JUNE 28 - 30, 2018 Online Edition
Star Parks
Artist’s Star Rising
Photo by Vincent Hobbs
UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 2018
Q&A Star Parks A Rising Star Interview by Vincent Hobbs “I’m awkward”. This is a phrase you might hear few times scattered throughout a conversation with up-and-coming CSRA artist Star Parks. Yet, one look at her soulful depictions of Black womanhood, colorful illustrations infused with power and regality, one quickly dismisses this shyly offered summation of herself. Awkwardness has no attachment to this young woman. After all, an artist who can pour such intense emotion into her artwork, causing one woman to declare, “I just got goosebumps” after observing an art piece – one can ascertain that the correct descriptive word for Parks is “powerful”. Petite in frame with a calming presence, Parks could easily be mistaken for a bright-eyed freshman college student. Yet, the 36-year-old mother of two kids has deep experience and training in the creative arts. UPW spent some time with Parks to get some insight into her current work and future plans. We discovered a soulful and determined creative woman about to break-out into the art stratosphere, blazing her own star.
UPW: What’s your earliest UPW: Why do you create art? memory of creating art? Star Parks: Creating is my Star Parks: As a child, I used to divine purpose. It provides a way write stories and books. I would for me to express myself, both create illustrations to go along consciously and subconsciously. with my stories. I had a huge It provides me with peace. imagination and most of the stories were about me going on UPW: Tell us about your eduadventures, living in huge houses, cation. and flying - all sorts of things. Star Parks: I attended gifted Then I began to draw the floor- and talented art classes at Strom plans of houses I imagined having Thurmond High School in Johnston, one day. I would draw the liv- SC. I began Lander University on ing rooms, kitchens, etc. with all an art scholarship and I graduated the appliances and decorations. I from the university in 2005 with a really focused on bedrooms, dec- Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts with orated exactly like I wanted and an emphasis in Graphic Design. The it featured me listening to music following fall, I was accepted into on a cool-looking radio. I enjoyed Lander’s M.A.T (Master of Arts in creating my own little world that Continued on next page I could escape to.
3 UrbanProWeekly • JUNE 2018 RISING ARTIST STAR PARKS poses for a photo at Humanitree House. Parks, who works with acrylics and incorporates other media into her paintings, focuses on the the female form with an Afrocentric twist. (June 23, 2018 - Augusta, GA) Photo by Vincent Hobbs
PARKS from page 2
Teaching Art Education) program - but I did not complete the program. UPW: What type of media do you use to paint/draw your creations? Star Parks: I mainly use acrylics, pens and Sharpies® but I have training in various media and processes, including sculpture and screen-printing. Some of my creations have been mixed media and I plan on experimenting with different types media in future work. UPW: You incorporate the nude female figure into many of your pieces. Star Parks: Why is this important to you? To me, nudity is organic and natural. Women are creators and
nurturers. Art that shows women in their natural and nurturing state is both powerful and divine. Creating women in this manner is my way of showing reverence and acknowledging our power and divinity. UPW: You mentioned that some viewers of your art have asked if you have similar pieces where the women are wearing clothes. What are your thoughts on this? Star Parks: I think it may make some viewers uncomfortable because of how society generally views nudity. Some equate nudity with sexual connotation. So when some viewers see nudity, they automatically may think sex - which may make them uncomfortable. Also, beliefs and concepts that they may have been
taught can influence their perception in that regard. UPW: Do artists have a responsibility to convey some type of message to the world? Star Parks: I think we do, especially if we are given a certain platform for exposure of our work. But I also think that we should remain authentic in our creativity, expression and delivery while sharing that message. UPW: What is one thing that you wish everyone knew about art? Star Parks: Art has no rules! UPW: Do you have plans for further exhibition of your work? Star Parks: Yes, I plan to display
during Arts in the Heart of Augusta and any other art/music/cultural festival that I can catch. I’ll eventually host my first solo art exhibit and ultimately exhibit in my own art gallery. UPW: What do you do to relax, apart from creating art? Star Parks: I listen to music and write. I write what I like to call “free thought” or “creative expressions”. I wouldn’t call myself a writer or poet just yet - but writing has become another mode of creating for me. I dabble with it randomly when inspiration hits, which often comes out of nowhere. Music and art go hand-inhand for me. Music creates a peace, a vibe for me. Creating and music are my peace!
UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 2018
LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT BOXER AARON CASPER (R) AND BOXING OPPONENT TIMOTHY HALL (L) exchange punches during a six-round match held at Paine College’s HEAL Complex. The boxing event featured five matches with local boxers, produced by Jabber Boxing Promotions. Casper won by unanimous decision. (June 23, 2018 - Augusta, GA) Photo by Vincent Hobbs/Sports Journal
(AT RIGHT) AARON CASPER (L) keeps the pressure on boxing opponent Timothy Hall (R) during a six-round light-heavyweight match held at Paine College’s HEAL Complex. (June 23, 2018 - Augusta, GA) Photo by Vincent Hobbs/Sports Journal
UrbanProWeekly • JUNE 2018
PARTY-GOERS ALLIE LINDELL (L) AND TYLER BUSBEE (R) find some relief from scorching outdoor temperatures by standing under a cooling tent during “Beats On Broad - The Yellow Party”, an outdoor dance party held at the Augusta Common. The event is part of 9th Annual Augusta Pride Festival. (June 22, 2018 - Augusta, GA) Photo by Vincent Hobbs/UPW HOOP ARTIST CHRIS BERKSHIRE performs in the crowd during “Beats On Broad The Yellow Party”, an outdoor dance party held at the Augusta Common. The event is part of 9th Annual Augusta Pride Festival. (June 22, 2018 - Augusta, GA) Photo by Vincent Hobbs/UPW
HOOP ARTIST JESS LANKFORD performs during “Beats On Broad - The Yellow Party”, an outdoor dance party held at the Augusta Common. The event is part of 9th Annual Augusta Pride Festival. (June 22, 2018 - Augusta, GA) Photo by Vincent Hobbs/UPW
UrbanProWeekly - JUNE 2018
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The Richmond County School System reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities.
Early Voting begins Monday, July 2 Advance Voting for Richmond County’s July 24, 2018 General Primary and Nonpartisan Runoff starts on Monday, July 2 and will continue through Friday, July 13, 2018 in the Linda W. Beazley Community Room in the Municipal Building at 535 Telfair Street from 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM daily. Beginning Monday, July 16 through Friday, July 20, 2018 Advance Voting will also be available at the Diamond Lakes Regional Park, 4335 Windsor
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Spring Road, at the Brigham Community Center, 2463 Golden Camp Road, and at the Warren Road Recreation Center, 300 Warren Road and voting hours will be extended to 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM daily. Anyone voting in person during Advance Voting must provide one of the six acceptable forms of photo identification prior to casting a ballot. There is no Saturday Voting during a runoff. Voting is not allowed on the Monday prior to the Election.
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URBAN PRO WEEKLY Publisher URBAN PRO WEEKLY MEDIA 706-306-4647 urbanpromedia@yahoo.com
CEO / Sales FREDERICK BENJAMIN SR. 706-306-4647 editor@urbanproweekly.com
Contributors VINCENT HOBBS Photography & New Media
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