Urban Teen Magazine NovDec 2012

Page 1


Texting And Driving Don’t Mix


Top Tech Gifts Under $300

Fashion, Gifts & More


Feature & Interview with “Kaitlyn K”


Beauty & Health

Healthy Skin During Cold Weather 7. Cute Punk Hairstyles for Girls

27. The Flu: When to

Special: Texting and Driving


Demin 101: The Perfect Pair of Jeans

Get Help


College News Making College a Reality


Teen Contributor Brittany Black-Jones

On The Cover Talented & Anti Bullying Artist Kaitlyn K pg. 28 Cover photo credits Suzanne's Portraits 2


Fall Fashion Trends 2012


Health 12. Teen

19. Fashion

Sports News 5 Tips to Protect Your Athlete

30. Building a Great

Gift Basket 34. Tech Gifts $300 or Less

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“Urban Teen Magazine” is a magazine written for and by teens. Urban Teen Magazine is dedicated to teens with stories that affect them, such as local & current events, music, beauty & fashion, sports, and health, as well as features of teens and up & coming teen celebrities doing positive things. It is our goal and mission to provide the opportunity for talented teens an outlet to showcase their skills. Urban Teen Magazine is always looking for fresh new content, so if you are a young person in high school or college and would like to contribute to Urban Teen just visit www.urbanteenmagazine.com please be sure to read our writer’s guidelines.

I look forward to serving you, Sincerely, Sandra White-Stevens, Publisher


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Apply a broad spectrum sunscreen to the face every day, and don't forget the hands as they need protection too. 2. Keep lips moisturized When the weather turns dry and cool, it's not uncommon for lips to become chapped and cracked. Forgo the pain with a proactive approach of keeping lips deeply moisturized from the start. Throughout the day, continually apply a super-hydrating balm like Blistex Moisture Melt. It contains dissolving softbeads of shea butter and aloe which melt into lips for a long-lasting moisture boost. The formula also includes SPF 15 to protect lips from the sun. 3. Moisturize right for the season When the temperature drops, it's a signal to change up your daily moisturizer. You might consider switching from a regular lotion to one that includes medication for dry skin, or a thicker formula such as a cream or butter. Avoid extremely hot showers and baths as they can zap skin of moisture. When you do indulge, keep hot showers or baths short and moisturize immediately afterward. 4. Exfoliate your face weekly

Simple ways to keep skin healthy during cold weather

Because skin can become dried out so easily during cool months, dead skin cells can build up and clog pores. To avoid winter breakouts and keep skin (BPT) - While the crisp, cool weather may leave a clean and blemish-free, it's wise to exfoliate your healthy-looking rosy glow on cheeks, colder sea- face once or twice a week. A gentle exfoliating sons can be tremendously harsh on skin. Extreme cleanser helps remove the buildup of oil and dead cells to help reveal fresh, healthy skin. changes and inclement weather during the fall and winter months can leave skin dry, chapped 5. Keep H2O top-of-mind and even cracked. Keeping skin hydrated goes beyond lotion and 'Keeping skin healthy during cold months isn't moisturizers. It starts from the inside by drinking complicated, but it does take some extra effort,' says Dr. Charles Zugerman, a practicing derma- plenty of water throughout the day. Whether you're tologist and associate professor of clinical derma- enjoying a refreshing ice water or pouring yourself a cup of warm tea, make it your goal to drink water tology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. 'Taking a few sim- morning, noon and night. 'By making small changes to your daily routine, ple steps each day will help skin look and feel such as applying a medicated lotion after a shower, great no matter the season.' drinking plenty of water and using Blistex Moisture Zugerman offers these tips for keeping skin healthy and beautiful when the temperatures take Melt, your skin will be healthy and feel wonderful during even the coldest seasons,' says Zugerman. a dip: 1. Continue to wear sunscreen Don't store away the sunscreen - protecting skin Blistex Moisture Melt is the perfect way to soothe dry lips when cold weather arrives. For more inforfrom harsh UVA and UVB rays is important all mation on Blistex and other lip care tips, visit year long. The sun can be particularly intense www.blistex.com. when it reflects off ice and snow on a clear and cold day. 6



na give a important role to make the hair style famous and more attractive. This hair style is quite cheaper in cute punk hair style for girl. In this style when you got a cute its like uneven bangs and give you felling that bangs are on your forehead and few of bangs are on yours sides. This hair style looks stylish and sexy. And give your lips and your eyes a nice attractive look.

