Urban Pro Weekly

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Newspaper VOL.2 NO.41 VOL.2 NO.18 The CSRA’s

JULY 4 - 10, 2013

“Shariff King ran a big scam.” – Vickie Winans




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UrbanProWeekly • JULY 4 - 10, 2013


Look Here! FRONT ‘N’ CENTER TAKE NOTE First Friday

July 5 from 5-9 p.m. Downtown Augusta. Enjoy live music and shop from local vendors along Broad Street and in the Augusta Common. Discover local restaurants, galleries, retail stores and nightlife. Many downtown businesses have First Friday specials.

Health Symposium

Tanika Mason (center) and other members of 5,6,7,8 Studios get the crowd moving during “Kidney Action Day”, held at The Kroc Center on Saturday. The event was created by The American Kidney Fund to help people understand their risk for kidney disease and how to prevent it. Over one hundred people were screened for kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and also enjoyed live entertainment and cooking demonstrations. “Kidney Action Day” is held in cities where rates of kidney disease are higher than the national average. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

The Georgia legislative Black Caucus (in conjunction) with the Democratic members of Augusta’s State legislative delegation Invites All of Augusta to attend the “First-Ever” Healthcare Symposium on July 8, 2013, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the ASU/GRU Jaguar Student Center (located at 1500 Walton Way). You can register online @ WWW.GALBC.ORG. January, 2014 begins an Historic New Chapter in America’s healthcare options with the Introduction of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Come out and get educated by the GLBC on All options available to All Americans! Monday July 8, 2013 ASU/GRU Student Center Walton Way Campus.

OUT AND ABOUT Creative Impressions Annual Summer Workshop Barefoot Productions, Inc./Creative Impressions will present its annual Summer Music Workshop starting Monday, July 15 – Friday, July 19, 2013 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The workshop will take place at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church. The workshops are open to youth ages 12- 18. Registration is $60. The Creative Impressions Annual Summer Music Workshop offers instruction by professional teachers, musicians, dancers, as well as alumni of Creative Impressions. The main objective of each workshop is to develop musical knowledge, concepts and skills; to interact with others who share the same interest in music and the arts; and to engage in new experiences in music, dance and other artistic areas. Each workshop participant with interest in becoming a member of Creative Impressions will be able to audition at culmination of the workshop. To register, or for more information contact Gayle McLaughlin at 706.589.8214 or gaylemclaughlin@att.net you may also contact Shanita Tolbert at 706.664.9022 or tolbert.shanita@gmail.com.

U W rban Pro


UrbanProWeekly LLC Mailing Address: 3529 Monte Carlo Drive Augusta, Georgia 30906

Trey McLaughlin is the Musical Director of Creative Impressions.

Publisher Ben Hasan 706-394-9411 Managing Editor Frederick Benjamin Sr. 706-836-2018

Sales & Marketing Phone: 706-394-9411 Photography and Social Media Courtesy of Vincent Hobbs

email: Ben Hasan bzhasan54@yahoo.com Frederick Benjamin Sr. editor@urbanproweekly.com Vincent Hobbs coolveestudio@gmail.com

Providence Place 706-793-2664

2205 Southgate Dr. • Augusta,GA 30906

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UrbanProWeekly • JULY 4 - 10, 2013

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UrbanProWeekly • JULY 4 - 10, 2013


The City

Church drawn into cyber-spat Controversy over concert at Tabernacle stoked by social media and web comments By Frederick Benjamin Sr. UrbanProWeekly News Analysis

Shariff King: Why is the story not about him?

