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Publisher’s Letter
GRATEFUL T This September marks our tenth year in publication! I am so grateful for the opportunity you have given me to share the countless stories of so many amazing people and beautiful places over the past ten years. It really is true what they say, “love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” I truly love connecting with people, from our loyal readers, to the incredible individuals we feature, to our supportive family of advertisers. Ten years have gone by in a flash and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!
Over the past ten years, we’ve dedicated ourselves to bringing you not only gorgeous design, but stellar storytelling, and this month is no different. We’ve crafted another amazing issue for you! I am proud to introduce you to not one, but three incredibly creative locals. One launched a cooking show right from her very own kitchen, another left a career in IT, putting his hands to work with wood and creating some of the most unique pieces we’ve ever seen, and yet another takes photography to new heights – literally – and by chance no less!
The Deffenbaugh family share their heartwarming experience at Ronald McDonald Family Room and we’re sharing updates from our friends on the new Ronald McDonald House being built in Fort Smith! You’ll also meet the amazing Julie Conley and discover how the River Valley Ovarian Cancer Coalition helped her through one of the toughest times in her life.
We’ve also packed in not one, but two delicious recipes, furry friends who need a forever home, four books to add to your must-read list, and last but not least, we are shining the spotlight on a local teacher while providing information on how you can show your support and ways all area teachers can participate!
I know times are difficult, to say the least, my friends, but stay strong. We may not all be in the same boat, but we are all navigating the stormy seas together. If you are struggling or know of someone who needs assistance, please reach out and let me know. Now is not the time to be divided, but to reach out and help our neighbors when we can. As always, be kind, stay safe, and I’ll see you in October!
Catherine Frederick
Owner/Publisher/Editor catherine@dosouthmagazine.com
OWNER - PUBLISHER - EDITOR Catherine Frederick
COPY EDITING Charity Chambers
GRAPHIC DESIGN Artifex 323 – Jessica Meadors
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS AB Lewis Photography, Jennifer Burchett, Jade Graves
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jennifer Burchett, Jan Dyer, Ca therine Frederick, Dwain Hebda, Sarah Phillips-Burger, Sara Putman, Jill Rohrbach, Liesel Schmidt
ADVERTISING INFORMATION Catherine Frederick I 479.782.1500 catherine@dosouthmagazine.com
©2020 Read Chair Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the copyright owner. Opinions contained in Do South ® are exclusively those of the writers and do not represent those of Read Chair Publishing, LLC. as a whole or its affiliates. Any correspondence to including photography, becomes the property of Read Chair Publishing, LLC. Do South ® reserves the right to edit content and images. Printed in the U.S.A. | ISSN 2373-1893
Annual subscriptions are $36 (12 months), within the contiguous United States. Subscribe at DoSouthMagazine.com or mail check to 4300 Rogers Avenue, Suite 20-110, Fort Smith, AR, 72903. Single issues are available upon request. Inquiries or address changes, call 479.782.1500.
To reserve this free space for your charitable nonprofit organization, email: catherine@dosouthmagazine.com.