The Link - August 2017

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The Link


About ISK The International School of Kenya (ISK) is a private, non-profit PreK-Grade 12 school created in 1976 through a joint partnership between the governments of the United States and Canada. Nestled on 40 acres of a former coffee plantation, ISK serves the educational needs of both expatriate and Kenyan students who seek a challenging international curriculum which leads to the rigorous International Baccalaureate Diploma program. ISK’s internationally focused curriculum has helped Kenya become a magnet for foreign business investment and a desired posting for those working for the continuing development of East Africa. Expatriate families consider Kenya a quality career opportunity, in part due to the quality education they find at ISK. Likewise, Kenyan families who want an international, culturally diverse education for their children see ISK as the school of choice. ISK has over 930 students from more than 65 countries. Graduates earn an ISK North American accredited diploma and approximately 70 percent of ISK graduates earn the IB Diploma, enabling them to study at some of the most respected and competitive colleges and universities in the world. ISK students form a supportive, spirited and diverse community, which enables new students to adapt easily to campus life. Interacting in such a welcoming crosscultural milieu, ISK students celebrate the unique and wonderful differences and similarities of people from around the world. The value of respect for each other and for Kenya is evident at ISK, as is a commitment to giving back to the community. Our scholarship program for Kenyan students, together with a broad and dedicated service-learning program which serves our local and national community, have shaped our school values since 1967 and continue today. In keeping with ISK’s strategic mission and vision, we are dedicated to empowering each student to create solutions for tomorrow’s challenges. Therefore, we have embarked on a multimillion dollar facility and program expansion project to provide students and faculty with the programs, tools and facilities necessary for success. Once completed, ISK will be able to accommodate 1,200 students with expanded programs and facilities.

EDITORIAL TEAM Lynn Wells Pamela Pappas Janet Muasya DESIGN & PRODUCTION Mario Zamfir - Copyright © 2017 The Link Copyright © 2017 ISK. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Trademarks: The Link, ISK and their associated logos are trademarks of the International School of Kenya. All other names, logos, and trademarks of other companies shown in this publication are the property of their respective owners.



19 Message from the High School Counseling Department For students interested in applying to the UK, there several university dates coming up 20 TLC - The Center’s Purpose All of us in the TLC aim to collaborate with teachers, assistants and each other to support the teaching and learning initiatives at ISK and to provide support, resources and services for teachers and TA’s. 23 Service Learning Round Square schools are characterized by a shared belief in an approach to education based on six pillars, our IDEALS, drawn from the theories of education philosopher Kurt Hahn. 26 Welcome Back Lions Read more about the many upcoming, exciting initiatives and events spearheaded by the Advancement Office this year! 28 PTO News Thank you to the parents who joined our first ES coffee morning on August 21; about 30 parents gathered to reconnect and meet new people. Join us at the next social coffee & tea on Friday, September 22 at drop-off time at Valentine’s Coffee. 32 ISK News

4 8 12 16 24 Director Letter

ES Report

MS Report

HS Report

Orientation Day

Welcome to the new school year with ISK opening its doors on August 16 to more than 930 students.

I extend a very warm welcome to the 61 new ES families, six new staff members for the 2017-18 school year.

We kicked off the year with a special schedule for three days called Tujuane Middle School Getting to Know You.

This year we have already held our back-to-school parent night, our grade 9 Aberdares overnight outing, our grade 12 retreat & our annual high school Intercultural trips.

It was a pleasure to welcome over 200 new students and their parents at this year’s New Family Orientation.

Read more on page 4

Read more on page 8

Read more on page 12

Read more on page 24

Read more on page 16

The Link


David Henry Director

KARIBUNI TO THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR First of all, welcome to the new

school year with ISK opening its doors on August 16 to more than 930 students. Also, welcome to our first Link issue for 2017-18. Again this year the Advancement Office will be providing a weekly update for parents about upcoming events called Link Lite, while the regular Link is published once a month. The Link will be published on Friday of the first full week of each month. LEARNING DESIGNS AT ISK

We continue to look at how learning is designed and interconnected at ISK and to delve deeper into our driving purpose. This would be our Mission and Vision, which is really the ‘why’ or the overarching purpose of our organization. If the



Director’s Letter pursuit of a better world through passion, creativity and ambition is the ‘why’, ISK’s Educational Aims are the ‘what’. The ‘What’ can be thought of in terms of the dispositions and cognitive skills all learners need to be successful in their future endeavors. The Aims are connected to our academic learning standards and our co-curricular program through our three main Learning Pathways. We see the Learning Pathways (Personalizing Learning, Experiential/Service Learning, and Integrated Learning) and our academic and co-curricular programs as the ‘how’ of our program. We develop the cognitive skills and dispositions of our learners through these springboards to learning. In brief, learning at ISK is interconnected where students are able to initiate, participate in, and reflect upon learning in pursuit of a better world. This is the how, what and why of learning at the

