Urban Paws magazine

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! ! E E E N FR E O K TA

See how Bark Busters changed the life of an Airforce dog handler or, view the “Aspen’s Story” video on YouTube.com

Editorial ach September, we take a look at the efforts made for animal welfare legislation. This year was the most successful session for animal protection legislation ever. The controversial Texas Puppy Mill Bill was signed into law. This means that commercial breeding facilities will be regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. Kudos to everyone who supported this legislation and who worked to get it passed.


Also in this issue we feature a story on Operation Baghdad Pups. It’s a wonderful program that helps reunite war zone dogs with their service men and women. To read about it, turn to page 14.

On the Cover

Issue 8: Volume 5 www.urbanpawsmagazine.com

On this tenth anniversary of 9/11, we pay tribute to the search and rescue dogs who bravely searched hour upon hour for disaster victims. They are truly the unsung heroes of this fateful day that none of us will ever forget. Although summer is officially over, that doesn’t mean you still can’t have fun with Fido. Fall marks the start of many area pet festivals that are fun for the entire family. Check out our calendar for upcoming events. As always, we encourage you to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for the most up-to-date information and fun!

Jennifer Kitchens

URBAN PAWS MAGAZINE P.O. Box 1556 Spring, Texas 77383 www.UrbanPawsMagazine.com Design and layout by: ZOECO CREATIVE © Copyright 2011. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without the publisher’s written permission. Urban Paws magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, feature and idea submissions, or photographs, and such material will not be returned. Urban Paws magazine assumes no liability for the contents herein and has the right to refuse advertising for any reason. Urban Paws magazine does not endorse any specific product or service contained herein; we do encourage you to support our advertisers whenever possible.

Photos by Ashlee Newman Photography.

Please tell our advertisers you heard about them in Urban Paws!

Calendar September 2011 Events SEPTEMBER 4 Dog Day at Minute Maid Park presented by HE-B. Bring man's best friend to Houston Astros Dog Day at Minute Maid Park and see your Houston Astros take on the Milwaukee Brewers at 1:05 p.m. To purchase tickets, visit http://mlb.mlb.com/hou/ticketing/dog_day.jsp. SEPTEMBER 17 Smart Petz Pet Adoption Event at PetSmart, I45 and 1960. 12:00 - 4:00 pm. For more information and additional dates, visit www.smartpetz.com. SEPTEMBER 18 Dock Jumping Class at Rummy’s Beach Club. Dock Jumping is one of the world’s fastest growing canine sports. 9:30 - 11:30 am. To register, visit www.rummysbeachclub.com.

For a full listing of events, visit: www.urbanpawsmagazine.com/events

SEPTEMBER 25-30 National Dog Week SEPTEMBER 26 Tee up for the 7th Annual Golf Tournament benefiting Abandoned Animal Rescue (AAR). High Meadow Ranch Golf Club in Magnolia. 7 a.m. sign in. 8 a.m. shotgun start. Prizes will be awarded for top teams, longest drive, straightest drive, and closest to the pin. The $125 entry fee includes a lunch buffet, green fee, cart, range balls, morning coffee, goodie bag with snacks, two drink tokens and door prize drawing. Additional items include a $10 raffle ticket for helicopter ride or YMCA membership, mulligans, tiger woods, and more. For more information, email: aar.events@gmail.com.

SEPTEMBER 23-24 You are invited to join fellow animal advocates at the Texas Humane Legislation Network Third Annual Conference to be held at Hotel Derek. Learn the latest in legislative issues that affect animals in Texas and how you can make a difference. Network with animal welfare advocates from across the state. Learn from expert speakers how to help your organization be more effective in your efforts to promote animals protection. For more information, visit www.thln.org.

Follow us on FACEBOOK & TWITTER for the most up-to-date information, news and events! 6 www.urbanpawsmagazine.com

The Scoop News & Happenings in the Houston Area NORTHWEST RESIDENTS GET NEW AREA DOG PARK A semi-private dog park is scheduled to open in Northwest Houston in September. Cypress Veterinary Hospital is building a two acre park to be named Reba's Dog Park on Cypress N. Houston near Eldridge. Initially, the park will contain a fenced area and walking trail but plans are to add a pond and other amenities as funds permit. Public donations are being accepted on location. A nominal yearly donation will be required to gain access via a gate code. The donation fee will be used for park maintenance and improvements. For more information on Reba’s Dog Park and other area parks, visit www.houstondogpark.org.

