The Last Fred Russell Story
Administrator first to fall in “December Massacre”
Rest In Peace
Nelson Mandela 1918 - 2013
To be successful in politics one must have the ability to communicate with others and understand the art of compromise to achieve one’s goals and objectives.
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Your Money • Your Business
Holiday Shopping Smarts The holiday season is a joyous time unless you are one of those persons who thinks they are Santa Claus and tries to give everyone they know the items on their Christmas wish list. According to Huffington Post, 40 percent of holiday shoppers spend more than they planned. But worse than that, are those shoppers who have no plan. They don’t know what they are going to buy, how much they are going to spend, or where they will get the money to pay for what they buy. Often times that X-Box 360, that leather jacket, or that gold bracelet are purchased on a credit card, with borrowed money or this month’s rent money. It does not have to be like that. Be a smart holiday shopper and follow these tips: •Talk to the family about holiday spending before you start shopping. Explain the family’s financial status,
and set some realistic expectations for children. Let them know that there is a specific budget amount for shopping. •Cut the number of people on your shopping list. If you have been tipping your barber, beautician, and nail technician, and paying your yard man all year long, there is no obligation to buy them gifts. Also, your older relatives may prefer some quality time all during the year as opposed to another bottle of lotion or after shave. •Pay for shopping with cash or debit card. Using credit cards can cause you to overspend on a gift, contributes to exceeding the budget, and allows the high cost of credit card interest to follow you into the next year. •Be an organized shopper and shop for specific items. Make a list of the names of those you are going
by Romell Cooks
to buy for, list the item for each person and set an amount to spend for each gift. Purchasing gift cards helps you stick to the allotted amount for each person. As you shop for specific items, look for sales and discount coupons. •Seek unique, creative or alternative gifts instead of purchased gifts. Use your gifts or talents to gift others, e.g., a homemade pound cake, a knitted scarf, a hand sewn monogrammed bar-b-cue apron, a DVD of their favorite music, or four hours of free house cleaning or babysitting. These kinds of gifts are often more appreciated than a candle in a jar or another box of stationary or handkerchiefs. •Work a part-time job to pay for holiday shopping. Working at any of the large department stores gives you access to most things the family would
Creative Calendar Behold The Star SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The performance will take place at the Maxwell Performing Arts Theater at Georgia Regents University.
put on their holiday Christmas lists. Starting a job in October gives you the opportunity to shop early, buy at a discount and pay cash as you go. The holiday season is a great time to share with family and friends. Be smart about your finances and avoid overspending. Don’t let debt steal the joy of the season. Romell Cooks is a Securities Series 6 and 63 licensed Registered Representative with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA) with a Certificate in Financial Planning and 13 years experience in the financial industry. If any group, organization or church is interested in a workshop or seminar to help improve their level of financial literacy, please contact the writer of this article at rcooks72@
Annual Concert of Holiday Music Augusta Collegium Musicum in The Annual Concert of Holiday Music featuring seasonal music from five centuries on Monday, December 16, 2013 at7:30 pm in the Museum’s Rotunda. Tickets are only $10 for Augusta Museum of History and Collegium members, or $15 for non-members. Light refreshments will be served.
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UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
U W rban Pro
Food for Thought
Good Shepherd Baptist Church
Rev. Clarence Moore, Pastor 1714 Olive Road / P. O. Box 141 (mailing address) Augusta, GA 30903 706/733-341- Telephone/706/667-0205 – Fax E-mail address: Web address: Rev. Clarence Moore Church Service: 7:45 & 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. / Prayer Service: 11:00 a.m. – Wednesday Bible Study: 9:00 a.m. - Saturday / 7:00 p.m. - Wednesday
by Kristie Robin Johnson
We are Nelson Mandela
ometimes I reject the label of African-American. I like to think my simply being an American is enough. Sometimes I like to believe that we can be post-racial and if I call myself an African-American I am somehow splitting my identity between the United States, my homeland and the only place that I have ever known, and Africa, a distant continent on which I have never set foot. Then I wake up and stop dreaming. The passing of our fearless South African brother and world-renowned freedom fighter, Nelson Mandela, reminds me of the unbreakable bond between Africa and America that my very existence represents. We all know about the shared history of South African apartheid and racial segregation in the American south. Mandela was inspired by Dr.
