Early voting higher in runoff
House District 127 candidates work to turn out the vote
Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Janny Rodriguez, NBC 26 reporter, tells story of harrowing life-changing journey to the USA
To be successful in politics one must have the ability to communicate with others and understand the art of compromise to achieve one’s goals and objectives.
Eddie Bussey 706-772-9800
UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
ART FOR LIVING 3rd Annual KWANZAA Celebration
Holiday celebration has African-American theme On Dec. 8, Augustans will celebrate family, arts, culture, community, & cooperative economics. Kwanzaa is a 7-day, nonreligious, cultural celebration observed annually from December 26 to January 1. It is based on seven principles called the Nguzo Saba, which may serve as a guide for daily living: Umoja (Unity), Kujichagulia (Selfdetermination), Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility), Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics), Nia, (Purpose), Kuumba (Creativity) and Imani (Faith).
AUGUSTA Humanitree House will host the CityWide Kwanzaa Community Celebration and Marketplace on Sunday, December 8, 2013 from 2:00-7:00 p.m. at the Warren Road Community Center. This free community event will be celebrated through varied dance and music performances, a tribute to community elders, a marketplace for shopping, activities for children and families, and a ceremony honoring members of the community. Although Kwanzaa is a celebration to honor and preserve the African experience in America, this event is open to all members of the community regardless of racial or cultural background in the spirit of cultural understanding, cooperative economics as well as sharing in the collective mission of the C.S.R.A. This community collective will be one-stop pre-holiday shopping spot featuring handcrafted jewelry, clothes, toys, books, art, and beauty products. In addition to performances, there will be children’s activities, live paintings and food! A Community Drum Circle and Dance and the Kwanzaa Presentation will close out the event. COME LEARN about KWANZAA and share with the ENTIRE community! Interested vendors and performers should contact Denise Tucker for information at 706-3940190 or visit www.humanitreehouse.com (click on the pre-kwanzaa link) or email info@humanitreehouse.com.
(Above) Dancing to Afro-centric drum beats at last year’s PreKwanzaa Celebration. (At right) A celebrant, dressed for the occasion, enjoys health literature from among the many vendors. Photos by Vincent Hobbs
PRINCE For House of Representatives, District 127 Your state representative is responsible for creating laws and policy that positively affect your life as a Georgia citizen. The 127th seat in the Georgia House of Representatives is comprised of portions of Richmond and Jefferson counties. As your representative, I will focus on your concerns as a community and build a comprehensive and cohesive plan of action to address them. When dealing with challenges regarding the economy, crime, healthcare, tax reform, transportation, or education, my goal is to bring strong, assertive, and consistent leadership to the legislative process. As your 127th District Representative, I will:
• LISTEN as I become YOUR voice in Atlanta • LEAD when addressing issues that affect the district • ADVOCATE for laws that help All citizens • •
and not a select few COMMUNICATE with you about the concerns that affect our community WORK tirelessly to ensure that WE grow and prosper as a community
Friends of Brian Prince P.O. Box 14264 Augusta, GA 30919 www.facebookcom/elect.brianprince Campaign Headquarters: 3540 Wheeler Road, Suite 416 Augusta, GA 30909
Elect Brian Prince Dec. 3 If you need transportation, call 706-421-5818
W OM EN’S B A S KETBALL THURSDAY, NOV 21 - 7:00 PM Paine College vs. JCS University
MEN’S BASK ETB A L L FRIDAY, NOV 22 - 8:00 PM Paine College vs. Talladega College
TUESDAY, NOV 26 - 7:00 PM SATURDAY, NOV 23 - 4:00 PM Paine College Paine College vs. vs. GA Southwestern Uni. Concordia College @PaineAthletics
UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
The City
Early voting significantly higher for runoff election By Frederick Benjamin UPW Staff Writer
AUGUSTA If early voting results are any indication, the turnout for the December 3 runoff election for House District 127 could be much higher than the previous Nov. 5 Special Election. After the Nov. 5 Special Election, Diane Evans and Brian Prince qualified to face each other in the Dec. 3 runoff. In the Special Election, Early Voting in Richmond County was low and turnout for the entire election was less about 14 percent. In the first three days of Early Voting which began in Richmond County on Monday (Nov. 18), 97 people cast their vote compared to only 62 peo-
