What Augusta needs now . . .
JUNE 6 - 19, 2022 • VOL. 10 NO. 24
Mayor’s race heads to June 21 runoff
Garnett Johnson
Steven Kendrick
Dueling media narratives: “establishment” vs “conservative” Is any of it to be taken seriously?
Augusta artist Xavier O. Jones puts the finishing touches on a stand-alone mural located on Laney-Walker Blvd near Ninth Street. The “Embers of Hope” Golden Blocks mural. (June 1, 2022 Augusta, GA) Photo by Vincent Hobbs
To COACH JAWAN BAILEY: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. During his nine-year tenure at Josey, Bailey rebuilt the Lady Eagles team into championship status. He is moving on to pursue other goals. More on page 2. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 6 - 19, 2022
What Augusta Needs Now
he day after Memorial Day, plans for a “Regency Mall revival” were announced, which included the promises of “affordable housing,” retail shops and a supermarket. It all sounds promising, for sure. The problem is that we’ve heard it all before. Let me be clear – what Augusta needs now isn’t Regency. What Augusta needs now is URGENCY. My daily commute takes me past a cultural center that shall not be named. When I look at that center on
my right, I see prosperity. When I look to my left, I see homelessness and poverty. I look straight ahead and I see more hopelessness, with the backdrop of a medical district that shows Augusta as a tale of two cities. “What does one side of town have to do with the other side, Ken?” The districts change, but the politics are the same. Augustans are tired of the promise of trickle-down economics. Development does not yield prosperity – only the commitment to protections for the people.
Is public transportation reliable in Augusta? Do residents always have access to fresh food, or are people’s options clogged? A quick trip down Walton Way offers soul food restaurants, donuts and other foods that clog people’s arteries and sends them a short way to the local hospital. It’s a recipe for disaster. We need to invest in residents with the same energy that we invest in policing. As a matter of fact, investing in people will make the sheriff’s job a lot easier.
Dr. King talked about the “fierce urgency of now.” When it comes to Augusta, we don’t just have to be in a rush to restore a mall – we need to be in a rush to restore us all. Ken Makin is the host of Makin’ A Difference and a freelance writer for ESPN and The Christian Science Monitor, among other outlets. Look him up on Facebook at Makin’ A Difference, and you can also send him an email with your thoughts at makinadifferenceshow@gmail.com.
It’s come full circle Jawan Bailey, head coach of the T.W. Josey girls varsity basketball team, stands at a trophy case filled with awards inside the school gym. Bailey, who led the team to the AA State Championship in 2021, is entering a new opportunity as head girls basketball coach for Newton High School in Covington, Georgia. During his nineyear tenure at Josey, Bailey rebuilt the Lady Eagles team into championship status. “It’s come full circle,” Bailey said. “ I’m a product of Josey and the people who poured into me as a student here. The accomplishments that have been made are directly aligned with my experience here as a high school student. I wanted to make the community proud.” (May 18, 2022 - Augusta, GA) Photo by Vincent Hobbs
PUBLISHER Growing Augusta: Arts, Agriculture, & Agency LLC http://www.growingaugusta.co/UPW +1 (706) 751-2537 SALES & MARKETING http://www.growingaugusta.co/UPW +1 (762) 233-5299
CONTRIBUTORS K.L. Gordon • Rickey Jones Jr. Olivia Gaines • Vincent Hobbs Menia L. Chester Frederick Benjamin Sr. Layout/Design : UrbanProMedia
VOTING • 2022
By Frederick Benjamin Sr. UPW Political Commentary AUGUSTA The May 24 General Primary and Nonpartisan election produced very few surprises. In the mayoral race, a 9-person field narrowed to a dead-heat between former tax commissioner Steven Kendrick and Garnett Johnson, a business owner in his first political outing. Also involved in runoffs are Von Pouncey and Stacey Pulliam in Commission District 2 (Pulliam narrowly missed getting a majority - she polled at 49%); and John Clark (incumbent) and former commissioner Wayne Guilfoyle in District 10. Alvin Mason, won the right to represent Commission District 4 for a third time. In District 6, Tony Lewis’s persistence earned him the victory. This was his third attempt running for District 6 Commissioner. Political newcomer, Jeremy Johnson made an impressive showing his first time out of the gate. In the Richmond County Superior Court races, the incumbents, Ashley Wright and Jesse Stone prevailed. Carlotta Sims Brown will return as Chief Judge, Civil Magistrate Court for another term and Ashanti Lilley Pounds will join Monique Walker on the
State Court bench. Johnson vs. Kendrick ? While money drives success in general elections, all bets are off when it comes to runoffs. People turnout in runoffs because they really love and need a candidate to be successful. It is a little more challenging to expect folks to go back to the polls to launch a protest vote. If folks are totally fine with either candidate, they won’t bother to go back to the polls. But, if they are energized, they will. So which candidate has the energy? The unique character about this mayoral race is that it has been extremely quiet at street levels. Now, depending on the media coverage (for those who are paying attention) a couple of narratives seem to be popular. One, Kendrick, being “the establishment” candidate, needs to be defeated to usher in a new era. Another narrative boosts the idea that Johnson is the “conservative-leaning” candidate who will counter the “tax-n-spend libs” down at City Hall. But, at the neighborhood level, all of that is nonsense. These two candidates are well known to their various community circles. In a runoff, you vote for the guys or gals you like and know.
