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Magazine‌ is the publication that celebrates the diversity and talent that surrounds us daily from a positive perspective. Featuring the best of the best via the arts,entertainment, luxury, lifestyle of professionals and more. Reaching various consumers across the country and overseas, our editorial content, promotion, and brand extensions communicate this ideal to the masses. For interviews, advertising or additional questions or comments: magazine@urbantmedia.com or urbantymes@hotmail.com
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iss m u o y Did ’s h t n o m last issue?
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African Musical Star Angelique Kidjo Remains in the Light !
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ESSENTIALS Teka’s Take Submitting to Your King? p14
Your Finances: 5 Reasons Why Talking About Money Can Enhance a Relationship p16
Business: 2017 Looking Bright for Small Business Owners! p20
URBANITY Society Charlotte "Charlee" Gumbi ‘s Humanity Must Rise! p22
A Positive Beauty: Iesha Petty p28
Fashion & Style: Klashaa p30 GVS: The Luxury of Handmade and Custom Items p36
Literary Treasures with Kisha Green
From Book to Screen! p38 The 5 Spot p44
Positive Vitality I AM – by Cameo N. Goodwin p49
Food & Wine Tyme NC Restaurants make the cut among Top 100 Spots p60
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Contributing Writers:
Contributing Photos:
Kisha Green Teka Rose Angela P. Moore Charlotte "Charlee" Gumbi GVS Michael Snell Jasmine Bourdeau Cameo N. Goodwin #Cwspeaks BPT
Angela P. Moore Jowhari Trahan Urban Tymes Mateo Tapas and Bar Bida Manda Klashaa.net http://www.kidjo.com/
Cover Photo
Raven Tait Lippin Group
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Teka’s Take Submitting to your King? Peace Ladies and Gents and Happy April to you! Spring has sprung and I’m turnt all the way up all month because I’m an April Baby!!! 4/28, is something anyone who knows and loves me is absolutely sick of hearing, but hey, if we don’t celebrate our existence on this beautiful earth who will? Love yourself thoroughly, and the joy you create within can be shared with others freely. So Happy Birthday to me, I will be accepting gifts all year long.
ceed, I must also include the definition of submission. Noun: submission- the action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or ther person.
Now, in the Bible, Ephesians 5:22 say for “Wives to submit to your husbands”. There’s more therebut the men always leave that last part out (I won’t). Ephesians 5:23 also adds “For the husBut I digress. band is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.” I'm sure this month’s title caught a side eye or two, Here is where the argument usually follows from so lets jump right in and address the topic at hand. the ladies that Ephesians 25 states “Husbands, This has been an argument for the ages and I love your wives, just as Christ loved the church have heard seemingly every version, thought, and gave himself up for her.” It actually gets a lot opinion from men and women alike…let’s face it, deeper after that, but I will give pause for the that’s all that seems to be alike when it comes to cause for now. Being that this months issue, and the hot topic of submitting to your King. So I’ll pick the February issue champions the “Brothers”, I will off the easy ish first; if you do not conduct yourself do the same. Being the self proclaimed feminist as a KING, no woman should ever submit to you. that I am, I do believe a wife should submit to her Point Blank (capital P and B). What’s considered husband. *Insert women rolling their eyes out of King-Like behavior you ask (probably didn’t, but I their heads here* I also believe a man should subwill pretend you did). To be a King, your must be mit to his wife, although, ultimately he should be benevolent, strong, a leader that can be comrevered as the head of the home. Before you lamanding and composed. You should be a teacher dies get to bashing my views, let me delve a bit that’s also willing to learn, who shows humility and more into my reasoning. This isn’t for the common so very much more. Every woman desires her very laws, the boyfriend and girlfriends or those simply own set of character and personality traits for the shacking up. This is some real life marriage stuff king that’s destined to be hers, and I assuredly that I believe in deeply. I’m not knocking your situcannot list all of them here. This is a starting point ation whatsoever, but my beliefs on submitting to to get us to the meat of it all….should a woman someone you’re not bound to by the laws of marsubmit to you? Unfortunately, before I can proriage shift and differ greatly. So much so, that I
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believe you don’t owe them jack to submit to. That’s just me though. But for those of you who have committed yourself to your life partner, yes, submission is necessary and should be a given. When you view it as a loss to yourself you’re doing just that….losing. Submitting to the person you chose to be worthy of your love, your body your mind should be someone you want to give all of that to freely, without question. So why, for one second would you view being submissive as a negative? The very idea of giving all of the aforementioned things to someone else freely is a form of submission in itself. You have yielded yourself to another person. You’re already exposed. I’m in no way saying that power should ever be abused or taken advantage of. Nor does it warrant frivolous expectations of a slave-like spouse that grovels for acceptance or permission for anything. It’s giving the respect to ask for permission, or authorization even when you know you don’t need it. It’s the consideration given to your spouse when conducting the most mundane of tasks, its caring enough to lend a hand even when you are knocking at exhaustions door yourself. Reciprocation of these things are a must, but should not be expected. That is what submission means to me. I am the most outspoken, questioning and challenging person I know. This doesn’t mean I won’t or haven’t submitted to my husband. He’d argue I don’t…ever, but once the facts are presented to him, he’d surely concede, I in fact do submit. It’s an honor that should never once be taken lightly or for granted. It’s in fact a grand gesture in my book. For someone to be willing to give in so to speak to someone else, is endearing. The fact that it is an honor to receive, makes the giver one that should be regarded with the utmost of respect, never looked down upon. That’s an abuse of the position and relinquishes any authority.
