Urban Pro Weekly

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Cop fired; teen is charged


What constitutes ‘obstruction of a police officer’?




Building Community


Newspaper VOL.2 NO.47 VOL.2 NO.18 The CSRA’s


Photo by Vincent Hobbs LEGEND TO LEGEND: Augustan Ruth Crawford (L) shares a playful moment with legendary actor and comedian Billl Cosby (R) before the start of an exclusive performance at Paine College. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

Learn more. Q&A inside this edition.

UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013



Teens model fashions during the “Teen Vogue Back To School” fashion show held on Saturday at Augusta Mall. The models, members of the Augusta Mall Teen Fashion Board, are selected from various high schools in the CSRA. Photos by Vincent Hobbs

Auditions scheduled for Raisin AJ Productions’ Stolen Life Raisin AJ Productions and the Augusta based non-profit organization “I’m Aware” have teamed up to present the highly anticipated stage play Stolen Life premiering Saturday, November 16th, 2013 at the historic Imperial Theatre in Augusta GA. In Stolen Life the after effects from

U W rban Pro


UrbanProWeekly LLC Mailing Address: 3529 Monte Carlo Drive Augusta, Georgia 30906

bullying and experiences of hatred, jealousy, betrayal and secrets will all unfold in one day. Auditions will be held all through the month of August on the following dates and times. • Sunday August 18th, 2013 3pm5pm

Publisher Ben Hasan 706-394-9411 Managing Editor Frederick Benjamin Sr. 706-836-2018

• Monday August 19th, 5p-7pm • Saturday August 24th, 10amNoon • Thursday August 22nd 5p-7pm • Thursday August 29th 5p-7pm Interested actors should send an email to teamraisinaj@gmail.com for additional info.

Sales & Marketing Phone: 706-394-9411 Photography and Social Media Courtesy of Vincent Hobbs

“Pop-Up Jazz” in downtown Augusta on Labor Day Weekend

Garden City Jazz is thrilled to present its annual Labor Day Jazz Event, PopUpJazz, at 6 p.m. on Sunday, September 1, 2013, at the Augusta Common (836 Broad Street) in downtown Augusta, Georgia. For one night only, the venue will be transformed into a pop-up jazz club. Patrons are invited to bring their own seating or reserve a table. A pop-up is a shop, restaurant, bar, or gallery that literally “pops up” in a temporary venue for a limited time only. It’s fleeting, its exclusive, it’s here today, gone tomorrow. Karen Gordon, founder of Garden City Jazz decided that a pop-up club would be a unique feature to close out the summer. She also sees it as an opportunity to test the market. “Like jazz music, a pop-up lives in the moment,” said Gordon, founder of Garden City Jazz. “And while I love music in non-traditional spaces, I’m constantly asked when Augusta will have a jazz club. This seems to be a step in the right direction. If we get this right, then we’ll begin to look at something a little more permanent.” Garden City Jazz presents several programs annually in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA), providing performance opportunities for area jazz musicians and music students, while promoting awareness of the historical and cultural significance of jazz music. PopupJazz is free to attend. Guests are invited to bring their own seating and picnic for a night of great jazz music in a unique setting. A limited number of tables of 6 are available. Sponsorships and vendors welcomed. To reserve a table, contact Karen Gordon at (762) 233-5299 or kgordon@gardencityjazz.com or visit http://popupjazz13. bpt.me

email: Ben Hasan bzhasan54@yahoo.com Frederick Benjamin Sr. editor@urbanproweekly.com Vincent Hobbs coolveestudio@gmail.com

3 UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013

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Amerigroup focuses on the whole person and advocates a grassroots approach to health education and outreach activities, collaborating with community-based organizations, advocacy groups and faith-based organizations. We support these organizations through donations or grants to achieve or continue their stated missions. As part of our commitment to community outreach Amerigroup Georgia hosts health fairs and free health screenings, bike rodeos, baby showers and back to school events. We have also actively engaged with Department of Community Health to ensure improvements to the state’s Medicaid program. Today, Amerigroup holds an excellent accreditation status with the National Committee for Quality Assurance. Amerigroup Georgia also joined forces with the Georgia Partnership for TeleHealth to expand access to high-quality care and specialty services for our members. This partnership increases the level of and access to care for the rural populations Amerigroup serves throughout Georgia. Through our pay for performance programs, we address the challenge of maintaining a patientcentered health care system with incentives to promote quality care. First introduced as a pilot program in Georgia, the Provider Quality Incentive Program (PQIP) offers qualified physicians an opportunity to not only improve the level of care and services they provide their patients, but also to receive financial rewards for positive outcomes.

