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Diversifying job opportunities and economic drivers will help SWLA continue to grow and attract young people and families. There is a positive relationship between increasing the quality of life for residents of the region, attracting new residents and businesses, and increasing tax revenue. The service sector is driving population growth in other states, and service industries can play the same role in SWLA. A more robust service industry would expand tourism offerings and support restaurants and small businesses with employees.
Economic development and growth is the ultimate objective for Just Imagine SWLA. Economic development policies and actions will be necessary to maximize Southwest Louisiana’s future growth. These policy recommendations include enhancements to Downtown Lake Charles, Westlake, and other waterfront areas, I-10 corridor improvements, eco-tourism in Cameron Parish, and strategies for economic diversification.
Economic Development Goals
1. Maintain the strong economic sectors in Calcasieu and Cameron parishes
2. Diversify the economy and make it more resilient by expanding to new sectors
3. Build a resilient workforce development pipeline
4. Enhance destinations and connections to amenities that will encourage people to visit Calcasieu and Cameron parishes and support local businesses
Catalytic Projects that Address
Diverse and Strong Economy:
Waterfront Development
McNeese Area
Resilience District
Chennault & SOWELA Area
Resilience District