Now men, if you are providing your woman with the tools she requires from her life partner, you typically can get the world from her. Not just financially, or sexually. Give our complexity much more credit than that. Women need multifaceted loving, from every possible angle. Think Neo in the Matrix. Not the character, but the movement he made when dodging the bullets. That’s about how much love, care, attention, personality and everything else we require to cover our wants and
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needs. For the women that receive that type of love and cannot reciprocate it, she has some learning and building to do in the relationship. If you want to be crowned as a King, your must carry yourself as such. Same goes for the ladies. It can be a beautiful give and take between two people who love each other enough to submit to the other. It should never be obligatory or negative. I could delve so much deeper on this subject as there are many different avenues and scenarios this conversation could take; but I’ll let you take the conversation from here. If he is worthy of the honor of becoming your husband, he is worthy of your unconditional love…and that's my take on that. Love love! ~ Teka Rose
Urban Tymes Contributing Writer Social: FB: Facebook.com/TekaRose | IG: @ImTekaRose | Twitter: @TekaRose
Your Finances
5 Reasons Why Talking About Money Can Enhance a Relationship
(BPT) - Thinking about combining finances with your significant other? Whether you're getting married or just thinking about getting serious, talking about money can help couples understand each other and avoid unhappy surprises down the road. Here are five reasons why talking about money can enhance a relationship. It makes couples happier.
almost a third of adults with partners reported that money is a major source of conflict in their relationship. "What I see when talking with couples is that learning how to resolve money disagreements - and there will be disagreements - helps build important relationship skills," says Daniel Prebish, director of Life Event Services with Wells Fargo Advisors. "Those skills will be valuable both at the beginning of a relationship and likely for a couple's entire time together."
Talking about things like spending, saving and debt may sound business-like and unromantic, but financial experts agree that money is a frequent topic of It helps couples connect by understanding what's arguments in many relationships. In fact, according to going on. a survey by the American Psychological Association,
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Couples should discuss pros and cons of combining finances versus keeping finances separate. According to research by Wells Fargo & Company, about half of couples choose to combine accounts, while the other half prefers separate accounts. Regardless of where you and your significant other fall in this spectrum, both people in a relationship should understand how their financial habits impact - positively or negatively - the life they are building together.
Being up front about money issues and sharing complete financial information with your significant other helps avoid financial surprises that can add unnecessary stress to a relationship. While discussing money may not feel romantic, it certainly is emotional. So how do you get started? Here are tips: 1. Admit the conversation can feel awkward, but commit to having it anyway.
It helps couples track their short and long term financial goals.
2. Pick a mutually agreeable time. Your candle-lit Valentine's dinner may not be the right setting. Be open with your significant other about your full Pre-arranging the conversation will help ensure both people are mentally prepared. financial picture. Questions that can help open the door to meaningful conversations include: 3. Be open with your significant other. Share your values and opinions about spending and savings 1. Are we paying ourselves first? habits and goals you would like to achieve to2. Do we have a safety net? gether. 3. Are we paying all our bills on time, every time? 4. Have we reviewed our insurance needs in the last year?
4. Work at it. Commit to an annual meeting to talk about money, credit and whether you're on track to achieve your financial goals.
5. Do we track our spending to know where our money is going every month?
By opening the lines of communication, you can get on the same financial page before joining financial forces.
6. Are we paying down high-interest-rate debt first?
(This article was written by Wells Fargo Advisors and Consumer Lending)
7. Do we know where our credit stands?
Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC and Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC, Members SIPC, separate registered brokerdealers and non-bank affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company. Wells Fargo Consumer Lending Group provides products and services through Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and its various affiliates and subsidiaries. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is a bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company.
8. Are we saving for retirement? It helps couples afford the "extras" that make life fun. Building a solid financial future shouldn't mean forsaking enjoying life. When couples have a common understanding of how they'll prioritize and manage their day-to-day finances like housing costs, grocery and utility bills, it's easier to figure out where splurges fit in. It helps avoid financial surprises. Haring your friends shout, "happy birthday" is a welcome surprise. What's not welcome is suddenly discovering you can't afford to pay this month's bills or that retirement is farther away than a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
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Findings were a part of the 2016 Wells Fargo &Company's "How American Buys and Borrows" survey. Over 2000 American adults ages 18 and older were surveyed. Survey results were not published in their entirety.
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2017 20/ Urban Tymes Magazine
Looking Bright for Small Business Owners!
