Urban Pro Weekly

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Dr. Cal R. Brice Decades of service to the community

The big “D” at GRU

To be successful in politics one must have the ability to communicate with others and understand the art of compromise to achieve one’s goals and objectives.

Eddie Bussey 706-772-9800

UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013


2013 Radiothon raises $189,000 for Children’s Hospital of Ga. AUGUSTA Representatives from 104.3 W BBQ, K ISS 96.3, and the Children’s Hospital of Georgia celebrate the donations made to the hospital during the 2013 Cares for Kids Radiothon. The 13th annual Radiothon hosted by the two local Clear Channel stations is one of the hospital’s largest fundraisers, helping the not-for-profit CHOG provide specialized care for children and families across the Southeast. Though the amount on the check at the close of the event says $184,727, after final pledges and tallies were counted, the total peaked at $189,000.

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UrbanProWeekly LLC Mailing Address: 3529 Monte Carlo Drive Augusta, Georgia 30906

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Publisher Ben Hasan 706-394-9411 Managing Editor Frederick Benjamin Sr. 706-836-2018


Sales & Marketing Phone: 706-394-9411 Photography and Social Media Courtesy of Vincent Hobbs

email: Ben Hasan bzhasan54@yahoo.com Frederick Benjamin Sr. editor@urbanproweekly.com Vincent Hobbs coolveestudio@gmail.com


Brice Accident & Injury Center UPW: What types of services are provided at your facility?

UPW: Is chiropractic treatment safe for older people and children?

BRICE: People are unaware that their health is connected to their spine. If spinal vertebrae are compressing nerves any and all types of health problems can occur. These services are designed to get your health on the right track for spinal healing. At the Brice Accident & Injury Center, we provide chiropractic adjustments, offer muscle stimulation through a variety of methods including heat and cold massage, biofreeze and traction. Our goal is to alleviate pain and increase mobility.

BRICE: Young and old may benefit from chiropractic care. Most of the younger generations require less care due to the rapid growth of young cells. We older people require more care to re educate spinal muscles, this may take more time than most people want to allow but in the long run they will benefit from it which will help them avoid osteoarthritis problems in the future.

UPW: How is chiropractic adjustment performed? Dr. Cal R. Brice has 32 years experience working with accident victim cases. Photo by Vincent Hobbs UPW: You have been in the Augusta market for a very long time and you’ve been in the business for 32 years. Talk a little bit about deciding to open your practice in Augusta and any challenges you had to deal with getting started. BRICE: I had been practicing in Augusta part-time for years and decided to work full-time because I was the only African-American chiropractor and I felt that I could help my community. My mother was born in Edgefield, South Carolina and she had talked a lot about Augusta while I was growing up. UPW: Many of your patients come to you after being involved in some sort of accident – especially automobile accidents. Why is it important that they contact you very soon after having been in an accident? BRICE: We can make a difference in one’s life by correcting a problem before it begins to

BRICE: Chiropractic adjustments are performed by hand by putting spinal

UPW: Are the treatments ongoing? BRICE: Chiropractic treatment care is ongoing for spinal care. People should maintain chiropractic for health throughout their lifetime. Chiropractic is now invasive and helps to improve the function of the immune system therefore

cause chronic pain. It is important that all information after an accident is properly documented, so that one receives the maximum settlement from the insurance company. People also must know that the attorney in an insurance claim case works for them and that they may choose their doctor. We want to make sure that they choose one with 32 years of experience working with accident victim cases. UPW: What type of education and training have you received? BRICE: Most people are not aware that a chiropractor must complete undergraduate work and then to on to graduate school. We also go through an internship in a chiropractic clinic and are exposed to patient exams, blood work, x-rays and adjustments to fulfill chiropractic requirements. The doctor of chiropractic degree requires the same education as that of a medical doctor. This is set by the U.S. Department of Education.

