Useact newsletter 6th issue

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Lead Partner City of Naples Urbact Project Unit USEAct Lead Partner Team Gaetano Mollura USEAct Project coordinator Anna Arena Finance officer Maria Luna Nobile Communication officer Vincenzo Fusco ULSG Coordinator Contacts: phone +39 081 7958932 - 34 - 17 email Lead Expert Vittorio Alberto Torbianelli USEAct Project Lead Expert Contacts: phone +39 040 5582749 email Thematic Expert Pauline Geoghegan USEAct Project Thematic Expert Contacts: email The Project Newsletter is produced by the Lead partner team with contribution of Experts and Partners of the USEAct Network and URBACT Programme. Edited by Maria Luna Nobile c graphic layout: Soges Spa for USEAct Thematic Network February 2015, Naples

USEAct News Issue #6

Images: Cover: The image of the cover is a work of the Italian artist Blu and Ericailcane in Modena, Italy



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Editorial by Gaetano Mollura Lead Partner INTRODUCTION Introduction by Gunta Lukstiņa, Riga Planning Region Project Expert Focus on the Theme


Urban retrofitting and adaptive reuse: why a sociotechnical transition and wide political support is needed by Vittorio Torbianelli USEAct Lead Expert SPECIAL SECTION Focus on the USEAct Partners: RIGA PLANNING REGION


Interview to the Chairman of Riga Planning Region, Mr Dagnis Straubergs USEAct Project Role in Riga Planning Region Spatial Planning Activities, Rudolfs Cimdins Riga Planning Region


WHO WE ARE and Local Support Group Corner USEAct Team and Local support group in Riga

Refitting and regenerating inhabited buildings and areas

The Useact Network 44

The USEACT Partners City of Naples (Italy) Lead Partner Baia Mare Metropolitan Area (Romania) City of Barakaldo (Spain) Buckinghamshire Business First (UK) City of Dublin (Ireland) City of Nitra (Slovak Republic) Østfold County (Norway) Riga Planning Region (Latvia) City of Trieste (Italy) City of Viladecans (Spain) Observer Partner BITMAŞ Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (Turkey)

USEAct News Issue #6

The Authors 55 Gaetano Mollura is an Italian architect, project manager of the Urban Planning Council Department of Naples and expert in Urban Integrated Approach Development, Gaetano has been involved since 1994 in major European Programmes promoted by the European Commission in the framework of the Urban Development Policies (URBAN I and URBACT I and II). As expert attached to the URBACT I French Secretariat (freelance position) he provided expertise to the cities of new Member States in the framework of the Support for Cities project. Currently he is the coordinator of the USEAct Thematic Network.

Gunta Lukstiņa. Project Expert. Riga Planning Region Architect, Msc. Environmental Science and Management

Vittorio Torbianelli is Professor in Applied Economics at the University of Trieste. He is the Lead Expert of URBACT II USEAct network. His research is focused on urban and regional economics, transport economics, maritime economics. Expert in planning and evaluating complex forms of intervention aiming at urban and territorial management and development.

Rudolfs Cimdins. Head of Spatial Planning Division, Riga Planning Region. The scope and competencies of Riga Planning Region (RPR) Spatial Planning Divison is mostly connected with coordination of planning process within various stakeholders of the region and our main ‘client’ is 30 local municipalities. USEAct project with the focus on re-use of urban territories without consumption of new land take plays a significant role in RPR spatial planning activities. Implementation of the project coincides with the elaboration of RPR territorial development planning documents – sustainable development strategy 20142030 and development program 2014-2020. I am involved in the USEAct project as a member of ULSG and it helps to identify gaps and define main priorities and objectives for solving urban growth management challenges. One of the main project output is elaboration of local action plan (LAP) for more targeted and coordinated activities connected with regional policies and tools for urban growth management. International partnership within the project helps to strengthen spatial planning capacity in the region and take over the best urban planning practices.