ple who cast their vote in the first three days of Early Voting on Nov. 5. In fact, the 3-day total for the runoff (Mon-Wed) exceeds total (90 votes) for the entire 5-day period (Mon-Fri) in early voting for the Nov. 3 Special Election. The candidates are being forced to work through the Thanksgiving holiday in an effort to garner more support and get their base back to the polls on Dec. 3. Both candidates are Democrats. District 127 covers Richmond and Jefferson Counties. Prince, a retired military officer, hails from Richmond County and Evans, a retired educator and pastor, is from Jefferson County. In the Special Election (Nov. 5) Prince dominated the Richmond County precincts
and Evans out polled Prince in Jefferson County. The early voting results cited above are for Richmond County only. Early voting results for Jefferson County were not available for this report. In the Nov. 5 election, Prince received a total of 1468 votes which included 20.5 percent of Jefferson County. Evans received a total of 973 votes, including 70 percent of the Jefferson County vote. Both candidates hope to make inroads in their opponent’s county of residence. While Prince’s base of support in Richmond County is strong, Evans has picked up more support in Richmond County. A week ago, Evans said that she was awaiting a let-
loudly objected to was the decision to close the polling sites located at two senior citizen residences ‑ Peabody Apartments and St. John Towers. Other polling sites which will no longer be utilized includes Fire Station No. 8 on Highland Avenue, Cokesbury United Methodist Church, the Johnson Center in Cherry Tree Crossing, Morgan Road Middle School, the Windsor Spring Road VFW and New Life Worship Center. Board officials argued that the changes, which will reduce the number of polling places in the county from 50 to 44, will make it more con-
venient for the majority of the county’s registered voters to cast their vote. Many who voiced opposition to the changes, cited possible voter confusion caused by the many changes in the next national and state election cycle. Cited most often was the drastic change from the July primary elections to May in 2014. Citing possible reduction in minority voting participation and disproportionate impact on minority voters, several African-American legtislators and civil rights advocates voiced their objections in person and in written documents. They included
Diane Evans ter of support from various Richmond County religious leaders. On some of her latest campaign material she indicates that she is “Endorsed by pastors & Ministers in
Brian Prince Jefferson and Richmond.” This week she announced that she has received the endorsement from Georgia WIN List, a progressive women’s political action group.
Election panel votes to close polling sites despite protests By Frederick Benjamin UPW Staff Writer AUGUSTA The Richmond County Board of Election decided to stick with its original plan to close some polling sites and create new ones despite calls for it to postpone the move until a later date. Citing the need to realign the polling sites following the 2010 Census as well as the 2012 court-ordered redistricting, the Board voted 3-1-1 (one abstention) to move forward with the plan presented to the community in a series of public hearings last month. Among the moves most
U W rban Pro
UrbanProWeekly LLC Mailing Address: 3529 Monte Carlo Drive Augusta, Georgia 30906
Publisher Ben Hasan 706-394-9411 Managing Editor Frederick Benjamin Sr. 706-836-2018
Richmond County Board of Elections Sanford Loyd, Chairman Chip Barbee, Vice-Chairman, Rep. Appointee L. C. Myles, Secretary, Dem.Appointee Sherry Barnes, Rep. Appointee Terence Dicks, Dem. Appointee state representatives Wayne Howard, Gloria Frazier, state senator Hardie Davis and Augusta NAACP president Dr. Charles Smith and the Rev. K.B. Martin. The board also received input from commission candidates Sammy Sias and Dennis Williams. Neither candidate objected in principal to the
Sales & Marketing Phone: 706-394-9411 Photography and Social Media Courtesy of Vincent Hobbs
precinct changes although Sias had some recommendations for additional changes. Among the changes for 2014 is the addition of Diamond Lakes Park as an Advance Voting location. Along with the precinct changes, the local nonpartisan elections will be held on either May 20 or July 15.
