Photo by Vkncent Hobbs
District 127 Candidates speak out on the issues. Q&A INSIDE Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Brian Prince
I have demonstrated the leadership abilities to build alliances, work as a part of a team, develop courses of actions, build consensus, implement a plan, and build contingency plans to account for changes, all in order to get positive results.
Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Diane Evans I am committed to fighting for more jobs for rural Georgia, advocating for active and retired military families, and caring for our Senior Citizens.
Dianne Murphy
To be successful in politics one must have the ability to communicate with others and understand the art of compromise to achieve one’s goals and objectives.
2 UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
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UrbanProWeekly LLC Mailing Address: 3529 Monte Carlo Drive Augusta, Georgia 30906
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Publisher Ben Hasan 706-394-9411 Managing Editor Frederick Benjamin Sr. 706-836-2018
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House District 127 Early Voting Now thru Nov. 1 at Board of Elections Downtown HQ in Municipal Bldg. 706-821-2340 email: Ben Hasan bzhasan54@yahoo.com Frederick Benjamin Sr. editor@urbanproweekly.com Vincent Hobbs coolveestudio@gmail.com
3 UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
Brian Prince, candidate for the State House District 127. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Dianne Murphy, candidate for Stae House District127. Photo by Voincent Hobbs
Diane B Evans, Candidate for State House District 127. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Candidates discuss state, local issues The candidates for District 127 of the Georgia House of Representavies will square off in a special election on Nov. 5, 2013. The candidates responded to questions posed by the UrbanProWeekly news staff.
Republicans hold an advantage in the Georgia state legislature and Democrats have been pretty much marginalized? Why do you think that you are the candidate that can bring home some good news to the people of the 127th District? PRINCE MURPHY The citizens of District 127 deserve a representative who will bring forth significant issues and work to enhance our local delegation’s influence and respect in Atlanta. This will take a leader who has a proven track record for working with those that may have a difference of opinion on certain matters as well as someone who has the ability to listen, understand and communicate the needs of our community clearly and concisely. As a retired military officer, I have demonstrated the leadership abilities to build alliances, work as a part of a team, develop courses of actions, build consensus, implement a plan, and build contingency plans to account for changes, all in order to get positive results. I will provide our district with an advocate whom will help showcase our area’s strengths to other legislators, while looking to take advantage of the resources that the state has to offer. I look forward to providing transparent and consistent communications on the progress we will make during our legislative sessions as I will strive to move Augusta Forward.
As the State Representative for the 127th District, I will establish relationships and work with both Republicans and Democrats of our local delegation. I will only support or propose legislation that is good for the people of the 127th District and the State of Georgia. To be successful in politics one must have the ability to communicate with others and understand the art of compromise to achieve one’s goals and objectives.
Divided politics is never good news for the hard working people of Richmond and Jefferson counties. I can and will work across the aisle, whether it is with Republicans or Democrats for the goals of Richmond and Jefferson counties. I am committed to fighting for more jobs for rural Georgia, advocating for active and retired military families, and caring for our Senior Citizens. The years of experience I have working with state representatives and state senators through a multiplicity of professional organizations and civic groups will benefit the 127th district with the alliances that I already possess with Republicans and Democrats.
The current legislative delegation rarely meets with the current city commissioners. Would you be satisfied with the status quo or would you work for more dialogue between the two bodies?
PRINCE I would certainly encourage periodic meetings with our City Commissioners as well as with our other local elected officials (Board of Education, Solicitor’s Office, etc…). I view the position of a state representative as being an Enabler/ Advocate for the area in which they represent. In order for me to enable/advocate for local requirements, I must understand what those requirements are, how they impact each segment of the district and what resources are required from our state. I feel there is no better source in which to gain this information than from the aforementioned bodies.
I believe in communication, Our State Delegation and City Commissioners should meet and discuss local issues periodically.
The problems we have in the 127th House District cannot be fully dealt with without communication and hard work. I pledge not only to have open communication lines with all elected and non-elected officials, I will also work alongside our commissioners and community leaders to move our community forward by bringing jobs back to Richmond and Jefferson counties.
