1996) Christine Norton (BE 1998) Kate O'Brien (BE 1994, BSc 1994) Pip Ochre (BE 1992) Neil Readshaw (BE 1993, BSc 1992) Matt Reid (BE 1997) David Solomon (BScE 1993) Jin Zou (PhD 1993)*

Classes 2000-2009 Rachael Barnes (BE 2009, BSc 2009) Lachlan Broadfoot (BE 2003, BBusMan 2007)* Lizzie Brown (BE 2002) Kieran Carrigan (BE 2001) Roniel Chand (BE 2006) Zhen Chen (BE 2009) Mikel Duke (BE 2000, PhD 2004) Kynan Dwyer (BE 2009) Ci-Yang Gee (BE 2009) Jo Kirby (BE 2003) David Jeffery (BE 2008, GCES 2013) Jennifer Lambkin (BDesST 2004) Dora Lui (BE 2001, PhD 2005)* Fiona McAlpine (BDesST 2004, Barch 2007) Natasha McKean (BE 2001, BCom 2002) Rachel Miller (BE 2005, LLB 2005) Janelle Murray (BE 2002) Stanko Nikolic (BE 2004, PhD 2009) Choon Puay Tan (BE 2003) Andrew Taylor (BE 2005)

Classes 2010-2015 Avneel Amit Datt (BE 2013) Loren Burgess (BE 2014) Erisse Cabo (BE(Hons) 2015, DipLang 2015) Nicholas Convery (BE 2011) Andrew Eggleton (BE 2015, BSc 2015) Pamela Fredric (BE 2015, BSc 2015) Lisa Gibbs (BA 2015, BE 2015)

Penelope Godwin (MIWM 2012) Aaron Goodwin (BE 2012) Christopher Hamilton (BE 2012, MScPtrlEng 2015) Peter Harding (BCom 2015, BE 2015) Nigel Hess (BE 2014) Dorothea Jackson (BE 2012) Thomas Kearney (BCom 2015, BE 2015) Liz Keogh (BE 2011) Anjuha Ketheeswaran (BE 2014) Joshua Koszo (BE 2013) Roanne Kramer (BE 2012) Xin Liang (BE 2012, MPhil 2015) Maria Mahon (BE 2015, BSc 2015) Amanda Maier (BE 2012) Dylan Molver (BE 2013) Jackson Moore (BE/ME 2014) Kobie Olsen (BE 2011, BSc 2012) Lakitha Opathavithana (BBusMan 2015, BE 2015) Ellen Otte (BE 2012) Janet Outhwaite (BE 2011) Chris Perez Compton (BA 2015, BE 2015) Michael Power (BBusMan 2015, BE(Hons) 2015) William Prentice (BE 2011) Leon Ross (BE 2014, BSc 2014) Utpreksha Somalwar (BE 2012) Rishneel Swarat (BE 2014) Kurt Thoren (BE 2010) Peter Turner (BE 2013, MESc 2015) Trent Van Grinsven (BE 2012, BEcon 2012) Teagan Walsh (BE 2012)

Dylan Wedel (BE 2014) Chun-Che Wei (BE 2011, MPhil 2014) Yung-Che Wei (BE 2011, MPhil 2014) Si Wei Ong (BE 2013) Shay White (BE(Hons) 2015, DipLang 2015) Jessica Wrigley (BE 2010) Rui Yang (BE 2011) Ruby Zhao (BE 2010)

Friends of the Faculty Priscilla Brilliant (BDSc 1968, GCInstPed 2000) Sarah Allen Laura Bainbridge Michael Ball Jacel Bertoldi (BOccThy 1978, BEdStus 1988) Simon and Sarah Biggs* Anastasia Blake (BA 1976, GCArts 2010)* Georgina Blomfield Russell Board* Sarah Brophy Jessica Burchell Claire Chauvier Robin Chen Tim Chi-Yuan Huang Jesse Claven Joshua Cook Kody Cook Ryan Cork Bernie and Daphne Cornish* Jonathan Cosgrove (GCBA 2015)

Sarah Coughlan Daryl D'Cruz Leo de Waal Gillian Di Corleto (GCExeLead 2012) Ellyce Dickinson Gregory Dudish Hayden Dupuy Ellena Egarr Luke Evans Jack Foote Maddy Gabrielli Yvette Giacheri Sarah Goater Peter Godfrey* Sandra Hall (BAppSc 1998, PhD 2003) C Hapgood Oliver Hartigan Ione Harvey Tim Hawthorne Chelsea Hayward Matthew Henry Thomas Holt Toni Hoppner (BSc 1982, BSc 1983, BSc(Hons) 1983) Ngaire Howard Sean Hunter Sharon James Rae Kappler Leonidas Karadimitris-Kalimbassieris James Kasherman 21

