The Link - January 2018

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The Link


About ISK The International School of Kenya (ISK) is a private, non-profit PreK-Grade 12 school created in 1976 through a joint partnership between the governments of the United States and Canada. Nestled on 40 acres of a former coffee plantation, ISK serves the educational needs of both expatriate and Kenyan students who seek a challenging international curriculum which leads to the rigorous International Baccalaureate Diploma program. ISK’s internationally focused curriculum has helped Kenya become a magnet for foreign business investment and a desired posting for those working for the continuing development of East Africa. Expatriate families consider Kenya a quality career opportunity, in part due to the quality education they find at ISK. Likewise, Kenyan families who want an international, culturally diverse education for their children see ISK as the school of choice. ISK has over 930 students from more than 65 countries. Graduates earn an ISK North American accredited diploma and approximately 70 percent of ISK graduates earn the IB Diploma, enabling them to study at some of the most respected and competitive colleges and universities in the world. ISK students form a supportive, spirited and diverse community, which enables new students to adapt easily to campus life. Interacting in such a welcoming crosscultural milieu, ISK students celebrate the unique and wonderful differences and similarities of people from around the world. The value of respect for each other and for Kenya is evident at ISK, as is a commitment to giving back to the community. Our scholarship program for Kenyan students, together with a broad and dedicated servicelearning program which serves our local and national community, have shaped our school values since 1967 and continue today. In keeping with ISK’s strategic mission and vision, we are dedicated to empowering each student to create solutions for tomorrow’s challenges. Therefore, we have embarked on a multi-million dollar facility and program expansion project to provide students and faculty with the programs, tools and facilities necessary for success. Once completed, ISK will be able to accommodate 1,200 students with expanded programs and facilities.

EDITORIAL TEAM Lynn Wells Pamela Pappas Janet Muasya DESIGN & PRODUCTION Mario Zamfir - Copyright © 2018 The Link Copyright © 2017 ISK. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Trademarks: The Link, ISK and their associated logos are trademarks of the International School of Kenya. All other names, logos, and trademarks of other companies shown in this publication are the property of their respective owners.



06 Message from the Board of Directors ISK held its first Board meeting of 2018 on January 23. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 20, 2018, and we invite all parents to attend this informative session. 24 TLC - News & Updates In the TLC, we are all about learning; it is what inspires us all day. 26 Service Learning News and events 30 Athletics Department Season 2 News & Updates 36 PTO News The ISK PTO is seeking nominations for Committee members for the 2018-19 academic year. All parents are invited and encouraged to get involved!

4 8 12 16 32 Director Letter

ES Report

MS Report

HS Report

What Inspires You?

The ISK Board of Governors, Board of Directors and Administrative Team participated in a Generative Thinking Session on Saturday, January 20

A warm welcome back and a very Happy New Year to you all. To date we have welcomed 10 new students and their families to our community.

On Tuesday, January 9th, we hosted the first Middle School Student Orientation, planned by Nancy Remondi. The day was a huge success.

ISK hosted the Global Issues Service Summit, including inspiring Kenyan keynote speakers and student-led global village conversations shared with students from across Africa.

On behalf of students both inside and outside of ISK, thank you for your continued participation in the Inspiration Initiative.

Read more on page 4

Read more on page 8

Read more on page 12

Read more on page 32

Read more on page 16

The Link


David G. Henry Director

BOARD GENERATIVE WORKSHOP AND RETREAT The ISK Board of Governors, Board of Directors and Administrative Team participated in a Generative Thinking Session on Saturday, January 20. There were two areas of focus during this engaging day, aspects of fundraising and diversity opportunities. The early part of the morning concentrated on the results of the Capital Campaign Feasibility Study that was conducted early in this school year. The results of the study showed that the community is not ready for a large-scale capital campaign. At the same time, ISK does have a solid regular giving program, the Inspiration Initiative, which should continue to be the focus of its giving program in the near future. Finally, it was noted that the study indicated the favored program for giving was the Scholarship Program and that ISK could pursue some major individual gifts to support this program based on the findings. For the rest of the day the participants moved into full generative mode, shifting their focus to conversations on opportunities around diversity while working in five mixed groups. Each



Director’s Letter group took a ‘deep-dive’ into this topic from a different perspective exploring overarching questions like ‘Should the issue of diversity impact ISK curriculum?’; ‘Is there are concept broader than diversity that requires our attention?’; ‘What are the challenges/ opportunities that present themselves at an international school in a diverse country such as Kenya?’; ‘Should teacher demographics mirror that of the student body and what happens if demographics change?’ Groups generated ideas and thoughts related to these lines of inquiry. From a curricular standpoint, it was noted that ISK’s big picture perspective was to develop critical thinkers and problem solvers while making sure that the

curriculum is integrated, ever evolving, authentic, and timely. It was also noted that one of the deeper purposes of diversity is professional learning and awareness while noting that diversity is continually evolving. The importance of intentionality and communicating aspects of diversity should be regular and, in short, ISK is on a journey. Other thoughts included that different people understand diversity differently. In hiring there are many

aspects to finding the right fit for ISK and a particular position. This led to the thought that staffing can be a polarity that is both a challenge and an opportunity. One group stated that ISK’s mandate was to serve the international community and that there are essential qualifications in hiring while there are also asset qualifications that depend on shifting priorities. Finally, it was thought there are opportunities to take specific action and communicate those actions while keeping in mind all of the strategic initiatives that ISK undertakes. It was a very thoughtful discussion on what can be a difficult and ever evolving topic. ISK supports that people have different views and continually strives to cultivate a culture of trust that can best enrich the learning of our students. We are on a journey to further developing organizational trust and part of this journey is furthering our cultural proficiency. This journey will lead ISK to improved student learning towards meeting tomorrow’s challenges. GLOBAL ISSUES STUDENT SUMMIT Congratulations to our students and teachers in the Global Issues Network club as they hosted the 2018 AISA GISS at ISK in January. At this service summit,

