Welcome to Wayne’s world
DON’T MISS The 1st Annual National Childhood Obesity Awareness 5K Walk/Run
U W Augusta’s ‘other’ minority lawmaker wants city out of the construction biz
SAT. SEPT. 14 • See p14 for details
Comm. Wayne Guilfoyle
City leaders play the DOWNTOWN ‘SLUM CARD’ Does the city really need, yet another, urban redevelopment area
UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12-18, 2013
Look Here!
GAME NIGHT: Westside High School cheerleaders rally the fans during a game against Butler High School. The Patriots demolished the Bulldogs with a final score of 54-26 on Friday, Sept. 6. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Westside High School football players, James Overstreet (4) and Gabriel Herrington (21) get instructions from their coach in the first half of a game against Butler High School. The Patriots demolished the Bulldogs with a final score of 54-26. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
3 UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
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UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12-18, 2013
The City
Commissioner Wayne Guilfoyle is chairman of the city’s Finance Committee but he’s wary of proposals to fund $40 million remodeling project for the municipal building. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Welcome to Wayne’s world By Frederick Benjamin Sr. UrbanProWeekly Staff Writer
AUGUSTA Commissioner Wayne Guilfoyle revealed recently that he is of mixed European and Asian descent. That would make him city’s sixth “minority” member. And while Guilfoyle shies way from engaging in racial bloc voting along with the other traditional “minorities” on the commission, he does know how it feels to be relegated to “secondclass” status on the Augusta-Richmond commission. The District 8 commissioner has been finding out that being chairman of the influential Finance Committee has not included him “in the loop” when key financial decisions are being made that will impact the city for decades to come. At the beginning of the year, Guilfoyle may have thought that he had a pretty good feel for how the money was flowing — until now. Guilfoyle has earned the reputation as a clear thinker, a fiscal conservative and a pragmatist. With the departure of former commissioners Jerry Brigham and Joe Bowles, Guilfoyle has emerged as the spokesperson for that commission clique that appears to be running stuff downtown these days. Let’s face it, Grady Smith, Joe Jackson, Mary Davis
and Donnie Smith do not possess the gravitas of Guilfoyle who just looks like he ought to know what’s happening. So why is the chairman of the Finance Committee openly questioning ‘the way things are done’ down at City Hall. Perhaps it’s the timing or maybe it’s something that has become personal, but Guilfoyle seems to be figuring out who really runs stuff in the city and how control of the flow of information precedes and influences the flow of dollars. These are issues that Commissioners Bill Lockett and Marion Williams, in particular, have complained about for years (in the case of Lockett) and months (in the case of Williams). It’s the handling of the municipal building remodeling project that has gotten Guilfoyle questioning the motives of key city officials. At Monday’s Finance Committee meeting, Guilfoyle had to ask who put the Downtown Redevelopment Area project on the agenda. This was the “game changing” document that included the “slum” designation that has so many in the community in an uproar. City Administrator Fred Russell admitted that it was his idea. Guilfoyle, along with other commissioners, obviously felt blind-sided. “I wasn’t aware of this. I first read of
it in the paper and then I studied my agenda book,” Guilfoyle said. Just about a year ago, Guilfoyle expressed concern about the escalating costs of the project. At the time the cost of the project was right around the $22 million mark. “I think the project started of at $13 million, then $18 million and then it jumped to $32 million with Plan C with the elevators,” Guilfoyle told UrbanProWeekly on Monday. “The day that it went to a vote for $40 million, I was not here. I think a lot of questions should have been raised at that point. “It’s just like your personal checkbook. You can’t write the check if the funds are not there. We’re planning on spending the money and then we’re going to see where the money to repay it is going to come from,” Guilfoyle said. Guilfoyle expressed skepticism at the way the remodeling project has been explained to the commission and there is a sense of frustration that the flow of information may have been manipulated to achieve a certain end at the expense of doing due diligence. “What was put on the agenda this week was not ‘let out of the bag’ early. We just found out about it in our agenda books and it’s a shame. We got our paperwork on Thursday afternoon and
now on Monday we’re expected to vote on it. I have reservations before I do that,” Guilfoyle said. “My problem with this government is that they only feed us enough information for the decisions that we make and what they give us is usually in the direction to the way they want us to vote. They feed us information when they deem it necessary. I have a problem with that,” Guilfoyle said. Without naming names, Guilfoyle’s comments were squarely directed at Russell and his co-conspirators, bond attorney Jim Plunkett and Mayor Deke Copenhaver. “What’s going to happen to the city’s financial state if SPLOST 7 does not pass. We have to be more considerate on our spending. One thing that we need to do is to get out of the building industry. Maybe we need to focus on the service to the taxpayers,” Guilfoyle said. Guilfoyle still things there’s time to reverse the direction in which the city is headed. He voted against Russell’s proposal even though three others on his committee supported it. “My thing is to do away with IT and that other building and just focus on this building. That will bring it back to $32 million and save $8 million,” he said.
