Leadership in Technology - Spring 2010

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May 2010

FEATURE: TechNova Certification - The Benefits NEWS: 2010 AGM EDUCATION: Industrial Engineering Technologist at NSCC

Publications Mail Agreement # 40875508



Leadership in Technology is the official newsletter of TechNova, the Society of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists of Nova Scotia.

Leadership in Technology is published biannually by:

202 Brownlow Avenue Cambridge 1, Suite 308 Dartmouth, NS B3B 1T5 Tel: (902) 463-3236 Fax: (902) 465-7567 Toll Free: 1 866 723-8867 info@technova.ca www.technova.ca Please direct all inquiries, submissions and subscription requests to TechNova at the above address. Leadership in Technology is published in conjunction with: Design Works Publishing Group 41 Glendale Ave Unit 1 Sackville NS B4A 1C6 Tel: (902) 468-3440 Fax: (902) 468-9044

From the Editor


President’s Letter


New Members


Registrars Report


Indutrial Engineering Technologist / NSCC


2010 AGM


TechNova Accreditation - What Is It?


Please contact DWP Group for advertising information. EDITOR Mark Bamford EDITORIAL DIRECTION Vivian Ernst CREATIVE DIRECTOR Mario Zamfir The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Association. TechNova assumes no responsibility or liability for damages arising from any error or omission or from the use of any information or advice printed in this publication. Letters regarding the newsletter should be addressed to the Editor at the Society’s address.

STORY IDEAS WELCOME* Leadership in Technology strives to present news, stories and other content in the course of each year that is of particular interest or pertinence to TechNova members. We rely in part on your input to guide and generate articles. This is your publication and you are always encouraged to contribute. NEWS: Your technology career is ever-changing. Let others know about the changes and trends in your particular field, discipline or worksite. PROFILES: Want to share your own story? Leadership in Technology is a great way to demonstrate the ways that members utilize technology in their careers. FEEDBACK: Write to us and share your viewpoints (members and nonmembers alike). Write to info@technova.ca or send your letter/article to the TechNova office. (*See page11 for more details and prize information)

Publications Mail Agreement # 40875508


From the Editor Hello and welcome to the spring edition of the TechNova newsletter. My name is Mark Bamford and I am the new editor of our magazine, Leadership in Technology. Ed Lingley, our pervious editor has left us for the greener pastures of retirement. Ed’s sense of humour and his historical knowledge of TechNova/SCETTNS will be sorely missed, though I imagine he will never be more than an e-mail away if we ever need advice. I became a member of TechNova in 1993 and like many, I found life to be very full with no time in a day between work and family to even consider adding other things to the mix such as volunteering my time to TechNova, so I do understand how hard it is to give up any free time you have. Having said that, we are an association of over 1500 members and growing every year, yet it seems that the same faces and names keep coming up whenever it is time to do association business. With today’s age of digital communication bringing us all closer together, your help is even easier to give than before and make no mistake, we can use your help. Your help in even the smallest of ways will make a big difference to our association and the other members. If you are interested in supporting your organization please call or email the TechNova office. For those of you who are now volunteering and those who will volunteer in the future, well done and thank you very much. With the ongoing economic scares of raising interest rates, job cuts and company closures, it is the person with the best resume and qualifications who will find the job search the easiest. One of the ways of ensuring that your resume is given a second look is to make sure you do not let your professional designation lapse. Too often we have had members coming to us trying to have their professional status reinstated to an active member in good standing only to discover the qualifications they hold are no longer current enough to re-qualify without extra study courses. It may not seem like a big thing when we have a job and the future looks good but this is the exact time we should be preparing ourselves for whatever the future may bring. We recently wrapped up our AGM which was held at the Ramada Park in Burnside and I am glad to say it was a big success with a good turnout. There were some newer members in attendance and a big welcome and thanks for participating in your organization goes out to them. For those of you, who could not make it; check out the web site in the coming days for some AGM pictures. Speaking of our website, it has undergone a bit of a renovation and if you haven’t been there in a while I encourage you to check it out at www.technova.ca. If you have any comments or suggestions, please pass it on to the TechNova office. Only through your feedback can we make what is ours better and something to be proud of. Leadership in Technology is your magazine and as such I encourage you as technology professionals to use this magazine as a way of expressing yourselves. It can be anything from a letter to the editor to an article of interest to you and our members. Any and all letters or pictures would be welcome. It is through your contributions that our magazine is successful. I would like to take this time to wish you all a safe, happy and relaxing summer and I look forward to hearing from you.

