Urban Pro Weekly

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Photos by Vincent Hobbs


Augusta City Classic: Thru The Lens






Return of the Vision Why it’s going to happen and when. Paine College Head Football Coach Greg Ruffin has had experience resurrecting football programs at various institutions.

Obamacare 101 Find answers to your questons about the Affordable Health Care Act

Photo by Vincent Hobbs

Paine College Football

UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013



Classic View HBCU Football is so much more than a gridiron contest. It’s pageantry, it’s food, it’s music, dance and swag par excellence. Such was the case this past weekend at the Augusta City Classic which hosted the Fort Valley State University Wildcats (see cheerleaders TOP) and the Benedict College Tigers (see cheerleaders Above and members of the Benedict College Marching Tigers’ Band of Distinction (Above right) at Lucy Laney stadium. The Wildcats won the game 35-30, but Augustans won the ultimate prize — a great day with awardwinning weather and all of the above. (At right) A Wildcats football coach draws a diagram during the game. All Photos by Vincent Hobbs.

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UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013

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UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013


City ‘brations

Keeping up with progress neighborhood transformation Martha Ramsey stands in front of display boards as she looks over information from the Augusta Sustainable Development Inplementation Plan during a public meeting held at TW Josey High School. This final public meeting presented the latest information for re-development and improvement of the Deans Bridge Road, 15th Street and MLK Boulevard corridors. Ramsey is a rental property owner. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

Midnight in the Garden of Dumb and Dumber Kristie Robin Johnson It’s one o’clock in the morning. The federal government has shut down. Do you know where your children are? Of course you do. Most Americans will not feel any immediate effects of the federal government shutdown; but there are hundreds of thousands who could stand to feel some real pain beginning October 1, 2013. The shutdown could last a few hours, a few days, or maybe even weeks. Things are so unclear at this hour, no one can really predict whether the government will be up and running again by the time this article goes to print. What we can be sure of is the enormity of this moment as we try to find some semblance of sanity in our democracy. For political junkies like me, “Shut Down Night” is as big as Election Night. All of the major cable networks have nifty “shut down clocks.” Familiar talking heads pontificate deep into the wee hours of the morning displaying split screens of Harry Reid and John Boehner. Political strategists and analysts begin their respective blame games. While all of this is maddening to some and amusing to others, the sad fact remains that there are no winners in this current act of political theater. These highdrama antics have very real, unintended, long lasting consequences. First, there are the obvious costs—the furloughed civilian employees; the closing of national parks and monuments; the possible millions (maybe billions) of dollars of revenue lost as a result of these closings. If the shutdown persists

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UrbanProWeekly LLC Mailing Address: 3529 Monte Carlo Drive Augusta, Georgia 30906

long enough, routine government processes like issuing federal small business loans and FHA loans will slow down significantly, if not halt completely. Then there are the larger, overarching concerns. With our global reputation on the line, how are we supposed to work with other nations if we cannot handle simple matters in our own house? Other nations will judge us. We appear to be vulnerable and will lose some respect on the world stage as a result. What could be the worst effect is the example we set for generations to come. This pattern of “governing by crisis” creates apathy in young, potential voters. They will not have faith in their government. They haven’t been given any reason to believe. When an indifferent, dispassionate public checks out of electoral participation, we are left at the mercy of small but loud, ideologically extreme factions. And that is exactly where we sit today—back at the beginning of a vicious cycle that suffocates our ideal of democracy. So here is my request (and it’s a biggie); even in the midst of your angst, frustrations, and exhaustion with this government, try to remember that it is still our government, too. It’s easy to throw up our hands and be done with it. But when we do that, the fringe element that brought us to this brink gets their way. Make your voice heard. Contact your elected officials and vote in every local, state, and national election. Unless you plan on moving to Canada, this is your government! Take some ownership. It’s the only way that we will ever move forward and free ourselves from this redundant nightmare that we woke up to this morning.

