Urban Pro Weekly

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Medical Associates Plus



New state-of-the-art healthcare facility opens in South Augusta




JUNE 12 - 18, 2014

The late Thomasina Ketch poses for photographer at Dent’s Funeral Home when the business was thriving. Photo by Vincent Hobbs (circa 1989).

Thomasina Ketch 1929 - 2014

Heir to one of state’s first black funeral homes

Eddie Bussey 706-772-9800

UrbanProWeekly •JUNE 12 -18, 2014

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Thomasina Ketch carried on the legacy of John Dent, founder of Dent’s Funeral Home By Frederick Benjamin Sr. Special thanks to Lillian Wan for her research AUGUSTA Thomasina Ketch died on Thursday, June 5, at the funeral home that her family had operated on 930 D’Antignac St. She was 85. Details of the circumstances surrounding her passing remain sketchy, but authorities have released a statement saying that she died from an “ongoing medical condition.” According to published reports, her body was discovered by her son, G.B. Hannon. No official obituary had been released as of the printing of this report (Thursday, June 12, 2012). When I heard of the passing of Thomasina Ketch, it immediately brought back memories of the woman who was mature (in her sixties) when I first met her sometime around 1987 in Augusta’s historic Laney-Walker district. She always carried herself with the air of a lady of distinction. Always well tailored, smiling and approachable. She knew everyone and everyone knew her. I would see her often at the funeral establishment on D’Antignac Street where she was born. Ketch lived in an apartment on the second floor of the funeral home just like her grandmother before her. As a writer/reporter for Augusta Focus, one of my duties was to visit all of the local funeral homes once a week to collect the obituaries which we would print in the weekly newspaper. It was only years later that I learned the history of the establishment and its importance in local and

state history. The building itself was distinct from the surrounding structures. Thomasina and her sister Juliette Ketch Burton were the granddaughters of John and Julia Dent who opened Dent’s Undertaking establishment in 1888 on the corner of Ninth and Barnes street in Augusta. It was the first black-owned funeral business in Augusta, and the oldest black funeral home in the state of Georgia. John Dent had lived on his father’s farm in the part of Richmond County near the present Tobacco Road. He learned the funeral business from a white funeral establishment (Platt’s Funeral Home). The proprietor taught Dent the art of embalming. At that time, there were no schools where blacks could learn the art. In 1900 the Dent’s moved the business to the present location on D’Antignac Street. The Dent’s lived on the premises. John Dent died in 1911 and his wife ran the business until she died in 1945. After that Thomasina and Juliette ran the business with their father, Thomas H. Ketch Sr., who died in 1986. The business operated until 2008 when it was forced to close due to financial difficulties. By that time the business had been mired in debt and ownership disputes that resulted in claims of theft and mismanagement. Over the years, Dent’s served as an incubator for black funeral home directors. According to Leo McNatt, John Dent’s nephew, Dent’s would


Historic Dent’s Funeral Home at its D’Antignac Street location in Augusta as it appeared in the 1920s. Thomasina Ketch was born and lived on the second floor of the building for many years just as her grandmother and mother had done. provide the experience and training to individuals who would eventually branch out on their own. A young Willie Mays Sr. (not the former mayor, but his grandfather) opened up W.H. Mays Mortuary in 1922 at 1221 Ninth Street (now James Brown Boulevard). That business is now run by his grandson and namesake. Israel Brown used the experience he gained at Dent’s to open Brown’s Funeral Home (now defunct), and Bennie Williams did

the same thing in starting Williams Funeral Home in May 1975 at 1765 Milledgeville Road (now Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard). With the exception of the C.A. Reid Sr. Memorial Funeral Home and the more recent Kinsey & Walton Funeral Home (begun in 2000), all of the other black funeral homes in Augusta owe their existence to Dent’s. In 1990, the funeral home was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.




read a report last week that described a rather heartwarming encounter between President Obama and one of the young men participating in his Brother’s Keeper initiative. Upon meeting the president, the young man gave Mr. Obama a Father’s Day greeting card. As he handed President Obama the card he explained that he had never signed a Father’s Day card before because his father had never been in his life. President Obama replied that he also had never signed a Father’s Day card, referring to his troubled relationship with his own father. As many of us prepare to celebrate our fathers this weekend, it’s a wonderful opportunity to explore how the experiences of a generation of young men and women who know all too well the struggle that Barack Obama and his young mentee share, shape our society, culture, and, ultimately, our future.