Georgia is one of several states that has a “stand your ground” law. Are you okay this and if not what are your reasons?
PRINCE I support our citizens’ rights to protect themselves, their family and their property. As a retired Soldier, I spent over 21 years of my life serving this country so that every citizen can live in a country free of being afraid and able to protect the things they have worked so hard to obtain. However, we must remain a law and order society, which means using trained, taxpayer paid professionals (law enforcement) as the first means of protection when facing conflict.
Our constitution provides us the right of self defense, when lawmakers pass “Stand Your Ground” laws they are reacting to a problem and not dealing with the real issue at hand. I don’t support “Stand your ground”, the law of self defense and the need of burden of proof is diluted with “stand your ground”.
I represent a military family, and I understand the Constitution is the corner stone of our country. The larger question is should we have an elected leader to support the 2nd amendment or not, and I want the 127 district to know my family supports the 2nd amendment by fighting for our country, and I will continue to fight to preserve our rights in the state capital.
UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
There are currently four major proposed gun laws (HB 26, HB 27, HB 28, and HB 29) under review in the GA Legislature. HB 26 would allow anyone to carry a weapon without having a license (unless prohibited by law from possessing a firearm), HB 27 would remove restrictions from carrying firearms during a state-of-emergency, HB 28 would allow firearms in churches, synagogues, mosques and other places of worship, and HB 29 would permit firearms on college campuses. What are your thoughts on this proposed gun legislation?
PRINCE I am totally opposed to granting permits to allow carrying a firearm into places of worship and universities/college campuses. I view these proposals as attempts to use the government to respond to isolated incidents that we read about around the world. I do not believe granting these types of permits would improve our safety, conversely, I think it will foster an environment of fear.
Our constitution gives us the right to bear arms; we have a right to protect our property and loves. a.) I cannot support HB26 that will allow anyone to carry a weapon without having a license. b.) I will not support HB27 that removes restrictions from carrying firearms during a state of emergency; we have a National Guard to protect us in a state of emergency. c.) I will not support HB28 allowing firearms in churches, our churches are places of worship to our God not war houses. d.) I will not support HB29 allowing firearms on college campuses; I will support improving security and security training on our college campuses to protect our students.
I believe that it is lawmaker’s duty to enact legislation for the purposes described above. Laws concerning seat belts, motorcycle headgear, and car seats for infants are just a few laws that were developed as a reasonable means of promoting public safety. I submit that the intent of each is for the best interest of the majority of our citizens. However, as legislators, we must be careful on how and when we extend government powers as to not become intrusive in the everyday lives of our citizens.
We should always move in one direction when it comes to gun legislation, and that is preserving the rights of Americans legally to possess and bear arms, while protecting the rights of citizens to assemble peacefully in colleges, churches, synagogues, mosques and whatever environment they desire to choose to congregate.
Too often our lawmakers are reactionary in creating or passing new laws due to major accidents or incidents, I believe a good lawmaker should be analytical and thoughtful before writing, creating, or supporting changes in our laws.
EVANS Lawmakers should be limited to the will of the voters that placed them in office. As the people’s elected representative, I will have town hall meetings and also meet with the voters of Richmond and Jefferson counties. This will allow the voters to have direct input in the governance of our community.
Georgians face a large number of taxes and fees for many different state services, such as business licensing fees, various registration fees, and most recently, the state will now be charging low-income individuals $5 to access the previously free Lifeline cell phone service (GA is the only state to enact a fee). Is there a current tax or fee that you would like to repeal?
PRINCE Yes, I would like to see the state taxes on gasoline reduced. During these difficult economic times, the tax on gasoline makes it difficult for all citizens, in particular those with low wages to commute to their jobs every day. When faced with whether to buy groceries for the family or fuel for transportation, it is often the home (children) who suffer because the need to maintain transportation often overrides some our most basic needs.
