Urban Pro Weekly

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Russell’s Revenge


Is Augusta’s embattled city administrator running for mayor?







Photo by Vincent Hobbs The Langston Hughes inspired Holiday Gospel Celebration was presented at the Kroc Center. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

To be successful in politics one must have the ability to communicate with others and understand the art of compromise to achieve one’s goals and objectives.

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UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013


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3 UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013 Briana Bunkley performs during “Black Nativity”, a holiday gospel celebration, during a presentation at the Kroc Center. Bunkley played the role of “Mary” in this adaptation of the gospel play written by Langston Hughes. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

Black Nativity, a gospel celebration This Langston Hughes inspired production was presented at the Kroc Center on Dec. 22

Deborah Hughes performs during “Black Nativity”, a holiday gospel celebration, during a presentation at the Kroc Center. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

Sheila D. Wheat (center) gives some praise in a church scene in “Black Nativity.” The musical play is an adaptation of the original gospel play written by Langston Hughes. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013


The City

Fred Russell for mayor?

Fired city administrator expected to run POLITICAL ANALYSIS By Frederick Benjamin UrbanProWeekly Staff Writer AUGUSTA If Augusta’s beleaguered city administrator is tired of city government, he has a funny way of showing it. Earlier in the month, following the unexpected vote of no-confidence which cost him his job, Fred Russell said he was going fishing. We now suspect that what he will actually be doing is fishing for votes and hard cash to fuel his run for mayor. Is this for real? Well placed sources close to Russell say that it’s going to happen. And while an official announcement has yet to be made, the word on the street is that Russell would very much like to make the move across the hall to the mayor’s office. Much has been made of Russell’s “political” acumen as demonstrated by his ability to “bob and weave” in his battles with individual commissioners. But does the administrator with a penchant for leaving nothing to chance, have the stomach for a down-and-dirty battle in the trenches where nothing is for sure and where “running scared” is the rule of the day. Can Russell pull off the transition from political infighter to elected official? For his part, Russell may likely quote a line from poet Bob Dylan, “you don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” Still, for Russell to throw his hat in the ring for mayor is at once absurd and brilliant. It’s absurd because it is a great big leap into the unknown for

City administrator Fred Russell: Can he start ‘fishing” for votes and campaign cash. Photo by Vincemt Hobbs Russell. One is prompted to ask “Why would Fred Russell want to take step down in power and influence?” As a full-time administrator with a staff and a budget, there was never a need to merely act and hope. Russell has been used to merely crafting his strategy and then selling it to unwary commissioners, the majority of whom would swallow his fixes “hook line and sinker.” But as a candidate – a “celebrity” candidate at that, – Russell must step back into citizen mode and convince a wary and weary public that he

knows what is best for the city of Augusta. That’s a tall order for a city employee who was bounced precisely because “the city wanted to move into a different direction.” While Russell was in charge of the day-to-day operations of the city, he was playing with “house” money. For years, his wrong decisions, held no personal repercussions until just recently. As a candidate, Russell will discover that those who were eager to return his phone call as city administrator, might not be inclined to find time for him in his new role as

candidate. On the other hand, Russell’s planned candidacy is brilliant if for no other reason that, as a white candidate, he might have picked the right race at the right time. Due to Augusta’s racial myopia, a lone white candidate in a field crowded with black candidates has a decided advantage when it comes to making the runoff election should one be necessary. In addition, Russell has enjoyed nearly ten years of high profile media attention on somebody else’s dime. Russell has been able to surf

on a wave of public indignation over the manner in which he was bounced. Shortly after his firing, sentiment appeared to be evenly divided between negative marks for Russell and negative marks for his “judges” on the commission. If prospective mayoral candidates suspect that Russell will receive encouragement and cash from the city’s downtown power brokers, they may leave the path clear for him. Can a Fred Russell candidacy for mayor be taken seriously? A good place to inquire would be 933 Broad Street.

