UJ001302 Winter Assembly 2024_Redacted

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WINTER 2024 Assembly












The theme of this term has been ‘Ready’, which is the first of Mr Stones’s Three Rs, the other two being ‘Responsible’ and ‘Respectful’.

Looking through the pages of this edition of Assembly, it is hard not to conclude that the theme is actually ‘Ready for Anything’ as the sheer breadth of activities recorded here is astounding: from our youngest boys approaching their very first term at Arnold House, to our eldest boys getting ready for their last football match in red and green, we have seen progress and success everywhere.

Of course, it is natural as a parent to flip through a school magazine to look for your own son. One aspect of Arnold House that makes us stand out is that all opportunities are available to all boys so, as you read an article you are, or will very soon be, reading about your son’s experience: inspired learning in the classroom, trips far and wide, moving out onto the stage to perform and then outside for sport; creativity and community being encouraged just as much as scholarship.

The stand-out community event of the term was a first: the AHPA Fireworks Night was an enormous success as almost a thousand members of the school community gathered for an awesome evening of light, sound and delicious food. As one parent rightly said on the night, it is these events that really stay in your memory from childhood, as often the scale of them seems so big to a young mind. It is testament to the hard work and ambition of the AHPA group that such an experience was had. So I hope you are ready for a treat as you read this magazine, just as we are ready to see everyone back for another outstanding Arnold House term at the start of 2025.

It is hard to believe that we have reached the end of the Michaelmas Term, and what a success it has been! We have had a truly wonderful term, with so much to celebrate across the Pre-Prep.

We were thrilled to welcome another Pre-Reception cohort into the Arnold House community. The boys have settled into school life with confidence and ease, embracing the excitement of new routines, friendships, and learning experiences. It has been a joy to see them grow and develop over the past few months.

Throughout Pre-Prep, the boys have engaged with the curriculum in such an enthusiastic and thoughtful way. From the early years in Pre-Reception to the older boys in Year 1, each boy has made the most of the opportunities available to them. Whether in the classroom, during outdoor play, or in the various enrichment activities, the boys have shown curiosity and a love of learning. We are particularly proud of how they have embraced challenges, developed new skills, and collaborated with one another.

The term has been full of exciting events and milestones. From class trips and special visitors to our themed learning and festive performances, the boys have had plenty of opportunities to shine. It has been wonderful to see their creativity and confidence come to life, and we look forward to seeing them continue to grow in the new year.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff for their dedication and hard work in supporting our boys’ learning and development. Their passion for teaching and nurturing each individual child is what makes Arnold House such a special place. I would also like to thank our parents for their continued support and involvement in their son’s educational journey.

Head of Pre-Prep


What an exciting term we have had! Our new boys settled down so quickly and enjoyed all our activities, particularly our Friday trips to Canons Park. We celebrated everything from Thanksgiving to Hanukah. Parents also came to speak to us about various topics including Austria, Fashion and Diwali.

In Literacy, we first focused on Phase 1 Phonics where the boys played various games developing their listening skills and appreciation of different sounds, rhythm and rhyme, blending and segmenting and alliteration. We next focused on Phase 2 in accordance with Read Write Inc. So far, we have covered the sounds ‘m, a, s, d, t, i, n and p.’ During our Phonics sessions, we practice the formations rhymes associated with each letter sound and create many projects based on the letter sound of the week, such as penguins for ‘p’. Show and Tell also offers an opportunity for the boys to make something associated with the focused letter sound. This helps develop their confidence speaking in front of their friends and presentation skills.

In Mathematics, we focused on number recognition and 2D shapes as well as simple counting activities through games and songs. We explored patterns in Diwali prints and made our own scales using hangers, threads and cups. The boys were so inspired that some boys decided to recreate the project at home.

For Topic, we started with ‘Marvellous Me!’ where the boys spoke proudly about their families, their favourite toys and of course their favourite food. Other topics were later introduced, based on their interests; dinosaurs and insects were popular themes. The boys created much amazing artwork this term, including many Christmas decorations to display in our classrooms.

The boys enjoyed both trips this term, firstly, going on an adventure to Golders Hill Park, where the woodland area was explored, and the different animals in the small zoo were sighted. The boys were especially excited to see the donkeys and deer! On our second trip, we went to the theatre to see a show about Huddle the penguin. Back

in school, the boys reflected on the show and had the opportunity to draw their favourite character from it.

Well done, boys, for a great first term at Arnold House School!