Dr. Cal R. Brice explains the function of the human spine. Photo by Vincent Hobbs vertebrae back in their proper position. improving health. I can’t think of a better The greatest thing about chiropractic reason to have continued chiropractic is the ability to touch people. By the care throughout their life time. I have laying on of hands the patient will been under chiropractic care for 36 years. improve and relax at the same time UPW: Are your services covered by helping with the healing of the individual. The patient may hear a popping insurance company payments? type sound which is the fluid in BRICE: Yes, most all insurance polithe joint space, but there is no bone cracking when an adjust- cies pay for chiropractic services. ment is administered. I get the UPW: Has the digital revolution opportunity to see my patients get well and work to keep them impacted your profession to any great extent? that way. UPW: Does chiropractic treatment require a referral from an MD? BRICE: Chiropractors are primary care providers therefore not requiring a referral. This is great because the patient does not have to wait for someone to determine what services they need. For instance, a physical therapist requires a doctor’s prescription in order to receive care and the doctor controls what care the therapist performs.

Dr. Cal Brice gives health advice to Ashley Black. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

BRICE: Yes, people can now bring in their digital X-ray disc and we can view them on our computer. They can also e-mail the document directly to us. UPW: How does one go about setting up an appointment to meet with you? BRICE: Just call 706-736-5551 and we can set up an appointment. Don’t let your life be interrupted by spinal nerve problems, call right away and let’s see the condition of your life line (SPINE).

Brice Accident & Injury Center is located at 1132 Druid Park Avenue in Augusta, Geogia. 706-736-5551

3 UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013

urban professional

UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013


The City

The legend of Charles Walker By Frederick Benjamin Sr. UrbanProWeekly Staff Writer

AUGUSTA The buzz circulating in the community that former state senator Charles Walker would soon be leaving prison can only serve to remind people of the impact that he has had on the psyche of many Augustans. Prior to his incarceration, there were many who knew him well, but many more whose only opinion could be formed through the lens of a news media that found every opportunity to underscore his shortcomings. Walker, who possesses an A-list personality, was rare for an area politician in that he transcended local politics in a way that only successful athletes and entertainers have been able to manage. When Nelson Mandela visited Atlanta shortly after his visit to the United States, Walker was among the entourage of state dignitaries that met him at the airport in Atlanta. In the 1996 edition of Jet Magazine, Denzel Washington, Whitney Houston, Jennifer Hudson, and Courtney Vance are on the front cover while Gordon Parks shared page 34 with Charles Walker. It was the occasion of Walker being the elected the first African

American to rise to the level of Senate Majority leader of the state of Georgia – the fourth highest elected official in the state. Speculation about Walker’s political intentions upon release from prison are premature until he actually indicates that he still has political aspirations. Those who fear that Walker will work to regain his former influence have misread the situation entirely, as evidenced by the hysterical chatter emanating from right-wing media outlets. Walker never lost his influence so that’s not anything he would have to work to regain. A more sober reflection begins with the question, Can Walker regain the political leverage he once enjoyed in a state government now controlled by the G.O.P, or in a city government no longer catering to bosses like former Sheriff Charlie Webster, or political machines like the legendary “South Augusta Mafia?” Legends have the luxury of never having to start over because, for good or ill, they are embedded in the psyche of their supporters and detractors alike. While Walker was making his rounds on the chicken-and-steak dinner circuit from the governor’s mansion in Atlanta, to the tiny hamlet of Keysville, By 1996, Walker had achieved national prominence. Here he poses with the late civil rights icon Dorothy Height in Washington, D.C.