BPT) - The year 2017 is still in its infancy, but While the research found that small business research shows small business owners feel this owners are optimistic about 2017, it also proyear could be one of the best in recent memory. vides a favorable outlook for the years ahead. In fact, many small business owners report they A new survey, commissioned by Staples and hope to make small business ownership a famiconducted by Wakefield Research, found that ly tradition. Ninety-one percent of those sur85 percent of small business owners surveyed veyed said they would encourage their children reported feeling "optimistic" about the small to start their own business, and 93 percent said business climate in 2017. That's good news for they felt running their own business was the the owners as well as for their communities, best kind of job satisfaction there was. because for many, this optimism is motivating owners to put earned revenue directly back into Finding the tools to support small businesses their businesses and employees. For small business owners across the country, According to the research, 97 percent of reoptimism can often be directly tied to market spondents said they plan to increase investsuccess and having the proper tools to support ment in their companies this year, while 67 future growth. Staples Print and Marketing percent plan to hire new employees. Those Services offers a comprehensive suite of fresh hires also appear to be in line for better services, providing everything from business benefits, as 72 percent of small business own- cards and logo design to marketing materials ers report they plan to increase staff compensa- and signage. tion in 2017. Small business owners can find additional sup"We conducted this survey to better understand port materials online by visiting Staples.com the pulse of small business owners and to and the Staples Small Businesses Hub. The further identify those priority product and serHub is a resource that offers expert tips, inforvice areas in which we can help our customers mation and industry advice - everything a small achieve success in 2017," says Frank P. Bifulco business owner needs to grow their business in Jr., Chief Marketing Officer, Staples. 2017 and feel even more optimistic in the years to come. The survey included 502 small business owners across the country. For purposes of the To learn more about how Staples can support research, small businesses were defined as the initiatives in your small business, visit companies that had 10 or fewer full-time emStaples.com. ployees.
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Humanity Must Rise is a registerred Non-Profit Human Rights Organization I have formed to encourage our younger generation toward proper use of developing This wonderful invention, "The Internet" has technology in reference to: social media, email and similar online platforms. I hope to given birth to a new age form of abuse remind people what it means to be a good known as "cyber bullying". This form of human both off and online, in how we treat abuse occurs when a person or group of each other. people post defamatory and/or explicit, comments, opinions and images about On the 5th of November 2016 Humanity another person or group of people. Most Must Rise had it's very first nude creative cyber bullies don't even realize their abusive actions, hence we see the need to photoshoot (The Rebirth Of Humanity) in the Johannesburg CBD of South Africa. educate. The "Rebirth Of Humanity" was done to create awareness surrounding cyber On the 5th of January 2016 I was bullying & revenge porn. cyber-bullied by a former boyfriend who tried very hard to torment me and break my spirit in the worst way possible. The way he Directed by Johwari Trahan from Oakland did this was by sending naked pictures and CA USA and simultaneously captured by posting defamatory comments about me, to Sun L Manqele and Trinity Jackson while people on social media .This form of abuse shooting in South Africa. is also commonly referred to as, "revenge porn." Greetings humans. My name is Charlotte "Charlee" Gumbi and I have unwavering faith in Humanity.
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Also on the 5th of November 2016 I participated in a more intimate shoot which I titled, "The 'Naked Truth." This was also captured by Sun L Manqele and was designed to bring awareness to body shaming. Charlee adds, "The Naked Truth is especially personal to me because my cyber bully (who will remain nameless for obvious reasons) tried to body shame me by telling everyone about the scars on my thighs and my bum. My scars are intimate information and he tried to hurt me by using this against me and telling everyone how disgusting they are." Charlotte continues, "All this body shaming had me brainwashed to hate my beautiful skin, but I've discovered that my scars, stretch marks and pimples are part of the artwork that is me. I refuse to continue
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hiding behind the shame of abuse. I am taking back the power used against me to make me feel ashamed of my unique, different and beautiful body. I am using my body as an expressive art form to teach myself to love and respect the skin I live in. I am saying no to body shaming, because no one should be able to make me feel inferior without my consent." That sums up, "The Naked Truth." "This photoshoot is proof that no matter where you are in the world, social media & the Internet now connects us all. I was able to put together this production team and both A weekend ‌.an example of photoshoot, what they livealldaily plan and execute the entire using social media. Yes, the Internet is and can be used as an amazing tool for good, if in the right hands."
"Everyone who assisted in making #TheRebirthOfHumanity Photoshoot Project a success worked with me free of charge without asking for compensation. I will am eternally thankful to everyone who joined forces with Humanity Must Rise® to help me bring awareness to body shaming and cyber bullying." Charlee continues, "Furthermore, I still have unwavering faith in Humanity and will still stand by the following words till the end of my days: the world isn't such a bad place, it just needs a little healing.'
work on creating awareness and connecting with and motivating our future leaders. Humanity Must Rise believes in connecting with our youth because as the future, they need our guidance today, not tomorrow. Don't be a Cyber Bully. Be a nice human. #HumanityMustRise http://Facebook.com/humanity-must-rise http://instagram.com/charlee_hustle_ http://twitter.com/charlee_hustle
Therefore, Humanity must rise." Dlinkwint.clothing@gmail.com In the near future, Humanity Must Rise will also be visiting primary and highschools were it will
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Iesha Petty Iesha smiles in photos with great confidence and stands in her womanly grace and power. She is a wife and a mother to two beautiful children named Anthony, 10 and Anya, 5. She has triumphed over cancer and owes her happiness to having a positive mindset. Iesha Petty professes that she has lived more during these past 4 years than she has lived in her first 40 years of life. “I’m now thankful instead of thinkful” Iesha recognizes the principle of Positive One, “live life effortlessly”. Instead of worrying and wondering about the past or the future, she lives in the moment and displays an attitude of gratitude. She would never have been able to reach her success without the love and prayer of others. Mrs. Tammy Robinson, from Family Mission Center out of Darlington, South Carolina, helped to lift Iesha’s spirit through prayer. Iesha recognizes how prayer and support had given her strength at a time when she was lost. Opportunities through Positive One and volunteerism have allowed her to find and then live out her purpose, which is to love and empower others. Iesha has learned to trust herself and others. Before she could love anyone else she discovered the love of self.