Mark Bamford Editor 4


Q. Why seek certification? A. Proof of achievement: Demonstrates to employers, co-workers and to yourself that you’ve met the National Technology Bench Marks of training, ethics and experience Personal satisfaction: After year’s of training and hard work, you’ve earned the right to hold yourself out as a “certified” technican or technologist Belonging: Membership opens the doors to networking opportunites to exchange ideas, gain information and enrich personal and professional development. Base for Upgrading: Provides a base of academic and skills training from which members and their employers can determine future studies to improve qualifications and status. Group Discounts: Members enjoy some of the most comprehensive and compelling group benefits of any technology association in the country! In addition to great group rates on home, auto and health insurance, members also can qualify for discounts on first aid kits and training from St. John Ambulance. And more are on the way! We want to make membership work for you at work and at home. Q. Why employ a certified technology professional? A.Employing certified technicians or technologists boosts a businesses credibility and provides a distinct competitive edge when bidding on contracts. With a certified employee, you have someone who is guaranteed to be trained to a national standard, experienced, and ethical. In addition, hiring certified technicians and technologists saves screening time. A CET, AScT, or C.Tech has earned these designations only after the Certification Board has conducted a thorough review of the member’s education qualifications, work experience and professional references. Q. What are the requirements for certification? A. All applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, although at a minimum you must meet the following requirements:

• be 18 years old and of good character • be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant • have completed a two or three year technician or technology level college program in engineering or applied science or their equivalent, or

• for members of the military, completion of an accepted technician trade up to the QL5 level

• two years of satisfactory work experience • successful completion of the Ethics Exam • receipt of the non-refundable application fee (for first-time applicants only) and, upon acceptance, receipt of your first year’s membership dues. (Dues are pro-rated and are tax deductible.)



Dear Members, I would like start by thanking all the volunteers that have worked over the past year to ensure that we continue to move forward. Our ability to do so much with so few active members is amazing. I invite you to join me in saying a special thank you to Mr. Steven Shaw, CCTT National Director for five years. In October, I replaced Steve as the National Director, and found a Board that has deep respect for Steve. I only hope that I will be able to accomplish as much serving in this position. Another person that is deserving of our thanks is Mr. Ed Lingley; without his guidance, the past two years would have been very difficult. Ed has announced that as of the end of March, he will be leaving the ESO position and entering fulltime retirement. Without an influx of volunteers, we will have a difficult time in the coming years. Lastly, I would like to ask that you remember Mr. Robin Hill, an active councilor and leader in the community that passed away from cancer earlier this year. We have weathered the economic slowdown with little to no problems. As one CEO said, “the profession is virtually recession-proof.” While other organizations were batting down the hatches, CCTT and the Provincial Associations were in full gear and moving ahead! Over the past year, we gained much respect with the government bodies and have shown that we have what it takes to lead technology professionals in Canada. Technology professionals are still in high demand, and with the current shortages and a forecasted shortage of 90,000 by 2016, we are working with the Federal Government to prevent this from affecting the economic future of Canada. Nationally, we have set up the Canadian Technology Immigration Network (CTIN), and continue to develop the International Qualifications database. I personally believe that by showing the youth of Canada that Technology positions are both in-demand and lucrative, we can prevent a future shortage of technology professionals in Canada. As well, we must encourage young women to consider a career in applied science and engineering technology. Alberta made history this year as the first province to give Applied Science and Engineering Technology professionals the right to self-regulate. Qualified members also have the right to practice engineering independently without supervision by professional engineers, within existing codes and standards. Other provinces are in court defining the right to practice or are now announcing that they are working toward similar agreements. In conclusion, I must report that our Vice President has informed Council that he will not be able to take over as President due to family commitments. Therefore, I have agreed to stay on as President for an additional year, while our new VP, Hugh Campbell prepares to take on this role.