International School of Kenya, inspiring us to reach our Vision of ‘Empowering students to create solutions for tomorrow’s challenges’. We continue to redefine learning at ISK and, hence, our Educational Aims representation is being refocused and is in the following draft on page 6. GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGIC PLANNING RETREAT

This past Friday and Saturday, September 1 and 2, the ISK Board of Governors, Board of Directors, Director, and Administrative Team plus ISK community members participated in the annual Governance and Strategic Planning Retreat. Board governance facilitator, Rick Detwiler, led the two day workshop. The focus of the workshop was twofold; first, a review/discussion of international school governance including roles and responsibilities and second, an update of ISK’s Five-Year Rolling Strategic Plan including the development of annual board and director goals for 2017-18.

At the strategic level, ISK’s Board of Directors drives long-term strategic planning. Members of the two boards and administration team gathered at the end of the first day of the workshop to review progress from last year related to ISK’s Strategic Plan and annual goals. Starting the second day, with student, parent and teacher representatives, the next step was to revise, note as completed, or in some cases, consolidate objectives that define ISK’s three Key Result Areas (KRA). The three current KRAs are: 1. All students will achieve ISK’s Educational Aims, 2. ISK will provide sustainable resources to ensure exemplary educational experiences for all our students, and 3. ISK will have strong and sustainable community relationships.

The groups then developed annual goals related to each KRA’s Objectives to help focus the related strategic work that the administration and school boards will complete. This well-established process is a way for the school to ensure it annually reviews and adjusts the Five-Year Rolling Strategic Plan while taking into account recent environmental and organizational developments. Organizations that are able to embed this type of process into their system of continuous improvement make that organization more adaptable and, I believe, bring it closer to fulfilling its Mission and Vision. At the upcoming Board of Directors meeting on September 26, the Board of Directors will approve the updated Strategic Plan 2017-2022 as well as the annual Board and Director Goals. At the end of the school year, the Board of Governors, Board of Directors and the Director/

Administrative Team will then reflect on the progress they have made working towards these annual goals. With all this said, ISK Board members are volunteers! They put in long hours to assist ISK in reaching its Mission, Vision and Educational Aims working with a strategic, big picture point of view in mind. We thank them for their service to the ISK community. DIRECTOR’S PARENT TEA ON OCTOBER 12

The Director’s first Parent Tea will take place at 8:30 a.m. on October 12 in the Commons MPR 1 & 2. One of the main topics of discussion will be ISK’s Strategic Plan 2017-2022 and ISK’s Learning Designs. As at past Parent Teas, there will also be an opportunity for parents to share ideas and suggestions they might have. I look forward to seeing you there. Sincerely, David G. Henry Director

The Link




The Link



Patricia Salleh Matta Elementary School Principal


I extend a very warm welcome to the 61 new ES families, six new staff members and a special welcome back to the many families returning for the 2017-18 school year. This is my twelfth year as elementary school (ES) principal and I am delighted to be part of this wonderful school, supporting a very dedicated team of professionals who will be working closely with your children. Our elementary continues to grow both in numbers of students and quality of programs we offer. We are delighted that Jessie Coyle, our new Assistant Principal is settling in very well as he gets to know students, staff and parents. Both Anne Wanja & Lillian Livondo (ESO Administrative Assistants) are responsible for the smooth running of the elementary school office and will do a wonderful job ensuring that your queries are promptly addressed. There is always tea/ coffee available in the ESO so please stop by for a chat, to say hello or to share your commendations or recommendations. Some useful reminders at this point are as follows: SCHOOL HOURS:

Pre-Kindergarten 8:20 -12:20 p.m. MON-TUES / THUR-FRI 8:20 - 1:25 p.m. WED Kg- Grade 1: 8:20 - 3:20 p.m. Grades 2-5: 8:20 - 3:20 p.m. All students will be dismissed at 1:25 p.m. on Wednesdays. ES OFFICE HOURS: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. MON-FRI

Please contact us should you need any additional information at this time.

ES Office Mobile

0733 639 340 ext. 111 / 112 / 113 / 114



Good communication is and will remain a priority for us. We encourage open and ongoing dialogue between school and home to ensure that we are working as partners in the education of our students. To keep you updated the Elementary Express (ES Express) is the monthly elementary section of The Link newsletter that goes home to all families electronically. It contains news of past and future events, important dates, current issues, etc. Of course you will be receiving on-going communication from your child’s teacher and news from the wider school community. You should also ensure that you are familiar with our Moodle site and have received information on how to access this. Over the days ahead we will continue to help you settle in. You will shortly receive: • The ISK Student Directory 2017-18 at the beginning of October • Please check the ISK website for the 2017-18 Elementary Parent-Student Handbook • A weekly schedule for your child’s grade Please do not hesitate to contact the elementary school office, Jessie or myself, should you require any further clarification that will enable you to become fully informed about your child’s program this year. I am looking forward to a wonderful year in partnership and I’ll see you very soon! Patricia Salleh Matta Elementary School Principal