Mrs Taylor and Ms Geffriaud Pre-Reception


We were so impressed with how the boys settled into Reception. They returned to an exciting and fast-paced Autumn Term in Arnold House Pre-Prep.

In Literacy, we focused on traditional tales. The boys really enjoyed traditional tales such as ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’, ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. They were able to retell the story in their own words and enjoyed acting out the stories using puppets and props. They drew their favourite characters and labelled them using their phonics knowledge, they also created story maps and ‘WANTED’ posters. We also read the story ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ which they thoroughly enjoyed in the lead up to Christmas. They spoke about the role of a post worker, and they even created their own Christmas lists. The boys were especially excited to post their letters in a real post box on Loudoun Road. In Phonics, the boys have begun focused phonics lessons using Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc. reading scheme and are all making very good progress.

In Mathematics, we have focused on number recognition and counting with one-to-one correspondence. We also focused on matching numerals to amounts using interlocking cubes, dice, and playing board games. We spoke about time and discussed what we do in the daytime and nighttime. We also sequenced the days, months and seasons of the year. We worked on addition and subtraction and finding one more and one less than a given number. We used concrete materials for this as well as number lines. We have studied two and threedimensional shapes making patterns out of magnetic shapes and made three dimensional shapes using shape nets.

This term Reception went to the Hampstead Heath Activity Centre where the boys searched for minibeasts in the pond, under rocks and logs. The boys were fascinated to discover water beetles, pond skaters, earwigs, spiders, butterflies, and bumble bees. They also created their own

minibeasts using clay and natural resources from the environment. Whilst attending the Unicorn Theatre, to see the show ‘Huddles’ the boys’ behaviour was impeccable, making Arnold House proud. What a wonderful term!

Miss Hennessy and Miss Rafferty Reception

Year 1

The boys have settled into Year 1 with ease. It has been delightful to get to know them and all the facets of their personalities. All the boys have responded well to their new environments and have loved taking on the challenges that they have been set.

In English, the boys wrote some interesting information about themselves, discussing what makes them unique and special. They were then inspired by the book ‘Katie in London,’ and studying famous London landmarks, to write about a special journey around London. They learned how to write persuasively when we studied ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ and were able to present some excellent arguments to save the tree. ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’ and the poem ‘Winter’ by Ogden Nash inspired some exceptional, winter themed writing and poetry. It was delightful to see the boys begin to apply their phonics skills to understand comprehension texts relating to the themes which we have covered. Phonics lessons have equipped the boys with the tools needed to decode new words and become more fluent in their reading.

As budding mathematicians, the boys have undertaken a variety of practical tasks to develop their knowledge on number bonds and place value. The boys were able to consolidate this knowledge with some written tasks. The boys have enjoyed testing their knowledge of addition and subtraction using a variety of methods and interactive Maths games on the iPad. They have applied their skills when solving word problems and even wrote their own for their friends. Year 1 became industrious shape hunters spotting a variety of 2D and 3D shapes. They learned about the properties of the shapes and were excited to discover them all over the school and at Canons Park.

All aspects of Understanding the World, encompassing Science, Geography and History, sparked great interest in all the boys.

In Science, our first topic was ‘Animals including Humans’, the boys planned and carried out a series of investigations and researched facts to learn more about their bodies.

This led us nicely into our learning based on the senses. The boys enjoyed using the space at Canons Park to discover and explore their own senses and test them out. We have investigated seasonal changes, drawing attention to the topic of ‘Light,’ exploring shadows, and using torches and mirrors to reflect.

In Geography, we looked at maps and the countries of the United Kingdom, reflecting on places we had visited. We delved into the world of the ‘Oceans and Seas’, identifying and describing them before returning closer to home, studying ‘London and our Local area’. We carried out a walk of the local area to expand our knowledge and on our return created some wonderful maps of the places we had seen. Using their technology skills, the boys used their coding skills to programme the Bee-Bots to follow the route which they had walked.

The boys loved learning about life in the past; producing some excellent questions to ask a guest speaker. Our History, our unit was continued when celebrating the school’s 119th Birthday. We learned about the origins of the school, including previous headmasters and what the classrooms used to look like. To tie in with our unit of the local area, the boys learnt about the History of London, producing a wonderful timeline showcasing major historical events.

To celebrate culture and diversity we focused on Harvest, Bonfire Night, Diwali, Black History Month, Remembrance Day and a range of Jewish holidays across the term. In Music and Drama, we are currently preparing for the Christmas production and very much looking forward to sharing the story of the Nativity at the end of term.