our students and the visiting schools from across the continent and Europe collaborated on their approaches to local solutions to create change through action and service. ISK shares this common passion to build a just and sustainable future. GOOD LUCK ISK IN ISSEA COMPETITIONS ISK is competing in three International Schools of Southern and Eastern Africa events this weekend. The competitions are the ISSEA Basketball Competition with our Varsity Girls and Boys Teams in Zimbabwe, ISSEA Girls and Boys Rugby in Uganda, and ISSEA Swimming in Tanzania. Good luck to all the participating teams and safe travels. Go Lions! ISK will also host the ISSEA Music and Choir festival the last weekend in February. ISK TO CELEBRATE INTERNATIONAL DAY The ISK International Day Celebration takes place on the afternoon of Friday, February 16th. With support from the PTO, International Day celebrates the variety of our community’s cultures through the Taste of Nations along with a mix of music and dance. Join us as our

community celebrates how “Diversity Enriches Us” and the commonalities we share. ISK Board of Directors (BoD) Preparing to Accept Nominations We are approaching the time when ISK will elect new School Board members. This occurs at the Board’s Annual General Meeting on April 25th. Each year there are two parent-elected board members whose terms will expire. These elected positions are two-year term positions. Nominations will open on February 14, 2018. Click on the following link to review Board of Director (BoD) nomination information on our school website. The closing date for accepting nominations is Wednesday, March 14, 2018. Let me or Board Chair, Mimi Steward ( know what questions you might have about governance and serving on the ISK Board of Directors. Warm Regards, David G. Henry Director

The Link


Board News


ISK held its first Board meeting of 2018 on January 23rd, 2018. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 20, 2018, and we invite all parents to attend this informative session.

Aim (Create, Learn, Act, Communicate, Solve) now has a performance area with focuses that reflect 21st century skills. We look forward to seeing this refreshed concept and stylish design around school!

At this past Board meeting, the redesigned ISK Educational Aims were approved by the Board. Jodi Lake – who along with her team have worked tirelessly on this effort - presented the redesigned ISK Educational Aims: “We strive to develop globally minded students who actively learn, create, solve and engage in the world.” Each

Additionally, the Board reviewed the ISK Financial Summary as of December 2017, as well as the Finance Committee’s proposed budget for 2018/2019. The budget will be formally put up for approval at the February meeting.


Elections for our two parent-elected

positions will be occurring in April. More information will be distributed at that time about the voting process. If anyone is interested in running for the Board, please be in touch with Mimi Steward, Board Chair as she has conducted several information sessions for all interested candidates. The final date to submit your candidacy is March 14, 2018. Best, Ann Marie Awori Secretary, Board of Directors

The Link



Patricia Salleh Matta Elementary School Principal


A warm welcome back and a very Happy New Year to you all. To date we have welcomed 10 new students and their families to our community. Teachers will shortly be sending out revised class lists to all parents. The issue of safety and security continues to be a high priority at our school. We ask that all families support us by informing the school of any changes to your basic information regarding phone numbers, emergency contact numbers, if the parents/ guardians may be traveling, etc. If you need to take your child off campus before regular dismissal time PLEASE NOTE you are requested to get an early dismissal slip from the Elementary School Office. Our security at the gate will not permit a student to leave campus without this slip. This is a strict order to them for all our students’ protection and safety. Good communication is and will remain a priority for us. We encourage open and on-going dialogue between school and home to ensure that we are working as partners in the education and safety of our students. To keep you updated, the Elementary Express (ES Express) is the elementary wing of the school-wide newsletter The Link, which is accessible the last Friday of every month, to all families electronically.

Dates to Remember in


It contains news of past and future events, important dates, current issues, etc. Of course you will be receiving on-going communication from your child’s teacher and news from the wider school community (including the elementary school) will come to you in the monthly Link. Please also ensure that you give us your updated email contact, as this is another way we frequently communicate with our parents. Each teacher also has a Moodle webpage that we ask all families to access. In the event of an emergency and we have to close school, this would be our primary means of communicating on-going student learning guidelines. Please see the article below on Moodle with instructions on how to access it. There is always tea/coffee available in the ESO so please stop by for a chat, to say hello to Emmy Mahiva our new Admin Assistant or to share your commendations or recommendations. Please do not hesitate to contact the ESO or myself should you require any further information/ clarification that will enable you to become fully informed about your child’s program this year. Patricia Salleh Matta Elementary School Principal


05 - 08 February

Monday - Thursday

Grade 5 IC Trip

09 - 12 February

Friday – Monday

ISK Holiday

16 February


International Day


The student-led conferences for this year are scheduled for Thursday- Friday, March 1st to 2nd, 2018. There will be no school for the students besides attending their conferences with you. The purpose of student-led conferences is to celebrate student learning. The children have worked hard all year, and

this is one of the important times when they demonstrate their ownership of learning and celebrate their achievement with you! Please do not attend the conference without your child. Sign-up for conferences will be going out next week and more information on conferences will be coming from the Elementary Office nearer the time.

