Urban Pro Weekly

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MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014

Photos by Vincent Hobbs


Eddie Bussey 706-772-9800

UrbanProWeekly •MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014

2 Apartments starting at $425

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3 UrbanProWeekly • MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014

BUILT FOR COMFORT If you haven’t been to an Augusta Commission meeting lately, you may be in for a surprise. The new Augusta Commission chambers are now located on the second floor of the Municipal Building. The new meeting room, with space for nearly two hundred spectators, is part of the $40 million dollar expansion and renovation of the building. Photos by Vincent Hobbs

Photo by Vincent Hobbs

U W rban Pro


UrbanProWeekly LLC Mailing Address: 3529 Monte Carlo Drive Augusta, Georgia 30906

Publisher Ben Hasan 706-394-9411 Managing Editor Frederick Benjamin Sr. 706-306-4647

Sales & Marketing Phone: 706-394-9411 Photography and Social Media Courtesy of Vincent Hobbs

email: Ben Hasan bzhasan54@yahoo.com Frederick Benjamin Sr. editor@urbanproweekly.com Vincent Hobbs coolveestudio@gmail.com

UrbanProWeekly •MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014


Mrs. Carrie Hobbs, 82, laughs during a photo session inside her home. She has been helping people in need for the past 20 years through her food pantry work in the CSRA community. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

A Heart of Giving

CARRIE HOBBS & THE WATER BRANCH FOOD PANTRY by Vincent Hobbs Special to UrbanProWeekly The room in the back of the church is small and cramped, filled with several rows of closely packed tables and chairs. The bright fluorescent lighting gives a washed out appearance to the almost non-existent décor of the room. A lone mud wasp buzzes intermittently near the ceiling, an invader who goes mostly unnoticed. An elderly couple sits in a corner near the front, where two tables have been pushed together to form a sign-in station for people to come and give their names and indicate the size of their families. Seated at the front of the room is a woman with a kind face and big smile, who greets each visitor with a resounding, hearty, “Hello! How are you doing?” The 80-something woman with the effervescent per-

sonality is Carrie Hobbs, the founder of a food pantry to help feed needy people. They trickle in one by one, family by family. A middle-aged woman with a young child in-tow warmly greets Mrs. Hobbs. She has brought a few tomato plants to offer as a ‘thank you’ for the help she has received. A thirty-something couple, both wearing work uniforms from a Richmond County school, enters and signs the sheet. A young family of five takes a seat near the middle of the room as the mother signs in. A rapport of familial love is evident as they banter back and forth. “Let us sing a devotional to get things started,” Mrs. Hobbs announces, and a few verses of “Come By Here, My Lord” is sung by almost everyone in the room. A relaxing vibe permeates the air. “Would anyone like to say a prayer?”

The woman who brought the tomato plants asks for a Bible, and reads a verse from the Old Testament. In the adjacent back room of the kitchen, church volunteers are busy organizing canned goods, bread, frozen meats and non-perishable items into bags for those who have come for assistance. A young mother, who walks in with a toddler and a small child, is relieved to find the church, after calling several times to get directions. “Do you have any children’s clothes available?” she asks. “We have some clothes available sometimes, but not today,” Mrs. Hobbs explains. Curiosity and relief is seen in the faces of the people as the church volunteers begin to bring out bags of food. “You guys can leave once you have your food,” a volunteer announces after noticing that the

newest visitors continue to sit after receiving their groceries. Perhaps it is the sense of caring that beckons them to linger. Mrs. Hobbs has been caring for hungry folks in the CSRA for almost three decades. Her initial foray into feeding those in need started with a food pantry she organized at Spring Hill Baptist Church in the 1980’s. After eleven years, she made a decision to leave and find another way to help in the community. She spent some time as a volunteer at JWC Helping Hands located in Dogwood Terrace, but it was not the vision she wanted to emulate.