In Art, we have studied the works of some inspirational artists including Picasso and Alexander Calder. The boys have created some incredible self-portraits based on the works of Picasso and it was great to see enthusiasm in this area! The boys were inspired by Alexander Calder’s work and produced a 2D piece of artwork, inspired by ‘taking a line for a walk’ and made an incredible 3D kinetic mobile.

In Enquiry, the boys have ownership over their topics and have chosen some wonderful ones in the Autumn Term. In 1A, we learned all about ‘Space’ and studied the planets and the Solar System as well as the International Space Station and wider space travel. The boys have since voted to learn more about ‘Extreme Weather’ given the storms we have had recently and used the Chromebooks to do some incredible research. Recording their own weather forecast was a highlight of the term. The boys are so enthusiastic about their learning that they have already chosen their first Spring Term topic – ‘Volcanoes and Earthquakes’! In 1H, the same can be said for the boys and their enthusiasm. They have relished learning all about major structures and applying their knowledge of the London skyline to this. All this talk of building led seamlessly into their studies on the origins of Lego, its popularity around the world and of course, the enjoyment it brings! The boys built some incredible structures and showed great engineering skills.

Miss Brennan, Ms Legan and Miss Ayrton Year 1

Forest School

The boys in Pre-Reception have been having a fantastic time getting ready for Forest School! Each day, they are becoming more independent, learning how to take off their shoes, put on overalls, and step into their wellie boots all by themselves. This growing sense of autonomy is an exciting milestone!

Their outdoor exploration has been a highlight, with activities like identifying different shapes and sizes of leaves and grouping them together to learn about nature’s diversity. Halloween was celebrated with lots of creative potion-making, where the boys mixed a variety of ingredients to create magical concoctions. They also discovered the joy of painting with mud using sticks and natural paintbrushes and embraced the festive spirit by making beautiful Christmas decorations using leaves and recycled cardboard. The boys’ love for digging continues

to grow, with the use of various digging tools to explore the earth. They have enjoyed the hands-on experience of finding hidden treasures in the soil while also developing their fine motor skills.

In Reception, the boys were particularly fascinated by the natural world. The season’s change has brought about many exciting opportunities for outdoor play and discovery. One of their favourite activities was collecting conkers from the ground. They explored the different sizes and shapes of these fascinating seeds and even made “conker comets” as part of a creative craft project. The boys also loved messy play, with mud splatting on trees being a firm favourite! Art has been a big part of their learning as well. Using natural materials, they created self-portraits and made their own trees from fallen leaves. The boys also had a lot of fun in a “mud pie” competition, which encouraged teamwork, creativity, and plenty of laughter!

The Year 1 boys have been busy with a range of activities that promote both critical thinking and creativity. They have been learning compass skills and practicing navigation, helping them develop early geography skills. The boys have also been exploring the weather, observing clouds, and learning how these weather patterns can help us to make predictions. A particular highlight was designing maps of Canons Park, where they labelled key locations and discussed geographical features. The boys got creative by making their own fireworks using sticks and leaves. As part of their ongoing exploration of nature, the boys learned about the lifecycle of conkers. They collected and planted conkers to try and grow their own

trees, while also learning how to identify which conkers are good for planting. The boys’ curiosity about the natural world continues to grow as they discover more about how things grow and change.

In Forest School, we are excited to continue exploring and learning with the boys as the seasons change. With winter approaching, we look forward to new adventures and opportunities for hands-on learning in the great outdoors.

Wootten Forest School


During our Greek lessons this term we had the chance to explore the Greek language based on fun games and activities. The ‘Kalimera Song’ was taught in all year groups which helped with engagement and pronunciation.

All the year groups in Pre-Prep were also taught daily vocabulary through fun ‘hat’ games. The boys became doctors, asking ‘how are you?’, magician’s, counting bunnies out of their magic hats, counting in Greek up to 10, chefs, offering different dishes, using please and thank you in Greek) and police officers, asking ‘what’s your name?’ in Greek.

We also played flashcard games, that helped us practice greetings such as kalimera and kalispera, answer yes or no in Greek to simple questions in English and choose between ‘I like’ and ‘I don’t like’ in Greek.

The lessons were usually combined with a story from Greek literacy. Pre-Reception’s stories were based on Aesop’s fables. Reception’s stories were based on Aesop’s fables, progressing to Greek mythological stories. Year 1 stories were based on Greek Mythology with a fun activity to extend their knowledge further.

