Florida Road, Durban Report I Precis I Mar 2018

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Florida Road : Creating a great street for all Report Authored by Rashiq Fataar & Alex Robinson Cyril Kull, Anna Dunkl, Deborah Berlet Our Future Cities Copyright Our Future Cities February 2018 Published by Our Future Cities 32 St. Georges Mall, Cape Town, 8000 Contact Enquiries +27 73 155 0282 Website www.futurecapetown.com All photographs by Our Future Cities unless otherwise stated Drawings and diagrams copyright of Our Future Cities Unless otherwise indicated, the data for this study is based on field and desk survey work undertaken by Future Durban, a division of Our Future Cities Š Copyright

Florida Road is a landmark street in Durban and South Africa, but it can become even better. We observed and studied the street and surrounds, spoke with many people, read the media & gathered views online.

We think the street could become more inclusive and diverse, contribute to a healthier and safer city & attract more investment to Durban. We used street design criteria along with the views of the public and business to come up with 10 opportunities to create a great street for all.

10 key design principles 1. Streets for Everyone
 2. Streets for Safety 3. Streets are Multidimensional Spaces 4. Streets for Health 5. Streets are Public Spaces 6. Streets are Multimodal
 7. Streets as Ecosystems
 8. Great Streets Create Value
 9. Streets for Context
 10.Streets Can Change

10 key principles as extracted from the Global Street Design Guide by NACTO on Pages 54,55.

01 Transform the road space to become
 more people friendly Dedicate more road space to people; making walking, cycling and taking public transport more convenient, and reducing the impact of vehicle traffic on the street. Florida Road’s current design puts cars first, dedicating lots of space to vehicle lanes and car parking spaces. This design creates traffic and parking issues and makes the road a difficult place to get around for everyone. Reducing the width of the vehicle carriageway from two lanes to one in each direction will create more space for walking, cycling and public transport. This will allow Florida Road to function as a multimodal street, providing healthier and more sustainable transport choices and helping to relieve pressure on traffic and parking.

Actions : ● Reduce the vehicle carriageway from two lanes to one lane in each direction between Gordon Road to Sandile Thusi Road ● Increase the width of footpaths between Gordon Road and Sandile Thusi Road using space made available by vehicle lane reduction ● Identify other opportunities for increasing space for people walking and cycling, including: ○ Kerb outstands ○ Bike lanes ○ Public transport stops ● Narrow vehicle lanes and broad intersections to encourage slower speeds and to limit opportunities for vehicles to turn right and U-turn This opportunity will help to deliver the following Key Design Principles: ● Streets for Everyone ● Streets for Safety ● Streets are Multimodal

A section view of Florida Road as it is currently designed with parts of 1 traffic lane and parts with 2 traffic lanes.

Florida Road is reduce to 1 traffic lane in each direction for the full length, with larger pavements and a segregated
 bicycle lane.

Florida Road is reduced to 1 traffic lane in each direction for the full length, with larger pavements.

02 Create many places to sit, stop and linger Create safe and comfortable places along the street to encourage people to spend more time sitting, resting and socialising. Florida Road has very few places within the public realm where people can spend time in the street without having to buy something. The lack of seating and shelter contributes toward an exclusive space that is only accessible to certain groups. Creating comfortable, informal places for people to sit and stop on the street increases the occurrence of social activities such as conversation, meeting friends, and children playing. More social activity on the street encourages interaction between different groups of people and fosters safe, vibrant, inclusive public life.

Actions: ● Introduce more street furniture ○ Add benches at suitable places along the pavement, and where possible, add edges/ movable seats for informal sitting. ○ Design new public spaces and building facades to include comfortable places to lean and rest that are protected from the wind and noise. ○ Introduce awnings, broad canopy trees and shade cloths in appropriate locations to provide shelter from sun and rain. ● Pilot temporary seating solutions, such as a parklet in on-street car parking bays, before pavement widening and traffic lane reduction occurs This opportunity will help to deliver the following Key Design Principles: ● Streets for Everyone ● Streets for Safety ● Streets for Health ● Streets are Public Spaces

03 Creatively activate and develop underutilised sites and spaces Retrofit underutilised spaces in front of, and around, buildings with active uses to support a more diverse and vibrant streetscape. Many of the buildings along Florida Road are old houses that have been retrofitted for a mix of different uses. These buildings are often setback from the street, surrounded by gardens or car parking, preventing the activity within them spilling out into the public realm. Creatively retrofitting underutilised spaces around buildings with permanent or temporary uses will increase the density of the built form, diversity of uses and intensity of activities along the street. A more efficient use of these underutilised spaces will support businesses by attracting more activity and create an interesting, vibrant and diverse street life.

