Urban Pro Weekly

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Photo by V. Hobbs


“CRU” premieres this weekend in Augusta Q&A with Screenwriter O LI V E R O TTLE Y I I I

APRIL 2 - 8, 2015 VOL. 4 NO. 29

Saving Our Sons Night Martial arts champion Abia Williams, owner of Williams Karate and Fitness Center, demonstrates the proper form to execute a punch during the “National Save Our Sons Night”, held at Paine College’s HEAL Complex. Williams and other instructors introduced a group of young men to sport-style karate as self-defense during the event. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

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UrbanProWeekly - APRIL 2 - 8, 2015


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3 UrbanProWeekly • APRIL 2 - 8,

Oliver W. Ottley III’s Red Carpet Odyssey — Co-writer, producer of “CRU”

2015 Award-winning screenwriter Oliver W. Ottley III (R) poses for a photo at Paine College during a visit to the campus. Ottley, co-writer and producer of the new film “CRU”, will be presenting his film on Saturday at the Kroc Center. Otlley is a graduate of Richmond Academy and is a native Augustan. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

From hip-hop artist to screenwriter Interview by Vincent Hobbs Oliver W. Ottley III will be presenting his new film CRU at the Kroc Center on Saturday. Ottley co-wrote the script with film director Alton Glass. The movie, about four close-knit high school friends who experience a tragic event and reunite eighteen years later, has won numerous awards and nominations including Best Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Director (2014 American Black Film Festival). UPW spent some time with Ottley to find out more about the film and future projects on the horizon for this award-winning screenwriter.

You grew up in Augusta and graduated from Richmond Academy. As a teen living in Augusta in the ‘90’s, did you imagine that one day, you would become an award-winning screenwriter? Not in a million years. Coming out of high school, I actually had aspirations of being a pro athlete, like a lot of my peers in our area. I wanted to play in the NFL or run in the Olympics. I even entertained the idea for a short while by running track in college at South Carolina State. But an organized fourwall class room education and I didn’t mix back then. After dropping out of college twice,

I ended up taking a totally different route, once I developed a passion for music. A year-and-ahalf later, I became the hip-hop artist known as CRUMM, which is an acronym for Creating Riches Using My Mind. What led to your interest in writing screenplays? During my time as a hip-hop artist, I was working on an album with actor Orlando Jones, and indirectly I was introduced into the world of Hollywood. While we were recording, Continued on the next page

UrbanProWeekly - APRIL 2 - 8, 2015


Ottley from page 3 his best friend Colin Quashie, who is a fantastic screenwriter, used to frequent our sessions and he always had this thick stack of papers tucked under his arm when he came in. One day when he stopped by, I asked about the papers and he told me it was a screenplay and explained its purpose. Finding it pretty interesting, I asked if I could take it home and read it and he agreed. That night, I gave it a read and it blew my mind. It was like watching a movie in my head. The next day when he came to the studio, I was outside waiting on him before he could even walk in. The first thing out of my mouth was “you have to teach me how to do that.” After he stopped laughing, he said no problem. The rest is history. Which film, past or present, has had the most impact on your life? That’s a tough one because I’m such a lover of film. If I could only choose one film though, I would have to say either The Color Purple or Shawshank Redemption because it touches on such a vast range of emotions. I have other favorites, but those two stand out. I’ll leave it there because I’m about to change my mind. Which work mode do you like better – wearing the hat as Producer or collaborating as Screenwriter? Between producing and writing, writing definitely takes precedent over everything. There’s a thrill in creating a story, then watching it take on a life of it’s own in the different



Published by

Urban Pro Weekly LLC 3529 Monte Carlo Drive Augusta, GA 30906 Executive Publisher BEN HASAN 706-394-9411 bzhasan54@yahoo.com



PAINE COLLEGE ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NICOLE WATSON takes advantage of the spring weather conditions to teach her Media Studio/Mass Communication class outdoors on the steps of Haygood-Holsey Hall on the Paine College Campus. Photo by Vincent Hobbs It came from an idea my co-writing and producing partner Alton Glass had been kicking around for a couple of years. After sending it to me, I read the ideas he had, and loved it enough to start adding my own voice to the equation. From there, it went from us just spit-balling and throwing ideas out, to a full-blown outline of what we felt was a story that would be very relatable to peoHow did the idea for CRU originate? ple. Next thing you know, we had a script. And CRU was born. stages of development. It’s an intimacy brought on by the development of the characters and the worlds created around them. There’s a gratification there. Even as a writer, it’s indescribable. On the producing end, it’s my job to bring all of those ideas into fruition and convince someone into believing in the project enough to finance the film and get it made.