Jet Magazine article in 1996 hails Walker’s political achievements.

to the Laney-Walker watering hole, Shoe’s Place, in the heart of Augusta’s black community, he was always bigger than life. People always fantasized that he controlled more than he actually did, had way more money than actually did, and had broken more laws than he actually did. In Walker’s case, perception was far more potent than reality. It can be said categorically that there were folks who loved Walker in the black community and there were folks who hated Walker in the black community. Many a novice would have one to believe that the black community always spoke with one voice. That has never been the case. From the mid 80s to the new millennium, Walker and his nemesis, former mayor Ed McIntyre, represented two separate factions of the black community. However, Walker’s fortune rose as McIntyre’s influence waned. Augusta’s black politics, at least as practiced when Walker and McIntyre ruled their respective roosts, is highly competitive. You have your old-guard political families; you have your old

academic achievement families, you have your old religious families and their respective histories and capacity for holding grudges and settling old scores. To old Augusta, Charles Walker’s return, for those who love him and hate him alike, will trigger a resumption of their former daydreams or nightmares. But it is the new Augusta that will be a key factor in determining the role that Charles Walker will play when and if he decides to re-enter political life. Odds are great that Walker emerges from captivity much wiser than when he entered. If that is the case, and if he decides that the city needs his brand of leadership, Augusta is in for some interesting times. The Life and Times of Charles Walker is a saga that is still being written. It is urban folklore — Augusta style. Walker is very media savvy and is aware of the perception that people have of his powers. You can bet that, even at this moment, he can nod in satisfaction that those who fear his political retribution are shaking in their collective boots — black and white alike.

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5 UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013

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Sunday School 8:30 am Morning Worship Services: 9:45 am Evening Worship Services 6 pm (4th Sunday) Bible Study: 6pm (Mondays) Midday Bible Study: 12pm (Tuesdays) Prayer Services: 6pm (Wednesdays) Celebrate Recovery: 6pm (Fridays) and 12pm (Mondays)

UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013


Behold The Star

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The performance will take place at the Maxwell Performing Arts Theater at Georgia Regents University.

GRU ranked among the best in Georgia for teacher education AUGUSTA Georgia Regents University has been named one of the state’s top universities for teacher education by the Online College Database, the most current and comprehensive source for U.S. college and university data. In the Online College Database’s new ranking, “Top Colleges in Georgia Shaping the Next Generation,” the College of Education was ranked among the top 15 post-secondary institutions in the state for graduatingthe most

You don’t have to live with BACK PAIN

Holocaust exhibit to be displayed at Augusta Library The Georgia Commission on the Holocaust in partnership with the Georgia Public Library Service is bringing the travelling exhibit “Witness to the Holocaust: WWII Veteran William Alexander Scott III at Buchenwald” to libraries throughout the state from January to July of 2014. The exhibit will be on display at Augusta-Richmond County Public Library from January 24th to February 7th. The exhibit is based on a permanent exhibit of the same name which is hosted at the Anne Frank in the World: 1929-1945 exhibit in Sandy Springs. It was curated by the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust in 1997 and revised in 2012 for the traveling version.

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education and teaching professionals in 2012. “Our faculty and staff truly work hard at making GRU one a top learning destinations for our nation’s educators,” said Cindi Chance, Dean of the College of Education. “We are very appreciative that the Online College Database has recognized us.” The group’s top colleges must be a four-year and not-for-profit university in the U.S that is fully accredited with a minimum of 10 graduates from education or teaching programs.

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UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013

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UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013



GRU basketball forward KJ Sherrill looks for an opening to shoot the ball during a non-conference game against Emmanuel at Christenberry Fieldhouse. The Jaguars dominated Emmanuel with a final score of 74-63. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

