ontributing This Month:
Dru Ea�ons is a
modern woman infused with traditiona� va�ues…a true Southern Be��e! This former Obama Administration officia� has branched out into the wor�d of media and consu�ting. Ea�ons’ strengths are her abi�ity to bui�d strong coa�itions through strategic engagement and networking; community re�ations; event p�anning; and pub�ic/private partnerships.
Most recent�y, Ea�ons has dabb�ed in the wor�d of media. Appearing frequent�y on cab�e morning shows to discuss po�itics, issues that impact women, re�ationships and current events. Whi�e very comfortab�e on TV, she’s expanding her media experience to b�ogging and pub�ic speaking about the very same topics and more. https://twitter.com/DruEa�ons
Kisha Green is no stranger to the literary world. She is the owner of DivaBooksInc, the author of several titles including the hit novel,And Even If I Did, literary consultant and publicist. As the host of Writer’s Life Chats,an online radio show, Green interviews aspiring and seasoned authors. Writer’s Life Chats has been nominated multiple times for Best Blog Talk Show, winning the title in 2010 and 2011. Green is also a avid reader and book reviewer whose reviews have appeared on Urban Book Source, Shelfari, Goodreads, Amazon and other notable sites. As a firm believer in “each one, teach one,” Green launched Literary Jewels in 2011, an online resource for aspiring writers interested in self-publishing. Green has also participated in numerous panel discussions on the topic of publishing. www.divabooksinconline.com
Shkethia Young list of accomplishments is only matched by her passion for life and helping others in life. Founder of The Blessings House, a non-profit organization that provided support services in the community to individuals and families, to her next catalyst for helping others; Young Counseling provides therapy services using a strengths based perspective to address concerns such as depression, anxiety, and parenting issues. Her talents also include writing reviews, giving her readers an inside view of people and places from her unique perspective! https://www.facebook.com/shkethiayoung
The credentials of Mr. Varnell Bien Amie reflect not only professionalism but a history of helping others. From his work as a COGIC minister, to his work as General Manager with Charlotte Crossover ABA Basketball Team. As an experienced Financial Advisor, he states his primary objective is to help individuals learn and achieve financial freedom in a complex and constantly changing world. http://www.financialguide.com/varnell-bien-aime
Special thanks to GvS writer: J.
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Let Go…. or Get Left
even realized. Reason, we didn’t need them, we always start making plans. As held on to them for the “what if” someone recently stated during and “just because” which did a Periscope broadcast, why neither of us any good, if anyplan for the New Year Jan 1, thing we pushed or moved when you should be planning those items from point A to for it now? point B, never using them.
TYME 2 Talk
Around this time its best to
That is so true, and usually I take this time to look back on things accomplished, things on hold, and start planning on things for the future. Note I did not say the new year, I said the future, simply because if you plan for a new year, you limit yourself, for that year. But if you plan for your future, it becomes an ever continuing, ever evolving part of your life. During this process, you must let go, or get left. Why do I say that? Simply because we have a tendency to hold on to things thinking that they have some inherit value or we need them. Just recently I was rearranging the downstairs of our town home and my wife came down to see the progress (of course) I showed to her several things that we moved years ago along with us to this place and asked her what she wanted to keep and what was not needed. She looked, I looked, we thought about it, and result was us donating more items than I
Follow us on:
Such is the way with our life. We hold onto grudges, situations, feelings, people, and even jobs, never realizing that holding these things firmly with both hands and hearts, never allows or grants us the opportunity to reach and embrace new things, opportunities and people that will take us further in our walk through life, and may truly bless us in the end. If we do not take the time to realize this, those new path become lost to us, available to others, and as a result, we get left behind. I hope that as you are reading this, you gain the insight, the “ah ha” moment to go back and start cleaning up what you may have, and let go of things that are keeping you from your true potential! Till next time fam, CW
pg .33
Essentials Tyme 2 Talk pg 05 Politically Speaking pg 08 Is Your Business Right? pg 10 Teach Your Children Finances pg 11 Twitter, Tweeps, Tweeties Oh My pg 12
Model Leera
Mthethwa Pg 15
Urbanity Arts Lena the Art Diva! pg 20 Literary Treasures From A Soldier’s Perspective pg 22 Fashion Time to Fashionably Transition! pg 28 Food & Wine Tyme College Barbeque Drive Inn pg 42
- ESSENTIALS Politics * Business * Finance
Politically Speaking With Dru Ealons
Murderous Cops‌. Why Training is NOT the Answer!