Executive Managing Editor FREDERICK BENJAMIN SR. 706-306-4647 editor@urbanproweekly.com Sales & Marketing 706-394-9411 Contributors VINCENT HOBBS Photography & New Media View Urbanproweekly on Facebook

Why do you feel it is important for people in the community to view the film? Like a lot of films that I enjoyed as a viewer, I think CRU relates to audiences on a number of levels. It’s a film that can make you laugh, cry, and even get angry. Most importantly, it’s something that evokes feelings and conversation. Also, it’s one of the only times (at least to my knowledge) that there’s been an all-Black male cast pushing the overall theme of togetherness and brotherhood. Yet, the film is so relatable it transcends the color barrier completely. It’s definitely something I feel everyone should see. If you had an unlimited budget to write, produce and direct a

film, what sort of film would it be? Tough one. Great question — but a tough one! Without giving it a thought and just going off of pure passion, I would have to say the Marcus Garvey story. His story is one that I’ve wanted to tell ever since screenwriting was introduced to me. He’s a hero of mine and I think that his brilliant vision and unflinching courage is something that I would love to be shown on the silver screen. What are some of the current film or TV projects that you’re working on? At the moment, I have two scripts that I’m looking to get financed. I hope the state of Georgia will help me finance one of the films through film production tax incentives and grants; the film can be shot in different cities like Augusta, Atlanta and Savannah. I have a ton of different ideas on my plate - in particular, a romantic comedy and a drama. The lead actor in CRU, Keith Robinson (an Augusta native), has a television project which is a starring-vehicle for him, called “Doobie Wright.” We feel that it is fantastic. I’ll stop there. I can go on forever about the ideas in my head.


Augusta Premiere of CRU at the Kroc Center 15, years later for a reunion that will open old woundw, exlpose long hidden secrets — and pave ther road to forgiveness and redemption. The event will be held at the KROC Center on April 4 at 6:15 and 8:30 p.m. For tickets visit International Formal Wear, the Paine College Business Office or online at www.aquariusvision.

Augusta Museum of History Masters’ Week The Augusta Museum of History is pleased to announce the special hours that the Museum will be open and available for visitors during Master’s week: Sunday, April 5, 1 to 5 p.m.; Monday through Saturday, April 6th to April 11th, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sunday, April 12th, 1 to 5 p.m. All exhibitions will be open which includes: Celebrating a Grand Tradition, The Story of Golf; The Godfather of Soul, Mr. James Brown; Local Legends, and Augusta’s Story. Statues of golf greats Bobby Jones, Ben Hogan, Bryon Nelson, Jack Nicklaus, and Arnold Palmer will be

on view in the Museum’s Rotunda. The Augusta Museum of History, the only Museum in the CSRA accredited by the American Alliance of Museums, was established in 1937 for the purpose of preserving and sharing the material history of Augusta and the region. From a 10,000 yearold projectile point to a 1914 locomotive, to James Brown memorabilia the collections chronicle a rich and fascinating past. The museum is located at 560 Reynolds Street in downtown Augusta. Please call (706) 722-8454 for more information or visit www. augustamuseum.org.

Garden City Jazz celebrates National Jazz Appreciation Month by bringing music and arts into neighborhoods, creating new opportunities and venues for creative expression and collaboration. For 2015, the team presents JAZZ MASTERS. Jazz Masters is a pop-up jazz club in downtown Augusta, the result of a collaboration with the Jessye Norman School of the Arts. The space will be operational from April 7-11 only and will feature live classic jazz music in a listening room environment – very much like those popular in New York, San Francisco, London, Paris, etc. Jazz Appreciation Month “We are constantly seeking partnerships with business owners, government officials, and non-profits to present music in public (and sometimes, unexpected) spaces. By its nature, jazz music has a definite structure and form. The theme is clear, yet variation is expected. So, from street corners, to the urban green space of the Augusta Common, to the steps of the Municipal Building, to parking garages and of course, Riverwalk. Our ultimate goal is community engagement, and creating great experiences.” — Director Karen Gordon