Refitting and regenerating inhabited buildings and areas



Gaetano Mollura Lead Partner

1. Riga European capital of Culture


his newsletter is focused on the theme of the fifth seminar USEAct“ Refitting and regenerating inhabited buildings and areas “ organized in Riga (Latvia) , on 25 and 26 September 2014, with the collaboration of Riga Planning Region, USEAct partner .


he first meeting with the representatives of Riga region took place in Riga on September 2012 - during the first phase of USEAct project, aiming at creating network partnership – and the city was extremely lively, thanks to the event “ Riga European City of Culture, 2014 ”. The fifth USEACT seminar, organized last September, gave the opportunity to go back again in Riga and verify how a cultural event has contributed to requalify the historical centre and relaunch tourism activity, even if there are some weak points that will be highlighted later. Anyway this is a positive result for the city and for Europe investing in culture. iga participation to USEAct project combined with the elaboration of “Riga Planning Region Sustainable Development Strategy 2014 – 2030 and Development Programme 2014 – 2020”, having as strenght point the theme of “reuse of existing heritage without consuming other soil” . In this context Riga Region used the implementation of its local action plan / USEACT ”Urban Transformation action plan of Riga Metropolitan Area”, to exploit and improve the “governance” of the partecipative process and obtain a real dialogue between the city, economic operators and the Region, sharing decisions for a sustainable development and a real “Urban Growth management” of Riga Metropolitan area. he seminar gave the opportunity to know positive underway experiences ( andrejsala , creative industries business incubator, reuse of buildings ) – but also challenges that will be faced in the next years at different levels. For further details about the seminar and case studies presented, you can refer to the report ( Fifth Meeting Implementation Phase) and to the articles of this newsletter; by the way, I’d like to make a short consideration following the seminar.

2. Riga historical centre



3. Riga historical centre

4 - 5. The market in Riga historical centre

USEAct News Issue #6

Introduction 77


little Italy in Riga with the restaurant of the singer ALBANO, that obviously is called like his famous song “Felicità”

6. The market in Riga historical centre

7. The market in Riga historical centre


he requalified historical center is very nice, but unfortunately has a big problem: 15/20% of the buildings are abandoned… are empty! For this reason there’s the need to activate a policy of repopulation of the historical center, so that it could be revived most of all by its inhabitants, contributing to give a cultural identity to a place. This situation induced provocatively some citizens to convert the slogan “Riga City of Culture 2014 “ in ” Riga European Capital of empty spaces”. Obviously this is the priority to which local and regional administrations should reply. herefore we thank Riga Planning Region and , in particular, our friends Agnese Bidermane, Rudolf Cimdins and Uldis Apinis, for the hospitality and perfect organization of the seminar, that gave the opportunity to know better the city of Riga.



he dinner organized in an old disused factory and reused as “biologic restaurant”, as well as the visit after dinner in the underground, where battles are commemorated…


o m e moments of the USEACT network day: at work, dinner and free time !


o end , a message in a Riga murales ….!

Refitting and regenerating inhabited buildings and areas


Introduction|USEAct in Riga

“The fifth USEAct thematic meeting took place in the city of Riga, at the heart of the Riga Planning Region, focusing on the theme of residential buildings in the heart of our cities, often in poor conditions: how to create regeneration strategies and on involving residents in refitting strategies through energy efficiency. In addition to thematic presentations and relevant case studies provided by the USEAct partners, the meeting was enriched by contributions by guest expert Germana di Falco, expert advisor on Structural funds and Local Action Plans, who provided the network partners with valuable guidance on approaching key issues of funding. On the former industrial site at Andrejsala, a port area close to the city centre, participants visited a creative business incubator site where many new small businesses receive support and fruitful networking. There they were challenged by inputs on the Free Riga movement, a community based NGO promoting new forms of communication within the city sphere. The Riga meeting was the last of the USEAct thematic seminars: the next meeting, in Buckinghamshire, UK, in January 2015, will focus on involving Managing Authorities, as well as finalising the Local Action Plans in each partner area.” Introduction to the Fifth Meeting