Mr. Ragias

World Languages


Christmas performance preparation was our focus in Music this term. For the past two months, the Hall rang with carols, Christmas and winter songs and jingling bells. Boys learned their songs and poems beautifully. PreReception took the lead in putting us in the Christmas mood. We enjoyed a selection of songs, including one in French and one using hand bells. For their very first performance to such wide audience, Pre-Reception performed beautifully!

Reception boys worked on a much longer show. Their assembly included longer songs, delivered in different moods and characters. The boys were more used to stage performance - they sung, performed their actions perfectly and spread the Christmas cheer with their loved ones!

The highlight of the term was the Year 1 Nativity. Younger boys enjoyed watching the dress rehearsal and learning about the Christmas story, while Year 1 boys delivered their lines with confidence and performed their songs with passion and energy, telling the Christmas story through acting and singing.

Mrs Adamska-Baszko


Throughout this Autumn Term, our PE lessons have typically focused on developing fundamental movement skills through a variety of sports and fun games. The main sport we have focused on has been football, while the fundamental movements covered often include jumping, balancing, hopping and skipping. In football, we have been working on improving their dribbling, passing, shooting and use of space. We have also started to play matches which help the boys to work as a team and develop communication and social skills. Playing football is an excellent way to build physical fitness, coordination and motor skills. The fundamental movements we have worked on lay the foundation for more complex skills and sports as they grow older. These movements are incorporated into the fun games as well as more structured games that teach specific skills. Teamwork and sportsmanship also play a big part in all we do in PE, whether that be in a football match or during any game that we are playing. All the boys have been fantastic and a pleasure to teach so far this term. I look forward to introducing rugby and other new sports to them next term!

Mr. Lutyens PE


Years 4&5 Drama Productions

Year 5 kicked off the 2024-2025 season, wowing audiences with a delightful, all singing- all dancing and highly informative production of Darwin Rocks. Following the life of the man behind the theory of evolution, Darwin Rocks took us from 19th century London, to the voyage of HMS Beagle and the island of Tierra Del Fuego, with even some brief interludes from the 56th century to keep us on our toes.

Despite having to overcome some technical difficulties at the start, the boys were on top form throughout. Under the brand-new lighting at the newly refurbished theatre at Canons Park, the boys dazzled and shone in a heartwarming show that reminded its audience that, ultimately, nothing beats being you.

At the beginning of December, Year 4 transported us to Santa’s workshop in the depths of the North Pole. The play started in disaster as Santa proclaimed that he was on strike. The elves quickly leapt into action, gathering children from around the world to prove that good children and the Christmas spirit still exists. With energy and enthusiasm, the boys dazzled us with toe tapping songs and some fantastic acting

that even a grumpy Santa could not ignore. The cast had the audience on the edges of their seats. From the hysterical reindeers, the poignant moment of a lonely old man at Christmas, the boys took us on an emotional roller-coaster. Thankfully with the boys’ fantastic story telling skills, musical abilities and wonderful acting, Christmas was saved. The boys did a fantastic job, as did the staff who stepped in at the last minute to save the day after unavoidable staff absence.

Mrs Rendell and Mr Ofield Drama


Y2 Victorian Workshop

Year 2 attended an interactive Victorian Homelife and Toys workshop. Mrs Brown, the housekeeper, welcomed the boys to Sudbury Manor, where they had a chance to explore the different aspects of a Victorian household and carry out some Victorian chores, including doing the washing, scrubbing the floor and polishing the silver! All the boys were wonderfully engaged and particularly enjoyed playing with the Victorian toys.

Y2 Electricity Workshop

There were definitely some bright sparks in our Year 2 Science workshop on Electricity, where they also had an opportunity to recharge their batteries for all things electrical! The boys looked at electricity from its discovery in Ancient Greece to its arrival in our homes. The boys learnt how electricity is generated, how it is safe to use, how a battery works and how a circuit flows. Atoms and electrons, circuits and conductivity, friction and magnets were all bought to life using props and costumes. It was a lively and interactive workshop, very much enjoyed by the boys.

Mrs Dart

Y3 Science Workshop

Year 3 took part in an exciting new astronomy workshop in partnership with NASA which included activities such as making comets and asteroids and ‘stretching the universe’ using special polymers (slime). They also watched a variety of Science experiments which involved lots of fire, fuel and noise!

Mrs Bennett

Y4 Verulamium

The trip to Verulamium was arranged to support Year 4 in their topic-learning on the Romans. The boys attended a workshop where they handled Roman artefacts, some being replicas and others archaeological remains. Some boys were chosen to dress up in Roman costume. We also visited the museum, as well as a historical site in the surrounding park which features a mosaic floor and an ancient heating system.