“Instead of using this hand to point to others I turned it around and pointed it at myself” Iesha no longer blamed others for her circumstances and recognized that her actions would help shape and mold her reality. She got back to the basics and remembered how to live a happy life. She embraced activities that seemed to be lost and forgotten. Her nostalgic love for drawing and dancing invigorated her spirit. The sound of reggae like Cutty Ranks and Chaka Demas and Pliers was food for her soul. Exercise became therapy that awakened the smile from yesteryear. Iesha became closer to self, “I see beauty in myself. Now I see it everywhere.” Seeing the light in others spreads love. She lives in love so much that her mindset has influenced her children. Her daughter, Anya, said to her mother, “I thank you for believing in me!” Remarkably, at 5 years old, Anya has been given the tools to live in the positive mindset of gratitude. Iesha focuses on teaching her children the proper skills to become productive adults.
“Be true to self. If you surround yourself with the right people they will love who you are! “Setting up a team of people who supports I lacked self-confidence and knowledge of who you are makes all the difference. When self and what I could do. I didn’t know my you have a team of people who support you, purpose” boundaries become mirages and obstacles become opportunities of growth. Do not Over 300 pounds ago and a triumphant battle change who you are. Dedicate your time to over cancer, Iesha realized everyone was liv- those who value and appreciate you. They ing except her. She had no dreams for herself have the ability to uplift you and remind you as she was misdirecting her energy by focus- of your positive beauty. ing on others without first servicing herself. She decided to get back in tune with self. By Jasmine Bourdeau
A POSIT1VE BEAUTY 28/ Urban Tymes Magazine
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URBANITY 30/ Urban Tymes Magazine
Klashaa Embracing her gifts Accepting her
Crown By Carey Digsby
She’s known as a Celebrity designer, Entrepreneur, Wife, and Mom. Her works are bold and innovative making major moves in various industries and garnering the respect and accolades from many. Urban Tymes own Carey Digsby sat down with the rising star and talked family, business and empowerment of sisters today to follow their dreams and accept their crowns! CW: Klashaa! Hey!!!!! K: Hey!!! CW: How are you? K: Doing well, long trip here! CW: Yes, you came out from the DC area! K: Yes with two kids (lol) CW: Oh wow! So tell us what brings you to the QC? K: I came here to visit some family, handle some interviews, and follow up on some things. CW: Everyone knows Klashaa the brand, and you are the face of the brand. How did it come to be? How did you come up with the concept for such an amazing line? K: I’ve wanted to get into fashion since I was about 10 years old. Now my daughter, who’s eight, now, wants to get into fashion too! I started out modeling and acting, but then I didn’t know which
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way to go which way to go. I then found myself at home, laid off a job, pregnant with my youngest child, so after that I decided I was going to make my own business, and it looked like fashion was the way to go, that was my passion and what I always wanted. The creativity, the art, everything! CW: We know you also have the line, but you also have your couture line, which is hot! K: Sure! I love creativity and color, so it was a no-brainer for me to do my couture line. I have a couple of different lines coming out, as well as a plus sized line for my curvy women, so I can’t wait for that! CW: I know the sisters are going to love that as well, because the way you use color is amazing! It’s bold and sensual at the same time. Like the Prince Purple jumpsuit you did..wow! K: Yes, I loved that! CW: That was fire! His Royal Badness would’ve loved that as well! You mention your fashion lines, and we talked about the couture lines. Now I heard that your pieces are in Love and Hip Hop Atlanta…how did that occur? K: I reached out to casting with LHHATL to see if they needed designers. I sent the producer some of my pieces, and he was like “come on down!” I was on my way to LA, got the call at the airport, so I flew back from LA on a Sunday, and then flew to ATL on a Thursday. CW: Opportunity! K: Yes, yes! CW: You’ve mentioned modeling; you’ve shared with us your line, now you also mentioned acting. Will we get to see Klashaa on television or the big screen in the future? K: I definitely would like to dab back into it! Modeling is fun, but I can model for my own line now! That’s not a big thing for me, but acting, I would definitely love to do that.
CW: Your little ones are here, have they too been bitten by the fashion bug? K: Yes! So my eight year old came up with the concept of “Kook Kids” spelled with a K, we do K’s in my family. Kadence and Kimora my two kids will have the Kook Kids Line, the eight year old will design tomboy looks for here and girl looks for the little one! CW: Oh now that’s Kool!!! That’s cute! And bringing them up in the business, to be fully aware of how to do it, that’s great! K: Yes, my eight year old wants a kiosk for her 9th birthday so she can sell her stuff. I was like “how do know what that is?” (Laughing) CW: That’s impressive! Wow, you know other kids her age are talking about getting video games and toys, but she want to be the entrepreneur, and wants a kiosk! K: It’s in the family. Both my parents own their own business here, so we’ve all been taught to do that, become entrepreneurs. CW: Community is also important to you. Currently you have a non-profit you’ve been working on for a while. K: Yes, it’s called “I’ve Been Crowned” It’s reminds women that we’ve born with crowns on our heads. It came about as a hashtag that I started, then people started asking what it meant, and it was birthed from there. I got my t-shirts created, like the one I’m wearing now, and I went out one day and I got stopped so many times! So right now we are working on the Empowerment Brunch Tour, which starts iDC on May 20th, and we are coming to Charlotte, Atlanta and hopefully adding Los Angeles to the brunch! We are looking to having speakers that will give testimony of things they have been through and their triumph from it. That’s the basis, to be a support system and support each other. I think that we as women go through a lot, that we tend to carry. We tend to not let it out or say anything to anybody, so this brunch is an opening for that. I’m hoping to bridge many support systems and networks all over the country with this.