LOCAL KIDS TAKE PLACE IN 4-H STATE DOG SHOW It was a great weekend for Montgomery County at the 41st Annual State 4-H Dog Show. Best Friends 4-H Dog Project Group took ten kids and 15 dogs to the show in Belton, Texas, for three days of competition. Over 100 dogs from more than 25 counties across the state took part in the annual event, July 8 – 10th, which showcases the 4-H member’s training skills and preparation for conformation, showmanship, obedience, rally, agility, costume, drill team, and tricks. To read the full story, visit www.urbanpawsmagazine.com.

SMILE FOR A CURE IN HOUSTON TO BENEFIT NATIONAL CANINE CANCER FOUNDATION The National Canine Cancer Foundation (NCCF) is partnering with local photographers to launch “Smile for a Cure,” an exclusive, national program to raise awareness and funds in the fight against canine cancer. During the month of September, Smile for a Cure pet photographers from across the country will donate 100% of their session fees to the National Canine Cancer Foundation, a non-profit, 501(C) 3 dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health issue in dogs. According to www.wearethecure.org, 1 in 4 dogs will be diagnosed with cancer, and 50% of them will die from this terrible disease. Good Dog Photography is located in Kingwood, Texas and will be participating in the Smile for a Cure charity event. Additional information on sessions can be found at www.gooddogphotography.com WOODLANDS BUSINESS HELPING TO RAISE FUNDS FOR DOGS IN NEED As part of their annual charity drive to raise money for non-profit animal rescue organizations, The Woodlands Heating & Air Conditioning is helping Smart Petz, a no-kill, volunteer based group located in The Woodlands. TWHAC will match all contributions made to Smart Petz, dollar for dollar. For more information, or to donate, visit http://thewoodlandsac.com.

Urban Paws Magazine 7


Whole Food Nutrition for Pets vs. Today’s Synthetically Supplemented Pet Foods

By Scott Freeman, Nature’s Logic

or eons, humans and animals have fared

foods that lacked the normal amount of essen-

ents from food as Nature intended. These nec-

livestock. The practice eventually evolved into


pretty well getting all their needed nutri-

essary nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins and


These, as well as thousands of other

natural co-factors

have been identified as beneficial

parts of the composition of


natural foods we eat





tions, including the U.S.


Institute and the United Kingdom

tial nutrients, mainly for the purpose of feeding pet foods, too, so cheap by-product feed stuff could be used to man-

ufacture these diets

and nutrient profiles could be easily met by fortifying with cheap

synthetic supplements.

With their growing use, also came the necessary studies to determine their safety levels. Unfortunately, the

manufactured forms of these elements do not



risks. Many have toxic

levels and some even

Health Department, recommend that humans

lethal dose levels. Just read a warning label on a

of natural, whole foods and not from supple-

ing supplement or Google® something like

get their daily nutrient needs from a varied diet menting synthetic vitamins and minerals produced in chemical plants. If this is recommend-

ed for humans, shouldn’t we offer the same for pets, too?

Early in the 20th century, companies began

manufacturing cheap synthetic forms of vita-

mins, minerals and amino acids. These singular synthetic elements became widely used in fortifying processed foods or natural by-products of 12www.urbanpawsmagazine.com 8 www.urbanpawsmagazine.com

human multiple vitamin/mineral iron-contain“MSDS+Vitamin D3” and read all the warnings on any Material Safety Data Sheet for this synthetic element. The National Research Council

(NRC) has published two books on this subject, Vitamin Tolerance of Animals and Mineral