Jaguars defense wins the day AUGUSTA Buoyed by their strongest defensive effort of the season, the GRU Augusta Jaguars moved to 7-2 on the year with a 74-63 non-conference victory over Emmanuel. The Jags gave up a season-low in points, holding the visiting Lions (10-3) to 38.2% shooting from the floor and just 7-of-25 from behind the arc as they continued to force longer attempts on the defensive side. The defense made up for a struggling offense that had issues until 10:22 left in the game, when Emmanuel closed it within one and a full team effort over the next four minutes blew things open. Jags freshman Keshun Sherrill got things started by hitting two free throws, and then stole the ensuing inbound pass to find D’Angelo Boyce open for a sixfooter. A minute later, Boyce found KJ Sherrill inside for a two-handed slam, and Devon Wright-Nelson swished an open jumper from the right side. Finally, Ryan Weems knocked down a three and hit both free throws on the ensuing posses-

sion, and GRU found themselves up 67-53 with just over five minutes left to coast down the stretch. Both teams struggled with turnovers and missed opportunities in the opening minutes as Emmanuel struggled to an 11-9 opening advantage. Neither team broke away until the nineminute mark, when Devonte Thomas, Ryan Weems, and D’Angelo Boyce all hammered home threes, igniting a 16-2 run to give the Jaguars a 30-17 lead. But the Lions battled, firing off a 12-2 run of their own in the waning minutes of the first half to take a one-point lead before KJ Sherrill followed with a lastsecond bucket to give GRU a 37-36 halftime advantage. The Jags shot a season-high nine threes, paced by Weems (18 points) and Keshun Sherrill (15). Wright-Nelson (11 points, 9 rebounds) and Boyce (11 points) also had strong nights. Michael Stanley paced the Lions with 15 points and 15 rebounds. GRU will host Mount Olive on Sunday, December 22 at 4:00.

GRU’s Devon Wright-Nelson (L) shoots the ball during a non-conference game against Emmanuel at Christenberry Fieldhouse. Photo by Vincent Hobbs


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UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013

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UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013


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U.S. judge rips NSA data mining By Sara Lazare Common Dreams staff writer


n the biggest legal blow to the National Security Agency since the dragnet spying scandal broke in June, a federal judge ruled Monday that the U.S. government “almost certainly” violated the constitution by mass collecting data on nearly every single phone call within or to the United States. “Today, a secret program authorized by a secret court was, when exposed to the light of day, found to violate Americans’ rights,” declared NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in a statement on the ruling released by journalist Glenn Greenwald Monday afternoon. “It is the first of many.” “This is a vindication for our fellow citizen Edward Snowden who came forward because he believed the government was violating our constitutional rights.” –Glenn Greenwald, journalist In a 68-page statement released Monday, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon issued stinging criticisms of NSA metadata snooping, declaring, “I cannot imagine a more ‘indiscriminate’ and ‘arbitrary invasion’ than this systematic and hightech collection and retention of per-

“I cannot imagine a more ‘indiscriminate’ and ‘arbitrary invasion’ than this systematic and high-tech collection and retention of personal data on virtually every single citizen for purposes of querying it and analyzing it without judicial approval.” – U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon sonal data on virtually every single citizen for purposes of querying it and analyzing it without judicial approval.” Leon, who was appointed by former President George W. Bush, ruled in response to a lawsuit brought by conservative activist Larry Klayman that phone metadata collection violates Fourth Amendment protections against unlawful searches and seizures without demonstrating any role in preventing “terrorist” attacks. Leon granted Klayman’s demand for a temporary injunction on the grounds that the lawsuit was likely to win. Yet, he did not immediately implement his ruling, pending a government appeal. Nonetheless, Leon’s opinion is being widely lauded as “the first significant legal setback for the NSA’s surveillance program since it was disclosed in June,” as Josh Gerstein

writes for Politico. Because it takes aim at a 1979 Supreme Court ruling that the Obama administration says justifies the NSA secret spying, Leon’s legal argument could have far-reaching consequences. “If upheld on appeal, the judge’s reasoning could force the spy agency to reconsider other domestic spying programs that involve warrantless collection of “metadata” about Americans’ communication,” writes Andrea Peterson for The Washington Post. The ruling is certain to “influence other federal courts hearing similar arguments from the American Civil Liberties Union,” write Spencer Ackerman and Dan Roberts in The Guardian. “This is a strongly worded and carefully reasoned decision that ultimately concludes, absolutely correctly, that the NSA’s call-tracking