Shelly Kenning William Kleimeyer Amanda Knol (BSc 1984) Izaeel Koh Jack Lauder Trent Leggatt Bradley Lightfoot Thomas Liley Yi Ling Lien (BBusMan 2000, MCom 2002) Amy Magnani Mick McCormack (BSur 1984, MBA 1995)* Matthew McLean Angus McLellan Benjamin McNamara Rohan Mills Karen Milne (BSc 1970, BSc 1971, PhD 1977) Samuel Milns Connor Monaghan Guy Morgan Cormac Murphy Joan Murphy Jamie Murray Dhayan Nadarajah Viet Nguyen Amy Norman Oliver O'Halloran Thomas O'Loughlin Warwick (C.Eng. F.I.Chem.E) and Nancy Olsen* Jessica Orr


Stillano Osbucan Jacob Pedersen Dean Penfold Lara Pickering (GCBus 2011, MBus 2015) Cameron Pickering-Smith Ian Pope Ben Raftery Nicholas Rees Jelina San Diego Toby Schmidt Anna Scott Ivan Setyalaksana Payung Asmita Sharma John Simmons AM* Alyssia Skellern Kelsey Smalley Samantha Squires Trevor and Judith St. Baker* James Stanway Jackson Staub Corey Stevens Paul Strooper (GCEd 2000) Bob Sword (BPharm 1964) Dylan Thomas JosĂŠ Torero Marjorie Trundle* Justin Turner Clint Walker Lucinda Wawrzyniak

Megan Wheeldon Gabrielle White Pulith Widana Pathirana David Williams Michael Woolcock Holly Wright Ziying Yang Jake Young Nicole Zanyat Brandon Zhang Katrina Ziebarth Occasionally we do make a mistake, so please let us know any amendments for future editions.

We would like to also acknowledge the invaluable contributions of those who continue to volunteer their time and expertise to engage and support our students, researchers and staff throughout the year. Our Faculty is stronger for your contributions and we look forward to continue working with you to educate and empower young minds who will go on to advance knowledge, develop solutions, and prepare communities to tackle global challenges and move society forward.

2015 Donors (organisations) Gifts received 1 Jan – 31 Dec 2015 Thank you to the large number of organisations and foundations who continue to support the Faculty through their philanthropy or sponsorship.

A ABB Australia Pty Ltd ADG Engineering Agility Applications Alumni Friends of The University of Queensland Inc.



Centor Australia Pty Ltd

Galvanizers Association of Australia

Cochlear Ltd

GBST Holdings Pty Ltd

ConocoPhillips Australasia

Genevieve Greig Foundation Ltd

Conrad Gargett Riddel Ancher Mortlock Woolley

GHD Pty Ltd

Corporation Technologies Pty Ltd (CEED Program)

Google Australia Pty Ltd

Cottee Parker Architects Pty Ltd

Graphisoft Pty Ltd

Cox Rayner Architects & Planners

Guy Carpenter & Company Pty Ltd

Curavis Pty Ltd ITF The Curavis Fund



Hames Sharley (wa) Pty Ltd


Department of Natural Resources and Mines

Hatch Pty Ltd

Asia Pacific CBM Symposium


Arkhefield Pty Ltd

Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy SQ Branch Australian Computer Society Inc. (Qld Branch) Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Assoc. Ltd

Ellivo Architects Pty Ltd

Honeywell Ltd Hyne & Son Pty Limited

Energex Limited


Engineers Australia

Ipswich City Council

Estate of Kelvin David Garland

Ixom Operations Pty Ltd

Estate of Margaret Anne James


Estate of Robert 'Gus' John Wiles

Beck Engineering Pty Ltd

ExxonMobil Australia Pty Ltd

K Keyspace

BM Alliance Coal Operations Pty Ltd


BMA Coal

Lend Lease Development Pty Ltd

Board of Architects

Locatrix Communications

Boeing Defence Australia

Lockyer Architects Pty Ltd

Brand & Slater Architects Pty Ltd

Loucas & Zahos Pty Ltd




m3architecture Pty Ltd

Seymour Whyte Ltd

Micreo Limited

SGI Australia

Mount Isa Mines Ltd



TechnologyOne Ltd

National Association of Women in Construction

The Australian Power Institute Limited

Newcrest Mining Limited

The Boeing Company

O Origin Foundation Pty Limited

The Dow Chemical Company The Ove Arup Foundation


The University of Queensland Endowment Fund Pty Ltd

P & H Mining Equipment Inc.