Tolerance of Domestic Animals. Keep in mind; this is studying the tolerance of man-made forms of these elements. There are some very interesting statements in these books. To para-

phrase, these books say that the amount of

studies and research on these synthetic elements

is insufficient, but the NRC uses the insufficient data along with inference and extrapolation to

come up with what they call “the presumed upper safe level” of the man-made synthetic

forms of vitamins and minerals. They go on to state that the “presumed upper safe level” deter-

mined from insufficient data using extrapolation

and inference should be alright to use for a short

period of time (in the feed lot) without showing signs of intoxication. Getting your nutrients

from food is sounding better all the time as being the right way to do it, but it does not stop

there. Furthermore, they say that studies of one

year or more to learn potential long-term effects have generally not been conducted but should

be. In addition, generational studies on the potential negative genetic effects of synthetic supplements have not been done but should be. Lastly, tests have admittedly been conducted on

single elements only. Studies to learn the poten-

tial negative effects of two or more elements combined at elevated levels are admittedly an unknown the NRC says should be studied.

Today, every commercial dry or canned dog and

cat diet add as many as 26 of these chemically

synthesized vitamins and minerals which the sci-

entific community states long term effects have

generally not been studied. The Venezuelan polo team recently experienced a sad example of

the intolerance and dangers of these chemical, supplemental compounds. Prior to a polo event

in Florida, the team of polo ponies was given a

synthetic supplement concoction that included

supplemental synthetic selenium. Within three hours 21 ponies had died. It was determined by

the University of Florida that up to 20 times

normal levels of selenium were found in the

time and again, have encouraged getting our

toxicologist, determined that there were abnor-

amounts of synthetic nutrients have been for-

ponies’ tissues. David Barber, the University’s mally high levels of selenium found in the blood and livers of the ponies.

Tragically, errors in compounding and formulating these chemical vitamins and minerals do

happen. As recently as the spring of 2006 and

earlier this year high levels of Vitamin D3 added

to pet foods intoxicated and/or killed a number

of dogs and cats due to formulation errors of

this synthetic vitamin, causing a condition called

nutrients from food. Numerous times wrong mulated into pet food or pet supplements with the results being illness or death to pets as well as costly recalls. When the scientific community

admits more studies need to be conducted on the use of these elements, the case appears very convincing that it is better and safer for not only

humans, but pets, also, to get their nutrients from food.

Earlier in the article, it was stated that all com-

hypercalcemia (elevated blood calcium) and

mercial dry and canned diets use synthetic sup-

the pets that diet consuming one of the diets,

recently. Nature’s Logic brand of pet foods is

causing those pets to go into renal failure. Of

death occurred within three to four days. Pet food that is marketed and sold as natural, if labeled correctly, is required to have a statement

on the packaging like or similar to, “Natural with added vitamins and minerals.” This statement is

a required labeling disclaimer to let the con-

sumer know that the added vitamins and minerals are not natural. Perhaps they are saying to

“use at your own risk” which is the purpose of a disclaimer. Adding to the concern should be

the fact that most synthetic vitamins, minerals and synthetic amino acids such as taurine now

come from China; the country that caused the

unprecedented 2007 pet food recalls due to an intentional melamine spiking of exported pet food ingredients. In studies on animals, the negative effects of high levels of these synthetic forms of vitamins and minerals are everything from renal failure and cancer to hypercalcemia and death.

Health organizations and health professionals 10 www.urbanpawsmagazine.com

plements. This has been the fact until just the only known full line of pet products in the

world that never uses synthetic vitamins, synthetic minerals, or synthetic amino acids in anything. All essential nutrients for your pet come from the real whole foods in each diet; just the

way Nature meant for animals to safely obtain them. This is the logical way pet food should be

made and is the logic behind Nature’s Logic. See more information at www.natureslogic.com