Publisher Ben Hasan 706-394-9411 Managing Editor Frederick Benjamin Sr. 706-836-2018


By Ben Hasan

Are our elected officials leaders? Our focus for this week is on leadership and how it relates to our theme: Where do we go from here? On the subject leadership, people are likely to think of elected officials and the qualities they feel are necessary to get elected. This can be tricky because all elected officials are not leaders and all leaders are not elected officials. There are many people in our community who are doing things to make a difference everyday. These individuals carry no titles, but make positive contributions to the community simply because, for them, it is the right thing to do. It’s true that politicians often find themselves in leadership roles, but just as often they come up short on the leadership index. A wise man once said, “Information is the vehicle of transportation for the human being. We cannot grow without it. It allows us to think and make decisions.” It’s not much of a stretch to connect leadership activity with the dissemination of vital information. Passing along important information has less to do with who a person is and everything to do with, what a person does. Too many of us engage in the cult of personality. We like so and so, therefore in our minds, he or she would make a great leader. Does one naturally follow the other? Being electable is fine, but an often overlooked leadership quality is the extent to which a leader goes to share vital information. Vital information is very often the difference between the haves and the have-nots. The Bible says, In the beginning was the word (information); the Quran says, God taught the Quran and created man (information). Doesn’t that make it clear that leaders are determined by the information they have acquired and their ability to share it with others.

Sales & Marketing Phone: 706-394-9411 Photography and Social Media Courtesy of Vincent Hobbs

email: Ben Hasan bzhasan54@yahoo.com Frederick Benjamin Sr. editor@urbanproweekly.com Vincent Hobbs coolveestudio@gmail.com


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UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013

Good Shepherd Baptist Church

UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013


Paine College head football coach Greg Ruffin. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

After 51 years, Paine College returns to football By Bill Levy Special to UrbanProWeekly AUGUSTA College football fans of the CSRA will not have to travel far this fall. After a 51-year absence, Paine College will once again be putting a team on the field as the Lions will host Georgia Prep Academy in their opener at Laney High School on October 12. It will be the first of four games for Paine College, which will play this season at the club level before playing next year at the NCAA Division II level. “This is the right time and this is the right place,” Paine athletic director Tim Duncan said. Duncan, who was hired in 2011, with no knowledge that Paine was considering adding a football team, said much thought and research went into this decision. “Dr. (Paine College President George) Bradley had a discussion with me about starting a team. We went to five colleges that have started a (NCAA) DII program within the last twenty years (Lindsey Wilson College, Benedict College, UNC Pembroke, Shaw University and St. Augustine University). They opened their books to us. We saw how the DII module can be profitable.” According to Duncan, the maximum number of kids that can be on a football scholarship at the NCAA II level is 36, though Paine should have more students on its roster. “We think we may have about 120 players,” he said. “The ones that aren’t on scholarship will be tuition and that will cover the football operating expense, and we should be able to give money back to the school’s gen-

eral fund.” Judging by the reaction of the community, the team is filling a desire that the community wants. “We had 247 players try-out in May,” Duncan said. “We covered all the bases. We conducted surveys with our students and alumni and they were excited.” Also excited is Greg Ruffin, who was recently hired as Paine’s head coach. Ruffin, who last coached at Texas Southern is no stranger to resurrecting programs, as he was the head coach for Shaw University that started football again in 2002 and was on the staff of Lincoln University which fielded a team in 1999 after a break. The veteran coach as also had stints at Ouachita Baptist University, Kemper Military College Jackson State University and Tuskegee University. “This area is hotbed (for players),” he said. “This area is real close to South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama and Florida.” He also said he has plenty of local connections with coaches in the CSRA through his various coaching stints. “I never really sought out to (resurrect college programs,” he said. “It just happened that way. It is not for everyone. It is easy to me.” Ruffin noted that the most difficult part of the job involved the infrastructure; getting locker rooms, weight rooms, etc. He said it is crucial to remain positive when interacting with his players and staff. “They feed off of your vibe,” he said. “You have to remain upbeat.” Ruffin should be aided with his player’s enthusiasm of having the chance to play at Paine. One such player is quarterback