At �east not the on�y answer…. Neither is stopping racia� profi�ing nor training b�ack sons and daughters how to act when they have the unfortunate opportunity to encounter the po�ice. And the notion that we need more jobs and economic opportunities, whi�e a�� true, is not the answer either. The truth of the matter is, if we had a�� of those aforementioned things in p�ace, we sti�� �ack ACCOUNTAB�L�TY! Let me say this, � do understand that not a�� cops are bad or wi��ing�y execute b�ack ma�es or fema�es. The prob�em is we don’t hear enough from them. The “b�ue wa��” is standing in the way of accountabi�ity. How do � know there is NOT any accountabi�ity? �n the cases of #EricGarner, #TamirRice and #Wa�terScott the officers who murdered these men a�� had some sort of troub�ed past. For examp�e, in the case of #EricGarner, that officer had been sued a three times for misconduct for aggressive behavior. �n the case of #TamirRice, the 12 year o�d murdered by C�eve�and po�ice for having a toy gun, the murderous cop was deemed unfit to serve by another po�ice department. �n the case of #Wa�terScott, the po�ice officer had at �east one comp�aint against him for excessive force by another b�ack man. �f these murderous cops had been re�ieved of their duty for their previous egregious acts or in one case, never hired because they were unfit to
serve, these b�ack men wou�d not have died at their hands. How can any “good” �aw enforcement officer upho�d these dep�orab�e dead�y acts of their co��eagues? Why don’t we see “good” cops ho�d each other accountab�e when they are in the wrong? Why don’t we have specia� prosecutors in EVERY murderous cop case? Why not charge the murderous cop after they committed a crime, and have them go before a jury? A�� questions we need answered and we need answered now! Quite frank�y, nothing wi�� change unti� a�� the “good” cops rise up. And if they a�� stand behind the “b�ue wa��”, there wi�� be no stopping murderous cops! They wi�� continue to operate in an environment where they know they can get away with ki��ing b�ack men and women. We need our b�ack �eaders to deve�op and submit a po�icy p�an to e�ected officia�s that brings accountabi�ity to the forefront of the conversation around po�icing. �f there continues to be no accountabi�ity, there wi�� continue to be #NoJusticeNoPeace. #B�ackLivesMatter
Dru Ealons Traditiona��y Modern – That’s My Point of View B�ogger | Media Persona�ity | Strategist | �nf�uencer
Question: Is Your
Many of us have burning deep within the heart of an entrepreneur. We have ideas, elaborate designs and dreams to be the next business that hits the ground and take America by storm. Becoming that household name that everyone knows, children singing our jingles and our phones ringing off the hook from those that want or need our goods or services. The vision is clear, eventually we will become our own boss, so now that first step must be taken! But before you go and dump your 401k into that business that will be an ultimate success, make sure that your business is right. What do I mean when saying make sure your business is right? Let’s break down to it’s purest form for you. Sure you’ve got the name, but to open a business takes a lot of not only preparation but the necessary documentation: ● Make sure that the business you are opening meets zoning requirements. Sure, you are going to start your business out of your home, but if you are going to get the license to start it, they are going to ask you to make sure your home is zoned for that type of business. This may include visiting the Fire Dept or the Zoning Dept to make sure it is. Then there is a fee for the application you will have to complete. ● Is the business an LLC, Corp, S-Corp, Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship? Each one is very important, so visit sites like legalzoom.com to get a clearer understanding of what kind of business you will have.