MOODLE REMINDER Moodle is the platform that parents can access to get updated information on student learning. New families will be given the password by their homeroom teachers. Please read below for directions on how to access our Moodle pages. You will only be able to view as a guest. TO VIEW HOMEROOM PAGES 1. Go to the ISK Moodle page at http:// 2. Scroll down and select ES 3. Select your child’s grade level 4. Select the homeroom teacher’s name or the common grade level page 5. Click on ‘Log in as a guest’ 6. Enter the password and click on SUBMIT TO VIEW SPECIALS PAGES 1. Go to the ISK Moodle page at http:// 2. Scroll down and select ES. 3. Choose the specialist subject (Specialist Teachers, the ES Office & Counselling, Student Support Services (SSS) and PRIDE/ PEER 4. Select the specific subject area/teacher 5. Click on ‘Log in as a guest’. 6. Enter the password and click on SUBMIT. It is really important that all our ES families are able to access and use this website. If you need help, you are most welcome to contact our technology coordinator Brendan Lea at blea@

The Link


Update from the Counseling Department


Session 1: Love and Logic, “Putting an End to Arguing, Back Talk and Begging; Teaching our Kids Responsibility” Monday, January 22nd at 8:30-10:00 a.m. in Commons rooms 1 and 2 (CMR 1 and 2).

Session 2: Love and Logic, “Setting Limits and avoiding Power Struggles” Monday, January 29th at 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the High School Commons 1.

Session 3: Freedom from Chemical Dependency, Drug and Alcohol Prevention for Teenagers Tuesday, February 6 at 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Commons Room 1 (CMR 1).

Session 4: Love and Logic “Guiding Kids to Own and Solve Their Problems; Teaching Kids to Complete Chores” Tuesday, February 13 at 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the Commons Room 1 (CMR 1).

Session 5: Digital Citizenship (How to Manage Technology use at Home) Monday, February 19th at 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the High School MPR 1.

PARENTING BOOK CLUB The ISK school counselors are proud to offer a parenting workshop, entitled “Parenting the Love and Logic Way” by Charles Fay Ph.D. and Jim Fay that began on Monday, January 22. Three workshops will be dedicated to Love and Logic and the other three workshops will be on the topics of Freedom of Chemical Dependency, Digital Citizenship, and Supporting our Kids through Adolescents. We chose these three workshops based on parent survey feedback from last year’s parenting program WHAT IS LOVE AND LOGIC ALL ABOUT? This six session parenting program, developed by the Love and Logic Institute, was designated to help parents find specific answers and actions for some of those difficult moments in child rearing. These simple techniques are effective with all ages of children. The parenting sessions will provide practical tools and techniques that help parents achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children and help them prepare their kids for the real world.



Session 6: Supporting our Kids through Adolescence Monday, February 26th at 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the High School MPR 1.

If you would like to read the book, “Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline and Jim Fay before hand then there are 3 options for obtaining the book: •

Kindle e-Books version from the ISK Library

Download your own copy of the book on Kindle e-Books

Check out a copy from ES Counselling office

Parents are encouraged to read the book while attending weekly classes. For more information on Love and Logic for parents, please click on the link below: http://www. Please RSVP to Ben Fishman at **** Please note that we will need a minimum of 10 parents to conduct the Love and Logic parenting program by Friday, February 16.

Guidance Classes The guidance themes for the month of February are Personal Safety, which is one of our most important units. Personal safety is a life-long skill giving children information that is relevant to them, teaching and practicing skills to handle this information, and building their self-esteem, so they feel confident implementing these skills. Our personal safety lessons will begin in February. Our lessons will consist of the following: • Counsellors will help the students define “private body parts”. These are the parts of the body covered by their bathing suits. • Counsellors will teach the students the three touching rules • It is never okay for someone to touch your private body parts except to keep you clean and healthy • Good touch and bad touch

procedures for protecting and ensuring the safety of children shall be documented clearly and followed consistently. In response to suspected abuse, the school shall take all reasonable, responsible and legal steps to protect the child and act as his/her advocate. Additionally, ISK shall have a proactive communication plan for training staff and volunteers and making the ISK community aware of various aspects of abuse. Adoption November 2012 These lessons are aligned with the policy and are included in student learning each year. Here are some book titles that you may wish to read with your child (some of these books can be found in the ISK library). • The Trouble With Secrets by Karen Johnson • The Right Touch by Sandy Kleven • It’s My Body by Lory Freeman

• If someone breaks the touching rule, say “No!” and run away

• Protect Your Child From Sexual Abuse: A Parent’s Guide by Jane Hart-Rossi

• Tell a trusted adult. If that adult doesn’t help you, keep telling until you get the help you need and deserve

• Mia’s Secret by Peter Ledwon & Marilyn Mets

We thank you for your support in teaching your child about personal safety. Because we will only have a few lessons to discuss this important topic with our children, we are asking for your help with the following homework. • Let your child hear the safety rules from you as well as from the counsellors • Please ask your child to practice saying “No!” with you • Help your child to identify trusted adults in his/her life The International School of Kenya has a child protection policy, which states; Child abuse is a violation of a child’s human rights and is an obstacle to every aspect of a child’s development. The International School of Kenya, its staff and volunteers, have a responsibility to ensure the safety of the students and protect them from abuse. ISK’s

• My Body Is Private by Linda Walvoord Girard

The following are some websites, which offer resources and have more information about personal safety: • • • • Once again we thank you for your continued support of the elementary guidance program. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your child’s grade level counselor. HEATHER - Grades 1, 2 and 3 BEN - Grades Kindergarten, 4 and 5

The Link



Alexa Schmid Middle School Principal


NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION On Tuesday, January 9th, we hosted the first Middle School Student Orientation, planned by Nancy Remondi. The day was a huge success. Students were able to learn about their lockers, the homework planner, receive their device, enjoy a scavenger hunt, eat a pizza lunch with new friends, and learn about our programs (service learning, co-curricular, and athletics). A big help in the success of this day was our new Student Ambassador program, as they helped with the scavenger hunt and made our new students feel welcome.

