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Household-Level Needs Assessment

The household-level resident needs assessment was conducted by the Transforming Western People Component Lead, Knoxville-Knox County (CAC), with assistance provided by the Resident Ambassadors (RA). The RA team members were trained to help their fellow residents understand and effectively answer the questions about a range of topics — demographics, household information, education, recreation, housing, employment, safety and security, health and nutrition, connectivity, transportation, outdoor spaces, and neighborhood. This survey established the baseline metrics for each family and head-of-household. CAC will use these findings to guide each family’s case management and supportive resources toward meeting their established goals. This data was instrumental in informing the People, Housing, and Neighborhood subgroups of the residents’ needs and visions and ultimately guided the subgroups toward the goals, objectives, and strategies now found in the Transforming Western plan.
The Needs Assessment shows that Western Heights target residents need opportunities in education, job access, health, and housing. The residents are resilient and eager to make plans for their futures.
Western Heights Neighborhood Demographics