Right? state? This is needed so businesses can find you, as well as yearly reports to be filed with S.O.S ● Have you filed for taxes? Many people when starting a business will file on their individual tax return because they have not submitted for an EIN (Employer ID Number…oh, you haven’t contacted the IRS for that yet?) This can only last for three years, and certain requirements as well to do that…ask your tax preparer what these are also. Also note, your taxes are not just for Uncle Sam, you have to pay State Tax as well as list your business in your respective county that you reside in , especially if you’ve taken the time to get a business name, business license and file with S.O.S. Failure to file with the county will result in discovery of your business and you billed for taxes for past years you’ve been operating, with penalties added! This is just a few things that many business owners neglect to do. So before you run out and get your business cards and website created, research each item listed for your respective state and county. A little research and review now will save you dollars and headache later!
www.cwspeaks.com ● If it is one of the above, have you filed with the Secretary of State in your respective
Teach Your Children Finances Now By Varnell Bien-Aime to be smart but always seek advice of professionals like a financial advisor and wealth manager who does this full time. The same mistakes you make as twenty year old in financial matters, you’ll make as a forty year old if you didn’t learn the discipline and the sound financial principles
Often times I am asked, as an advisor what do I teach my kids about money or finances and how do I do this? Well allow me to tell you that financial literacy needs to start as soon as your child can understand that they need to ask permission to get things. The first thing I do is teach them that you can’t out gain financial ignorance. So a lifetime of learning about how to save, spend and invest will make their financial future solid. I recommend to them
The next thing I share with them is that your finances are personal. Never gauge your success by the financial spending discretion of others. Too often people find themselves trying to keep up with the Jones’s, so in doing so they purchase a home that is too much or by a car that is out of their life-style. Spend below your means but not under your privilege. A thirty thousand dollar car if you make thirty thousand a year is not practical, your vehicle should not be your biggest expense even if you don’t pay rent or mortgage, at the same time if you make $30k a car note that is $180 a month is below your privilege. Debt eliminates choices. The more debt you have less choices are available to you. The best way to teach these lessons is a friendly game of monopoly. Have teachable moments when you see moments when you can educate and remember to have fun!
Twitter... Tweeps... Tweeties... Oh My!!! well as to encourage feedback. After establishing a Twitter account at www.twitter.com, individuals can import k let me first say that the creation of Twit- their e-mail addresses as well as use the ter was a godsend to me because I am so Twitter search to locate and invite people. random at times and this particular social Twitter messages ("tweets") can be made media site let's me be just that and others public and sent to anyone requesting the actually want to follow my randomness. feed, or they can be sent only to approved followers. Messages can be sent and What is Twitter you ask? Well according to received via cellphone text messaging PC Magazine it is ---> A very popular (SMS), the Twitter Web site or a third-party instant messaging system that lets a person Twitter application. To follow a Twitter feed, send brief text messages up to 140 the Twitter site and feed name become the characters in length to a list of followers. URL; for example, Microsoft's Twitter feed Launched in 2006, Twitter was designed as is www.twitter.com/microsoft and for an a social network to keep friends and actual person the twitter feed would be colleagues informed throughout the day. www.twitter.com/kishagreen. So‌.what does all of this technical Twitter stuff mean However, it became widely used for to you? commercial and political purposes to keep customers, voters and fans up-to-date as By:
Kisha Green