AUGUSTA Trying to figure out just what happened on the night of Thursday, June 27, is very much a function of your willingness to get to the bottom of things and your tenacity when it comes to wading through emotionally charged chit-chat, gossip and stuff that just doesn’t matter. In short, biased perceptions and emotions inevitably conceal the whole truth. And in this case, there was a lot of that to go around. Here’s what we know. There was a concert, organized and promoted by a fellow named Shariff King, at Tabernacle Baptist Church. People paid $20 to attend. Local artists performed. Everything else that happened after that may as well be a blur – and, really, shouldn’t even matter. The day after the concert, an individual who was hired to provide security for the event complained to a talk show host that he never got paid. That’s not unusual. Folks on the fringes of show business often get left holding the bag. The biggest victims are usually performers, but sound technicians, security personnel and even venue operators have to vigilant. Promoters routinely promote events that die a natural death the closer it gets to the show’s date and

it has to be cancelled. Top artists may get skittish if their advance payments don’t materialize on time – well ahead of the concert date. Done correctly, there’s a significant paper trail that can be relied upon if things turn sour. Absent those contracts, mishaps can degenerate into a round of allegations and recriminations. Ticket holders often have problems getting their money back from either bad shows or shows where the main act never shows up or, worse, only performs for a brief period. However, none of this should have caused as much as a ripple in the traditional media. After all, this is Augusta, not Los Angeles. So why did this concert, on this night evoke such a visceral response? Why? Facebook and other online opinion amplifiers can receive much of the blame. Social media has once again proved its efficacy in manufacturing news. In fact, social media has really exemplified the democratization of fabricated social content. Prior to the digital revolution, it was the closely guarded province of national corporations to manufacture and shape news and public opinion. Now, every man with a free e-mail account is a scribe – for better or for worse. Once word got out that Tabernacle was involved, folks lost their collec-

tive minds. All the ingredients were present – money, power, greed, and the church. Throw in celebrity tweets, the “S-word,” (scam) and, Rev. Goodman haters and you have the ammo for a tabloid best seller or a Lifetime miniseries. Vickie Winans’ tweet “Shariff King ran a big scam” got the ball rolling and before long it got real ugly. It is amazing how quickly the story became, not about Mr. King, but about Tabernacle, and by extension, the Rev. Dr. Charles E. Goodman Jr. Goodman may have unwittingly added fuel to the fire by adopting what has been perceived as, an unsympathetic posture in the face of the still smoldering firestorm. A few months ago, Tabernacle was celebrating its entry into the world of mega churches. Over the past six days it has had to summon its innercompass to stay on course in light of the mega-distraction its public persona. That such a fairly common occurrence involving entertainment-world bad manners could blowup into front page news and TV headlines is a testament to Tabernacle’s increased visibility and evolution from a traditional southern congregation steeped in historic pride and generations of gentile striving to an institution that very much embraces the signs and symbols of the next generation. Welcome to 2013.

“Non-lethal” taser may have caused death

Prizette Presberry

Mathew Sanderson

AUGUSTA The investigation of three Richmond County deputies involved in the death of 39-year old George Harvey may have revived the debate over whether tasers are viable nonlethal alternatives. The three deputies that have been placed on administrative leave are Prizette Presberry, Mathew Sanderson and Chadrick Scott. According to early reports by the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office, on Saturday, June 30, two deputies were attempting to apprehend Harvey when a struggle ensued. Once in custody, the man went into

Chadrick Scott

cardiac arrest. Medical personnel were notified and CPR was conducted on Harvey. Harvey was taken to Georgia Regents Hospital where he died. As in all such cases involving the death of a citizen, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation was notified and will be conducting an investigation. On Tuesday, the RCSO released the agency’s Taser Use Policy. According to the policy, “The TASER provides an option of force that can help prevent situations from escalating to deadly force levels. The use of the TASER may reduce the need for

physical force or other force options by deputies which could result in serious bodily injury or possibly death to the deputy, the suspect or a third party.” In rare cases, however, Tasers lead to death. As a result, Tasers are increasingly being scrutinzed for no longer being a nonlethal law enforcement alternative. According to the ACLU, between 2001 and 2011, 500 people died after being tased by law enforcement officers. According to the ACLU report, “The new evidence that Tasers can cause cardiac arrest and death, coupled with the disturbing trend of officers using Tasers in flagrantly unnecessary situations, makes it all the more troubling that states do not uniformly or consistently govern or regulate officers’ use of Tasers. This means that Taser policies vary greatly between police departments, often leading to vague, outdated and inaccurate guidelines that result in misunderstanding about the misuse of these allegedly non-lethal weapons.” Tasers subject their victims to a 50,000 volt shock followed by 100 microsecond pulses of 1,200 volts. A study published this week by