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UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013


The City

Sheriff fires deputy for striking teen in custody

AUGUSTA Richmond County Sheriff’s Deputy Brian C. McDuffie was terminated from his position with the Sheriff’s Office on Monday, August 12, after an internal review concluded that he used excessive force in attempting to subdue 15-yearold Kyvan James during a neighborhood search for burglary suspects. RCSO deputies had responded to a burglary call in the Pine Place Subdivision when the incident occurred. In McDuffie’s termination letter from Sheriff Richard Roundtree, it was concluded that the officer’s actions were “unjustifiable and will not and cannot be tolerated”, in Brian C. McDuffie was reference to the officer strik- fired this week. ing Kyvan in the head with a metal flashlight, after the teen

was face down on the ground and being handcuffed. “I find that you failed to follow Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) standards as well as departmental policy in regards to use of force,” the letter stated. The excessive force caused “multiple facial hematomas and lacerations and abrasions to his shoulders, back, and neck area”, according to Kenya James, Kyvan’s mom. She said the teen has “both good and bad days” and that Kyvan is experiencing double-vision in his right eye and suffering from increasing migraines. “My main priority is making sure that he is mentally and physically healthy after this ordeal.”


State Rep. Wayne Howard talks with reporters following funeral services for the late Quincy Murphy. Photo by Linda Chisolm Williams State Commissioner Quincy Murphy was laid to rest on Friday, August 9 at a service held at Tabernacle Baptist Church where he attended and was an official. Murphy died on August 2, 2013 after succumbing to cancer at age 60. The packed sanctuary included friends, family and colleagues of the late legislator. Business partner Bob O’Neal recalled their early foray into the world of business. Colleagues, Reps. Barbara Frazier and Wayne

Howard, recalled his character and work ethic. “He was never self-serving,” Howard said. “Of all the conversations that we had, Quincy never discussed or talked about doing something to serve himself. It was always about people.” Murphy served in the state legislature for 11 years. He was born in Atlanta, but raised by his grandmother, Pearl Palmore, in Edgefield County. He moved to Augusta after graduating from North Carolina A&T State University in 1974.

Upon hearing today’s decision, James said, “I am sorry that he had to lose his job in this fashion, But when you put that badge on, I am going to hold you accountable for your actions.” Earlier in the day, James had addressed the Augusta Public Safety Committee and spoke about her concerns. She shared a few points of her discussion with UPW: “I spoke on the need for diversification within the officers reporting to calls and patrolling. I am not saying one race or nationality is better than the other, but diversification will help bridge the cultural gaps. Proper training is necessary when dealing with the demographics of young men aged 15-25 that

don’t view law enforcement officers as friends.” “There is an old saying that ‘black people run from the police - and white people run to the police’.” James also expressed that, “the youth have to respect the badge, because the badge is a symbol of authority that deserves to be respected. The person wearing the badge also has to have respect and not abuse that authority. There has to be mutual respect.” Kyvan must still face obstruction charges Two other deputies who responded to the 911 call, Christian Gandy and Jason Payne, were not implicated in the “excessive force” finding by the Sheriff. ­— UPW Staff written

