UPW Urban Pro Weekly

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UPW FEBRUARY 8 - 14, 2018

Jawan Bailey Coaching Eagles to soar Alumnus is busy rebuilding the Lady Eagles’ brand Photo by Vincent Hobbs


Wycliffe Gordon & His Internat’l All Stars featuring Dee Daniels Tues. Feb. 13

The African American Read-In Mon. Feb. 12

VOL. 7 NO. 7

UrbanProWeekly - FEBRUARY 2018


Coach Jawan Bailey (c) huddles the T.W. Josey Lady Eagles basketball team during a recent game in which Josey defeated the Screven County Lady Gamecocks 48-12 in a conference game held at the Josey gym. (February 3, 2018 - Augusta, GA) - Photo by Vincent Hobbs/Sports Journal

Coaching Eagles to Soar - Jawan Bailey INTERVIEW BY VINCENT HOBBS If you have ever had the opportunity to watch the rising superstar team known as the T.W. Josey Lady Eagles girls’ basketball team, you have certainly witnessed the young, bearded head coach pacing back and forth courtside. You’ve probably seen the brilliant smiles break across his face as a play is successfully executed and the stern frown when something goes amiss. You’ve heard the gentle reminders to players to tighten a move and the outright yelling when a player needs direction – or even some encouragement. Jawan Bailey, a former student-ath-

lete at the school, has come into full circle at Josey – first as a student who held a 3.8 GPA when he graduated in 2006 - and now as the coach known for re-building the Lady Eagles’ brand, ending the downward spiral that happened after the retirement of Coach Lynn Brantley in 2007. For six seasons, until 2013 with the arrival of Bailey as coach, the team struggled and did not make any state playoffs. The green and gold had lost its shine. All that changed under Bailey. Under Bailey’s leadership, honed by his college basketball experience at Albany State University, Josey just completed its most successful reg-

ular season in the past five years, with a 22-3 record. The three losses were to rival Laney, the current GHSA Class A A state champions. Every other region team was crushed by Josey, including a 54-9 victorious spanking against Screven County back in December. Teamwork is the glue that orchestrated this successful season for the Lady Eagles. Bailey believes that personal sacrifice is essential to teamwork. “What are you willing to do - and give up - for the people you’re working with to be successful?” Bailey became involved in coaching due to “a natural gravitation towards it” after returning to Augusta follow-

ing his graduation from Albany State University in 2008. He currently teaches Principles of Marketing and Sports and Entertainment Marketing, in addition to his coaching responsibilities at Josey. The student-athletics connection is paramount for Bailey, who believes that it is “more important today than ever” for students to get involved in sporting activities. “With technology being so dominant in our society, I think athletics are important - not only for physical health reasons - but also for mental health reasons for the kids.” Continued on next page

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T.W. Josey’s Tykedra Rolland (L) keeps control of the ball during a home game against Jefferson County. The Lady Eagles defeated the Lady Warriors 61-34. (February 3, 2018 - Augusta, GA) - Photo by Vincent Hobbs/Sports Journal

BAILEY from p2 Recruitment of these young athletes is also essential. “I think we have a lot of hard-working and talented kids who deserve a shot at the collegiate level. This area is under-recruited for basketball and that needs to change.” Bailey also has a strong vision for the girls’ basketball program at Josey – one that sees the stands filled at every game and overwhelming support from the community. “I would love for the program to be a state contender, year after year. I want to see the girls being recruited and signing to play college basketball. The basketball program can become one of the main attractions for the people of the Josey community.” What does this educator and coach do when away from the basketball courts? “Outside of basketball, I’m a music geek in particular, hip-hop music. I’m thinking about starting a podcast in the offseason related to hip-hop culture, along with basketball.”

(At left) T.W. Josey’s Rhykeria Rolland (L) maneuvers past Cathedris Leverrette (R) during a home game against Jefferson County. The Lady Eagles defeated the Lady Warriors 61-34. (At right) T.W. Josey’s Rondaijah Wynn prepares for a free throw during a home game against Jefferson County. The Lady Eagles defeated the Lady Warriors 61-34. (February 3, 2018 Augusta, GA) - Photos by Vincent Hobbs/ Sports Journal

UrbanProWeekly - FEBRUARY 2018


Business seminar prepares small & disadvantaged businesses to compete in the federal marketplace CSRA Business League - SBA “8A | Hubzone Certification Seminar” Tuesday, March 6 The CSRA Business League, Inc. is hosting their “8A | Hubzone Certification Seminar” on Tuesday, March 6. This event is facilitated by the Small Business Administration (SBA), Georgia District Office. The SBA 8A program is designed to help small, disadvantaged businesses compete in the federal marketplace? If you’re interested in government contracting, the 8(a) Business Development (BD) Program offers a broad scope of assistance to small businesses for which

you might be eligible. The Program has been essential for helping socially and economically disadvantaged entrepreneurs gain access to the economic mainstream of American society. Ultimately, the program helps thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs to gain a foothold in government contracting. The HUBZone certification or Historically Underutilized Business Zone program helps small businesses located in distressed areas gain preferential access to federal

procurement opportunities. The CSRA Business League “8A | Hubzone Certification Seminar” will take place on Tuesday, 6 March 2018 at the main branch of the Augusta - Richmond County Public Library, located at 823 Telfair Street, Augusta, Georgia 30901. Doors for the event will open at 5:00 PM and the session will begin at 5:30 PM. The seminar will provide information on the 8A | HubZone certifica-

tion process and procedures. The session is free and Refreshments will be served. To register for the session please visit: https://www.eventbrite. com/e/csra-business-league-8ahubzone-certification-seminartickets-42432114597 Please contact us at 706 722 0994 or by email at ellisalbright@ business-league.org<mailto:ellisalbright@business-league.org> for additional information.