the American Heart Association’s Circulation Journal confirms that the misuse of a Taser can cause sudden cardiac arrest and death. Before this year, the RCSO did not use Tasers. Use of the weapons were implemented along with a host of other changes that accompanied Sheriff Richard Roundtree’s assumption of control of the department. On Sunday, June 30, WFXG news reported that family members of the deceased man were convinced that Harvey was tased multiple times. According to the county coroner, Harvey went into cardiac arrest after being tased and died 45 minutes later. A video tape of the incident exists. It was supplied by woman, Cheryl Otey, who recorded the tasing on her cell phone. According to Otey, Harvey was tased more than twice. The RCSO has not released any details about the tasing. The officers remain on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. GBI officials say once they’ve determined what happened, they will turn their information over to the District Attorney’s office and they will decide how to proceed. They say it will be several weeks before their investigation is complete. ‑ UPW Staff writers

5 UrbanProWeekly • JULY 4 - 10, 2013




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“KIDNEY ACTION DAY” Commissioner Bill Fennoy (R) gets his blood

Rd JyNelle Agent pressure checked during “Kidney Handy, Action Day”, on June 29, held at The Kroc Center on Saturday. The event was created by The American 815 INFO@INS-PROS.COM Kidney Fund to help people understand their risk for kidney disease



and how to prevent it. Over one hundred people were screened for kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and also enjoyed live entertainment and cooking demonstrations. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

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UrbanProWeekly • JULY 4 - 10, 2013


Arts & Culture • The Augusta Museum Brown Bag History Series

Growing up Southern, another p.o.v.

As part of its continuing Brown Bag History Series, the Augusta Museum of History presents, Growing-up Southern, Another Point of View a talk given by Dr. James E. Carter, III, on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 12:30 p.m. His talk will include a view of growing-up in a Southern town that evokes good and painful memories. Dr. Carter a recognized scholar of black history in the CSRA, has often given lectures on a variety of subjects, including African American athletes, black Augusta during the Harlem

Renaissance, Leadership Augusta talks about Springfield Baptist Church, will present a perspective of living in a segregated community and the changes since desegregation. Dr. Carter has served on many boards and commissions and they include is the Museum’s Board of Trustees, Historic Augusta, Downtown Development Authority, Augusta Housing Authority andAfroAmerican History Association, He is the former Dean of Student Affairs and Director of Minority

Student Affairs at the Medical College of Georgia (Georgia Regents University). A native of Augusta and graduate of Lucy C. Laney High School, and Paine College, Carter did his Masters and doctoral studies at South Carolina State University and additional study at Howard University, Cornell University and the University of Cincinnati. The Brown Bag History Series is an educational lecture series provided monthly by the Augusta Museum of History, and is an ideal

lunch-time break for downtown professionals, retirees, and students. The lectures are free to Museum members and $3 for non-members. Participants should bring a lunch and the Museum will only be providing beverages. Lunch can begin as early as 11:30 a.m.; the lecture runs from 12:30 – 1:00 p.m. The museum is located at 560 Reynolds Street in downtown Augusta. Please call (706) 722-8454 for more information or visit our websitewww. augustamuseum.org.

GABEO’s Day of Remembrance 67th Anniversary Commemoration and 9th Annual Reenactment of the Lynchings at the Moore’s Ford Bridge, Monroe, GA

Smooth/Pop • Classic • Big Band • Fusion/Funk • Contemporary • Blues

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Saturday, July 27, 2013, 12:00 p.m. First African Baptist Church, 130 Tyler 8:00pm :: $6 (kids under 13 admitted free) :: (706) 495-6238 :: (706) 821-1754 Street, Monroe, GA 30655, 12 Noon, Church Opens for Meditation and Prayers for Justice and Pre-Reenactment Rally STYLE: *-smooth/pop +-classic @-big band !-fusion /funk <-contemporary =-blues Invited Guest Speakers will include National and Local Civil/Human Rights, Clergy and Political Leaders Narrator, Mr. Robert Howard, Civil Rights Activist, Walton County Director, Rev. Cassandra Greene Coordinator, Ms. Hattie Lawson, Formerfor not smoking – for keeping your conversations down – for keeping your pets quiet and on a leash. Chair, Athens Area Human RelationsThank you for supporting our musicians, vendors and sponsors. Calendar of jazz events is online at Council gardencityjazz.com. Visit www.rainedout.com for text weather alerts.