program can’t be squared with the Constitution,” declared ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer in a statement emailed to Common Dreams. “We hope that Judge Leon’s thoughtful ruling will inform the larger conversation about the proper scope of government surveillance powers, especially the debate in Congress about the reforms necessary to bring the NSA’s surveillance activities back in line with the Constitution.” Snowden and his supporters say the ruling underscores the vital importance of Snowden’s revelations. “I acted on my belief that the N.S.A.’s mass surveillance programs would not withstand a constitutional challenge, and that the American public deserved a chance to see these issues determined by open courts,” said Snowden. “This [ruling] is a vindication of the constitutional rights of American citizens, who had intimate information collected about us without our consent,” said Glenn Greenwald on a Monday MSNBC interview about Leon’s ruling. He added, “This is a vindication for our fellow citizen Edward Snowden who came forward because he believed the government was violating our constitutional rights.”

Bill calls for MLK statue at state Capitol By David Pendered ATLANTA A statue of Martin Luther King Jr. will be installed on the frontage of the Georgia state capitol if lawmakers approve a bill filed by state Rep. Tyrone Brooks. Brooks said Monday the King statue could be placed on the same spot from which the statue of Tom Watson was recently moved. Any site along that west side of the front of the Capitol would be appropriate, Brooks said. “We take the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for granted, and I think it’s time we recognize him with a statue of the grounds of the capitol, in the city where he was born just five blocks away,” Brooks said. Brooks, an Atlanta democrat and lifelong civil rights worker, said the time has arrived to erect a statue of King at Georgia’s capitol. The timing is appropriate in light of three golden anniversaries of the civil rights movement: 1963: The March on Washington, and its message of jobs and freedom. 1964: Passage of the Civil Rights Act, which desegregated public institutions and outlawed employment discrimination. 1965: Passage of the Voting Rights Act, which was the legislation authorized by the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to protect the right to vote regardless of, “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Rep. Tyrone Brooks has suggested that the former site of the memorial to Tom Watson would be an appropriate location for a proposed statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. Credit: Donita Pendered The political campaign to win support of the proposal to erect a statue of King will be waged

“We’re going to energize the people of this state to contact their representatives and senators, the governor and lieutenant governor, the speaker of the House,” Brooks said. “That’s the way you will see a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. come to the frontage of the state much like the effort to change the state flag, said Brooks, who was a persistent and consistent voice to change the flag following his election to the state House in 1980. “We’re going to energize the people of this state to contact their representatives and senators, the governor and lieutenant governor, the speaker of the House,” Brooks said. “That’s the way you will see a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. come to the frontage of the state Capitol.” Brooks said he cannot predict the bill’s reception when the legislature convenes Jan. 13, 2014. “You never know,” Brooks said. “It took us 20 years to change the flag, 10 years to remove Tom Watson. These things can happen immediately, or be a long, drawn-out process. I may be dead and gone. “But whenever it happens, it will happen.” Brooks filed House Bill 706 without fanfare on Dec. 12, and is the only signer. The bill proposes to add a brief section to an area of state

law that relates to the state flag, seal, and other symbols: “There shall be placed upon the capitol grounds at the steps leading to the front entrance of the state capitol building or in another prominent position a statue of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. “Unless public safety concerns warrant postponement, such monument shall be procured and placed as soon as practicable.” King is now honored at the state Capitol through a portrait painting that has hung in various locations on the second floor. Then-Gov. Jimmy Carter brought in the first King portrait, in 1973, Brooks said. Then-Gov. Roy Barnes had King’s portrait displayed in front of the governor’s office. King’s portrait later was moved to its current site in the Capitol’s north wing. Brooks said he hopes the artist who creates the statue for the capitol will consider the memorial installed on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Another potential site at the capitol is near the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Washington Street, near the monument of John Brown Gordon astride his horse, Marye. A competing proposal for a monument of the Ten Commandments to be located at the old Watson site has been filed by state Rep. Greg Morris (R-Vidalia). Such displays are legal in Georgia following a 2012 amendment to a state law so it now authorizes displays related to “The Foundations of American Law and Government Display.” “Dr. King’s work changed America and Atlanta, and he changed the world,” Brooks said. “People all around the world look at his work and say, ‘The King model is one I can use in my neighborhood to make the place where we live a better place.”