How some local races for 2014 shape up Augusta Mayor

State Senate District 22

Augusta Commission District 2

Augusta Commission District 4

AugustaCommission District 6

Helen Blocker Adams Andy Cheek * Hardie Davis Alvin Mason Fred Russell *

Elmyria Chivers Corey Johnson Harold Jones *

Dennis Williams

Rev. Melvin Ivey Sammie Sias

Ben Hasan *

* Candidates likely to run but have not yet officially announced

Richmond County School Board Dist. 2 Monique Braswell *

Good Shepherd Baptist Church

Rev. Clarence Moore, Pastor 1714 Olive Road / P. O. Box 141 (mailing address) Augusta, GA 30903 706/733-341- Telephone/706/667-0205 – Fax E-mail address: admin@goodshepherdaugusta.org Web address: goodshepherdaugusta.org Rev. Clarence Moore Church Service: 7:45 & 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. / Prayer Service: 11:00 a.m. – Wednesday Bible Study: 9:00 a.m. - Saturday / 7:00 p.m. - Wednesday

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Bishop Rosa L. Williams, Pastor

Radio Broadcast: Sundays • WKZK 103.7 FM at 7:30 a.m.

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5 UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013

Sunday School 8:30 am Morning Worship Services: 9:45 am Evening Worship Services 6 pm (4th Sunday) Bible Study: 6pm (Mondays) Midday Bible Study: 12pm (Tuesdays) Prayer Services: 6pm (Wednesdays) Celebrate Recovery: 6pm (Fridays) and 12pm (Mondays)

UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013


UPW Sports

2013 Round Ball Holiday Classic



(AT RIGHT) Hephzibah High School and Academy of Richmond County girl’s basketball players scarmble for the ball at the 14th Annual Holiday Round Ball Classic. The Lady Musketeers were defeated by the Lady Rebels 48-44 at Paine College’s HEAL Complex on Friday. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

(BELOW) Cross Creek basketball player Naomi Wilds (L) goes head-to-head for the rebound against Aiken High School’s Destiny Richardson (R) at the 14th Annual Holiday Round Ball Classic held at Paine College’s HEAL Complex on Saturday. The Lady Razorbacks crushed the Lady Fighting Green Hornets 41-18. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

Josey basketball coach Justin Durham center) instructs his players during a time-out in a game against Meadowcreek High School at the 14th Annual Holiday Round Ball Classic held at Paine College’s HEAL Complex on Saturday. The Eagles were defeated 78-63 by the Mustangs. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

Academy of Richmond County girl’s basketball coach Peaches Stephens gives directions to the team during a time-out at the 14th Annual Holiday Round Ball Classic. The Lady Musketeers were defeated by the Hephzibah High School Lady Rebels 48-44 at Paine College’s HEAL Complex on Friday. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

7 UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013

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HEADED TO ATLANTA. 127th District Winner Brian Prince takes the oath of office on Dec. 19, 2013 at the Jack Ruffin Courthouse. Photo by Justin M. Payne


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Michael Murray: 706.691.8832 Office: 706.589.1048

U W rban Pro


UrbanProWeekly LLC Mailing Address: 3529 Monte Carlo Drive Augusta, Georgia 30906

Publisher Ben Hasan 706-394-9411 Managing Editor Frederick Benjamin Sr. 706-836-2018

Marshall Curtis, Pharmacist/Owner Baron Curtis, Pharmacist

Sales & Marketing Phone: 706-394-9411 Photography and Social Media Courtesy of Vincent Hobbs


706-722-7355 email: Ben Hasan bzhasan54@yahoo.com Frederick Benjamin Sr. editor@urbanproweekly.com Vincent Hobbs coolveestudio@gmail.com

UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013


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UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013



UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013


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NSA surveillance is about power, not safety by Edward Snowden The following letter was published recently in the Brazilian newspaper A Folha in Portuguese. Six months ago, I stepped out from the shadows of the United States Government’s National Security Agency to stand in front of a journalist’s camera. I shared with the world evidence proving some governments are building a world-wide surveillance system to secretly track how we live, who we talk to, and what we say. I went in front of that camera with open eyes, knowing that the decision would cost me family and my home, and would risk my life. I was motivated by a belief that the citizens of the world deserve to understand the system in which they live. My greatest fear was that no one would listen to my warning. Never have I been so glad to have been so wrong. The reaction in certain countries has been particularly inspiring to me, and Brazil is certainly one of those. At the NSA, I witnessed with growing alarm the surveillance of whole populations without any suspicion of wrongdoing, and it threatens to become the greatest human rights challenge of our time. The NSA and other spying agencies tell us that for our own “safety”—for Dilma’s “safety,” for Petrobras’ “safety”—they have revoked our right to privacy and broken into our lives. And they did it without asking the public in any country, even their own. Today, if you carry a cell phone in Sao Paolo, the NSA can and does keep track of your location: they do this 5 billion times a day to people around the world. When someone in Florianopolis visits a website, the NSA keeps a record of when it happened and what you did there. If a mother

“The public needs to know the kinds of things a government does in its name, or the ‘consent of the governed’ is meaningless. . . The consent of the governed is not consent if it is not informed.” - Edward Snowden in Porto Alegre calls her son to wish him luck on his university exam, NSA can keep that call log for five years or more. They even keep track of who is having an affair or looking at pornography, in case they need to damage their target’s reputation. American Senators tell us that Brazil should not worry, because this is not “surveillance,” it’s “data collection.” They say it is done to keep you safe. They’re wrong. There is a huge difference between legal programs, legitimate spying, legitimate law enforcement — where individuals are targeted based on a reasonable, individualized suspicion — and these programs of dragnet mass surveillance that put entire populations under an all-seeing eye and save copies forever. These programs were never about terrorism: they’re about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation. They’re about power. Many Brazilian senators agree, and have asked for my assistance

with their investigations of suspected crimes against Brazilian citizens. I have expressed my willingness to assist wherever appropriate and lawful, but unfortunately the United States government has worked very hard to limit my ability to do so — going so far as to force down the Presidential Plane of Evo Morales to prevent me from traveling to Latin America! Until a country grants permanent political asylum, the US government will continue to interfere with my ability to speak. “These programs were never about terrorism: they’re about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation. They’re about power.” Six months ago, I revealed that the NSA wanted to listen to the whole world. Now, the whole world is listening back, and speaking out, too. And the NSA doesn’t like what it’s hearing. The culture of indiscriminate worldwide surveillance, exposed to public debates and real investigations on every continent, is collapsing.

Only three weeks ago, Brazil led the United Nations Human Rights Committee to recognize for the first time in history that privacy does not stop where the digital network starts, and that the mass surveillance of innocents is a violation of human rights. The tide has turned, and we can finally see a future where we can enjoy security without sacrificing our privacy. Our rights cannot be limited by a secret organization, and American officials should never decide the freedoms of Brazilian citizens. Even the defenders of mass surveillance, those who may not be persuaded that our surveillance technologies have dangerously outpaced democratic controls, now agree that in democracies, surveillance of the public must be debated by the public. My act of conscience began with a statement: “I don’t want to live in a world where everything that I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity or love or friendship is recorded. That’s not something I’m willing to support, it’s not something I’m willing to build, and it’s not something I’m willing to live under.” Days later, I was told my government had made me stateless and wanted to imprison me. The price for my speech was my passport, but I would pay it again: I will not be the one to ignore criminality for the sake of political comfort. I would rather be without a state than without a voice. If Brazil hears only one thing from me, let it be this: when all of us band together against injustices and in defense of privacy and basic human rights, we can defend ourselves from even the most powerful systems.