JAZZ MASTERS APRIL 7 - 11 (Tuesday thru Saturday). Nightly – At 7:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Performance schedule: April 7: A Step Up April 8: Patrick Arthur April 9: B. Courtland April 10: Travis Shaw April 11: Patrick Arthur Jessye Norman School of the Arts, 739 Greene Street, 30901 RSVP Please Seating is limited

Columbia County School for the Arts secures property for facility construction The Columbia County School for the Arts (CCSA) Charter School has signed a contingency contract to purchase15acres of undeveloped land on the corner of Blanchard Woods Drive and Willie Daniel Drive near BlanchardWoodsPark in Evans. The purchase is contingent upon approv-

al of the CCSA charter by either the Columbia CountyBoardof Education or the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia. The site will become the future home oftheColumbia County School for theArts. “This is an important and exciting step toward our planned August

2016 opening,” said Todd Shafer, CCSASchoolLeader. “And it is a step we would have been unable to take without the encouragement and support of themanypeople who believe in our vision of creating a very special school of choice in ColumbiaCounty.” The CCSA governing board is

currently interviewing development companies with an expertise in CharterSchoolconstruction and hopes to bring a complete facilities plan before the Columbia County School Board and theStateCharter Schools Commission of Georgia as part of the approvalprocess.

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On Saturday, April 4, join writer Oliver W. Otley III and actor Keith Robinson for the Augusta Premiere of CRU. CRU is the award-winning film about a tight knit group of young high school athletes tht experience a terrible crash after winning the state championship — a catastrophe that wil shape all their lives. They come together,

Jazz Masters Series

5 UrbanProWeekly • APRIL 2 - 8,


UrbanProWeekly - APRIL 2 - 8, 2015


Pastor Charles Goodman, Jr. (center) has some fun as he poses for a photo with a championship karate belt in front of the Williams Karate and Fitness Center display, during the “National Save Our Sons Night”, held at Paine College’s HEAL Complex. “PG” served as emcee/host during the event. NSOSN is a nationwide event to promote quality time and teachable activities for fathers and sons, as well as raise awareness of the importance of mentorship for young boys. Photo by Vincent Hobbs



Annual Save Our Sons Night Catalyst League seeks to make a difference for the area’s youth Farrell Brown AUGUSTA The Catalyst League, Incorporated hosted the First Annual National Save Our Sons Night Saturday at Paine College’s H.E.A.L. Complex. National Save Our Sons Night was a part of the nationwide initiative of Fathers Incorporated. The organization wanted to have fathers across the country plan a special activity to do with their sons on March 27. Fathers Inc., called for members of community organizations to plan events on that day to engage young boys. National Save Our Sons night spanned 58 cities across the country with over100 organizations, 10 of them being

national organizations, and eight churches. Darryl Rolle and The Catalyst League, Inc., stepped up to bring the initiative to Augusta. “Last year and the year prior we were faced with an ugly reality that a lot of the problems from the Civil Rights Era never went anywhere,” Rolle said. “They’re still here so all of the crying and all of the anger and the marching that went on last year let us know that this is a new fight. We have to be more strategic in our angle. Our angle is working with our young boys. Those are the ones that are being targeted the most. Those are the ones we have to save.” The Catalyst League, Incorporated is “a group of change agents”, according to their official

website. They focus on “problem-employment empowerment, technical education mentoring, and resources for responsible fatherhood.” The group hopes to mentor the youth so that they will grow into responsible young adults that can lead the community to a brighter future. National Save Our Sons Night featured booths from the Juvenile Justice Ministry, the GRU Cancer Center and the Humanitree House. “Without having a father in your life, you don’t get to learn a lot of things,” said Michael Denney, Mentor Coordinator for Hope for Augusta. “Even adults, we need our fathers to show us, to guide Continued on next page

