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Open challenges for governance of Mediterranean Coastal


leNote di U3


number 3

Director Giorgio Piccinato

Editorial Committee Lorenzo Barbieri, Editor in Chief Francesca Porcari, Secretary Martina Pietropaoli, Giuseppe Ferrarella, Federica Fava, iQuaderni di U3 Eleonora Ambrosio, leRubriche di U3 Francesca Paola Mondelli, Elisa Piselli, Communication Raffaele Cinotti, Graphic design

Editorial Board Giovanni Caudo, Anna Laura Palazzo, Francesco Careri, Mario Cerasoli, Andrea Filpa, Giovanni Longobardi, Lucia Nucci, Simone Ombuen

leNote di U3 are a section of the online journal UrbanisticaTre urbanisticatre.uniroma3.it/

U3 - UrbanisticaTre ISSN 1973-9702 July 2021

“Environmental Contracts in Marine Protected Areas: methodology and pilots from TUNE UP” by Palazzo et al. (eds) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Based on the work of the TUNE UP project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund via the Interreg Med Programme. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at tune-up.interreg-med.eu/

Graphic design of the editorial staff Layout editing and graphics: Martina Zanuzzi Cover: Albufera de Valencia sealife. (Credit: samarucdigital.com), Sinis Peninsula (Author: Giorgio Massaro), scuba diving in Ventotene (Credit: Ventotene and Santo Stefano Islands SNR/MPA). Editing of Martina Zanuzzi

How to cite this publication: Palazzo, A. L., Muccitelli, S., D’Ascanio, R., Pozzi, C., and Magaudda, S. (eds), (2021) Environmental Contracts in Marine Protected Areas: methodology and pilot cases from TUNE UP, leNote di U3, n. 3, ISSN 1973-9702

with the support of



Promoting multilevel governance for tuning up biodiversity protection in marine areas TUNE UP Priority Axis 3: Protection and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural ecosystems through strenghthening the management and networking of protected areas

Deliverable 4.2.1 Joint methodology for MPA Contracts implementation

Lead Partner: Anatoliki Project Partner in charge: ROMATRE (coordinator) Project partners involved: ALL

Work Package 4 - Transferring Activity 4.2 Transferring Territorial Contracts methodology Version: FINAL - Date:30.07.2021

This document is an intermediate output of the project Interreg MED TUNE UP - Promoting multilevel governance for tuning up biodiversity protection in marine areas, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund via the Interreg Med Programme, and specifically 'Deliverable 4.2.1 - Transferring Territorial Contracts methodology'. The project faces the need for a strategic and collaborative approach to Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) management and biodiversity protection. The core idea of the project is to exploit the feasibility and flexibility of the Environmental Contract methodology in Med MPAs. This methodology, aimed at transferring the Environmental Contracts beyond TUNE UP project partnership, has been developed in the framework of 'WP4 – Transferring' under the coordination of the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University and with the contribution of all partners. This document resumes the main steps and phases faced by the TUNE UP partnership, coordinated by ANATOLIKI SA, in the implementation of 10 MPA Contracts in Mediterranean countries. For enhancing its transferability, this work has been published in the open access scientific journal U3 - UrbanisticaTre (ISSN 1973-9702) in the section leNote di U3, that is recognized by ANVUR and promoted by Scholars of the Department of Architecture of the Roma Tre University working in the field of the Urban Studies. See more: tune-up.interreg-med.eu


Anna Laura Palazzo Serena Muccitelli Romina D’Ascanio Carolina Pozzi Stefano Magaudda

List of Authors

Elvana Ramaj Albanian Ministry of Tourism and Environment

Christina Kassara Kallia Spala Amvrakikos Gulf - Lefkada Management Agency

Kostas Kostantinou Anastasia Lespouridou ANATOLIKI SA - Center for the development of human resources and the support of local economy (Lead Partner)

Carolina Pozzi Andrea Rossi Stefano Salviati AQUAPROGRAM srl

Inma Guerrero Teresa Muela Tudela FAMP - Andalusian Federation of Towns and Provinces

Giancarlo Gusmaroli Giorgio Massaro MEDSEA - Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation

Flavio Monti Alessio Satta Brian Shipman MEDWET - Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative

Pablo Vera SEO/BIRDLIFE - Spanish Ornithological Society

Lisa Ernoul TDV - Tour du Valat Foundation

Dragana Drakulović University of Montenegro - Institute for Marine Biology

Romina D’Ascanio Stefano Magaudda Serena Muccitelli Anna Laura Palazzo Roma Tre University - Department of Architecture

Aleš Smrekar Katarina Polajnar Horvat ZRC SAZU - Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of Environmental Protection at the Anton Melik Geographical Institute

Methodology and pilot cases from TUNE UP

edited by Anna Laura Palazzo, Serena Muccitelli, Romina D'Ascanio, Carolina Pozzi and Stefano Magaudda

Lead Partner Foreword 06

Scientific coordinator Foreword 07

1. An overview of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas 11

1.1 Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas 1.2 An outlook of the status of MPAs in the Mediterranean 1.3 Legal framework and policies for coastal and marine environment protection 1.4 International targets: achievements and future steps

2. Open challenges for governance of Mediterranean Coastal and Marine Protected Areas 31

2.1 Marine governance in action: criticalities, solutions and capacity building 2.2 A good practice on governance of coastal wetlands in the Mediterranean: the Handbook 2.3 Linking socio-economical and environmental challenges in med mpas

3. Environmental Contract methodology for MPA governance 43

3.1 The Environmental Contract tool 3.2 The Environmental Contract process: inputs and outputs 3.3 Preparatory stage 3.3.1 Definition of the territorial area to be considered by the Contract 3.3.2 Governance structure and first committment 3.3.3 Inputs: Context analysis 3.3.4 Participation strategy 3.4 Development stage 3.4.1 Intermediate outputs: scenarios 3.4.2 Final outputs: Action Plan and commitment to act

4. Lesson learned from TUNE UP pilots 71

4.1 An overlook on TUNE UP pilots 4.1.1 The Environmental Contract as a legal act: constraints and steps forward 4.1.2 Key features of the target MPA 4.1.3 Key themes addressed from scenarios 4.1.4 Key stakehoders engaged 4.2 TUNE UP target areas and pilot processes 4.2.1 Thermaikos Gulf, Greece 4.2.2 Cabo De Gata-Níjar, Spain 4.2.3 Sinis Peninsula – Mal Di Ventre Island, Italy 4.2.4 Karaburun Sazan, Albania 4.2.5 Secovlje Salina, Slovenia 4.2.6 Albufera de Valencia, Spain 4.2.7 Former Saltworks of Camargue, France 4.2.8 Boka Kotorska Bay-Sopot and Drazin vrt, Montenegro 4.2.9 Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece 4.2.10 Ventotene and Santo Stefano Islands, Italy

Conclusive remarks 127

Afterwords 134

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