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UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013



12 UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013

U W rban Pro


HOOPS Richmond County Varsity Basketball • 2013 -2014 Season Nov. 29-30 (Fri.-Sat.)

Cross Creek @ Jefferson Co. (Fri.) ARC, Butler, Glenn Hills, Laney, Josey @ 100 Black Men Classic @ ARC (Sat.)

Nov. 30 (Sat.)

Butler @ Rockdale Co.

Dec. 3 (Tue.)

Laney @ Glenn Hills Greenbrier @ Hephzibah

Dec. 6 (Fri.)

Jefferson Co. @ Cross Creek Westside @ Lakeside Josey @ Savannah High Laney @ Beach High Hephzibah @ Grovetown ARC @ Evans Tournament

Dec. 7 (Sat.)

ARC @ Evans Tournament GAC @ Butler Laney @ Savannah High Josey @ Beach High Lincoln Co. @ Westside Dec. 10 (Tue.) Grovetown @ARC Athens Academy @ Glenn Hills Lakeside @ Westside


Harold V. Jones II State Senate District 22 Working Together to Move Augusta Forward

Dec. 13 (Fri.) Cross Creek @ N. Augusta Jefferson Co. @ Westside Josey @ Butler Swainsboro @ Laney Grovetown @ Hephzibah Glenn Hills @ Aquinas

Dec. 14 (Sat.)

Rockdale Co. @ Butler Glenn Hills @ Aquinas Hephzibah @ Geenbrier Laney @ East Laurens Westside @ Denmark/Olar Cross Creek @ Thomson

Dec. 20-23 (Fri.-Mon.)

Westside @ WACO Tourney

Dec. 26-28 (Thu.-Sat.)

ARC, Hephzibah, Josey, Butler, Cross Creek @ Evans Tourney Westside@Baldwin Classic Laney@Colquitt Classic Butler @ Columbia Classic Glenn HIlls @ Nike Int. Westside @ Lake Marion


Jan. 3 (Fri.)

Dec. 17 (Tue.)

Westside @ Hephzibah

Cross Creek @ Burke Co. Josey @ Dublin Hephzibah@ Glenn HIlls Glenn Hills @ Laney

Dec. 19-21 (Thu.-Sat.)

Jan. 4 (Sat.)

ARC boys and girls, Hephzibah boys and girls Glenn Hills girls and boys Josey girls and boys Cross Creek girls and boys Aiken girls, Midland Valley girls, Meadowcreek girls and boys, Calhoun Co. boys, Orangeburg/W. boys @Holiday Round Ball Classic at Paine College


DAVIS for Mayor

NE Augusta

Glenn Hills @ Josey Laney @ Butler Thomson @ Westside North Augusta @ Cross Creek

Jan. 7 (Tue.)

Cross Creek @ ARC Butler @ Hephzibah Screven Co. @ Westide Laney @ Harlem Burke Co. @ Glenn Hills


Wilkinson Co. @ Josey Laney @ Screven Co. Harlem @ Westside Butler @ Cross Creek Glenn Hills @ ARC Hephzibah @ Burke County

Jan. 11 (Sat.)

ARC @ Westside Butler @ Josey Laney @ Swainsboro

Jan. 14 (Tue.)

Jan. 20 (Mon.)

Glenn Hills @ MLK Invitational Laney boys @ MLK Invitational Laney girls @ Copeland Classic

Jan. 21 (Tue.)