7 UrbanProWeekly • APRIL 2 - 8, 2015

Save Our Sons from page 6 us, to help us with life. It’s symbolic spiritually. It’s also practical personally. You think about who’s the most influential person in your life and the first person I go to is my (Above left) GRU Cancer Center community outreach coordinator Chavone Hollimon (center) talks father.” There were also activity stations set up. to young men. (Above) Martial arts champion Abia Williams, owner of Williams Karate and Fitness Williams Mixed Martial Arts had a station Center, demonstrates the proper form to execute a punch. Williams and other instructors introduced Photos by Vincent Hobbs demonstrating kickboxing. The Augusta a group of young men to sport-style karate as self-defense. Fencers Club had a station demonstrating fencing. Hope for Augusta had a putt putt station. Abya Williams from Williams Mixed Martial Arts and Dr. Rudy Volkmann from The Augusta Fencing Club both said they wanted to use National Save Our Sons Night as a chance to expose young men to something new. “(A father figure is) the person that is willing to step in and do what is necessary in order to maintain the nucleus of the community,” said Chris Norris, LPC, the Director of the Knights of Pythagoras. Norris was the speaker at National Save Our Sons Night. Pastor Charles Goodman from Tabernacle Baptist Church was the host for the event “We’re trying to mentor small change agents for today’s leaders,” Rolle said. “The interaction piece was strong tonight. Every station got plenty of interaction and the young boys interacted with their mentors and their fathers.” The Catalyst League, Incorporated has spent time putting themselves in position to start putting together more functions like National Save Our Sons Night. They already have programs such as Suited In Success Program and Barbering Education Enrichment Program. They have another program, Fatherhood Program, coming in the Humanitree House co-owner and artist Baruti “Brotha B” Tucker (R) draws a portrait of a young boy Fall of this year. while other kids observe during the “National Save Our Sons Night.” Photo by Vincent Hobbs

UrbanProWeekly - APRIL 2 - 8, 2015




John Holden, the video host of Power Hitz on WJBF, poses for a photo at the Television Park studios.

Photo by Vincent Hobbs

The man behind the POWER HITZ Interview by Vincent Hobbs

J. Holden is a familiar face to many Augustans who enjoy hip-hop and R&B videos. His Sunday night show, Power Hitz, airs every week on WJBF at 11:35 pm. and features top music video hits, as well as locally-submitted music videos. UPW caught up with Holden and posed a few questions to Augusta’s own VJ. Where did you grow up and what is your educational background? I was born in Germany in 1972. My family and I moved a lot, due to my father being in the military – Augusta, Washington, DC, the country of Panama, and then back to Augusta.

I went to college in Atlanta and returned after my mother passed. I’ve been here ever since 1996 — making music, shooting commercials, producing Power Hitz and cutting my grass. Where did the idea for the TV show Power Hitz originate? It was the concept of Scott Elledge, production manager at WJBF. Fattz and Cher from Power 107 were the original hosts and I was one of the producers for the show. After two years, Fattz and Cher wrapped up their hosting duties and I took over production, playing music videos with no host. One year later, Mary Jones (head of station content at WJBF) asked me to host

Power Hitz and that was how I ended up on the air.

already been done - boring. Send me something creative and original.

Power Hitz is known as a showcase for local Augusta talent to have their videos seen by a widespread audience. A recent Augusta artist featured was rapper C. Lark, in a video that was shot around the Garden City. How can a new artist get promoted on your show? It’s easy. First, I require a donuts delivery to the station, no later than 1 pm. After that it’s all gravy! Kidding! Artists just need to submit material that is clean and somewhat original. By “original”, I mean use your brain man! Don’t send me videos of you waving a gun, screaming you’re a gangsta. That’s

What is your opinion on the state of music performances in CSRA venues? I haven’t really been to a good local show in a while; nobody wants to give a true performance. Too many groups just invite their whole family on stage and call it a show. I’m still open to suggestions – somebody, invite me out. How do you decide which music videos to play on your show? Most of the time, I just play requests viewers make through text or Facebook Continued on next page