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CW: That’s amazing, and so much needed right now! Thank you for bringing that to the sisters! K: This is the time for women to stand up for each other definitely. CW: So what’s the next step for Klashaa? K: So I’ll being doing a Charlotte Peace for the Runway April 28th. More interviews here in the Charlotte area, so I’ll be here twice a month. I’m also unveiling a new line on my 30th birthday, which is August 13th, so I’m doing a big fashion show for that. And hopefully you’ll see me on Love and Hip Hop again! Follow her at: www.KlashaasCloset.com Twitter: @KlashaasCloset instagram.com/klashaallc
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Your YourStyleStyleGame…. Game…. . .
The House of LeMond 34/ Urban Tymes Magazine
3010 Monroe Rd Charlotte NC 28205 (704) 712-9531
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he Luxury of Handmade and Custom Items
When we think of custom items, we undoubtedly start to think about the price tags they carry. This is understandable since handmade items indeed command a far higher price than their mass produced, off the rack counterparts. However, there is a hidden luxury in handmade items that simply can’t be reproduced. This alone is enough to drive most men towards acquiring at least a few custom items, but there are other reasons guys should consider handmade clothing:
to this, the breaking in process will expose a foot to harsh conditions that might result in injury and will further exacerbate pre-existing conditions along the way. A handmade shoe is different. Because a shoemaker develops a pattern for the wearer rather than just using any old last available to him, a man can ensure his custom fit will be actually designed for his foot and will support him where he needs it most – not where a shoe manufacturer says he needs it.
Injury Prevention Custom shoes are one of the greatest heights in the luxury handmade market, but their comfort and styling take second place to the fact that they’re medically shown to reduce footrelated injuries. For decades, men have suffered under the impression that “breaking in shoes” will help make them their own. While there is some truth
Longevity There’s no secret about it: cheap clothes are exactly that. Off the rack shirts, dress pants, and even full suits aren’t usually designed to last and will require men to go out of their way to take care of them in order to give them any amount of staying power in their wardrobe. This isn’t the case with handmade items. Tailors and
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shoemakers are given the freedom and flexibility to only use the highest quality materials and sewing techniques, which ultimately creates a far better garment that is able to withstand the test of time. Yes, a handmade item will cost more upfront, but will pay for itself in savings throughout the years over ownership that a custom item tends to provide. Unique When it comes to accessories, nothing is more important than having a truly one of a kind piece. This is exactly what handmade items provide their wearers. Handmade items aren’t developed from any mass produced pattern, which ensures its wearers are given something that is truly reflecting their own personal sense of style. Nothing else will be like it! https://www.gvsclothiers.com
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Literary Treasures With Kisha Green As a writer, typing THE END is a great accomplishment. That completed manuscript goes through various stages of editing, book is released and then you sit, hope and pray that your "baby" will be received as you imagined. You wonder is it good enough as you sat night and day feverishly writing what you believe is the best thing since sliced bread. Well, imagine the delight when that same writer has completed a screenplay that will be adapted to film. That is exactly what is happening with these talented writers. They are thinking outside the box and instead of waiting for it to happen, they are making it happen for themselves on their own terms. Social media plays a major role with getting your product to the masses, quicker than in the past. So combine that with the passion, commitment and drive and there you have the recipe for success. The following guys I know personally and have watched them all start out as a writer with a dream and now they are destined for more greatness.
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Whi te
Silk White is a Harlem, NY native who began his writing career in 2006. He is a Best Selling Author of over 22 Urban Fiction novels and the co-owner of Good2Go Publishing/Good 2Go Films. In his spare time, Silk loves to write and act. Silk writes and produces web series and films. KG: At what point in your career did youdecide to venture into web series? SW: One day I was sitting down watching television and said my stories are so much better than what is playing on TV and that's when I decided to go the web series route. KG: What was your first film and the initial cost? SW: The first movie I did was titled "No Way Out" and the cameraman charged me $8000 which was very expensive at the time but you pay for what you do not know and I didn't know any better back then.
ent lives but they're all connected in some type of way. You have a couple that sells drugs, a couple that battles with domestic violence and a couple that is just broken. My goal is to create series that are relatable yet entertaining from beginning to end. KG: In your web series, The Hand I Was Dealt it was received well by fans and viewers, do you think that initial success was because you were too a successful author? SW: I believe so. just like my books I just try to put out great content. I am pleased that the viewers enjoyed the show, BUT there are still millions of people who has never heard of "The Hand I Was Dealt" so my goal now is exposure so more people are fans/supporters of the show.