An other famous cute punk hair style for girls is bob hair style with bangs. Teenagers girls like this hair style because you can do lot of thing with this cute punk hair style so this is the most popular hair style between teenagers girls. In this style hair are cut below from yours ears. There is a option you can go for straight bob or an uneven bob. For coolest look cute your hair in bob, shoulder length and give a stylish wave. In cute punk hair style for girls there are different style and the second famous most style is cute layered hair cut. This style is for medium length, short hair style to look dashing its important that you cut hair in deep layers from chin and downwards. Whit this procedure your hair falls on the cheeks and give more attractive look and your front section is bangs and In the world of styling and fashion there are sweep them in side ways. For more stylish different styles which give you fables look. So and coolest hair style blow dry the layers and there are many hair style and ideas, when we to look more stylish curl your hair below your talk about round faces we think about cute ears. With all this you got the finest cute punk punk hair style for girls. There are different hair style as a girl. ways to get cute punk hair style for girls. You may have your cute punk hair style in short Cute Punk Hair Style had a history of old 80s hairs or may have it in waving style. You also normally round and oval shaped faces people make it to till shoulder length and make it in to like this type of hair style and its suite on them wave style to get more sophisticated look. In too. Cute punk hair style give those people cute punk hair style for girls you can use dif- beautiful and coolest look and give them different beautiful colors to spruce up your hair ferent option of style to them self more stylish style. and more attractive among other. For round and oval faces in cute punk hair style for girls short hair style is very much fa- About the Author mous this hair style is easy to maintain and Hi, I'm narmi and I'm new here. I love fashion. I'm a you can get it or observe it very fastly only happy person and I enjoy my everyday life very much. I love smiling. It's just like my name, narmi. I hope that you have to do is to cut your hair short and my life is full of happiness. But I know it depends on medium style from back and front. Many celibates like Sharon stone and Rihan- myself. So I'm willing to share my life and my moods to you.



College News Making college a reality, despite the price tag (BPT) - Sending a student to college is a proud time for families. But with tuition costs rising and families continuing to face financial challenges, many are taking another look at how to pay for college. According to the latest Merrill Edge Report, 56 percent of parents have paid or expect to pay more to send their first child to college than they had originally anticipated when the child was born. When asked why they are paying more, one in three parents who currently have a child in college or have one that has graduated said it was to keep their child out of debt. 'Paying for college is a big priority for our clients and with costs continuing to rise, we're telling them it's never too early or too late to readjust their financial plan for the true price of college,' says Dean Athanasia, preferred and small business executive at Bank of America. 'Though it's daunting, there are many steps you can take to prepare to send your child to school.'

And of those parents who saved, 38 percent wish they began earlier. There are specialized ways to save for college education. Some college savings plans offer favorable tax incentives and flexibility in who can contribute to the plan, giving you more opportuniEstimate the costs ty to save. In order to decide which account best The first thing you should do is estimate how fits your financial plan, conduct research on your much college will cost and what you can afford.To own or ask a financial adviser for help. Once you do this, you can take advantage of a number of do, set up an automatic withdrawal from your tools online, such as Merrill Edge's College Plan- paycheck to ensure you're putting some money ning Tool. away each month. Once you calculate how much you're able to spend, sit down as a family and go over your finances. Establish how much you're able to afford and how you'll pay for any additional costs that arise - for example, through your child taking on part-time jobs or student loans. Your child may have his sights set on a more expensive school, but after analyzing your finances your family may decide a more affordable university closer to home is the way to go.

Find additional funding If their savings aren't enough, many families consider financial aid, such as Stafford and Perkins loans. The important part of taking out loans is for your child to have a plan to pay them back, which can be a struggle without proper consideration. Grants and scholarships remain an option but beware that the current economy has restricted many of these funds and they are therefore beInvest early coming scarcer than in the past. It all depends on your financial plan, but the soon- In the end, remember that you're saving for a er you can start saving for college, the better. great cause, however expensive it is. By planning Among parents who saved for college, 68 percent ahead, saving early and supplementing your savbegan doing so before their child reached the age ings with the variety of resources, your child's of 6, according the 2011 Merrill Edge Report. education can be one of the richest investments 9 you make.

Teen Writer/Contributor Brittany Black-Jones

ted to so many extracurricular activities and clubs. If you plan on being involved deeply in your school and community, you need to make sure that you academic schedule allows you to do so. I recommend doing a safe balance of both to appeal to colleges even more. Tip #3: Know your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t take AP courses in a subject that you’re not good in. Taking AP courses are not mandatory classes for graduation. Most don’t necessarily prepare you for college. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will definitely be a huge help to your future decisions about schooling. Tip #4: Do not procrastinate. When you become a senior, you will become aware of a contagious disease known as ‘Senioritis’, but now this disease is now hitting all underclassmen in different forms whether its ‘junior-itis’,’ sophomore-itis’ or ‘freshmen-it is’. Once you catch, it’s really hard to get rid of. This procrastination will bring down your grades and cause you to miss deadlines for important things such as scholarships, college applications, and a number of assignments. The last thing you want to do is have a number of assignments you’re racing to complete before your teachers grades are due. When are you assigned an assignment, save you and your teacher the stress and do it then; there’s no need to wait to the last minute. Tip #5: Build a good reputation. For example, I graduated from Hoover High school, a San Diego high school which has had one of the worst reputations. Outsiders of have critiqued Hoover and City Heights both as ‘ghetto’ and ‘uneducated’ but as a student looking toward a successful future; you should work every day to break stereotypes. Building a good reputation means networking to build bridges with people in authority, involvement in your school and community, and striving to make a difference. When it adds up, a good reputation looks great on a resume-whether your applying for a job, scholarship, or college. Do your best and don’t give up! Make the most of your education because your future does depend on it. Each year you are promoted to the next grade level, you’re this much closer to the finish line; don’t give up on a race worth running!