email: Ben Hasan bzhasan54@yahoo.com Frederick Benjamin Sr. editor@urbanproweekly.com Vincent Hobbs coolveestudio@gmail.com
s f n
t n
Good Shepherd Baptist Church
Rev. Clarence Moore, Pastor 1714 Olive Road / P. O. Box 141 (mailing address) Augusta, GA 30903 706/733-341- Telephone/706/667-0205 – Fax E-mail address: admin@goodshepherdaugusta.org Web address: goodshepherdaugusta.org Rev. Clarence Moore Church Service: 7:45 & 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. / Prayer Service: 11:00 a.m. – Wednesday Bible Study: 9:00 a.m. - Saturday / 7:00 p.m. - Wednesday
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Bishop Rosa L. Williams, Pastor
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5 UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
h -
Sunday School 8:30 am Morning Worship Services: 9:45 am Evening Worship Services 6 pm (4th Sunday) Bible Study: 6pm (Mondays) Midday Bible Study: 12pm (Tuesdays) Prayer Services: 6pm (Wednesdays) Celebrate Recovery: 6pm (Fridays) and 12pm (Mondays)
urban professional: Janny Rodriguez Reporter, NBC 26
UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
A harrowing journey to freedom “Our engines on the boat failed, and now the water covered my legs. I was holding onto my mother, but not because I feared for my life, but because I feared for hers.”
was born October 4th, 1990 in Matanzas, Cuba in a small town called Perico. Growing up in Cuba, I was enveloped by a society where everyone knew one another. Playing on the streets and dancing in the rain was routine for me and every other kid on the block. But my parents knew once I grew up, there would be no future for me in Cuba. When I was eight years old, we embarked on a raft — determined to fashion a life in the promising land of the United States — and managed to survive for days in the Atlantic Ocean, sustained only by rotting floors, with an absence of shelter and limited
Janny’s Story
quantities of food and fresh water. We were so close, and I remember asking my father for water and he said, “Grandma is waiting for us, we just have to get to shore, look.” I can still see vividly the city with the lights, where our new home would be. But that illusion was rapidly crushed when a larger boat, the U.S Coast Guard, approached us and demanded us to get off our raft and go with them. Even though I was young, I could see the desperation in my parents’ facial expression. We were deported back to
Cuba within a few days, and even after being threatened with incarceration by the Cuban government, my parents were determined to make their dream my reality. Three months later we were making our second attempt to come to America, except this time we were on a boat that my uncle, Carlos, paid to a lanchero, or boatman, to smuggle us in. But that journey wasn’t easier than the first time. Our engines on the boat failed and now the water covered my legs. I was holding onto
Interview by Vincent Hobbs.
UPW: What initial challenges did you face in this country? JANNY: Growing up in Miami and surrounded by family was heartening, but learning a new language was not. I was placed in ESOL classes, a program for non-English speakers. Meanwhile my parents worked long hours and saved money so we could one day live in an apartment, just the four of us. Homework time was dreadful. My parents did not speak English and my sister was three years old. I found myself going from neighbor to neighbor so they could help me do my homework. The months passed, and without even noticing, I was speaking English like the other kids, and of course, translating for my parents everywhere we went. Despite the hardships, my family and I now live in the land of the free. UPW: Miami has a diverse Hispanic heritage; did this make the transition coming from Cuba easier for you? JANNY: Growing up in Miami definitely made it easier for my parents to get around, since almost all people are bilingual. UPW: Tell us about your education. JANNY: I was accepted into the college of my dreams, The University of Florida. I cried with my mom. We couldn’t believe my dreams were coming true. Now, I understand those were her dreams as
my mother, but not because I feared for my life, but because I feared for hers. The thought of losing her overwhelmed my tiny body, shivering from the cold water. But what seemed like an eternity was over rather quickly when we approached a lighthouse for safety. The next day another lanchero came to pick us up, and finally we were on American soil. We continued our journey on foot, walking along the Islamorada mangroves in Florida. But the mud sucked us in and we couldn’t keep walking, so we waited for help to come - and hoped for the best. I remember asking God to help us, and questioning my
mother for taking me from my home in Cuba. Then, I could feel strong winds; I heard a loud noise and saw a rescue helicopter. They dropped a basket down and my mother, sister, and I got in it. Covered in mud from head to toe, I remember waking up in a strange place. It was Krome Detention Center. My uncle Carlos came to our rescue once again and we were finally home. At that moment I couldn’t understand why my parents were so adamant about leaving. Everything looked and smelled different. Now, fourteen years later I can understand why my parents left everything behind.