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What are some of the more memorable live events that you’ve covered? Jonavan Stephens (Paine College’s assistant athletic director) invited me out to cover his eleven-year-old’s birthday party. There’s John Holden (R), the video host of Power Hitz on WJBF, chats in the office with Scott Elledge nothing like having a (L), Television Park Director of Digital Journalism and Content. Photo by Vincent Hobbs good time, where the messages or I just look for what I think Give our readers an idea of the only drinks that are spilled on you are people haven’t seen. Sometimes, I’ll be process you undergo to produce your made of Kool Aid. lazy and just pick a couple of videos show and make it broadcast-ready. The entertainment industry is that are in the Top 10. Most of the time, On Monday, the first thing I do is I try to find something strange and review my text messages from the constantly evolving. Are there any quiz my viewers with the ‘what is Jay past Sunday night’s broadcast. Usually, new concepts your viewers can playing tonight?’ question. viewers leave me a lot of good sugges- expect to see on Power Hitz in the

near future? We’ll have more local content. Power Hitz with J. Holden is broadcast on WJBF Channel 6 on Sunday nights at 11:35 pm.

UrbanProWeekly • APRIL 2 - 8,

tions. From there, I’ll go through Facebook and look for events or responses from viewers who just want to hang out with me and be on TV. Next, I’ll book a shoot on location or here at the station on the key wall (green wall). After about eight hours in the editing suite, the show is ready.

UrbanProWeekly - APRIL 2 - 8, 2015



Evans High School tennis player Jazmine Lawson keeps her eye on the ball during a match against Richmond Academy at Newman Tennis Center. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

(Above) Jack Guitton, a senior at Richmond Academy, returns the ball during a match against Evans High School at Newman Tennis Center. (At left) Josie Guitton, a junior at Richmond Academy, puts some power into her backhand during a match against Evans High School at Newman Tennis Center. Photos by Vincent Hobbs

We are a nonprofit organization with a mission to help our veteran brothers and sisters. We offer counseling services, help seeking employment, resume and further career building, and more. We will be hosting a fundraiser in which monetary donations will be greatly appreciated.

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11 UrbanProWeekly • APRIL 2 - 8,


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UrbanProWeekly - APRIL 2 - 8, 2015


UPW FORUM REPORT by Nancy Badertscher

Creflo Dollar’s $65 million jet sidelined for now PolitiFact Georgia Pastor Creflo Dollar’s plan to travel the world in the fastest and most luxurious business jet ever built never got off the ground. He and other leaders at World Changers Church International in College Park launched Project G650 with the goal of raising nearly $65 million for the airplane, largely from $300-plus donations from 200,000 of the faithful. But negative public reaction to Dollar’s fundraising plea was so swift that it was halted within days of its launch. A promotional video featuring Dollar was quickly pulled down but lives via YouTube. Some of the harshest words came from the faith community, including contemporary gospel’s Kirk Franklin who said: “When I camouflage my ‘greeds’ to look like ‘needs,’ that’s a shortage of character.” Others asked: Why couldn’t pastor and evangelist Dollar conduct his mission travels as most do, via commercial airline, rather than a Gulfstream G650? We tried to reach Dollar directly but were referred to Juda Engelmayer, senior vice president at 5W Public Relations in New York. He is representing Creflo Dollar Ministries and has been fielding questions about the now-defunct fundraising campaign. In an article that appeared March 13, Engelmayer told The Christian Post that Dollar is now taking commercial flights when he visits churches in New York. But “it’s not that simple,” Engelmayer said, when a ministry team of 10 to 15 people “take thousands of pounds,” even 100,000 pounds “of food and provisions with them when they go around the world.” That’s why the Gulfstream G650 is needed, he suggested. “The plane is not so Creflo Dollar can get on by himself and fly.” Engelmayer made similar comments to The Associated Press. He said members of the ministry travel much of the year bringing their message, food and supplies to people around the world, and this jet has the fuel efficiency, speed, cargo space and seating the church needed. So is that a reason the ministry