With every ending, a new beginning starts. We all keep climbing the ladder of success as the torch is passed to the class after us. As the class of 2012 packs up, getting ready to leave home and journey life, the class of 2013 is preparing to make their debut entrance. The class of 2014 will be entering the hardest year in high school, junior year, which is full of a number of responsibilities. The class of 2015 now has to pass the CAHSEE, a graduation requirement and the class of 2016 is about to take on a brand new world. Now as a high school graduate, my dream is to help continue success in our generation, that’s why I’m providing you with these 5 tips. If you follow them to the best of your ability, they will guarantee success. Tip #1: Advocate for yourself. YOU determine whether senior year is going to be easy or hard. As the school year comes to an end, you should be thinking about the classes you need to take next year. Do not leave it up to you counselor to decide your classes. You and your parents as well have a voice in your schedule. As you start school, you must understand that you have to advocate for yourself now because your future depends on it. Tip #2: Don’t bite off more than you can chew, meaning don’t put too much on your plate. This is just apart of the time management skills that you will have to learn in college so it’s to your benefit to prepare now. If you plan on taking a lot of AP courses, you’re probably going to want to stay away from being commit- 10


The Princess Project

Taking your eyes off the road can lead to car crashes. And, jail time, too, as an 18year-old Massachusetts driver recently discovered, when he was convicted and sen(BPT) - Are you like many Americans who tenced to jail time for causing a traffic make phone calls while they're driving? Or death while texting and driving. With the growing use of smartphones and text a friend or family member when you other electronic devices in today's automoreach a stoplight? Or browse restaurant menus on your smartphone or tablet while biles, including GPS units installed in the driving around town, searching for a place dashboards of many new vehicles, auto crashes have risen significantly over the to eat? past five years. According to a 2010 stateDid you know that in doing so you could ment by the National Safety Council, '28 be breaking the law? 12percent of all traffic crashes & dash;

Texting and Driving Don't Mix

about 1.6 million crashes per year — involved drivers talking on their cell phones or texting.'- The council estimates that at least 200,000 crashes directly involve texting while driving.

Many cell phone and texting laws also involve electronic devices such as GPS units and MP3 players that could lead to distracted driving.

As a result, the U.S. Department of Trans- * Understand the laws for new or novice portation has called for a complete ban on drivers. New or novice drivers in particular cell phone (including smartphones) use by are the targets of many cell phone and texting laws. In some states, a teenage drivers. And 37 states and Washington, driver using a hand-held cell phone can be D.C. have banned text messaging while pulled over as a primary offense. driving by all drivers in their jurisdiction, according to FindLaw.com, the nation's leading source of free online legal informa- * Plan before you drive. Need instructions about how to get somewhere? Avoid taking tion. Ten states and Washington, D.C., your eyes off the road by creating driving also have banned hand-held use of cell instructions on a search engine and printing phones while driving. 'Knowing your state's laws involving tex- out a map. Pull over and stop to look at your map if you get lost or need to review where ting and driving is just as important as knowing the DUI laws,' says Nicholas Tim- you're going. And leave early enough so you're not rushing to get where you're going. ko, an attorney at the law firm of Kahn Gordon Timko & Rodriques in New York City. 'In a growing number of states, tex- * Ask a passenger for help if you need to ting is a primary offense, which means you look up something, get directions, make a can be pulled over on suspicion of texting, call or read an email or text. Don't do it yourself.similar to drinking while driving. If you're found guilty, you can be heavily fined and * If you're traveling by car to another state, familiarize yourself with local texting and cell lose your driving privileges.' The use of an electronic device while driv- phone laws. ing also can have other consequences. If you're involved in a crash and used a cell- * If you're involved in a crash, don't attempt phone or PDA shortly before or during the to throw away or hide your cell phone. Law accident, you could be found guilty of neg- enforcement can inspect cell phone records ligence, which may lead to large monetary and determine precisely if you were using your cell phone or texting while driving. liabilities. Texting while driving is only one aspect of a growing number of laws and regulations * Pull over to a gas station or another safe that address distracted driving. Here are location to make or take a phone call, text or surf the Web.additional tips from FindLaw.com about how to avoid distracted driving: * Turn off your cell or smartphone and put * Avoid other distractions. Put on makeup before you get in the car. Secure your pets it out of reach while you're driving. * Configure your GPS and set your music if they're traveling with you. Don't eat or smoke while driving. station or portable music device before you begin to drive. 13

Ridley Road Market


by Kevin Morosky*Styling by Luke Taylor*Model(s) Leomie Francis Anderson @ Premier & Harry Uzoka @ M&P *courtesy of ones2watch.com


through the seat and thigh with an easy to wear

Denim 101: Guide to straight leg opening. Relaxed - The opposite of the structured skinny finding the perfect pair of jean is the relaxed fit jean. This is often the go-to option for men who frequently prefer a comfortable jean over a more tailored option. This simjeans

