Sports Co. seeks to make the CSRA Pro Sports friendly Barry Smith (R) of Lando Sports Promotions stands outside the Augusta Boxing Club with three of his fighters (L-R) Jade Ealy, Divante Jones and Javier Frazier. Smith is promoting CSRA Fight Party, Round 1, at the HEAL Complex on March 15th. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
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2 UrbanProWeekly • MAR. 6 - 12, 2014
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Barry Smith of Lando Sports Promotions talks to boxer Jade Ealy (L) who is working the heavy bag. Smith is promoting CSRA Fight Party, Round 1, at the HEAL Complex on March 15th. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Entrepreneur links passion for marketing & sports UrbanProWeekly: What is Lando Sports Promotions? BARRY SMITH: Lando Sports Promotions is a company that I started in 2006 to help bring more awareness to “life after sports”. I want to help athletes to be marketable while they are active in sports, and I also want to help after they retire to pursue other ventures. We stress the back-up plans such as education, financial planning, and entrepreneurship. The Lando logo symbolizes the student-athlete as the base - and the other branches are the parent, teachers, and coaches. The origination of the company logo is also personal – it honors my mother as the foundation, and the other three parts are her three children. UPW: How did you become involved in boxing promotion? SMITH: I realized a void for recognizing our local talent in boxing. These athletes are professionals and we have no true professional team here. It has been a long time since Augusta has given these athletes a platform to showcase the skills they have developed over the past decade or so of their lives. I also feel that boxing is an excellent way to stay in shape and a great skill for protecting yourself. UPW: Boxing as a sport has seen
major changes and has also witnessed the rise of MMA fighting popularity. What are some of your concepts to maintain interest in the sport? SMITH: We will bring entertaining sports showcases at affordable prices. We also plan to produce some more world boxing champions from Augusta like Ray Whitfield, Paul Williams and the late Vernon Forrest. We are committed to bringing the communities of Augusta together and working with various entities that can help this city thrive economically and socially. UPW: Are there other sports that your company promotes? SMITH: Lando Sports has been involved with promoting golf, tennis, baseball, basketball, football and track & field. UPW: Tell us a bit about your background and education. SMITH: I graduated from A.R. Johnson with the mindset of pursuing a medical or engineering career. After a year at Augusta College, I realized that I wanted to see more of what the world had to offer and joined the Navy. I finished my BBA in marketing at Augusta State University and started working in the corporate world. I currently teach math, a skill I use it every
day in budgeting and project management for events and daily business activities. My passion has always been in the areas of design, selling, promoting, and business. This business has helped me engage many of my Godgiven talents. UPW: What is CSRA Fight Party, Round 1? SMITH: CSRA Fight Party is a great night of boxing. We will have pro boxers in the boxing ring, the ring girls, great food and plenty of fun for everyone who attends. We call it a “Fight Party”, because we know people like to gather together with family and friends and enjoy the sport. This event is Round 1 - more events will follow in early May, mid-July and perhaps another in the fall. UPW: Who are the fighters for this event? SMITH: Divante Jones (2-0), Brandon Spencer and Jade Ealy are all from Augusta. Ealy will be making his professional debut as a boxer that night. We also have Sammie Milhouse from Bamberg and Javier Frazier from Aiken, South Carolina on the fight card. For those interested, we will have the boxer’s weigh-in at 7:30 pm, March 14th, at Bar 544 on Broad Street. UPW: You also own a sports appar-
el company, Lando Sports Apparel. Tell us about this enterprise and how it ties into your sports promotions. SMITH: Lando Sports Apparel provides affordable uniforms for teams. This allows the coaches and athletes to focus more on their craft and studies, instead of spending a lot of time doing fund-raisers. I have also been able to help parents by producing quality fan wear in support of their student-athlete. Raised by a single mother, I was not able to afford name brand clothing, so I had to be creative. It makes me feel special when I see an athlete or parent wearing a garment that I produced several years ago. We believe in quality, affordability, and style. UPW: What’s next for Lando Sports Promotions? SMITH: We want to open a store to provide the ultimate customer experience and to provide employment. We want to bring some of the best entertainment that has ever come to Augusta, GA. Although Augusta is between two major cities, Atlanta and Charlotte, we would like to bring a professional team of some type to the area. Email some ideas that you would like to see @ www.landosports.com. Interview by Vincent Hobbs
3 UrbanProWeekly • MAR. 6 -12, 2014
Lando Sports Promotions Mission Statement - To emphasize the importance of maintaining a balance between academics and athletics with the intent of preparing an athlete for life after the game.