HOUSE KICK-OFF We kicked off a new House System on Wednesday, January 10th. The purpose of the House System is: • opportunity to build community vertically; • beneficial for students and teachers, and creates a deeper connection between students and teachers; • it allows for mentorship;



• builds school spirit and deepens our identity; • and provides opportunities for fun and healthy competition. We had a ‘sorting ceremony’, dividing students into five houses - Nyati (buffalo), Chui (leopard), Twiga (giraffe), Tembo (elephant), and Kifaru (rhino). Students then spent the afternoon team building and starting to create a house chant. There was much laughter and community building around the campus that afternoon!

DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. “ISK inspires and nurtures passion, creativity and ambition in pursuit of a better world.” We are so fortunate to have such a powerful and inspiring mission. During a recent middle school assembly, we further explored the charge of our mission - ‘pursuit of a better world’, and its connection to social justice, standing up for what we believe in, and how we can make the world a better place. We examined some of history’s most inspiring activists, including Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai, Wangari Maathai, and Martin Luther King, Jr. You can see this snippet from our Assembly Presentation, which includes this 2.5 minute “I Have a Dream” video. We then challenged students, by asking: What do you dream about? In what ways do you want to make the world a better place? How will you pursue a better world? MODEL UNITED NATIONS (MUN) In January, 22 Middle School students and Mr. Devin Jones participated in the MS Model United Nations Conference, held at the UN in Nairobi.

TEACHER TECH FAIR At ISK, we are all lifelong learners. In January, the middle school faculty took a Wednesday afternoon to share different practices related to tech integration. It was an inspiring and fun afternoon for teachers to learn from each other.

We are so fortunate to have so many incredible opportunities for our students to learn, grow and explore at ISK! Truly fulfilling our mission and vision! Alexa Schmid Middle School Principal





The Link


Mark your calendars! On Friday, February 16th we will celebrate the Parade of Flags starting at 2:00 p.m. and the Taste of Nations at 3:30 p.m. The theme for this year is Diversity Enriches Us! This is an exciting event that allows us to celebrate our diversity as a community. The purpose of the day is that it: • Is an opportunity for ISK’s entire student body and the greater school community to come together • Deepens student open-mindedness, tolerance and inclusion; we believe that diversity enriches us • Provides an opportunity for students to celebrate, acknowledge and appreciate/respect diverse cultures, including those different than mine (dance, food, music, dress, language) • Allows for students to learn about other cultures and recognize our interconnectedness/ commonalities • Highlights our diversity; this is special and important at ISK • Provides an opportunity for students to have pride in their own culture, support culture identity • Is an opportunity for students to have fun



International Day has two parts, the Parade of Flags and the Taste of Nations. PART 1- PARADE OF FLAGS: From 2:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m., all students and teachers participate in a Parade of Flags and a short program from our Music Department. ISK faculty and staff organize this event and supervise the parade. We hope parents will also join us in this celebration of our diversity. Enjoy the parade and take lots of photos!! PART 2- TASTE OF NATIONS: From 3:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., we invite you to enjoy the Taste of Nations, an exciting celebration of who we are and the countries we represent through food, games and entertainment! This year, we are excited to have about 40 countries participating.

STAYING GREEN AT ISK In an effort to reduce waste and “Go Green”, we are encouraging all attendees to bring their own plates, cutlery, tupperware and water bottles. As an added incentive the PTO will be giving away a KSh 50 ticket for those that bring their own plates and cutlery. In addition, recycling stations will be set up on the field for collection of disposables. We look forward to seeing all of you during this exciting event! Alexa Schmid MS Principal Principal

Jessie Coyle ES Assistant


The Link



Rob Blanchard High School Principal


Welcome back. I hope that your family enjoyed a lovely holiday and that your high school student is feeling comfortably settled back at school. Last week we were excited to host a Global Issues Service Summit, including inspiring Kenyan keynote speakers and student-led global village conversations shared with students from across Africa.



This week we held a Parent Tea, with a focus on the ISK high school graduation requirements, which are under review. Next week, the week of February 5, the FCD team will be here on campus in support of health and wellness education, working with students around the issue of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs (with a parent session too on Tuesday Feb 6. The following week the high school will engage the theme of internationalism with various activities, learning and celebrations culminating with our annual International Day on Friday January 16. All parents should also know that the course selection process for 2018-19 is about to begin, with distribution of course selection forms, meetings and conversations starting in February. We know that family emergencies or special events may arise in our lives and the lives of our students - if you ever have occasion when your child will be missing school or you require office support with an urgent matter relating to your child, please be sure to let us know in the high school office. We understand that your up-to-date contact information may change over

time, and it is important for you to share this information with us so we can reach you too in an emergency. If both parents ever need to be away from home at the same time, inform us via email (rutho@ of an official guardian who will be looking after your child. You should also let us know well in advance if you would ever like to arrange special transportation arrangements for your child not involving regular bus usage or your family’s private transportation, so that we can take action in support of your request for example notifying the security team well in advance or issuing your child with a bus pass. SEMESTER ONE HONOR ROLL In the first class meetings of semester two we celebrated students who earned a place on the Honor Roll, which is based upon academic achievement and demonstrated habits of learning in semester one studies. Congratulations to our honor roll students for semester one! Robert Blanchard, Ed.D. High School Principal Jarrod Dale High School Assistant Principal

Happy 2018 from the HS office team!