Louis LeBel, CET President, TechNova



November 2009 to April 2010 The Council has approved the following Certification Board recommendations for membership in TechNova. Associate Technicians • Hussein Sadeqi • Ted Pecarski • Alexander Poole • James Simpson • Jamie Lukeman Associate Technologists • Ashley Gould • Amanda Cole-Yemen • C. Gordon Hanson Certified Engineering Technicians (C.Tech) • Douglas MacLean • Donald O’Leary • Alexander Pudsey • Donald Cullen • John Clahane • Connor McDermott • Jeffrey MacDonald • Clinton Barter • Sarah Parsons • Jerred Ramey • Kris Boutilier • Anthony Beck • Daniel Jones • Steve Hearfield • Carl Straker • Phillip Jack • John Leitch • Cameron MacDonald • Greg Sabean

• Esther Shpigel • Werner van der Velden • Sylvain St-Louis Certified Engineering Technologists (CET) • Kyle Beaton • Michael Conrad • Brandon Smith • Tracy Kyle • A. Scott MacKenzie • Valentine Clancy • Robin Cornish • Michael MacDonald • Michael Sheppard • Evan MacDonald • Justin Benoit • Shawn Smith • Timothy Middleton • Patrick Lukeman • Heather Osborne • Joseph Pike • Travis Reid Upgraded from Associate Technologists to Certified Engineering Technologist • Adam King Upgraded form Associate Technician to Certified Engineering Technician • Cameron Thorne-Humphrey • Sarah Parsons Transfers • Mathieu Breau • Mark Hughes

• • • • • •

Adrian Meisner Pamela Benson Amanda Dupuis Jason Tait Kevin Rooks Jeffrey allen

Students • William Reid • Timothy Schmidt • Lisa Ladouceur • Megan Daurie • John MacEachern • Carly Wrathall • Tristan Forrester • Corey Strong • Liam MacMillan • Andrew Park • Andrew Langley • Harrie Drew • Tammy MacCormack • Melissa Keith • Robert Graham • Stephanie Crooks • Rebecca Parker • Sameul Beckett • Natasha Pearce • Adam Connors • Jade Neher • Jeanette Navarro • Mya Carter • Kristie Horwath • A. Madeline Kircher • Mellissa Leroy Life Members • C. Edward Lingley


CTAB VISITS FLEMING COLLEGE ‌ Another first! On April 19, 2010 the Canadian Technology Accreditation in partnership with OACETT conducted the first-ever national accreditations at Fleming College in Peterborough, Ontario. Teams lead by Newton Pritchett, PTech and Bryan Burt, CET reviewed the Computer Engineering Technician/Computer Engineering Technology programs. Deliberations are currently underway and decisions are expected shortly. Fleming College is the ninth Ontario school to submit to a CTAB accreditation. Ontario now leads all provinces with 49 nationally accredited programs. For a complete list of all accredited programs visit the www.cctt.ca


Innovation Writ Large (continued from page 8) out all unnecessary costs. (Cheap labour also helps.) The result is $3,000 cars and $200 laptops. And frugal innovation also means radical changes to corporate thinking about competition. India’s Bharti Airtel offers lowest cost mobile phone service to more than 100 million customers by sharing radio towers with competitors and by outsourcing almost all operations to specialist firms. In these cases, the concept of corporate growth is based on the provision of goods and services that are affordable to the lowest socio-economic echelons, not just the elites. Those economic strata comprise literally billions of potential customers. And that includes North Americans. Inevitably the developed world will also embrace the concepts of fugal innovation, Think of the potential: frugal innovation in health care; frugal innovation in transportation; frugal innovation at GM. In the end, we shall all be the better for it. For further reading see the April 17th edition of the Economist magazine.

continued on page 10


Immigration... (continued from page 9) With the completion of these meetings, CTIN partners have now officially been secured in all 10 provinces. A national partners meeting is now being planned for June 9th in Ottawa.