UrbanProWeekly • MAR. 6 - 12, 2014
The City The emergence of Boss Deke POLITICAL ANALYSIS
City Hall power vacuum pits career bureaucrats against politicians By Frederick Benjamin Sr. UrbanProWeekly Staff Writer
AUGUSTA Is anyone surprised that after the departure of former city administrator Fred Russell, the city is still in sad shape. That’s not an exaggeration. I doubt that you can find a single sitting city commissioner who isn’t frustrated that it takes so much energy to get so little accomplished. Not one. A couple of months ago seven commissioners got together and sacked Russell. The vote was 7-0. The three absent commissioners may have gone fishing — including the mayor. A week ago, six commissioners voted to place a nearly $200 million SPLOST and bond package on the May 21 ballot. The vote was 6-0. Again, the four absent commissioners may have gone fishing. This time the mayor was present. In the absence of Fred Russell, mayor Deke Copenhaver has quietly and effectively begun to impose his will on the commission business. Witness the mayor’s recent lobbying efforts to get the latest special purpose local option sales tax (SPLOST) on the May 20, 2014 election ballot despite opposition from several other commissioners. Copenhaver, early on, expressed the need to act swiftly on approving a package to put before the voters, and by calling the meetings and making sure that his A-list of projects was constantly before those commissioners who participated in the SPLOST meetings, he increased the chances that he could get what he wanted out of the deal. Not only did Copenhaver get the issue on the ballot, but he got millions of dollars allocated for his pet projects as well as getting Georgia Regents University what they needed out of the deal. It was usually Fred Russell who had no problem carrying the mayor’s water, but Copenhaver demonstrated that he could wheel and deal with the best of them. The sad part is that commissioners seeking an accounting of previous SPLOST projects are still left “howling at the moon.” Russell’s departure has revealed a glaring divide in the operation of city
U W rban Pro
UrbanProWeekly LLC Mailing Address: 3529 Monte Carlo Drive Augusta, Georgia 30906
Mayor Deke Copenhaver, in the absence of a full-time city administrator quietely flexed his muscle and effectively set the agenda and the time table for a $200 million tax and loan package which included over $5 million for his own pet projects. Who said there’s no power in the mayor’s position? government that his presence had effectively masked — the push and pull between the commissioners and the department heads. As city administrator, Fred Russell was all-powerful. He had nurtured and expanded that power to such an extent that he made himself almost indispensable. Russell, representing the career civil servants and technocrats, served as a buffer between the elected officials and the department heads. However, he and the mayor were always tight. The mayor would always defer to Russell’s experience and expertise. When Russell was there, he protected his people (his top lieutenants anyway). It was nothing for him to say ‘my bad’ and take the heat when commissioners lost their patience with some of his “control” antics. Russell could take the heat — and often did. Russell realized that information was a commodity which he distributed to those he deemed worthy on a “need to know” basis. If an elected
Publisher Ben Hasan 706-394-9411 Managing Editor Frederick Benjamin Sr. 706-306-4647
official “didn’t need to know,” Russell made sure that they were effectively stonewalled. Transparency in Richmond County government was not about to happen under Russell’s watch. So now that Russell is gone, why is it that city government is no more transparent that before? If commissioners felt that getting rid of Russell would make everything a “cakewalk” and enhance access to information, they were sadly mistaken. One of the first post-Russell powerplays on behalf of the commission — the attempt to get data from his hard drive — fell flat. The city attorney and interim city administrator went into their “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” defensive posture and effectively scuttled the request. They could do so easily because they knew that the majority of the commissioners could care less about the request. They learned that from Russell. Commissioners will continue to
Sales & Marketing Phone: 706-394-9411 Photography and Social Media Courtesy of Vincent Hobbs