Mayor of Augusta Garnett Johnson * Steven Kendrick *
Aug Comm Dist 10 John Clarke * Wayne Guilfoyle *
District 2 Von Pouncey * Stacey Pulliam *
Chief Judge, Civil Magistrate Court Carlotta Sims Brown
District 4 Alvin Mason
State Court Judge Monique Walker
District 6 Tony Lewis.
State Court Judge Ashanti Lilley Pounds
Aug Comm Dist 8 Brandon Garrett
* Runoff June 21
3 UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 6 - 19, 2022
Runoff SHOWDOWN Kendrick vs Johnson
Winners of the May 24 Richmond County Primary, Nonpartisan Election
UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 6 - 19, 2022
Augusta Black Restaurant Week • Participants • June 13 - 19, 2022 Urban Pro Weekly (UPW), in partnership with Yelp Augusta, is proud to once again present Augusta Black Restaurant Week on June 13-19, 2022. This annual event takes pride in highlighting some of the area’s black-owned eateries and chefs, while giving patrons an opportunity to partake in specialty or signature items for the week. Since its inception last year, UPW has endeavored to strengthen our community by bringing attention to some of the small businesses in the area hit the hardest by the global Covid-19 pandemic. Although financial relief was issued, the disparity between independent Black-Owned
businesses, as compared to others, was seen and felt across the nation - even MORE in the small business sector. For this reason, Augusta Black Restaurant Week (ABRW) was established. New to the 2022 ABRW experience are prix fixe options from each partner and a collaboration with personal and executive chefs, food trucks, and stalls to provide a unique culinary experience. Participating food partners listed below and at augustarestaurantweek.com. Augusta Black Restaurant Week June 13-19, 2022 Richmond, Aiken, Columbia, Burke, Edgefield counties
RESTAURANTS Alexander’s Great BBQ Arie’s Confectionaries Big Mama’s Soul Food Big T’s Seafood Black Lotus Cuisine Broad St. Bullies Brunch House of Augusta Cafe 209 Catz Kitchen Cliffism Sports & Spirits DeShawn’s Seafood Fielding Bros BBQ Glamm Deli
Humanitree House J. Renae Experience Jackie M’s & Son Shake City Timbuktu Cafe Vibes and Vines Jazz Lounge WSS1 (Wings, Subs, Salads)
CHEFS Thomas Jacobs Dairius Mealing Rosslina Anderson Lateisha Thomas
Augusta On Display
This free community forum will be held from 9am-12pm on June 11, 2022, at the Robert Howard Community Center located at 103
UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 6 - 19, 2022
Make plans to attend Augusta on Display. This citywide event allows the public to get more information on the services offered by the City of Augusta and give feedback on the City’s proposed 2023 budget.
Diamond Lakes Way in Hephzibah, Georgia. The Augusta on Display FY2023 budget survey is also open for you to share feedback on the allocation of tax dollars. The results from the survey will be taken into consideration for the City’s upcoming 2023 budget. Click here to begin the survey. The online document will be available until July 31, 2022.
Got a Great Story Contact us at growingaugusta.co/upw
Celebrate JUNE
UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 6 - 19, 2022
Know the Past. Shape the Future! In partnership with our community partners, Westobou and the Jessye Norman School of the Arts, the Augusta Museum of History is excited to commemorate Juneteenth 2022 with an engaging, family-friendly experience. On Saturday, June 18, 2022, from 10:00AM - 5:00PM, prepare for a lively community celebration of this holiday, also known as Freedom Day. Education will be highlighted with our story time, arts and crafts, re-enactments, song and dance performances, scavenger hunts, and more. We will have Activity Packets available at the front desk. The first 185 kids will also receive a FREE copy of the Storytime book, Juneteenth
for Mazie. Funding for our Juneteenth 2022 Celebration is partially provided by the Wells Fargo Foundation. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date on what’s planned. Museum Admission: $5 for adults, $4 for seniors, $3 for children ages 6 to 18, and free for children 5 and under. AMH Museum Members have free admission. Activities in the Rotunda area are free. Dr. Mallory Millender will be featured in the afternoon. The short film “The Steering Committee” will be shown at 3 p.m., then Dr. Millender will answer questions and then speak afterwards on “Stories Not Told in Our History Books.”