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t all began in September of 2007 with a desperate plea to get a dog his regiment had befriend out of the Middle East before their 15-month deployment ended. Sergeant Edward Watson contacted SPCA International and told his desperate tale. His biggest obstacle was a military regulation that prohibited troops from befriending an animal in a war zone or using military property to transport one home. While on patrol in the outskirts of Baghdad, Sergeant Watson’s regiment discovered Charlie, a flea-infested and malnourished puppy. He was no larger than a potato. The soldiers hid him in a tattered blanket and snuck him onto a coalition forces outpost. Though they were aware of the serious consequences they could face if caught, they took turns caring for their new buddy. The bond that grew between the soldiers and the dog justified the risk. To abandon Charlie would have meant certain death for him. “We all made him a promise that 14 www.urbanpawsmagazine.com

we would not give up on him. For that reason, we have to find a way to get Charlie to a better life in the states,” Sergeant Watson wrote. “We just can’t leave our buddy behind.” After months of exhausting research, disappointing dead ends, aggravating moments and countless emails exchanged with Sergeant Watson, SPCA International made it possible for the soldiers to keep their promise to Charlie. On Valentine’s Day in 2008, Terri Crisp, an SPCA International staff person, triumphantly returned to the U.S. with Charlie to reunite him with Sergeant Watson. They were greeted by members of the local media who quickly recognized Charlie’s star power. The dedication of these special soldiers and Charlie, the wartime dog paved the way for others serving in the Middle East to find freedom in the U.S. for befriended dogs and cats. Operation Baghdad Pups has now helped to fulfill many promises of love and friendship.

U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan began

befriending local animals as a way to help cope


while deployed in a war zone. The program pro-

• Dogs must have been originally found as puppies under the age of three months. Exceptions will be considered for older dogs.

with the emotional hardships that they endure vides veterinary care and coordinates the logistics and transportation requirements in order to

reunite these pets with their service men and

women back in the U.S. These animals not only help our heroes in the war zone, but also help them readjust to life at home after combat.

While it is a violation of General Order for military personnel or military contract workers to

befriend a wild animal while serving in a war zone, SPCA International recognizes why there must be some control over service men and

women while fighting a war, they also understand the important roles that animals can play in making it easier to function under the harsh conditions that they are exposed to.

There is a six and a half month time period in

which to transport animals out, due to the extreme heat in the Middle East. Operation

Baghdad Pups cannot conduct any missions

between June 1 and September 30 due to temperature embargoes in place during this time.

It is an expensive endeavor to transport a dog

from Iraq or Afghanistan to the U.S. and SPCA International receives no government funding

for the program. The typical cost to send one

person to Iraq to bring back six animals is around $6,000.00.

• Animals must be living in either Iraq or Afghanistan under the care of a United States military person or military contract worker. • Animals must have been in the continuous care of a military person or belong to a military unit for at least two months. • Animals cannot be going to an animal shelter/organization in the U.S. in hopes that the animal will be adopted. • Animals must already have a permanent home to go to in the U.S. in order to be considered for the program. • Dogs cannot go to homes where they will be allowed to roam free or be chained for the majority of the time. • Dogs can never have been part of a pack. If they have been part of a pack for less than a month, then they may be considered. • Dogs must be well socialized with people and preferably with other animals. • Dogs cannot show any sign of aggression.

Urban Paws Magazine 15

Bark Busters Launches Nationwide Fundraiser for SPCA International’s Operation Baghdad Pups 2011—In support of the Society for the

them continue on their mission.”

(SPCA International), Bark Busters, the world’s

To raise money and awareness, a portion of

launch of its Fight to Bring Soldiers’ Pups

the Fight to Bring Soldiers’ Pups Home cam-

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals International largest dog training company, announced the

Home campaign. The Bark Busters program is a nationwide





International continue to fund a costly but critical program: Operation Baghdad Pups.

Operation Baghdad Pups provides assistance to servicemen and women and their families who wish to transport an adopted pet from the war zone to their home in the United States.

As part of a long-standing partnership with SPCA









Bark Busters training lessons will be donated to

paign through 2011. Additionally, Bark Busters is urging the public to make donations of $5,

$10 or more by visiting www.BarkBusters.com and clicking on the Fight to Bring Soldiers’ Pups Home pop-up screen.

Since 2008, Operation Baghdad Pups has

helped military personnel transport their pets from the war zone to the U.S. Every animal in

the program must already have a home waiting in the states before being accepted.

Baghdad Pups when they arrive in the United

SPCA International carefully counsels soldiers

their care givers—more than 110 dogs over the

challenges they and their families might face as

States and provide free training to the pets and

last 3 years. Bark Busters’ Fight to Bring Soldiers’ Pups Home is a way to thank SPCA

International for its dedication to these animals and our troops by helping to raise the funds they need to support this program.