USEAct News Issue #6

Gunta Lukstiņa Project Expert Riga Planning Region


fter the economic crisis in Latvia free market led development continues to be one of the leading driving forces for the urban development and in the same time there is a lack of sustainable urban development policy on the state level. Also during last 10-15 year’s Riga Metropolitan Area (RMA) local municipalities have been encouraging new residential and business interventions leading to urban expansion. Until now no real action, concerning reduction of urban sprawl and wider, with some exceptions, re-use of urban areas have been made. New planning framework and urban planning tools to foster re-use of existing urban areas as well as to transform urban sprawl and allotments/garden village areas are greatly needed. As one of the USEAct Project pillars is dedicated to this theme, Riga Planning Region (RPR) had a great interest and willingness to participate in the project. RPR greatly benefited of the project and has still ongoing interest, so we would like to highlight some benefits from the project in next few paragraphs. RMA municipalities have high reserves of land - not only in existing urban built-up areas, but mostly outside urban in previous agricultural lands, they are planned for new residential development. During the project USLG partner municipalities for the first time started to seriously negotiate about the reduction of land take and problems caused by urban sprawl as well as benefits of re-use and revitalization of degraded territories.

Introduction It can be said, that during the USEAct project raised understanding of needed changes between RMA municipalities – initiating cooperation between Riga City and surrounding municipalities instead of negative competition. It`s a step closer to start develop stronger cooperation and positive competition between municipalities, leaving competition about inhabitants in the past – municipalities have realised the cost of new inhabitants, for example, in the urban sprawl municipalities extra social and technical infrastructures are needed. Now municipalities are more ready for planning and further UGM activities in close partnership. Also understanding of the sustainable and smart urban development and UGM was promoted. Possibility to include recommendations for sustainable urban development and future actions for the UGM development, including proposal for RMAs integrated urban growth strategy, in RPR Sustainable Development Strategy and Development Program was realised. As a success on regional level can be mentioned determination of four regional level target areas for the redevelopment/ transformation - urban sprawl area, allotment/garden village area, partly vacant industrial and declining resort area. These four target areas are used as project theme lines for future development of RPR and municipalities’ pilot projects.

Thanks to USEAct project USLG municipalities acquired knowledge about sustainable urban development, gained international experience about new planning and partnership approaches. The importance of ULSG, development of LAP and municipalities role in coordination of intervention projects have been recognised as a possible way to work with transformation of problem/opportunity areas.

See the Report of the Fifth Seminar

“Existing buildings placed in historic areas of the cities that, because of their age or bad physical conditions, are losing appeal, can potentially represent important resources from which to start urban regeneration processes. The USEAct thematic seminar in Riga was dedicated to “occupied” residential buildings, seen as a potential resource to be optimized and adapted to the requirements of current demand. The Riga seminar aimed to tackle this general issue by focusing on two specific aspects. The first was about how to develop «regeneration-oriented” public strategies through refitting and maintenance of existing buildings in the urban fabric, whilst at the same time paying attention to the physical/social conditions of the neighbourhood. The second is on involving flat-owners in integrated refitting strategies, mainly through promoting energy efficiency or in overall “property management” improvements.” Concept paper of the Fifth Meeting

Refitting and regenerating inhabited buildings and areas


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Urban retrofitting and adaptive reuse: why a sociotechnical transition and wide political support is needed Vittorio Torbianelli USEAct Lead Expert

The Riga meeting was the first appointment of the “UseAct Project” dedicated to the projects third thematic focus “Refitting and regenerating urban buildings and areas” Improving qualities of already existing buildings to comply with contemporary requirements, and supporting – in that way – broader “adaptive reuse” of existing city is a challenging matter: it is a challenging matter mainly because not only each setting (city, district) but also each single building shows different conditions and potentials. If we focus, for instance, on a specific aspect of the “reuse” challenge, such as improving energy efficiency of existing buildings (we could call it as “energy saving oriented retrofit”) – we immediately realize that building construction in a place is always contingent on local climate, natural surroundings, neighbors, history, culture and custom. The “peculiarity” issue is a potential barrier for “efficient scale”(e.g. at quarter level- reuseprograms. However, capability to couple highly “personalized” interventions with broader scale programs is absolutely vital to get cost-efficiency, standardized work quality and managerial efficiency for buildings reuse programs, and, at the same time, to induce positive “snow-