Do you believe that legislation should be passed which affects the entire state of Georgia as a reaction to a single incident or series of incidents, in the name of “safety”? Take for instance, HB 689, which would require anyone who rides a bicycle, to have that bicycle registered with a plate and pay a fee or face a misdemeanor $100 fine. Can lawmakers enact legislation for any purpose “in the public interest,” or “for public safety” - or are lawmakers limited to those functions for which they’ve been delegated specific powers?
I will support a repeal of the Lifeline cell phone service fee.
EVANS The state of Georgia has between 9 – 10 percent unemployment. As the representative of the 127th district, I will always champion any legislation that will increase our employment rate. Any unnecessary taxes or fees that hinder this will not be in any legislation I sponsor, and I will always work to lower taxes and fees for Richmond and Jefferson counties.
Georgia’s unemployment rate is currently 8.7%, according to the GA Department of Labor. This translates into thousands of people who are looking for work in the CSRA and involves many families who have fallen into hard times. What are your thoughts on increasing the number of jobs in the CSRA?
PRINCE The need for job creation in our community is important, however, the offering of meaningful, well-paying jobs will be my priority. We must continue to work closely with the business community to improve economic development. Our area’s growth is dependent on our ability to offer our citizens employment that will allow them to support their families with a comfortable lifestyle. We are in need of an economic development catalyst that will help take advantage of this community’s experience in technology, agricultural and medicine. With my background as a consultant, I want to utilize my training, relationships and ability to think “out of the box” in working with our economic developers and small business leaders to help foster a collaborative effort in creating the types of jobs our citizens desire. I also, plan to work with our local colleges and universities to help provide programs and degrees that will provide existing and new business the “ready” workforce required to fill new jobs and current vacancies. The Government does not create jobs but the government can create a solid business climate to increase employment. We must find ways to make both Richmond and Jefferson County more business friendly even in tough economic conditions.
MURPHY The Development Authority of Richmond County has done a great job recruiting and assisting industry to locate here in our region such as ADP, T Mobile, Cabrliss, Starbucks and others. I will work closely with the Authority and its Board of Directors providing assistance from the State level through programs such as One Georgia, supporting the creation of opportunity zones and tax breaks for industry coming into Richmond and Jefferson Counties.
A Special Election for House District 127 will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2013.
As a member of the Jefferson County retired educators, I understand that a quality education is the bedrock of providing stable employment in our community. Unfortunately, Georgia has continued to fall 48th – 49th behind Mississippi in our nation when it comes to quality education. This fact makes it difficult to attain successful careers for our community. I support public schools, colleges and our universities. I will work on enhancing our local infrastructure and getting our economy moving forward.
Paine duo named to All-SIAC Preseason basketball teams SIAC Newcomer of the Year award. Defending champion Clark Atlanta is predicted to win the East Division and the conference tournament this season on the women’s side. Kedric Taylor is representing the Paine men’s basketball team on the Preseason All-SIAC team as voted on by the SIAC Men’s Basketball Coaches Association. Taylor is entering his junior year at Paine and was one of the Lions leaders in assists as a sophomore guard during the 20122013 season. Benedict, the current two-time defending SIAC champions, is predicted to take the crown again this season as they are
expected to win the East Division and the conference championship. The men’s basketball team opens their season with a trip to Alabama for two exhibition games on Nov. 1 and Nov. 2. On Nov. 1, Paine plays at Auburn and then they take on Talladega College on Nov. 2. Paine’s regular season will start on Nov. 8 in the Sunshine State Conference vs. the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Tipoff Challenge against Nova Southeastern in Melbourne, Fla. The Lady Lions start their season with an exhibition game against Talladega on Nov. 2. Their regular season starts against Morris College on Nov. 16 at home.
UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
The Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SIAC) announced its 20132014 Predicted Order of Finish and Preseason All-SIAC Basketball Teams for the men and women on Oct. 14. The Lady Lions are predicted to finish fifth in the East Division while the Lions are slated to finish third. Ashley Watts was named to the Preseason All-SIAC team for the Lady Lions as voted on by the SIAC Women’s Basketball Coaches Association. Watts was the 2012-2013 leading scorer for the SIAC and the No. 4 scorer in the nation for all of Division II with 20.4 points per game. The junior also received last season’s 2013
Paine’s Ashley Watts was named to the Preseason AllSIAC team. Photo by V. Hobbs
Glenn Hills to honor Quarles by renaming stadium football field Glenn Hills High School will name the stadium football field in honor of Coach James Quarles, a 24 year teacher/coach at Glenn Hills HS, on Friday, October 25, 2013 at its homecoming game. The ceremony starts at 7:00 p.m.
Year One Celebration The Showers of Blessing Prayer Temple will be celebrating their 1st Church Anniversary on November 2-3, 2013. The celebration will begin with a Pre-Anni-versary Musical on Satur-day November 2, 2013 at 5:00, with many local groups. The Anniversary will culminate on Sunday, Novem-ber 3, 2013 at 3:00 PM with Rev. David Williams and the Union Baptist Church Family, as special guest. All events will be held at 2739 AikenAugusta highway, Langley, SC. For information call Evangelist Carolyn Howell, Anniversary Chairperson. The entire public is invited to participate in this momentous occasion. Rev. Annette Dickerson is Pastor
Program seeks safe disposal of prescription drugs at local CVS stores On Saturday October 26th 2013 between 1100 and 1400 hours, the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the Drug Enforcement Agency’s national program will be hosting a Pharmaceutical (Drug) “Take Back” at two locations. The pharmaceutical drop box will be accepting unused prescription drugs and / or expired prescription drugs (Only). The pharmaceutical drop boxes will be stored at the following locations Saturday October 26th, 2013 from 1100 to 1400 hours. 1. CVS 15th Street and Walton Way Augusta, GA 30904 2. CVS Peach Orchard Road and Lumpkin Road Augusta, GA 30906 Unused prescription drugs thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused or illegally sold. Unused drugs that are flushed can contaminate the water supply. Proper disposal of unused drugs saves lives and protects the environment.
The CSRA Business League, Inc. presents
The 2nd Annual Women Empowerment Conference Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 8:30 a.m. Kroc Center, 1833 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. In addition to the planned workshops, a panel featuring Ms. Helen Blocker – Adams, Ms. Terrie L. Denison, Ms. Yvonne Gentry, Ms. Barbara Gordon and Dr. Faye Hargrove will take place during the Luncheon Hour. The registration fee of $25.00 covers all materials and meals. Vendor opportunities are also available. Mrs. Earnestine Howard is the conference chairperson and the point of contact is Ms. Shirmaine Ivey. For additional questions or needed information, please feel free to contact the League at 706 722 – 0994 or email Ms. Shirmaine Ivey at shirmaineivey@business-league.org. The CSRA Business League has been a bridge to success for small, women, disadvantaged and minority owned businesses in the CSRA for the past 43 years. Mrs. Veronica Shareef is the Board Chair. The CSRA Business League Inc., is a non-profit, 501 © 3 organization founded in 1970 to support small, women and minority owned businesses in the CSRA. The mission of the CSRA Business League, Inc. is to Empower, Educate and Advocate on behalf of Small Businesses, with a specific emphasis on the development of Minority, Disadvantaged and Women Owned businesses throughout the Central Savannah River Area.
UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
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7 UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
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UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
Sports View
Westside volleyball players Marian Ware (L) and Amber Wofford (R) go up for a block. Lovett School prevailed 3-0. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Westside H.S. vs Lovett • GHSA Class AA State Volleyball Playoffs 10.22.13 (Below) Westside’s Ty Ravenell grins after her team scores a point during the GHSA Class AA State Volleyball Playoffs. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
(Above) Westside High’s Ty Ravenell tips the ball over the net during the GHSA Class AA State Playoffs. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
(At Right) Westside’s Lainey Scroggs prepares to serve the ball during the GHSA Class AA State Volleyball Playoffs. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
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UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
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UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
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4137 Columbia Rd., Suite C, Martinez, GA 30907
PRINCE For House of Representatives, District 127 Your state representative is responsible for creating laws and policy that positively affect your life as a Georgia citizen. The 127th seat in the Georgia House of Representatives is comprised of portions of Richmond and Jefferson counties. As your representative, I will focus on your concerns as a community and build a comprehensive and cohesive plan of action to address them. When dealing with challenges regarding the economy, crime, healthcare, tax reform, transportation, or education, my goal is to bring strong, assertive, and consistent leadership to the legislative process. As your 127th District Representative, I will:
• • • • •
LISTEN as I become YOUR voice in Atlanta LEAD when addressing issues that affect the district ADVOCATE for laws that help All citizens and not a select few COMMUNICATE with you about the concerns that affect our community WORK tirelessly to ensure that WE grow and prosper as a community
Friends of Brian Prince P.O. Box 14264 Augusta, GA 30919 www.facebookcom/elect.brianprince Campaign Headquarters: 3540 Wheeler Road, Suite 416 Augusta, GA 30909
Elect Brian Prince Nov. 5
Come out this Saturday at Diamond Lakes Park for the
So. Augusta Women’s Health and Beauty Expo
UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
Cher’s Sisters Only Club will host the 9th Annual South Augusta Women’s Health and Beauty Expo in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month on Sunday, October 27 at the Diamond Lakes Community Center. The Expo will begin at 2:00 and end at 5:00 and will feature an afternoon of pampering, shopping, entertainment and food demonstrations, music and much more. Proceeds from the event will benefit a local charity focused on cancer and the Cher’s Sisters Only Club Scholarship
for Girls. Event sponsors include International Formal Wear, Eddie Bussey – State Farm Insurance, Charlie Williams Auto Glass, Kiss 96.3, Augusta Technical College, Amerigroup Real Solutions, and Massage Envy. For information, call Chavone Hollimon, 706-513-5859 or sistersonlyclub@hotmail.com The Diamond Lakes Community Center is locaed at 103 Diamond Lakes Way in Hephzibah (off Windsor Spring Road).
Rene Hopkins named Safe Kids Coordinator of the Year for Georgia Children’s Hospital of Georgia’s Safe Kids Coordinator Rene Hopkins has been named the Safe Kids Coalition Coordinator of the Year for 2013 by Safe Kids Georgia. Under Rene’s direction, the coalition has developed several effective programs aimed at reducing childhood injuries in the Augusta area. With only a budget of $13,000, Hopkins has been able to distribute more than $60,000 in child safety products to the community each year because of her
Renee Hopkins ability to secure grants, donations, and community partnerships. A registered nurse educator, Hopkins is responsible for estab-
lishing and maintaining childhood injury prevention programs through grant writing, research and data collection, community partnerships, education, legislation advocacy, and distribution of safety equipment. In addition, Hopkins prov ides Ch i ld Passenger Sa fet y Certification training for local law enforcement personnel, teaches early childhood development at local colleges, and organizes the annual Babypalooza baby safety expo.
UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
Time for the truth about ‘targeted’ killings and US Drones’ civilian victims by Naureen Shah A year ago almost to the day, on 24 October 2012, a US drone strike killed a 68-year-old woman named Mamana Bibi. She was gathering vegetables in her family’s large, mostly vacant fields in north Waziristan, Pakistan. We don’t know whom the US intended to target, but it is hard to imagine that a policy that allows the killing of this grandmother, who was blown to pieces before the eyes of her young grandchildren, is anything but a catastrophic failure on the part of the US government. The latest revelation from documents leaked by Edward Snowden, reported in the Washington Post, suggests the NSA cast a “surveillance blanket” over parts of northern Pakistan, feeding enormous amounts of data to the CIA’s secret lethal drone program. Even if the NSA didn’t pick up chatter after the killing of this grandmother, the US government claims that it conducts post-strike assessments of who is killed. It knew or should have known that something went wrong.