find it difficult to “impose their will” on the “timid” city employees who are no longer under Russell’s protection. In reality, getting information from city employees is still tantamount to “pulling teeth.” Except, of course, for Mayor Copenhaver. You can bet that if Deke Copenhaver wanted the contents of Fred Russell’s hard drive, he would get it without question. The culture down at City Hall favors the career employees — not the politicians. It’s the politicians versus the technocrats and the technocrats are winning. There seems to be an “us-againstthem” attitude among city employees (department heads) in dealing with “bothersome” requests from commissioners. Simply put, there’s very little transparency in city government because the city department heads realize that the less the commissioners know about how their departments operate, the less the chance that they’ll be micromanaged. Department heads can and will close ranks against what they perceive as “meddling” politicians. Commissioners attempting to get information are often met with what many of them will likely perceive as feigned ignorance, wanton disrespect or disregard. That’s just how the technocrats roll and, unfortunately, new blood on the commission will do little to change that culture. Information is key, and commissioners can’t get their hands on enough of it in a timely fashion. This was glaringly evident in the last commission meeting where attempt after attempt to get some “clarity” on past actions seemed to fall on deaf ears among those department heads involved. In one case, Commissioner Marion Williams was attempting to find out just how the city landed the “debris removal contract” with a couple of FEMA-connected contractors. Try as he might, he could not get his questioned answered by city engineer Abie Ladsen or procurement chief Jeri Sams. While they gave the commissioners explanations, they obviously evaded the real intent of his question. On another issue, city employees responsible for keeping track of the SPLOST expenditures would not bring themselves to answer simple requests.
email: Ben Hasan bzhasan54@yahoo.com Frederick Benjamin Sr. editor@urbanproweekly.com Vincent Hobbs coolveestudio@gmail.com
ATLANTA The Georgia State Senate passed Senate Bill 383, which clarifies current law regarding a coroner’s obligations regarding unclaimed objects or property related to the deceased individual. The legislation passed by a vote of 51 to 0 and was sponsored by Sen. Hardie Davis (D-22). “This legislation does not change existing law. It simply clears up any ambiguities to ensure families are receiving the possessions and articles of their loved ones after death,” said
Sen. Davis. Current law states that coroners and county medical examiners who are unable to locate family members of the deceased are to take possession of and inventory all property found on the person, and surrender this property to those entitled to take custody of the possessions. SB 383 clarifies that this property should not be converted to the personal use of the coroner or medical examiner. Current law also states the possession of any objects, anatomical spec-
imens or articles related to the identification or cause of death belongs to coroners, medical examiners or peace officers until the need for retention ends. SB 383 also clarifies these objects should be returned to the family members of the deceased when need for investigation or prosecutorial purposes ends. SB 383 now transfers to the House of Representatives for consideration. Sen. Hardie Davis serves as the Chairman of the Interstate Cooperation Committee.
District 2 Forum set for March 10 AUGUSTA The Turpin Hill Neighborhood Association (THNA) will hold a public forum for candidates for the District 2 Commission seat on Monday, March 10 at 6 p.m. at the Carrie J. Mays Community Center. Candidates who have qualified to run for the seat are Dennis Williams and Cleveland Garrison. Moderator will be Barbara A. Gordon, publisher of The Metro Courier newspaper. Belle Clark is THNA president. For more information, call (706) 7242768.
Candidates rush to qualify local, state races MAYOR Helen Blocker-Adams Charles Cummings Alvin D. Mason COMM. DIST. 2 Cleveland Garrison Dennis Williams COMM. DIST. 4 Melvin Ivey Tomasenia Jackson Sammie L. Sias Gwen Watts
COMM. DIST. 6 Bob Finnegan Roger Garvin Angela C. Harden Ben Hasan
BD OF ED. DIST. 7 Frank Dolan
BD OF ED. DIST. 9 James Swanagan
BD OF EDUCATION BD OF ED. DIST. 2 Frank V. Beckles Jr.