“When I left Helping Hands, I wasn’t going to do it anymore,” she explained. “But I woke up one night and God put it my mind that this was Continued on next page

Food Pantry from page 4 ment assistance such as SNAP, WIC and free school lunch programs. Supplemental programs such as food pantries can mean the difference between a family being able to eat a nutritious meal - or going hungry. Mrs. Hobbs recruited a team of seven church volunteers to help distribute food on the third and fourth Saturdays of the month at Water Branch in Grovetown. She pays for most of the food items out of her own pocket. Some donations come from the church volunteers. “We have never been out of food, we always have something to give to the people,” she said. “How can you expect to receive without giving? Her husband Charles makes a big impact by helping with the shopping for the food items and with the transport of food to the church. “He’s been a big help with his support,” she complimented. Mrs. Hobbs would like to see more support for food pantries in the local community. “I’ve actually heard it suggested that I should be concerned about people asking for help when they don’t actually need it,” she said. “I think if people are willing to come and ask for help, they must need it. If they don’t need it, they are the ones who must answer for their actions. We do whatever we can.” ‘Whatever we can’ has translated into hundreds of CSRA families being able to eat a meal due to the charitable giving of a great-grandmother with a heart to feed the hungry. The impact has been immeasurable.

LETTERS Troubling view of a treasured institution The quest for power and the acquisition of same might be considered a noble and glorious venture, however in the wrong hands power and entitlement can elevate one to a status beyond the troposphere. I am sorely disappointed in all information that I am reading about some candidates for local government, but I would like to address a concern that is much more personal. It is beyond sad to watch one of Augusta’s most treasured institutions fall prey to faulty leadership. Immaculate Conception Catholic School has faithfully served students of all faiths since its inception over one hundred years ago. It began as a Mission School under the leadership of dedicated Priests and Nuns who responded to the need for educating Black children in Augusta. A Boarding House where many of the students once resided now stands in shambles on Twelfth Street. Over the past three years there have been several swift and chaotic changes that have greatly impacted this institution and the community as well. The first change came when the original building was demolished due to deteriorating conditions. The school was then relocated to Telfair Street; it is currently a Parish School of The Church of the Most Holy Trinity. Within this school year most of the teachers and staff have been dismissed or resigned due to unwarranted punitive measures or the failure of leadership to share its vision with the staff. Since this is

a private school employees have no recourse as letters of concern have been answered in politically correct terms only. Whatever leadership deems appropriate is the flavor of the day. One should use caution when ruling with an iron fist as often times it can break the fist of the ruler. Leadership has broken the spirits and hearts of many at Immaculate Conception. As in the Old Catholic tradition where wrong doings can be justified or simply ignored, my fear is that this situation will continue until the present leadership is removed. The school is worth saving. There are bright young minds that need the benefits of wisdom from veteran educators as well as the exciting energy of novices. Improvements made both inside and out are beautiful; inside there are many reminders of everything that Christianity stands for. What is sorely missing is the “Christ-like” attitude that is falsely represented by leadership. The vacant site on which the school once stood is a bleak reminder of what once was and what is happening today. I will probably go down in the annals of Catholicism as a disgruntled former employee. This will pass, but the truth will remain constant. Earlene Anderson-Gray Retired Educator, Richmond County Board of Education Former Employee of Immaculate Conception Catholic School


INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals from contractors will be received for the Barton Chapel Elementary School Additions and Renovations Project B-12-014-2050 by the County Board of Education of Richmond County at the address below until 3:00 p.m. local time, on Thursday, June 24, 2014 , at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read. No extension of the bidding period will be made.

A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. local time in the Board Conference Room, Richmond County Board of Education, 864 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia, 30901

Drawings and project manual on this work may be examined at the Department of Maintenance and Facilities, Richmond County Board of Education, 1781 15th Street, Augusta, Georgia 30901.