Actions : ● Promote permanent or temporary uses by retrofitting residential setbacks: ○ Using shipping containers for temporary retail uses on the street edge ○ Light structures that attract activity, for example Afro’s Chicken Shop at Florida Exchange ● Engage with property owners, to lease part of their land for temporary use, or subdividing in the long term This opportunity will help to deliver the following Key Design Principles: ● Streets for Everyone ● Streets are Multidimensional Spaces ● Great Streets Create Value ● Streets can Change

04 Redesign and improve the interface of
 buildings with the street Reduce the negative impact of walls, fences and car parking and improve building interfaces to create a safer and more interesting street for pedestrians. Many buildings along Florida Road have inactive frontages without windows or doors, or are separated from the street by high fences or walls. These blank walls act to create ‘dead spaces’ along the street that break up activity along the street, lack visual interest and can be dark and unsafe at night. Redesigning building edges by lowering walls and fences, and where possible introducing regular doors and windows, will help to create a more interesting and cohesive streetscape. Encouraging visitors to explore a more interesting Florida Road will help to improve the vitality, economic prosperity and safety of the street.

Actions : ● Encourage developers to remove parking, lower walls in redevelopment, and to consider light or transparent fences where security is needed. ● Require new buildings to provide regular doors and windows onto the street. ● Require new buildings to accommodate vehicle access on rear laneways and side streets. ● Encourage a range of large and small retail tenancies to accommodate diverse businesses, and create more variety and interest in the street. This opportunity will help to deliver the following Key Design Principles: ● Streets for Safety ● Streets are Multidimensional Spaces ● Great Streets Create Value ● Streets Can Change

05 Connect the street, neighbourhood and the city Create legible pedestrian, cycling and public transport routes to key destinations to strengthen Florida Road’s connections with the city centre, the coast and its neighbourhood. Florida Road is located in a predominantly residential area that is somewhat disconnected from many of Durban’s key destinations. The precinct has more to offer visitors and tourists, though it is largely unknown or difficult to access Introducing new public transport routes, wayfinding signage and improved pedestrian/cycling paths to key destinations (such as the city centre and the beach) will make the street more accessible for both locals and visitors. A more accessible street will help to increase visitation to local businesses and services, and better integrate Florida Road in the Durban context.

Actions : ● Develop a consistent and coherent wayfinding signage scheme that relates to and links to the ocean / beach / history ● Engage the city government and tourism agencies to improve wayfinding and access to key destinations such as the city centre, beachfront and zoo. ● Engage developers and property owners in other areas to explore links to and from Florida Road This opportunity will help to deliver the following Key Design Principles: ● Streets for Everyone ● Streets are Multimodal ● Great Streets Create Value ● Streets for Context

06 Improve the immediate walking
 network on and around Florida Road Improve the quality of footpaths, and increase the frequency of pedestrian crossings on and around Florida Road, to support and encourage people to walk. Regardless of their mode of transport, the majority of people visiting Florida Road will need to walk at some point. However, the design of the road does not currently place walking at the top of the mode hierarchy, with few designated pedestrian crossings and sometimes obstructed footpaths. Creating many opportunities for people to cross the street and many different routes to access nearby destinations will encourage more people to walk. Walking along Florida Road, and its side streets, must be safe, comfortable and easy for people to understand.

Actions : ● Introduce regular raised pedestrian crossings with signage or signal to clearly establish pedestrian priority. ● Improve pedestrian access and safety on side streets, alleyways, back service roads with improved lighting, footpaths and security. ● Encourage developers and property owners to include active frontages, places to sit and art initiatives on side streets to promote walking. This opportunity will help to deliver the following Key Design Principles: ● Streets for Everyone ● Streets for Safety ● Streets for Health ● Streets are Public Spaces ● Streets are Multimodal ● Streets for Context

07 Invest in unique destinations and
 offerings Invest in unique destinations and experiences such as flagship concept stores, food or cultural attractions that will draw people to Florida Road. Florida Road has a reputation in Durban, particularly among younger people, as a ‘destination place' with a great ‘vibe’ and lively nightlife. However, there are few unique destinations or experiences along the road that draw people to it. Trips to Florida Road are typically limited to short visits for a single purpose. Investing in unique peopleattracting destinations will help to differentiate Florida Road in the context of Durban and South Africa. In an increasingly competitive global marketplace to attract investment and tourism, establishing Florida Road as a true ‘destination place’ will contribute to its long term success.