Loranzo Hammonds, who was an all-state player at North Augusta High School before playing the 2012 season at NCAA Division 1 Florida International in 2012. “My mamma got sick,” he said. “I felt I need to be close to home.” The red-shirt sophomore said he expects to be a player that local players in the area can resonate with. “Coming out of high school, I was highly recruited,” he said. “Some players will see that they can stay local.” Duncan agrees. “It is a great feeling to be able to play in the area you grew up in,” he said. Though Duncan said “there are steps that need to be completed” before the Lions participate in NCAA games in 2015 as a member of the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, the staff and players are hard at work; both for the present and the future. Paine College has entered into an agreement with Laney High which will allow Laney Memorial Stadium to be the Lions’ home field. “It is a quality facility,” Duncan said. “It can seat 9,000 people and is less than

a mile from campus.” Duncan said playing games this fall will give the community a chance to see what they can expect while giving his administrative chance to “practice the whole operation.” Ruffin also sees benefits to playing games this season. “It gives us a chance to get better mentally and physically.” Since Paine will be playing club games this year, most players aren’t expected to lose NCAA eligibility. The community is expected to benefit immediately, as the players will be visible around the CSRA. “They will become part of our community outreach program,” Duncan said. “We want to get them out at schools, daycares, hospitals, and other places in the community.” One of those places will obviously be Laney Memorial Stadium. “Fans and our students will not need to go outside of the CSRA to watch college football,” Duncan said. “They have a reason to stay on campus on the weekends. It helps provide our community with a true college experience.”

2013 Paine College Football Schedule DATE


OCTOBER 12, 2013 GEORGIA PREP SPORTS ACADEMY OCTOBER 19, 2013 ATLANTA SPORTS ACADEMY NOVEMBER 2, 2013 ORANGEBURG TECH NOVEMBER 9, 2013 JIREH PREP Games are at Laney Memorial High School and will start at 2 p.m.




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UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013

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Paine College football players practice on the Lion’s field. For the first year, the team will play football clubs. Photo by Vincent Hobbs

UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013


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UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013



UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013


Community Corner

GRU’s Bryant headed for ‘Hall’ Jaguars’ Director of Athletics to be inducted into alma mater’s Hall of Fame

GRU Augusta Director of Athletics Clint Bryant AUGUSTA GRU Augusta Director of Athletics Clint Bryant will be inducted into the Dr. Michael P. Reidy/Belmont Abbey Athletics Hall of Fame at Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina. Bryant, an alumnus of the College (Class of ‘77), will be enshrined during a ceremony at the college on Homecoming weekend. Bryant came to Belmont Abbey from suburban Washington, D.C. in 1973 and played basketball for four years. He was among the Crusaders’ leaders in rebounds all four seasons and distinguished himself as one of the team’s top scholars. In his senior year, he was the recipient of the Marty Thomas Award as the most outstanding stu-

dent-athlete. Bryant graduated with a degree in Business Management and later obtained a master’s degree from Clemson University. Now in his 26th year at the helm of the Jaguars’ Athletics department, Bryant earned Division II Athletic Director of the Year honors for the Southeast Region by NACDA (National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics) in the summer of 2007. He was recently selected to the NCAA’s Division II 40th Anniversary Team for his collegiate efforts with the Crusaders. As Director of Athletics, he oversees a 13-sport department that has consistently battled for conference and regional honors. Under Bryant’s leadership, Jaguar programs have enjoyed unprecedented success over the last seven seasons, with 43 Jaguar teams qualifying for NCAA Regional competitions -- including seven in 201112 -- while 28 of the teams earned national rankings in their respective sports. In May, 2012, GRU Augusta was named the recipient of the Peach Belt Conference Presidents’ Academic Award, a first for the University. Highly visible and respected on the local, regional and national levels, Bryant’s work with the NCAA and USA Basketball has brought national attention to the GRU Augusta Athletics programs. In July, 2012, Bryant was honored by the Minority Opportunities Athletic Association (MOAA) with the Distinguished Service Award, the highest award given by the association. A member of various committees at the NCAA legislative level, Bryant was recently appointed – for the second time – to the NCAA’s Division II Management Council, a four-year post