Bidding documents may be obtained at the office of the architect: 2KM Architects, Inc., 529 Greene Street, Augusta, GA 30901. Applications for documents together with refundable deposit of $300.00 per set should be filed promptly with the architect. Bidding material will be forwarded (shipping charges collect) as soon as possible. The full amount of deposit for one set will be refunded to each prime contractor who submits a bona fide bid upon return of such set in good condition within ten (10) days after date of opening bids. All other deposits will be refunded with deductions approximating cost of reproduction of documents upon return of same in good condition within ten (10) days after date of opening bid. Contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty-five (35) days after time has been called on the date of opening.

Bid must be accompanied by a bid bond in an amount not less than 5% of the base bid. Personal checks, certified checks, letters of credit, etc., are not acceptable. The successful bidder will be required to furnish performance and payment bonds in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price. The Richmond County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities.

BID LIST: The Richmond County Board of Education maintains a bid list for many categories that are let for bid each year. Contact Amy Bauman in the Business Office (706) 826-1298 or at baumaam@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us for additional information concerning the bid list. To promote local participation, a database of sub-contractors, suppliers, and vendors has been developed by the Program Manager, GMK Associates. Contact Jeanine Usry with GMK Associates at (706) 826-1127 for location to review and obtain this database Bids shall be submitted and addressed to:

Dr. Frank G. Roberson, Superintendent Richmond County School System 864 Broad Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 Attention: Mr. C. Gene Spires, Controller

UrbanProWeekly • MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014

something I needed to do.” Mrs. Hobbs wrestled with the gnawing inspiration to start another food pantry. “It seemed like every time I opened my Bible, the scripture about ‘for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat’ was in front of me,” she said. Realizing that it was futile to get the thought out of her mind, she approached her pastor at Water Branch Baptist Church, L.J. Tanksley. She was initially told that the idea had been tried before, and didn’t work. But Mrs. Hobbs knew that she had to follow through on the vision God had given to her. She knew that people needed help in the community from her previous experience at a food pantry. She remained persistent and eventually convinced the pastor to give the permission to start a new food pantry. “I think every church has an obligation to help feed people in need,” Mrs. Hobbs offered. “That’s the purpose of the church – to help.” According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), almost 18 million households suffered food insecurity in 2012. “Foodinsecure households (those with low and very low food security) had difficulty at some time during the year providing enough food for all their members due to a lack of resources.” Then there are the children, 3.9 million of them. The USDA reports that “these 3.9 million households were unable at times during the year to provide adequate, nutritious food for their children.” This need occurs even when families are using govern-


UrbanProWeekly •MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014



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Raisin AJ Productions is presenting UNAVAILABLE on Saturday May 31st, 2014 at 7pm at the The Imperial Theatre. This production will feature cast members from the popular VH1 reality show “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.” in an eye opening performance raising awareness to domestic violence. “Unavailable” is written and produced by play wright and Radio Personality, Miss Monique. Her mission and goal is to bring awareness and educate the community on Domestic Violence. Raisin A.J Productions is educating its audience on all aspects of Domestic Violence. Tickets can be purchased at www. Imperialtheatre.com or at The Box Office by calling: (706)722-8341. Tickets start at $18 with discounted tickets for both seniors and military.

Sheriff’s office announces personnel and patrol strategies AUGUSTA On Tuesday, the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office announced significant changes in the way the department will operate. Effective immediately, the Sheriff’s Office will be transitioning to a new data information system called Microsoft Sequel Platform (MSP). This upgrade was supposed to come on-line on February 17, 2014, but was postponed due to the “ice storm.” The New World system complements management strategies that the Sheriff is implementing to increase effectiveness and efficiency to include Intelligence Led Policing (ILP) and Community Oriented Policing Problem Solving (COPPS). In addition to this conversion, the Sheriff’s Office is adopting a new patrol zone and staffing configuration along with differential response for service application. The new initiative will reallocate deputies to where and when the citizens are experiencing most criminal activity and problems and increase deputy presence by 41% during peak crime hours. Differential response techniques will prioritize police calls and match them with needed service to optimize the resources of the Sheriff’s Office to focus on crime reduction, proactive policing and problem solving. As the department has done in the past with private Property accident reports, some non-emergency incidents may be handled via telephone or e-mails at a later time, thus allowing the deputy to stay in service for patrol and/or emergency calls. According to Sheriff Richard Roundtree, these changes are being made with no increases in the Sheriff’s Office budget.