Governor Deal is a bad deal There is a family of governors in the south that says that the poor and the under-salaried should not have health care. One of the leaders in this brotherhood is our Governor, Nathan Deal who with the Georgia Commissioner of Insurance, Ralph Hudgens, is determined to defeat the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) at the expense of 600,000 Georgians who they have prevented from getting health care. Why are these two individuals taken on the mantle of death for thousands whose trips to the emergency room will be too late to survive. Who, instead of getting free checkups wait until its too late to go to the emergency room resulting in despair. Why does Governor Deal and Ralph Hudgens

To oppose the President on philosophic grounds is one thing but to oppose health care for 600,000 citizens of Georgia is another. All of us should write & phone Governor Deal that his deal to oppose health care is unacceptable.

stand by as the rural hospitals close one after another because they refuse funding for the Affordable Care Act. What in the world is their reasoning? Here are the facts. The Affordable Care Act would provide 30 billion (that’s billion ) dollars from the federal government to Georgia to extend Medicade. Included in this are funding

for hospitals and the ability of 600,000 Georgian’s to get health care. This money over 10 years costs nothing to the state for 3 years. Each year after that a small percentage is required from the state. The excuse by Governor Deal is that he doesn’t believe the federal government will keep its promise! .

The fact is that the money has been appropriated already by Congress!! His excuse is not logical and is vitriolic if not downright stupid. To oppose the President on philosophic grounds is one thing but to oppose health care for 600,000 citizens of Georgia is another. All of us should write & phone Governor Deal that his deal to oppose health care is unacceptable as his governorship is at re-election time in 2014. Join us in opposing him and the Commissioner of Insurance in the upcoming elections. Lowell Greenbaum, Chairperson Richmond County Democratic Party 706 -833-3291

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The grant, which runs October 1, 2013 through September Need Insurance? 560.9990 706.560.99 30, 2014, will help finance the DUI Court Program which has  INFO@INS-PROS.COM

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12 UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013

U W rban Pro


HOOPS Richmond County Varsity Basketball • 2013 -2014 Season Nov. 29-30 (Fri.-Sat.)

Cross Creek @ Jefferson Co. (Fri.) ARC, Butler, Glenn Hills, Laney, Josey @ 100 Black Men Classic @ ARC (Sat.)

Nov. 30 (Sat.)

Butler @ Rockdale Co.

Dec. 3 (Tue.)

Laney @ Glenn Hills Greenbrier @ Hephzibah

Dec. 6 (Fri.)

Jefferson Co. @ Cross Creek Westside @ Lakeside Josey @ Savannah High Laney @ Beach High Hephzibah @ Grovetown ARC @ Evans Tournament

Dec. 7 (Sat.)

ARC @ Evans Tournament GAC @ Butler Laney @ Savannah High Josey @ Beach High Lincoln Co. @ Westside Dec. 10 (Tue.) Grovetown @ARC Athens Academy @ Glenn Hills Lakeside @ Westside


Harold V. Jones II State Senate District 22 Working Together to Move Augusta Forward

Dec. 13 (Fri.) Cross Creek @ N. Augusta Jefferson Co. @ Westside Josey @ Butler Swainsboro @ Laney Grovetown @ Hephzibah Glenn Hills @ Aquinas

Dec. 14 (Sat.)

Rockdale Co. @ Butler Glenn Hills @ Aquinas Hephzibah @ Geenbrier Laney @ East Laurens Westside @ Denmark/Olar Cross Creek @ Thomson

Dec. 20-23 (Fri.-Mon.)

Westside @ WACO Tourney

Dec. 26-28 (Thu.-Sat.)

ARC, Hephzibah, Josey, Butler, Cross Creek @ Evans Tourney Westside@Baldwin Classic Laney@Colquitt Classic Butler @ Columbia Classic Glenn HIlls @ Nike Int. Westside @ Lake Marion


Jan. 3 (Fri.)

Dec. 17 (Tue.)