USEAct News Issue #6

ball” effects in terms of support and trust at community level. “Sociological” perspective often adviseon relevance of providing customized solutions that follow a communitybased social practice approach.The complexity of the retrofit problem means that solutions need to be specifically tailored to the building or group of buildings in question, troughcommunity based partnerships. Development and realization of customized solutions to local groups of houses through facilitated engagement between occupants, housing providers, community groups, local authorities and construction professionals. The focus should therefore be on changes in the existing socio-technical configuration of materials, competences and images of domestic energy practices.Information provision and incentive programmes are an important part of these programmes, but they are complemented in socio-technical programs by surveys (in families) and consultations with homeowners and occupants, Community events and activities, cost estimates and energy models at “area” level, coordination of building work , feedback with the occupants during works and after the work is completed, and long-term performance monitoring. The scale of adaptive reuse programs is a crucial variable in a long termcity-life cycle perspective as well. , When we discuss about the need to carry on adaptive reuse for “cities”, we have to be aware that in many Euoropean contexts, policy frameworks are often highly fragmented, with different regulations, incentives and programmes. Large-scale urban retrofitting requires systemic change in the organization of built environment and infrastructure, and the integration of socio-technical knowledge, capacity and responses.

Focus on the Theme 11 11

Existing infrastructure and the built environment, but also legal frameworks, financing tools and risk allocation systems, tend to change very slowly because of ‘sunk’ investments that create path dependencies that can only be adjusted through strong and high-level governance and supporting policies, capable to induce deep “sociotechnical transition”.

buildings without simultaneously tackling energy issues not only at the neighbourhood but also at city levels, if there is to be any sense of coherence across energy policies as a whole. Coordination between energy policies at different scales has been hampered by political, operational and incentives regimes.

As it is easy to realize, these are challenges city majors can not win playing alone: they For example – turning back to the energy need substantial support by national and EU saving retrofit example - it is impossible to policy frameworks. deal with deep “energy strategies” related to Refitting and regenerating inhabited buildings and areas

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Useact Partners in Central Europe

Riga Planning Region

See our partners page on USEAct News Issue #6

Focus on the cities The point of view of the Political Representative Interview of the Chairman of Riga Planning Region, Mr Dagnis Straubergs


hat is the importance and the priority level your city organization ascribes to the development of “Urban Growth Management” and strategies for reduction of soil consumption? What are the expected benefits from your administration? ince the USEAct project concept of UGM was familiar, some principles were used in RPR everyday work and included in territorial development planning documents of the region. The ideas about reduction of soil consumption (more in a sense of settlement planning and urban expansion) have been discussed during last years between planners. Urban expansion, especially looking at it in context of negative competition between Riga City and surrounding area - Pieriga, have been actual topic for about last 20 years. From one side, number of inhabitants in Riga is decreasing and there are a lot of vacant areas and objects in the city, from the other side, urban sprawl continues outside the city. Due to above mentioned challenges local problems are growing and work on RPR UGM should be one of the main topics on which RPR administration should work. can say that the project could be a turning point and that there are already benefits from the project - we have raised the questions of UGM and reduction of land use and raised knowledge of area regeneration, improved cooperation, understanding of each other aims and have foreseen next activities to work on.




hat is the role played by your organization to develop planning tools for “Urban Growth Management” with the aim of less land use and what is, in general, the degree of strategic and operational cooperation with the other authorities (national, regional, local) on the specific “Land use” issue? What are the most positive and the problematic aspects of territorial cooperation?


iga Planning Region is doing a great job to improve the knowledge of local authorities and cooperation between different administrative levels. During the USEAct project, we essentially improved cooperation between RMA municipalities specialists - USLG partners were working together on specific “land use” issues. The task for the elaboration of UGM strategy and other further activities concerning land take issue are included in the RPR Development Program Action Plan and in some way is a guarantee for further work on these issues. The most positive aspect is that we have started work on land use issues together with our local authorities.


hat are tools and strategies for “urban growth management” Land Use/Reuse/Refitting, how they are used to support urban regeneration(s) in your city? iga Planning Region local authorities and their development situations are very diverse. If some ideas about “urban growth management”, reuse and regeneration in the RPR strategies could be found, than in general, local municipality planning documents include only few principles. Currently, only our capital – Riga City in reality is successful in a larger regeneration projects. Other municipalities lack experience and financial capacity. About further plans for regeneration projects, in should be mentioned, that recently approved Riga Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 on a wider scale includes urban revitalization of its multistory residential districts built during the Soviet time.