Mother of beaten teen asks for mutual respect AUGUSTA Recently, Sheriff Richard Roundtree hosted a Cops and Kids Camp. At that event, he told the kids, “It’s our job to keep you safe.” This week, he made good on his claim by firing a long-serving deputy who dismissed that sentiment by using excessive force on 15-year-old Kyvan James who was struck and injured by Deputy Brian C. McDuffie. On Monday, Kyvan James’ mother echoed the Sheriff’s sentiment following her presentation to the Richmond County Commission. Kenya James is a cardiac imaging specialist who is raising two young boys. Keyvan, 15, was injured by Deputy McDuffie. She said that she came to speak to commissioners not to express anger, but to offer some suggestions about how relations can improve between the sheriff’s department and the law-abiding members of the Augusta community. According to James, her son is not a criminal and is dealing with epilepsy. She admitted, however, that he was not blameless. She spoke to UrbanProWeekly about the challenges single mothers face in raising young boys — especially young black boys who are often profiled inappropriately by the community and the police. On the evening that Kyvan was accosted by police after fleeing in fear, she addressed his mind-set at the time.

Kenya James, center, with the two sons she is raising as a single mom. She says that her son’s problem stemmed from the fact that he was afraid and ignorant of the law.

“He ran out of fear, not delinquency,” James said. “I introduced him about drugs and sex, but I never taught him how to deal with police officers.” James expressed concern that her son will have difficulty respecting police officers in the future. “He said to me, ‘Mama, I didn’t deserve that’.” She said that she told him that he had to ask himself what he could have done differently. “I’m hoping that we can forge forward. We have to teach these young kids the correct rapport with law enforcement, but law enforcement has to have a rapport with young kids.”

Obstructing a law enforcement officer: How does Georgia law define that charge? You don’t have to live with I nsurance Professionals BACK PAIN

Earlier this year, James Eades of ing ticket or speeding citation. Augusta was charged with obstrucThis week in Augusta, the case of tion of a police officer, stemming Kyvan James, has amplified the fact from an incident during Operation that “running from the police” is a Thunder. case of obstruction. Eades says that he and a friend Here his how the law is defined. were driving down Alexander Drive “A person who knowingly and willearly Friday morning when they came fully obstructs or hinders law  Life Health Bonds  Commercial Autoany  Home to an Operation Thunder Checkpoint enforcement officer in the lawful disor any other kind of discomfort, on River Watch Parkway. What hap- charge of his official duties is guilty of including headaches, neck stiffness, pened during that stop lead to Eades a misdemeanor.” t getting arrested. He said it was all This type of obstruction in Georgia shoulder pain, muscle tension, sleep  Health Bonds  Commercial eLife because he didn’t roll down his win- is a misdemeanor. A person could be ������������������������������������ dow all the way. sentenced to up to one year. A person Eades may have been surprised to with no criminal background will , discover that the obstruction charge likely be faced with probation rather 706-736-5551 could be levied against a citizen for than jail time. If the judge decides e a range of behavior, including what that jail time is warranted, it probably t could be looked upon as “lawful” wouldn’t be for more than a few days 2 Locations: 1125Available! Druid Park Ave.•�� Road ACCEPTED behavior. or a couple of weeks. The remainder M2583 OSTTobacco INSURANCE Drug Testing Now Augusta, GA 30904 Hephzibah, GA 30815 The law is subject to interpretation of the time assessed would likely be and each case has its own set of cir- on probation. Once probation is up, 1132 Druid Park Ave, Augusta, GA e cumstances which a judge will have the matter is finished. Problems can to weigh. The following examples occur, however, if an individual vioJyNelle Handy, Agent come from actual cases where resist- lates the terms 2636-C of his/her Tobacco probation Rd ing or obstructing a police officer was by not showing up for the probation Hephzibah, GA 30815 INFO@INS-PROS.COM o found: officer’s appointments, or violating Questioning an officer’s authority; giv- other laws while on probation. If ing an officer false information; using that’s the case, an individual could profanity directed at an officer; advising be sent back to jail for however much Rd JyNelle Handy, Agent or inciting others in their dealings with time remains on their probation at 815 an officer; and refusing to accept a park- that time, up to a year. INFO@INS-PROS.COM




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UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013

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UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013

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UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013