ple, yet versatile style fits at the waist and has a (BPT) - As American as apple pie, jeans are a go- loosely tapered leg. If you want even more room to wardrobe staple. So why is shopping for jeans than found in a relaxed cut, look for loose-style such a difficult task? With so many fits, cuts, wash- jeans. es and more to choose from, it might seem like an endless journey to find that perfect pair you'll wear Boot cut - For jeans that pair fashion and function, boot cut is the way to go. Available for both over and over again. With this quick and handy men and women, boot cut style jeans are slightly guide you'll have the low-down on denim so you flared toward the leg openings. This cut is stylish can find options that look good and feel great. for men and works well for most female body shapes because it balances the body's curves Strategies for jean shopping and can draw attention away from the midsecFirst when shopping for jeans, be sure to allow tion. enough time to try on a variety of styles so you can find the right pair for your body shape. Go to a Choosing the right rise store that has many options and don't rush your time in the dressing room. For example, at Target Low-rise jeans sit an inch or two below the navel you can find Denizen from the Levi's brand jeans and are popular with teens and young adults. that offer seven different styles, so you're sure to Mid-rise is the most common option, designed to find one (or more) that work for you. When you try fit comfortably on the lower stomach and offering on a pair, try sitting, squatting and moving to see ample coverage in the back. High-waisted jeans are preferred by some to conceal curves and prehow the fabric flexes and shifts. vent gapping in the seat. Common jean styles and cuts Jean colors and washes Straight - If you want a versatile style that is as appropriate for a lazy Sunday afternoon as it is for Today's jeans come in every color and fade a business-casual working environment, a straight imaginable, such as Denizen from the Levi's fit jean is for you. This classic look neither tapers brand jeans that come in 24 premium finishes at nor flares, with denim cut straight down from hip to Target stores and on Target.com -for men, and ankle, elongating the leg and creating a conserva- 12 finishes for women. A good basic finish to have in your wardrobe is raw denim which means tive style appropriate for both men and women. the dye hasn't been washed down. These dark Skinny - A necessity for most women, the skinny blue jeans go with any outfit and have a slimming effect. Alternatively, washes can create many jean is also a popular style for men. With a retro edge perfect for a narrow figure, this style is meant different tones of denim. Like the vintage look? to fit snugly with tapering around the ankles. This Seek out a vintage wash or dirty wash. Like lighter blue jeans? Look for stonewashed options. is a great option for ladies this fall since skinny jeans can be easily tucked into tall boots for a fun, When deciding what jean colors are best, think hip autumn look. The skinny jean is equally as ver- about what would blend with your current wardrobe and select accordingly.satile for men and can be worn casually with With this easy guide you can avoid the denim sneakers or dressed up with work boots. maze and find the right pair for you. Remember, it's not uncommon to have multiple pairs of jeans Slim straight - If you like the idea of a slimmer cut, but skinny styles are a bit too extreme, try slim - a couple conservative options for work, a couple casual options for evenings and weekends fit jeans instead. Available for men, this style is tailored slim through the leg, but has a straight fit so try on a variety, you might be surprised at 15what you like best.

Crush Prom Ridley Road Market

Harry saw Leomie for the first time while watching the Channel 4 documentary series The Model Agency. He turned to his mother and declared that Leomie was the girl he wanted to marry. After much estalking, Harry managed to woo Leomie via Twitter. They have been together ever since. Harry’s mum is still in shock.


by Kevin Morosky*Styling by Luke Taylor*Model(s) Leomie Francis Anderson @ Premier & Harry Uzoka @ M&P *courtesy of ones2watch.com


Mossimo Spring 2012 at Target

Three-Quarter-Sleeved Cocoon Cardigan in Navy Blue, $22.99 Tank in Mustard Yellow, $14.99 Crosshatch Pants in Gray, $27.99 (Available 2/5/12–8/12/12) Platform Pumps in Animal Print, $29.99

Mossimo Spring 2012 at Target


Smocked Cami in Chevron Stripes, $17.99 Skinny Jeans in Blue, $22.99 Serape with Feather Dangle in Brown, $29.99 (Shoes Available 3/11/12–4/22/12)

Fall Fashion Trends 2012 By:

mona gill

Cold and Crisp breeze, bonfire, cuddling, Apple cider, Pumpkin carving and looking smashing Fall is finally upon us and brings plenty of hot trends along. Kick start fall with latest trends in the market. As the wind is getting cooler knits are a must-have, but this fall one can make an exception by grabbing few pullovers available in great colors and prints. Don't be shy! Mix old sweaters with micro minis, printed leggings and ultra skinny denims to turn heads around. Do not forget to team these up with classic ankle boots. Feel free to wear your old boring and loose pullovers, sweaters, sweatshirts, cardigans etc. but make sure you show off your legs and pair them up with high heels to keep it stylish. Leather leggings are the hottest trend this fall and comes with great fit and glamorous appeal Talking about fall, how can we forget jackets? You can pair up any apparel with these jackets to work magic. There are many types and designs available in the market which won't cost you much and even if you fall in love with an expensive piece, don't be confused as jackets will never be out of fashion. You can go for Bomber, Moto and classic leather jackets. you can also look for Blazers, Trench coats and Peacoats. Well according to me, fall collection is incomplete without a perfectly fitted leather

jacket, my personal favorite. Grab yourself a fluttering graphic sheath dress, a very hot trend now days which combines elegant feminine shape and bold and vibrant prints together making it perfect catch for fall. You can pair it up with heels and cardigan for a classic sophisticated look, try pairing it up with your favorite jacket and boots for an it-girl look. Don't be afraid to include bold colors in your wardrobe. This fall it's all about being bold rather than sticking to monotonous colors. Colors like burgundy, dark red, purples, mustard, cobalt and emerald green are great for this season They were very well displayed in the Tommy Hilfiger fall 2012 collection. Embrace yourself in classy textures this fall such as fur, cashmere, angora wool, velvet etc. Oversized clutches are totally in right now so make sure you grab one in a vibrant and bright color to enhance your look especially if you are wearing pastel colors. Wish you all a great season ahead! And remember, to look great you must carry the right attitude and a charming smile.