Well it means that you can tell the whole world wide web what you ate,plan on eating or don't want to eat. The beauty is that even though you think this is useless information it is actual relevant to your followers since they find you interesting. Commonly used Twitter lingo: Followers. These are the people who "follow" your tweets. Every time you tweet these people automatically see it on their timeline whereas someone else who have to search and find you on Twitter. The same goes for the people you follow, their updates will appear on your timeline. A Retweet (RT) Twitter became a viral conduit when users initiated "retweeting," which forwards tweets they get to their followers. People retweet to pass on worthwhile information, and the ease of retweeting can quickly build large audiences. This is the same as sharing on Facebook. Direct Messages (DMs) are initially a one-way broadcast from writer to follower, this is not seen on your timeline this goes to one person's inbox. Writers can send followers a "direct message" (DM), and followers can do likewise. Followers can also delete the DMs they sent, making them disappear from the writer's inbox. Please note: You cannot send DM's to people who are not following you. @ Signs When someone replies to a Twitter posting, they use their Twitter account name preceded by an @ sign; for example, "@KishaGreen" This is how you know someone is talking directly to you. # Hashtags A hashtag is a # prefix used to group tweets together. For example, people commenting about my online radio show would use #WritersLifeChats in their postings (tweets) and all those messages could be viewed as a group by searching for #WritersLifeChats Why should you tweet? Because it's fun! Lol...Seriously because it is a way to reach any and everyone all at once as opposed to just saying it to the same people on Facebook. Meaning if you have 1700 friends on Facebook and you want to advertise or promote something you are limiting yourself to just those 1700 whereas Twitter let's you tell the whole world wide web, well all of those with a Twitter account. How do you tweet? Easy just say what is on your mind, good or bad but the trick is to keep it under 140 characters so this requires you to be clever yet creative. You can tweet from a computer,iPads tablets) and cell phones. But is Tweeting effective? According to Twitter there are over 200 million registered users but how many are active users that we don’t now yet. According to Business Insider, there were 119 million Twitter accounts following one or more other accounts. Either way if your have a business to promote or a product to sell or in my case books to
sell, Twitter is where we need to be to connect with a bunch of people for FREE!! Yes, I said free so I don't know about you but that's a good enough reason for me. I use Twitter to promote my radio show,literary website,author promo services and my books all on Twitter and have been more successful with it than on Facebook. How do I do this? Simply by tweeting all relevant info to them all. If there is someone I want to interview I tweet them and begin a rapport with them and then we exchange contact information and from there I arrange my interviews. For selling books, I post pictures (twitpics) of my book cover along with purchasing URL's. I don't spam with the book advertisements, instead I ask questions regarding the book subject matter and target readers by genre. I then tweet about the most random things that to a complete stranger it is interesting and makes them want to follow me and eventually purchase my books. As for my Author Promo Services, I am constantly tweeting pertinent literary information and those in the industry are interested and then later on utilize my services and or follow my literary blog. I cannot lie, it does require time and effort but it is well worth it. Examples of book Tweet: > Crazy,Sexy & Deadly by @KishaGreen on #Kindle for $3.99. One Click today! #Romance #ChickLit #GoodReads #Ebook Author Promo Tweet-> Authors: Do you need help promoting your book? Let DivaBooksInc help YOU today. www.divabooksinconline.com #Promo #Books #Marketing Radio Show Promo Tweet-> Writer's Life Chats with @KishaGreen www.writerslifechats.com #literaryjewels #authorinterviews #writerslifechats Authors: Do you have publishing questions? Check out Literary Jewels www.literaryjewelsonline.com #Literary #Writers #SelfPublishing #Networking See how the hashtags are all relevant to all of my tweets BUT most importantly less than 140 characters. So good luck and happy Tweeting!!
Kisha Green is a Author/Publisher who has a passion for writing and sharing her witty personality with many through social media. For more info about Kisha, visit her website:
Arts - Literature - Travel - Fashion - Food
Leera Mthethwa Leera Mthethwa is an up and coming force to be reckoned with. Leera acquired her B.A in Live Performance from AFDA (The South African School of Motion Picture Medium and Live Performance; where she focused on honing her screen acting skills and abilities among many other talents. This multifaceted beauty also obtained her Honors in Film and Drama from the University of Pretoria, in an attempt to diversify her portfolio and not only be acknowledged as a “Screen Actress� but to be granted the chance to indulge in theatre should the opportunity present itself. With just over a year under her belt as a professional MC, Brand Ambassador and Promotional Jockey at Magos Media; what Leera lacks in experience she compensates for with passion, commitment and consistency. With several South African Languages rolling off her tongue, including Afrikaans, Leera can engage with audiences at large and captivate them even further with her enchanting voice.