Hot Lunch Program

For more information, contact Nancy Mwithi 0720 639 363 or 0733 639 363

SAFETY & SECURITY The issue of safety and security continues to be at the front in our school. We ask that all families support us by informing the school of any changes to your basic information regarding phone numbers, emergency contact numbers, if the parents/ guardians may be traveling, etc. • If you need to take your child off campus before regular dismissal time PLEASE NOTE you are requested to get a ‘Request for Pupil’ slip from the Elementary School Office. Our security at the gate will not permit a student to leave campus without this slip. This is a strict order to them for all our students’ protection and safety. • If a child is going home with someone other than the information we have on file, please note that you need to inform the teacher in writing if the child is not taking school transport. • If your child is taking school transport and it entails a change of route, please inform both the homeroom teacher and the ES office. • Do we have your correct phone number? Please ensure that you notify the ES office if you change your phone number.

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES UPDATE Please note that we have an online sign up for elementary co curricular activities! The sign-up of activities is on a first come first served basis. Kindly watch the Tutorial on how to sign up for activities by clicking on it.

threatening nut allergies in elementary school. As this number has increased, we kindly request that parents send their children with nut-free lunches/snacks. Feel free to contact the School Nurse on 0733-639-344 or Elementary School Office at 0733- 639-340 with any further queries.

Please note that the information regarding the activities after school was sent out on Monday, August 28 and sign up began on Thursday, August 31. If your family did not receive the email with instructions and the link to sign up for the activities, kindly email me at Please check with your partner to see if they received the email.

ES COSTUME PARTY The ES administration, ES PTO and the faculty representatives, Maria Ramilo and Maylin Parsons have already been busy planning our annual costume party scheduled for Friday, October 27th, held in the afternoon.

This only applies to parents with students from grades 1 to 5. Please note that the activities will begin on Monday, September 4.

The costume parade is followed by game-playing stations, a photo booth, & haunted areas created by parent volunteers. Last year, the MS & HS students even helped out toward a full school effort and fantastic party. Your help and creativity is requested to make it another successful event. Please join us for our first planning breakfast at the Arts Centre Foyer on Friday, September 8th at 8:00 a.m. There are plenty of ideas needed and jobs to be filled.

Francis Atemo ES Activities Coordinator HATS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Please ensure your child has a hat to keep at school in their homeroom, as all students are required to wear one while on the playground. NUT ALLERGIES Please note that we have a number of students who have severe/life

This year’s theme of Book Character will be a chance to celebrate books.

The committee will find the right sized job for you. Hope to see you on the 8th for breakfast, getting to know each other, and planning!

The Link


Homeroom Parent We thank all the homeroom parents who have stepped forward to take on this role. THE MAIN RESPONSIBILITY OF A HOMEROOM PARENT IS • to serve as a liaison between the teacher and the parents of the class • to provide support for the teacher in designated activities • to be a contact and support person for new families • to serve as a link between the PTO and parents


• HRP(s) meet(s) with the teacher at the beginning of the year to get an idea of events scheduled for the year • Teachers may have set ideas for events etc. or may let the HRP make some of the decisions. • A letter of introduction can be sent out to the families from the HRP, at the beginning of the year, outlining her/ his role or the homeroom teacher may choose to introduce the HRP. • The HRP may organize the party/ event, telephoning families that have been assigned to the party/activity to coordinate refreshments and organize games or activities



• Often the HRP will be called on to help with special ES activities such as drama or art activities, special exhibitions or to accompany the class on field trips • The HRP can also be the liaison person to solicit extra help for school wide events when needed. • Usually the HRP will be a contact point for new families joining ‘their’ grade during the year. • It was great to see the number of parents who volunteered this year. We have a full complement of parents. Your homeroom teacher will be in touch to begin to plan for the ES Costume Party.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUMMER READING CHALLENGE A record 128 students from K-5, were honored at the elementary school assembly last week for completing the 2017 Summer Reading Challenge. The challenge involved completing 8 options from a selection of 16 types of reading or related activities, such as researching or writing a story. We value reading at ISK and commend parents who assisted their children with reading over the summer. Each year, when students’ August reading levels are compared with May levels, we notice that students who have read over the summer are rarely found to have suffered from “summer slippage” and many gain a level. A display of research and story submissions that were done as part of the reading challenge, is in the library, along with names of all the winners. Many Middle School participated in a library-sponsored reading challenge, too. The winners of that challenge will be acknowledged at the next MS assembly.