Mrs Batty

Y5 Kew Gardens

Year 5 enjoyed an exciting art trip to Kew Gardens. From tree top walk ways to botanical greenhouses and waterlily house, the boys enjoyed capturing all they saw in their sketchbooks. A perfect introduction to their Extraordinary Nature art project this term.

Mrs Austen-Smith

Y7 Natural History Museum

The Year 7 boys visited the Natural History Museum, where they explored iconic exhibits such as the towering dinosaur skeletons and fascinating displays on human evolution. They also participated in

an interactive biodiversity workshop, using highdefinition microscopes to examine specimens and contribute to ongoing scientific research at the museum. This hands-on experience gave the boys a unique insight into the world of natural science, inspiring a deeper appreciation for biodiversity and the museum’s ground-breaking work.

Miss Rose

Y7 Michael Craig-Martin at the Royal Academy

Year 7 experienced a wonderful morning visiting the latest Michael Craig-Martin exhibit, full of vibrant colour and immersive experiences. It was a brilliant morning to start off their new art project on colour theory and self-portraits.

Mrs Austen-Smith

Y7 Dorset

In October, Year 7 enjoyed three super days on the residential trip in Dorset. Based at Bryanston School there was plenty of opportunity to take advantage of the excellent facilities on offer such as the sports halls and the pool. The boys learnt about the natural processes and spectacular landforms that the Jurassic Coast possesses. They were able to appreciate the spectacular and timeless qualities of this beautiful landscape and considered how this unique environment is managed.

Mr Stones

Y7 Hadestown

Year 7 enjoyed a trip to the underworld to see the musical Hadestown, the award winning musical that transferred from Broadway back to the West End last year. A retelling of the classic Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, transposed here to depression era New Orleans, complete with a full jazz band. Hermes becomes the narrator of our tale, the fates are ever- present and mischievous and Hades himself takes on the persona of a maffiaesque boss, with a chilling command over the underworld. Engaging from the start, the boys were treated to a timeless tale retold with real imagination and power complete with the tragic ending that managed to make even the most cynical of Year 7 hearts feel a little something. The boys afterwards were able to show off their classics knowledge with pressing questions and pertinent analysis of a production that, while about a story millenia old, managed to seem so very present.

Mr Ofield

Y8 The Brain Exhibition

The Year 8 boys recently explored the Hello Brain exhibition at the Francis Crick Institute, immersing themselves in the mysteries of the human brain. From interactive displays to life-size models, they learned about everything from hallucinations to labgrown neurons. The trip offered a fascinating, handson experience that deepened their understanding of neuroscience in an engaging and memorable way.

Miss Rose


In early November, the school community came together for a memorable inaugural Fireworks Night, organized by the Arnold House Parents’ Association. The event marked the first of its kind at Arnold House and proved to be a resounding success, as our AH families came together for an evening of fun, food, and spectacular entertainment.

Canons Park was transformed for the event, warmly lit by food stalls, fire pits and festive decorations. Families were met with glow in the dark jugglers on arrival under a beautiful arch of lit up balloons before making their way to a variety of food stalls selling burgers, pizzas, hot chocolate, churros and cupcakes as well as a very popular glow stick stall.

Prior to the fireworks, the crowd were treated to a breath-taking fiery display including fire eating and juggling.

As the clock struck seven, the first firework lit up the night sky, eliciting gasps and cheers from the crowd. The display showcased a stunning variety of colours and patterns, complemented by a movie themed soundtrack which added to the magical atmosphere.

Afterwards, the boys (and parents) hit the dancefloor as they enjoyed the neon themed disco in the hall with great music provided by DJ Mint.

As the school grounds emptied, one thing was clear: the inaugural firework night had set a high standard for future events. With its blend of community spirit and festive cheer, it promises to become a cherished tradition for years to come.

With special thanks to the AHPA, the suppliers and all those attended to make this event a great success.


The boys have flourished remarkably in the Art room this term. Their creativity and talent have truly shone through, and we are excited to present a vibrant showcase of the exceptional artwork created by our Year 5&6 boys. Each piece reflects their unique perspectives and imaginative spirit, making this exhibition a celebration of their artistic growth and dedication.

Year 5 embarked on their first photography project, capturing images of nature and skillfully editing them in Adobe Photoshop to create vibrant double exposed effects. The Year 6 boys enjoyed transforming their etchings into stunning architectural prints.