hat would be your request to the European Commission for a real support on policies on land use? ransfer of knowledge – seminars, conferences for wider scale participants – including local specialists, activists, and politicians. Also some kind of specialist exchange for certain time could be a good idea. To disseminate information, produce compendium of the best examples of implemented cases avoiding the land take and transforming urban sprawl areas, regeneration of inner city neighborhoods and industrial areas.


hat would be your request to your National and Regional authorities for a real support on policies on land use? irst of all – recognition the land use problems – for example of rapidly growing urban sprawl areas around the Riga City influencing the potential of city as well as there are other problems looking for quick solutions - garden villages turning into permanent residential areas, vacant industrial and declining resort areas. Secondly, to recognize that there must be elaborated special Riga metropolitan area development policy. Riga Planning Region, December 2014

Refitting and regenerating inhabited buildings and areas

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USEAct Project Role in Riga Planning Region Spatial Planning Activities Rudolfs Cimdins Riga Planning Region Head of Spatial Planning Division USEAct ULSG member USEAct project with the focus on re-use of urban territories without consumption of new land take plays a significant role in Riga Planning Region spatial planning activities. Implementation of the project coincides with the elaboration of Riga Planning Region development planning documents – sustainable development strategy 2014-2030 and development program 20142020. International partnership within the project helps to strengthen spatial planning capacity in the region and take over the best urban planning practices. One of the main project outputs is elaboration of local action plan (LAP) for more targeted and coordinated activities connected with regional policies and tools for urban growth management. “Urban transformation action plan of Riga Metropolitan Area” is elaborated to enhance cooperation developing joint platform and understanding of common urban growth management necessity for Riga metropolitan area, encourage participatory and transformation process of pilot areas on local level.

URBACT local support group (ULSG) has been created for improved communication and coordination within the stakeholders dealing with regional planning issues involvement of local municipalities and experts helps to identify gaps and define main priorities and objectives for solving urban growth management challenges in Riga Planning Region. Specific actions agreed and set by urban local support group are included in local action plan for targeted further performance on sustainable development of urban territories in the region. USEAct News Issue #6

Who we are Riga Planning Region The scope and competencies of Riga Planning Region (RPR) Spatial Planning Divison is mostly connected with coordination of planning ULSG Rūdolfs Cimdiņš Member of LSG Head of Spatial Planning Division at RPR Contacts: Email:

Riga Planning Region ULSG

process within various stakeholders of the region and our main ‘client’ is 30 local municipalities. USEAct project with the focus on reuse of urban territories without consumption of new land take plays a significant role in RPR spatial planning activities. Implementation of the project coincides with the elaboration of RPR territorial development planning documents – sustainable development strategy 2014-2030 and development program 20142020. I am involved in the USEAct project as a member of ULSG and it helps to identify gaps and define main priorities and objectives for solving urban growth management challenges. One of the main project output is elaboration of local action plan (LAP) for more targeted and coordinated activities connected with regional policies and tools for urban growth management. International partnership within the project helps to strengthen spatial planning capacity in the region and take over the best urban planning practices. Collecting information and developing local action plan for Brownfield territory in urban area of Ogre municipality.

Edgars Pārpucis Member of LSG Head European Affairs Office Project Manager Contacts: Email

Riga Planning Region ULSG Ieva Strazdiņa Member of LSG Jūrmala City Council Development Department Head of Project Implementation Unit Contacts: Email:

Riga Planning Region ULSG Guntars Ruskuls Member of LSG

During the project I have participate in ULSG meetings, where all the partners shared their good practise and case studies related with the project topic. It was definitely the most interesting part of the project to get to know colleges in different municipalities and different stories (problems) in different municipalities with the same frame. I appreciated that during meetings not only problems were presented, but also planned solutions or visions.

Redevelopment of brownfields into city districts where modern, sustainable solutions are combined with cultural heritage has the potential to make cities more attractive to invest in and create conditions necessary for sustainable development. Main problem in Riga City is how to attract private land owners to make complex solutions to improve city depredated areas for development.