The Link



Alexa Schmid Middle School Principal


We are off to a great start in the Middle School! We kicked off the year with a special schedule for three days called Tujuane Middle School - Getting to Know You. Students spent time with their advisors participating in community building activities, learning about technology tools, and overall orienting to the middle school.



MS Fracas Students celebrated the first full week of school with a fun afternoon of Capture the Chicken, beautiful weather, lots of laughter and fun with friends.

The Link


ADVISORY From the squeak of rubber ducks to the silence of mindfulness, it’s all happening in the Middle School! Advisories are off to a great start with the focus around team-building and cooperation to start the new year off on a positive start.

ADOPT A DUCK In the sixth grade, students joined the ‘Adopt a Duck’ program whereby each student took ownership of a rubber duck as their own constant reminder that they are strong, resilient and can float through anything!



Meanwhile, the eighth grade learned the benefits of mindfulness as we launched our new middle school tradition of Mindful Mondays.

WELCOME NEW STUDENTS Finally, our new students were treated to a pizza lunch to discuss the joys and challenges of transitions.

So, in short, it’s been a typical week in the Middle School - busy, fun and a little quacky! We look forward to continuing to grow our community over the months ahead. With warm regards, Alexa Schmid, MS Principal Nancy Remondi, MS Counselor The Link



Rob Blanchard High School Principal


Welcome to the 2017-18 school year at ISK! The high school has enjoyed a smooth start, with students settling into their academic routines. This year we have already held our back-to-school parent night, our grade 9 Aberdares overnight outing, our grade 12 retreat and our annual high school Intercultural trips. In light of the revised instructional master schedule roll out this year, this Link article for HS will focus primarily on keeping families up-to-date about the schedule and the innovative approaches to learning that it affords our faculty and students. HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUCTIONAL SCHEDULE AT ISK 2017-18

As many parents may know from a High School parent tea and other communications at the end of the last academic year, we have adjusted our High School instructional schedule this year with many features remaining the same and a few exciting changes coming online especially for Wednesdays. Click here to view the High School schedule, and read below to understand more, specifically concerning Wednesdays.




Grade 9 and 10 students are involved in a structured, modified schedule on Wednesdays. During the course of the day they engage in Experiential Learning, Learning Labs, Wellness and Health. Health class is bi-weekly and is integrated with the Physical Education course. Health class blocks will change each Semester so that students can participate in both the Learning Labs and Wellness sessions.

Experiential Learning • Grade 9 Experiential Design - in small groups, Grade 9 students will attend a 50 minute session each week with their mentor; the purpose of the Experiential Design program is for students to gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex real life problem or challenge.

• Grade 10 Work Experience - the primary purpose of the Work Experience Program (WEP) is to provide students with a practical and relevant career related learning experience, enabling students to acquire an improved understanding of their abilities, interests, and educational/career aspirations. The Work Experience program at ISK revolves around 3 pillars: selfdiscovery, interaction with people in a work setting, and reflection on personal growth. Learning Labs - a scheduled, structured time for students to extend learning in a particular area or attend a lab offered by a teacher (e.g. Math, Literacy, Music, etc), complete work, participate in review sessions, receive academic assistance, or receive academic support. Students commit to the learning lab for the duration that it is offered, usually a semester. Wellness - an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life in eight primary areas: emotional, environmental, intellectual, spiritual, financial, social, occupational and physical. Students will sign up for

wellness sessions based on the activities offered each semester. Class meeting/Assembly - students participate in class meetings and a High School assembly, on a fortnightly rotation; the elected ASB leads the assemblies and the elected class officers lead the class meetings. GRADE 11 AND 12

Grade 11 and 12 students have some flexibility within Wednesday’s schedule to pursue independent areas of passion depending on the courses they are studying. IB HL classes will meet once every 8 weeks. When students do not have a scheduled HL class they will use their time to independently complete work that is required as part of their courses (e.g. lab work, group work, internal assessments, major projects such as the Extended Essay or other coursework). Students who have less than 3 HL courses will participate in Work Experience, Project based learning, the Junior/ Senior Project, or a combination of both. • Higher Level (HL) IB classes - The extended class on Wednesday provides a unique educational opportunity. HL courses typically include a range of additional elements designed to allow students

to explore areas of interest within the subject in more depth. Students will have greater time to consolidate and apply what they have learnt. They can participate in a wider range of activities such as project work and practical activities. In some combined SL/HL classes the SL students may be required to attend the HL block on Wednesdays at the discretion of the teacher. HL classes on Wednesday occur once every 8 weeks. • Junior/Senior Project - an innovative project designed to allow selfdirected learning, honing specific skills related to a student’s career goals and passions. Project students are use Wednesdays to dive deep into their passions through a curriculum they create in conjunction with a mentor. The Project is for those students who are studying less than 3 IB courses at HL level. • Work Experience - students have the opportunity to participate in Work Experience on Wednesdays, schedule permitting. Students who are interested in participating will be required to apply through the school’s Work Experience coordinator, with the school helping find placements.