Is another urban redevelopment area really needed? By Frederick Benjamin Sr. UPW Staff Writer AUGUSTA The current outrage over the proposal to officially designate the city’s central business area (including downtown) as a ‘slum’ has many citizens and some commissioners crying foul. City officials in charge of the remodeling of the municipal building say the “slum” designation is needed to be able to erect what is called an urban redevelopment area (URA). Such a designation would allow the city to issue tax-free bonds to pay for the $40 million remodeling/building project. The rabid response to the S-word is overshadowing the more troubling
POLITICAL ANALYSIS development that underscores how hidden agendas are hatched and implemented on an unsuspecting public. There are three issues brought to light by this last-minute proposal to “create” one more “urban redevelopment area” in a city that is awash with crisscrossing and overlapping boards, authorities and pass-through funding entities. First, how is it that ground has been broken and construction begun on a project for which no one can identify a definite funding mechanism? Ask any commissioner prior to Monday’s committee meeting how the municipal building was being funded and most would tell you that there was already
some money in hand and that the rest would be provided by the taxpayers when they go to the polls sometime in 2014 to vote for SPLOST 7. In other words, they’re hoping that the taxpayers will foot the bill for their extravagance. Second, how did commissioners allow a project to go from $18 million (which the voters did sanction) to over $40 million on the hope that SPLOST 7 would eventually pass? The exact same scenario played out in the infamous TEE Center and parking deck fiasco. Third, why is it necessary to create another authority with far reaching powers including that of eminent domain just to remodel one building. No, the slum designation is a red her-
ring to distract taxpayers from the real bait-and-switch that Fred Russell, Mayor Deke Copenhaver and bond attorney Jim Plunkett are trying to pull off. Augusta declared downtown a slum by its actions months ago when it decided to place the brand new $8 million parking deck downtown into the Augusta Land Bank. Folks, the land bank exists to handle properties in distressed parts of town that has been victimized by disinvestment and urban blight. Does downtown qualify? Apparently, it does. Augusta becomes a slum when it suits its interests and developers can line their pockets with millions in taxpayers’ dollars. You can’t have it both ways. Either downtown is a slum — or it isn’t.