Garden City Jazz presents “Jazz on Pine” Garden City Jazz presents Jazz on Pine, a four-week celebration of local music and art, taking place in the pocket park at Heritage Pine, the flagship development of Laney Walker/ Bethlehem. Join us for free concerts 6:00 pm Saturdays

October 12: Doc Easton Smooth Jazz October 19: Jerusalem Sounds October 26: Joe Collier & Friends November 2: Tim Sanders & UNITY.

he assumed at the conclusion of the 2010 NCAA Convention in January. Most recently, he served on the Diversity Leadership Strategic Planning Committee. Most notable in his longtime record of service was his appointment as chair of the NCAA Division II Management Council and his fouryear term on the NCAA Legislation Committee, which concluded in Sept., 2005. He also has previously served as a member of the Division II Budget and Finance Committee, chairman of the Championships Committee and the NCAA Basketball Rules Committee. Locally, he sits on the Board of Directors of both the Forest Hills Golf Club Management Committee as well as the Shiloh Community Center. He is a member of the Voices for Georgia’s Children Board and serves on the GRU Augusta University’s Committee on Quality. One of the co-founders of the NIKE Peach Jam, Bryant also is a board member for the City Classic college football game. In 2010, he was named chairman of the press, marketing, promotions and advertising committee of the prestigious Electrolux Junior Invitational at Sage Valley Golf Club. Heavily involved in the community, Bryant is a past president of the Kiwanis Club of Augusta. He is a past

member of the United Way of the CSRA Board of Directors, a past president of the 100 Black Men of Augusta, Inc., and a past honorary chairman of the National Kidney Foundation of Georgia (1992). In 2012, the Augusta Kiwanis Club honored Bryant with the George B. Barrett Award, which is presented annually to the member who best embodies leadership qualities and civic contributions. Bryant also received the Paul Harris Fellow Award in August, 2011 from the Augusta Rotary Club. The award is the highest honor the club can bestow on a member. Bryant’s tenure at GRU Augusta also includes nine seasons as the Jaguars’ men’s basketball head coach from 1988-1997. During his stint, the Jags posted 106 victories and enjoyed three straight 17-win seasons from 1991-94. He was named the Big South Conference’s Coach-of-the-Year following the 1990-91 campaign. Prior to his arrival in Augusta in 1988, Bryant served as an assistant coach under Bill Foster at Clemson from 1977-84 and as an assistant coach and associate head coach under Foster at the University of Miami (Fla.) from 19841988.

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Community Corner


AUGUSTA The School of Professional Studies at Paine College is presenting the First Annual Transformative and Innovative Leadership Conference on Thursday, October 10, 2013. The theme for the conference is “Leading in the 21st Century.” The organizers of the conference seek to provide cutting edge knowledge from recent scholarly research and practices that will prepare participants to be better ethical leaders in the 21st century and improve organizational processes. The School of Professional Studies will take a progressive approach to business strategy and education with a day-long interactive forum specifically designed with participants in mind. Transformation and innovation are at the forefront where conference participants will have the opportunity to submit specific questions and topics prior to the event. The participants will have the opportunity to engage with a cadre of eminent leaders in the areas of IT, business development, finance and entrepreneurship. The conference welcomes the entire Augusta community and all who want to transform their businesses and acquire the knowledge for positive change.