Actions : ● Encourage developers and property owners to invest in unique stores, tenants and attractions that will attract more diverse visitors to Florida Road. ● Support events that celebrate local designers and artists. ● Host unique events in public spaces that attract people from across the city, for example screening live sports events. ● Emphasise the identity of the place with gateways / entrances to the precinct This opportunity will help to deliver the following Key Design Principles: ● Streets for Everyone ● Great Streets Create Value ● Streets for Context ● Streets can Change

08 Diversify the mix of uses along the
 street Deliver a more diverse mix of uses including cultural amenities, functional services, working spaces and community spaces. Florida Road is currently home to a limited mix of different uses (predominantly residential and restaurants and bars) with some retail and commercial tenancies. This range of uses limits the types of people who might visit Florida Road, and reduces the potential for visits to combine a number of different destinations in the one trip. (Christopher Alexander complexity / interactive elements) By diversifying the mix of different uses to include, for example functional services (eg. post office), community spaces (eg. library) and cultural amenities (eg. art gallery / cinema), the number of total trips and the range of different combinations trips would be significantly increased. A greater diversity of trips, with people visiting at different times throughout the day and night will help to create a more vibrant and inclusive place.

Actions : ● Engage with the local community to better understand the need for specific uses and services, such as cultural and community spaces, for example meeting rooms, art galleries and libraries. ● Engage government, community, cultural institutions, businesses, artists and designers on ways to better utilise vacant or leftover spaces. This opportunity will help to deliver the following Key Design Principles: ● Streets for Everyone ● Great Streets Create Value ● Streets for Context ● Streets Can Change

09 Revive and redesign the public spaces
 and parks Revive and redesign public spaces on Florida Road to be functional and delightful places that enable diverse public life. The two public spaces on Florida Road, Gordon Road Open Space and at the northwest end of the road adjacent to Musgrave Road, are currently ill defined and lack a functional purpose or identity. Investing in well-designed, functional and flexible public spaces with public art, furniture and greening will attract people to use them. What is currently proposed will provide simple, immediate benefits for the street at a reasonable cost, but long term, a more substantive redevelopment of the space. Providing an active events and leisure retail facility, combined with an underground parking solution for the whole street would be a significant asset for the road.

Actions : ● Redesign the Gordon Road Open Space to invite different users at different times of the day. ○ Incorporate design elements for play, events and passive recreation, such as water features, a playground, seating and free wifi. ● Redesign the green spaces around Musgrave Road for active recreation. ○ Include functional walking and running paths, exercise equipment. ○ Reduce the impact of traffic by narrowing vehicle lanes and increasing opportunities for pedestrians to cross safely. This opportunity will help to deliver the following Key Design Principles: ● Streets for Everyone ● Streets for Health ● Streets are Public Spaces ● Streets as Ecosystems

10 Promote the sharing of private and
 public spaces across the day and Maximise the use of existing spaces, and design new spaces, allowing flexibility to changing needs and priorities at different times. Florida Road is a mixed use precinct with sometimes competing demands from its range of uses on different days of the week, and at different times of the day/night. The design and management of existing is not currently flexible enough to adapt to the changing demands on space for recreation, car parking, transport and other users. Taking a precinct approach to the management and design of space will allow for its allocation to adapt and respond to competing demands. For example, car parking can be managed so it is used by office workers during the day, restaurant-goers in the evening and residents over night. The design of a public space can allow for recreation, temporary events or car parking.

Actions : ● Connect local businesses and property owners with the Urban Improvement Precinct and other local associations to better utilise existing car parking spaces to respond to demand at different times of day and night.

This opportunity will help to deliver the following Key Design Principles: ● Streets are Multidimensional Spaces ● Streets are Public Spaces ● Streets Can Change

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