7 UrbanProWeekly • MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014

“Unavailable” introduces VH1 cast members

UrbanProWeekly •MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014


New programs at GRU offers tuition and student fee discount to military students New initiatives at Georgia Regents University will provide military students with a reduction in tuition and student fees. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has approved GRU’s participation in the department’s Yellow Ribbon Program, an educational access program for veterans established by the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008. Through this program, the university and the VA will match each other dollar-for-dollar to provide veterans and eligible dependents with

Smith honored by GREA for service to the CSRA community Dr. Charles J Smith Sr, president of the Augusta Branch NAACP received the 2014 Georgia Retired Educators Association State Community Service Award, in recognition of Exceptional Community Service by the Richmond County Retired Educators Association. The Georgia Retired Educators Association was founded in 1958 abd has 23, 000 active members. The GREA state president is Rita O. Marable, state Executive Director is W.G. Sloan, Jr.

Magazine Launch The Ruby Red Magazine Launch and Community Extravaganza is set for Saturday, June 14th from 1-3 p.m. at Encore 601, located at 601 Broad Street. Tickets are 20.00 for adults, and 10.00 for youth 10 and up. Vendor tables are also available. The theme is: Celebrating the Giver and the Gift. For more information, call 706.589.5633.

Springfield Baptist Church Appreciation Weekend The Historic Springfield Baptist Church of Augusta will honor it’s pastor, Pastor Hardy S. Bennings,lll, on his 5th Anniversary with an Appreciation Weekend. APPRECIATION BANQUET Friday, June 6,2014 @ 7:00 PM. The event will be held in the Church’s St. John Building. Tickets are available at the Church Office or from members or the Deacon or Deaconess Ministry. The donation is $35.00. After Five Attire is suggested. MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE on Sunday, June 8, 2014 @ 10:00 AM will feature Pastor Christopher Durden of The Pine Hill Baptist Church of Louisville, Ga. The APPRECIATION SERVICE will be held @ 3:00 that afternoon and will feature Rev.Dr.Johnathan Carter, Sr. Pastor of Siloam Church International of Atlanta,Ga. Historic Springfield Baptist Church is located at 102 Springfield Way @ Reynolds Street, Augusta, Georgia 30901. For more information, call (706) 724-1056. ChairpersonDeaconess Harriet Green (706)2678529

funds to cover all or a portion of their educational costs not already covered by the Post-9/11 GI Bill. In addition to this, military students will also be exempt for paying the rate for out-of-state tuition. “Our university is committed to providing a military friendly, quality

education for our active duty service members and veterans,” said Roman Cibirka, Vice Provost for Georgia Regents University. “We are grateful for this opportunity to participate in a program that will reduce financial burdens and help enhance their higher education experience

at GRU.” The university also has received authorization to waive all mandatory fees, such as technology, transportation, and wellness, for active duty military beginning this fall, including the Special Institutional Fee.

It’s here…Summer Explosion 2014… Summer Explosion 2014 is a six week academic and cultural program presented by Beulah Grove Community Resource Center and taught by certified teachers from around the CSRA. The program focuses on assisting students in preparing for the grade to which they are being promoted.

HOURS: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EXTENDED HOURS in the morning and afternoon at no extra cost—6 am to 6 pm Grades: K-5 through 8th Grades Cost: $70.00 per week and $40.00 registration fee For more information visit www.bgcrcenter.org or call 706-722-4999.