Leaders in the 21st century must be prepared to compete globally and it begins at Paine College on October 10, 2013. Discussion Topics include but are not limited to: •Ethical Leadership •Six Sigma Leadership •Information Technology Leadership • Entrepreneur Spirit Leadership •Mergers and Acquisitions Leadership The School of Professional Studies is committed to preparing students to become ethical leaders in their professions by building on a strong liberal arts program central to the Paine

College experience. It houses the Department of Business, Education and Media Studies. For more information about The School of Professional Studies Transformative and Innovative


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UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013

Paine Leadership Conference focuses on transformation and innovation

UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013


Forum OBAMACARE Explained Like most Americans, you’ve probably heard of “Obamacare,” but you’re not exactly sure what it is. According to your uncle’s Facebook posts, it sounds pretty scary, like maybe it’s going to turn America into a Kenyan Soviet Union or something. Well, good news: Obamacare is probably not going to do that! What a relief, huh? What other mysteries about the new healthcare law can we clear up for you? Here are 13 health care answers to some basic questions. 1. What is Obamacare, exactly? “Obamacare” is a nickname for the Affordable Care Act, a controversial law Congress passed and President Obama signed in 2010. To the chagrin of Republican opponents, who are still trying to kill the law, the Supreme Court declared it constitutional in 2012. Its goal is to get health insurance to more Americans, 48 million of whom currently don’t have any. This includes making it easier for people who aren’t insured through work to buy their own insurance. Obamacare also ends some notorious insurance practices. Now insurers can’t exclude people with pre-existing conditions, can’t kick patients off their plans when they run up big medical bills, and can’t set dollar limits on how much care they’ll cover. The law also says consumers’ out-of-pocket costs generally can’t exceed $6,350 for a single person or $12,700 for a family in a year. If a serious illness or accident creates costs above that amount, insurance pays all the bills. Obamacare also sets “minimum essential benefits” every insurance plan must cover, including prescription drugs and maternity care. Many plans today don’t include such benefits. Health screenings and birth control are available at no cost when you get them. 2. What if the government shuts down because Republicans want to stop Obamacare? It doesn’t really matter. Ironically, the program will continue even if the federal government is technically closed for business. 3. Why is it called “Obamacare?” Because Obama pushed for its passage. Republican opponents first started using the term as an insult, but then Obama embraced it. Now everybody calls it Obamacare. 4. So do I need to do anything? Probably not, if you’re one of the roughly 80 percent of Americans who gets health insurance through their job or a family member’s job, or is enrolled in a government program like Medicare, Medicaid, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program. And if you buy your own insurance, or if you aren’t insured, then you will likely need to know and do some things. 5. I buy my own insurance, what

do I need to know? What do I do? You may find that your current plan isn’t available next year because it doesn’t meet the new standards set by Obamacare. That’s good news because you’ll probably be getting better health insurance. Bad news: you may have to pay more. You’ll be able to shop for a new plan on new health-insurance exchanges. 6. What’s a health insurance exchange? An “Exchange” is a web site run either by your state or the federal government. Also called “marketplaces,” these web sites let you comparisonshop for various health plans. The exchanges are also the main way for people to get help paying for their coverage. To find out what kind of policies are available, and what kind of help you’re eligible to get, you’ll have to give the exchange some basic personal information like your age, where you live, your income, family size and whether you smoke. The exchanges are open to most everyone, but people who have health benefits at work or are in government programs like Medicaid are probably better off keeping what they have. 7. OK, so how much will health insurance cost me under Obamacare? Alas there’s no simple answer to this question. Insurance premiums will vary a lot.. The national average price for a high-deductible plan is $249 a month, not counting subsidies -- but coverage like that would cost $144 in Minnesota and $425 in Wyoming. Rates are based on age, geographic location, family size and, sometimes, tobacco use. The insurance plans will differ a lot by monthly premium and by what share of medical bills you have to pay out of pocket. The good news is that, under the law, women can’t be charged higher rates than men, as is the norm in most states now. Older people also can’t be made to pay more than three times what younger people pay now. Some states currently let insurers charge older people five times more than younger consumers, or even greater. 8. So how will the government help me pay for health insurance? It gives you tax credits, based on your income, to help cover the cost. If you take the credit in advance, the government sends money straight