Janny Rodriguez would have liked to reported in the civil rights era. Photos by V. Hobbs well. U.F. had been my home away from home. I was a Telecommunications-News student and I spent more hours than I should have at Weimer Hall. I worked at the school TV station as a reporter for WUFT TV and I also had the wonderful opportunity to co-host a Latin prime time radio show every Friday night called Viernes Social. UPW: When did you decide that you wanted to become a news journalist? JANNY: Ever since my first day in college, I knew I wanted to do news. But it started at home; I would watch the Spanish news with my parents and pretend I was a reporter. But I was reassured that I wanted to be a reporter when I covered a story about the Special Olympics for an elementary school in Gainesville. I was so touched by those kids and being able to make them smile for a few seconds. I knew then that I would be able to experience much more, if I continued to follow my career paths.
UPW: What (or who) were some of the influences in your life that led you to this career path? JANNY: My parents are and have always been my inspiration. Their unconditional love and dedication is the fuel that makes me strive for success. But it started with my uncle Carlos, my mother’s brother. He’s been a man that I admire since I was little, and it is thanks to him that I even have the opportunity to share my story with you. Then I met my high school art teacher, mentor, artist, and friend, Tom Virgin. He helped me achieve one of my greatest accomplishments so far - being able to attend the University of Florida. He’s been a part of my life ever since. UPW: Which do you enjoy the most - the responsibilities of a news anchor or reporting from the field? JANNY: My ultimate goal is to become a prime time anchor for a national network, but I love being out in the field. I think you can’t do
one without the other. When I am out in the field, I can be my goofy self, but most importantly, I get to know my community and they get to know me. UPW: If you could have covered any past historical event as a reporter, which event would you choose and why? JANNY: If I could have covered any past historical event as a reporter, I would have covered the civil rights movement. It was a time period in the United States characterized by acts of civil resistance by a group of people who were being discriminated against and stripped of their basic human rights. I would have loved to interview Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King Jr. UPW: What is your impression of Augusta so far? JANNY: Augusta is very different than any city in Florida, but I have received such a positive feedback from this community, that even in
these short four months, I feel like I’m home. UPW: We came across a blog that you started about your love for cooking and healthy eating. Can you tell us about your interest in the culinary arts? JANNY: Cooking is one of my favorite pastimes after dancing. I grew up with a home-cooked meal every night. My mother is an excellent cook, and not just because she is my mother. She learned to cook at an early age. My grandmother taught her everything she knows and then she taught me. But it was the love (that she made the food with) that stuck with me. When I had to start a blog for a school project, I decided to do it about cooking. To me, cooking isn’t only an art and a stress reliever, but it’s also the best way to bring people together. It started with a family meal every night and now it’s a way of life for me, and something that I can hopefully pass down to my kids.
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UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
Specializing In Colon Hydrotherapy
UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
Augusta ranks No. 2 among top digital city governments For the fourth year in a row, the City of Augusta’s Information Technology Department ranked among the top digital city governments as announced by e.Republic’s Center for Digital Government and Digital Communities Program. Ten finalists were chosen in four separate population categories. The Information Technology Department ranked #2 in the mid-sized category for cities with a population between 125,000 to 249,999. Augusta is the only State of Georgia municipality to be recognized in this competition. The factors considered include progress on information and communication technology practices made over the past year, return on investment, and a city’s demonstrated ability to innovate and leverage creative practices. “Cities that are investing in technology are seeing huge cost savings that are critical to operations and their ability to meet higher demand for services,” said Todd Sander, Executive Director for the Center for Digital Government “These cities are true innovators and we applaud them as they work in the spirit of collaboration to provide extraordinary value to constituents, despite budget setbacks.” Augusta received recognition because of its open government initiatives that promoted transparency and open data, mobility, finance management, staffing, connectivity, disaster recovery and the use of virtualization techniques. “The Information Technology Department continues to be committed to
seeking innovative ways to promote transparency, enhance citizen engagement, and serve as good stewards of the taxpayers’ dollars”, said Tameka Allen, Director of Information The city of Augusta ITT honored for information and comTechnology for the City of Augusta. munication technology practices.