ESO/ Registrars Report Since our last issue was published in Fall of 2009, our membership as showed a steady growth. Since November of 2009, we have welcomed thirty one new members and 10 Associate members to the society. But unfortunately, as in previous years some members have decided to let their membership and certification lapse. Again I must stress the importance of members maintaining their certification. More and more we see industry especially in the technical fields requiring its potential employees to be certified. Certification proves to the employer that the candidates have met all educational and technical training in their field of expertise. Many employers either are required or prefer to hire certified technicians and technologists. Professional certification also facilitates national and international mobility through transferability agreements arranged by CCTT. On a more negative note, over the past few months four member associations of CCTT have decided to withdraw their membership from CCTT effective October 2010. In April of 2010, Ontario (OACETT), Alberta (ASET), British Columbia (ASTTBC), and Saskatchewan (SASTT) gave notice that they were withdrawing from the National Federation (CCTT). Over the past weeks several meetings have been conducted to find a resolution to the situation. But no matter the final resolve the impact to our members will be minimal. We have been assured that there will be no affect of your use of designations of C.Tech, AScT and CET. I also want to assure you that inter-provincial labour mobility and the recognition of your designations between provinces is also not affected. We are committed to keep our members up to date with all information related to this issue. Joe Simms, CET


A CTIN advisory committee was struck in early January comprising participants representing essential stakeholder groups from across the country. The first advisory committee meeting was held in Ottawa on February 24th. The meeting covered three primary areas that included reports and updates on: CTIN Partnership Engagement; the CTIN Web Portal; and the CTIN Foreign Credential Recognition Strategy. Valuable input and guidance related to next steps and priorities were identified With respect to the CTIN portal itself, a detailed needs analysis was undertaken for prospective users and stakeholders during a focus group that was conducted in early January. Based on focus group input, the portal’s look and feel mock-ups and information architecture were finalized and production of the graphic interface was initiated. Significant progress was also advanced in the development of the on-line self-assessment tools. A beta version of the technical assessment tool was completed and fieldtested by ACCC’s CIIP platform in the Philippines. Preliminary feedback from the field test was extremely positive. Development of the final version of the tool is currently underway. Technical specifications for the “Technology Education Program On-line Tool” were also completed in February. The tool will allow users to search for gap training and related technology programs by subject and by geographic location. For more information on CTIN and specific project activities visit www.cctt.ca



TD MELOCHE MONNEX SCHOLARSHIP Through TechNova TD Meloche Monnex offers annually $ 1000 in scholarships, to students enrolled in a nationally accredited Technician or Technology program. These scholarships recognize and reward academic excellence displayed by TechNova student members.

STORY IDEAS WELCOME Leadership in Technology strives to present news, stories and other content in the course of each year that is of particular interest or pertinence to TechNova members. We rely in part on your input to guide and generate articles. This is your publication and you are always encouraged to contribuite.

To be ellligible to apply for the TD Meloche Monnex scholarship, students must meet the following criteria: • be a registered student member with TechNova • be enrolled, as a full time student, in a Technician or Technology program accredited by the Canadian Technology Accreditation Board, • be in his/her second year of study in the accredited program.

NEWS: Your technology career is ever-changing. Let others know about the changes and trends in your particular field, discipline or worksite.

The successful candidates will receive notification via email and mail and will be announced during the AGM of TechNova held in March. The TD Meloche Scholarships will be presented during the awards ceremony of TechNova AGM. Applications for scholarships are available on the TechNova website (homepage), www.technova.ca Candidates must print the scholarship application and mail the completed document, together with a copy of their academic transcripts, to: TechNova 202 Brownlow Avenue Cambridge 1, Suite 308 Dartmouth, NS B3B 1T5

PROFILES: Want to share your own story? Leadership in Technology is a great way to demonstrate the ways that members utilize technology in their careers. FEEDBACK: Write to us and share your viewpoints (members and non-members alike). Write to info@technova.ca or send your letter/article to the TechNova office. STORY PRIZES: If your article/story is published in our newsletter we will send you one of the following gifts valued at $50.00:


Each year, the Technology Champion Awards are presented to teachers in grades 7-12 who have been nominated by students for outstanding efforts in encouraging and promoting interest in technology studies. This year, TechNova is pleased to congratulate Mr. Robert MacIIreith, of Leslie Thomas JH, Lower Sackville, NS as Technology Champion.