to your insurance company to cover some of your premium. Or you can pay the full cost and claim the credit when you file your taxes. Tax credits are available to people who earn between the federal poverty level and four times that income, or about $11,500 to about $46,000 for a single person. Extra discounts are available to those who earn up to 250 percent of poverty, or $28,725, for out-of-pocket expenses like deductibles and copayments. Depending on where you live, you also might qualify for Medicaid, the joint federal-state health care program for the poor, if you earn up to 133 percent of poverty, or about $15,300 for a single person. Only about half of states are using Obamcare money to expand Medicaid, though. 9. What’s happens to me if refuse to get health insurance? The law says nearly every legal U.S. resident must get health coverage or pay a tax penalty. This is the dreaded “individual mandate.” That’s to make sure fewer people have to get care at hospitals that isn’t paid for or results in big debts. It’s a conservative idea, believe it or not. If you already have health insurance, you obviously don’t have to worry about this. If you earn less than $10,000 a year, you don’t have

to worry about this. If you can’t find a health plan that costs 8 percent or less of your annual income, you don’t have to worry about this. There are a handful of other exemptions to the law. 10. How much will this penalty be? It will start out at $95 or 1 percent of your income, whichever is higher, (unless you make less than $10,000, in which case there’s no penalty). The penalty starts rising in 2015 and 2016, ending up at $695 or 2.5 percent of income. The IRS has more details on this fun penalty here. This penalty will not require you to write a check: The IRS will take it out of your tax refund, if you have any. The IRS can’t come after you if you don’t pay it one year, but interest could build up over time. No matter what, though, you can’t go to jail over it. 11. Can I keep my doctor under Obamacare? There’s nothing in Obamacare that dictates what health-care provider you see. Same as always, different insurance policies have different doctors that are “in-network” or “outof-network.” You’ve just got to make sure that your doctor is in the netContinued on next page

Davis urges citizens to review Obamacare options Senator Hardie Davis (D – Augusta) encourages all District 22 constituents to review the changes occurring with regards to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). “This essential component of the ACA will provide a brighter future for generations to come and provide Georgians with a level of security that millions have not had,” said Sen. Davis. “We must do our research to learn about the valuable benefits being offered. As we all begin to work with the implementation of the health care exchanges, I encourage you to look into the various and valuable resources that can help you or your family through this healthcare transition.” The Health Insurance Marketplace is open and Georgians are eligible to research and join one of the new and available healthcare options. The site, www.healthcare.gov, allows consumers to view a list of insurance plans and potentially qualify for a federal tax credit that will cut the cost of the new policies. According to CNBC, bankruptcies resulting from unpaid medical bills will affect nearly two million people this year and make health care the number one cause of such filings; outpacing bankruptcies due to credit card bills or unpaid mortgages. It is estimated the ACA will provide healthcare alternatives to approximately 1.9 million Georgians without insurance. A Town Hall meeting is planned to share specifics about the Affordable Care Act and how to apply with citizens of Richmond County. Details on date, time and location will be sent from the office of Senator Davis to all media outlets on Friday October 4, 2013. Sen. Hardie Davis serves as the Chairman of the Interstate Cooperation Committee. He represents the 22nd district which includes portions of Richmond County. He may be reached by phone at 404.656.0340 or by email at hardie.davis@senate.ga.gov.