Tax Prep Classes Offered
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UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
Community Corner Cutno Dance Center presents ~
Nutcracker in the South
Come experience Cutno Dance Center’s rendition of the classic ballet “The Nutcracker”. Creative Director Ferneasa Cutno has put together a lively contemporary version titled “Nutcracker in the South” using the classic score by Tchaikovsky and the score by Duke Ellington. Duke Ellington was an American Pianist, composer, and band leader. He recorded “The Nutcracker Suite”, after meeting Tchaikovsky in Las Vegas, for the Columbia Label in 1960. This album features jazz interpretations of “The Nutcracker” by Tchaikovsy. This lively contemporary version has reimagined scenes using everything from urban hip hop to
World AIDS Day Events On Saturday, Nov. 30, World AIDS Day Activities will begin with the Opening Ceremony at 1:00 PM at the Paine College Chapel. The annual World AIDS Day Walk will begin after the ceremony. All groups and individuals are invited to participate in the walk. Free HIV Testing (results in 20 minutes/ no needles) will be held prior to ceremony at Paine College Chapel starting at 10:00. On Sunday, December 1, the World AIDS Day Church Service will start at 8:00 a.m. at Macedonia Baptist Church on Wrightsboro Road. Another World AIDS Day Church Service will start at 11:30 AM at Tabernacle Baptist Church on Laney Walker Blvd. For more information, contact Ken Bonds Jr., President of Augusta Chapter of World AIDS Day Committee @ 706294-9414.
Holiday Gingerbread Village is a visual treat For the eighth year the Augusta Museum of History is proud to present an experience to delight the senses, the annual Holiday Gingerbread Village, Thursday, November 21 through Sunday, December 1 in the Museum’s Rotunda! Each historic-themed gingerbread creation will be available through silent auction, with proceeds benefiting Museum programs and exhibitions. The display and the opportunity to bid on the houses are FREE to the public during regular Museum hours. The week of Monday, November 25 through Sunday, December 1 the Museum is open to the public.
Davidson students recognized for success Five Davidson Fine Arts students received a Letter of Commendation from the National Merit Scholarship Program for placing among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students on the 2012 PSAT. They are Raisa Gallegos, Marianna Hagler, Joshua Mellot, Elena Schlechte, and Robert Wilkinson
Sunday, December 8, 2013 5:00 p.m.
Jabez Sanford Hardin Performing Arts Center 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd. Evans, GA 30809 classic ballet. This child friendly ballet takes place during a young Girl’s dream sequence. Clara (the main character) falls asleep under
A 1
Tickets can be purchased through the Christmas tree and dreams that her Nutcracker has come alive and taken her https://21397.recitalticketing.com/21397/ Please contact Cutno Dance Center on a journey to a beautiful land filled for more info at 706-364-3442 with sweets.
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UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
Now enjoy our
12 UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
U W rban Pro
HOOPS Richmond County Varsity Basketball • 2013 -2014 Season Nov. 19 (Tues.)
ARC @ Grovetown
Nov. 22 - 23 (Fri.-Sat.)
ARC boys, Butler boys, Laney boys and Cross Creek boys @ Evans Tournament; Laney girls @ Thomson Classic; Josey girls, Cross Creek girls @ Midland Valley Tournament
Nov. 25-26 (Mon.-Tue.)
Cross Creek, Glenn Hills, Hephzibah, Laney, Butler, Westside @ 100 Black Women Classic at Glenn HIlls
Nov. 29-30 (Fri.-Sat.)
Cross Creek @ Jefferson Co. (Fri.) ARC, Butler, Glenn Hills, Laney, Josey @ 100 Black Men Classic @ ARC (Sat.)
Nov. 30 (Sat.)
Butler @ Rockdale Co.
Dec. 3 (Tue.)