15. 16.
Leera has been featured as a lead in Mzansi Magic’s Prince Muzi. She has played the role of Detective Thuto Madonsela in the SAFTA Nominated SABC 1 Sitcom Ses’ Top La. Season 12 of Soul City also snatched Leera up and cast her to play the role of the community gossip, with no regret. Leera is presented to the South African masses as a Baby Soft Spokes Person in the ‘Love you Bum’ Ad Campaign.
a formidable and winning combination, to say the least. With many aspirations, ventures and goals exploding in the pipeline of dreams, Leera Mthethwa is an asset and investment to any organization and/or cause. https://twitter.com/Leerathediva https://www.facebook.com/leera.mthethwa Instagram profile: @leerathediva
Leera believes in allowing her passion to drive her profession; seemingly being passionate about her craft, people and excellence seems
http://lenatheartdiva.blogspot.com/ http://lenatheartdiva.tumblr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/lena.hopkinsjack son?fref=ts&ref=br_tf
My name is Lena J (nee' Hopkins) Jackson; but in this case the 'J' is for my middle name, Janelle. I'm a full-time cartoonist, part-time columnist, self-published author, sporadic painter, occasional spoken-word poet, devoted art teacher, round-the-clock friend and I WAS BORN A DIVA!
Literary Treasures 22.
The way we handle situations in life is dependent on our perspective, and this can truly be said about Author and Poet Michael Lee Womack. As he puts it, his talent for poetry was a result from an extremely shy younger version of him self’s interest in the ladies. While in middle school and high school he wrote poems for every beautiful woman that he was too shy to speak to. Fast forward to the 30th of June 2005, Michael enlists into the United States Army, a choice that would forever change his life. Three years later and several tours and connections made, he would see his army career come to a close, being medically retired from military on the 27th of May 2014. So the talent that was a voice for a quiet and shy teen became a saving force in the next chapter of his life. His work “From a Soldier’s Perspective” is a culmination of poetry and reflection set in three chapters. From Chapter one’s “We Fight a Separate War Just to Leave the War Behind, to Chapter Two’s “War is Chaos” to Chapter Three’s “Change in Perspective” Michael sets one on a path that he walked all too frequently, and too intimately. He shares with readers how PTSD affected him, but did not deter him from the use of his gift and to make people aware of how his brothers in arms sacrificed much for what we cherish daily, freedom. “It was important for me to share my story not only for myself but for those who have fought, for those who have fallen, and for those who continue to wage war in order for the United
States of America to continue to remain free. The price of freedom is not free. War is chaos, and many soldiers bear the scars from it for the rest of our lives.” In Chapter Three’s “Change in Perspective” his poem recounts his memory of CPL Zylman, who the book is dedicated to: Remember I remember when CPL Zylman died The playing of the taps And the calling of his name I’ll always remember, Because I’ll always feel the pain Lord knows: I still feel the guilt. A daily remembrance of the bonds that we all built Memorial Day for me, Is not a day of glee, But a day to remember everyone who sacrificed their life for me Michael Lee Womack © Much can be said how one handles trials in their lives. Michael shows us how….. From a Soldier’s Perspective. To learn more about this talented author and obtain a copy of his book: https://www.facebook.com/womack.p oetry http://www.amazon.com/SoldiersPerspective-Michael-Lee-Womack
From GvS Clothiers!!!
Style and Fashion
Time to Fashionably Transition!