1. Executive Laptop Case (or) 2. Executive Travel Mug Set Each article submitted must be accompanied by good quality photography if available. Articles not published will be archived for future use. Forward all articles to the editor at info@technova.ca




Using mathematical methods, such as operations research to solve organizational, production and related problems, they design and deploy lean production principles which result in efficient processes and effective information management systems. “Industrial Engineering Technologists have value in plant effectiveness, planning, mapping and streamlining production facilities to maximize effectiveness and efficiency,” says Nadina Smith, CHRP, Human Resources Manager, Marid Industries Limited. “There is a need for this capacity, especially within LEAN organizations.” Through this program, students will develop the problem solving skills they need to deal with things like the location and layout of plant facilities, materials handling, work-station design, quality control, occupational safety and health, and economic cost studies. Employment opportunities in this field are varied - industrial engineering skills can be used in almost any type of organization. Graduates of industrial engineering are more widely distributed among industries than are other technology graduates. They work in manufacturing industries, aerospace industry, banks, hotels, transportation, consulting services, healthcare, oil and gas, government and communications. Many industrial engineers transition into management positions because the work is closely related. Sussan Campbell NSCC

CCTT & GoTECHgirl Make Appearance on Parliament Hill On March 31, 2010, Yaro Zajac and I.J. LeBlond, assisted by Marisa Sosa, were invited to make a presentation on the GoTECHgirl program to the Standing Committee on the Status of Women. Key Points of the CCTT presentation included: • Only 8.3% of certified Technician & Technologists are women; • The 2008 Labour Market Study with Engineers Canada shows the participation rate of women in technology professions at 19%; • Stats Canada reports that the age 15-19 cohort peaked in 2009, which means the number of young people entering post-secondary schools will also decline in the years to come; • Need a strong promotion to attain gender balance; • A majority of young women have negative perceptions of applied science & engineering technology occupations; • Compared to young men, young women do not have role models who encourage them to consider technology careers; • Too few parents encourage their daughters to study math and science. What is the GoTECHgirl Program? 1. National outreach campaign in partnership with the National Council of Deans of Technology to educate and inform students, parents, teachers and counselors on the need to promote women in technology. 2. Uses social media (Facebook, Twitter) to encourage young women to contact GTG Champions & Mentors. 3. Coordinator of the Youth Program at CCWESTT Conference May 13-15, 2010 in Winnipeg, MB. 4. Features TECH CAMPS at colleges to promote careers for young women. 5. Registered Trademark in Canada. 13


Ed Lingley CTech upon his retirement receiving his lifetime TechNova membership









2010 AGM





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Louis Lebel presentation to John Whyte Louis Lebel CET welcoming Lorne Finley CET member # 17. Mr. Finley is one of the founding members of SCETTNS/TechNova Barry Tucker PTech CCTT Vice Chair David Sheeves PTech NBSCETT President presenting a society pen to Louis Lebel CET TechNova president Ed Leslie CAE, PTech NSSCETT ESO Louis Lebel CET Presentation to Julian Boyle Sheldon Doyle, NSCC - door prize recipient Len White, Engineers Nova Scotia - door prize recipient Shaun Power - door prize recipient Louis LeBel CET presenting Meloche Monnex Continuing Education Bursary to Brenan Power’s parents Shaun & Nola on his behalf.


ACCREDITATION WHAT IS IT? In partnership with CTAB, the Canadian Technology Accreditation Board, TechNova accredits post-secondary technology programs. Graduates of a nationally accredited program are effectively “pre-approved” for certification once they have completed the mandatory two years of discipline-specific work experience. Numerous military trades programs offered by Canadian Forces schools throughout the country have also been evaluated for accreditation. Upon application to TechNova, graduates of these programs who have obtained Trade Specialty Qualifications (TSQ 5) may be eligible for full certification. About Accreditation An educational institution must apply to have a program accredited by CTAB and its provincial association partner. A team of qualified volunteer reviewers is then assembled and trained. Led by a Team Chair, the Accreditation Team conducts a thorough review of the course content, teaching aids, labs, and qualifications of the instructors. To measure outcomes, the team also reviews student work including exams, assignments and papers. An overall assessment in made to determine if, based on the National Technology Bench Marks, the program offers a suitable number of outcomes for the program’s discipline (electronics, mechanical, chemical, etc.). If the program is approved for accreditation, a certificate to the educational institution is issued. A follow-up review is conducted in three years, and every two years after that. Random and scheduled Site Audits of the educational institution are also conducted to further ensure the program has maintained the minimum accreditation requirements.