Thank You:

Funk You JULY 14

Buzz Clifford

REENACTMENT TIMELINE: 1:00 p.m. Leave 1st African Baptist Church for Visitation of the Malcom and @ May 05: Georgia Regents University Conservatory Jazz Band + Stallings Island Middle Dorsey Gravesites 4:45 p.m. Arrive at the Farm House of + May 12: John Hobbs - Mothers Day Tribute Barney Hester, 2932 Hester Town Road (This is where the altercation occurred! May 19: JAMP Masters + Afro Cubop Quartet leading to the arrest of Roger Malcom, * May 26: Garden City Jazz 3 Sunday, July 14, 1946.) 5 p.m. Leave Barney Hester’s House 5:15 p.m. Arrive at the Old County Jail, *Jun 02: Matthew Davis Band 203 Milledge Avenue, Downtown Monroe. (Place where Roger Malcom was held@ Jun 09: ABBA - Augusta Big Band Aggregate for 11 days.) 5:30 p.m. Leave the Jail en route to the! Jun 16: David Heath Project Moore’s Ford Bridge (This is the exact+ Jun 23: Piano Jazz Feature time that Loy Harrison (white farmer) took the Malcoms and the Dorseys from< Jun 30: Patrick Arthur Trio the jail and delivered them to the KKK lynch mob waiting at the Moore’s Ford ! Jul 07: Funk You Bridge.) (July 25, 1946) 6 p.m. Arrive at the Moore’s Ford Bridge= Jul 14: Buzz Clifford Thank you for not smoking – for keeping your conversations down – for the Reenactment Ceremony and Call keeping Trio your pets quiet and on a leash. Thank you for supporting Hamilton for Justice: Arrest and Prosecution Now!! + Jul 21: Edwin Gfor 7 p.m. Benediction: At the Historic our musicians, vendors and sponsors. Calendar of jazz events is online Memorial Marker Dedicated to the Legacy< Jul 28: Courtland Saxon & Desire at gardencityjazz.com. Visit www.rainedout.com for text weather alerts. of: Roger and Dorothy Malcom (and Justice, unborn infant), George and Mae= Aug 04: Tony Williams & Blues Express Murray Dorsey. And a Challenge to Us All to Continue Our Quest and Pursuit of* Aug 11: Preston&Weston Justice. * Aug 18: Sounds Unlimited For More Information Rep. Tyrone Brooks, President, Georgia Association of* Aug 25: quietSTORM Black Elected Officials, 404-656-6372.


Edwin G. Hamilton Trio JULY 28

Courtland Saxon & Desire

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UrbanProWeekly • JULY 4 - 10, 2013



UrbanProWeekly • JULY 4 - 10, 2013


Commentary The Republicans on the Supreme Court By Robert Reich In order to fully understand what the five Republican appointees on the Supreme Court have been up to when they make decisions that affect our democracy, as they did last week on voting rights, you need to understand what the Republican Party has been up to. The modern GOP is based on an unlikely coalition of wealthy business executives, small business owners, and struggling whites. Its durability depends on the latter two categories believing that the economic stresses they’ve experienced for decades have a lot to do with the government taking their money and giving it to the poor, who are disproportionately black and Latino. The real reason small business owners and struggling whites haven’t done better is the same most of the rest of America hasn’t done better: Although the output of Americans has continued to rise, almost all the gains have gone to the very top. Government is implicated, but not in the way wealthy Republicans want the other members of their coalition to believe. Laws that the GOP itself championed (too often with the complicity of some Democrats) have trammeled unions, invited outsourcing abroad, slashed taxes on the rich, encouraged takeovers, allowed monopolization, reduced the real median wage, and deregulated Wall Street. Four decades ago, the typical household’s income rose in tandem with output. But since the late 1970s, as these laws took hold, most Americans’ incomes have flattened. Had the real median household income continued to keep pace with economic growth it would now be almost $92,000 instead of $50,000. Obviously, wealthy Republicans would rather other members of their coali-