This story spoke to me in a powerful way. I was a grown woman and mother before I signed my first Father’s Day card. My father died when I was just four years old and his absence has created and an insurmountable void and a myriad of unanswered questions. I belong to a precarious group of Americans raised without their biological father. Some of us end up in the penal system. Some of us are college graduates. Some of us become reluctant absentee parents. Some of us grow up to be responsible parents who are involved in the lives of their children. Some of us fall prey to negative influences like gangs. Some of us have mentors or other role models to influence our lives. Some of us have bleak outcomes. Some of us become President of the United States (i.e. Bill Clinton, Barack Obama). The point is that, while having your father present in your life is incredibly significant, an absent

father does not have to be a death sentence. We might be a little broken, but we do not have to accept that our outlook is automatically doomed. Being a parent, in and of itself, is a precious gift. Fatherhood, however, is particularly exceptional because each of us acquire our biological identify from our fathers DNA. I would take it a step further. I would dare to say that, even for those of us who didn’t have our dads around while we were growing up, fathers a play an equally significant role in creating our non-biological self-identity as well. I’ll use myself as an example. I was raised by a single, widowed mother and I cannot begin to count the ways that woman has shaped me and my experiences. I look like her, speak like her, and, in many ways, I’ve adopted her creative and daring way of looking at the world. But keeping all of this in mind, my greatest passions were

inherited from and nourished by my father and the father figure that I have been fortunate enough to have throughout my life. I LOVE football. In the brief time that I spent with my biological father, I grew to adore the game to which he devoted nearly half of his life. It’s also obvious that I love writing and that I have an insatiable appetite for politics. If not for the presence of my mentor, Grady Abrams, you probably wouldn’t be reading this column right now. A great debt is owed to every man that takes the role of father seriously. To the fathers in my life and to every devoted dad that may read these words, I give kudos. Your work is appreciated. Your time is needed. Your impact is powerful. Your presence is necessary. KristieRobinJo@gmail.com @KristieRobinJ on Twitter KristieRobinSpeaks.wordpress.com

UrbanProWeekly • JUNE 12 - 18, 2014

Special Report: Thomasina Ketch - 1929-2014


UrbanProWeekly •JUNE 12 -18, 2014




Good Shepherd Baptist Church

Rev. Clarence Moore, Pastor 1714 Olive Road / P. O. Box 141 (mailing address) Augusta, GA 30903 706/733-0341- Telephone/706/667-0205 – Fax E-mail address: admin@goodshepherdaugusta.org Web address: goodshepherdaugusta.org Rev. Clarence Moore Church Service: 7:45 & 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. / Prayer Service: 11:00 a.m. – Wednesday Bible Study: 9:00 a.m. - Saturday / 7:00 p.m. - Wednesday

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CEO Janice Sherman of Medical Associates Plus at Belle Terrace talks to a dental assistant in the new dental clinic. Sherman oversees the first community health center in Augusta to be qualified to receive federal funding. The new $5 million facility on Golden Camp Road provides medical services to patients of all income levels in the community. Photo by Vincent Hobbs Janice Sherman has the distinction of overseeing Augusta’s first federally-qualified Community Health Center. She is also unique in the fact that she is an African-American CEO leading a multi-million dollar healthcare facility in the CSRA. An advocate for simplified access to healthcare for everyone, Sherman also lectures on healthcare issues to GRU students. Located on Golden Camp Road in the Belle Terrace neighborhood, Medical Associates Plus (MAP) meets the healthcare needs of the surrounding community. — Interview by Vincent Hobbs URBANPROWEEKLY: Tell us about your background and education. SHERMAN: I have served for the past three years as CEO. Prior to coming to Augusta, I served as CEO of an FQHC (Federally Qualified Health Center) in Southwest Georgia, and have also spent several years in healthcare consulting. I have a Masters of Public Administration from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State. UPW: What sparked your interest in the field of Healthcare Management? SHERMAN: When I grew up in the state of Mississippi, at the time, we had one doctor in town. He was an African-American physician – and he saw everybody. There was a black line for the blacks and a white line for the whites. I remember standing in the line for blacks. The white line would see the doctor the fastest. Sometimes we had to come back the next day or even the day after that if we couldn’t be seen. We would keep going back until we could be seen by the doctor. My mother was taking me for chronic ear infections, which persisted over my life. It really has to do with access to care – you can deal