“We are elated to grow our partnership with SPCA International by activating our communi-

ty of dog behavioral therapists and their networks to raise money for this cause close to our hearts,” said Liam Crowe, CEO and master dog

to make sure they are aware of the potential the pet they have befriended adjusts to living in a real home, not a war zone.

“The logistics of moving animals from a war

zone to a new home overseas are complicated and really expensive,” said Stephanie Scott,

SPCA International’s director of communications. “We operate solely on donations and volunteers, so we are thrilled that Bark Busters has offered to help us meet our financial needs.”

behavioral therapist of Bark Busters USA. “By

For more information on Operation Baghdad

to contribute to a great organization and help


creating this program, we can all come together

16 www.urbanpawsmagazine.com

Pups, or to make a donation, please visit

HERO DOGS REMEMBERED THE UNSUNG HEROES OF 9/11 Photo credit:: Beverly & Pack

his month marks the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Urban Paws would like to pay tribute to the 350 incredible disaster search dogs who contributed so much to the efforts to find the 2,976 victims, and later, their remains. These dogs are true heroes and their efforts did not go unnoticed or unappreciated.


It was the largest deployment of search dogs in U.S. history and possibly the single greatest example of inter-species cooperation in the history of human disasters. Search and rescue dogs are amazing and dedicated animals that have come to the aid of so many disaster victims over the years. Beyond the World Trade Center tragedy, these dogs have assisted in countless search and rescue efforts following hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and other disasters. What most people don’t realize is that SAR dogs–esspecially those trained to find living people–feel increased stress and depression as time passes with no survivors found. It has become a common morale booster for handlers to stage mock finds, so that the dogs can feel successful. Hour after hour of searching for any sign of life takes a toll, whether you are human or canine.

SAR dogs and their handlers searched the pile around the clock for weeks. 18 www.urbanpawsmagazine.com

Search and rescue dogs worked 12 hour days alongside their handlers to find any sign of life.

“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog.� General Dwight D. Eisenhower

A search and rescue dog is transported out of the debris of the World Trade Center. Urban Paws Magazine 23

Gimme Shelter

Join us in helping our four-legged friends find loving homes. Adopt a dog today!

Houston Beagle and Hound Rescue www.houstonbeaglerescue.org

Houston Beagle and Hound Rescue, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3), all-volunteer organization dedicated to beagle and hound rescue. They are a small group of volunteers who foster dogs in their homes. There is no shelter facility. They provide placement assistance to shelters and individuals who need to find homes for hounds which, for various reasons, have become stray or homeless.

Our cover dog, Capri!

The first thing that strikes you about Capri are her incredible eyes. If those don't get to you, nothing will! Capri was found as a pregnant stray. She delivered multiple puppies, whose father appeared to be a German Shepherd. Due to her lean and lanky body, the puppies drew her reserves down to nothing. Capri stands about 16" tall and currently weights about 18 pounds. Her ideal weight will be at least 25 pounds. She has a very sweet and loving personality and loves to cuddle and look at you with those beautiful, brown eyes. Occasionally, she has spurts of energy and runs laps in the yard. Capri is heartworm negative, beautiful inside and out, and will make the perfect addition to any home. If you are interested in adopting Capri, please contact Houston Beagle Rescue.

Please note that these dogs may have been adopted by the time you visit them; however, there are many more wonderful dogs in need of forever homes. 20 www.urbanpawsmagazine.com


If you are looking for a young, playful, cuddly and handsome young beagle then you can stop because you've found Jacob! Jacob is about 2-3 years old, 14" tall and weighs 25 pounds. He has a silky smooth tri-color coat. Jacob was originally very shy when he first came to his foster home, but now he is just as outgoing as all of the other beagles. He loves cuddling with his foster mom and waking her up in the morning with kisses! He can still be shy in new situations and around new people, but just give him a little time to warm up and you will be getting kisses too!