Unlike any other groups, we know the pain of state sanctioned separation. We, South Africans and African-Americans, know the burden of being judged by the color of our skin. King in the same way that King was influenced by Mahatma Gandhi. In many ways, it can be argued that Nelson Mandela lived out the destiny that many Americans imagined for Dr. King-- to live to become the leader of the nation that he had worked so tirelessly to unite. While people from all ethnic backgrounds and religions in every nation on every continent will pay homage to the elder statesman, remembering the impact that his journey had on all of humanity, those of us who are of African-American descent will always
share a special connection to Nelson Mandela and the South African struggle for freedom. Unlike any other groups, we know the pain of state sanctioned separation. We, South Africans and AfricanAmericans, know the burden of being judged by the color of our skin. We also know the uncommon joy of rising above racism after decades, even centuries of oppression. We know what it is to cry tears of joy, not for ourselves but for our ancestors, when a nation finally puts aside its troubled past and elects its first black presi-
dent. Though oceans lay between us we share a common bond of ancestry and experience. So while it is true that I have never been to Africa and I cannot claim to have any direct personal connection to the continent, I can proudly call myself an African-American. Because of souls like Nelson Mandela, this moniker is not a burden. Indeed it is a privilege. It is an honor to share a rich history and royal bloodline with a people known to survive and thrive in the face of some of the worst human atrocities known to man. The African diaspora, albeit complicated and at times misunderstood, is a powerful and proud place to rest my identity. The distance between Soweto and Augusta need not be so far. We are Africa. They are America. And we are all Mandela.
Paine honors legacy of freedom fighter Nelson Mandela
THE PASSING OF NELSON MANDELA is indeed a sad day in the world. He lived his entire life fighting for civil rights, human rights and equal rights for mankind in South Africa and people of color. He will
U W rban Pro
UrbanProWeekly LLC Mailing Address: 3529 Monte Carlo Drive Augusta, Georgia 30906
forever be remembered for his humanitarian contributions and for his continuous stance against apartheid. Dr. Charles J. Smith, Sr. President, Augusta Branch NAACP
Publisher Ben Hasan 706-394-9411 Managing Editor Frederick Benjamin Sr. 706-836-2018
Dr. George C. Bradley and the Paine College Community honor the legacy of human rights activist Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first black President. “Nelson Mandela was truly a pillar of human rights for over five decades. During South Africa’s apartheid era, the College upheld a policy not to invest with companies and/or entities that did business with South Africa, set forth by our Board of Trustees,” stated Dr. Bradley. “His endeavors for equal human rights have certainly reached across the globe, including here in Augusta, Georgia and at Paine College.” Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in Mveso, Transkei, South Africa. Becoming actively involved in the anti-apartheid movement in his 20s, Mandela joined the African
Sales & Marketing Phone: 706-394-9411 Photography and Social Media Courtesy of Vincent Hobbs
Sunday School 8:30 am Morning Worship Services: 9:45 am Evening Worship Services 6 pm (4th Sunday) Bible Study: 6pm (Mondays) Midday Bible Study: 12pm (Tuesdays) Prayer Services: 6pm (Wednesdays) Celebrate Recovery: 6pm (Fridays) and 12pm (Mondays)
National Congress in 1942. For 20 years, he directed a campaign of peaceful, nonviolent defiance against the South African government and its racist policies. Campus historian, Dr. Mallory Millender also shared his thoughts on Mandela’s legacy and what the world can learn from the activist, “It does not matter how humble or low your status is in life. If you strive for the right things, good will, and have love in your heart, anything can be achieved.” In 1993, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for efforts to dismantle the country’s apartheid system. In 1994, Mandela was inaugurated as South Africa’s first black president. In 2009, July 18th, was declared Mandela Day to promote global peace and celebrate the South African leader’s legacy.
email: Ben Hasan Frederick Benjamin Sr. Vincent Hobbs
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5 UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
What now?