About the Author Writing is my passion and i believe in maintaining persistence and discipline It's too easy to get distracted from your work, or tire of it and find a simpler project. The true sign of a professional writer is that he or she can-and does-write every day, even without feeling 19inspired.

Mossimo Spring 2012 at Target


Long-Sleeved Button-Down Shirt in Blue and White Plaid, $22.99 Long-Sleeved Hooded Rugby Shirt in Green and White Stripes, $24.99 (Available 1/29/12–TBD) Belted Shorts in Gray, $19.99 (Available 3/3/12–8/12/12)

Mossimo Spring 2012 at Target


Long-Sleeved Hooded Rugby Shirt in Blue and White Stripes, $24.99 (Available 1/29/12–TBD) Belted Shorts in Red, $19.99



Prevention of operation * High lift. This type of training

Easy Exercises Tips for Teens-Fitness and Health By:


If you're a teenager, you may be confused about how to exercise to get stronger, stay healthy or, for some, the loss or weight gain. The good news is, there is no way appropriate for the operation and there is no perfect exercise you should do to be in shape. If it is true, it helps to know how you can work so you can have fun, achieve your goals and avoid getting hurt. Exercising

The great thing about sport for boys is that almost all the activities that make you move work. You should try to do heavy exercise for about an hour a day at least 3 days a week and regular, moderate activity for the rest of the week. Here are the different types of activities each week include: 1. Aerobic exercise strong. These include sports such as football, tennis, soccer, volleyball, basketball, etc. It also includes brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming or chasing an annoying brother. Always be sure to wear protection to any activities you have chosen and, as already mentioned, try to level of activity at least 3 times a week. 2. Strengthening muscle. This type of training helps you build muscle strength and endurance. This may involve activities that are not organized as the use of playground equipment or climbing trees. It also may include a structured strength training exercises such as squats, bending or sit-ups with weights, machines, or the weight of his body. Always work with adults, coach, trainer or other expert before you start lifting weights to make sure you know the right exercises to do and how to do it right. You can already lift weights if you play sports, but if not, you can add the kind of activity 2 or 3 days a week, with at least one rest day in between. Learn more about strength training for young children. 3. Regular activities. In addition to participating in a sport or other activities such as walking or cycling, you should also include regular activities in your day, which means limiting the time you're sitting at a computer or video games. This may include active games (like Wii or Dance Dance Revolution), a walk, fight with your friends, or throwing a ball in the yard. This is something you can do every day, especially on days you do not harder, the more structured training.


involves lifting an explosion, often focus on how much you can lift at one time. Type of training is not recommended for children because it is difficult to use good form and body can be stressed too abruptly, causing injury. * Exercising too. Exercising too much can also lead to injuries, overtraining, and, for girls, changes in the menstrual cycle, which can lead to bone loss. Sometimes it's hard to know how much is too much, so everyone can tolerate different amounts of exercise. However, the exercise several times a day or a few hours might be too much to anyone. Following the guidelines and exercising about an hour a day is a good starting point. * Expect realistic results. While it is good to have goals to improve your body, you can not always control what we can change. If you want bigger muscles, it is something that happens after puberty, although you can always build strength at any age. If you want to lose weight, exercise and healthy diet is the key, but do not expect a dramatic weight loss last night. Permanent, safe weight loss is a slow process and try to accelerate with a healthy diet or exercising often counterproductive. Tips for getting more exercise

If you are into sports, you may have practices, games and other activities to keep you busy. Otherwise, you may need to be creative in this sport, especially if you have not yet had the opportunity to practice different activities to find what you like and what you are good. Some ideas: * On foot, by bike or skate to and from school, if the option * Ask your parents if you can go to the gym with them or if there is a local community center where you can exercise * Check the network cable to see if you have Exercise TV, a channel offering free training whenever you want * If you hang out at the mall or local shopping center, take a walk rather than staying in one place or not eat at the food court * Create a new routine where you walk, run or inline skate every day, when you come home from school or before dinner. If you do not want to exercise outside of them, ask your friend or family member to go with you or use a video workout in your bedroom * Do some task. rake leaves or sweep the street can actually burn calories by making your parents happy * Take the dog for a walk

Accessories Style Staples: Jewelry tials For Every Budget

day, every woman needs something dangly and eye-catching for a night out or to dress Essenup an everyday outfit.