The Link


• Project-based learning - students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time investigating and responding to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. The aim is for students to focus on an area that they are particularly passionate about and gain experience in an area that they would like to explore in their future studies or career. If you have any questions about some of the changes to the Wednesday schedule please feel free to contact our Assistant Principal Jarrod Dale at

• The Link: I hope that as parents you will actively participate in school life this year and feel well informed about the many important aspects of our educational program. I will use the Link article forum to help keep parents informed about school life and events. • Daily Bulletin for high school students: this is currently being shared electronically with students via their ISK email addresses, also posted by the ASB on the ASB Facebook page.

• 1-to-1 laptop schooling: Please ensure that your child takes good care of all personal electronic devices; we recommend that you insure them. As a laptop is simply a tool, albeit a very powerful one, students should of course not be using it all the time, either during the academic day or at home.

• New Parents: Many parents who are new to ISK are also new to Kenya, meaning that the contact information you supplied at the time of application may now be outdated or incomplete. Please ensure that we have your up-to-date contact information by emailing Ruth Onyango at or via the general high school email address of

• Moodle Online Learning Platform & Power School Online Grade book: All high school students and parents are provided with access to these two key platforms. If you (or your student) experience any problems accessing IT tools at ISK, please contact our IT Director, Doug Irish, at dirish@isk. for assistance.

• Open and Direct Channels: At ISK we believe that effective communication underpins a successful home-school relationship and is important within our diverse community. Choosing an effective channel of communication is especially important when people have a complaint or problem. As a guideline we ask that you





communicate directly with the person who is closest to the area of concern should an issue or concern ever arise. My door is of course open and you should always feel free to drop by, give me a call, or send me an email ( You can make an appointment by contacting Ruth Onyango ( in the high school office. • Parent & Student Handbook: All ISK parents and students must review and agree to abide by the procedures in the handbook. The High School Parent & Student Handbook 2017-18 is available via Moodle or the ISK web site. All agreement forms should now be signed and submitted – thank you. • Health Form Reminder: All student health forms should now be submitted and up-to-date. Please contact the ISK health facility if you have any health updates during the course of the year. All the very best for a wonderful year, Robert Blanchard, Ed.D. High School Principal Jarrod Dale High School Assistant Principal

MESSAGE FROM THE HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT For students interested in applying to the UK, we have a few university dates coming up. The first one is on September 12th, 2017 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the HS MPR 1 and 2. This is open to students in grades 9-12 and their parents. We will have the British Council Tour to include: • Coventry University • Hult International Business School- London • Northumbria University • Plymouth University • Sheffield Hallam University • University of Aberdeen • University of Brighton • University of Exeter (not part of the tour but will be here on the same day and time) • University of Greenwich The second one is a UK University fair, which will be at Hillcrest Secondary School. We will be taking interested grade 11 and 12 students on September 14th, 2017. If your child is interested, please instruct them to pick up a permission form from Ms. Ndegwa in the HS office. This fair will have about forty four universities from the U.K. in attendance (see list below). Students can also see what schools will be in attendance via their Naviance accounts. UK UNIVERSITIES FOR SEPTEMBER 2017 FAIR

• University of Birmingham • The University of Sheffield • University of Portsmouth • The University of Glasgow • Kingston University London • Northumbria University • University of Nottingham • University of Kent • Nottingham Trent University • King’s College London • University of East Anglia • Lancaster University • Cardiff University • Imperial College London • Loughborough University • University of Exeter

• University of Sussex • University of Salford • Brunel University London • University of Leeds • University of Northampton • University of Southampton • University of Surrey • University of Bradford • University College London • University of Central Lancashire • Keele University • Queen Mary University of London • University of Derby • University of Brighton • University of Aberdeen • University of London • Newcastle University • University of Bristol • University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) • Southampton Solent University • Middlesex University London • The University of Manchester • Robert Gordon University • University of Dundee • Swansea University • Bath Spa University • De Montfort University • Cardiff Metropolitan The HS Counseling Department keeps Naviance up to date with upcoming college/university visits, tours and fairs. Students (grade 11 and 12) should be checking often and registering for the schools they are interested in. The HS Counseling Department always advises students to attend as many visits as possibly. Even if it’s not a school of interest. At the very least, a student can learn more about the basic application process directly from college/university representatives. Sincerely, Wellesley L. Ferguson High School Counselor

The Link


Jodi Lake Director of Teaching and Learning


Welcome to another year in the Teaching and Learning Center THE CENTER’S PURPOSE All of us in the TLC aim to collaborate with teachers, assistants and each other to support the teaching and learning initiatives at ISK and to provide support, resources and services for teachers and TA’s. We also strive to be a place where parents can come to learn more about ISK’s learning designs as well as their child’s personal learning program.