Augusta artist Xavier O. Jones puts the finiishing touches on a stand-alone mural located on Laney-Walker Blvd near Ninth Street. The “Embers of Hope” Golden Blocks mural will be unveiled at a ribbon cutting on Friday, June 3rd at 4:30pm and will be accompanied by a spoken word composition by local poet Travis “Brotha Trav” Wright. The mural is presented by The Lucy Craft Laney Museum of Black History, the Greater Augusta Arts Council and the AugustaRichmond County Housing and Community Development in a collaborative mission to support and promote vibrant art, history and neighborhood reinvestment. (June 1, 2022 - Augusta, GA) Photo by Vincent Hobbs
UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 6 - 19, 2022
Golden Blocks Mural Underway
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UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 6 - 19, 2022
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5th Annual Sand Hills Community Center Summer Youth Program! Painting, Singing, Dancing, Financial Literacy & Athletic Training For Girls and Boys Ages 10 - 14 6th, 7th & 8th Grade
Presented by Karen Brown and the En Pointe Plus Dance Mastery Institute in collaboration with the City of Augusta and the Augusta Commission with the Augusta Recreation and Parks Department and the Richmond County Board of Education
Featuring instructors Baruti, Russell Joel Brown, Pepper, Funmi and others
Week 1 - June 13 – June 17, 2022 Week 2 - June 20 – 24, 2022 Monday through Friday: Online 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM In-person 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! TO REGISTER: https://forms.augustaga.gov/Forms/SandHillsSummerProgram NEED MORE INFO? Call (302) 722-5538
9 UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 6 - 19, 2022
#gardencityjazz june 27 : july 25 code: UPW text UPW to (706) 528-6855
Get UPW delivered to your inbox OR your front door. Subscribe at growingaugusta.co/upw
Juneteenth Guide • Pages 6-7 this edition
UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 6 - 19, 2022
Georgia Medicaid clients asked to update account information to prepare for end of Public Health Emergency ATLANTA The Georgia Department of Human Services is preparing for redeterminations of Medicaid beneficiary eligibility by asking all clients to update their account information. This is the first step in the process to ensure eligible clients keep their coverage when the federal public health emergency (PHE) ends. In March 2020, the federal government began allowing states temporary adjustments to enrollment and redetermination policies to help prevent people with Medicaid from losing their health coverage during the pandemic. Only clients who died, moved out of state, were incarcerated, or asked for their coverage to end had their cases closed. The national PHE was previously extended through July 15, 2022. While it could be extended again, it is important for Georgia Medicaid clients to begin preparing by making sure their correct account details are listed in the Georgia Gateway customer portal. Georgia Medicaid clients can quickly and easily report any information that has changed from their last application or renewal by logging in or signing up for an account at gateway.ga.gov. This includes changes to their phone number, address, job or income, and people in their household. Georgia Gateway now offers a paperless option for clients to receive documents via email as a convenience. Clients can learn how to opt-in to paperless by watching “Go Green!”