KG: Tell me about The Hackman? SW: The Hackman was written by Tra Verdejo and is a great story. It tells the story of main KG: What was one of the most character "Mitch" who was difficult things you encountered recently released from prison. being an indie screenwriter? After his release, a string of SW: Effectively putting together murders begins to happen in a schedule for all the cast. They the backseat of illegal taxis all live different lives so known as a "Hack". sometimes it is often difficult to get everyone on the same KG: With The Hackman, you schedule. initially released it exclusively with Queen City Bullies before KG: I see that you and Tra releasing it on YouTube, why Verdejo are friends as well as did you do that with this business partners, how imporparticular web series? tant was this in your decision SW: Well, that is a question making regarding going into the more geared to Tra. He wrote world of film? the story and felt that was the SW: It has been great, we both best route, that's my partner so are on the same page with I stood behind him and supportgreat chemistry. ed the move. TV: The reason was that we KG: What is the web series, were trying to explore a The Hand I Was Dealt about? different route in hopes of SW: The Hand I Was Dealt is reaching a more controlled about three couples living differ- audience. Silk and I are always
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trying to find a way to make revenue and I felt it was a good Idea to give them a try. Queen City Bullies is black owned so it was only right we supported each other. KG: How long did it take you to shoot The Hand I Was Dealt and The Hackman? SW: Four months to shoot "The Hand I Was Dealt" and three months for"The Hackman". KG: As a self-published author one of the many plights is distribution, is that the same with indie web series and if so do you truly rely on social media to promote the series? SW: Yes whenever selling or producing anything distribution is always the key. the mission to build up a huge following and keep providing great content and everything will eventually fall into place. KG: What is next for you, not limited to just the series but overall? SW: Working on a lot of things right now. The next installment to "Business Is Business" book series will be coming soon. April, I will be releasing a new web series titled "Wrong Place Wrong Time" So 2017 is going to be a good year so stay tuned. Thank you Kisha so much for this interview, I appreciate you and all the support you've shown me over the years. www.good2gopublishing.com Instagram: Silkwhite212 "The Hand I Was Dealt" The hottest web series on the internet https://m.youtube.com/watch ?v=r2QahtIJpSE
KG: I applaud you for going the indie route releasing this
process, someone close to him gets caught in the crossfire, and it turns Harlem from a gentleman into a gangster. He shows them what going to war is really about. KG: Out of all of the stories you have written, why did you pick this particular one to adapt into a film? KF: Well when I first wrote the script, I was still learning. My wife bought me a manuscript program one valentines day and I started teaching myself how to write film and television scripts, the same way I did with novels. From Harlem with Love was the second script I completed and I thought the storyline would make an interesting and different film.
n a K ’w K'wan is a Harlem native who is an award winning and successful author of over forty novels while being one of the veteran authors when Street Lit is mentioned. He is also the author of several dark fantasy novels written under a pseudonym and has been featured in Vibe, Pages, King, The Library Journal, Entertainment Weekly, The New York Press, and Time Magazine, to name a few. Some would be content with just that literary success but, you, on the other hand, are still hungry for more and demonstrates that you do really Write 2 Eat. Please tell me about your transition from books to film with your first indie film, From Harlem With Love. KG: What is From Harlem With Love about? KF: F.H.W.L is a story set in the housing projects where I grew up. It's about a young hustler named Harlem who just wants to stay out of the way and enjoy his slice of the pie. When the generation of dealers that came before him and went away to do time, Harlem and his young crew stepped up and capitalized on the now open market. They reinvented the way drugs were sold in the neighborhood and blew up. When the older hustlers come home years later they feel like they're entitled to compensation, but Harlem doesn't see it that way. He's willing to share, but they want it all and try to extort him. In the
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KG: How long were you writing screenplays before you decided to do your own? KF: I had never really tried it before I started doing my own. The first few I wrote were original concepts. From Harlem With Love is the first one of my books I adapted. KG: What prompted you to go the independent route versus shopping this script around? KF: The control, of course. I'd had an offer for F.H.W.L. It was a decent offer, but I'd have to give up control of my baby, meaning I wouldn't have any say-so over how the film with made. Going independent gives me total control over the project. I am the writer, director and one of the producers. KG: Just like many self-published authors whose biggest obstacle is distribution, do you find it identical in the film world? KF: Truthfully? No, because I never looked. In this age of everything being digital, I can get the vision out on my own, although on a limited platform. With this first one, I can't really say I was looking to get picked up by a film company or put it on the big screen. I just wanna get the vision out. It was the same thing with my first book. Nobody believed that I was capable until I showed them and that's what I intended to do with the film. This also puts me in a unique position. By me producing and filming my own project it shows that I have the know-how to do it on my own. When you go to them it's all about what they want to give you, when you come to them it's about what you're asking for.
through Write 2 Eat Films and more so with using local talent for the acting and soundtrack, why was this important to you? KF: I wanted to provide opportunities for one thing, and the other is me wanting to inspire people to do things that might not have been on their radar previously. Encouragement brings out the best in all of us.
KF: We don't have an etched in stone release date. At the time of this interview, we're just wrapping up pre-production. We start shooting in May when the weather breaks.
rolling right into that after we're done with F.H.W.L.