WE ARE ALREADY ‘OUT AND ABOUT’ • Kathleen has been holding tech bootcamps in grades 4-8. • Sue has been ensuring that we all ‘know our students’. • Mary and Vincent have been designing databases and spreadsheets so we can better track the learning at ISK. • Jodi has been working on orienting teachers - and especially our new teachers! • Vincent M has kept us in coffee and tea as we launch another school year. This year a primary focus is on making our Educational Aims come alive in support of the school’s mission and vision.



While this is always a work in progress, this year teachers will work to collect evidence of students demonstrating the Aims. There will be more in future editions of the Link about ways you can support this at home. WHERE CAN YOU FIND US? The Teaching & Learning Center is in the Commons on the canteen level - conveniently close to Valentine’s Coffee Shop. The Teaching + Learning Team Jodi, Sue, Kathleen

The Link




Pierina Redler Service Learning Director

ROUND SQUARE Round Square schools share a passion for experiential learning. Together we work hard to ensure that our pupils have every opportunity to achieve in ways and to levels beyond their perceived limits. We also believe that in order to prepare for adult life, young people must be encouraged to discover and embrace the similarities and differences between cultures

SERVICE LEARNING and nationalities in ways that promote meaningful and lasting understanding, tolerance and respect. The Round Square approach does not focus on what is taught but rather how learning takes place. It recognizes that learning is most effective when it is practical, cross cultural and collaborative, and when it is infused through a broad spectrum of co-curricular activities.

There is more in you than you think.

At Round Square we care passionately about what happens in the future to our world and to the fascinating variety of cultures and communities it supports. We want those communities to thrive and prosper and care about each other in mutual cooperation. As educators we believe that we have a responsibility to shape the way in which the next generation of business,

- Kurt Hahn

political and community leaders understand, prepare for and respond to this challenge. IDEALS Round Square schools are characterized by a shared belief in an approach to education based on six pillars, our IDEALS, drawn from the theories of education philosopher Kurt Hahn. These are:

INTERNATIONALISM Students learn to see themselves as global citizens and to look beyond gender, class, race, nationality and culture to understand human nature.

LEADERSHIP Students learn that true leadership is serving of others and is found in those whose convictions are rooted in personal responsibility, kindness and justice.

DEMOCRACY Freedom of thought and speech is greatly encouraged and appropriate forums and channels of communication are set in place.

ADVENTURE Schools offer activities that foster a spirit of adventure and allow students to discover that they are capable of more than they might have imagined.

ENVIRONMENTALISM Students learn about the fine balance needed to maintain a healthy interdependent relationship between human beings and the planet.

SERVICE LEARNING Students come face-to-face with the plight of those in most need around the world and discover how they can make a positive sustainable difference through service.

The Link


Lynn Wells Director of Advancement


NEW FAMILY ORIENTATION AT ISK It was a pleasure to welcome over 200 new students and their parents at this year’s New Family Orientation. The afternoon began with a welcome by our Director David Henry, presentations by the division principals and campus tours conducted by several of our volunteer students, parents and staff. Parents were also able to take care of many of their logistical needs such as parking stickers, photos for parent IDs, food and bus service, etc. ISK’s canteen staff ensured that everyone had something good to eat, and our wonderful PTO were there to answer questions and make sure our new families felt welcomed and included. It was a glorious day at ISK. Lynn Wells Director of Advancement



The Link


Pamela Pappas Communications Manager


There are so many upcoming, exciting initiatives and events spearheaded by the Advancement Office this year!

1. Fill out a registration form at the Welcome Back Picnic or at any of the Bonus Card Centres at Village Market

Next Saturday, September 16 is our Annual Welcome Back Community Picnic and all are welcomed! The Welcome Back Picnic is an opportunity to meet new friends, reconnect with old friends and enjoy some fun in the sun on the beautiful ISK campus. The picnic is also an opportunity for our student groups to fundraise for their various community outreach initiatives through the sale of goods and organization of fun games!

2. Show your Passport/ID/Driving License/Alien card for verification

There will also be an opportunity to revel in the wonderful sounds of our MS and HS students as they perform live throughout the picnic. ANOTHER EXCITING REASON TO ATTEND THE PICNIC?

ISK has recently partnered with The Village Market through a campaign titled “Inspired Shopping”. The Inspired Shopping campaign will give consumers an opportunity to donate their Bonus Card points to the Inspiration Initiative and Village Market will add another 50% donation on top! These proceeds will help support ISK’s various Community Outreach Initiatives! WHAT IS A BONUS CARD AND HOW DOES IT WORK?

The Village Market Bonus Card rewards Village Market shoppers with exclusive offers, discounts, privileges and thrilling events that are reserved for their most loyal shoppers. HOW DOES ISK FIT INTO THIS EQUATION?