The City
The typical city or town will go through a search for a city manager on the average about every 3-6 years. Professional “head hunting” firms make it their job to know who is getting hired and who is getting fired. Citizens can familiarize themselves with the process by looking at the example of other communities searching for a new city manager. IN MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA, THE CITY RECENTLY FIRED ITS CITY MANAGER AFTER HE WAS ON THE JOB FOR ONLY FOUR MONTHS. Initially, the city said that it would not pay any severance money, but later reversed itself. Council members voted to award the fired city manager nearly $105,000 in severance pay and benefits. This had been the fifth city manager to resign or be fired from
the city of Monroe since 2000. Earlier this year, city officials spent tens of thousands of dollars on a study from a law firm to investigate why city managers don’t last long in city hall. Mayor Bobby Kilgore said he’s tired of shelling out the cash. “We formed a committee to do a search for an interim city manager at this time. We don’t need to be spending any more money, if we’ve got capable people,” he said.
The Selection Process For Finding A New City Manager
City administrator Fred Russell’s final act in city government will be to unfurl his “golden parachute.” Russell was notified on Monday that his services would no longer be needed after Dec. 31, 2013. How much will he get for walking out the door? Photo by Vincent Hobbs
By Frederick Benjamin Sr. UrbanProWeekly Staff Writer AUGUSTA When the smoke had cleared, perhaps the most surprised folks in the building, besides city administrator Fred Russell and his staff, were the seven commissioners who voted to terminate his services after six years at the helm. The decision to fire Russell at Monday’s routine committee meeting was not a well thought out “palace coup.” It was more along the lines of “seizing the moment” — or striking while the iron was hottest. The most asked question in the wake of this “December Massacre” was, what happened in that closed-door legal session that prompted all seven commissioners present to go counter to everything they had been discussing for weeks about the imminent departure of Russell? What was the straw that broke the camel’s back? Each of the seven would tell you, simply, ‘it was time.’ That was it. So why now? Why when the mayor and three other commissioner were away?
Again, it was time. Speaking with three of the seven commissioners who attended that closed session — Marion Williams, Bill Lockett and Bill Fennoy — reveals that none of them expected beforehand that Russell would be summarily dismissed on that day. “I was in total shock. I thought a deal had been struck to let Fred work through 2014,” said Fennoy. Commissioner Lockett said there was no prior intent to lower the boom so quickly. “No, not at all. As you know, Russell and I sat down one-onone and discussed his possible departure,” Lockett said. However, commissioner Williams did not really act surprised or shocked at what had transpired. Instead, he waxed prophetic. “I made a couple of comments last week. I said it was going to be a sad Christmas for some people,” Williams said. Still, there couldn’t have been any certainty that all seven commissioners would vote in unison — something that rarely happens on really critical decisions. And yet, it happened. Divine intervention cannot
be ruled out, at least for one commissioner. “This is God’s doing,” Commissioner Lockett said. Everyone of the commissioners who did the deed will tell you something slightly different about why Russell had to go, but the best anyone could fathom about the sudden timing is that — it seemed like a good idea at the time. Most of the commissioners that voted to fire Russell will admit that there was a consensus among the majority. “It’s amazing that 6 out of 7 were on the same page at the beginning,” Lockett said. “We discussed when it was going to be effective.” That discussion led to the realization that Russell had been given chance after chance and had been given the false sense of security that he would be the final arbiter of his departure. “Everybody agreed it was time for Fred to go. The only question was when,” according to Commissioner Fennoy. It was decided that it was not going to be Dec. 31, 2014 and it was not going to be Jan. 31, 2014. One commissioner said that the termination could have been made effective that day
(Mon., Dec.10, 2013). So, this was not a snap decision. “It surprised me that we were able to discuss this thing like adults,” Lockett said. “We discussed, we compromised. I honestly believe it would have been 9-1 [if all the commissioners were in attendance].” But still, why did the vote have to happen that day? Bill Lockett said it best. “We didn’t want Fred to find out.” Why? Because once commissioners are behind closed doors or intoxicated with the air of cooperation and mutual trust, they become different people. But once the leave the meeting and are subject to their normal cycle of negative influences and exchanges with the media. They change their minds about stuff and attempt to control the narrative. No. If this thing was going to happen the way it happened, it had to happen then and there. That’s what experience has proven. Again, to everyone in that room, for whatever reason, that was the correct action to take. Now, the commissioners that didn’t attend the meeting have the luxury of scripting what
they would or would not have done. After the fact, everyone is now criticizing how the affair was stage managed. Now, it’s back to business as usual. How much is Russell going to take with him out the door and who is going to sit in his chair until this replacement is hired? Some commissioners are already reverting to form when they suggest that anyone except the sitting deputy commissioner should take the interim job. If the deputy Commissioner Tameka Allen is not considered automatically for the interim position, something is seriously wrong and the commission could continue going down the wrong path. It shouldn’t surprise anyone if Allen would refuse the offer. No one could blame her. However, if she wants to vie for the top spot, she deserves the courtesy of an offer. Will more heads roll? There’s no doubt that a significant number of commissioners want to see city attorney Andrew McKenzie hit the road as well, but it is likely that the majority won’t want the Scrooge tag and McKenzie and others won’t become victims of the “December Massacre.”