PARENT MEETING: May 29, 2014 at 6:00 pm in the Beulah Grove Building of Opportunity BONUS: For $125.00 a week attend Summer Explosion in the morning and the Kingdom Sounds Music Program in the afternoon. For more information contact Minister Kevin Staley at kstaley@beulahgrove.org or staleymusic@ yahoo.com

9 UrbanProWeekly • MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014


$28, 173 .55 /Year









DESCRIPTION: This position performs engineering inspections, erosion sedimentation and pollution control, inspections for roadway, bridge, drainage, land development and other construction projects. Provide construction compliance services within the guidelines of county and departmental procedures and regulations, accepted Engineering standards and surveying methods, state guidelines, and approved development & construction plans. Assist in ES&PC program data handling and reporting. Assist in ES&PC requests for investigations. Reports to the Program Engineer or other designated person and works with co-workers, employees, private engineers, and the public to provide technical support. PRINCIPAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: •Inspects drainage and roadway projects to ensure compliance with approved construction drawings and applicable codes. •Inspects all construction materials to ensure compliance with contract requirements and construction specs & standards. •Inspects land development activities to ensure compliance with approved development plans and ES&PC Plans. •Inspect Utilities right-of-way encroachment activities and repairs to ensure compliance with applicable standards. •Assists in ES&PC program data handling and reporting . •Assists in ES&PC requests for investigations. •Maintains an inspector diary and survey conducted field book notes. •Serves as liaison between the contractor’s field personnel and Engineering Department Management. •Trains and serves as resource to co-workers •Performs other tasks or functions deemed necessary to the daily operation of employer. REQUIREMENTS: Education: High school diploma or G.E.D. Experience: Three years of progressively responsible experience inspecting roads, bridges, sewer and drainage, land development, and other construction projects or a combination of education, training, and experience that demonstrates the knowledge and abilities required for the position. Preferred (in addition to the minimum requirements): Experience working with a municipal government. Knoweldge/Skills/Abilities: •Considerable knowledge of engineering, road construction, drainage system installation, vegetation, construction materials and structural fill material. •Good knowledge of grading, drainage, paving, planting, fertilizing, mulching, and soil stabilization. •Considerable knowledge of construction material testing, soil mechanics, erosion control and grasses. •Familiarity with surveying methods and practices, and basic mathematics. •Familiarity with local policies and procedures, soil erosion laws, and infrastructure construction process. •Read and interpret engineering plans, blueprints and specifications, records of surveys, and tract descriptions. •Good communication skills, both oral and written. •Good computer use skills and familiar with word processing and spread sheet software. •Demonstrated ability to work independently.

Certifications: Must possess or have the ability to obtain Georgia E&S Level I B certification within 90 days of employment. Licensing: Possess or have ability to obtain a valid Georgia state operator/ driver’s license for the type vehicle or equipment operated within 90 days of employment. Physical Requirements: Depending upon area of assignment: Positions in this class typically require: walking, pushing, pulling, fingering, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing and repetitive motions. Work is performed in an office setting. Light work: exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently, and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or Left controls requires exertion of forces greater than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time, the job is rated for Light Work. OTHER: The preceding job description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees to this job. APPLICATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED ONLINE AT: Job #201200562 ENGINEERINGINSPECTOR An Equal Opportunity Employer AH

UrbanProWeekly •MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014



$26,855.08 / Year











DESCRIPTION: The Heavy Equipment Operator II position is a mid-level position in its class. The heavy equipment operator II is responsible for operating heavy equipment in a safe and effective manner . The heavy equipment operator II handles moderately complex work activities using heavy equipment which may include trucks, front end loaders, dozers, graders, compactors, snow blowers and other pieces of equipment. The Heavy Equipment Operator is responsible for cleaning, maintaining, and securing all equipment as directed by legislation, policies and procedures. PRINCIPAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: •Operates heavy equipment in a safe and effective manner in order to minimize the risk of injury, property damage or loss of life. •Performs daily safety and maintenance checks •Clean heavy equipment as scheduled and/or required •Maintains the equipment and advise supervisor of any requirement for maintenance or repairs •Use equipment as appropriate to level roads and/or working area, ensure proper drainage, and develop proper grade. •Use the heavy equipment for its intended purpose with little or no assistance. POSITION SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES MIGHT INCLUDE: •Operates heavy equipment in a safe and effective manner •Performs daily safety and maintenance checks •Cleans heavy equipment REQUIREMENTS: Education: High School Diploma or GED required. Experience: 13 to 24 months of experience in the field or sufficient experience to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position satisfactorily. KNOWLEDGE/SKILLS/AND ABILITIES: •Must have proficient knowledge of truck and equipment safety •Knowledge of road construction and maintenance techniques •Experienced in equipment cleaning and standards and procedures •Thorough knowledge of water, sewer and garbage truck operation •Knowledge of operation of front end loaders, dozers, graders, compactors, snow blowers and other pieces of heavy equipment maintenance and storage. •Must have the ability to operate single axel trucks in a safe and responsible manner. •Ability to read, and write to record activities and maintain daily records •Ability to work independently or as a team member successfully Skill: •Proficient knowledge of truch and equipment safety •Ability to operate single azel truch in a safe and responsible manner. •Ability to read, and write to record activities and maintain daily records •Ability to work independently or as a team members successfully.