RICHMOND COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION PROPOSAL NUM.: B-21-026-4050 Bond Issue Program PROJECT NAME: Blythe Elementary School HVAC Replacement
COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION OF RICHMOND COUNTY INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received for the Blythe Elementary School HVAC Replacement (B21-026-4050) by the County Board of Education of Richmond County at the address below until 3:00 PM local time, June 28, 2022. This will be a public bid opening, read aloud in the Richmond County Board of Education Conference Room located at 864 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. 30901. No extension of the bidding period will be made. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held June 8, 2022 @ 10:00 AM local time in the Media Center Conference Room, Blythe Elementary School HVAC Replacement, 290 Church Street, Blythe, GA 30805. Drawings and project manual on this work may be examined at the Department of Maintenance and Facilities, Richmond County Board of Education, 2956 Mike Padgett Hwy., Augusta, Georgia 30906. Bidding documents may be obtained at the Office of the Architect: 2KM Architects, Inc., 529 Greene Street, Augusta, Georgia 30901. Applications for documents together with r e f u n d a b l e deposit o f $100.00 set should be filed promptly with the Architect. Bidding material will be forwarded (shipping charges collect) as soon as possible. The full amount of deposit for one set will be refunded to each prime contractor who submits a bona fide bid upon return of such set in good condition within 10 days after date of opening bids. All other deposits will be refunded with deductions approximating cost of reproduction of documents upon return of same in good condition within 10 days after date of opening bid. Contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 35 days after time has been called on the date of opening. Bid must be accompanied by a bid bond in an amount not less than 5% of the base bid. Personal checks, certified checks, letters of credit, etc., are not acceptable. The successful bidder will be required to furnish performance and payment bonds in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities. To promote local participation, a database of Sub-contractors, Suppliers, and Vendors has been developed by the Program Manager, GMK Associates. Contact Jeanine Usry with GMK Associates at (706) 826-1297 for location to review and obtain this database. Bids shall be submitted and addressed to: Dr. Kenneth Bradshaw County Board of Education of Richmond County Administrative Office 864 Broad Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 c/o: Mr. Bobby Smith, CPA
RICHMOND COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION PROPOSAL NUM: B-21-026-4050.2 Bond Issue Program PROJECT NAME: Blythe Elementary School Roofing Replacement
Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received for the Blythe Elementary School Roofing Replacement (B21-026-4050.2) by the County Board of Education of Richmond County at the address below until 3:00PM local time, June 28, 2022. This will be a public bid opening, read aloud in the Richmond County Board of Education Conference Room located at 864 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. 30901. No extension of the bidding period will be made. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held June 8, 2022 @ 11:00 AM local time in the Media Center Conference Room, Blythe Elementary School, 290 Church Street, Blythe, GA 30805. Drawings and project manual on this work may be examined at the Department of Maintenance and Facilities, Richmond County Board of Education, 2956 Mike Padgett Hwy., Augusta, Georgia 30906. Bidding documents may be obtained at the Office of the Architect: 2KM Architects, Inc., 529 Greene Street, Augusta, Georgia 30901. Applications for documents together with refundable deposit of $100.00 set should be filed promptly with the Architect. Bidding material will be forwarded (shipping charges collect) as soon as possible. The full amount of deposit for one set will be refunded to each prime contractor who submits a bona fide bid upon return of such set in good condition within 10 days after date of opening bids. All other deposits will be refunded with deductions approximating cost of reproduction of documents upon return of same in good condition within 10 days after date of opening bid. Contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 35 days after time has been called on the date of opening. Bid must be accompanied by a bid bond in an amount not less than 5% of the base bid. Personal checks, certified checks, letters of credit, etc., are not acceptable. The successful bidder will be required to furnish performance and payment bonds in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price. In accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act, and the General Wage Determination’s available from the DOL for Richmond County (www.wdol.gov), the Contractor will be required to comply with the wage and labor requirements and to pay minimum wages in accordance with the schedule of wage rates established by the United States Department of Labor. The highest rate between the two (Federal and State) for each job classification shall be considered the prevailing wage. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities. To promote local participation, a database of Sub-contractors, Suppliers, and Vendors has been developed by the Program Manager, GMK Associates. Contact Jeanine Usry with GMK Associates at (706) 826-1297 for location to review and obtain this database. Bids shall be submitted and addressed to: Dr. Kenneth Bradshaw County Board of Education of Richmond County Administrative Office 864 Broad Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 c/o: Mr. Bobby Smith, CPA
AUGUSTA Richmond County School System Superintendent, Dr. Kenneth Bradshaw, sent the following message to school system families in response to the tragic school shooting that occurred recently at Robb Elementary School. Dear Richmond County School System Families, Like you, we are deeply saddened by the news of Tuesday’s shooting at Robb Elementary School in Texas. Please join us in keeping the students, staff and families of the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District in your thoughts during this time. School should and must be a place where students feel safe and secure. Though our schools dismissed students for summer break yesterday, school safety is always our highest priority. Our School Safety and Security Officers work and train year round on school safety plans and have a strong partnership with the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office to provide additional support when such needs arise. If you or your child have any safety concerns about our schools, please report them to the school office or by calling our 24/7 TipLine that is always available to receive information at 706-828-1077. Sincerely, Dr. Kenneth Bradshaw
UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 6 - 19, 2022
Richmond County 11 School Supt. message to families in response to the Texas School shooting Tragedy
UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 6 - 19, 2022
kgordon + friends Candlelight Music Series June 12 @ 7:30p Augusta Common 836 Reynolds St * Special Guests AE The Cool : is0latedbeauty : Cookie Pontoo : Mike Tanksley : Nya Lawrence : Jordan Deshong : Kigwana "Kigg" Cherry : PMG Music Group : Dae Made It (custom jewelry) : Yelp Augusta
Augusta Black Restaurant Week 2022 kickoff