But like a hit-and-run driver, the US government never looked back. It never apologized or compensated Mamana Bibi’s family. It never admitted what it did to the American public. Instead, top administration officials continued to tout the drone’s precision capabilities. John Brennan, the architect of the drone program who now heads the CIA, has previously claimedthat drone strikes caused absolutely no civilian casualties. He now admits they have, but says these deaths have been exceptionally rare. Edward Snowden’s revelations over the last few months make clear that government assurances like these cannot be trusted on faith alone. In the name of safeguarding national security, the government has withheld a whole universe of surveillance from the public. It has held back damning stories like the killing of Mamana Bibi. It may be holding back more horrific stories like this. It is time to demand that the US government, and President Obama in particular, tell the whole truth about the US drone program: not just the
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claimed successes, but the human costs of its failures. Especially over the last two years, journalists and human rights groups have gathered credible documentation of civilian deaths from drone strikes, suggesting that Mamana Bibi’s death is not an isolated incident. Amnesty International released a report Tuesday raising serious concerns about several recent drone strikes that appear to have killed civilians outside the bounds of the law. The US government has never committed to investigating these cases. It has never even acknowledged responsibility for most of these strikes. With an awesome power to gather information on the activities of citizens and non-citizens alike, the Obama administration has little excuse for failing to identify and investigate who it is killing in its drone strikes. Its continued silence about the deaths of people like Mamana Bibi suggests that it is either concealing such killings, or is completely indifferent to them. In May 2013, the Department of Justice disclosed that four US citizens had been killed in drone strikes.
It said that only one of them was an intended target; the other three, including a 16-year-old boy, were apparently unintended killings. Yet, the Obama administration has never explained why these killings occurred. Nor has it ever told the public, or even most members of Congress, basic details, such as how many other people have been killed, the basis for their killing or their identities. Since the Obama administration has not self-reported on its abuses, Congress must force its hand. It should investigate the drone program, including all credible allegations of civilian deaths, and call on administration officials to come clean. None of this will bring Mamana Bibi back to her family. But justice for this grandmother – and all people unlawfully killed in the US drone program – begins with US officials admitting the truth they may already know. Naureen Shah is a lecturer in law at the Human Rights Institute at Columbia University School of Law, New York
Kristie Robin Johnson
hile the world held its breath waiting for the United States Congress to regain its sanity, black Americans scored a quiet but historic victory. On last Tuesday night Cory Booker, the African-American Newark, New Jersey mayor became the next U.S. Senator-elect from New Jersey. He will be only the ninth African-American to serve in the body in the 237 year history of our nation. He is only the fourth to be elected to the post. The election of Mr. Booker presents an opportunity to initiate a national conversation about the political and social advancement of black Americans. Is Mr. Booker’s election a sign of progress and cause for celebration or is it a reminder of the true distance our republic has to travel on the path to full equality? The election of Barack Obama meant many different things to many different people. It is safe to say that two general schools of thought emerged regarding the effect that having a black president may have on race relations in America. The first school of thought says that his election is a clear sign
that African-Americans have “made it” in a sense. For many Americans, both black and white, Barack Obama is the answer to Dr. King’s dream and proof that the struggle for equal rights is a thing of the past. The other predominate post-Obama school of thought recognizes the historical value of his election, but views it mainly as his great personal achievement that does not necessarily produce any tangible reward for the collective black masses. Mr. Booker’s election is punctuated by the fact that once he is sworn in, he will only be one of two AfricanAmericans serving in the body, even though African-Americans make up roughly twelve percent of the U.S. population. Furthermore, Booker and Obama’s backgrounds which include Ivy League educations and high-powered corporate positions do more to distance them from the everyday lives of black Americans than the color of their skin does to build solidarity with black America. This presents a twofold challenge for all Americans. First we have to find a way to elect legislative bodies that look more like the real population. Then we must make sure that these
representatives have a real empathy for the issues that plague poor and urban communities. Just because we as a people manage to elect an individual with brown skin into office does not magically reduce the abysmal high school dropout rate amongst black students. When Obama won on election night the African-American incarceration rate did not drop overnight and the wealth gap did not suddenly constrict. Nor will any of this happen when Cory Booker takes office. What we did gain was a sense of racial achievement and a certain feeling that things might just be
getting better. To paraphrase my late grandmother, “feelings don’t pay the bills”. They don’t pass laws either. It is not enough to simply see our image in the White House and the Capitol. We must work with the men and women that we send to these hallowed halls of justice to represent us to ensure that they hear our voices and know, with great detail, our concerns. So am I excited about Cory Booker’s election? Absolutely. I just hope that he doesn’t turn out to be just another pretty face. That much is left to be seen.