If consumers donate their points to ISK’s Community Outreach Initiatives, The Village Market will match those points by 50%! It’s easy to join:



3. Receive your bonus card instantly 4. Shop at all the wonderful stores at Village Market 5. Bring your Bonus Card and receipts (valid for three months from date of transaction) to The Bonus Card desk for your account to be credited. Every Ksh. 500 spent earns you a total of 9 points 6. Confirm with the Bonus Card Centre that you would like to donate your points to ISK’s Inspiration Initiative and Village Market will match your points by 50% If you are not able to make it to the picnic to register for the Bonus Card, don’t worry. Fill out an application form at any of the Bonus Card Centres at Village Market near DTB Bank and Osteria and collect your card on the same day! Now you have more of a reason to go shopping at Village Market - the more you shop, the more our Community Outreach Initiatives benefit- the true definition of “Inspired Shopping”! Please spread the word and see you at the picnic! Sincerely, Pamela Pappas Communications Manager

The Link


Isaias Liriano PTO Chair



This year’s New Family Orientation a PTO booth was stationed outside the One Stop Shop. PTO Chair Isaias Liriano, together with other members of the PTO, had a chance to meet several families and provide an overview of PTO activities. A total of 13 families signed up for the Buddy Program and the Bus Tours along with 23 parents who signed up to volunteer with the PTO. As we finalize our activities, we will be in contact to provide more details.


The PTO held its first PTO Open Meeting on August 28 which provided an overview of the PTO, the committees and its activities. Click here to see the powerpoint slide


The PTO Elementary Representatives are excited to kick of the new school year and would like to introduce the new team: Widad Ahmad, Preena Chandaria, Amy Hughes, Meghan Jackson, Meg McNulty, and Tracy Williams. We are parents of students in the Elementary School and are supported by the ES Administration and the Faculty Representatives, Maria Ramilo



and Maylin Parsons. We look forward to supporting the vital work of individual Homeroom Parents as well as coordinating the exciting events that happen throughout the school year at ISK. Thank you to the parents who joined our first ES coffee morning on August 21; about 30 parents gathered to reconnect and meet new people. Join us at the next social coffee & tea on Friday, September 22 at drop-off time at Valentine’s Coffee. Our first big ES PTO event is the everpopular Costume Parade and Party, which will take place on October 27th. The ES PTO party planning breakfast will be on Friday, the 8th of September at 8:00 a.m. This gathering will give us the opportunity to get to know each other and plan for our first event. Everyone is welcome - you do not need to be a Homeroom Parent to attend. Feel free to bring games or ideas to add to the party planning. Here’s to a great start to the year!


Many parents have asked, “What does it take to volunteer and how much of my time will you need?” To volunteer is simply providing your time and your life skills to help plan, organize, setup, execute and

breakdown PTO events. Wow, that sounds like a lot to do!! Well, to break down all of this work into manageable tasks, we will create sub-committees to plan all of the steps into small, manageable pieces. Then we’ll send out a web link for SignUpGenius for you to review the tasks and times and sign up for items based on your availability. You can volunteer to help out by joining the PTO Committee or support school events, the PTO Shop, or the Lost & Found.


Thank you to the new and previous parents who have volunteered their time and talent to be part of the PTO Executive Committee. We have a great team working together to achieve the goals of our mission statement which is to complement the school’s formal activities by providing additional opportunities to socialize, communicate, learn and develop relationships in and outside of the school community. With this being said please see the September calendar of events which are being planned and coordinated with the various schools. Isaias Liriano PTO Chair


8:15 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Middle School Parent Coffee Morning


2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

High School (9th Grade) Parent Coffee Morning


8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Homeroom Parent & Costume Party Planning Session at Common MPR


10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

PTO Bus Tour: (North of Waiyaki Way - Kitisuru, Spring Valley, Westlands, Parklands, Muthaiga, Gigiri)


3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

PTO Executive Committee Meeting


5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Grade 11 & 12 High School Pot Luck Suppers: supported by PTO


8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Elementary School Coffee Social


10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

PTO Bus Tour: (South of Waiyaki Way - Lavington, Kilimani, Kilileshwa)


5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Grade 9 & 10 High School Pot Luck Suppers: supported by PTO


3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

PTO Open Coffee (Topic To be determined)

Come back here! This is PTO

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PTO NEW FAMILY WELCOME On behalf of ISK’s PTO, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the many new families who are joining ISK this year! This year the PTO has some great initiatives to help new families with the transition into ISK, and for some into Kenya. NEW FAMILY BUDDY PROGRAM The PTO New Family ‘Buddy’ Program matches new ISK families with returning families who have volunteered to offer informal support in what is an exciting period of change for both children and parents alike. This support might look like a phone call or email with questions about the school, where to shop, or perhaps even meeting for a coffee and a chat. If you are a new family and have not yet joined this program or if you have any questions I would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact me with details of the age/grade of your child(ren) and I’ll match you with a returning family with similar aged/ grade children. NEW FAMILY BUS TOURS This year, the PTO will be offering two bus tours around Nairobi in Semester One for families who are new to the city. Members of the PTO will be on board to show new families around Nairobi, including: where to



shop for food and other items, great restaurants and café’s, fun activities for families and children amongst many other things.