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Winter Ensembles’ Concert – what a night! Twenty different ensembles, featuring 120 boys from Years 2-8, performed to a packed audience at the American School. They moved us, cheered us, quizzed us on our knowledge of carols, and most of all – amazed everyone with their performances and stage presence.

Training as a musician involves a lot of unseen work. Hours at an instrument, with the teacher, constantly honing the skills needed to play. Working in groups allows the boys to make music together, learn from each other and develop their ensemble skills. The Winter Ensembles’ Concert is the moment to share their work. The younger boys enjoyed performing on a big stage, for many, delivering their first performance with passion and flare. They listened beautifully as audience members, watching the older boys and imagining themselves performing in the same way in the future. Many younger boys asked to play an instrument or to join the choir, inspired from watching other groups perform!

The older boys shone in their groups. From Classical Guitar to Rock Band, from Hit It to Orchestra, they delivered highly professional and varied performances in terms of genres, moods and characters. The arrangements, often tailor made by our amazing team of VMTs, matched and showcased the boys’ performing skills. The music, delivered with flow and commitment, captivated the audience and left everyone asking for more. A truly magical night!


The decorations were up, excitement filled the air, the smell of roast turkey filtered round the school and a huge variety of Christmas Jumpers could be seen coming through the gates. It could only mean one thing – it was time to celebrate Christmas, Arnold House style!

During the morning, the Pre-Prep welcomed two very important visitors – Santa and his Head Elf! Santa read the lovely traditional tale of ‘The Night Before Christmas’ before meeting each boy and presenting him with a festive book to read over the holidays.

Following a delicious Christmas lunch with all the trimmings it was time to enjoy plenty of festive fun and activities. At the Prep, Years 7&8 took the lead. Year 8 created and set up their own games for the boys in Years 2-6 to enjoy. These included Reindeer Hoopla, Hooka-Flake, Christmas Ring Throwing, Movie Trivia and Dance Imposter.

Year 7 brought the festivities to the forecourt with a charitable and eco theme. A toy tombola, homemade Christmas decorations, a Christmas Jumper Swap shop, an information stand on how to have an Eco-Friendly Christmas and a Donation Station for the Love Christmas appeal in collaboration with Hackney Church. Their initiatives proved to be very popular and in total, the boys raised a fantastic £867 for the St John’s Hospice. As the parents enjoyed mulled wine and mince pies at pick up time, the Choir and Year 4 entertained them and those who were passing by with Christmas songs and carols.

With thanks to all those who took part and made Christmas at Arnold House a success! May your Christmas be filled with love, laughter and plenty of magical memories.


With football being our main sport this term, AH boys had plenty of opportunities to show off their skills in competitive matches and events. Every boy in Year 2 up played in at least one school match. In all, 201 fixtures were played! The boys in red certainly didn’t win them all but it was brilliant to watch them regularly play with passion, determination, and sportsmanship.

Boys in Years 7&8 have Games together on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. The 1st XI had a jam-packed term. The team competed in two national 11-a-side competitions. In the ISFA Cup (independent school’s equivalent to the FA Cup) we lost in the first round against a strong Lochinver House team. In the ISFA Shield (independent school’s equivalent of the FA Trophy) we won our first two rounds including an impressive victory over Cothill School. In the third round - away at Elstree School - the team battled back from 4-1 down to take the game to extra time and then penalty kicks; which - agonisingly - we lost! We also participated in the Prep School Alliance Football League. This new venture involves 8 of the strongest footballing Prep Schools in London. Out of our 7 matches, AH won 5 and lost only twice. This gave us a 3rd place finish. Perhaps, the team’s most complete performance came in the inauspicious surroundings of Pitch 6 of Clapham Common Northside. It was here that we beat Eaton House The Manor (who had won the ISFA Shield the year before) seven goals to nil. Mr Stones has coached the 1st XI and refereed their matches for nearly 20 years. In this time he’s seen numerous AH teams play with industry, skill, and flair; just

Mr Harahap led the 2nd XI and he reports: The team had a really positive season in the second XI, with the team showing vast improvements in all areas of the pitch. Some of the individual highlights for me would be (our GK) scoring from inside his own goalkeeper box against the Hall away from home. Another would be hitting a half volley from 30 yards out, into the top corner against Hereward House.