COMM. DIST. 10 Brandon K. Dial Grady Smith
BD OF ED. DIST. 6 Jark Padgett Jr.
Additional candidates are expected to qualify. Qualifying had not concluded at the time of this report. Qualifying ends at noon on Friday, March 7, 2014
Building a model community through trust
Commission District 6 Always moving our community into the future
UrbanProWeekly • MAR. 6 -12, 2014
LOCAL NEWS Senate passes bill clarifying coroners’ handling of property of the deceased
UrbanProWeekly • MAR. 6 - 12, 2014
Harold v. Jones ll
State Senate District 22
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The Key of Elyon tells the story of AUGUSTA The two-day Augusta Literay a 12-year-old boy who discovers an ancient book that transports him to Festival concluded this weekend. Augusta author Charmain another realm. Zimmerman-Brackett won the 2014 Yerby Award for Fiction with her novel, The Key of Elyon. The award is named in honor of Frank Yerby, an Augusta native whose novel The Foxes of Harrow was the first by an African-American author to sell a million copies. It is awarded by Paine College during the annual Augusta Literary Festival.
Violette Meier, a fiction author and poet, displays her books “This Sickness We Call Love” and “Angel Crush” at the 3rd Annual Augusta Literary Festival, held at the Headquarters Library. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Taking second-place was Tyora Moody, who wrote When Rain Falls, followed by Regina Jeffers with The Mysterious Death of Mr. Darcy in
third place. Jessica Hawke came in fourth with her book, Phantom Touch, and Alicia Michaels was fifth with Child of the Sacred Earth.
Fiction writer Alicia Michaels (R) discusses fantasy writing during an author’s workshop held at the Headquarters Library as part of the 3rd Annual Augusta Literary Festival. The two-day event featured dozens of writers and their books, panel discussions on writing and book awards. Jessica Hawkes, who writes paranormoramal and urban fantasy fiction, is seated on the left. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Local artist offers new work of fiction
Fiction writer C. Michael Forsyth, author of “The Identity Thief”, discusses his book with an event participant at the 3rd Annual Augusta Literary Festival, held at the Headquarters Library.Photo by Vincent Hobbs
Artist Baruti Tucker thumbs through a copy of his new book “Metatalah” during the graphic novel’s debut at a reception and art show held at the Jessye Norman School of the Arts. Original paintings from the novel are on display in the background of this image. Tucker illustrated and wrote the science-fiction graphic novel that “explores the possibility of an underwater world that exists within us all”. Dozens of art supporters purchased signed copies of the book and enjoyed live music and refreshments at the Sunday afternoon event. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
UrbanProWeekly • MAR. 6 -12, 2014
Fantasy writer wins 2014 Yerby Fiction Award
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MEETING NOTIFICATION Augusta Aviation Commission Meeting The Augusta Regional Airport Aviation Commission Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Commission Chambers located in Administration on the 2nd floor of the Airport. Please feel free to contact Airport Administration at 706-798-3236.
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UrbanProWeekly • MAR. 6 -12, 2014
Garden City Jazz : March Calendar Of Events
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Urban Sports Lens
Join the Volunteer Service Day this weekend AUGUSTA Richmond County will hold a Volunteer Service Day on March 8th, 2014 to assist those still in need of debris removal. Citizens are encouraged to go out in their neighborhood and see if their neighbors need help getting debris to the road. Residents may slso go to Pine View Baptist Church at 119 Pleasant Home Road at 7:30 AM, to meet the Samaritan’s Purse team and head out with one of their crews. Volunteers are asked to wear appropriate clothing and bring work gloves. Work boots are preferred not mandatory. Volunteers should bring a bottle of water and bag lunch. Bring a camera/ cell phone to submit photos to EMA. The volunteer day will last until 4:30 p.m., but participants do not have to make that full commitment. Those who cannot make this Saturday are encouraged to do what they can this Monday-Saturday before March 15th, 2014.