Harlem @ Laney Westside @ Screven Burke Co. @ Cross Creek Glenn Hills @ Hephzibah Butler @ ARC

Jan. 24 (Fri.)

Laney @ Josey Glenn Hills @ Cross Creek Burke Co. @ Butler ARC @ Hephzibah

ARC @ Cross Creek Hephzibah @ Butler Glenn Hills @ Burke Co. Westside @ Harlem Screven Co @ Laney

Jan. 17 (Fri.)

Jan. 25 (Sat.)

Cross Creek @ Hephzibah ARC @ Burke Co. Glenn Hills @ Butler Laney @ Westside Josey @ East Laurens

Jan. 18 (Sat.)

Josey @ MLK Invitational Laney @ Butler Glenn Hills @ Will Avery Classic

Josey @ Laney Greenbrier @ Westside Glenn Hills @ Athens Christian Academy

Jan. 31 (Fri.)

Westside @ Laney Cross Creek @ Glenn Hills Butler @ Burke Co. Hephzibah@ ARC

Feb. 1 (Sat.)

Hephzibah @Westside Dublin @ Josey

Feb. 4 (Tue.)

Hephzibah @ Cross Creek Burke Co. @ ARC Butler @ Glenn Hills

Feb. 7 (Fri.)

Glenn Hills @ Butler Westside @ Thomson Josey @ Aquinas

Feb. 8 (Sat.)

Dublin @ Laney East Laurens @ Josey

Jan. 28 (Tue.)

Cross Creek @ Butler ARC @ Glenn Hills Burke Co. @ Hephzibah

Major Local Tournaments 100 Black Women Classic, Nov. 25-28 100 Black Men Classic, Nov. 30 Holiday Round Ball Classic, Dec. 19 -21


UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013

Jan. 10 (Fri.)

UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013


Community Corner Richmond County Schools to host Academic Improvement Recognition Day AUGUSTA The Richmond County School System is hosting the 2nd Nine Weeks Student Academic Improvement Recognition Day Program Friday, January 10, 2014, 10:00 AM at the Richmond County Technical Career Magnet School 3200B Augusta Tech Dr., Augusta, GA. The school system has invited staff, parents, students, churches and community leaders to this program. Students from all subgroups who have shown significant progress in their academic studies will be recognized. The Superintendent will be joined by school administrators and church leaders to recognize eligible students. This effort is to promote academic and behavioral improvement among all students in the schools. The Richmond County School System is working toward becoming a world class school system. We want our students and families to become better prepared for a productive and industrious life in a global economy. The school system and churches, working together can strengthen our readiness to prepare for the economic rebound, and the challenges of an international society.

Applications available for 2014 MLK Jr. Parade AUGUSTA The Augusta Branch of the NA ACP is accepting applications for participation in the 2014 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade. The parade will be on Saturday, January 18, 2014. The theme for the event is “Stop the Killngs, Stop the Violence Now.” Parade participants will meet up at 11:00 AM. At 1 p.m. the parade will start at Dyess Park Community Center, located at 902 James Brown Blvd. The parade will proceed south on James Brown Blvd., then west onto Wrightsboro Road, north onto Augusta Ave., east onto Laney Walker Blvd., north onto 11th Street, and east onto D’Antignac Street. The official viewing stand will be in front of the Lucy C. Laney H.S. football stadium.