Back from the brink of war Augustans react to President Obama’s handling of the crisis in Syria By Vincent Hobbs Special to UrbanProWeekly UPW took to the streets and social networks to get a vibe on what Augustans think about the United States intervening in the Syrian crisis:
Anthony Page, a Navy veteran, actor/producer and President of CSRA African American Arts Alliance, weighed in via Facebook – “I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to get into any additional military activity...but as a leader in the world, the United
States has to respond to Assad’s use of chemical weapons... With leadership comes responsibility and because of our place in the world, in situations like these, the world looks to us to respond...and in many ways, we set the tone for the rest of the world. We earned that position because of how our society was constructed...so whether we like it or not, we have to respond...if we leave this unchecked, we will lose some of our geo-political influence...and we invite aggression Evans, she became CEO of C&E Water from others groups by signaling our Testing, Inc. located in Louisville, desire not become involved militarily.” Georgia. Xavier Jones, co-chair of Artist’s Row Diane Evans received her undergraduate degree from Georgia Southern Augusta and an Army veteran, stated, University, and her Master of Divinity “When the Gulf War broke out, it was the and Doctor of Ministry degrees from world vs. Saddam. When 9-11 happened, Erskine College. She completed fur- it was the US (with support) vs. Al-Qaeda ther studies with the University of in Afghanistan. We still had operations Georgia, University of Mississippi at ebbing in two or three parts of the Oxford, and Augusta State University. world, and a saber-rattling North Korean Evans served as a Certified School Republic threatening us with missiles. Nutrition Director and classroom Then we go into Iraq - with Iran and Syria facing us down every day. It felt like the teacher for years. Diane Evans has been involved with ‘never-ending war’, and the surplus we the Jefferson County Retired Educators; accumulated during the Clinton-era was the Jefferson County NAACP; Chair squandered, with us borrowing billions of the Jefferson County Democratic from China to pay for it. “We are now poised to get out of Party; Secretary of the Georgia Association of Democratic County Afghanistan. We made it out of Iraq Chairs; Democratic Party of Georgia and we still don’t know how that investstate committee member; 2012 DNC ment will pay off. Now, we are looking delegate to the Charlotte Democratic at Syria, a country that’s heavily backed Convention; Past matron of Paramount by both Russia and China. You don’t Chapter, 337, O.E.S.; Member of the have to be a painter to know this is Georgia & National School Nutrition starting to look like a bad picture. We Association; Volunteer instructor for have lots of problems in a weary and C&E Water Swim Camp for at-risk exhausted USA, starting with our Bill of Rights - which is fading fast and furious. youth. Can we wait 5 to 100 years just to put our own house in order, before we pick the next big fight?”
Evans announces candidacy for District 127 House seat Diane Evans of Avera, Georgia has announced her candidacy as a Democrat for the 127th Georgia State House District in the Nov. 5, 2013 Special Election to fill the seat formerly held by the late State Representative Quincy Murphy. Evans says she brings an “in-depth understanding of the needs of the citizens in the counties of District 127, which include Richmond and Jefferson counties.” Her platform includes bringing jobs to the district, improving the successes of public schools, colleges and universities, supporting active and retired military personnel and their families, and providing more accessible support to our Senior Citizens. Evans has served as City Clerk of the town of Wadley, P.R. intern for the City of Wrens, and Administrative Assistant to Screven County’s government. She is a native of Screven County and has lived in Jefferson County for the past thirty years. Currently, she is a bivocational minister, serving as a pastor of the St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church since 1998. After the untimely death of her husband, Deacon Charlie
Special Election for House District 127 will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2013. The qualifying period begins Monday, Sept. 16 and extends through Wednesday, Sept. 18.
Travis Holloway – “The question is - ‘why isn’t the UN taking the lead on this?’ The US is the hammer but Russia is the honey to this situation. They should have stepped in last year, but Putin is Putin and he will do things his way. Diplomacy first.”
Dr. Charles J. Smith, Sr., President, NAACP Augusta Branch – “ If Syria’s use of chemical weapons pose a threat to humans, in particular children, poor and the elderly, in addition to being a threat to our national security, it is my opinion that the United States should solicit the full support of its allies, Congress, the United Nations, and the American people.” “Furthermore, before any more American lives are lost on foreign soil, an assessment must be made to determine whether our country should continue to be involved in these conflicts. Due to the sensitivity of what has transpired in Syria, I think that our President and Congress should do everything possible to find a peaceful resolution to this issue. It is my opinion that America cannot afford to get involved in another war on foreign soil.” Dominique Smith, homemaker - “At first I thought that we should intervene, because of the fact that I felt like Syria needed to be punished. I also realize that many people disagree with intervening because of the fact that we should stay out of it - it’s none of our business as a country. I understand both viewpoints, so I just pray that God will help us make the right decision. It’s simply in God’s hands. “ Corey Washington, educator and author – “As far as Syria: I am a pacifist and would never support man-made wars. So pursuing diplomacy is the best route to take. I followed the President’s line of reasoning. People have to follow international rules on the ban of chemical weapons, but this country has made deep cuts to education and other important social programs. So you can’t blame people for scratching their heads and saying, ‘Where’s the money coming from to engage in Syria’. The African-American community is also wondering, where was the concern when it came to the genocide in Darfur, Sudan.”
UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
City plays ‘slum’ card
UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12-18, 2013
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UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12-18, 2013
during the week, day to day, creating art and sharing our work with locals and tourists. We also have community outreach though our Artists Row Scholarship Fund and our work at the Children’s Hospital working with the kids in long-term care. Our long-term goals are expansion of our community outreach programs and continued support for local artists. UPW: What would you like to see happen in the arts community in Augusta? Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Syd Padgett, owner of Oddfellows Gallery on Broad Street, launched an exhibit of his photography work on Friday, September 6th during First Friday festivities. The show, entitled “We Are All Strangers Here”, features a body-focused collection of images, half of which utilize an original process of melding images to glass via acrylic gel transfer. Syd calls this process his attempt to “bring alchemy back into photography without going into traditional routes”. The gallery show runs through the end of October. UPW: How did you get started in photography? PADGETT: I took my first photography classes while I was a theater major at USC-Aiken. It wasn’t until I saw a video featuring renowned photographer Jerry Uelsmann (a master photographer known for his intricate composite work created in the darkroom), that I actually decided to become a photographer. Since the advanced classes I needed weren’t offered at USC-Aiken, I applied to SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) as a photography major. I stayed there for two years until I had a major falling out with some of the staff. I wanted to learn more and I felt that the coursework had become repetitious. The last straw for me was a disputed grade – and I didn’t pick up a camera for about 10 years. In the meantime, the digital revolution had come to photography. I started over and taught myself digital photography.
UPW: You seem to have a love for black-andwhite and monotone colors in your images.
PADGETT: I would like to see Augusta take more chances with the arts and provide more support for individual artists. I am not exaggerating when I say that if you are a renowned artist in the CSRA, you will be asked to provide free work or time on a weekly basis — but you will not be asked even once, “what can we do to help you?” I would love for things like the Riverfront Arts Festival to take off and become a bigger event. Something like the Augusta Photo Festival for all visual arts (not just photography), would be more than welcome. Finally, Artspace should happen — and the sooner the better.
PADGETT: What is the aesthetic appeal of this tonal range in your work? I am functionally blind in one eye, so I have always picked up on monochromatic and black-and-white tones as a way of making up for my lack of depth perception. I feel that I pick up on the monochromatic tonal ranges better than color, and that translates well on paper for me. UPW: You are known as an innovator in helping to expose local talent in the visual arts. Where does your inspiration come from to help other artists? PADGETT: I was given individual encouragement and positive feedback from my beginning, and I feel that I should help pass that along. Ginny Southworth, Xavier Jones and Coco Rubio are just a few of the folks who helped me along the way. I really feel that Augusta does very little to support artists on a day to day basis. I try to fill in the gap and make sure that the talent we have in Augusta realizes that there are many ways to get exposure, without relying too much on others. UPW: Tell us about Oddfellows Gallery. PADGETT: I think that we offer a bit of a different spin on what Augusta expects from visual art and artists. We have featured everyone from Derek Hess to Ziv Koren to Dan Welden. Derek Hess is the only artist in history to be featured in both the Louvre and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Ziv Koren, is by far, the most talented photojournalist I have been exposed to, and Dan Weldon is one of the premiere print-makers working in America. Alongside artists like this, we have locals like Porkchop, Xavier Jones, Jace McTier and many, many others. I work to provide something a little different from the traditional “magnolia and golf” pictures that Augusta is known for. UPW: You are co-chair of Artist’s Row in downtown Augusta. What are some of the goals of this coalition of artists?
PADGETT: Artist’s Row provides Augusta a chance to be exposed to fantastic artists on a dayto-day basis. People flock to First Friday and “Arts in the Heart”, but tend to forget that we are here
Photo by SYD PADGETT UPW: What are the biggest challenges facing artists in Augusta? PADGETT: Finding exhibition and performance venues and a local customer base. There really isn’t a support system in place, so most artists have to start from scratch and “reinvent the wheel”, so to speak. UPW: Are you hopeful about the interest ArtSpace is showing toward the art community in Augusta? PADGETT: I feel that ArtSpace will be one of the best things to happen, not only for the art community, but for all of downtown.