At 3rd XI level, Mr Ingram’s team’s 3-0 win over Wetherby was something to be savoured. Mr Ingram comments that The 3rd XI have had a great season, with some fantastic performances with memorable games against a strong City of London side which ended in a nil nil draw which is unheard of in a 3rd XI game. But the best performance came against Aldenham with a 9-1 victory. The 3rd XI have had over 20 boys represent the side, which is great to see boys competing for a spot in the team. Special mention has to go to who has steadied the ship as starman at Centre Back.

The 4th XI’s coach Mr Millburn-Fryer states: What a superb season! The boys have impressed me with their dogged determination and ability to play as a team. The boys have improved over the course of the season and I believe, most importantly of all, they have had fun. Perhaps the highlight of the season came from goal from the halfway line against Aldenham. A quality strike!

Years 5&6 boys are referred to as ‘The Colts’ (Year 6s) and the ‘Under 10s’ (Year 5s). They have Games on Monday and Thursday afternoons. Once again, Mr Cox has led the Colts A Team. He comments: The boys have had a fantastic season. They have had numerous victories over the term against the likes of St. Anthony’s, Devonshire House, Sussex House, Highgate and St Paul’s Cathedral. Highlight was the semi final win at St. George’s Park against Fulham Prep with a golden goal from from the penalty spot!

Mr Ingram has led the Colts B Team and he reflected the following. This season has been fantastic! The boys have worked incredibly hard and have shown great improvement. Their passing game is a joy to watch, and they always play for each other. We only had one loss all season. Memorable victories include a thrilling 7-6 win against St. Anthony’s and a 3-2 win against Highgate. Well done to all the boys for their dedication and teamwork.

Mr Matthews was in charge of the Colts Cs. He comments: It’s been a progressive term for the Colts C team. The boys have done well to improve on their positional play and have been proactive about rotating positions and sharing the workload. We’ve only lost a few games throughout the season and have done well to ensure that boys remain positive and supportive of each other regardless of the score. Despite not always fielding the same team, new faces including Year 5 boys on occasions have done well to blend in when needed and some boys have moved up and stayed up. All in all, it’s been a good year with lots of improvement and more importantly, a lot of enjoyment!

The Under 10s had a full fixture list with The A Team, marshalled by Mr Luytens. He reports this: The boys have had a solid season and made really pleasing progress this year. A couple of individual highlights would be scoring direct from a corner kick against Eaton House, scoring four goals in one match against Westminster Cathedral Choir school, incredible triple save and a couple of long range pile drives scored throughout the season by both and . As a team, I think we made a really strong account of ourselves at all the tournaments we played in at Charterhouse, Westminster and the Hall. We made it far in each one and

The 1st XI team at Canons Park

even lost on penalties in the semi finals at Westminster and were unlucky not to come away with any silverware! Really well done on a fantastic season, boys!

Mr Millburn-Fryer has been in charge of the Under 10 B Team he reports that it has been a long and gruelling season for the U10B’s, with many fixtures and plenty of stiff competition. The boys never failed to impress with their commitment and effort levels and this led to dramatic progress from the start of the term. After such a large number of fixtures it is a tough task to find a highlight of the season. However, there was one moment that stuck out as the team’s performance of the season. This was against Westminster Cathedral School. The team played a ferocious pace and delivered a 6-2 win against a well drilled Westminster side. Well done boys.

Under 10 C were coached by Mr Safieddine. He really enjoyed working with the team this term. All the boys made progress. The matches against Durston House and Highgate were particularly memorable.

The Under 10 D also played several games.

Year 3&4 boys go to Games on Tuesdays.

Mr Wint expertly oversees Tuesday Games but it is Mrs Matthews who is in charge of the Under 9 A football team. Her comments on the season are here: Our under 9 teams are bursting at the seams with superb footballers and we have therefore had some huge wins this season, with goals flying in left right and centre against St Anthony’s, The Hall, Wetherby and Devonshire House. Keen and ready to play, it is not uncommon for several of the Year 4 boys to run five or more laps of Canons Park to warm up for training and matches - a true sign of their commitment and determination! On the field, we rotate positions throughout games to enable the boys to work not only where they are already confident, but also where they can be challenged. This is a great way to remind them that scoring a goal is a team effort, regardless of who puts the ball in the net! The A-team in particular are delightful to watch, moving the ball around the pitch with such maturity and understanding of the game and this filters down through the year group where our B, C, D and E teams have all improved and impressed with their ballmastery and enjoyed tremendous success.