Westside @ Hephzibah

Cross Creek @ Burke Co. Josey @ Dublin Hephzibah@ Glenn HIlls Glenn Hills @ Laney

Dec. 19-21 (Thu.-Sat.)

Jan. 4 (Sat.)

ARC boys and girls, Hephzibah boys and girls Glenn Hills girls and boys Josey girls and boys Cross Creek girls and boys Aiken girls, Midland Valley girls, Meadowcreek girls and boys, Calhoun Co. boys, Orangeburg/W. boys @Holiday Round Ball Classic at Paine College


DAVIS for Mayor

NE Augusta

Glenn Hills @ Josey Laney @ Butler Thomson @ Westside North Augusta @ Cross Creek

Jan. 7 (Tue.)

Cross Creek @ ARC Butler @ Hephzibah Screven Co. @ Westide Laney @ Harlem Burke Co. @ Glenn Hills


Wilkinson Co. @ Josey Laney @ Screven Co. Harlem @ Westside Butler @ Cross Creek Glenn Hills @ ARC Hephzibah @ Burke County

Jan. 11 (Sat.)

ARC @ Westside Butler @ Josey Laney @ Swainsboro

Jan. 14 (Tue.)

Jan. 20 (Mon.)

Glenn Hills @ MLK Invitational Laney boys @ MLK Invitational Laney girls @ Copeland Classic

Jan. 21 (Tue.)

Harlem @ Laney Westside @ Screven Burke Co. @ Cross Creek Glenn Hills @ Hephzibah Butler @ ARC

Jan. 24 (Fri.)

Laney @ Josey Glenn Hills @ Cross Creek Burke Co. @ Butler ARC @ Hephzibah

ARC @ Cross Creek Hephzibah @ Butler Glenn Hills @ Burke Co. Westside @ Harlem Screven Co @ Laney

Jan. 17 (Fri.)

Jan. 25 (Sat.)

Cross Creek @ Hephzibah ARC @ Burke Co. Glenn Hills @ Butler Laney @ Westside Josey @ East Laurens

Jan. 18 (Sat.)

Josey @ MLK Invitational Laney @ Butler Glenn Hills @ Will Avery Classic

Josey @ Laney Greenbrier @ Westside Glenn Hills @ Athens Christian Academy

Jan. 31 (Fri.)

Westside @ Laney Cross Creek @ Glenn Hills Butler @ Burke Co. Hephzibah@ ARC

Feb. 1 (Sat.)

Hephzibah @Westside Dublin @ Josey

Feb. 4 (Tue.)

Hephzibah @ Cross Creek Burke Co. @ ARC Butler @ Glenn Hills

Feb. 7 (Fri.)

Glenn Hills @ Butler Westside @ Thomson Josey @ Aquinas

Feb. 8 (Sat.)

Dublin @ Laney East Laurens @ Josey

Jan. 28 (Tue.)

Cross Creek @ Butler ARC @ Glenn Hills Burke Co. @ Hephzibah

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UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013

Jan. 10 (Fri.)

UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013


Community Corner

Laney Museum honors reknown child psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark In partnership with the AugustaRichmond County Library, the Lucy Craft Laney Museum of Black History honors the famous psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark with an African American doll exhibition. The exhibit can be seen on the third floor of the library until February 2014. Drs. Kenneth and Mamie Clark were instrumental in the fight for racial equality. Through a series of landmark “Doll Tests,” in the 1940s, the married couple provided scien-

Terry D. Elam, president of Augusta Technical College (c) with state officials.