Medical Associates Plus @ Belle Terrace, located on Golden Camp Road, opened their doors for business on June 2, 2014. The full-service medical clinic also has an upstairs women’s center for patients, an in-house pharmacy and a large conference room for community meetings. Photo by Vincent Hobbs with a kid with an ear infection and treat them, and save them a lot of heartache. It all goes back to that situation where I grew up and there were challenges with access to healthcare and therefore you have life-long chronic conditions that follow you. I am

one of those people. Because of that, I really had a desire to work in healthcare. I also lost three siblings to cancer - things that were certainly treatable Continued on next page

UrbanProWeekly • JUNE 12 - 18, 2014

Healthcare executive sees affordable treatment as a right, not a privilege


UrbanProWeekly •JUNE 12 -18, 2014


MEDICAL ASSOCIATES PLUS from page 5 – because of the challenge of access to healthcare at an early age. The desire to be a voice and advocates for those who can’t advocate for themselves has been a lifelong passion. Healthcare should not just be a privilege; it really should be a right. UPW: What are some of the most interesting features of the new Medical Associates Plus (MAP) building and how has it enhanced patient care? SHERMAN: The building is a model for energy efficient design. While not a green building in its entirety, it has many of the features including: Highly insulated building envelope; Recycled and local materials; Air sealed exterior walls and roof; Water-efficient fixtures; High-performance glass; Energy reflective roofing materials; Building oriented to control sunlight; Low Emitting Materials; Natural light and views to outside throughout; Automatic lighting controls and High-efficiency heating and cooling. Patient care is enhanced based on a design to specifically address better patient flow. The clinical teams are

divided into Pods that allow care that is provided consistently by a team that offers patient continuity. New service lines are afforded in the new space that include a focus on women’s health; our own retail pharmacy; oral health and soon, behavioral health counseling and support. A large community room offers room for broader patient education, training and use of the facility by the community. UPW: According to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), health centers provide “a health home for underserved people, improving public health, reducing the burden on hospital emergency rooms, and providing needed services such as free immunizations for uninsured children.” Are there any qualifications to receive treatment at your facility? SHERMAN: We see everyone! Patients who are interested in receiving discounts for services are seen based on a sliding fee scale and their ability to pay. For patients who qualify and verify that they have no income, they can be seen for a nominal fee of $25 for

Building a model community through trust

FISH FRY Hosted by District 6 Candidate

a primary care visit. The Women’s Center on the second level is an especially impressive wing of your facility. What is the main goal for this service and will there be obstetrics services available as well? The main goal is to direct a focus to this area based on some of our federally-directed clinical measures such as cervical cancer, breast health and others. Services for obstetrics are currently being reviewed with collaborating providers.

best outcomes for health issues?

UPW: Does MAP treat patients with emergency medical needs?

SHERMAN: We collaborate with local partners such as the regional cancer coalition and the GRU cancer center to direct patients toward these services at the moment, but will plan to bring many of these in-house, now that the facility offers us the space.

SHERMAN: True emergencies are directed to the local ER’s, as is the case with any provider. Most of our patients have emergency primary health care needs such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma and high risks for certain cancers and yes, we do treat them for these conditions. UPW: Follow-up care for patients can be the main factor between recovery and chronic sickness. Some patients may go for treatment and never return for subsequent follow-up exams. Are there any programs to provide a continuous flow of care for patients, to ensure the

SHERMAN: We do have case managers on staff who are dedicated to patient follow-up and ensuring that patients keep their appointments to promote the best long-term health outcomes for those who access services.

UPW: Are there any preventative healthcare programs in place at MAP, such as nutritional counseling, smoking cessation or STD prevention?

UPW: What would you like the community to know about MAP?

SHERMAN: MAP exists to provide quality and affordable healthcare to serve the entire community. Individuals and families no longer have to put off visiting a doctor or healthcare provider due to lack of insurance. We also have bi-lingual staff on board to address the needs of Spanish-speaking populations as well.

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UrbanProWeekly LLC Mailing Address: 3529 Monte Carlo Drive Augusta, Georgia 30906

Publisher Ben Hasan 706-394-9411 Managing Editor Frederick Benjamin Sr. 706-306-4647

706-814-5998 4137 Columbia Rd., Suite C, Martinez, GA 30907

Sales & Marketing Phone: 706-394-9411 Photography and Social Media Courtesy of Vincent Hobbs

email: Ben Hasan bzhasan54@yahoo.com Frederick Benjamin Sr. editor@urbanproweekly.com Vincent Hobbs coolveestudio@gmail.com

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UrbanProWeekly • JUNE 12 - 18, 2014



