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Implementing — Early Progress
Just Imagine partners began implementing the catalytic projects in the Fall of 2022, eager to make progress even before the Master Plan was finalized. Living up to the commitment that the plan be laserfocused on implementation, lead partners and project champions started executing initial steps, researching funding sources, initiating in-depth planning, and adopting policy changes.
These early wins demonstrate to the community and outside investors that Southwest Louisiana is committed to changing the paradigm and elevating the region’s expectations for development and quality of life.

Just Imagine SWLA invites everyone to join the implementation efforts to make the recommended catalytic projects and policies in the plan a reality. Citizens, non-profits, civic organizations, employers, institutions, governments, and foundations all have a critical role to play — we hope you will be a part of this change.
Visit www.JustImagineSWLA.org to learn more!
Coastal Flood Risk Reduction
More than any time in the past, Southwest Louisiana is advocating for coastal flood risk reduction with a unified voice. The Chenier Plain Coastal Restoration and Protection Authority is leading a collaboration with CPRA on the 2023 LA Coastal
Master Plan Update. $260 million has been secured for marshland restoration, and residents have started a ‘Rock it! Rock it! Rock it!’ campaign to advocate for the layered coastal approach that includes both structural and naturalized strategies.

Mid-City Neighborhood Transformation
In the Fall of 2022, the Mid-City neighborhood underwent a thorough planning process to establish a common vision focused on Housing, Neighborhood, and People. In January 2023, the Lake Charles Housing Authority and the City submitted the plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to compete for a $40 million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant. If awarded, the funding will replace the Lloyd Oaks public housing with over 550 units of mixed-income housing, space for small businesses, communityserving uses, lighting, and sidewalk connections. Over $200 million in leverage has been secured to support the application.

Waterfront Development

The cities of Westlake and Lake Charles are moving ahead with their waterfront developments. The City of Westlake is planning for development along the Calcasieu River, including hospitality, public access, pedestrian and bicycle access, and enter- tainment. In Lake Charles, the Port Wonder Children’s Museum and Nature Center broke ground, and progress continues on the parking garage. The City issued RFPs for the development of a conference center hotel and the restoration of the Civic Center.