I advocate for the user and strive to bring him/her into the center of the design cycle. I help stakeholders meet business goals by fulfilling user needs. I continue to challenge myself to explore and carry out the best user research to better understand and meet user needs. I design user-centered experiences from concept to implementation across devices.
User Experience Designer Wolfram Research, 10/2014-Present Advocated for the user by planning sufficient user research under tight deadlines. Designed and carried out effective user research and synthesized results to guide user experience strategy. Designed user-centered experiences for web presence and software products across multiple platforms as the primary designer. Facilitated design workshops and led design reviews. Balanced priorities while working on multiple projects.
skills research design interviews usability testing card-sorting personas walkthroughs concept maps web design interaction design competitive reviews site maps flow diagrams content strategy
community User Experience Intern Wolfram Research, 5/2014-10/2014
Usability Researcher WEB, Illinois State University, 1/2013 – 10/2014 Led user research for a variety of web and mobile projects while collaborating with team and clients. Helped clients meet business goals by fulfilling user needs. Designed and implemented user research that offered insights into the user's needs, perceptions & behaviors to influence stakeholders' beliefs about users and guide design. Delivered tested solutions for difficult design problems via iterative user testing while meeting tight deadlines.
Web Content Editor WEB, Illinois State University, 11/2012-1/2013 Edited and composed content for a variety of websites and apps. Conducted user research to jumpstart multiple projects.
PhD, Technical Communication Illinois State University, expected 7/2015 MA, American Studies Shanghai International Studies University, 6/2010 BA, Linguistics Jiangxi Normal University, 6/2008
assistant organizer UX Champaign-Urbana Book Club co-organizer Content Strategy ChampaignUrbana Book Club co-organizer Usability Testing Pop-up Lab
tools Morae Axure SPSS Omnigraffle Adobe Illustrator
computer language HTML5 CSS3