CERTIFICATION: Must have a CDL class “B” license and the ability to secure a class “A” CDL license within 12 months from date of employment; or have Certified Landfill Operator certification and the ability and obtain a CDL class “B” license within 12 months from date of employment. OTHER: •This position requires staff call up in emergency situations. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: Depending upon area of assignment: Position in this class typically requires: driving, walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing, and repetitive motions. Work is performed in an outside environment. Heavy Work: Exerting more than 75 pounds of force occasionally, and/or 70 pounds of force frequently, and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls requires exertion of forces less than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time, the job is rated for Heavy Work. DISCLAIMER The preceding job description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees to this job.


11 UrbanProWeekly • MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014


$36,404.17 / Year











DESCRIPTION: This is the most senior of all positions in its classification. Directs, supervises, and assists with maintenance on county roadway system, storm and drainage system, sidewalks, and other related items within the guidelines of departmental rules and safety procedures. Position serves as a maintenance operation leader of an infrastructure maintenance crew that operates variety of equipment such as concrete mixers, asphalt spreaders, small excavation equipment, and other equipment. Position works with co-workers, employees, contractors, other County departments, and the public. PRINCIPAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: •Manages maintenance crew staff and directs, leads, and supervises paving operations, concrete and drainage repair, and new construction. •Maintains tools and equipment, sets up traffic safety/control at work sites, and assists in work site preparation. •Operates backhoe and end-loader. •Assists in training or leading the work of others as directed by the supervisor. •Performs other tasks or functions deemed necessary to the daily operations of the employer. REQUIREMENTS: Education: High school diploma or G.E.D. Experience: Seven years of experience in roadway, drainage, concrete, and asphalt maintenance and repair. Knowledge/Skills/ Abilities: •Excellent knowledge of techniques, equipment, and supplies used in road construction and maintenance . •Proficiency in reading and interpreting plans and specifications and directing and controlling traffic . •Mastery of operating and maintaining specialized equipment, tools, and machinery. •Good communication skills, both oral and written. •Demonstrated ability to work independently or as a team member successfully. Certification(s): Ability to obtain within six (6) months the Georgia Soil and Erosion certification for the type of job performed. Licensing: A valid state operator/driver’s license for the type of equipment and/or vehicle operated.

Physical Requirements: Depending upon area of assignment: Positions in this class typically require: driving, walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, fingering, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing and repetitive motions. Work is performed in an outside environment. Heavy Work: Exerting more than 75 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 70 pounds of force frequently, and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls requires exertion of forces less than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time, the job is rated for Heavy Work. OTHER: The preceding job description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees to this job.