ENTERTAINMENT Cosby wows Paine College crowd

Comedian, philanthropist Bill Cosby onstage at Paine College. Photo by Vincent Hobbs By Vincent Hobbs AUGUSTA If you happened to drive past Paine College’s HEAL Complex on Sunday, you may have heard hearty guffaws and peals of laughter resounding from the interior. The reason behind the unrestrained laughter was simple. Bill Cosby was in town. Legendary actor, comedian and philanthropist Bill Cosby gave an exclusive comedy performance at Paine College to honor the faculty and staff and to say “thank you” to the school, for its contributions to education. A nearcapacity crowd filled the complex and most were dressed in their Sunday best. The audience ranged in age from those who remember Cosby as agent Alexander Scott (Scotty) on “I Spy”, to those who experienced his talents as “Cliff Huxtable”. Some excited VIP’s were able to greet Cosby personally and pose for pictures backstage before the start of the show. Cosby, casually dressed in a “Paine College” sweatshirt, warm-up pants and sandals, continuously joked with fans with light-hearted banter as they relished the opportunity to shake hands and take photos with the comic legend. US Congressman John Barrow, GA State Senator Hardie Davis Jr, City Administrator Fred Russell, US Attorney Ed Tarver, GRU President Ricardo Azziz and Augusta Fire Department Chief Chris James were among dozens

of guests who met Cosby during the backstage event. Cosby’s comedy presentation lasted a little over an hour, and he delivered perfectly-timed comedy tidbits that touched on a range of subjects, including Adam and Eve in the garden, the “room” in his house that his wife Camille allowed him to have, romance and marriage, “C-quality” education, and the difference between a Northern “beating” and a Southern “whooping”. Several audience members were in tears from laughing so hard at Cosby’s real-life comedic twists. Radio personality Cher Best summed up Cosby’s performance – “I think he is brilliantly insightful and amazingly funny. I laughed at Dr. Huxtable…and Cos…and Bill…and Camille’s husband – because they all showed up at the HEAL Complex and I was there to witness it!” Cosby previously visited Paine College as the commencement speaker in 2003 and was awarded an honorary doctorate by the school. He has received over a dozen honorary degrees from colleges and universities, including Baylor, Yale and the University of Southern California (USC). A true Renaissance man, Cosby has authored a dozen books, recorded dozens of music and comedy albums and he is the genius (and the voices) behind the animated series “Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids”. He is also known for his role as secret agent “Scotty” on the “I Spy” TV series, for which he won three consecutive Emmy’s.


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UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013

Mount Olivet

UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013


Community Corner 5th Annual Paine College Golf Tournament Monday, August 26, 2013, Gordon Lakes Golf Club at Ft. Gordon, Georgia. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and shotgun start time is 11:00 a.m. The registration fee for the tournament is $125 per individual and $375 per team. Registration includes 18 holes of golf, green fee, golf cart, brunch sponsored by Chick-Fil-A of North Augusta, SC, beverages by Augusta Coca Cola Bottling Company and 19th Hole Awards Reception sponsored by Outback Steakhouse. For more information on registration or the 5th Annual Golf Tournament, please contact Frances Wimberly at 706.396.8171 or fwimberly@paine.edu. Russell Joel Brown “Broadway and Beyond” Sunday, 5 PM at the Maxwell

Performing Arts Theatre, GRU Summerville Campus. Russell Joel Brown returns to Augusta, Georgia for his first concert here in eight years. Broadway and Beyond is a benefit concert for the Jessye Norman School of the Arts. The concert will feature classical, spirituals, Broadway, and jazz. Special guests include Broadway performer and jazz singer LaShonda Reese and dancer Justin Reeves. They will be accompanied by Dr. Rosalyn Floyd (piano), David Heath (bass), Michael West (drums), and Joe Collier (trumpet). Students from the Jessye Norman School of the Arts will join Russell in one selection as well. Contact Information: Name: Maxwell Theatre Box Office Phone: 706-667-4100 Email: maxwelltheatre@gru.edu

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UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013