FIRST BUS TOUR Thursday September 14th - 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. North of Waiyaki Way (Kitisuru, Spring Valley, Westlands, Parklands, Muthaiga, Gigiri)

The PTO Duka (Shop) requires at least 24 volunteers to run six shifts per week. If you are interested, please see the details below on important shop dates.

SECOND BUS TOUR Saturday September 23rd - 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. South of Waiyaki Way (Lavington, Kilimani, Kilileshwa)

SHOP TRAINING September 6 at 8:30 a.m. Art Centre

If you’re interested in joining one or both of these tours or have any questions please send me an email at least one week before each of the tours.

VENDOR INTAKE September 12

The bus tours will begin and end at ISK on the following dates and will include a stop at a local café for lunch before returning to the school:

I look forward to hearing from you! Sarah Patella PTO New Family Welcome Coordinator E: P: 0712 744 074

SHOP OPENS September 14 Volunteers can contact Anjali Khammar on or call her on 0733 555 900 / 0799 934 340


ISK PTO Committee PTO Admin PTO ES Reps PTO MS Reps PTO HS Reps PTO Shop Reps

The Link


CANTEEN NEWS Hello and welcome back to ISK and for the new families Karibuni Sana! (welcome in Swahili). The canteen is looking forward to a new and better school year and we have lined up new menus as well as old favorites like Sushi and Shawarma. The staff has also undergone various training programs in order to improve and make your experience worthwhile. The most recent session was with Career Training Center who focused on Food Safety and Hygiene. The staff also underwent the quarterly medical tests by the Ministry of Health.The Ministry of Health also conducted swabs in all kitchen facilities ruling out any unhygienic or substandard environment and gave us a clean bill of health! Subsequent certificates were also issued. The staff were also trained on new cooking trends in order to sharpen their skills and offer you an experience not enjoyed before in any other school.



The school provides various lunch options for students which include carrying food from home, having hot lunch from the school canteen on the prepaid hot lunch program or buying using cash from the various canteen points i.e. sandwich bar, snack bar, coffee place, hot lunch area, salad bar or the breakfast joint. For those carrying food packed from home, microwaves are provided at the middle school and high school eating areas. Since they are easier to access for the MS and HS, we encourage ES parents to pack the hot lunch in thermos-like containers so as to keep the food warm. The hot lunch registration is still ongoing and if you’d like to sign-up your child, including the Pre-K students, please fill in this form and send it back or drop by the customer service office for more information. If your child is on the card program you can also top up their account.

The card system is for the middle school and high school students. It allows the student to purchase food from any of our canteens other than hot lunch giving them flexibility. The money you pay will be loaded on their cards and an account under their names created so that every time they make a purchase the money is deducted from that account automatically, sort of like a credit card. They can use the card at any of the canteen points we have around campus. Point to note is they shouldn’t overspend to avoid exhaustion of the amount before the semester ends. However if this does happen, you will just top up and if any amount remains at the end of the semester it’ll just roll over to next semester. The card system is also open to the staff, faculty and parents so don’t get left behind. Drop by the customer service office and get on the program! A number of new students as well as grade 6 students still do not have their cards and

as we await issuance we will continue to use the lists at the various canteen points. All that the students need to do is to state their names which will be entered and they will be charged accordingly for their respective purchase. Once all the cards are issued we will revert to the No card No service system for those on the prepaid program. If you are yet to try out our new Early Bird Breakfast options please do stop by right next to Valentine’s coffee shop every day from 7.00 a.m.- 9.00 a.m. Newly introduced items include baked potatoes, sweet potatoes and arrowroots. You can have a look at all the menus offered right here. For any suggestions, complaints, compliments or inquiries please contact the customer service office on the below details; Nancy Mwithi Customer Service Representative Email:

The ISK Farmers Market is a favorite community event held once a month at ISK! We host a variety of food vendors selling fresh, organic produce and locally produced artisan food to include baked goods, cheese and yoghurt, chocolate, pasta, condiments, gelato, sausages and coffee as well as prepared foods like tacos, gyros, dosas and falafel! Come and do your grocery shopping, buy breakfast and/or lunch and take home your dinner! This is a must attend event! The first market was a huge success! If you missed it, don’t worry, here are the remaining dates for the year:





ISK ID CARDS The hours for having photos taken for ID cards and replacement cards are 8:00-9:30 a.m. Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. Location: The IT Help Desk/Multimedia Room in the Library. Thank you for your cooperation.

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