City councils often hire headhunting firms to organize the candidate search when a city manager position is vacated. Council members often do not have the time or expertise to devote to conducting a thorough search. Headhunters have established relationships with city managers in other towns. They will use these connections to directly approach city managers in other towns to apply for the job and also to ask for recommendations on candidates the headhunters do not know about. The headhunting process does not preclude a city’s department heads or assistant city managers from being selected, but it does mean that they will
face more scrutiny than they would if the council had decided to promote the most qualified person already on staff. Once the list of finalists is developed, the council has those finalists travel to the city for interviews. A complicating factor about being named a finalist is that the list of finalists is often reported by the local media. If a finalist is already a city manager in another town, it is only a matter of time before his or her current city council finds out he’s applied elsewhere. This causes city managers to be very selective about which places they apply and diligent about notifying their current council members when they’re named finalists.
Manager or Administrator: In Augusta how one functions is key, not the title The general public has expressed some confusion about the relationship between Augusta’s city administrator (city manager) and the council or commission. The confusion can stem from the titles — “administrator’ and ‘manager’ — themselves. A municipality can usually have one or the other, but not both. In Augusta, the city administrator functions as a city manager. At least one commissioner has said over and over that Mr. Russell is not a manager, he is an administrator; he can’t manage. However, such a view supposes that just because he is called an administrator that he can’t function like a manger. The following should produce some clarity on that score. 1. What is the difference between a City Manager and a City Administrator? A municipality’s charter describes the duties of the city manager or city administrator and, consequently, the differences between these two positions can vary from one city to the next. Generally speaking, however, a City Administrator is a mayoral assistant whose duties are defined from time to time by the Mayor and Board. Under a city administrator form of government, the mayor usually retains the duties of CEO for the city and the mayor oversees the work of the city administrator. In contrast, the mayor’s role in a city manager form of government is largely a ceremonial one – with the city manager answering directly to the city council. 2. Who hires and fires a city administrator or city manager? A city manager is usually hired directly by the city council – and can be terminated by a majority vote of the council. A city administrator is usually hired by the mayor – with the approval of the city council. Once hired, a city administrator can be fired by the mayor – usu-
ally with the consent of the council. 3. What are the qualifications for a city manager or city administrator position? Every town can set its own job qualifications for these positions. Most managers and administrators have a college degree in public administration, but many come from a variety of other backgrounds including engineering, law enforcement, business administration, planning, and finance. 4. What are reasons for terminating a city manager or administrator? Again the reasons are many and varied. However, in most instances where a city manager is terminated by the city, it is not for violations of policy or misconduct, etc. Instead, it sometimes happens that the city council (or mayor) simply disagree with the manager or administrator over the direction or goals of the city. In such instances, it is usually best that the manager be replaced with someone who shares the council’s ideas for managing the city. Source: (MTAS) Municipal Technical Advisory Service
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7 UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
Prisoners breaking rocks and sewing clothes in 1964 on Robben Island.
Former President Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela in Mandela’s cell on Robben Island where he spent 18 years.
But a turn to violence as the leader of the armed wing of the African National Congress that included a bombing
elson Mandela, whose successful struggle against South Africa’s apartheid system of racial segregation and discrimination made him a global symbol for the cause of human rights and earned him the Nobel Prize, died Thursday, December 5. He was 95. Mandela spent 27 years in South African prisons before his release in 1990. He negotiated with the nation’s white leaders toward establishing democracy and was elected South Africa’s first black president in 1994, serving one term. As a young man, Mandela worked as a lawyer and political activist to dismantle white minority rule under which blacks were denied political rights and basic freedoms. He began by emulating the non-violent methods of India’s Mahatma Gandhi.