Choose a color that complements most of (ARA) - Every woman knows there areyour existing wardrobe so you can wear some basics that have to be in her closet: them often, such as black onyx with diaa little black dress, a pencil skirt, a great mond accents. And every woman should pair of jeans and a classic purse. With own the a pair of hoop earrings in either sterright building blocks, you can put together ling silver or 14-karat gold. "For a twist on an outfit that's stylish, feminine and timeclassic hoops, choose interchangeable earless, without a lot of fuss. rings that can be customized with long The same idea should apply to your jewelry collection. When you have the essential pieces, you'll be prepared for any occasion, whether you need to be subtle or want to turn some heads. Cristina Ehrlich, celebrity stylist and Pandora Jewelry ambassador, outlines six can't-live-withoutthem pieces that you should have on hand. 1. A statement ring One jewelry trend that has lasted throughout many seasons is a cocktail ring that makes a statement. "Floral motifs and precious gemstones set in gold or sterling silver are classic choices," Ehrlich says. She also points out that you can experiment with different kinds of stones, such bright orange carnelian or freshwater pearls, which are available in every color from creamy white to champagne or peacock blue. For a classic look stick to black dangles or short drop pendants to create a onyx or spinel, which go with everything. different look for every day of the week," Ehrlich adds. 2. Earrings of various lengths This is a three-in-one essential: You3. Bangles should have studs, dangling earrings and Having a fun set of bangles is the key to hoops. "Studs are flattering on everyone," dressing up any outfit for an evening. EhEhrlich says. "They brighten the face and rlich advises choosing a simple style in can easily be worn from day to night." Alsterling silver for a polished look, or banthough stud earrings can be worn each 26 gles with colorful accents for a bit more playfulness. Layer your bangles with other

The Flu: When to Get Help

trouble breathing or is not reacting normally to you, dial 911. But if someone is coughing a lot The flu can make you feel miserable. But but breathing comfortably, or if the person is it's not usually serious. Most teens get bet- tired but able to talk and react, suggest he or ter after resting at home for a couple of she call a doctor. days. But a few people — especially those with other health problems — might get really sick. Potentially Serious Situations So how do you know if you're sicker than Some people need to pay extra attention when you should be? Here are situations in they get the flu. Call your doctor for advice if: which you need to get medical help. Emergency Situations

You have another health condition. People who have other health problems (such as asthma or diabetes) are more at risk of complications from the flu. · You are pregnant. Pregnancy can affect a woman's immune system, making her more vulnerable to flu and other viruses. Because of this, pregnant women are at higher risk of having complications from the flu — although most will recover without complications. · Your flu symptoms get better but then come back. If your flu symptoms return with a fever and a worse cough, that can be a sign of another infection. Your flu symptoms are still getting worse after 5 days. ·

•Trouble breathing. Occasionally flu viruses cause chest infections like pneumonia. Because of these infections, some people will have difficulty breathing. •Dehydration. Fever, vomiting, and diarrhea can cause people to lose more fluid than they take in. Occasionally this becomes serious and starts to affect how the body functions. Signs that someone may be dehydrated include feeling dizzy or lightheaded, dark-colored pee, or peeing a small amount and not very often. •Feeling confused or "out of it." In very rare cases, the flu can lead to complications that may cause a person to feel spacy or out of it. Are you babysitting or looking after a younger sibling who is sick? Get an adult's help immediately or call 911 if you notice a child has any of these problems: · fast breathing or trouble breathing · bluish skin color · very sleepy or lethargic · in babies, being so irritable they cannot be consoled · fever with a rash What if you're with someone older — like a friend or family member? If the person has

Most people who get the flu will get better on their own at home after a few days. But if you have other health conditions or start noticing any of the problems mentioned above, get medical help. Reviewed by: Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD


How To Know When


competitions including, Best Singer in Texas, Colgate County Showdown and Houston’s Best Country Singer as well as being a featured singer on Maury’s “Most Talented Kids in America”, resulting in her being penned as the next Carrie Underwood. Kaitlyn’s most memorable competition was when she won a chance to go to Nashville to record a demo, that experience, she says was what got her started on her songwriting, recording and getting her own music out there. Kaitlyn’s family keeps her grounded and focused on music. According to her , they have always been very supportive of her goals and encouraged her. Besides performing mostly for middle school and high school age students, Kaitlyn says that because the students bring their parents to her performances, they seem to like her music too. Kaitlyn’s goal for her music is to send a message that anyone can reaitlyn K, a 15 year old late to and she chose bullying, it affected her and she knew it affected other teens as well. Really feeling singer/songwriter and entertainer that it was a subject that needed to from the suburbs of Houston, Texas. Kaitlyn’s vocal talent was first noticed be addressed because she had also by her grandmother who took her to experienced bullying and writes about things that are going on in her her first singing lesson for her 7th birthday, it wasn’t long before Kaitlyn own life Kaitlyn teamed up with her producer TySongs to take a Stand was winning local and national 28