New Debris Removal Guidelines To improve the efficiency of the debris removal effort, citizens should use the following guidelines when placing debris: · Move all clean, vegetative debris (trees/ limbs) from your property to the right of way; crews will not go on to private property to remove debris. · No construction debris or materials other than vegetative debris should be placed or mixed with vegetative debris for removal; these materials will not be picked up. · Be careful in placement of debris to ensure that debris is not placed over water meters, around mailboxes, street light poles, power poles or other structures that could be damaged by removal equipment. · Bagged debris will not be collected as part of this effort; this is considered yard waste and will be picked up based on the regular solid waste schedule.
UrbanProWeekly • MAR. 6 -12, 2014
Paine’s Kelsey Baker throws a pitch in the first game of a softball double-header against Benedict College. The Lady Lions, in their home opener game, braved frigid temperatures as they played at Laney High School’s softball field. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
GRU Augusta women’s tennis player Aida Castany, a junior student from Barcelona, Spain, returns the ball in a Peach Belt conference match against Lander University at Newman Tennis Center. Photo by Vincent Hobbs
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UrbanProWeekly • MAR. 6 - 12, 2014
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Clash in Ukraine made worse by U.S. hypocrisy by Seumas Milne
iplomatic pronouncements are renowned for hypocrisy and double standards. But western denunciations of Russian intervention in Crimea have reached new depths of self parody. The so far bloodless incursion is an “incredible act of aggression”, US secretary of state John Kerry declared. In the 21st century you just don’t invade countries on a “completely trumpedup pretext”, he insisted, as US allies agreed that it had been an unacceptable breach of international law, for which there will be “costs”. That the states which launched the greatest act of unprovoked aggression in modern history on a trumped-up pretext – against Iraq, in an illegal war now estimated to have killed 500,000, along with the invasion of Afghanistan, bloody regime change in Libya, and the killing of thousands in drone attacks on Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, all without UN authorisation – should make such claims is beyond absurdity. It’s not just that western aggression and lawless killing is on another scale entirely from anything Russia appears to have contemplated, let alone carried out – removing any credible basis for the US and its allies to rail against Russian transgressions. But the western powers have also played a central role in creating the Ukraine crisis in the first place. The US and European powers openly sponsored the protests to oust the corrupt but elected Viktor Yanukovych government, which were triggered by controversy over an all-or-nothing EU agreement which would have excluded economic association with Russia. In her notorious “fuck the EU” phone call leaked last month, the US
official Victoria Nuland can be heard laying down the shape of a post-Yanukovych government – much of which was then turned into reality when he was overthrown after the escalation of violence a couple of weeks later. The president had by then lost political authority, but his overnight impeachment was certainly constitutionally dubious. In his place a government of oligarchs, neoliberal Orange Revolution retreads and neofascists has been installed, one of whose first acts was to try and remove the official status of Russian, spoken by a majority in parts of the south and east, as moves were made to ban the Communist party, which won 13% of the vote at the last election. It has been claimed that the role of fascists in the demonstrations has been exaggerated by Russian propaganda to justify Vladimir Putin’s manoeuvres in Crimea. The reality is alarming enough to need no exaggeration. Activists report that the far right made up around a third of the protesters, but they were decisive in armed confrontations with the police. Fascist gangs now patrol the streets. But they are also in Kiev’s corridors of power. The far right Svoboda party, whose leader has denounced the “criminal activities” of “organised Jewry” and which was condemned by the European parliament for its “racist and antisemitic views”, has five ministerial posts in the new government, including deputy prime minister and prosecutor general. The leader of the even more extreme Right Sector, at the heart of the street violence, is now Ukraine’s deputy national security chief. Neo-Nazis in office is a first in postwar Europe. But this is the unelected government now backed by the US and EU. And in a contemptuous rebuff