UrbanProWeekly •JUNE 12 -18, 2014


Sunset on the Savannah 2014


Saturday, June 14, 2014 7:00pm Free Admission Jessye Norman Amphitheatre



April 12: Signal Corps Jazz Combo June 14: Signal Corps Pop/Rock Combo August 9: Signal Corps R&B Combo

Be Sure To Vote on July 22 for Commission District 6 and Senate District 22

Sunset on the Savannah is a new series of events co-presented by City of Augusta Special Events, Augusta Recreation, Parks and Facilities, and Garden City Jazz in an effort to present consistent quality family entertainment at the Jessye Norman Amphitheatre. All music will be performed by the U. S. Army Signal Corps Band, based at Fort Gordon and admission is free. For more information, please call (706) 706-821-1754.


Politicians, corporations gain, while veterans lose Recently, I had a front row seat to the side show called the Veterans Administration disabilit y gauntlet. I am a retired veteran who applied for ser vice-connected disabilit y compensation in May 2013. A fter one year, I received a letter for a disabilit y medical examination. The letter stated QTC Medical will be conducting the examination in Atlanta, Georgia. I thought it odd and wastef ul to send veterans outside of Augusta, Georgia for routine medical examinations. Aug usta has t wo VA Medica l Centers, Eisenhower A rmy Medical Center, four major civ ilian hospita ls, and numerous medical of fices. However, enriching corporations at veteran expense is business as usual. QTC Medical is a Lock heed Martin company. QTC Medical is the largest provider of government-outsourced disabilit y examinations. In 2011, QTC Medical processed more than 450,000 VA medical evaluations. War may be hell for veterans, but profit heaven for corporations. Veteran miser y is a gold mine. QTC Medical makes huge profits for Lockheed Martin. In turn, Lockheed Martin f unnels monetar y contributions to Democrat and Republican politicians who keep up the public charade of showing concern for the men and women in uniform. Once again, politicians and corporations are lining their pockets at the expense of injured veterans. Lock heed Mar tin has two seats at the ta xpayer f unded government feed trough. They sell billion dollar weapon systems to the Depar tment of Defense and medical ser vices to the VA. Greedy politicians and corporations feast at the table while injured veterans are on the menu. Kevin Palmer, Retired Veteran Martinez, GA,


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WATERBRANCH BAPTIST CHURCH, located at 5701 Wrightsboro Road in Grovetown, GA, opens the food pantry (charitable food assistance) on the 3rd and 4th Saturday of every month, from 1-2pm. All are welcome. Rev. LJ Tanksley is the pastor.

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The Richmond County School System will accept bids and request for proposals until 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 9, 2014, for the following:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Towing Service RFQ #14-656 RE-BID XEROGRAPHIC PAPER RFQ #14-1019 3. Basketball/Wrestling Equipment Bid #357 Basketball/Wrestling Uniforms Bid #355

Bid specifications may be obtained by contacting Amy Bauman in the Business Office at 706-826-1298, on our web site at www.rcboe.org, or at the Richmond County School System, Central Office, 864 Broad Street, 4th Floor, Augusta, Georgia 30901. The Richmond County School System reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION OF RICHMOND COUNTY By: Dr. Frank G. Roberson, Secretary

Your child and the HPV vaccine Human Papillomavirus or HPV for short infects about 20 million people in the United States, most are in their teens and early 20’s. There are about 18,000 women and 7,000 men affected by HPV-related cancers in the United States each year. Vaccination against HPV infection could prevent most of these types of cancer. To receive the greatest protection all three doses should be given before any sexual activity begins. That is why HPV vaccination is recommended for preteen girls and boys at age 11-12 years. It is very important to complete all 3 shots to get the best protection. Now is a good time to call your doctor or the Richmond County Health Department at (706)721-5800 and ask about vaccines for your preteens and teens. You can also visit www.cdc.gov/hpv to learn more about HPV and the HPV vaccine.