Against Bullying, coming up with the original song and hit titled “Who Do U Think U R. Receiving such a tremendous response from the song, Kaitlyn’s school decided to make a lip dub to it and as a result they’ve been contacted from all across the world from students , teachers and fans wanting to use her song and their video as part of their lesson plans. As well as being parodied on the show SouthPark. The video won the No Bull Teen Video Awards, 1st place for Community Involvement video and 1st runner up for all around video, in which they got the go to San Francisco for the award cer-


emony. Since then Kaitlyn was asked by her school district to write this years theme song about the “Power of One”. She has released her new single “I’ll Be the One”, to show how one person can make an impact on someone else’s life. But Kaitlyn is aware of her role as a role model and being looked up to, she falls back on a quote she heard from the movie Spiderman, “With great power comes great responsibility”. Because of the “Who Do U Think U R” song about bullying Kaitlyn has people come to her for advice all the time and although she loves talking to her fans, she’s still a teen and knows she has to be responsible with the subject matter , which is why often she has had to refer them to a counselor or an adult to make sure they’re getting the correct advice. Kaitlyn wants her fans to know she is a normal teen that does the same things other teens like to do, like hanging out with her friends, going to homecoming, studying, doing homework and rehearsing for musical theater. But in her spare time she loves driving, surfing, watching movies and listening to music. Kaitlyn says there is one thing for sure, she is always busy. Her advice to teens for whatever career they are pursuing is to stay dedicated and passionate about everything in life. Visit her website: KaitlynK.com

Secrets of Building a Great Gift Basket (BPT) - Giving a great gift basket is like bestowing a buffet of gifts on your loved one, and when the well-put-together gift basket is opened, well, that's a magical moment. Beneath the pretty decorations lie enchanting mysteries that emerge oneby-one to the delight of the recipient. The personal aspects of a gift basket are also endearing. You can customize a gift basket to the occasion (holiday, birthday, retirement, etc.) and tastes of the recipient, and taking the time to do so shows your thoughtfulness and caring. Building a great gift basket can be fun and easy. The gift experts at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store offer some advice for putting together a gift basket that will charm any recipient:

fectly straight or even. In fact, a little variance in the arrangement will make the basket look even more appealing. * Be sure to place packaged items with the most interesting side facing forward so it's immediately visible. For example, if you've included a bag of the recipient's favorite coffee, make sure the brand name is showing so he or she will be able to tell at a glance what's in the basket. * Be careful not to completely hide any items. It's fine to have things peeping through here or there, but avoid burying anything on the bottom. Buried items could potentially get lost and tossed out with the shredding. * If you need to hold items in place, secure them using some glue lines or glue dots (also available in craft stores.) Fitting everything snugly is the key. The finishing touches Once your basket is artfully filled, place the entire container in a large cellophane bag. Gather the bag above the contents of the basket, then tie a bow at the narrowest part of the gathered bag. For smaller containers, pull the corners of the bag under the container and tape them. Trim any excess bag at the top. You can either hand-deliver your gift basket which gives you the instant gratification of seeing the surprise and happiness on your loved one's face - or ship it if that's more convenient and practical. When shipping, be sure to package your basket securely. If you purchase a gift basket at Cracker Barrel, they will pack it for you at no extra cost and you just pay the actual shipping fee. If creating a gift basket yourself is not your cup of tea - or if you prefer to have an expert handle the job - the gift gurus at Cracker Barrel can do it for you based on your specifications. Visit shop.crackerbarrel.com to learn more.

The first steps Begin by deciding what to put in the gift basket packaged food, gourmet coffees, collegiate items, apparel, candles, personal care items like soaps or lotions, cooking utensils, books, jewelry, home decor items, gardening tools, ornaments, picture frames, etc. Practically any hobby or area of interest can be an inspiration for a gift basket. Base your choice on the recipient's personality and interests. Next, choose a container. Baskets, of course, are the classic container, but don't overlook other options, especially if they fit the overall theme you've chosen. For example, load a toy football helmet with items inspired by his favorite football team. A large stockpot can be ideal for holding cooking utensils for a foodie or budding chef. A planter makes a useful and decorative container for gardening tools. Arranging items Once you've chosen the perfect container, think about how you'll arrange the items that go in it. First, add some decorative shredding (available in craft stores, or make your own with colored paper and a paper shredder) to help stabilize items in the container and make it look even more attractive. Then, follow these rules of thumb for arranging items: * Place tallest items in the back. If you're using a round container, choose a side to serve as a visual 'back.' * Moving forward, stair step the rest of your items from tall to short. It's OK if the rows are not per 30



the sports field, according to a recent survey conducted by NMI Research and DSM Nutritional Products, and their concern is not unwarranted. In fact, data indicates that emergency room visits of school-age athletes for serious injuries like concus(BPT) - Cringing at bumps, falls, trips and sions nudges is a common response among par- have significantly increased in recent ents of young athletes. Seventy-two peryears. cent of parents of children ages 6 to 17 Parents should continue to encourage report that they are highly concerned about their children to get involved with youth their child experiencing a head injury on sports, but they need to be aware that

Youth sports safety 5 tips to help protect your athlete



Sports cont.