The National African American Read-In — Mon. Feb. 12

The National African American Read-In is the nation’s first and oldest event dedicated to diversity in literature. It is an annual program sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English. Augusta University is one of hundreds of libraries, schools, and universities hosting a Read-In during the month of February. The Read-In is an open-mic event in which volunteers read poems, essays, short stories, scenes from plays, and excerpts from novels written by African-American authors, This year, we invite local African American writers to read or perform their poetry, visual artists to display their work, and musicians to perform their music. Featured poet, Doris Davenport, will begin her reading at 1 p.m. and will sign books in the lobby following her presentation. Davenport is an iconoclastic writer, educator, and literary & performance poet from Cornelia in Northeast Georgia. She has degrees from Paine College (B.A. English ’69), SUNY Buffalo (M.A.) and the University of Southern California (Ph.D. Literature). She has published ten books of poetry, articles, reviews, and essays. Her most recently published books are 65/poems (2014) and performance pieces (2016). She was an Associate Professor of English at Albany State University (Albany, GA) where she coordinated the Annual Poetry Festival. This event is sponsored by the Department of English and Foreign Languages, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and Black Student Union. To volunteer to read or perform, send an email to Dr. Seretha Williams at seretha.williams@augusta.edu.

African American Read-In Monday, February 12 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Maxwell Theatre 2500 Walton Way Augusta GA 30904

Featured Poet Doris Davenport

UPW Urban Pro Weekly Hephzibah, GA 30815

URBAN PRO WEEKLY Publisher URBAN PRO WEEKLY MEDIA 706-306-4647 urbanpromedia@yahoo.com

CEO / Sales FREDERICK BENJAMIN SR. 706-306-4647 editor@urbanproweekly.com

Contributors VINCENT HOBBS Photography & New Media KEN MAKIN contributing columnist

5 UrbanProWeekly • FEBRUARY 2018

Wycliffe Gordon and his International All Stars featuring vocalist Dee Daniels set to perform at AU On Tuesday, February 13, Wycliffe Gordon and His International All Stars will perform “We Give You Love: An Evening of Jazz with a New Orleans Flair.” The performance will be at the Maxwell Theatre on the campus of Augusta University at 7:30 p.m. Wycliffe Gordon and His International All Stars formed in 2011. The name pays homage to musicians coming of age at the dawn of jazz recording, particularly jazz master Louis Armstrong and his All Stars. Returning to a time when musicians considered themselves entertainers first and foremost, striving to please the audience with their music, Wycliffe and his All Stars are consummate entertainers reveling in the old school traditions of the musicians of Armstrong’s generation.

Joining the All Stars, will be the amazing Dee Daniels and her thrilling four-octave vocal range, infused with her unique gospel and blues jazz stylings. The group includes Adrian Cunningham (from Australia) on reeds and vocals, Ehud Asherie (from Israel) on piano, Corcoran Holt (who has roots in Ghana) on bass and Dion Parson (who hails from the Virgin Islands) on drums. Wycliffe performs on trombone, trumpet, soprano trombone and vocals. The Augusta University Jazz Ensemble under the direction of Dr. Robert Foster will also perform. Tickets: 15.00; 5.00 for students and children. For tickets and information call 706-667-4100 or visit augusta.universitytickets.com.

Human & Civil Rights Champion Award recipients honored

UrbanProWeekly - FEBRUARY



Sen. Mia McLeod was the keynote speaker for the 2018 Community Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration.

Attorney Everett Chandler was pre- Aiken Technical College student, sented with the community Human Victoria Shekastehband, was the & Civil Rights Champion Award. recipient of ATC Human & Civil Rights Champion Award.

Senator Mia McLeod was the keynote speaker on Sunday, Jan. 21 during the 2018 Community Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, presented by Aiken Technical College (ATC) and USC Aiken (USCA). McLeod represents District 22 (Richland and Kershaw counties) in the South Carolina legislature. This year’s theme, a Dr. King quote- “Everybody can great because everybody can serve…you only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love”—was woven throughout the program -- from the recognition of youth poster and essay contest winners to the recognition of the inaugural Human & Civil Rights Champion Awards. The champion awards were created to recognize those “who have made an impact on their campus or in the community, have strived to promote diversity, and are considered to be

great role models. One student from Aiken Technical College and one from USC Aiken were honored along with a community member. Victoria Shekastehband received the ATC Human & Civil Rights Champion Award. The welding student has been involved in numerous activities on campus and in the community, including: operating a children’s day camp and clothing and food giveaway in New York City. Travis Hardee was the recipient of the USCA Human & Civil Rights Champion Award. Hardee serves as the Student Government Association Senator for the University’s College of Humanities and has used his platform to serve others, noted Franklin. He encourages all students to have a voice and advocates for students to make sure their voices are heard. He actively engages students, the dean and faculty members within his col-