The Gulfstream G650 features touch-screen control for temperature, lighting, window shades and entertainment options. Photo: Gulfstream.com wanted donations of $65 million — to have an airplane with cargo space capable of carrying thousands, possibly 100,000 pounds of food and other supplies? PolitiFact Georgia decided to check the facts. First, a little background about the 53-year-old megachurch pastor and evangelist and how he came to say he was praying for a Gulfstream G650. Dollar preaches what is known as the prosperity gospel, a religious doctrine that financial blessing is the will of God for Christians. A native of College Park, he founded the nondenominational World Changers Church International, which boasts 30,000 members, 350 employees, an 81-acre campus and mission work on six continents. Dollar has long been criticized for being a preacher who lives a lavish lifestyle with Rolls-Royces, million-dollar homes and jets. The tax-exempt status of his ministry — as well as five others — was the focus of a U.S. Senate committee investigation of three-plus years that started in 2007 and was based on public complaints and media reports about large salaries and lavish expenditures. Dollar protested the investigation, which closed with no findings of wrongdoing. World Changers and Dollar made the case for the new jet — the Gulfstream G650, which is manufactured in Savannah — after the church’s longtime Gulfstream G1159A, more commonly known as a G-III, was damaged and taken out of service late last year. They said the jet — built in 1984 and purchased in 1999 — traveled 4 million miles and had two recent mishaps: one where the right

he said. Cargo space on a business jet is measured in terms of golf bags, Aboulafia said. Steve Cass, the vice president for technical marketing and communications with the jet’s manufacturer, Gulfstream Aerospace Corp., confirmed the jet’s space limitations. The G650 has room for 18 passengers and 2,500 pounds of baggage, Cass said. We sent an email to Engelmayer asking him to clarify his “cargo’ comments. He did not respond specifically to that request but said there is “no campaign for a plane, and the ministry’s work helping people in need and spreading the Gospel continues as it always has.” “There is nothing more about this to discuss,” he said. Rusty Leonard, the founder and CEO of MinistryWatch.com, said he was ‘disturbed, but not surprised” to learn Dollar was trying to raise money for a $65 million jet. “This is normal behavior for a prosperity gospel preacher who turns the Gospel upside down by making it all about your/their own blessings/ success rather than about sacrificially blessing others who are in need as Jesus actually taught,” he said. His organization does not recommend donating to Dollar’s organizations, Leonard said. Our ruling: Dollar and other leaders in World Changers Church International launched and then dropped a campaign that asked followers to pony up $65 million for a top-of-the-line luxury jet. It’s an airplane generally reserved for world leaders, the top crop of business executives and billionaires. One rationale given for buying the aircraft was that the church needed to be able to carry thousands of pounds of food and other goods — as well as ministers bringing the Word of God — to other parts of the world. That argument never got off the runway. It is inaccurate and bordering on ridiculous. We rate it Pants On Fire.

engine failed near Hawaii en route to Australia; and a second in which the airplane’s nose hit a London runway while Dollar’s wife, Taffi, and three of his daughters were aboard. It was after these incidents, Dollar told potential donors on the video, “I knew it was time to begin to believe God for a new airplane.” PolitiFact found a National Transportation Safety Board report confirming that the older jet received “substantial air-frame damage” in the accident that occurred on takeoff from London to Canada. Eight people were on the airplane, including one woman who was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Aviation expert Richard Aboulafia confirmed that the jet likely would need to be replaced if it had substantial air-frame damage. But Aboulafia, the vice president of analysis at the Teal Group in Washington, said Dollar — in proposing that the disabled jet be replaced with a $65 million G650 — was suggesting going from “the old Honda to the new Rolls-Royce.” This 18-seat jet, which in 2014 won aviation’s most prestigious honor, the Collier Trophy, is considered the best and fastest high-end corporate jet ever built. It’s the mode of travel for world governments, the very top echelon of business executives and likely the richest of the rich, he said. Does it have cargo space for thousands of pounds of food and other supplies? Experts told us the answer is no. Carrying cargo is not this jet’s mission, Aboulafia said. “If they make that claim (that they were buying the Gulfstream G650 to Nancy Badertscher is a writer for carry cargo), they’re expecting the public to be a lot dumber than it is,” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


Tabernacle Baptist Church RESURRECTION SERVICE Sunday, APRIL 20, 10 A.M.



Tabernacle Baptist Church will host a Resurrection Service on Sunday, April 20 at 10 a.m. at the Augusta Convention Center located at 901 Reynolds Street Augusta, GA. This service will feature a performance by Gospel Recording Artist Anita Wilson and the Tabernacle Baptist Church 100 Voice Choir as well as a special message from The Rev. Dr. Charles E.