UrbanProWeekly •MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014



$20,564.01 /Year











DESCRIPTION: This is an entry level position in its classification. Performs maintenance on county roadway systems, storm and drainage systems, sidewalks, and other miscellaneous related items within the guidelines of departmental rules and safety procedures. Position operates a variety of equipment such as concrete mixers, asphalt spreaders, small excavation equipment etc. PRINCIPAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: •Performs paving operations. •Performs concrete and drainage repair and new construction. •Maintains tools and equipment. •Sets up traffic safety/control at work sites. •Operates broom tractor. •Hauls construction waste to the landfill; assists in worksite preparation. •Performs other duties of a similar nature or level. REQUIREMENTS: Education: High school diploma or G.E.D Experience: Six months of experience in roadway, storm and drainage system, and sidewalk maintenance to include water, street and utility, and road construction, or a combination of education, training, and experience demonstrating the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the essential duties of the position. Preferred (in addition to the minimum requirements): Experience working for a municipality. Knowledge/Skills/Abilities: • Considerable knowledge of techniques, equipment, and supplies used in road construction and maintenance. •Proficiency in reading and interpreting plans and specifications and directing and controlling traffic. •Mastery of operating and maintaining specialized equipment, tools, and machinery. Certification(s): Must obtain the Georgia Soil and Erosion certification within six months of employment. Licensing: Must have a valid state operator/driver’s license for the type vehicle operated. Physical Requirements: Depending upon area of assignment: Positions in this class typically require: driving, walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, fingering, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing and repetitive motions. Work is performed in an outside environment. Heavy Work: Exerting more than 75 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 70 pounds of force frequently, and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls requires exertion of forces less than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time, the job is rated for Heavy Work.

OTHER: The preceding job description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees to this job.


13 UrbanProWeekly • MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014


$21,620.01 / Year











DESCRIPTION: This is an intermediate position in its classification. Perform maintenance on county roadway system, storm and drainage systems, sidewalks, and other miscellaneous related items within the guidelines of departmental rules and safety procedures. Position operates a variety of equipment such as concrete mixers, asphalt spreaders, small excavation equipment, etc. PRINCIPAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: •Performs paving operations, concrete and drainage repair, and new construction of roads and drainage systems. •Maintains tools and equipment. •Sets up traffic safety and control at work sites. •Assists in work site preparation. •Operates broom tractor. •Hauls construction waste to the landfill. •Performs other duties of a similar nature or level. REQUIREMENTS: Education: High school diploma or G.E.D. Experience: One year of experience in roadway, storm and drainage system, and sidewalk repair and maintenance to include water, street and utility, and road construction. Preferred (in addition to the minimum requirements): Experience working for a municipality. Knowledge/Skills/ Abilities: •Considerable knowledge of techniques, equipment, and supplies used in road construction and maintenance. •Proficiency in reading and interpreting plans and specifications and directing and controlling traffic. •Mastery of operating and maintaining specialized equipment, tools, and machinery. Certification(s): Must possess a Georgia Soil and Erosion certification. Licensing: Must have a valid state operator/driver’s license for the type vehicle operated.

Physical Requirements: Depending upon area of assignment: Positions in this class typically require: driving, walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, fingering, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing and repetitive motions. Work is performed in an outside environment. Heavy Work: Exerting more than 75 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 70 pounds of force frequently, and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls requires exertion of forces less than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time, the job is rated for Heavy Work. OTHER: The preceding job description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees to this job.