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lege division to initiate conversations, inquire about needs and issues, and seeks ways to help identify solutions. Hardee has also been very involved in the university’s diversity related activities including diversity roundtable discussions that help increase awareness of diversity-related topics. Attorney Everett Chandler, owner of Chandler Law Firm in Aiken, was selected as the community Human &

USC Aiken student, Travis Hardee, was the recipient of the USC Aiken Human & Civil Rights Champion Award.

Civil Rights Champion Award recipient. His many activities include being a life member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and undergraduate advisor for the chapter at USCA; silver life member of the NAACP; past president of the Royal Aikenites; and deacon and Bible Student Instructor at Caledonia Missionary Baptist Church in Monetta, SC.

Register Now for the next

*** Garden City Jazz presents Jazz Music & Education Feb 13: Wake&Shake: Mardi Gras Edition (an early morning dance party) Feb 13: Wycliffe Gordon & His International All-Stars, featuring Dee Daniels Feb 14: Master Class with International All Star Drummer Dion Parson Feb 25: SoireeSunday: JazzCasual featuring Mike Tanksley For details contact Garden City Jazz at gardencityjazz.com or 762-233-5299

COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION OF RICHMOND COUNTY INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received for the LAKE FOREST HILLS CLASSROOM ADDITION, #B-17-018-1603 by the County Board of Education of Richmond County at the address below until 3:00 P.M. local time, Thursday, February 22, 2018, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read. No extension of the bidding period will be made. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held Tuesday, February 6,2018 @ 3:00 P.M. local time in the Cafeteria at Lake Forest Hills Elementary, 3140 Lake Forest Drive, Augusta, Georgia 30909. Drawings and project manual on this work may be examined at the Department of Maintenance and Facilities, Richmond County Board of Education, 1781 15th Street, Augusta, Georgia 30901. Bidding documents may be obtained at the Office of the Architect: DICKINSON ARCHITECTS, P.C., 771 BROAD STREET, SUITE 200, AUGUSTA, GA 30901, Telephone: (706) 722-7488. Applications for documents together with refundable deposit of $100.00 per set should be filed promptly with the Architect. Bidding material will be forwarded (shipping charges collect) as soon as possible. The full amount of deposit for one set will be refunded to each prime contractor who submits a bona fide bid upon return of such set in good condition within 10 days after date of opening bids. All other deposits will be refunded with deductions approximating cost of reproduction of documents upon return of same in good condition within 10 days after date of opening bid. Contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 35 days after time has been called on the date of opening. Bid must be accompanied by a bid bond in an amount not less than 5% of the base bid. Personal checks, certified checks, letters of credit, etc., are not acceptable. The successful bidder will be required to furnish performance and payment bonds in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities. To promote local participation, a database of Sub-contractors, Suppliers, and Vendors has been developed by the Program Manager, GMK Associates. Contact Jeanine Usry with GMK Associates at (706) 826-1127 for location to review and obtain this database. Bids shall be submitted and addressed to: Dr. Angela Pringle County Board of Education of Richmond County Administrative Office 864 Broad Street, 4th Floor Augusta, Georgia 30901



Contractors Academy provides small, minority, and women-owned companies from around the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) a unique opportunity to gain valuable expertise from local, state, and national industry leaders in just 8 short weeks. Classes are held every Tuesday night at 6:00 pm beginning on February 27, 2018, and ending April 24, 2018. Classes will include project management, bidding, estimating, scheduling, marketing & development, qualification bonding & insurance with a Certificate of Completion from Augusta Technical College. Participants will be exposed to eight days of expert training from industry leaders in construction, government contracting, area opportunities, and much more! ONLY 1 night per week for this unique training session. Since our last event was such a success we’ll be opening up an additional 18 seats to our workshop this year. Seating is limited, so register TODAY!! The training sessions will be held on the campus of Augusta Technical College 3200 Augusta Tech Drive Building 1300 Augusta, GA 30906 For additional information and registration please go to our website at www.pba-diversity.com/registration. html.


UrbanProWeekly •FEBRUARY

Contractors Academy


UrbanProWeekly - FEBRUARY 2018


COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION OF RICHMOND COUNTY The Richmond County School System will accept bids and request for proposals until 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 21, 2018, for the following: 1. Band Uniforms for Academy of Richmond County RFQ#18-800 2. Banking Services RFP #18-798 Bid specifications may be obtained by contacting Cecilia Perkins in the Business Office at perkice@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us or 706-8261298, on our web site at www.rcboe.org/bids, or at Richmond County School System, Central Office 864 Broad Street, 4th Floor, Augusta, GA 30901. The Richmond County School System reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION OF RICHMOND COUNTY By: Dr. Angela D. Pringle, Secretary

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