KG: How can people stay in contact with you regarding you and your film? KF: Email queries can be sent to KG: What role will social media FromHarlemWithLoveFilm@Gm play in the release of your film? ail.com or you can visit the FaceKF: Of course, because of its the book page - FromHarlemWithplatform we'll be using to get it LoveFilm into the hands of the people. If a Netflix, Hulu, etc, comes into KG: What will viewers see in this play later that's totally fine. As of men have turned these words film regarding the writing that right now, I'm taking it one step into something worth watching your readers may already know? at a time, enjoying and learning and hearing. Regardless whethKF: It's my hope that they see from the experience. er it is film or web series or a I'm not one dimensional. I can podcast, it all starts with the write books as well as films. Ba- KG: What is next for K'wan words, the script and a vision. sically, I can do anything I put Foye? Which further confirms that my mind to. KF: Books, of course. Hoodlum books are INDEED a business. 2 this summer, Diamond Empire KG: When will From Harlem in the fall and I'm also working With Love release? on another film project. We're
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Michael Ray So it all starts with words and from there you can use it as a platform to launch something bigger and with Silk and K'wan they have done just that. Allow me to introduce you to Micheal Ray who started out as a blogger but wanted people not only to read his words but hear him too and that is exactly what he is doing with his podcast. Michael attributes his success, determination, perseverance and his intuitiveness to the village that raised him. He can't give up now; it wouldn't be fair to deprive those who have never been given the opportunity to be in the presence of the "El Capitan� KG: Tell me about who Michael Ray is? MR: One of the most cerebral,observant, family oriented, humble, approachable individuals you shall ever meet. Still a child at heart, lover of stuffed animals, cartoons and ice cream. One who is very honest with self can be sarcastic at times. Will go to the ends of the earth for a friend and stranger alike. Honest to a fault. A tad brief on a wrong day, but then again aren't we all? KG: What is one word that best describes you? MR: Determined. KG: Tell me about your podcast? MR: Well Moderated is a forum that welcomes real conversations. Where respectable adults can express themselves, whether we agree or disagree. A round-table where we can pow wow as a whole,
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examine topics, reflect and introduce the possibility of resolution. KG: You started out as a blogger and was successful at it, why the podcast now? MR: I found that the blog community was over saturated...one topic may have hundreds of blogs, whereas, in the podcast community, that number would be half. Also, podcasting possesses greater portability...blogging does not. KG: What will you bring to the podcast arena that will set you apart from the other shows currently out? MR: Transparency, a level of comfort and accessibility. KG: How has social media helped you in regards to your podcast? MR: It has enabled me to reach masses of individuals of all ages and socioeconomic statuses worldwide. I feel social media is the door to the world. KG: Who is your target audience for your podcast? MR: The demographic that I feel obligated to serve is that of the 29-49-year-old community. People who are upwardly mobile, progressive and aggressively in search of something above the status quo.
In conclusion, writing opens the door to many other opportunities if you want them and can see further than the words. These have turned these words into something worth watching and hearing. Regardless whether it is film or web series or a podcast, it all starts with the words, the script and a vision. Which further confirms that books are INDEED a business.
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With Kisha Green! These are some buzz worthy books! Each month Kisha brings further enlightenment to reading by featuring 5 phenomenal books plus one extra (1 will always be a nonfiction or one children's book) for you to learn more about and add to your personal library! 1. And Then There Was Me by Sadeqa Johnson 2. Misguided Lust by C.J.Hudson 3. The Florharah Sisters by Se'Quince Aiken 4. The Final Hour by Jessica Wren 5. Blue Fish by Ciera Provo *Children's Pick: Dyamonde Daniel "Rich" by Nikki Grimes
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Author Latise M. Howie
The Chronicles Trilogy
www.latisemhowie.com 47/ Urban Tymes Magazine
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By Cameo N. Goodwin
I AM. I AM WOMAN. LADY. FEMALE. QUEEN. LIONESS. I AM WOMAN CREATED FROM INTERNAL STRENGTH TO NOT ONLY NURTURE BUT SURVIVE AND PROVIDE. I AM THE ONE WHO GRACES YOU WITH MY PRESENCE AND LEAVES YOU WITH MY SMILE. I AM STRENGTH EMPOWERED BY GOD. I AM SUNSHINE SENDING RAYS OF WARMTH AMONGST THE LAND. I AM AS BRIGHT AS THE STARS AND AS BOLD AS THE MOON. I AM GRACEFUL AND DAINTY. I am sure and confident. I am the source of love to shower upon those who come in contact with me. I am worthy of love, happiness, joy and laughter. I am deserving of greatness and peace. I am embodied with His anointing to spread throughout. I am empowered to carry out the many roles I must play each day……from employee, to mom, to wife, to friend….from entrepreneur to business woman, sister and daughter. I am solely responsible for my own actions. I am forgiving of those who have caused deep rooted wounds and left nasty scars. 49/ Urban Tymes Magazine
I am capable of leaving my past and walking forward into my future destiny. I am willing to stand strong in the face of adversity and….. I am determined to beat not only the struggles that are thrown at me, but even my own inner personal struggles. I am living in truth each and every day. I am greatness unfolding right before your eyes. I am seen through the lens of many who may judge yet it is only my thoughts that matter. I am courageously built to take on any challenge or obstacle that may find my path. I am gorgeous and beautiful in my very own natural being. I am like an eagle, wings spread wide as I soar, non stoppable I am. I am perfect in my image and…. I AM IMPERFECT IN MY PERFECTION. I Am a Queen. I am true to myself. I am sure l have purpose here on this planet. I am beyond wondrous and bold. I am creative and natural. I am a powerful Woman. Lady. Female. Queen. Lioness. I am….I am….I am….
MUSIC African Star AngĂŠlique Kidjo Releases New Album & Talks Global Human Rights Issues By Angela P. Moore
hree-time Grammy award-winning songstress and activist, AngĂŠlique Kidjo, is back with a new album and tour. Not only is Kidjo one of Africa's most celebrated singers, she is one of the few celebrities speaking out against any form of injustice and human rights violations. Kidjo will take her musical extravaganza to concert halls and music festivals across the globe beginning next month when she returns to Carnegie Hall on May 5, 2017, and make her U.S. festival debut at Bonnaroo Music and Art Festival in June. With over three decades of music and 15 albums later, Kidjo's new album, "Remain in Light ", is a reinterpreting of her friend, David Byrne and Talking Heads' classic 1980 album, "Remain in Light". With her own style, electrifying rhythms, African guitars and layered backing vocals, she performs all of the songs off Byrnes' album, such as "Crosseyed and Painless," "Once in a Lifetime," and "Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes on)" and others. Byrne was ahead of his time when he put out the funky, upbeat album, and Kidjo immediately fell in love with it and made it her own.