anti-apartheid movement and in 1943 joined the African National Congress, where he became a leader in resistance against the ruling National Party and its apartheid policies. He was charged with treason in 1956, along with 155 other activists, but the charges were dropped. The government outlawed the ANC in 1960, and Mandela went underground to work against the regime. andela veered from nonviolence as a method for change and argued for setting up a military wing of the ANC and violent tactics to bring down apartheid. Opposition to the regime’s “pass laws” that dictated where black people were allowed to live and work grew intense, and in 1960, police fired on demonstrators and killed 69 people in what became known as the Sharpeville Massacre. In 1961, Mandela became the leader of the ANC’s armed wing in which he oversaw bomb attacks against government buildings. He was designated a terrorist by the white government and arrested in 1962. In June 1964, he was sentenced along with seven others to life in prison for plotting to overthrow the government through hundreds of acts of sabotage. “I have cherished the idea of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities,” he said, acting as his own lawyer at his trial. “It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if need be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” He spent 18 years of his imprisonment at Robben Island Prison off Cape Town, where the harsh conditions included laboring in a lime quarry. During that time, he became the focus of an international campaign for release led by his lifelong friend and law partner, Oliver Tambo, and Mandela’s wife, Winnie, whom he married in 1958 after his first marriage to Evelyn Mase ended in 1957. In the 1980s, the ANC under Tambo ramped up bombing attacks to include
civilian targets. In one of the worst examples, an ANC car bomb exploded in downtown Pretoria in May 1983, killing 19 people. In an attempt to calm the violence, President P.W. Botha offered in 1985 to free Mandela if he would renounce violence as a tool for change. Mandela refused. Demands for Mandela’s release became a popular civil rights cause in the Western world in the 1980s, along with calls for an end to apartheid from the United States and other nations. Worldwide economic sanctions against South Africa were tightened. In the USA, public demonstrations and civil disobedience, often led by celebrities, were staged outside the South African government’s diplomatic offices and other institutions aimed at pressuring the regime to free Mandela and abolish racial separatism laws. Under pressure from foreign nations and both whites and blacks in South Africa, de Klerk freed Mandela in 1990 and lifted the ban on the ANC. Mandela emerged into a movement that had been scandalized by charges of heavy-handed tactics by Mandela’s wife, Winnie, who had taken a major role in ANC activities while Mandela was in jail. She had publicly justified the murder of her political opponents in the black community, and her bodyguards were accused of terrorizing her adversaries. She was convicted in 1991 of kidnapping in the murder of a 14-year-old boy accused of being an informant. Her six-year jail term was reduced to a fine on appeal, and Mandela divorced her in 1992. Two years later, he became president of South Africa. In his inaugural speech, he said the struggle for freedom for blacks was difficult but in the end produced “a united, democratic, non-racial and non-sexist government.” He served one term, which ended in 1999. Mandela retired from political life in 2004, at 85, to spend his final
years in what he called “quiet reflection” with his third wife, Graca Machel, the widow of the former president of Mozambique. The two married on his 80th birthday in 1998. He maintained a global presence through his Mandela Foundation and in 2007 organized a group of senior world figures he called The Elders to work on global problems. He became an advocate for HIV/AIDS after the death of his son, Makgatho, from the disease in 2005, despite strong taboos in his country against those who had the virus. Mandela was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2001. Emblematic of the dramatic changes in South Africa and his transformational role, the nation announced in February 2012, on the 22nd anniversary of his release from prison, that Mandela’s image would appear on South African paper currency. In awarding the prize, the Nobel Committee said Mandela and de Klerk managed a peaceful transition to a new political order based on democracy through “personal integrity and great political courage.” It said that beyond ending racial suppression in South Africa, their “policy of peace and reconciliation also points the way to the peaceful resolution of similar deep-rooted conflicts elsewhere in the world.” ne of Mandela’s last public appearances was in 2010, when he attended the closing ceremony of the World Cup soccer games in South Africa. In his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, Mandela wrote that when he walked out of prison, his mission was “to liberate the oppressed and the oppressor both,” because both are robbed of their humanity when human freedom is restricted. “I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter,” he wrote. “I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds there are many more hills to climb.” UrbanProWeekly• DECEMBER • DECEMBER1212- 18, - 18,2013 2013 UrbanProWeekly