The high school office team hopes that you’ve enjoyed a very positive, healthy start to 2018. Here in the office we decided to take a picture of our office team on a recent, lovely sunny Friday afternoon. You’ll notice

our picture accompanying this Link article - we’re here to help. The High School Office has a direct cell phone number 0733-639-342 and dedicated email (hsmail@isk.; the school also maintains


IB/University planning night for Grade 9 and 10 families on Monday Feb 5 at 6:00 p.m.

FCD educational team presentation on substance use/abuse for parents Feb 6 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in HSMPR

The ISK annual International Day celebration is coming up on Friday February 16 - a big community event that provides an opportunity for us to

general landline numbers that ring through to the central switchboard 0733-639-363; 0720-639363 Or just drop by between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays.

learn about and embrace the values of cultural diversity essential for an environment of mutual understanding and respect •

Senior parents will hear from us soon about this semester’s plans, including graduation events scheduled for May

Grade 10 parents will hear from us soon with information about our upcoming work experience program

No school (ISK holiday and long weekend) on Friday Feb 9 and Monday Feb 12

The Link


On your marks, Thank you so much to everyone who participated in ISK’s first fundraising Cancer Run! On January 13th, we had around 200 runners who either ran a 5K, 2K or 1K. We are happy to announce that Oli came in first place for the 5K followed by Isaiah and Lei. In all, we were able to raise 175,450 Kenyan Shillings! All the money will be donated to the Faraja Cancer Support Trust and will go to supporting their Crafts for Cure program



they do with pediatric cancer patients at Kenyatta Hospital. The money will be used to buy crafts, art supplies, fruit, and milk. We are hoping to continue this run for next year and hope to see you all there. Thanks again for all your support and helping to make this event happen. Cassandra Grade 12

get set, CURE!

The Link


Fab Lab Opening Thank you to the many high school students, teachers, parents, guests, and alumni who gathered as a community in our Arts Centre on January 9th for our Fabrication Laboratory Opening ceremony. This purpose-built collaborative learning space - known as the Fab Lab - is designed to empower student design thinking and fabrication work over the coming years, bridging STEM and the arts for students who are passionate about solving problems and creating things with their own hands in the learning process. It has been wonderful to see students already using this unique space, for example by applying theoretical learning to actual design in the STEM Engineering course. As part of the Opening, we shared time together to celebrate the life of Fares Hussain, a member of the ISK Class of 2017 whom we tragically lost shortly after his graduation. As part of the ceremony to honor Fares - who so enjoyed the creative arts and design processes - we shared memories and revealed a piece of Fares’ own artwork that is proudly displayed and accompanied by a dedication that reads: In celebration of an outstanding student, friend, community member and creator, ISK is proud to commemorate Fares Hussain, ISK Class of 2017. His artwork is displayed as a lasting symbol in ISK’s Fabrication Laboratory, opening today January 9th, 2018. We hope that his artwork, kindly donated to ISK by Fares’ family, will be an inspiration for others and reminder of Fares’ creativity and courageous spirit. The memory of Fares will forever live in our hearts.



High School Work Experience Program: YOU CAN HELP! With the ISK Work Experience program Grade 10 students explore and develop their passions and give them meaningful exposure to the workplace. This aligns with part of our mission to help students explore their passions! For the school year 2017-18, we plan to unfold Phase 2 of the program, with a target of 70% of Grade 10 students off-campus and in the workplace during the week of March 19th-23rd, 2018. We are always looking for community partners who could help with the program, and you are our best resource! Below are the different ways you could support the program:

1. Be a guest speaker for our Wednesday Work Panels: share your professional experiences and words of wisdom about the sector where you work. (timings : Wednesdays 8:20 a.m.-9:10a.m.); 2. Coach our students to prepare them for the Workplace: discuss the expectations in your field, career paths, and help the students draft a personal statement to use during Work Experience week; 3. Host one or several students during the work placement week of March 19th-23rd, 2018. If you think you or anyone within the Nairobi and Kenya community are willing to support the program, please contact us at one of the emails below. We look forward to hearing from you. Severine Fumoux


The Link


GLOBAL SERVICE ISSUES SUMMIT This year the AISA Global Issues Service Summit was held here at ISK, from the 18th to 20th of January. Schools from all over Africa, and even one from Europe, joined us for three days filled with inspiration, excitement, enjoyment as well as hard work. In the duration of the three days, students learnt many invaluable lessons while surrounded by a diverse group of people. They had an insight into different cultures, countries and global perceptions. The theme of the conference this year was: “It starts with us!”. Those in attendance had the opportunity to listen to many exceptional individuals, who have made it their life’s work and passion to make the world a better place. The first speaker to take the stage was Chris Mureithi, a renowned public speaker and author of more than three books. Umra Omar, stepped up next to talk




about her passion, managing Safari Doctors. As a CNN heroes nominee and a brave combatant in pursuing her dreams no matter what, Umra gave participants new insight on the theme of the conference. A trend began as, Chebet Lesan and Lilian Wagala, two other strong, independent and successful women took the stage to share with us their journey’s and talk about their interpretations of our theme.