Community Corner



UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013


The NSA is turning the internet into a total surveillance system by Alexander Abdo and Patrick Toomey Another burst of sunlight permeated the National Security Agency’s black box of domestic surveillance last week. According to the New York Times, the NSA is searching the content of virtually every emailthat comes into or goes out of the United States without a warrant. To accomplish this astonishing invasion of Americans› privacy, the NSA reportedly is making a copy of nearly every international email. It then searches that cloned data, keeping all of the emails containing certain keywords and deleting the rest – all in a matter of seconds. If you emailed a friend, family member or colleague overseas today (or if, from abroad, you emailed someone in the US), chances are that the NSA made a copy of that email and searched it for suspicious information. The NSA appears to believe this general monitoring of our electronic communications is justified because the entire process takes, in one official’s words, “a small number of seconds”. Translation: the NSA thinks it can intercept and then read Americans’ emails so long as the intrusion is swift, efficient and silent. That is not how the fourth amendment works. Whether the NSA inspects and retains these messages for years, or only searches through them once before moving on, the invasion of Americans’ privacy is real and immediate. There is no “five-second rule” for fourth amendment violations: the US constitution does not excuse these bulk searches simply because they happen in the blink of an eye. The government claims that this program is authorized by a surveillance statute passed in 2008 that allows the government to target foreigners for surveillance. Although the government has frequently defended that law as a necessary tool in gathering foreign intelligence, the government has repeatedly misled the public about the extent to which the statute implicates Americans› communications. There should no longer be any doubt: the US government has for years relied upon its authority to collect foreigners› communications as a useful

cover for its sweeping surveillance of Americans› communications. The surveillance program revealed last week confirms that the interception of American communications under this law is neither «targeted» at foreigners (in any ordinary sense of that word) nor “inadvertent”, as officials have repeatedly claimed. Last week’s revelations are a disturbing harbinger of future surveillance. Two months ago, this newspaper reported that the US government has been forcing American telecommunications companies to turn over the call records of every one of their customers «on an ongoing daily basis», to allow the NSA to later search those records when it has a reason to do so. The government has since defended the program, in part on the theory that

Americans› right to privacy is not implicated by the initial acquisition of their phone records, only by their later searching. That legal theory is extraordinarily dangerous because it would allow the NSA to acquirevirtually all digital information today simply because it might possibly become relevant tomorrow. The surveillance program revealed by the New York Times report goes one step further still. No longer is the government simply collecting information now so that the data is available to search, should a reasonable suspicion arise at some point in the future; the NSA is searching everything now – in real time and without suspicion – merely on the chance that it finds something of interest. That principle of pre-emptive surveil-

lance threatens to subvert the most basic protections of the fourth amendment, which generally prohibit the government from conducting suspicion-less fishing expeditions through our private affairs. If the government is correct that it can search our every communication in case we say or type something suspicious, there is little to prevent the NSA from converting the internet into a tool of pervasive surveillance. Because of this very real possibility, these programs should be brought out of the twilight zone of the national security state and into the daylight, so that the public can decide for itself what privacy means in a digital age. Alexander Abdo is a staff attorney with American Civil Liberties Union’s National Security Project.

PUBLIC NOTICE AUGUSTA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION STUDY DRAFT FY 2014-17 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AMENDMENTS TO 2035 LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN The public is invited to review and comment on the draft FY 2014 - 2017 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the Augusta Regional Transportation Study (ARTS). The ARTS area includes all of Richmond County, GA and the urbanized portions of Columbia County, GA, Aiken County, SC and Edgefield County, SC. The TIP includes all road, bridge, transit, road related drainage and enhancement projects which receive 80% or more funding from federal and/or state sources. The public is also invited to comment on the following amendments to the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan:  Wheeler Road at Robert C. Daniel Parkway - intersection improvements;  Wheeler Road - intersection improvements and signal upgrade from I-20 Eastbound Ramp to Augusta West Parkway;  Barton Chapel Road - add turn lanes at Gordon Highway (SR 10/US 78);  Hereford Farm Road - widen to 4 thru lanes from SR 232 to SR 383; with multi-use path on one side. These documents will be available for review and comment from August 12, 2013 – September 12, 2013 during the hours of 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday - Friday at the following locations:    