campaign against government targets led to his imprisonment for more than a quarter-century. A worldwide campaign against apartheid pressured the regime into releasing Mandela in 1990 at age 71. He vowed to seek peace and reconciliation with South Africa’s whites — but only if blacks received full rights as citizens. Amid tense negotiations with the government and the threat of violence on all sides, Mandela emerged as a leader who guided South Africa to a new democratic government guaranteeing equal rights to all citizens. Four years later, Mandela became his nation’s first black president. Mandela’s charisma, stoic optimism and conciliation toward adversaries and oppressors established him as one of the world’s most recognizable statesmen of the 20th century and a hero of South African democracy. “If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy,” Mandela once said. “Then he becomes your partner.” Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 along with South Africa’s president at the time, Frederik Willem de Klerk, for working together to dismantle apartheid. He was born Rolihlahla Mandela in Mvezo, a village on the Mbashe River in the Transkei region on the eastern cape of South Africa in 1918. He was a member of the Xhosa-speaking Thembu tribe. He was baptized in the United Methodist Church and given the name Nelson by a teacher. His father, a counselor to the tribal chief, died when Mandela was 9. He was adopted by the chief and lived in the more sophisticated provincial capital, where he attended a Wesleyan mission school, learning English and excelling in track and boxing. He studied law at the University of Fort Hare and University of Witwatersrand after fleeing to Johannesburg to avoid a marriage arranged by the tribal regent. There he became involved in the
MADIBA – This is the name of the clan of which Mandela is a member. A clan name is much more important than a surname as it refers to the ancestor from which a person is descended. Madiba was the name of a Thembu chief who ruled in the Transkei in the 18th century. It is considered very polite to use someone’s clan name.
Artist Baruti Tucker works on a fingerpainted art piece in honor of Nelson Mandela at the Humanitree House PreKwanzaa Celebration held at Warren Road Commnity Center. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
3rd Annual Pre-KWANZAA Celebration
Some 400 participants enjoyed the festivities at the Humanitree House Pre-Kwanzaa Celebration held at Warren Road Commnity Center on Sunday, Dec. 8. The festival featured artists, dance performances, food and various vendors.
Baba Seitu Amenwahsu plays the triangle as he watches a drum and dance performance. Amenwahsu traveled from Columbia, South Carolina to participate in the festivities. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Spoken word artist Anthony “Sleepy Eyez” Carter performs an untitled poetry
Stress Physical Inactivity Family History of Cardiovascular disease Obesity Diabetes High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Cigarette Smoking
piece. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
HEART ATTACK • BRAIN ATTACK • PREVENT ATTACK East Central Health District Hypertension Management Outreach Program A dance group perform for the audience. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Della Epps pays tribute to Nelson Mandela. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
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11 UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
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Butler @ Rockdale Co.
Dec. 3 (Tue.)
Laney @ Glenn Hills Greenbrier @ Hephzibah
Dec. 6 (Fri.)
Jefferson Co. @ Cross Creek Westside @ Lakeside Josey @ Savannah High Laney @ Beach High Hephzibah @ Grovetown ARC @ Evans Tournament
Dec. 7 (Sat.)
ARC @ Evans Tournament GAC @ Butler Laney @ Savannah High Josey @ Beach High Lincoln Co. @ Westside Dec. 10 (Tue.) Grovetown @ARC Athens Academy @ Glenn Hills Lakeside @ Westside
Harold V. Jones II State Senate District 22 Working Together to Move Augusta Forward
Dec. 13 (Fri.) Cross Creek @ N. Augusta Jefferson Co. @ Westside Josey @ Butler Swainsboro @ Laney Grovetown @ Hephzibah Glenn Hills @ Aquinas
Dec. 14 (Sat.)
Rockdale Co. @ Butler Glenn Hills @ Aquinas Hephzibah @ Geenbrier Laney @ East Laurens Westside @ Denmark/Olar Cross Creek @ Thomson
Dec. 17 (Tue.)
Westside @ Hephzibah
Dec. 19-21 (Thu.-Sat.)
ARC boys and girls, Hephzibah boys and girls Glenn Hills girls and boys Josey girls and boys Cross Creek girls and boys Aiken girls, Midland Valley girls, Meadowcreek girls and boys, Calhoun Co. boys, Orangeburg/W. boys @Holiday Round Ball Classic at Paine College
DAVIS for Mayor
NE Augusta
Dec. 26-28 (Thu.-Sat.) Dec. 20-23 (Fri.-Mon.)