to the ordinary Ukrainians who protested against corruption and hoped for real change, the new administration has appointed two billionaire oligarchs – one who runs his business from Switzerland – to be the new governors of the eastern cities of Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk. Meanwhile, the IMF is preparing an eye-watering austerity plan for the tanking Ukrainian economy which can only swell poverty and unemployment. From a longer-term perspective, the crisis in Ukraine is a product of the disastrous Versailles-style break-up of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. As in Yugoslavia, people who were content to be a national minority in an internal administrative unit of a multinational state – Russians in Soviet Ukraine, South Ossetians in Soviet Georgia – felt very differently when those units became states for which they felt little loyalty. In the case of Crimea, which was only transferred to Ukraine by Nikita Khrushchev in the 1950s, that is clearly true for the Russian majority. And contrary to undertakings given at the time, the US and its allies have since relentlessly expanded Nato up to Russia’s borders, incorporating nine former Warsaw Pact states and three former Soviet republics into what is effectively an anti-Russian military alliance in Europe. The European association agreement which provoked the Ukrainian crisis also included clauses to integrate Ukraine into the EU defence structure. That western military expansion was first brought to a halt in 2008 when the US client state of Georgia attacked Russian forces in the contested territory of South Ossetia and was driven out. The short but bloody conflict signalled the end of George Bush’s unipolar world in which the US
empire would enforce its will without challenge on every continent. Given that background, it is hardly surprising that Russia has acted to stop the more strategically sensitive and neuralgic Ukraine falling decisively into the western camp, especially given that Russia’s only major warm-water naval base is in Crimea. Clearly, Putin’s justifications for intervention – “humanitarian” protection for Russians and an appeal by the deposed president – are legally and politically flaky, even if nothing like on the scale of “weapons of mass destruction.” Nor does Putin’s conservative nationalism or oligarchic regime have much wider international appeal. But Russia’s role as a limited counterweight to unilateral western power certainly does. And in a world where the US, Britain, France and their allies have turned international lawlessness with a moral veneer into a permanent routine, others are bound to try the same game. Fortunately, the only shots fired by Russian forces at this point have been into the air. But the dangers of escalating foreign intervention are obvious. What is needed instead is a negotiated settlement for Ukraine, including a broad-based government in Kiev shorn of fascists; a federal constitution that guarantees regional autonomy; economic support that doesn’t pauperise the majority; and a chance for people in Crimea to choose their own future. Anything else risks spreading the conflict. Seumas Milne is a Guardian columnist and associate editor. His most recent book is The Revenge of History: The Battle for the 21st Century. His previous books include, The Enemy Within and Beyond the Casino Economy (co-authored with Nicholas Costello). He tweets @SeumasMilne
‘N’ a league of their own
eople who know me well know that I am often driven by obsessions. Two of the topics that I am especially obsessed with are football and the always provocative and controversial discourse surrounding the use of the dreaded “n” word. The past few weeks have given me an incredible gift as the two subjects collided in the news cycle. Amongst other off-season changes, the National Football League is considering adding a penalty for the use of the “n” word on the field during game play. As anyone can imagine, the discussion has been heated and lines have been drawn on both sides of the argument. As a lifelong fan of the sport and a self-proclaimed “n” word expert, my initial reaction been driven by three specific ideas. First, a penalty for
using unsavory language on the field already exists. It’s called unsportsmanlike conduct. Every referee that officiates an NFL game already has the authority to penalize a player for using a racial slur if he chooses to call it. Truthfully, it is unsportsmanlike to use bigoted language regardless of the term—which brings me to my second point. Why did they single out the “n” word specifically? The “n” word has become so hyped and such a political grenade that the NFL and popular culture in general has decided that the absolute worst thing that anyone could ever call another person under any circumstances is a nigger. I think there’s room for disagreement here. I’ve been called a lot of things by a lot of different people, the “n” word included, and while it is a mean and ugly