and loss of balance or unsteady walking. Tip No. 2: Limit exposure in practice. As a cont. parent you can encourage coaches to hard-hitting spills could have a lasting im- have lighter practice days, focused on agilpact on their child's brain health if not han- ity versus full-on player contact. dled properly. Tip No. 3:-Play it safe and slow. Less than 'I've worked with young and old athletes who are experiencing the lasting effects of half of parents rely on a medical profeshead trauma during sports,' says Dr. Julian sional to examine their child to determine if Bailes, a neurosurgeon and sports medi- they should return to play after a head injury, according to the survey. Don't take any cine expert who has worked with professional and college athletes for more than chances. If your child experiences head two decades. 'In many cases, their parents trauma or you suspect a concussion duror coaches were eager to get them back in ing practice or in a game, seek medical the game because they didn't show signs attention immediately. And don't be too of an injury. Through research, we're find- eager to get them back in the game - wait ing that even minor repeated head injuries until you get the go ahead from a doctor. can cause long-term effects on brain funcTip No. 4:-Be smart about nutrition. Importion.' tant for brain development and function Every parent on the sidelines should be aware of the signs that a more serious inju- throughout the lifecycle, DHA is a structurry may have occurred. A father of five chil- al fat in the brain that is particularly important-during early childhood when the brain dren and former athlete himself, Bailes recommends that parents educate them- is in a rapid period of growth and development. Look for foods rich in DHA, like fatty selves about sports safety. fish, foods and beverages fortified with a 'There are things parents can do to help vegetarian and sustainable algal source of protect their children from sports-related injuries, from selecting the right protective DHA, or algal DHA supplements, which gear to working with coaches and leagues can be found at www.lifesDHA.com. to build awareness around recognizing and Tip No. 5: Take a lead from the pros. Stay treating head injuries,' says Bailes. 'And we're learning more every day. For exam- up to date on the latest regulations and ple, recent pre-clinical studies have looked new equipment that is imposed by profesat the use of DHA omega-3 as a nutrient to sional and collegiate teams.-Many times, help reduce the impact of traumatic brain what happens at the professional or collegiate level will trickle down to youth sports. injury.' Tip No. 1: Know the signs. Not all concus- 'Sports are an important and healthy part sions involve a loss of consciousness. In of childhood, but being an athlete is not fact, most people who have concussions without risks,' says Dr. Bailes. 'It only takes one poor or uninformed choice for a game never black out. Some indicators that a child may have a concussion and needs to to turn from fun to tragedy. Every parent, see a doctor include headaches, listless- coach and child should be educated on ness, irritability, changes in sleeping, eat- how to recognize and handle head injuries ing, school performance or play behaviors,33during sports.'

can wirelessly stream their music via Bluetooth. The suggested retail price is $299, but you can probably find deals online.All charged up - Who hasn't been caught with a low cellphone battery and no place to plug it in? Duracell's Instant USB (BPT) - If visions of smartphones have replaced the sugarplums in your holiday dreams, you're not Charger makes it easy to keep any mini-USB powered device powered up on the go. With a alone. More than 35 percent of Americans include con- lithium-ion battery and universal cable, the charsumer electronics on the list of gifts they want to ger provides up to three hours of backup power receive for the holidays, according to the National for your cell phone. MSRP is around $40 but you Retail Federation (NRF). With the NRF predicting can likely find it for less online. consumer spending this holiday season will inWeb-cams move you - The whole concept of web crease 4 percent over 2011, it seems likely decameras is amazing; they allow you to see and mand for tech gifts will keep pace. communicate remotely via your PC with people on High-tech gifts don't have to be high cost, too. the other side of the world or just across the You can find a variety of useful and fun, userstreet. But most web cameras require you to sit in friendly and elegant tech gifts for less than $300. one spot, in front of your PC, at a certain distance So when you're making your holiday shopping for optimum resolution. The Logitech Quickcam list, keep these ideas in mind: Orbit AF (around $175 on Amazon) solves both Home theater for a song - While LG suggests a those problems. A motorized lens and intelligent price of $329 for the BH6720S - 3D-Capable Blu- face-tracking helps keep the camera on you, even Ray Disc Home Theater System with Smart TV if you move. And, the camera can handle even and built-in Wi-Fi, you can find it only for $250 to extreme close-ups. $300. The 5.1 channel speaker system includes Gamers Rejoice - Call of Duty: Black Ops II, the four satellite speakers, a center channel speaker most highly-anticipated video game of the year, is and a subwoofer to give you a real theater experi- available just in time for the holidays. Set in the ence in the comfort of your own living room. 'Con- year 2025, the game propels players into global nected' players like this access to a variety of conflict featuring advanced weaponry, robotics, content and services from the Internet, including and drone warfare in a new Cold War scenario movies and music from providers such as Netflix, whose seeds are being sown in today's headHulu Plus, VUDU, CinemaNow, YouTube, Pando- lines.- For an even more visceral gameplay expera, MOG and more. All online content can be ac- rience, Call of Duty: Black Ops II is also playable cessed via a home network using the player's in 3D!- It'll be available for Xbox 360, PlayStation built-in Wi-Fi connectivity. 3 and PC for roughly $60. They've got you covered - Even if you love your Great tech gifts will be welcome under almost any iPad (and who doesn't?), there are times when tree, and with some careful shopping and creative you yearn for an actual keyboard. The Logitech thinking you can find deals that ensure you're not Ultrathin Keyboard Cover attaches to your iPad paying for those gifts well into the new year. with magnets and functions as a keyboard. A leading product review site called it 'the best keyboard accessory ever made for the iPad.' Prices range around $100, depending on where you buy. Great tunes cubed - From serving as a dock for your iPod, iPhone or iPad to functioning as a good old-fashioned alarm clock with FM radio, LG's ND8520 does it all. The unique cube design delivers premium sound with its 2.1 Channel speaker system and built-in subwoofer. It's also Airplay compatible, so you can easily stream your favorite tunes wirelessly. Android phone users

Top tech gifts for $300 or less


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