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UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12-18, 2013
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Tabernacle Baptist Church to host Annual Youth & Young Adult Conference AUGUSTA Tabernacle Baptist Church presents its Annual Youth & Young Adult Conference, September 12th -15th. This year, the conference theme is “On The Edge: Where the Sidewalk Ends.” Registration is $10. The conference will take place at the Tabernacle Baptist Church Family Life Center located at 1223 Laney-Walker Blvd. This event is open to the public. The Youth & Young Adult Conference is a event unique to Tabernacle Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia. The event is targeted specifically to youth and young adults. The conference will feature Pre- Conference worship with Rev. Kelon Duke of Calvar y Baptist Church in Glenwood, IL on Thursday, September 12th. Bishop Joseph Walker of Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Nashville, Tennessee will be bringing his “Relationship Tour” on Friday, September 13th. Youth can also enjoy the Teen Summit, Children’s Cinema and “Black Out” Part y on Friday. Additionally, conference attendees can enjoy a dynamic production of “The Dairy of a Worshipping Woman” on Saturday, September 14th. The confer-
A 1
ence will conclude with Dr. James Anthony Jackson of New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Indianapolis, IN on Sunday, September 15th. Everyone is encouraged to wear jeans and t-shirts representing your college, university, fraternity or sorority. Dr.
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UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
Community Corner
UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12-18, 2013
BY the People vs. FOR the People Kristie Robin Johnson As the debate surrounding potential American-led strikes against Syria heats up, we are confronted with a quintessentially democratic dilemma. We like to think of our government as being both ‘by the people’ and ‘for the people’; but with possible involvement in another foreign civil war looming, our representatives in Congress will have to make a choice between two decidedly different theories of political leadership. President Obama has asserted his position to take limited military action in the Syrian conflict. Instead of exploiting his executive power (as many of his predecessors have), he decided to ask for a vote of confidence from the United States Congress, essentially giving our representatives a voice in the matter. The political pundits and talking heads have been all over this development. Some have assailed the President, accusing him of passing the buck and leading from behind. Others support his move and appreciate him giving Congress a say. No matter what your opinion of the situation is, Obama’s move has us thinking about the true role of government. Our legislators will decide whether this government was designed to be the voice of the majority (by the people) or if our leaders are elected to make the best
Brock, Meybohm to be inducted into Augusta City Classic Hall of Fame The Augusta City Classic is pleased to announce today our two new inductees for the 2013 Augusta City Classic Hall of Fame. This year’s inductees are two local legends who have impacted sports in Augusta and our community for many years. For their outstanding achievements in their chosen field, they have distinguished themselves in our community and beyond. Coach Don Brock and Mr. E. G. Meybohm both outstanding local businessmen, both have a tremendous athletic resume and both have made impacts in our Community. On behalf of the Augusta City Classic we would like to congratulate these two gentlemen on their achievements. We would also like to invite the community out to our 2013 Augusta City Classic Annual Hall of Fame Banquet. This event will take place September 26, 2013, 7pm at the Augusta Marriot, 2 10th Street, Augusta, GA 30901. The Augusta City Classic/Capitol City Classic Hall of Fame Game will be Saturday September 28th , 2013. Festivities will begin at 8am, with the College Football game beginning at 2pm. To purchase tickets or more information please contact the Augusta City Classic Office 706-829-4854.
decisions for an often under-informed public (for the people). Where you fall on this issue depends heavily on your perspective of the American people and your view of politicians. If you tend to believe that most politicians are selfserving and not to be trusted, then you probably expect your elected officials to vote exactly the way that you tell them to vote every single time; no questions asked. If you think of elected officials as public servants, you are more likely to believe that they have a duty to make tough, but informed decisions as they represent you in Congress. We often pledge a blind allegiance to the myth that our democracy is a true “majority rule” structure. At the same time, in our history we have made it a point
to ensure that minority opinions and populations have a protected voice as we make laws. Amazingly, our fractured, imperfect democracy still stands today-- even surviving our very own violent and bloody Civil War. Now, as we contemplate our involvement in another struggling nation’s civil war, we should be reminded of our own crooked path towards the democratic ideal. As countries fight to find their way towards their own version of a more perfect union the unfortunate truth is that it won’t be pretty and can’t be made more palatable by any amount of outside intervention. There will be crushing setbacks, insurmountable disagreements among factions, and inevitable, innocent bloodshed. The only
difference between 1861 and 2013 is that social media has made the world incredibly smaller and no nation can endure a minor skirmish (much less all out revolution) without the rest of the world being painfully aware. As shining an example as we are amongst the world’s republics, we have always decided for ourselves what that republic would look like and stand for. It has been anything but easy. While we stand by waiting to see what decision will be made and consequential action will be taken by our government-- let us be mindful of the shell-shocked, exhausted masses of men, women, and children in Syria as the embattled nation struggles to chart its path toward, with any hope, something better.
