Indian Railways |Year End Review 2020 2020 was an "Year of Grit and Victories" for Indian Railways
he year 2020 was an "Year of Grit and Victories“ for Indian Railways. Faced with daunting and unprecedented Covid related challenges, under the guidance and vision of PM, Indian Railways has not only been able to keep national supply chain running and move millions of people back home in most adverse circumstances but has also been able usher in an unprecedented growth in development of infrastructure , innovation, capacity expansion of network, freight diversification and transparency matters. Railways has used covid-19 challenge as an opportunity to lay the foundation for future development and next level of traveling experience for passengers.
In line with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mantra “Reform, Perform & Transform”, and his advice that “It is better to set a stiff target and seek to achieve it rather than drifting forward without aim”, Ministry of Railways has worked towards ushering in transformational changes across in all the area of its operations and management .Major reforms were carried out during the period are described below. National Rail Plan: To cater to the traffic requirements up to 2050 :laying the foundation for future A National Rail Plan (NRP) 2030 has been developed with a view to develop infrastructure by 2030 to cater to the traffic requirements up to 2050. Based on the NRP, a Vision 2024 document has been prepared to develop infrastructure
by 2024 to enhance modal share of Railways in freight transportation to more than 40 per cent and to cater to the traffic requirements upto 2030. Vision 2024 document lists all priority projects with target dates of completion and allocation of resources. Multi tracking of 14,000 Km route, electrification of entire Railway network, upgrading the speed potential of important routes to 130 KMPH and 160 KMPH (present speed potential 110 KMPH), completion of important coal connectivity and port connectivity projects have been planned as part of Vision 2024. An innovative financing has been devised to fund these priority projects. Indian Railway Finance Corporation (IRFC) is mobilizing resources with sufficient moratorium period and projects are being targeted to be completed well before expiry of moratorium period. These priority projects are being planned in such a way
JANUARY 2021 // Urban Transport Infrastructure