Hershey is a "school girl." She is attending obedience classes and is showing off her beagle intelligence! Hershey is a small red and white beagle, only 13" tall, weighs under 25 lbs. and is about 3 years old. She is very cute, as you can see by her photo! She is an independent beagle, a typical female who knows what she wants and can twist you around her little paw if you'll let her. She'd like to get all the attention in the household, but has lots of energy, so she will do best in a home with a doggie playmate that is not an alpha dog. She likes to be queen of the pack!





Blossom is 1 1/2 years old and is a beautiful tri-color girl who has unusual hazel eyes. She is 14 inches tall and weighs a perfect 25 pounds. Blossom is house and dog door trained. She hates being in the kennel (except at meal times) and usually has free run of her foster home without getting into anything. Blossom loves taking walks and does well on the leash. She is an independent girl with a mind of her own, so will need someone with dog experience to tell her who is boss. Blossom is getting along with her foster siblings, but can be possessive and has a tendency to want to guard things and people. She is more of a people person, so would do best as an only dog. She loves to cuddle and gives great kisses!

This beautiful, tri-colored female goes by the name Roo and she is the beagle for You! Roo was found on the street, pregnant with no where to go. She lost her puppies, but Beagle Rescue saved her and now she is ready for a forever home! Roo is a 15 inch, 30 pound girl who is fit and trim looking for 5 years old! Roo is super sweet and needs a loving home to call her own. She gets along well with the other beagles in her foster home, but would do well as an only dog. Roo has a quality not often seen in beagles. She is quite the watch dog and will not hesitate to alert you if something is amiss in her home or yard.

Sprocket is a 5 to 7 year-old tri-color beagle boy. He is 14 inches tall and weighs 25 pounds. He worked hard on losing a few pounds and is looking just about perfect! Sprocket is doing well in his foster home and has learned basic doggy commands. He is neutered, micro-chipped and current on his vaccinations and monthly preventative medications. Sprocket is very friendly and calm most of the time. He likes hugs and kisses, but does just fine with being petted and given belly rubs.

After years with her family, Susie found herself in a local shelter, because her owner could not longer take care of her. Susie apparently had some abuse in her former life because she was very shy and submissive when she first came to her foster home. Once she learned she could trust again, the change in her was truly remarkable and she began to show how sweet and lovable she really is. Susie is a tiny girl at 13" tall and 22 pounds. She is a 6 -7 year old sweetheart. Susie needs a quiet home without small children. She would make a perfect companion for a single person or a couple who wants a tail wagging member of the family to meet them at the door when they come home. Susie loves the outdoors and loves to bask in the sun and watch the world go by. Urban Paws Magazine 21

Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN) and 2011 Animal Legislative Successes By Shanda Bailey, Texas Humane Legislation Network


he 82nd Texas Legislative Session was

breeders who have 11 or more breeding females

tion legislation ever. Passing this remarkable

calendar year, will be regulated by the Texas

the most successful session for animal protec-

landmark legislation was a hard-fought battle

each step of the way, by the courageous lawmakers who sponsored these bills, by the organizations that joined forces to support these bills,

and by the citizens of Texas speaking on behalf of the animals.

HB 1451, the Texas Puppy Mill Bill, became law.

and who sell 20 or more of the offspring, in a

Department of Licensing and Regulation

(TDLR). This measure is a pro-active law to prevent cruelty before it takes place. THLN, HSUS, and ASPCA joined forces to champion this legislation. Also, we are very grateful for the

support of the Texas Veterinary Medical Association.

Sponsored by Rep. Senfronia Thompson and

The animal friendly license plate fund will now

breeder bill (a.k.a. the Puppy Mill Bill) was suc-

and neuter grants across Texas. This means that

Sen. John Whitmire, the large scale commercial cessfully passed.

Commercial dog and cat

22 www.urbanpawsmagazine.com

be 100% allocated for the use of low cost spay an estimated $1.6 Million in low cost spay /

“Passing this

remarkable landmark legislation was a hard-fought battle each step of the way� neuter program grants will be awarded over the

Other important

of controlling the pet overpopulation problem

are SB 279 - Inclusion of Pets in Protective

next two years. These programs are a vital part in our Texas communities. $22 of the $30 cost for the Animal Friendly License Plate goes to fund these important grants. oned this funding.