A variety of teachers have coached the Year 3s. Form teacher Mrs Bennett reflects on the season here: The Year 3 boys have played incredibly well in their fixtures this season and should be proud of the way they have conducted themselves throughout the term. They’ve shown grit, sportsmanship, teamwork and a whole host of other pleasing qualities since the year began. It has been great training up at Canons Park, doing skills and drills and many small-sided matches. 3A and 3H are used to combining and playing across the year group with different boys and I think they have benefitted from getting to know each other on the Games field. The boys should look forward to more action in the new year, really great work Year 3! A stand out moment was a wonderful sweeping move which started right from the back with passing the ball to , who found who then left two defenders in his wake before setting up to rifle it home.

that were adorned with pictures of England legends. The Colts team brought home some silverware, winning the Bowl Competition. The 1st XI successfully competed in the IAPS Soccer 7’s tournament. This year, the SouthEast region heat was hosted by Bishop’s Stortford College. The team played some great football to win the Plate Tournament. In the London region ISFA 5 aside Tournament the U13 team came 5th. The Colts also played plenty of tournaments. In the ISFA 7 aside London heats, hosted by Alleyn’s School in Dulwich, the team played brilliantly but missed out on making the national finals by a whisker. In the London ISFA 5 aside tournament the team lost in the quarter finals. The Under 10s and Under 9s experienced tournament football too. Both teams entered the Hall School’s 7 aside Tournament. The Under 10s placing second. Both teams also enjoyed success at our very own AH Football Festival Tournament at Canons Park.

The Year 2 boys played in one tournament, hosted by St Anthony’s School. The boys’ brilliant performances on the day meant that all the boys came home with medals!

In addition to the extensive weekly fixture list. AH boys get the chance to participate in a variety of tours, competitions and tournaments. The Colts A team spent a weekend playing in a tournament at St George’s Park in Burton; the Headquarters of the FA. Matches were played on the Beckham Pitch and the boys stayed in bedrooms

The Under 13 Football 5 aside team at the London ISFA Event
The Colts team at St George’s Park

of our novice riders advancing to cantering. Equally important was the hands-on experience in stable management. The boys learned how to care for a pony, this included grooming, tacking up, and basic feeding routines. They were introduced to essential stable safety and how to recognise a healthy horse. This aspect of our lessons instilled responsibility and respect for the animals, fostering a deeper appreciation for the hard work behind the scenes. By the end of the term, the boys had developed greater confidence, teamwork, and a sense of achievement, setting the stage for continued progress in their equestrian journeys.

follows: This term provided an exciting introduction to equestrianism for our Years 5&6 boys. The weekly lessons focused on two key areas: riding lessons and stable management, ensuring a well-rounded foundation for our budding equestrians. During the weekly sessions, the boys learned the basics, starting with leading their ponies, mounting and dismounting safely, correct posture and balance in the saddle. As the term progressed, they gained confidence in walking and trotting, with some

Ex golf pro and current AH PE teacher Mr Millburn-Fryer, led the golf option. The sessions - which were specifically for the boys in Years 7&8 - made use of the driving range and the 9 hole course at the Metro Golf Centre. The golf option will continue into the Spring term with a view to selecting an AH team to compete in the IAPS Under 13 Golf Championships.

Swimming, for boys in Years 5&6 was another popular option for the boys this term. The pool at Barnet Copthall provided an excellent venue for Mrs Miller and Miss Ayrton and Ms Legan to teach our sessions. Mrs Miller states: This term has been another fantastic one for the Years 5&6 swimmers, who have shown incredible dedication and hard-work in their weekly sessions. Alongside refining strokes to maximise energy efficiency in the water, there has been a strong focus on fitness and stamina in every session. Swimming is renowned for its benefits on overall fitness, enhancing cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and endurance, which can positively impact performance in other sports. The boys also participated in two successful galas, where they proudly represented their house and worked effectively in teams. Additionally, the Year 5 boys received valuable lessons in water safety and survival techniques, with guidance from Ms Legan. I am so proud of the progression all the boys have made. Both groups have been a joy to teach, and I have thoroughly enjoyed spending this term with them, witnessing their progress and enthusiasm.

Years 3&4 swimming was also a popular option. Mrs Bennett and Mrs Rendell expertly led this activity. Mrs Bennett reports: With a small but mighty group this term, it has been so wonderful to see such dedication and composure when dealing with the cool pool temperature. Our focus this term has been on enhancing our technique, while improving our overall stamina. Boys were put

The Under 10 A Team at The Hall School tournament.
The Under 10 A Team at The Hall School tournament.
The Riders

through rigorous exercises and asked to swim numerous laps in the search of perfection. In one way or another, all achieved success, which is all you can ask for as a coach!



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