Community Corner


Gathering will draw from expertise from federal, state and regional agencies The Augusta Technical College Criminal Justice Technology program is holding its’ 3rd Annual Criminal Justice Symposium. Each year this program brings together representatives from federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, juvenile and adult correction facilities, and family and children services departments in an effort to confront and discuss issues in our communities and the criminal justice system. This year the symposium will be held on Thursday, October 10, in the Waynesboro/ Burke Campus auditorium of Augusta Technical College. Augusta Technical College’s Criminal Justice Department is hosting this free event from 8am to 3:15pm. The theme for this event

is “Bringing the Community Closer to the Criminal Justice System and Earning Trust without Conflict – Round 2”. This event is jam packed with speakers and will cover many areas. The morning keynote address will be given by Mr. Braxton Cotton, Executive Director from the Governor’s Office of Transition, Support and Reentry. He will address “Criminal Justice Leadership in the 21st Century”. There will be a morning and afternoon panel discussions with officials in law enforcement concerning responsibility and trust between law enforcement and the community. The afternoon keynote speaker will be the Honorable Jerry Daniel, Burke County State

Court Judge speaking on “Advantages and Disadvantages of Probation and Parole”; followed by District Attorney Ashley Wright of the Augusta Judicial Circuit, who will speak on “Views from the Courtroom”. The closing speaker will be Superior Court Judge Daniel J. Craig of the 10th District Augusta Circuit and his focus will be on ”Facts and Figures of Criminal Justice”. This day is loaded with information for everyone. The symposium is open to the public and there is no charge to attend. Peace Officers are eligible for 8 hours of POST credits for their attendance. For more information call the Waynesboro/Burke Campus of Augusta Technical College at 706.437.6801.

OBAMACARE from p.12 work of whatever policy you get, or expect to pay more to visit her. Be warned, though: Many of the health plans sold in Obamacare exchanges will have fewer choices of providers than those typically offered by employers. This is the downside of keeping costs low – although for many people without insurance, their provider choice is limited to the emergency room. Exchanges have been trying tobroaden their lists of providers ahead of enrollment. 12. Who can help me learn more and sign up? Obamacare exchanges have telephone hotlines available to walk you through the application process. HealthCare. gov is the federal government’s main website for information and enrollment, and includes links to the state-run exchanges and tolocal groups offering help. The federal hotline is (800) 3182596. State-run exchanges have their own. If this sounds too daunting to do alone, there are also Obamacare sherpas, known as”navigators,” “in-person assistors” or “certified application counselors”. Private organizations like Enroll America can also help. Insurance agents and brokers will be happy to take your business, too. State health agencies and Medicaid offices also may be providing help, as willcommunity health centers that mainly serve low-income and uninsured patients. Information about what to do and where to find help will be distributed from a variety of sources, including community organizations, churches, charities, pharmacies, hospitals, doctors’ offices and public libraries. The availability of help will vary greatly from state to state: Some states have resisted Obamacare’s implementation because of political opposition from Republican governors and lawmakers. 13. Are there any deadlines I should know about? Open enrollment for insurance plans for 2014 begins Oct. 1 and runs through March 31. If you want a health insurance policy that’s in place on New Year’s Day, you have to make a choice by Dec. 15. After then, you have to wait a few weeks between picking a plan and using it. Next year, you’ll have less time because enrollment for 2015 health plans runs from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7 in 2014.