In Richmond County - Augusta-Richmond County Planning Commission, 525 Telfair Street, Augusta, Georgia (706) 821-1796. In Columbia County - Columbia County Development Services Division, 630 Ronald Reagan Drive, Building A, Evans, Georgia (706) 312-7268. In Aiken County - Aiken County Planning and Development Department, Suite 130, Kalmia Plaza, 1680 Richland Avenue West, Aiken, South Carolina (803) 642-1520. A summary of the draft TIP can also be viewed at the following web site: http://www.augustaga.gov/index.aspx?nid=680

Please call (706) 821-1796 for more information and the name of additional locations where the document can be reviewed. Persons with special needs related to handicapped accessibility or foreign language should contact the Augusta Planning and Development Department for assistance. George A. Patty, Project Director Augusta Regional Transportation Study

Housing Authority of the City of Augusta, Georgia The Housing Authority of the City of Augusta (AHA) will conduct one (1) Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 9 a.m. in the large board room of the J. Madden Reid Building located at 1435 Walton Way, Augusta, Georgia regarding the Public Housing Agency Plans for FY2012 in accordance with the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 (QHWRA) and related U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) subsequent notices. Interested parties can review and obtain a copy of the Draft 2014 Public Housing Agency Plans upon request. For additional information, please contact Sevi Roberson, Director of Management at (706)312-3120. Equal Housing Opportunity The Housing Authority of the City of Augusta By: Jacob L Oglesby, Executive Director Mission Statement: To promote adequate and affordable housing, economic opportunity and a suitable living environment free from discrimination.

Sealed proposals from contractors will be received for the Renovations and a New Building for Langford Middle School by the County Board of Education of Richmond County at the address below until 2:00 p.m. local time, on Thursday, September 5, 2013, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read. No extension of the bidding period will be made. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Thursday, August 22, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. local time in the Langford Middle School Lunch Room, 3019 Walton Way Extension, Augusta, Georgia 30909. Drawings and project manual on this work may be examined at the Department of Maintenance and Facilities, Richmond County Board of Education, 1781 15th Street, Augusta, Georgia 30901.

Bidding documents may be obtained at the office of the architect: Harley & Associates Architects, P.C., 718 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia 30901, (706) 724-2475. Applications for documents together with refundable deposit of $200.00 per set should be filed promptly with the architect. Bidding material will be forwarded (shipping charges collect) as soon as possible. The full amount of deposit for one set will be refunded to each prime contractor who submits a bona fide bid upon return of such set in good condition within ten (10) days after date of opening bids. All other deposits will be refunded with deductions approximating cost of reproduction of documents upon return of same in good condition within ten (10) days after date of opening bid. Contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty-five (35) days after time has been called on the date of opening.

Bid must be accompanied by a bid bond in an amount not less than 5% of the base bid. Personal checks, certified checks, letters of credit, etc., are not acceptable. The successful bidder will be required to furnish performance and payment bonds in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price. The Richmond County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities.

Make sure that you listen to AJ on Fridays from 1-3 pm on WKZK 103.7 FM & 1600 AM The Spirit of Gospel For all of your advertising needs contact me at (706)306.5009 or mswright26@gmail.com

BID LIST: The Richmond County Board of Education maintains a bid list for many categories that are let for bid each year. Contact Amy Bauman in the Business Office (706) 826-1298 or at baumaam@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us if you need additional information concerning the bid list. To promote local participation, a database of sub-contractors, suppliers, and vendors has been developed by the Program Manager, GMK Associates. Contact Jeanine Usry with GMK Associates at (706) 826-1127 for location to review and obtain this database Bids shall be submitted and addressed to:

Dr. Frank G. Roberson, Superintendent Richmond County School System 864 Broad Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 Attention: Mr. C. Gene Spires, Controller

UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013

Notice to the Public



UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013


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UrbanProWeekly • AUGUST 15 - 21, 2013



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