For more information and to apply contact: Augusta Branch NA ACP ANIC BUILDING SUITE 303 925 Laney Walker Blvd Augusta, GA 30901 augustanaacp@earthlink.net Or Dr. Charles Smith at drsmit4@earthlink.net 706-724-0390 (Phone) 706-284-0275 (Cell)

A.R. Johnson Magnet School to host Open House A.R. Johnson will be hosting an Engineering and Health Science Recruitment Open House for all prospective students and their

parents who are interested in attending next year – 2014-2015! Dates: January 9th, 2014 Time: Starting at 5:30 pm

Activities: 5:30 pm until 6 pm – Tour and See Q&A in Lecture hall 6:00 pm until 7:00pm – Tour

V ERONICA H ARRI S R EALT Y.LLC “Opening The Door To Homeownership” 211 Pleasant Home Rd (A25), Augusta, GA 30907 Office 706.863.2212 • Cell 706.495.2304 Fax 706.863.2209 Veronica.Harris43@comcast.net http://veronicaharrisrealty.net

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1. E-Rate 17 (2014) Data/Voice Networking, Digital Media Equipment and Integrated Communications for Rd 2636-CSystems Tobacco Butler High School, Glenn Hills High School, Morgan Road GA 30815 Middle School and Barton Chapel Hephzibah, Elementary School 2. E-Rate 17 (2014) Data/Voice Networking, Digital Media Auto Home  Life Healthand Bonds  Commercial  Distribution Integrated Communications System for Laney High School Renovations and Additions Project: #B-12-002-5566.3 3. E-Rate 17 (2014) Data/Voice Networking, Digital Media Auto Home  Life Health Bonds  Commercial  Distribution and Integrated Communications System Can Help! for Murphey Middle School Renovations and Additions Project: #B-12-003-5058.2

I nsurance Professionals

Insurance? I nsurance Professionals


Insurance? 560.9990

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We Can Help

Need Insurance?

School System will accept bids and request for proposals until 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 9, for theRd following: 6-C2014, Tobacco JyNelle Handy, Agent

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UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013

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JyNelle Handy, 407 Sixth Street Agent


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I nsurance Professionals

Auto Home Life Health Bonds  Commercial

I nsuranc i p We Can Help!

Need Insurance?

Auto Home L

Need Insuran 706.560.9990 Insurance P rofessionals I nsurance P rofessionals We Can Help    

Can Help! request for proposals until 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January

The Richmond County School System will accept bids and  Life Health Bonds  Commercial 560.9997 fax 706.560.9997 Auto  Home  fax

2014,Rd for the following:JyNelle Handy, Agent 6-C15, Tobacco zibah, GA 30815 INFO@INS-PROS.COM

 2636-C Tobacco Rd Hephzibah, GA 30815

JyNelle Han

Need Insurance? 706.560.99  706.560.9997 fax We Can Help!


1. Band Uniforms for T.W. Josey High School RFQ #14-651 2. 2014 Summer Food Service Program RFQ #14-652 560.9997 3. HVACfax Systems Filter Replacement Bid Package P2013002 4. Student/Faculty Identification Badge System 6-C Tobacco Rd JyNelle Handy, Agent



2636-C Tobacco R Hephzibah, GA 308

706.560.9990 i I nsurance Professionals I nsurance P rofessionals p    706.560.9997 fax

zibah, GA 30815


Bid specifications may be obtained by contacting Amy Bauman Auto  Home  Life Health  Bonds  Commercialon our web site at www. in the Business Office at 706-826-1298, rcboe.org, or at the Richmond County School System, Central Office, 864 Broad Street, 4th Floor, Augusta, Georgia 30901.



Auto Home Life Health Bonds  Commercial

Need Insurance? 2636-C Tobacco Rd JyNelle Handy, Agent Can Help! We Can Help! Hephzibah, GA 30815  INFO@INS-PROS.COM The Richmond County School System reserves the right to reject   any and all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities.

560.9990 I nsurance Professionals

Auto Home 560.9997 fax  Life Health Bonds  Commercial


6-C Tobacco Rd JyNelle Handy, Agent By: Dr. Frank G. Roberson, Secretary zibah, GA 30815 INFO@INS-PROS.COM


Can Help!



706.560.9990 706.560.9997 fax

2636-C Tobacco Rd Hephzibah, GA 30815

I nsurance Professionals

I nsuranc

Auto Home L

JyNelle Han

Need Insuran



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