Laney @ Glenn Hills Greenbrier @ Hephzibah
Dec. 6 (Fri.)
Jefferson Co. @ Cross Creek Westside @ Lakeside Josey @ Savannah High Laney @ Beach High Hephzibah @ Grovetown ARC @ Evans Tournament
Harold V. Jones II State Senate District 22 Working Together to Move Augusta Forward
Dec. 7 (Sat.)
ARC @ Evans Tournament GAC @ Butler Laney @ Savannah High Josey @ Beach High Lincoln Co. @ Westside Dec. 10 (Tue.) Grovetown @ARC Athens Academy @ Glenn Hills Lakeside @ Westside
Dec. 13 (Fri.) Cross Creek @ N. Augusta Jefferson Co. @ Westside Josey @ Butler Swainsboro @ Laney Grovetown @ Hephzibah Glenn Hills @ Aquinas
Dec. 14 (Sat.)
Glenn Hills girls and boys Josey girls and boys Cross Creek girls and boys Aiken girls, Midland Valley girls, Meadowcreek girls and boys, Calhoun Co. boys, Orangeburg/W. boys @Holiday Round Ball Classic at Paine College
Dec. 20-23 (Fri.-Mon.)
Westside @ WACO Tourney
Dec. 26-28 (Thu.-Sat.)
ARC, Hephzibah, Josey, Butler, Cross Creek @ Evans Tourney Westside@Baldwin Classic Laney@Colquitt Classic Butler @ Columbia Classic Glenn HIlls @ Nike Int. Westside @ Lake Marion
Rockdale Co. @ Butler Glenn Hills @ Aquinas Hephzibah @ Geenbrier Laney @ East Laurens Westside @ Denmark/Olar Cross Creek @ Thomson
2014 Jan. 3 (Fri.)
Dec. 17 (Tue.)
Jan. 4 (Sat.)
Westside @ Hephzibah
Dec. 19-21 (Thu.-Sat.)
ARC boys and girls, Hephzibah boys and girls
Cross Creek @ Burke Co. Josey @ Dublin Hephzibah@ Glenn HIlls Glenn Hills @ Laney Glenn Hills @ Josey Laney @ Butler Thomson @ Westside North Augusta @ Cross Creek
Cross Creek @ ARC Butler @ Hephzibah Screven Co. @ Westide Laney @ Harlem Burke Co. @ Glenn Hills
Jan. 10 (Fri.)
Wilkinson Co. @ Josey Laney @ Screven Co. Harlem @ Westside Butler @ Cross Creek Glenn Hills @ ARC Hephzibah @ Burke County
Jan. 11 (Sat.)
ARC @ Westside Butler @ Josey Laney @ Swainsboro
Jan. 14 (Tue.)
Laney @ Josey Glenn Hills @ Cross Creek Burke Co. @ Butler ARC @ Hephzibah
Jan. 17 (Fri.)
Cross Creek @ Hephzibah ARC @ Burke Co. Glenn Hills @ Butler Laney @ Westside Josey @ East Laurens
Jan. 18 (Sat.)
Josey @ MLK Invitational Laney @ Butler Glenn Hills @ Will Avery Classic
Jan. 20 (Mon.)
Glenn Hills @ MLK Invitational Laney boys @ MLK Invitational Laney girls @ Copeland Classic
Jan. 21 (Tue.)
Harlem @ Laney Westside @ Screven Burke Co. @ Cross Creek Glenn Hills @ Hephzibah Butler @ ARC
Jan. 24 (Fri.)
ARC @ Cross Creek Hephzibah @ Butler Glenn Hills @ Burke Co. Westside @ Harlem Screven Co @ Laney
Jan. 25 (Sat.)
Josey @ Laney Greenbrier @ Westside Glenn Hills @ Athens Christian Academy
Jan. 28 (Tue.)
Cross Creek @ Butler ARC @ Glenn Hills Burke Co. @ Hephzibah
Jan. 31 (Fri.)
Westside @ Laney Cross Creek @ Glenn Hills Butler @ Burke Co. Hephzibah@ ARC
Feb. 1 (Sat.)
Hephzibah @Westside Dublin @ Josey
Feb. 4 (Tue.)