Hugh Campbell Hugh graduated Loyalist College, Belleville Ontario in Electronic Engineering Technology in 1996, promptly became a member of OACETT and was certified as a Mechanical Engineering Technician in 1999. He has over twenty years of experience working in industrial maintenance as a technician and in managerial roles. Hugh moved out east to Halifax in 2001 with his Maritime bride and is currently working in the marine and offshore energy sector. He has been a member of TechNova since his transfer and a member of council since 2005 serving on the Act Enforcement Committee and helping organize awards and bursaries. Hugh has two children and lives in Grand Lake, Nova Scotia.


CERTIFICATION THE BENEFITS Certification refers to the process of becoming a registered member of TechNova. Membership is restricted to those technology professionals who meet the National Technology Bench Marks in three key areas:

• • • • •

academic qualifications work experience professional ethics Certification Criteria The Certification Board meets every month (with the exception of July and August) to review all applications for membership or upgrading on a case-by-case basis.

The basic criteria for certification as an engineering or applied science technician or technologist are:

• • • •

successful completion of an accredited technology program or its equivalent at least two years of relevant work experience successful completion of the Ethics Exam To confirm the applicant’s professional abilities and ethical integrity, the Certification Board will also take into consideration reports submitted by the applicant’s references.

MEMBERSHIP TYPES Student Student membership is available to students enrolled in an accredited college or university program. In addition to other benefits, the application fee is waived for Students who apply for Associate membership within the year they graduate. ASSOCIATE Associate Technician or Associate Technologist membership is available to applicants who meet the educational requirements but lack the required two years’ relevant work experience. TECHNICIAN CANDIDATE Technician Candidate (T.C.) - This membership status is assigned to those applicants who have the work experience but are lacking the academic qualifications for full certification. C.TECH Certified Engineering Technician - This designation is granted to applicants who meet the national standards for training and work experience at the Technician level. The C.Tech designation is also assigned to Applied Science Technicians. CET Certified Engineering Technologist - The CET designation is reserved for applicants who have completed a nationally accredited, technology-level program and have completed two years’ work experience in their discipline. Technology-level training normally includes calculus and the completion of a major technical report. ASCT Applied Science Technologists - Reserved for members who have completed technology-level training from an accredited applied science program, or its equivalent, and who have two years’ relevant and discipline-specific work experience. NON-ACTIVE A temporary status granted to members who are unemployed or who are not working in their area of practice. During this time, members may continue to use their designation. RETIRED Upon proof of retirement, members may apply for this special status while still maintaining the right to use their professional designation.




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Business Card $ 100.00 Cover 2 & 3 $ 1250.00

All prices listed are per issue. Prices are subject to change. All advertisements are printed in full color. Leadership In Technology is printed biannually. All submitted material is subject to suitability and space availability. CIRCULATION All Certified, Associate and Student members in Nova Scotia. A variety of government, industry and private sector. Copies are also mailed to the offices of the other nine provincial constituent members as well as the Council of Certified Technicians and Technologists in Ottawa, Ontario. We can print from many popular publishing and graphics programs. The list of accepted file formats are on the right. Questions? Call toll free 888 339-1848 or review the details below. Accepted File Formats : PDF Files are our preferred format. The reason we prefer this file is that the file is totally self contained. All text, graphics and fonts are part of the single PDF file making it the fastest to proof and print. It also compresses the file for easier uploading or emailing. Please save all PDF files at 300 dpi and embed all fonts. Any fonts that are being used for areas that will have our Variable Input Technology must be included separately with your file. No artwork marks, crop marks or color bars are needed, so make sure to shut them off.

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Contact 202 Brownlow Avenue Cambridge 1, Suite A308 Dartmouth, NS B3B 1T5 Tel: (902) 463-3236 Fax: (902) 465-7567 Toll Free: 1 866 723-8867 info@technova.ca


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