Notice to Lower Income Families Augusta Housing Authority This notice is to advise that effective Monday, October 7, 2013 that the Augusta Housing Authority will open the waiting lists for the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program (River Glen Apartments) and the Project Based Voucher Program for The Legacy at Walton Oaks. The waiting lists for the Public Housing Program and the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program are currently closed. The Augusta Housing Authority will also accept updated information from persons who have previously applied for the Section 8, Moderate Rehabilitation and Public Housing Programs. Walton Communities provides a quality living environment in a “Breathe Easy, Smoke Free Community” for low income adults ages 55 and up. Special rental assistance will be provided with respect to 26 of the 75 apartment homes through the project based vouchers provided by the Augusta Housing Authority. Applications for the Section 8 Project Based Voucher Program for The Legacy at Walton Oaks will be accepted by applying in person on Thursdays at the Augusta Housing Authority located at 1435 Walton Way, Augusta, Georgia between the hours of 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. and completing an on-line application at www.augustapha.org. The Legacy at Walton Oaks will access a $14 application fee to process your application. Eligible applicants will be placed on the site-based waiting list and will be ranked by date and time. Applications for the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program (River Glen Apartments) will be accepted by completing an on-line application at www.augustapha.org. Walk-in customers wanting to apply for the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program (River Glen Apartments) will not be seen during the open application period. This notice is also to advise that effective November 6, 2013 at 5:00p.m., the Augusta Housing Authority will close the waiting lists for the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program (River Glen Apartments) and the Project Based Voucher Program for The Legacy at Walton Oaks. The Augusta Housing Authority does not discriminate in admission or access to its federally assisted programs. Any potentially eligible individual who has a visual or hearing impairment will be provided with information necessary to understand and participate in the Augusta Housing Authority's programs. Richard Arfman has been designated as the responsible employee to coordinate the Augusta Housing Authority's efforts to comply with the nondiscrimination based on handicap regulations. Equal Housing Opportunity The Housing Authority of the City of Augusta, Georgia By: Jacob Oglesby, Executive Director

Mission Statement: To promote adequate and affordable housing, economic opportunity and a suitable living environment free from discrimination.

UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013

ATC to host Criminal Justice Symposium

UrbanProWeekly • OCTOBER 3 - 9, 2013


First FRIDAY Activities

vendors are required to be friendly event that is free and down to Halo for a family- long. 6PM. 1155 Broad St. friendly costume contest, priz As always, there will be set up by 6:30PM in order open to the public. For infores and games. All donations belly dancing by Eastern Star to receive their vendor pass mation on this event, as well will go directly to Hope House Dance Company’s Haunted and be included in the First as other events, visit www. of Augusta. 6-10PM. 1122 Harem and Friends; and the Friday. This is a new policy augustaarts.com or contact Jamie Lowe by phone at 706Broad St. “eXtreme Theatre Games” as of August 2013. First Friday is a family 826-4702, extension 3. • Zimmerman Gallery and “Out of the Box” show at will host the annual Whiskey Le Chat Noir. Our recurring Painters of America exhibit. events are presented by loyal Highlights of this month’s The group began with Joe community members who Kendrick Clearing & Hauling, Inc. events include: Ferriot’s miniature watercolor venture out of their way to Demolition - Lot & Land Clearing masterpieces using watercol- make First Friday a memorable • The 4th Annual Zombie ors and whatever drink he was event each month, and for that Hauling • Roll-off Box Rental Walk will kick off at 6:45pm consuming at the time. This we say “thank you.” where scores of Augustans trend started the “Whiskey Join Arts Council staff dressed as zombies will traipse Painters of America” group members at this month’s fea706-722-4409 Auto  Home  in Life  Health Bonds  Commercial Auto Home down Broad Street their zom-  who now show work nation- tured restaurant, Mellow bie wear. The walk begins at ally. 5-8PM. 1006 Broad St. Mushroom, for dinner at 9PM Fax 706-722-1602 the 8th Street Bulkhead located for October’s First Friday! at 8th & Reynolds Street. • Artists’ Local 1155 will Check our Facebook afterAutoward  Home  Life and Health  Bonds  Commercialkendrickchi@yahoo.com  host an opening for a brand for pictures a review • Monsters’ Ball will return new selection of work from of the meal! Cedrick T. Kendrick & Bridgett D. Kendrick, Owners for a 3rd consecutive year at Chase Lanier. The work will Set up for First Friday ven“We Do The Job Right” Halo Spa and Salon. Head hang in the gallery all month dors will begin at 5PM and all The Greater Augusta Arts Council is pleased to present a celebration of First Friday downtown featuring many spooky-themed events. The event will take place on October 4th, 2013, from 5PM to 9PM.

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