Hephzibah @ Cross Creek Burke Co. @ ARC Butler @ Glenn Hills
Feb. 7 (Fri.)
Glenn Hills @ Butler Westside @ Thomson Josey @ Aquinas
Feb. 8 (Sat.)
Dublin @ Laney East Laurens @ Josey
Major Local Tournaments 100 Black Women Classic, Nov. 25-28 100 Black Men Classic, Nov. 30 Holiday Round Ball Classic, Dec. 19 -21
UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
Jan. 7 (Tue.)
UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
Artspace Projects presents Artist’s Survey results By Vincent Hobbs AUGUSTA A crowd of over fifty artists and supporters of the arts gathered at the old Chamber of Commerce building on Broad Street to hear the results of the artist’s survey orchestrated by Artspace Projects. The survey was taken during the spring over a one-month period, and all CSRA artists were encouraged to participate. The news was positive; Artspace determined that the data they collected supports the creation of 40-50 units of affordable live/work spaces in Augusta. The event, attended by many high-profile artists in the Augusta community, was the latest step by Artspace Projects, the nation’s leading non-profit real estate developer, to create affordable artist’s spaces in Augusta. Artspace visited the city in April 2012 and March 2013 to
explore the feasibility of such a project. The survey, which had 602 responses from CSRA artists, reported that 186 respondents expressed an interest in re-locating to a live-work community downtown; it also indicated that the majority of respondents are artists who paint and draw and photograph. The second-highest reported artist specialty was music (vocal, instrumental, composition, and recording). The report summarized that almost half (41%) of the respondent’s annual household incomes “fall at or below 60% of the area median income for the region encompassing the city of Augusta”. The report also stated that twenty-eight (28%) of the interested artists have household incomes of $20,000 or less per year.” The major preferences for a workspace were for a studio or creative workspace with
Roy M. Close, Vice President of Special Projects for Artspace Projects, shares the results of the artist’s survey with a group of artists at the former Chamber of Commerce building on Broad Street. Artspace conducted a survey of CSRA artists during the spring and the results indicated that downtown Augusta could support a 40-50 unit live/work space development for artists. Photo by Vincent Hobbs natural light (61.8%), high ceilings (58%) and soundproofing (53%). Also, the majority of respondents seeking both a live/work space (74%) indicated they could afford a rental rate of $800 or less, with most indicating they could pay $500-$600 monthly for a combined live/ work space. The diversity of the survey respondents (74% White, 16% Black/African American,
2.5% Hispanic American/ Latino) indicated “the need for ongoing outreach to neighborhood and community leaders, businesses and arts organizations with a specific cultural focus as well as those serving diverse artist groups,” according to the survey report. Artspace projects that the partnership with the City of Augusta and the Augusta Regional Collaboration (ARC)
to develop art studios and live/work spaces for artists will be in the development stages for a couple more years before construction/renovation could actually begin on artist units. In the meantime, artists were encouraged to remind their local representatives of the need for artist support through projects like Artspace. Website for updates : www. artspace.org
one brave soul to decide to take action before those flaws can be corrected. Young Martin King could have easily decided that a bus boycott would be too arduous a task; too time consuming. An already warweary president could have easily decided that freeing hundreds of thousands of slaves would put too much pressure on a distressed union. John Kennedy could have consigned to the idea that a young, Irish Catholic boy, from a bootlegger’s family would never be elected president. We should also consider the thousands of unsung heroes amongst us that live “what if” lives on a daily basis. Consider the brave men and women that serve self lessly in our armed forces and on our police and fire departments; the severely underpaid and under-resourced teachers that take on the daunting often thankless task of molding youngster’s minds; or the new, bold breed of social justice reformers, like Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, that shine a new light on tired,
old attempts to usurp constitutional rights. As we remember those who lived and died for ideals greater than themselves,
let us move forward striving to be that proverbial candle. Perhaps one day others will look on your life and wonder “what if…?”