UrbanProWeekly •MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014



$28,173.55 /Year











DESCRIPTION: Supervises inmates and provides security for work details within the guidelines of the Department of Corrections, state and federal laws, local ordinances, and supervisory instructions. Reports to the Assistant Road Security Supervisor or other designated person and works with inmates, co-workers, employees, law enforcement officers, and the public to provide operational support. PRINCIPAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: •Searches inmates randomly for contraband and conducts a strip search of inmates upon return from work details. •Maintains order and discipline among inmates. •Supervises, observes, monitors, and controls inmates as they participate on work details or as they are being transported from one location to another. Stays alert to recognize and report probable security or inmate behavior problems. •Supervises/instructs inmates in assigned activities such as construction maintenance, cleaning, safety, sanitation, and the proper use of tools, equipment, and supplies, to ensure that such activities are appropriately completed. •Properly obtains and issues to assigned offenders, as applicable, the tools, equipment, materials, supplies, etc. necessary to complete their assigned activities. •Ensures control of inmates on work detail by maintaining optimal vantage point, minimul)l distance, minimal communication, and remaining alert to diversionary tactics. •Accurately conducts head counts within required time frames to ensure that assigned imates are properly accounted for. •Serves as a lead or senior Correctional Officer, providing leadership/supervision and training to less experienced Correctional Officers. REQUIREM ENTS: Education: High school diploma or G.E.D. Experience: One year of experience in supervising inmate work assignments in a variety of tasks such as roadway/drainage construction and maintenance. **The successful candidate must be able to pass a Pre Employment Physical** Knowledge/Skills/Abilities: •Considerable knowledge of modern corrections practices and procedures and departmental and safety rules and regulations. •Familiarity with Department of Correction’s guidelines and federal, state and local laws pertaining to the incarceration of persons and geography of the County. •Proficiency in supervising, assessing situations with accuracy and speed, interpersonal relations, use of self-defense techniques and equipment, and road maintenance. •Mastery of use of firearms. •Good communication skills, both oral and written. •Demonstrated ability to work independently.

Certification(s): Possess or have the ability to pass P.O.S.T. Certification within the time frame required by this department, which is normally within one year but may be altered. Licensing: A valid driver’s license is required. Physical Requirements: Depending upon area of assignment: Positions in this class typically require: walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, fingering, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing and repetitive motions. Work is performed in an office setting. Light Work: Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently, and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls requires exertion of forces greater than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time, the job is rated for Light Work. OTHER: The preceding job description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees to this job.


15 UrbanProWeekly • MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014


$28,173.55 /Year











DESCRIPTION: Supervises inmates and provides security for work details within the guidelines of Department of Corrections, state and federal laws, local ordinances, and supervisory instructions. Reports to the Assistant Road Security Supervisor or other designated person and works with inmates, co-workers, employees, law enforcement officers, and of the public to provide operational support. PRINCIPAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: •Searches inmates randomly for contraband and conducts a strip search of inmates upon return from work details. •Maintains order and discipline among inmates. •Supervises,observes, monitors, and controls inmates as they participate on work details or as they are being transported from one location to another. Stays alert to recognize and report probable security or inmate behavior problems. •Supervises/instructs inmates in assigned activities such as construction maintenance, cleaning, safety, sanitation, and the proper use of tools, equipment, and supplies to ensure that activities are appropriately completed. •Properly obtains and issues to assigned inmates, as applicable, the tools, equipment, materials, supplies, etc necessary to complete their assigned activities. •Ensures control of inmates on work detail by maintaining optimal vantage point, minimum distance, minimal communication, and remaining alert to diversionary tactics. •Accurately conducts head counts within required time frames to ensure that assigned offenders are properly accounted for. •Serves as a resource to subordinate personnel. REQUIREMENTS : Education:

High School diploma, trade school, or G.E.D.


Three years of experience in law enforcement or corrections.

Preferred (in addition to minimum qualifications): Military background **The successful candidate must be able to pass a Pre-Employment Physical** Knowledge/Skills/ Abilities: •Considerable knowledge of modern corrections practices and procedures and departmental and safety rules and regulations. •Familiarity with Department of Corrections guidelines and federal, state and local laws pertaining to the incarceration of persons and geography of the County. •Proficiency in supervising, assessing situations with accuracy and speed, interpersonal relations, use of self-defense techniques and equipment, and road maintenance. •Mastery of use of firearms. •Good communication skills, both oral and written. •Demonstrated ability to work independently.

Certification(s): Possess or have the ability to meet the current requirements set forth in the Georgia Mandate law Enforcement Act/Peace Officers Standard and Training Act. Licensing: Valid driver’s license. Physical Requirements: Depending upon area of assignment: Positions in this class typically require: walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, fingering, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing and repetitive motions. Work is performed in an office setting. Light Work: Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently, and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls requires exertion of forces greater than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time, the job is rated for Light Work. OTHER: The preceding job description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees to this job .


16 UrbanProWeekly •MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014


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