Augusta Tech named finalist for College of the Year Augusta Technical College was a finalist for the Technical College System of Georgia’s Perdue Award, given to the system’s Technical College of the Year. Savannah Technical College received the award during the Technical College System State Board’s monthly meeting in Atlanta. Dr. Lynn Cornett, the chairwoman of the board, presented the award to Kathy Love, the president of Savannah Tech. Also recognized as finalists, besides Augusta Tech, were Ogeechee Technical College, Columbus Technical College and Gwinnett Technical College “We are honored to be named a finalist,” said Terry D. Elam, the president of Augusta Technical College. “Our staff always works hard to serve our students and to make sure they are getting the best educational experience.” Each year, the Technical College System board evaluates the state technical colleges for the Perdue Award using almost two dozen performance categories, including enrollment in technical and adult education programs, student retention and graduation rates, licensure pass rates, economic development measures, national awards and administrative efficiencies. The award is named in honor of former Gov. Sonny Perdue, who was a strong supporter of Georgia’s technical colleges and their mission to develop the state’s workforce through world-class technical and adult education programs.

tific evidence of the negative impact of racial segregation in the minds of young black children. The findings of this study were cited in the Supreme Court ruling of Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas (1954)—the case that deemed racial segregation in schools illegal. Like other ethnicities and nationalities in the United States, African American children grow up to be contributing members of society. They are our teachers, lawyers, doctors, scientists, nurses, and commu-

nity activists. A positive self-image helps children grow into these critical roles. The beautiful collection of dolls is a visual reminder that authenticates the beauty of African American children in our society. As Drs. Kenneth and Mamie Clark demonstrated, toys reflect how children see themselves and others in the context of good and bad. The Museum

hopes that thousands of children will view the exhibition and realize that black children are beautiful, kind, brilliant, friendly, and talented. The Lucy Craft Laney Museum of Black History is located at 1116 Phillips Street, Augusta, GA 30901 For more information, call 706724-3576.

January 19,2014 5:00 pm Spoken Word Christian Ministry 1219 Edgefield Hwy, Aiken SC,29801 Speaker: Pastor/Prophet Ray Singelton • For more information call (706) 738-2699

88.3 WAFJ delivers toys to Children’s Hospital patients AUGUSTA Radio station 88.3 WAFJ delivered nearly 300 toys to the Children’s Hospital of Georgia collected by listeners during the contemporary Christian station’s annual Christmas Cheer Tour. The toys will help bring comfort to the nearly 100,000 patients treated at the hospital each year, especially those who can’t be home for the holidays. The 154-bed not-for-profit Children’s Hospital of Georgia is the second largest children’s hospital in the state, providing the highest level of pediatric critical care and neonatal intensive care, as well as a wide range of general and complex health care for children. Visit facebook. com/GAChildrens or follow on Twitter at twitter.com/GAChildrens.

Georgia Regents University to combat alcohol abuse AUGUSTA Georgia Regents University is joining forces with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety to combat alcohol abuse, including underage drinking and impaired driving. The office awarded GRU an $8,860 grant to participate in the Georgia Young Adult Program designed for Georgia colleges and universities to promote and raise awareness about highway safety issues including alcohol education, alcohol abuse prevention, impaired driving, underage drinking, safety belts, distractive driving, speeding, risk reductions, and other destructive decisions. “The university will use the grant funds to help educate students about the detriments of drinking and driving and other components of alcohol misuse,” said Leslie Wilcher, GRU’s Student Health Services Outreach Coordinator. The following data underscore the need for more education and prevention efforts, according to Wilcher: ·The highest percentage of alcoholimpaired driving fatalities occurs among drivers ages 21 to 24. ·Nearly one-third of motor vehicle fatalities involve a driver with a Blood Alcohol Concentration above the legal limit of .08. ·An individual with a BAC of .08 or higher is 11 times more likely to die in a crash than those who have not consumed alcohol at all. ·Two out of five people will be involved in an alcohol-related crash at some point in their lives. ·Seat belts have saved more than 250,000 lives since 1975. · In 2009, 62 percent of those involved in nighttime alcohol-impaired driving fatalities were not wearing a seat belt. For more information, call Leslie Wilcher at 706-723-4302.

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Community Corner

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16 UrbanProWeekly • DECEMBER 26 - 31, 2013


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