What If…? “Better to light a candle than curse the darkness” – Chinese Proverb Kristie Robin Johnson On November 22, 2013, the nation will commemorate one of the darkest days in American history. Fifty years ago on this day in 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. This week also marks the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s iconic Gettysburg address. As many Americans across the nation pause to remember both men’s extraordinary contributions to culture and history, I am reminded of the reasons that we celebrate their lives and the precious few like theirs that were cut short by an assassin’s bullet. In this remembrance, the question is often asked “how would we as a people be different if he/she had survived?” I also wonder how the world would be different if he/she had never lived. Would Kennedy have been elected to a second term? Would Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. have been our first
black president instead of Barack Obama? Would Jim Crow laws ever exist if Abraham Lincoln had survived Booth’s attack? These “what if” questions will always haunt our memories. As we contemplate the possible alternate destinies of our heroes, we should take the time to use their inspired lives as a blueprint for our own lives. As we reflect upon their gifts, we should consider our own potential as human beings. Using their example, we can begin to create our own “what if” life. A “what if” life is a life lived so courageously and with such impact that your contemporaries and successors openly ask what would the world be like if you had never been born. Imagine, if you will, how different things might be if each of us breathed every breath with this goal in mind. You need not be perfect or rich or beautiful or even highly intelligent. The primary ingredient of a “what if” life is courage. Anybody can observe a situation and point out the numerous flaws, but it takes
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This notice is to advise that effective Monday, November 25, 2013 that the Augusta Housing Authority will open the waiting lists for the Section 8 Moderate Program (River Glen Apartments). waiting is to adviseRehabilitation that effective Monday, November 25,The 2013 that the Augusta lists for the Public Housing Program and the Section 8 Housing Choice hority willProgram open thecurrently waitingclosed. lists The forAugusta the Section Moderate 560.9997 fax are 706.560.9997 Voucher Housing8 Authority will Rehabilitation Auto Home Life Health Bonds Commercial fax veralso Glen Apartments). The waiting lists for the Public Housing accept updated information from persons who have previously applied Program and Housing Choice Voucher Program are currently closed. The Augusta Housing the Section and Public Housing Programs. 6-Cfor Tobacco Rd8, Moderate Rehabilitation JyNelle Handy, Agent 2636-C Tobacco Rd JyNelle Han l also accept updated information from persons who have previously applied zibah, GA 30815 Hephzibah, GA 30815 INFO@INS-PROS.COM INFO@INS-P the Section 8 and Moderate Rehabilitation Program (River n 8,Applications Moderatefor Rehabilitation Public Housing Programs. Glen Apartments) will be accepted by completing an on-line application at www.augustapha.org. Walk-in customers wanting to apply for the Section 8 for the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program (River Glen Apartments) 560.9997 fax 706.560.9997 fax Moderate Rehabilitation Program (River Glen Apartments) will not be seen pted by completing an on-line during the open application period. application at www.augustapha.org. Walk-in anting to apply for the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program (River Glen willThis not be seen during the open application notice is also to advise that the waiting list for period. the Section 8Agent Moderate 6-C Tobacco Rd JyNelle Handy, 2636-C Tobacco R Rehabilitation Program (River Glen Apartments) will remain open hzibah, GA 30815 Hephzibah, GA 308 INFO@INS-PROS.COM indefinitely. s also to advise that the waiting list for the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation verAuto Glen Apartments) remain open indefinitely. Augusta Home Life Healthwill Authority Bonds Commercial Auto Home Life Health Bonds Commercial The Housing does not discriminate in admission or access to its federally assisted programs. Any potentially eligible individual Housing not discriminate admission access to its federally who hasAuthority a visual ordoes hearing impairment will beinprovided with or information grams. Any potentially eligible inindividual has a visual or hearing necessary to understand and participate the Augusta who Housing Authority’s 2636-C Tobacco Rd JyNelle Handy, Agent Richardwith Arfman has been designated as the employee willprograms. be provided information necessary toresponsible understand and participate in to coordinate the Augusta Housing Authority’s efforts to has comply with the30815 Hephzibah, GA Housing Authority's programs. Richard Arfman been designated as the INFO@INS-PROS.COM nondiscrimination based on handicap regulations. employee to coordinate the Augusta Housing Authority's efforts to comply with mination based on handicap regulations.
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16 UrbanProWeekly • NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2013
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