UrbanProWeekly • JUNE 12 - 18, 2014



Live After 5

UrbanProWeekly •JUNE 12 -18, 2014


City Rec. Department launches free concert mini-series LIVE AFTER 5 CONCERT LINEUP June 20 Preston & Weston & The Lady In Red July 18 Tony Williams & The Blues Express August 15 Hazy Ray (New Orleans) 6 p.m. at the 8th Street Plaza Downtown, Augusta

GRU professor nominated for Emmy Award

City of Augusta Recreation, Parks, and Facilities presents LIVE AFTER 5, a series of free concerts, beginning on Friday, June 20 at 6:00pm at the 8th Street Plaza, downtown. The concerts are held on third Fridays and feature a few of the area’s most popular dance bands. LIVE AFTER 5 is the result of a continuing effort to present consistent quality entertainment in Augusta’s urban core and along Riverwalk. This summertime mini-series consists of three high-energy musical performances by local and regional bands along the 8th Street Plaza. LIVE AFTER 5 is made possible by a long-standing public-private partnership between Garden City Jazz and the City of Augusta Recreation, Parks, and Facilities. Other examples of their collaborative efforts include Candlelight Jazz (which recently expanded to a much larger venue, The Augusta Common) and Sunset on

the Savannah (free concerts featuring the U. S. Signal Corps Band, held at the Jessye Norman Amphitheatre). “My staff and supervisors have been working hard to ensure that the downtown parks and rental facilities are vibrant and brimming with activity, and the LIVE AFTER 5 series is yet another opportunity to showcase just a little of what makes downtown Augusta fun. The bands are great; the concerts end before dark; so LIVE AFTER 5 is perfect for families, or for people who are already downtown shopping or leaving work,” facilities director Yolanda Greenwood stated. Residents and visitors alike are invited to the 8th Street Plaza on 3rd Fridays to meet up with friends, enjoy great music, and dance after a long workweek. Free to attend. Bring seating and picnic. For more information or vendor/sponsor opportunities, please call (706) 706-821-1754.

Notice HousingResidents Residents Notice to to Public Public Housing Housing the City City of ofAugusta, Augusta,Georgia Georgia HousingAuthority Authority of of the

Notice to Public Housing Residents TheAugusta Augusta HousingAuthority Authority (AHA) (AHA) must amend approved Comprehensive The Housing Authority mustCity amendofitsitsAugusta, approved2014 2014 Comprehensive Housing of the Georgia Matthew Buzzell, Assistant Professor Agency Plans to comply with the statutory changes contained within, Public Law 113 – to comply with the statutory changes within, Public Law 113 – of Communications at Georgia RegentsAgency ThePlans Augusta Housing Authority (AHA) must amendcontained its approved 2014 Comprehensive 76, the Fiscal Year 2014 Appropriation Act. University, has been nominated for an Emmy comply with the statutory Fiscal Plans Year to2014 Appropriation Act. changes contained within, Public Law 113 – Award for his work as a consulting producer76, theAgency

the Fiscal Year 2014 Appropriation Act.set the flat rental amount for each public The 76, Augusta Housing Authority (AHA) will housing unitHousing that complies with the requirement that all rentsamount be set at noeach less public than 80 The Augusta Authority (AHA) will set the flatflat rental for The Augusta Housing Authority (AHA) will set the flat rental amount for each public percent of the applicable Fair Market Rent (FMR) adjusted, if necessary, to account for housing unit complies that complies with requirement that that all rents bebe setset at no less than than 80 80 housing unit utilities that with thethe requirement allflat flat rents no less reasonable costs. The new flat rental amount will apply to all newatprogram percent of the applicable Fair Market Rent (FMR) adjusted, if necessary, to account for percent of theeffective applicable Fair Market Rent (FMR) adjusted, if tonecessary, topay account admissions 1, 2014. current program participants the flatfor reasonable utilitiesOctober costs. The new flatFor rental amount will apply all newthat program rentaladmissions amount, the new flat rental will be offered, well to as all thethat income-based reasonable utilities costs. The new flat rental amount willasapply new program effective October 1, amount 2014. For current program participants pay the flat rentalrental amount, at the next annual rental option. amount, the new flat rental amount will be offered, as well as the income-based

on a recent feature-length documentary. Not Yet Begun To Fight explores the therapeutic value of fly fishing for combat veterans suffering from PostTraumatic Stress Disorder. Buzzell’s contribution to the film earned him a nomination in the Topical Documentary Matthew Buzzell category. He also served as co-composer of the film’s score. It was an honor to receive this nomination, and an even greater honor to work on this film,” Buzzell said. “Not Yet Begun To Fight captures the struggle of so many veterans returning from war. It’s deeply moving to participate in a project dedicated to telling their stories.” A winner at numerous film festivals, Not Yet Begun To Fight made its national broadcast premiere on PBS television in November 2013. Just weeks before his death, legendary film critic Roger Ebert gave the film “two thumbs up!” Not Yet Begun To Fight received a total of three nominations from the Northwest Chapter of The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences: Direction/Post-Production, Editing, and Topical Documentary. Buzzell is co-chair of The Cinema Series at GRU and instructs students in the Television and Cinema track of the GRU Department of Communications. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama from The University of the North Carolina School of the Arts and a Masters of Fine Arts in Directing from the American Film Institute. He has previously collaborated with a number of artists, including Sacha Baron Cohen, Diana Krall, Elvis Costello, Patti LaBelle, and Jimmy Scott. For more information on Not Yet Begun To Fight, visit www.notyetbeguntofightfilm. com. For more information on The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, visitwww.natasnw.org.