Goodman, Jr., Senior Pastor/Teacher of Tabernacle Baptist Church. “We are excited to have the opportunity and resources to be able to live out our Christian mission, which is to share the Good News of the Gospel with everyone,” Goodman said. “The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ will be celebrated on this special Sunday. We invite everyone to be our special guests and to come as you are, to worship with us on the greatest day on our Christian calendar,” he said.

UrbanProWeekly • APRIL 2 - 8,


Anita Wilson

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Start your calling today! Mount Olivet Certified Academic Institution 706.793.0091 • 706.793.0335 • www.mocai-aug.org

Good Shepherd Baptist Church

Rev. Clarence Moore, Pastor 1714 Olive Road / P. O. Box 141 (mailing address) Augusta, GA 30903 706/733-0341- Telephone/706/667-0205 – Fax E-mail address: admin@goodshepherdaugusta.org Web address: goodshepherdaugusta.org Rev. Clarence Moore Church Service: 7:45 & 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. / Prayer Service: 11:00 a.m. – Wednesday Bible Study: 9:00 a.m. - Saturday / 7:00 p.m. - Wednesday

Everfaithful Missionary Baptist Church

314 Sand Bar Ferry Road Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 722- 0553 Church School Sunday 9:25am Morning Worship Sunday 11am Evening Worship 6pm (1st & 3rd Sunday) Midday Prayer 12pm Wednesday Intercessory Prayer/Bible Study 6pm Wednesday

The CSRA Clergy Board of Directors

Board of Coalition Pastors P.O. Box 16013 Bishop Rosa L. Williams, Pastor

Radio Broadcast: Sundays • WKZK 103.7 FM at 7:30 a.m.

Augusta, GA. 30919-2013 Bishop L.A. Green, Sr., Chairman

UrbanProWeekly - APRIL 2 - 8, 2015



Prof. to join Morehouse College’s Collegium of Scholars AUGUSTA Dr. Jurgen Brauer, Professor of Economics in the James M. Hull College of Business at Georgia Regents University, will be inducted into Morehouse College’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Collegium of Scholars. He will be officially recognized April 9 at the institution’s Martin Luther King, Jr. International Chapel. Selection is based on current members’ recommendations and an exhibition of King’s ethical traditions of non-violence through the clergy, scholars, and laity. “Brauer’s research in the field of peace economics is impressive, and for him to be included among this elite group of leaders, speaks highly of his work, “said Dr. Marc Miller, Dean of the Hull College of Business at GRU. In addition to his teaching responsibilities at GRU, Brauer serves each summer as a visiting Professor of Economics at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. Brauer is a noted researcher whose work on peace economics, the firearm

He has consulted for the World Bank, the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the U.S. National Defense University, and to the

Chief Economist for the Office of the Comptroller in New York City. He is a former Peace Fellow of the United States Institute of Peace.

Help a vet who needs a heart transplant

Dr. Jurgen Brauer industry, and genocide have been published in eight languages and featured in numerous publications, including the European Journal of Political Economy. He is also lead author of Peace Economics: A Macroeconomic Primer for ViolenceAfflicted States, and Co-Founder and -Editor of The Economics of Peace and Security Journal.

Marlon Williams of Augusta is seeking assistance from the community. Mr. Williams has been told that he must get a heart transplant. Williams, aka “Coach Will,” is active in the development of our city’s youth. The Recreation Department volunteer coach is also a veteran of the First Gulf War and is a member of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church. The surgery is slated to be done at the Transplant Center at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. The procedure will place a tremendous strain on the Williams family who will need assistance meeting day-to-day expenses without the help of donations from the public. The donations will enable Williams to keep he and his family from undergoing undue hardship. Marlon is married and has

two children. Mr. Williams has an online fundraiser started, the site is w w w. g i v e f o rward.com/fundraiser/wcc7/marlons-transplant. Anyone wishing to donate directly to the transplant Marlon Williams: fund may con- “Thanks Augusta, tact Marlon at with help from 706 - 829- 6664. the community I Donations can know I can make also be mailed it through this to Marlon ordeal.” Williams, 1915 Thomas Lane. Augusta Ga. 30904.



UrbanProWeekly • APRIL 2 - 8,




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UrbanProWeekly - APRIL 2 - 8, 2015



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