THLN champi-

HB 963, the Seizure Appeals Bill, became law.

bills that passed

Orders, HB 1103 - Responsible Pet Owner

Class, HB 2471 - Good Samaritan Law and HR

131 - Adopt an Animal Resolution, officially making October Adopt a Shelter Pet month in Texas.

This law streamlines the existing appeals process

Please visit our website at www.thln.org to learn

are held at shelters and providing compensation

Annual Conference to be held in Houston on

for cruelty cases, lessening the time that animals

to shelters and non-profit groups who care for the animals during the appeal process for someone found guilty of animal cruelty.

We are

grateful to the bill sponsors, Rep. Hartnett and

more details about these laws and our statewide September 23rd-24th at Hotel Derek. For more information about the conference and to register, please visit thln2011conference.thln.org.

Sen. Rodriguez.

HB 1043, the Cockfighting Bill, also passed. This new law strengthens existing anti-cock-

fighting laws by making it illegal to attend a

cockfight, to possess cockfighting implements with the intent to fight, to allow one's property to be used for a cockfight and to participate in the earnings of a cockfight. We are grateful to

the bill sponsors, Rep. Christian and Sen. Lucio.

Support your favorite group or organization by displaying specialty license plates on your vehicle. The plates are available through the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

THINGS WE LOVE This step-in harness by I See Spot is the newest addition to its dog couture line. Made of breathable Neoprene, it’s the ultimate in comfort. With just one clip you are ready to go! Available at www.iseespot.com.

The On the Go Feedbag, Food and Water Bowl and Snack Sack make it easy for dog lovers to take their canine companions along with them no matter where their adventures take them. www.planetdog.com.

24 www.urbanpawsmagazine.com

The next time you have a wrap a gift for a friend’s pooch, consider these fun and unique designs from Paper Girl Designs. Wrapping paper, gift tags and note cards available at www.papergirldesigns.net.

This vintage-style ammo box pet feeder is hand-made from reclaimed wood and contains 2 - 2 qt. stainless steel bowls. It’s solid, durable and ready for the aggressive eater! Available online at www.gopetdesign.com.

Zuke’s has expanded its highly popular Mini Naturals line with a new wild rabbit flavor. Wild Rabbit Mini Naturals deliver a protein-rich, lean treat reminiscent of a canine ancestral diet. To find a local retailer, visit www.zukes.com. Urban Paws Magazine 25

Tail End Is your dog a poopetrator? Stepping in it is bad enough, but the environmental impact of pet waste is much larger. While most pet owners are responsible enough to pick up after their pets, there are those who do not. It’s a touchy subject that is often difficult to discuss with a neighbor, but in some states, dog owners who refuse to pick up their dog’s waste, could be stopped with a simple test. A growing number of neighborhood associations and apartment complexes in the U.S. are mandating that residents submit a DNA sample from their pet. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? across the U.S., fed-up apartment complexes and neighborhood associations are implementing PooPrints, a program that matches samples of unclaimed dog waste to DNA collected through pets' mouth swabs. The goal is to impose more responsibility among pet owners and encourage them to pick up their pet’s waste. Here’s how it works: An owner swabs the inside of their dog's mouth and sends the specimen to PooPrints. PooPrints then determines the genetic profile and records it in a database. To make a match, the association sends a nugget-size feces sample in a preservative-filled vial to PooPrints for analysis.

26 www.urbanpawsmagazine.com

Violators, if caught, are charged a $60 fee - the price to cover the DNA test. Repeat offenders may be asked to move elsewhere. Property management says that it’s not about making money, it’s about maintaining the community and having a nice place for residents to live. We all know that pet waste is a health hazard. According to PooPrint statistics, a single pet creates 276 pounds of waste per year. They also report that 40 percent of 20 billion pounds of dog waste is not picked up, and that dog waste contains harmful diseases that could harm everyone’s health. These diseases include salmonella, E. coli, campylobacter and leptospira. As pet owners, we all need to be responsible for what our pets leave behind. Be sure to scoop Fido’s poop to ensure a happy relationship with your fellow neighbors.

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