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"Due to all the darkness that we live in, we have to remain in light.�
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With over three decades of music and 15 albums later, Kidjo's new album, "Remain in Light ", is a reinterpreting of her friend, David Byrne and Talking Heads' classic 1980 album, "Remain in Light". With her
recipient of the prestigious 2015 Crystal Award.
However, growing up was a different story; life was challenging for this international sensation. In a telephone interview, Kidjo "Due to all the darkness that we live in, we recalled growing up in poverty and being surrounded by the rich sounds and have to remain in light. I discovered traditional Beninese culture and having to "Talking Heads" and I like the openness and creativity of "Talking Heads". I'm about escape her small West African country in the middle of the night to go live in France. building bridges between cultures and remain in light and keep our light, strength, She also chatted about how her parents stressed the importance of getting an our compassion to love and don't be tempted to hate," she proudly says. Kidjo is education, and how she attended school in a woman of many voices, she speaks a half Benin when female education was not common. dozen languages, and sings in four languages: English, French and the West African languages of Yoruba and Fon. Off-stage, Kidjo is a lifelong advocate for When asked, where did she get such a human justice and is passionate about powerful voice, she says, "I don't know. I shedding light on major global human rights don't think it about. I was born with this issues ranging from violence against voice. It's a gift of nature that I was blessed women, poverty, child slavery and the with. I empower people with my music, and incarceration of the disabled. Returning to if I can transform people and help them to a second season, she lends her voice to live with no stigma, I've done good. People 21ème Siècle (21st Century), a monthly are born free and should be free." magazine series that airs and streams nationally on TV5Monde USA and co Known for crossing musical boundaries by produced in New York by the network and United Nations Television. "Being the voice combining different genres of music, of 21st Century allows you to present news including jazz, funk, salsa, blues, soul, in a different way. We find out about both rumba and markossa, Kidjo has topped sides. The refugees want to be free. Billboards charts, has been nominated for We feel powerless and want to do five Grammys, and took home three, including "Best World Album" in both 2015 something in our country," she says. and 2016. She also has been recognized as one of the "10 African Women who Kidjo is also passionate about female Impacted the World", The Guardian listed empowerment and education and she stays her as one of their "Top 100 Most Inspiring busy traveling the world as a UNICEF Women in the World", Time Magazine has goodwill Ambassador and overseeing her called her "Africa's premier diva" and The own organization, the Batonga Foundation, BBC has included her in its list of the which advocates for education for girls in continent's 50 most iconic figures. Forbes Africa. "I do so much because I've grown Magazine has ranked Kidjo as the first up in a family that gave us education. woman in their list of the" Most Powerful Education is extremely important. I've seen Celebrities in Africa". The World Economic freedom. Complete freedom was taken Forum in Davos, Switzerland, made her the away from me in my country, so I want to
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create a life for every child in the world to go to school. Every child has a right to go to school. Although, I'm doing a lot, I feel like I'm not doing enough. Over 130 million girls are out of school in the world," says Kidjo.
don't know. I can't complain. I love to do music. Music is the only language we have in common. Music is a powerful tool and that's why you have to be careful with it."
Although she has accomplished a lot in life and has an extensive list of career highlights, Kidjo still feels there is so much more to accomplish. She says, "My most significant accomplishment is my brirth of my daughter."
For Angélique Kidjo's upcoming tour information, visit www.kidjo.com. Follow Angélique Kidjo on Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/angeliquekidjo/ https://www.instagram.com/angeliquekidjo/
Curious about how she spends her Sundays, or if she has any special rituals, Kidjo responds, "Sunday morning to me is the relax day of the week. I work out. I take it easy and pamper myself and enjoy the company of my husband (singer-songwriter Jean Hébrail). It's a day to rejuvenate yourself." Before closing, I asked Kidjo at what point in her career, did she feel like she had made it? Kidjo laughs and says, "I don't know if I made it. When you go to your grave, you have made it. I 54/ Urban Tymes Magazine
Angela P. Moore is a journalist based in the Atlanta area. A passionate writer-and-photographer-at-heart, she freelances for local and national magazines. She pens articles on celebrity profiles, art, music, business, travel, entertainment, health, self-help, and consumerrelated issues.
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Food&Wine Tyme Making th
e Cut!
OpenTable is known as the leading provider of free, real-time online reservations for diners and reservation and guest management solutions for restaurants. Recently, OpenTable announced it’s Top 100 Hot Spots in America for 2017, which is voted on by OpenTable Diners based on an analysis of 10,000,000+ reviews of more than 24,000 restaurants across the country. Two restaurants in North Carolina “made the cut.”
MATEO BAR de TAPAS is the first solo venture from Chef Matthew Kelly of Vin Rouge, housed in the old Book Exchange building in the heart of downtown Durham NC. The restaurant features a menu that blends the flavors of Spain with beloved ingredients and dishes of the 60/ Urban Tymes Magazine
South, offering a menu of Spanish small plates with a Southern inflection. Accompanying the food is a robust Spanish wine list as well as one of the largest sherry offerings in the country.
Bida Manda
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