Thiess Pty Ltd

Peta Seymour Foundation



UQ Engineering Undergraduate Society

Queensland Community Foundation



VIPAC Engineers & Scientists Limited

Renzo Tonin Ron Rumble

Vokes and Peters Pty Ltd

RGB Assurance Pty Ltd


Rio Tinto Coal Australia Pty Ltd Rio Tinto Services Pty Ltd Rothelowman Royal Australian Navy

Wilson Architects Woods Bagot Pty Ltd WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff

Y Yancoal Australia Ltd


Civil Engineering

The Icarus Program Not all students respond to education in the same way. The Icarus Program is a new initiative within the School of Civil Engineering that blends traditional civil engineering learning with research-focused project activities, providing an alternative pathway for students whose learning needs and interests extend beyond a traditional classroom environment. Philanthropic support — at all levels — will play an important role in helping to develop the program now and into the future. UQ School of Civil Engineering:

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering Alumni Advantage Scholarships Designed to encourage and support students; where financial, gender, geographic or cultural disadvantage provides a barrier to aspiring to tertiary studies — the Electrical Engineering Alumni Advantage Scholarships are making a difference in the lives of aspiring electrical engineers. Scholarships are awarded to successful candidates to reduce financial burden, enabling deserving and talented students to more fully focus on their studies and realise their potential at UQ. UQ School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering:

Make an impact at UQ today and for future generations Gifts benefit discipline-based philanthropic programs, focused on enhancing undergraduate and early career researcher experiences in engineering, design and information technology. By making a modest or more substantial tax-deductible contribution to one of these funds, your gift will join with dozens of others to make a significant impact in priority areas identified by our Heads of School and Centre Directors. For more information on where to give, please go to Thank you for supporting UQ. Go to to view how your support makes a difference

Yes, I want to support The University of Queensland with my tax-deductible gift!

Information and Communications Technology

Personal details:

ICT Alumni Advantage Scholarships

Name Address





Email Here is my/our tax deductible gift of: $100 This is a:



one-off gift


other $

monthly gift

Enclosed is my cheque or money order (payable to The University of Queensland) OR Please charge my credit card:





Aimed at promoting diversity within the School of ITEE, the ICT Alumni Advantage Scholarship Program focuses on encouraging students from non-traditional backgrounds into UQ ICT programs — particularly women, rural and Indigenous Australians, and students from low socio-economic backgrounds. Scholarships are awarded to successful candidates, to reduce financial burden, enabling deserving and talented students to more fully realise their potential at UQ. UQ School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering:

Card no. Expiry date


Cardholder's name

Mechanical and Mining Engineering

Signature Please direct my support to:

Receipt issued in this name

Women in Action Fund

John Simmons Student Mobility Fund

The UQ 'Social Outreach Studio' (SOS) Fund Innovations in Water Research Fund RJ 'Gus' Wiles Scholarship Endowment Fund The Icarus Program Fund ICT Alumni Advantage Scholarships Electrical Engineering Alumni Advantage Scholarships John Simmons Student Mobility Fund

Return this completed card to: UQ Advancement, The University of Queensland Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia Donate online: or arrange by phone: +61 7 3346 3900 The University of Queensland respects your privacy and has developed clear policies on how your personal details are safeguarded. Please visit for further information DEG-1501 Nov13 CRICOS Provider No 00025B

University life has always been as much about what happens outside lectures, as what happens in them. Whether it's participating in the Mining Games, heading overseas on an internship, or launching a new student society — the John Simmons Mobility Fund will have a huge impact on transforming the lives of young people in the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering who might otherwise miss out due to financial or personal constraints. UQ School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering:


Women in Action Fund The Women in Action Fund supports female engineering, design and technology students to engage in community and industry based experiences — via study tours, student exchange, and short-term professional and personal development experiences. By mobilising our best and brightest female talent, we hope to nurture young women who aspire to careers in these fields, and positively action diversity change beyond the university environment. UQ Faculty-wide initiative:

Advanced Water Management Centre

Innovations in Water Research The Innovations in Water Fund has been established to enable UQ alumni, industry partners and friends — who are passionate about making a difference to our 'water future' — to philanthropically support the next generation of emerging talent. Funds raised will be used to support outstanding post-graduate and early career researchers to translate their innovative ideas into applied research projects under the guidance of leading academic and professional experts. UQ Advanced Water Management Centre (AWMC):


The UQ 'Social Outreach Studio' (SOS) Fund The UQ SOS Fund supports current architecture students to deliver — through great design solutions — real benefits for people facing social or economic disadvantage. Funds will be used to assist students with the cost of materials, travel, exhibitions and community reporting — in program areas such as those undertaken in rural, Aboriginal, and Pacific Island communities. UQ School of Architecture:

Chemical Engineering

RJ 'Gus' Wiles Scholarship Endowment Fund In honour of our friend, colleague and valued teacher Gus Wiles, we invite you to join us in building an endowed fund that will support meritorious Chemical Engineering students with an adventurous spirit to study abroad for one semester. Help us see Gus's legacy live on in perpetuity as part of the UQ Chemi­cal Engineering student experience. UQ School of Chemical Engineering:

Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology

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