Good Shepherd Baptist Church
Sunday Morning Services 10 am Wednesday Services 7 pm 2070 Brown Road, Hephzibah, GA 30815 (706) 592-9221 | www.alwc.net
Rev. Clarence Moore, Pastor 1714 Olive Road / P. O. Box 141 (mailing address) Augusta, GA 30903 706/733-341- Telephone/706/667-0205 – Fax E-mail address: admin@goodshepherdaugusta.org Web address: goodshepherdaugusta.org Rev. Clarence Moore Church Service: 7:45 & 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. / Prayer Service: 11:00 a.m. – Wednesday Bible Study: 9:00 a.m. - Saturday / 7:00 p.m. - Wednesday
Everfaithful Missionary Baptist Church
314 Sand Bar Ferry Road Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 722- 0553 Church School Sunday 9:25am Morning Worship Sunday 11am Evening Worship 6pm (1st & 3rd Sunday) Midday Prayer 12pm Wednesday Intercessory Prayer/Bible Study 6pm Wednesday
Bishop Rosa L. Williams, Pastor
Radio Broadcast: Sundays • WKZK 103.7 FM at 7:30 a.m.
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UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
Mr. Booker goes to Washington
UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 24 - 31, 2013
Community Corner ATC to host IRS Tax Workshops for nonprofit organizations
Augusta Technical College 706.771.4090 for more informa- Enrolled Agents. Spanish for the Workplace to a host Continuing Education Division will tion. of Microsoft Classes. Check our be hosting IRS Tax Workshops for All full-day workshops are Augusta Technical College website for semester publications non-profits. Interested organiza- approved by the IRS for six (6) con- Continuing Education offers many at www.augustatech.edu and look tions will have a choice between tinuing education (CE) credits for classes throughout the year from for Continuing Education. two dates to attend, November 6th or 7th. IRS Exempt Organizations offers one-day workshops for small and medium-sized 501(c)(3) organizations around the country in collaboration with colleges and universities as part of our Academic Institutions Initiatives in an effort Auto Home Life Health Bonds Commercial Auto Home to help develop the nonprofit leaders of tomorrow. These popular workshops are presented by experienced IRS Exempt Organizations Auto Home Life Health Bonds Commercial specialists and explain the nuts and bolts of what 501(c)(3) entities must do to keep their tax- exempt status and comply with tax obligations. This introductory workshop is designed for organization administrators, volunteers who are responsible for tax compliance, the faculty and students of its academic hosts, and nonprofit practitioners. Augusta Tech’s workshops are Tobacco only $50 per person and will 636-C Rd JyNelle Handy, Agent 2636-C Tobacco be held on November 6 and 7 phzibah, GA 30815 Hephzibah, GA 3 INFO@INS-PROS.COM from 9am- 4pm. Pre-registration is required and space is limited to 150 attendees per session. Attendees can find the regis2636-C Tobacco Rd DIANNE MURPHY | JyNelle Handy, Agent FACEBOOK: COMMITTEE TO ELECT EMAIL: DIANNEMURPHY127@YAHOO.COM tration form at w w w.augustatHephzibah, GA 30815 ech.edu or by calling Augusta PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT DIANNE MURPHY FOR GA STATEINFO@INS-PROS.COM REPRESENTATIVE, DEBRA SPENCER • TREASURER Tech’s Continuing Education at
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