2 minute read
Letter from Catherine
IJUNE “It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.” ~Maude Heart Lovelace, Author
I love those lines almost as much as I love summer. While summer can be a hectic time for many of us, I hope you'll take time to smell the roses. Start with a trip up the Pig Trail or take a note from our Women of the Wild feature and trek out on an adventure – all right here in The Natural State!
Grab some fuel for your trip at Fort Smith Coffee Co., but first, read about owners Kaity and Gabe Gould, and their journey into the world of java. If you’re still longing for adventure, you’ll find it overflowing at Fort Smith’s own International Film Festival, coming this August! Discover how it came to be and what you can expect, starting on page twenty-eight.
We’re also introducing you to Rob Kenney, whose simple idea to provide fatherly advice via social media skyrocketed him to new heights. We think you’ll agree, he’s a contender for Father of the Year (right after your dad, of course).
We continue our profile series as we recognize three local insurance agencies and agents committed to ensuring our families are protected! There's also a fan favorite, our annual House and Home Guide. We’ve partnered with local experts with the experience and professionalism needed to help you get the job done right, right from the start.
All this, plus our monthly adoption spotlight, fiction, two delicious recipes made with my favorite – pineapple – and so much more. Continue to show our local shops the love and thank you for loving Do South® – see you in July.
Catherine Frederick
JUNE 2021
OWNER - PUBLISHER - EDITOR Catherine Frederick
COPY EDITING Charity Chambers
GRAPHIC DESIGN Artifex 323 – Jessica Meadors
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Scott Faldon, Catherine Frederick, Dwain Hebda, Sara Putman, Liesel Schmidt
ADVERTISING INFORMATION Catherine Frederick I 479.782.1500 catherine@dosouthmagazine.com
©2021 Read Chair Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the copyright owner. Opinions contained in Do South® are exclusively those of the writers and do not represent those of Read Chair Publishing, LLC. as a whole or its affiliates. Any correspondence to including photography, becomes the property of Read Chair Publishing, LLC. Do South® reserves the right to edit content and images. Printed in the U.S.A. | ISSN 2373-1893
Annual subscriptions are $36 (12 months), within the contiguous United States. Subscribe at DoSouthMagazine.com or mail check to 4300 Rogers Avenue, Suite 20-110, Fort Smith, AR, 72903. Single issues are available upon request. Inquiries or address changes, call 479.782.1500.