ARC, Josey, Butler, Westside @ Hephzibah, WACO Tourney Cross Creek @ Evans Tourney Dec. 26-28 (Thu.-Sat.) Classic Westside@Baldwin ARC, Hephzibah, Josey, Butler, Laney@Colquitt Classic Cross Butler Creek @ @ Columbia Evans Tourney Classic Westside@Baldwin Classic Glenn HIlls @ Nike Int. Laney@Colquitt Classic Westside @ Lake Marion Butler @ Columbia Classic Glenn 2014 HIlls @ Nike Int. Westside Jan.@3Lake (Fri.)Marion Creek @ Burke Co. 2014Cross Josey @ Dublin
Jan. 3Hephzibah@ (Fri.) Glenn HIlls
Cross Glenn Creek Hills @ Burke Co. @ Laney Josey @ Dublin Jan. 4 (Sat.) Hephzibah@ Glenn HIlls @ Josey Glenn Glenn Hills @Hills Laney Laney @ Butler Jan. 4Thomson (Sat.) @ Westside Glenn North Hills @ Josey @ Cross Creek Augusta Laney @ Butler Jan.@7Westside (Tue.) Thomson Cross Creek @ ARC North Augusta @ Cross Creek Butler @ Hephzibah Jan. 7Screven (Tue.) Co. @ Westide Cross Laney Creek @ @ ARC Harlem Butler Burke @ Hephzibah Co. @ Glenn Hills Screven Co. @ Westide Laney @ Harlem Burke Co. @ Glenn Hills
Wilkinson Co. @ Josey Laney @ Screven Co. Harlem @ Westside Butler @ Cross Creek Glenn Hills @ ARC Hephzibah @ Burke County
Jan. 11 (Sat.)
ARC @ Westside Butler @ Josey Laney @ Swainsboro
Jan. 14 (Tue.)
Jan. 20 (Mon.)
Glenn Hills @ MLK Invitational Laney boys @ MLK Invitational Laney girls @ Copeland Classic
Jan. 21 (Tue.)
Jan. 17 (Fri.)
Jan. 25 (Sat.)
Cross Creek @ Hephzibah ARC @ Burke Co. Glenn Hills @ Butler Laney @ Westside Josey @ East Laurens
Jan. 18 (Sat.)
Josey @ MLK Invitational Laney @ Butler Glenn Hills @ Will Avery Classic
Hephzibah @Westside Dublin @ Josey
Feb. 4 (Tue.)
Hephzibah @ Cross Creek Burke Co. @ ARC Butler @ Glenn Hills
Jan. 24 (Fri.)
Laney @ Josey Glenn Hills @ Cross Creek Burke Co. @ Butler ARC @ Hephzibah
Westside @ Laney Cross Creek @ Glenn Hills Butler @ Burke Co. Hephzibah@ ARC
Feb. 1 (Sat.)
Harlem @ Laney Westside @ Screven Burke Co. @ Cross Creek Glenn Hills @ Hephzibah Butler @ ARC ARC @ Cross Creek Hephzibah @ Butler Glenn Hills @ Burke Co. Westside @ Harlem Screven Co @ Laney
Jan. 31 (Fri.)
Feb. 7 (Fri.)
Glenn Hills @ Butler Westside @ Thomson Josey @ Aquinas
Josey @ Laney Greenbrier @ Westside Glenn Hills @ Athens Christian Academy
Feb. 8 (Sat.)
Dublin @ Laney East Laurens @ Josey
Jan. 28 (Tue.)
Cross Creek @ Butler ARC @ Glenn Hills Burke Co. @ Hephzibah
Major Local Tournaments 100 Black Women Classic, Nov. 25-28 100 Black Men Classic, Nov. 30 Holiday Round Ball Classic, Dec. 19 -21
ohnson sr
GA Senate District 22
A Greater Vision For A Greater Augusta
UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
Community Corner
Mayoral candidate to donate toys to three organizations On Tuesday, December 17, at 10:30 a.m., Mayoral Candidate Helen Blocker-Adams will be presenting unwrapped toys to three local non-profit organizations at Furniture Outlet, 592 Bobby Jones Expressway. The toys were collect-
ed at the recent Helen’s Holiday Gala of Giving holiday fund-raising event. The groups benefitting include, Child Enrichment, Inc., Big Sisters in Action, Inc. and Toys for Tots. “As part of our campaign platform
A-Tech Self Storage
that addresses public and community health, we asked people to donate toys that would encourage youth to ‘move and/or exercise’. As a result, basketballs, bats and even hula hoops were donated last week,” Blocker-Adams said.