The first one explaining how inspiration can come from everyday events and how she came up with the idea of creating charcoal from trash. Lilian provided us with a story of resiliency and sacrifice which has benefited many kids in Kibera. We also had the opportunity to host a Panel of Change where Umra, Lilian and Peninah Nasaru shared their opinions on how to overcome obstacles when pursuing a

better world. Attendees also had the opportunity to listen to Tendai Lewa who made sure to express his support for education for all. Finally, Dipesh Pabari from the FlipFlopi project shared with us how he and his team want to begin a plastic revolution. The abundance of inspirational speakers did not end with those who took the stage and continued throughout the conference with; Peter Muchuri, Mumbi Ndung’u, Maina Chege, Patrick Kilonzo, and Amy Rapp were able to host breakout sessions for our participants to have a more personal interaction. Finally, we had a group of young, up and coming Kenyan Changemakers attend a dinner we co hosted with IBUA Africa. All of these young Kenyans have found the way to enact change locally, but thinking at a global scale. In the spirit of making sure the

conference was engaging, students were broken up into Global Villages. These groups consisted of students from a variety of schools and each Global Village was presented with two problems. They were instructed to understand the situation and had to find solutions for the situations presented. This activity allowed the students to get creative, meet new people, have debates on issues in our world today and acquire practical knowledge as well as global and cultural awareness. Further, students from all schools were able to share their service projects to like minded students and teachers. They were able to get valuable feedback that they will take back home to improve their project.

is a very important facet of this summit as it is what sets it apart. Therefore, on Saturday 20th January, everyone hopped onto the buses as we headed off to Karura Forest. There, students and teachers dove into several activities, from helping paint certain structures to garbage pickup and cultivation of the land.

Service learning is the exercise of giving back to the community by getting students actively involved in the betterment of their surroundings. This

Find your passion and then use that to make yourself the best version you can be. Learn more about yourself and the little you can contribute, because it

We were able to experience what our very own ISK students complete every week in their service activities. The conference was a success and stressed the point that in order to make our world a better place we have to start by improving ourselves. You have to know yourself first, know who you are and what you are capable of.

does start with us. You do not have to wait for a change, there is no superman or woman who will fly in and change everything. You shouldn’t wait for someone else to take the initiative you can start on your own. The conference showed us that the world is filled with numerous different cultures, types of people, and it is our collective goal as an international society to break down these borders and connect with numerous diverse communities, in order to find solutions to global issues and work collectively to improve our planet. This conference was a step towards achieving that goal. Maya Grade 11

Service learning is the exercise of giving back to the community by getting students actively involved in the betterment of their surroundings. The Link


Jodi Lake Director of Teaching and Learning


In the TLC, we are all about learning; it is what gets us up in the morning and inspires us all day. At ISK, our mission, vision and educational aims keep us on course and so we have been working to ‘design learning’ for students that will stir their passions, creativity and ambition. Here is a snapshot of what has been happening… The Aims get a facelift as we intentionally work to collect evidence of students demonstrating all that we value.



The new Design/FabLab and Makerspace are open and in use supporting our Aims and Learning Programs. A 4-day institute with 80 teachers and staff looked at how we build capacity in all of us as leaders of learning. Elizabeth Imende-Cooney & Fran Prolman & guided us on the journey.

The FabLab is designed to empower student design thinking and fabrication work over the coming years, bridging STEM and the arts for students who are passionate about solving problems and creating things with their own hands in the learning process.

On Saturday, Feb. 3, we will sponsor a Kiswahili Consortium. Kiswahili teachers from Kenya and Tanzania will be working with Greg Duncan to develop programs and resources.

The Link



Pierina Redler Service Learning Director

There is more in you than you think. - Kurt Hahn


The Artwork is entitled “Our City” and depicts Tumshangilieni Mtoto wa Africa student’s imagination of our future city and how it could look like if our city’s environment is conserved.The artwork was a collaborative project which included both ISK and Shangilia students.The Artwork was auctioned for Ksh 15,000 at the Shangilia Talent show on November 25, 2017. The proceeds will support the Arts Program at Tumshangilieni Mtoto wa Africa. The service learning program with our partner Tumshangilieni Mtoto wa Africa is mutually beneficial to our students and community partners because it nurtures the six pillars of Round Square: Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership and Service. Kennedy Wando Shangilia Leader



Inspiring International Mindedness through Round Square

As IB schools recognize across the globe we need to educate young people who are well prepared for life in an interconnected 21st century and able to contribute to a better, more peaceful world. At ISK we aim to develop young people who have the capacity and motivation to create a more peaceful world through intercultural understanding. In line with the ISK aims, Round Square and the IB learner profile, ISK students learn to empathize with others, value diverse perspectives and cultures, understand how events around the world are interconnected, and solve problems that transcend borders. The most powerful force in advocating and promoting international understanding is

exposure to different cultures. Round Square schools are founded on a philosophy which embraces a series of six pillars, which can be, summed up in the word IDEALS. They are Internationalism, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership and Service. Students at Round Square schools make a commitment to addressing each of these pillars through exchanges, work projects, service and adventure. Within the Round Square pillar of Internationalism, ISK students are inspired to appreciate, value and respect all cultures, religions and languages. They learn to see themselves as global citizens and are asked to look beyond gender, class, race, nationality and culture to understand

human nature. In the spirit of International mindedness, Round Square Schools organize 4-6 week exchanges among students, GAP students (who are pre-university, postsecondary) and faculty. Annually, delegations of students and staff gather at a member school to attend an international conference and work on solving world issues. Students also have the opportunity of participating in international service projects. This year the International School of Kenya hosted an exchange student from the Enka School in Turkey and one of our grade 10 students spent six weeks in Thailand at The Regent’s School. We have had 15 HS delegates attend international

conferences this year and two students participate in international service projects. In April we have 10 MS students participating in a junior Round Square conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. Participation in these Round Square opportunities affords our students to recognize and respect ways of being that are not necessarily our own, so that we can build bridges to trust, respect and develop understanding across cultures. Round Square with students from 180 schools in 50 countries across six continents provides experiences for our students which encourage recognition of the abundant diversity of cultures, inspires respect for the difference, encourages the

contribution of diverse groups of students within student baraza (student council) groups and celebrates differences in order to bring about unity through diversity. Today’s students will be the global leaders of the future. Internationally minded people appreciate the diversity of cultures in the world and exhibit personal concern for all people and a concern for global issues. The ISK aims, the Round square philosophy and the IB curricula offers a globally minded education from which students will emerge confident and capable to build a future we all want to live in. Pierina Redler Service Learning Director