name, I can readily think of worst things that have been uttered in my presence. This is a matter of opinion. But for the argument of fairness, if the league chooses to fine or penalize players for using the “n” word, should not the same fine or penalty be levied for the use of the “f” word, the “b” word, the “p” word, the “a” word, and any other derogatory moniker that one could imagine? Finally, as cringe-worthy as it sounds, the “n” word is evolving. The average age of an NFL player is about 26. These young men came of age in the new millennium. While many of them are not distantly separated from some of the aftereffects of racism, very few of them know what it’s like firsthand to be so viciously prejudged and detested. They know what it is to be followed around a store
because the owners have bought into an untrue stereotype; but they don’t know the sting of a fire hose at full blast ripping off your skin. As the culture has shifted, so has the “n” word. How it is used and who it used by has changed significantly in the last 40 years. Older institutions, like the NFL, should take this into consideration as they make efforts to keep pace with the culture around them. While it is noble to want to do away with a word wrought with such a heavy past and rooted in hatred; is it not nobler to engage in the real work of creating a culture within your institution where all humans are welcome, supported, and no one has to worry about being so severely disrespected? KristieRobinJo@gmail.com @KristieRobinJ on Twitter
WORSHIP Directory
Rev. Clarence Moore, Pastor 1714 Olive Road / P. O. Box 141 (mailing address) Augusta, GA 30903 706/733-0341- Telephone/706/667-0205 – Fax E-mail address: admin@goodshepherdaugusta.org Web address: goodshepherdaugusta.org Rev. Clarence Moore Church Service: 7:45 & 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. / Prayer Service: 11:00 a.m. – Wednesday Bible Study: 9:00 a.m. - Saturday / 7:00 p.m. - Wednesday
2323 Barton Chapel Road • Augusta,GA 30906 706.790.8185 / 706.922.8186 (fax) Visit Us @ www.broadwaybaptistaug.org • Join us on facebook Dr. C. William Joyner, Jr. Senior Pastor
Start your calling today! Mount Olivet Certified Academic Institution 706.793.0091 • 706.793.0335 • www.mocai-aug.org
Everfaithful Missionary Baptist Church
314 Sand Bar Ferry Road Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 722- 0553 Church School Sunday 9:25am Morning Worship Sunday 11am Evening Worship 6pm (1st & 3rd Sunday) Midday Prayer 12pm Wednesday Intercessory Prayer/Bible Study 6pm Wednesday
Bishop Rosa L. Williams, Pastor
Radio Broadcast: Sundays • WKZK 103.7 FM at 7:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Services 10 am Wednesday Services 7 pm 2070 Brown Road, Hephzibah, GA 30815 (706) 592-9221 | www.alwc.net
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UrbanProWeekly • MAR. 6 -12, 2014
Sunday School 8:30 am Morning Worship Services: 9:45 am Evening Worship Services 6 pm (4th Sunday) Bible Study: 6pm (Mondays) Midday Bible Study: 12pm (Tuesdays) Prayer Services: 6pm (Wednesdays) Celebrate Recovery: 6pm (Fridays) and 12pm (Mondays)
Good Shepherd Baptist Church
UrbanProWeekly • MAR. 6 - 12, 2014
Paine History Club to conduct Cedar Grove Cemetery Tours The public is invited to join student members of Paine College’s History Club in their fifth annual Living History Guided Re-Enactment Tours at Cedar Grove Cemetery, Augusta’s Historic African American
Cemetery on Saturday, March 8, 2014, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tours will begin on the hour at 11, 12, and 1:00 p.m. The last tour begins at 1:00 p.m. To get to Cedar Grove Cemetary:
Support Paine’s Home Depot Effort
From Paine College, please take Laney-Walker Blvd to 2nd Street. Turn left on 2nd Street continue until you reach Watkins Street. Turn right for Cedar Grove Cemetery at 120 Watkins Street, Augusta, GA.
Please park on the street. For more info, call the Paine College History Club advisors, Professor Audie Holmes, 706-8218371, and Professor Robert Jones, 706-267-1120.
Home Depot Retool Your School Grant Program is up and running again for another year. Please vote and support Paine College in their campus improvement proposal. Online voting began February 17, 2014 and ends on April 14, 2014. One vote per personal device per day during voting period. Go to www.retoolyourschool.com/ vote-now/. Paine is asking the community to help by voting daily.
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UrbanProWeekly • MAR. 6 -12, 2014
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