Request for Proposals Real Estate Developer for New Affordable Housing The Augusta Affordable Housing Corporation (AAHC) is seeking a company, firm, or consulting team to develop new affordable and mixed-income housing to replace the Cherry Tree Crossing public housing development in Augusta Georgia. Cherry Tree Crossing is a 389 unit multi-family complex on a 29.82 acre site off Fifteenth Street. A phased demolition/disposition plan will be developed to allow for the new affordable, mixed-income housing on the existing site. All submitters will be encouraged to attend a Pre-Submission Conference at 10:00 AM (local time) Thursday September 26, 2013. While attendance is not mandatory, all proposers will be held responsible for any information given at the conference. The entity selected will be responsible for the majority of the development work with limited involvement and assistance from the AAHC. Service provided by the Developer and/or its team members would include, but may not be limited to the following:
Development of a Master Site Plan Obtaining all permits, approvals, and environmental clearances Architecture and Engineering Services Arrange financing and provide all required guarantees Site Preparation Infrastructure Construction Marketing and selling homeownership units, if any Marketing, renting, and managing rental units
Interested parties may download the RFQ from www.aahcorp.org or call (706) 312-3140 for additional information. Proposers will be required to submit an original plus five additional copies of the proposal for review no later than 4:00pm (local time) on Friday, October 11, 2013. The AAHC reserves the right to reject any and all submissions, to waive informalities, and minor irregularities in submissions received and to accept any submission deemed to be in its best interest.
Sunday Morning Services 10 am Wednesday Services 7 pm 2070 Brown Road, Hephzibah, GA 30815 (706) 592-9221 | www.ablwc.net
Everfaithful Missionary Baptist Church 314 Sand Bar Ferry Road Augusta, Georgia 30901
(706) 722- 0553 Church School Sunday 9:25am Morning Worship Sunday 11am Evening Worship 6pm (1st & 3rd Sunday) Midday Prayer 12pm Wednesday Intercessory Prayer/Bible Study 6pm Wednesday
Rev. Clarence Moore, Pastor 1714 Olive Road / P. O. Box 141 (mailing address) Augusta, GA 30903 706/733-341- Telephone/706/667-0205 – Fax E-mail address: admin@goodshepherdaugusta.org Web address: goodshepherdaugusta.org Rev. Clarence Moore Church Service: 7:45 & 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. / Prayer Service: 11:00 a.m. – Wednesday Bible Study: 9:00 a.m. - Saturday / 7:00 p.m. - Wednesday
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COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION OF RICHMOND COUNTY The Richmond County School System will accept bids and request for proposals until 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 9, 2013, for the following:
1. Replacement Tires for Cars, Light Trucks and Vans RFQ #13-645 2. Westside High School Furniture RFP #13-432 3. Westside High School Media Furniture RFP #13-433 4. School Bus Seat Repair Supplies RFP #13-880 5. Xerographic Paper RFP #13-1016 6. Baseball Equipment 2013-2014 Bid #337 7. Baseball Uniforms 2013-2014 Bid #338 8. Soccer Equipment 2013-2014 Bid #333 9. Soccer Uniforms 2013-2014 Bid #334 10. Track Equipment 2013-2014 Bid #335 11. Track Uniforms 2013-2014 Bid #336 12. Cafeteria Tables for Various Schools RFQ #13-647
Bid specifications may be obtained by contacting Amy Bauman in the Business Office at 706-826-1298, on our web site at www.rcboe.org, or at the Richmond County School System, Central Office, 864 Broad Street, 4th Floor, Augusta, Georgia 30901. The Richmond County School System reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION OF RICHMOND COUNTY By: Dr. Frank G. Roberson, Secretary
13 UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
Good Shepherd Baptist Church
14 UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12-18, 2013
Over 200 to walk/run in 5K to combat obesity
Jordon Rutland, recipient of the UNCF Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows January South Africa Institute.