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tion not know any of this — including, especially, their role in making it happen. Their nightmare is small-business owners and struggling whites joining with the poor and the rest of the middle class to wrest economic power away. So they’ve created a convenient scapegoat in America’s minority underclass, along with a government that supposedly taxes hardworking whites to support them. This is where the five Republican appointees to the Supreme Court have played, and continue to play, such an important role. First, wealthy Republicans have to be able to spend as much money as possible to bribe lawmakers to do their

bidding, tell their version of history, and promulgate several big lies (the poor are “takers not makers,” government keeps them “dependent,” the wealthy are “job-creators” so cutting their taxes creates more jobs, unions are bad, regulations reduce economic growth, and so on). Second, wealthy Republicans want to quietly reduce the impact of any laws that might limit their profits, even though they may help struggling whites as consumers or employees. Here, too, the five Republicans on the Court have been eager to oblige by tightening requirements for class actions and limiting standing to sue. Third and finally, wealthy Republicans

want to minimize the votes of poor and minority citizens – and further propagate the myth that these people are responsible for the economic problems of struggling whites – through state redistricting and gerrymandering, voteridentification requirements at polling stations, and the use of almost any pretext to purge minority voters from voting lists. The five Republicans on the Court obliged last week by striking down a section of the 1965 Voting Rights Act that sets the formula under which states with a long history of discrimination must ask the federal government or a judge for approval before changing their voting procedures.

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UrbanProWeekly • JULY 4 - 10, 2013



UrbanProWeekly • JULY 4 - 10, 2013


Pardon Me

A Letter to Ms. Paula Deen Written by David Walker I don’t know if the reports about your racial remarks are true. Be that as it may, your feelings about blacks are inconsequential to me. If I ever discovered that you do hate black people, I wouldn’t be surprised. What is interesting to me is how insistent many people (particularly white, Southern women) are that you come back to the Food Network and the extent to which they will go to defend your alleged actions. I mean, you’re, like, their hero. Some of the arguments I have read in your defense have been mindblowing. Instead of dealing with the allegations made against you directly, people are trying to shift the attention elsewhere by comparing your actions to the worst actions of random black people. It’s like they’re saying, “Never mind what Paula did, look at all these black people doing bad stuff and getting away with it.” Huh? Even if I accepted that argument, it doesn’t change what you did; it only speaks to the unfairness

in America—how certain people can do bad things and get away with it while others cannot. That’s a separate discussion altogether—one that I would be glad to have. But I don’t think people are prepared to discuss the actual differences in punishment, judgement, and overall treatment of people of color compared to white people in America. Despite all this, I think people should leave you alone. But as usual, when issues concerning race arise, people either dismiss them entirely or overreact. You screwed up, admitted it, apologized, and we should all move on. I also think that the last thing Southern women need to be doing is lobbying for the return of your butter-saturated, diabetes-inducing pound cakes. But, hey, I guess that is to be expected given the South’s rich tradition of making smart, moral decisions, right?


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IRS or State Tax Problems? Don’t be taken by some of the companies you see on TV. Many will take upfront fees before they even know the extent of your tax problems. And, more often than not, they will do very little to resolve your case.

Make the smart choice with Tax Wize Financial for all of your income tax needs.

(706) 305-1412 “Admitted to practice before the Internal Revenue Service”

At Tax Wize Financial, as a part of our initial free consultation, we will conduct an in depth analysis of your account with the IRS or State agency to determine the extent of your tax problems. After we have determined what courses of action should be taken to resolve your problems we will outline the services for you and provide you with an estimated cost for those services. OuR SeRVIceS IncluDe: • Preparation and filing of federal current and past years tax returns, including all necessary states. • negotiating the release of wage garnishments, levies, liens and other intrusive IRS actions. • Installment Agreements • Offer-In-compromise • IRS audit examination preparation and representation.

Just to name a few!

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