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NU3 - leNote di U3

leNote di U3 are a section of the online journal UrbanisticaTre urbanisticatre.uniroma3.it/

U3 - UrbanisticaTre ISSN 1973-9702 July 2021

Environmental Contracts in Marine Protected Areas

This issue of leNote di U3 is an intermediate output of the project Interreg MED TUNE UP - Promoting multilevel governance for tuning up biodiversity protection in marine areas, which faces the need for a strategic and collaborative approach to Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) management and biodiversity protection. The core idea of the project is to exploit the feasibility and flexibility of the Environmental Contract methodology in Med MPAs. This document has been developed in the framework of ‘WP4 - Transferring’ under the coordination of the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University and with the contribution of all partners in order to transfer the tested methodology beyond this project partnership. It resumes the main steps and phases faced by the TUNE UP partnership, coordinated by ANATOLIKI SA, in the implementation of 10 MPA Contracts in Mediterranean countries.

NU3 - leNote di U3

NU3 is a section of U3 - UrbanisticaTre (ISSN 1973-9702) an online scientific journal recognized by ANVUR and promoted by Scholars of the Department of Architecture of the Roma Tre University working in the field of the Urban Studies. U3 is an online platform interested in studying, designing, and developing cities and regions, giving voice and space to ideas, research, and experiences of collective production.


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