AUGUSTA The 1st Annual National Childhood Obesity Awareness 5K Walk/Run will be held Saturday, September 14, 2013 8:00 a.m. - noon at The Kroc Center, 1833 Broad Street in Augusta.This event will bring awareness to the chronic problem of childhood obesity in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. In addition to the 5k walk/run, it will be a day of exercise sessions, healthy cooking demonstrations, health, fitness and nutrition Vendors, Zumba, exercise demonstrations, Health Education information, Jumpin’ Inflatables for the kids, a tour of fire truck and meet Firemen, Richmond County Sheriff’s Department Running Team and much more, she added. Sponsors include Divine Health Water 4U, Walgreen’s, East Central Health
District, Perfect Health 247, Georgia Regents University, News 12, Urban Pro Weekly, Augusta Dawgs, Third Designs and Kendrick Paint & Body. Partners include: Champion Fitness & Nutrition, RoadID, Georgia Shape, Prevent Obesity, Augusta Richmond County Sheriff’s Department, Augusta Richmond County Fire Department, Fleet Feet Sports, Mega Space Inflatables, Janie Peel (Health Coach), Zumba with Cheri Cofer Tutt, Augusta Locally Grown, Gold Cross EMS Bike Team, SubWaye, Augusta Coca Bottling Co, Partridge Inn and D’Chickos. Vendors include: Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia, Nappy Queens Cuisine, Peachwave, Author Crystal Neal and Akea Essentials. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. And the walk will begin at 8:15 a.m. A variety
of prizes will be given away, there will be a raffle for a pair of boys and girls tennis shoes, a raffle for a weekend getaway at The Partridge Inn, health and nutrition samples and coupons and much more. Advance registration is going on now and forms can be found at www.helenblockeradams.com – Ages 15 and up registration is $20; 10 – 14 years old is $10 and 9 years old and under is Free. Registration for 14 years and up receives a T-shirt, snacks and bottled water. Registration will be available the day of the event, but we can’t guarantee a T-shirt. They will also be available for sale the day of the event. If a person doesn’t wish to walk or run, they are welcome to come and participate in the other activities and pick up health related information.
Paine College student to travel to South Africa to research biofuel
Jessye Norman School to host 5K Run/Walk on Sat. October 12
A rising star at Paine College, Jordan Rutland, has been selected for the 2014 Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows January South Africa Institute. The junior Biology major of Manassas, Virginia, conducted research with Dr. C.R. Nair, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Physics & Environmental Sciences, in the area of algae biofuel. This project is intended to span a two-year period, funded through the United Negro College
The Jessye Norman School of the Arts (JNSA) will host its first 5K Run/ Walk on Saturday, October 12, starting at 8:00 a.m. The 2013 JNSA River Run for the Arts will begin at the school, 729 Greene Street, and will proceed northeast along Eight Street to Augusta’s Riverwalk with a view of the Savannah River in downtown Augusta. The race/ walk ends back at the school with music and barbecue. Medals will be given to the winners. Advance registration includes a race
Fund Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship. The Paine College Presidential Scholar expressed her excitement on her achievement, “When this opportunity of traveling abroad was presented to me, I was very enthused and eager to apply. I am most looking forward to being submerged in a culture other than my own, and I hope to gain insight that will be beneficial to my research”.524-3195 or lsuggs@paine.edu.
bib, coloring race poster, and a 2013 race t-shirt. The registration fee for the race is $25 for adults and $15 for students. Online registration is encouraged at the school’s website: jessyenormanschool. org. Complimentary refreshments will be provided for participants after the race. This is a family event and children are encouraged to attend and/or participate. Coloring posters and crayons will be provided and a prize will be awarded to the most creative poster design.
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UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
16 UrbanProWeekly • SEPTEMBER 12-18, 2013
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