The Link


Students for the Environment With a large student body, ISK is left producing an exceptionally high amount of waste. Students For the Environment (SFE), a student run club, strives to positively impact ISK’s ecological footprint through recycling, planting, and educating the public. The club is divided into four groups: Communications, Tree Planting, Up-cycling



and Event Planning. The Tree Planting group is currently working closely with the elementary school by planning environment related activities for them to participate in. They will be planting over 20 trees on the school campus in January with the kids. The Event-Planning group raises awareness in the ISK community about the importance

of taking care of the environment and energy conservation through events such as the Candle Light Dinner in March and the Earth Ball tournament during Earth Week in April.

decorations that are currently found around The ISK Commons.

The Up-Cycling group uses recycled materials to create a positive and environmentally friendly atmosphere at ISK. They use materials collected from home and school to create

It also plans to start a campaign about water conservation at ISK in the foreseeable future.

The Communications group creates awareness about the club.

Winnie & Yasmien

The Link


Will Moore Athletics Director


GOOD LUCK TO ALL OUR ISSEA TEAM They have all been working incredibly hard to prepare for their trips, and it’s now time to put all that training into competition.











The Boys Varsity Basketball team started their season by traveling to RVA last weekend to take part in an eight team tournament. After a rough start against RVA-B, the boys battled back in pool play to earn a trip to the semi-finals. In the first round of finals, the boys beat the home team, RVA-A, in a full gym and moved on to face Brookhouse in the championship match. ISK worked as a team to get the win and this year’s championship.


Please check out all our Season 2 sports here… ISK Athletics website

The girls team was looking for an opportunity to build some confidence after experiencing teething problems at the RVA tournament, the week before. The BGE 7 a side tournament gave the team a chance for redemption. With each game only 10 minutes long they had to play very precise and controlled

football. They finished the pool games having won two and drawn one, against Rosslyn A team. The quarter and semi finals followed with both matches finishing with a 2 - 0 win to ISK. The team found themselves facing Rosslyn A team in the final. It didn’t take long to assert ourselves and it was amazing to finish the

tournament as champions. The team effort was fantastic, and an indicator of how well they played together, and supported each other was that Serena Werner was awarded the player of the tournament shield. A memorable day that was finished with an ice cream!

The Link


Lynn Wells Director of Advancement


INTERIM REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY On behalf of students both inside and outside of ISK, thank you for your continued participation in the Inspiration Initiative. Your support helps ensure scholarships for qualified Kenyan students, support for our student-led service learning programs and this year,

ISK Scholarship Program

Your support ensures that this vital program is sustainable for years to come and guarantees a ‘Stepping Stone to the World’ for qualified Kenyan students.



support for Autism Support Center Kenya. To date, more than 60 parents, faculty, staff, and board members have contributed to support education in Kenya. This represents a 20% increase in participation over last year at this same time and demonstrates the commitment

Community Outreach

Your support of our student-led service learning programs enables students to make a greater impact in the community through funding grants for their projects.

of the ISK Community to improving educational opportunities in Kenya. You can still participate in this year’s Inspiration Initiative by supporting one of these three initiatives.

Autism Support Center - Kenya

Your support will provide ASCK with Occupational Therapy equipment similar to what ISK has in our Sensory Integration room...making a lasting, positive impact on hundreds of Kenyan children with autism.


others with your

participation I want to participate I would like to support the following Inspiration Initiative(s)


Scholarship Program Student-led Community Outreach Initiatives Autism Support Center Kenya

Paybill 879400, Acct. ISKAF

Any or all of the above

Donations are tax deductible to citizens of the USA.

Online: join-us/support-for-education/ make-a-donation

USD or Kes

Cash or check to the ISK Cashier’s Office

The Link


Pamela Pappas Communications Manager

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 ISK FAM! Last year, ISK partnered with The Village Market through a campaign titled “Inspired Shopping”. The Inspired Shopping campaign gives consumers an opportunity to donate their Bonus Card points to the Inspiration Initiative and Village Market will add another 50% donation on top! These proceeds will help support ISK’s various Community Outreach Initiatives! WHAT IS A BONUS CARD AND HOW DOES IT WORK?


1. Fill out a registration form at any of the Bonus Card Centres at Village Market ( Near Osteria and DTB Bank) 2. Show your ID/Passport for verification 3. Receive your bonus card instantly 4. Shop and enjoy all the wonderful restaurants/cafes at The Village Market

The Village Market Bonus Card rewards Village Market shoppers with exclusive offers, discounts, privileges and thrilling events that are reserved for their most loyal shoppers.