3114 Augusta Tech Drive (706) 796-1986
Expires 3/31/14
Dr. Todd Burgbacher
EMS-trained physician joins first-response team for area’s worst accidents, disasters AUGUSTA The region’s first fellowship-trained emergency medical services physician is now part of the first-response team managing the worst accidents and disasters in the Augusta area. Dr. Todd Burgbacher, who completed his emergency medicine residency at the Medical College of Georgia and Georgia Regents Health System last year, has returned to MCG and Georgia Regents University after completing a one-year Emergency Medical Services fellowship at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. EMS is a new medical subspecialty in the United States that focuses on prehospital care and the infrastructure supporting it. Starting this week, Burgbacher joins Gold Cross EMS and the Augusta Fire Department at scenes such as vehicle extrications, field amputations, and mass casualties as well as more typical 911 calls in Richmond, Columbia and Jefferson counties in a fully-equipped GRU/GR Health emergency response vehicle. “Dr. Burgbacher will be out on the front line for worst-case scenarios, able to work directly with EMTs and paramedics, to supervise and educate real time; and to improve care in the field,” said Dr. Richard Schwartz, Chairman of the MCG Department of Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Services. “This is a great thing for our community and the next step in providing exceptional emergency and trauma care and training to our region. It’s expanding our emergency care from the emergency department to the pre-hospital setting and expanding our EMS education as well,” Schwartz said. MCG and GR Health System plan to establish an EMS fellowship to train more physicians like Burgbacher starting in July 2014. Dr. John McManus, who directed the U.S. Army EMS for three years, created the first emergency medicine fellowship in the Armed Services, and closed the last Army field hospital in Iraq, joined the MCG faculty Nov. 1 to help build and direct the fellowship. As part of a related educational expansion, the MCG Department of Emergency Medicine also is developing a year-long paramedic course. Faculty and staff already teach a three-month EMT course.
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UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
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Need Insuran 706.560.9990 Insurance P rofessionals I nsurance P rofessionals We Can Help
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ATTORNEY AT LAW •Affordable Prices New Location 2636-C Tobacco Rd JyNelle Handy, Agent 2636-C Tobacco R •Traditional Services 1755 Gordon Hwy, Suite E Criminal Law • Divorce • Personal Injury • Employment Law Hephzibah, GA 30815 Hephzibah, GA 308 INFO@INS-PROS.COM Augusta, GA 30904 •Direct Burials 706.560.9997 fax For Enrollment Information, •Cremations Phone 706-339-1424 •Domestic Call (706)736-9225 JyNelle Handy,&Agent 2636-C Tobacco Rd JyNelle Handy, Agent 407 Sixth Street Fax: (706) 736-0995 International Shipping Hephzibah, GA 30815 INFO@INS-PROS.COM INFO@INS-PROS.COM Visit Augusta, GA, 30901 •Pre-planning nsurance rofessionals nsurance rofessionals •Grief Counseling Auto Home Life Health Bonds Commercial Auto Home Life Health Bonds Commercial Col. Albert L. Smith (USA Ret.) Funeral Director •Notary Public
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JyNelle Handy, Agent
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706.560.9990 i I nsurance Professionals I nsurance P rofessionals p 706.560.9997 fax INFO@INS-PROS.COM
Auto Home Life Health Bonds Commercial
Need Insurance?
Need Insurance? 2636-C Tobacco Rd JyNelle Handy, Agent We Can Help! Hephzibah, GA 30815 INFO@INS-PROS.COM
We Can Help!
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Auto Home 706.560.9997 fax Life Health Bonds Commercial
2636-C Tobacco Rd Hephzibah, GA 30815
Need Insurance? We Can Help!
Auto Home Life Health Bonds Commercial
JyNelle Handy, Agent INFO@INS-PROS.COM
706.560.9990 706.560.9997 fax 2636-C Tobacco Rd Hephzibah, GA 30815
I nsurance Professionals
I nsuranc
Auto Home L
JyNelle Han
Need Insuran
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UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013
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