Riga City Council Head of the Strategic Planning Division Riga City Development Department. Contacts: Email:

Refitting and regenerating inhabited buildings and areas

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16 16 Riga Planning Region ULSG Uldis Apinis Member of LSG

Redevelopment of big scale soviet time manufacturing facilities is complex problem, especially in small town, like Ogre town. Local municipality staff capacity and budget is limited. This is common problem for many municipalities in Riga metropolitan area. Smart solutions for sustainable development, that is our goal during participation in USEAct Project.

Ogre Municipality Building Board Spatial planner Contacts: Email:

Riga Planning Region ULSG Iveta Zālīte Member of LSG Municipality of Ķekava Spatial planner of Spatial Planning Department Contacts: Email:

Riga Planning Region ULSG Zane Koroļa Member of LSG

Ķekavas municipality is a primary stakeholder and partner of the LAP design. Mainly interested in urban sprawl area “meadow villages” and allotment/garden village urban transformation possibilities to complete communities. The representatives from Ķekava municipality have participated in USEAct Rīga seminar and have taken part in the projects second parts USLG meetings and discussions. Co-organizers of USLG thematic meeting and site visit (urban sprawl areas example “Ģipšstūris” - part of Katlakalns village) in Ķekava. For the thematic meeting, presentation about urban sprawl problems in Ķekavas municipality was prepared.

We have been participating at USLG meetings and project conference. At the moment Tukums is looking for new URBACT project ideas and partners regarding regeneration of Tukums old town. With big interest listen in good practises of all partner cities, as most of subjects are current also in Tukums, just in smaller scale.

Municipality of Tukums Head of Architecture department, Urban planner Contacts: Email:

Riga Planning Region ULSG Ģirts Ieleja Member of LSG Head of Limbaži Municipality Development Department Contacts: Email:

USEAct News Issue #6

I’m involved in the USEAct project as a member of ULSG and help to identify gaps and identify key priorities and objectives to solve the problems of urban growth management, development of urban areas, without the use of new areas, while gaining the greatest benefit from the existing building areas, increasing emphasis on energy efficiency in buildings. One of the main outcomes of the project has established a network of thematic working groups, whose operation is based on mutual knowledge and experience transfer.

USEAct Network Outputs Online Outputs: USEAct Baseline Study USEAct brochure

USEAct Newsletter #1st Issue USEAct Newsletter #2nd Issue USEAct Newsletter #3rd Issue USEAct Newsletter #4th Issue USEAct Newsletter #5th Issue USEAct Newsletter #6th Issue

USEAct Seminar Report 1/Viladecans USEAct Seminar Report 2/Nitra USEAct Seminar Report 3/Istanbul USEAct Seminar Report 4/Ostfold USEAct Seminar Report 5/ Riga

Next Outputs: USEAct Newsletter #7th Issue USEAct Thematic Seminar Report 7/Naples USEAct Third Thematic PAPER USEAct Sixth BT meeting REPORT /Dublin USEAct Seventh BT meeting REPORT /Dublin

Final Outputs: USEAct Thematic Booklet USEAct Final Case studies Catalogue Final Report and Good practices guide

Next Events at Network level:

USEAct First Thematic PAPER USEAct Second Thematic PAPER USEAct Third Thematic PAPER

USEAct First BT meeting REPORT USEAct Second BT meeting REPORT USEAct Third BT meeting REPORT USEAct Fourth BT meeting REPORT

USEAct Case studies Catalogue

Capitalisation and MA’s workshop 26th 27th January 2015 Buckinghamshire (UK) Capitalization of the project results and Managing Autorities Workshop Final Seminar 23rd 24th April 2015 - Naples (Italy) USEAct Final Event and Local Action Plan Exhibition Next Events at Programme level:

URBACT City Festival 6 - 8 of May 2015 - Riga (Latvia) USEAct Final Event and Local Action Plan Exhibition

Refitting and regenerating inhabited buildings and areas

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URBACT is a European exchange and learning programme




development. It enables cities to work together to develop solutions to major urban challenges, reaffirming the key role they play in facing increasingly complex societal changes. URBACT helps cites to develop pragmatic solutions that are new and sustainable, and that integrate economic, social and environmental dimensions. It enables cities to share good practices and lessons learned with all professionals involved in urban policy throughout Europe. URBACT is 500 cities, 29 countries, and 7,000 active participants. URBACT is jointly financed by ERDF and the Member States. Read more on: Follow us on:

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