admissions effective October 1, 2014. For current program participants that pay the flat rental amount, at the next annual rental option. rental amount, Housing the new Authority flat rental(AHA) amountwill willplace be offered, well as theinincome-based The Augusta a cap onasany increase a family’s Augusta Housing (AHA) willisplace a cap any increase a family’s rentalThe payment exceeds 35 percent, and a result of on changes to the in flat rental rental amount, atthat the next Authority annual rental option. rental exceedsthe 35existing percent, flat and rental is a result of changes to the flatcompare rental that to amount as payment follows:that Multiply payment by 1.35 and amount as follows: Multiply the existing flat rental payment by 1.35 and compare that two to the updated flat rental amount; The Augusta Housing Authority (AHA) will present The Augusta Housing Authority (AHA) will place a cap on any increase in a family’s the updated flatfamily rental amount; The the Augusta Authorityof(AHA) will present two rent options to the as follows: lowerHousing of the product the calculation and the rent options to the family as follows: the lower of the product of the calculation and the rental payment that exceeds 35 percent, and is a result of changes to the flat rental updated flat rental amount; and the income-based rent. updated flat rental amount; and the income-based rent.

amount as follows: Multiply the existing flat rental payment by 1.35 and compare that to AHA will conduct oneone Public on Thursday, July 10, 2014will at9 9am. am. in the theThe updated flatwill rental amount; The Hearing Augusta Authority (AHA) present The AHA conduct Public Hearing Housing on Thursday, July 10, 2014 at in thetwo boardboard room of the J. Madden Reid Building located at 1435 1435 Walton WaltonWay, Way,Augusta, Augusta, the J. as Madden Reid at rent optionstoroom todiscuss theoffamily follows: theBuilding lower oflocated the product of the calculation andU.S. the Georgia the plans in accordance with the QHWRA and related Georgia to discuss the plans in accordance with the QHWRA and related U.S. updated flat rental and the Development income-based rent. subsequent Department of Housing andand Urban subsequentnotices noticesrelated related Department ofamount; Housing Urban Development(HUD) (HUD) to to thethe 20142014 Appropriations ActAct requiring to establish establishflat flatrents rents Appropriations requiringpublic publichousing housing authorities authorities to at at no no less than 80 percent of the fairfair market less than 80 percent of the marketrents. rents.

The AHA will conduct one Public Hearing on Thursday, July 10, 2014 at 9 am. in the board roomparties ofparties thecanJ.can Madden Reid Building located 1435upon Walton Way, Augusta Interested review and obtain draftcopy copy of theatPlans request. Residents Interested review and obtain a adraft of Plans upon request. Residents of public housing who would like attendthe thehearing hearing and transportation or or anyany of public who would attend require transportation Georgia tohousing discuss the planslike intotoaccordance with and the require QHWRA and related U.S interested persons requiring special assistance for hearing, visual, or language impairment interested persons requiring special Development assistance for hearing, visual, or language Department of Housing and Urban (HUD) subsequent notices impairment related to the are requested to contact the Resident Services Department at (706) 312-3155 later are requested to contactrd the Resident Services Department at (706) 312-3155nono later . than Thursday, July rd 3 requiring 2014 public housing authorities to establish flat rents at no . thanAppropriations Thursday, July 3Act less than 80 percent of the fair market Equalrents. Housing Opportunity Equal Authority Housing Opportunity The Housing of the City of Augusta The Housing ofExecutive the City of Augusta By: JacobAuthority L Oglesby, Director

Interested parties can review obtain a draft copy of housing, the Plans uponopportunity request. Resident By: Jacob Ladequate Oglesby, Director Mission Statement: Toand promote andExecutive affordable economic and a suitable living environment free from discrimination. To promote adequate and affordable housing, economic opportunity of public Mission housingStatement: who would like to attend the hearing and require transportation or any and a suitable living environment free from discrimination. interested persons requiring special assistance for hearing, visual, or language impairmen are requested to contact the Resident Services Department at (706) 312-3155 no late rd


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