5. Bring your Bonus Card and receipts (valid for three months from date of transaction) to the Bonus Card desk for your account to be credited. Every Ksh. 500 spent earns you a total of 9 points

How does ISK fit into this equation? If you donate your points to ISK’s Community Outreach Initiatives, Village Market will match those points by 50%! It’s easy to join:

6. Confirm with the Bonus Card Centre that you want to donate your points to ISK’s Inspiration Initiative and Village Market will match your points by 50%


If you don’t have time to redeem your points at the Village Market Bonus Card Centers, feel free to drop off your receipts at the Advancement Office, Main Reception, Valentine’s Coffee Shop, Elementary School Office, Middle School Office or High School Office and we will happily redeem the points for you! Now you have more of a reason to go shopping at Village Market - the more you shop, the more our Community Outreach Initiatives benefit - the true definition of “Inspired Shopping”! Thanks for your support, Pamela Pappas Communications Manager

The Link


Isaias Liriano PTO Chair


The ISK PTO is seeking nominations for Committee members for the 2018-19 academic year. All parents are invited and encouraged to get involved! You may nominate yourself or someone else. Below is a brief description of the available positions. These positions generally require a couple of hours of time each month. If you have any questions, please email





• Ensures that the PTO fulfills its mission • Serves as the principal liaison with the ISK Board of Directors, ISK Director, & Advancement Office • Presides over PTO meetings

Vice Chair

• Supports recruitment efforts for Committee members and volunteers • Performs duties of the Chair, in his/her absence


• Responsible for all PTO funds • Prepares the annual PTO budget and monitors expenditures • Approves and oversees the disbursement of PTO funds


• Prepares meeting agendas and minutes in coordination with the Chair • Ensures periodic review of the Constitution and policies • Maintains official records, rosters, and distribution lists

Communications Coordinator

• Develops content and material to promote PTO activities and events • Distributes information via a variety of communication channels • Maintains the PTO event calendar

New Family Welcome Coordinator

• Coordinates activities for new families • Manages the “New Family Buddy Program”

High School Reps

• • • •

Middle School Reps

• Meets with the MS Principal regularly to exchange ideas, and concerns relevant to MS students • Organizes parent socials • Organizes the Grade 8 Graduation Party

Elementary School Reps

• • • •

Meets with the ES Principal regularly to exchange ideas, and concerns relevant to ES students Organizes parent socials Organizes the Costume Party and Holiday Bazaar Supports the ES Field Day

Sub-Committee Co-Chairs

• • • •

International Day Teacher and Staff Appreciation Lunch PTO Gala Student Service Club Grants


Meets with the HS Principal regularly to exchange ideas, and concerns relevant to HS students Organizes parent socials Supports the Grade 10 Work Experience Program Supports the Grade 12 Graduation


Come join us on February 16, 2018 for this incredibly diverse event where students will represent a country of their choice for the Parade of Flags followed by the delicious Taste of Nations hosted by the PTO, an exciting celebration of who we are and the countries we represent through food, games and entertainment! This year we are excited to have over 40 countries participating. In an effort to reduce plastic waste, we are introducing our “Go Green Initiative� where we encourage all attendees to bring their own plates, cutlery, tupperware and water bottles. As an added incentive the PTO will be giving away a 50KSh ticket for those who bring their own plates and cutlery. In addition, recycling stations will be set up on the field for collection of disposables. We look forward to seeing all of you during this exciting event!

PARENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR PTO GALA Parent volunteers are needed to help us organize the PTO Gala tentatively scheduled for April 14, 2018. Please consider lending a few hours of your time to help us organize the event and recruit additional volunteers. Questions? Contact the PTO by emailing

The Link



The PTO is hosting a Teacher and Staff Appreciation Lunch on Thursday, April 12, 2018. Parent volunteers are needed to help us organize the event. Please consider lending a few hours of your time to help us organize the menu, create a sign-up sheet, and recruit additional volunteers. Questions? Contact the PTO by emailing



Message of thanks to PTO from an ISK parent Thank you PTO! Just before the start of the 2017-18 school year, the PTO made a donation of USD 200 towards maths teaching materials for the Blessed Generation High School in Ruiru, a Kenyan school and orphanage where I have been volunteering as a maths tutor since 2016. The goal was to improve the students’ conceptual understanding by introducing some teaching materials to better visualize concepts in class. The funds were used to purchase a white board with a Cartesian grid (brought in from the US thanks to ISK parent Lucille Niessen), a compass and a set of 3D geometrical shapes which were brought in from Europe. The materials were finally delivered to the school in January 2018. The teachers and students were very happy and immediately put them to good use. Blessed Generation was founded in 1984 and is a Christian-based school sponsored mainly by a foundation in the Netherlands. Blessed Generation Children’s Centre gives orphans in Kenya a home and a good education. Thanks to the orphanages and the outreach program of Blessed Generation, 500 orphans in Kenya are given a chance. For more information on the school, please visit their website at www. Regards, Marilou de Wit

The Link



Arts Centre Foyer


The PTO DUKA has started the New Year on a good note with many old favorites (already selling out) and new products and vendors. Our dedicated team of volunteers ensured a successful first intake of the year on January 16. And thanks to them, the PTO DUKA managed to open extra shifts during AISA 2018, hosted by ISK. We hope to continue with the good work throughout the year.



Dear ISK Community, Due to various challenges we are facing at the recycling collecting area, please note that this area will be closed until further notice. Kindly avoid bringing items for recycling and / or leaving items outside the fenced section.

Our sincere apology for any inconvenience this may cause.Thanks and regards Theo Fernandes Operations Manager

The Link


Accredited fully by the Middle States Association of Schools in the United States and the Council of International Schools in Europe.



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