All Black Everything: Monochrome has officially made its way into evening menswear. A very popular look for the fall is having entire
J. Jackson As we start September and the summer has officially wound down, the fabled time of transitioning closets begins again. It's time to slowly let go of the seersucker and light linens and bring back those wonderfully crafted scarves and jackets. For the Fall 2015-2016 fashion season, there are many items on trend that you can have created
suiting created from the same color, with a particular emphasis on black. Other colors included bordeaux, charcoal grey, and smoky tones displaying an array of patterns and prints. While this idea may be too loud for some wearers, the dark colors have the ability to subdue the print in some cases making it barely visible. Heavy Metal: A subtle but fun detail that was seen on the runways were heavily decorated lapels with particularly custom crafted pins. While the traditional etiquette was to wear Right with GvS! lapel pins only on the left side of the body, the runways featured bright, decorated lapel pins Turtlenecks: The fashion staple of Steve Jobs on both sides of the suit. Probably not entirely has made an official comeback. The turtleneck appropriate for the office, a multitude of pins was seen on various runways (including can be great for an evening out to add color to Maison Martin Margiela, Lanvin and Kenzo). A a neutral suiting option. harken back to the glamorous era of the '60s and '70s, the turtle neck and suit combination is the perfect segue into crisper fall weather. On the runways, the turtleneck and suit combination was decorated with loud prints and designs, but a neutral turtleneck and suit should carry through plenty of cooler days at the office
Plaid/ Tartan: Arguably every fall season there is a hint of plaid or drop of tartan; the common print of red against black makes for a cooler season staple and frequently serves as a neutral to other pieces of an outfit.
This year however, plaid is making a huge splash. There have been an incredible amount of variations to the traditional look, including color blocking plaid from Moschino to the plaid on tartan from Frankie Morello. This classic print can be worn in something large--like a coat or jacket, or can be the ever simple addition of a scarf. We have to discuss another necessary item in the menswear wardrobe: the boot. Perfect for a casual day at the office or an evening night out, the boot has taken many forms in menswear, but the most popular are the dress or wingtip boot, the chelsea boot and the chukka. The dress or wingtip boot is fairly comparable to the world famous oxford shoe. The wingtip can be worn dressed up or down, and affords the wearer a more formal look with a the balance of a casual shoe. This boot is the ultimate classic because they can be worn with any type of pant: denim, corduroy, and a nicely tailored pair of slacks.
Another more popular item to wear into the fall is the chelsea boot. Popularized by the Beatles in the 1960s, the chelsea boot is a mainstay in menswear. Sometimes adorned with elastic, the chelsea boot is perfect for a tapered pant leg and slim fit suit. Avoid excessive bagginess with this shoe: this shoe looks best with looks closely aligned with its European heritage. Finally, one of the more popular boots worn by men of all ages, styles and creeds is the chukka. Originally worn by British soldiers during WWII, the chukka has found its new home all over the world. Perfect for a casual look, the chukka is the go-to boot during the fall season. Depending on the style and aesthetic, the chukka can be dressed up with the right suit. Furthermore, when chosen in a neutral color, it is the perfect understated item for a great outfit. Here at GVS, you can create the perfect custom boot for your fall. It's important to remember that while handcrafted shoes can be pricey, they are worth the investment--knowing that your footwear is one of a kind. Contact us today to get started!
The House of LeMond 516 East 15th Street Charlotte NC 28205 704-712-9531
t a summer soiree hosted at the home of
C.R.E.M CEO Curtis Reynolds, I got the opportunity to meet Mike McCluney, affectionately known as Big Mike. Mike, along with dear friend Tanganyika Watts-Davis my wife Renee and I chatted on the lush green lawn, sipping on lemonade and trying as he put it “relaxing from this heat!�
ast forward months later, as Big Mike and I
carved out some well-deserved time to breathe, connect and catch up. I thought I was always on the go, Big Mike takes it to the next level, which fits his motto which is under his brand logo so aptly: “Do It Big Or Not At All.” So of course, I had to go big with the Q&A, simply because Mike’s is a talent that deserves to be heard, a must I should say in today’s myriad musical industry. While many remember his time with Day26, the hoops that Sean Puffy Combs had the members jump through to reach and grasp that gold ring called fame, Big Mike seemed reserved at times. Almost akin to his watching, studying, learning and taking in all he could to grow and become even more powerful as an artist, mentor and established part of this industry. This interview surely reflects that belief.
IG MIKE Destined for
ig Things! Written By CWSpeaks
Big Mike and because how I went about doing it. But as far has me going out and getting things done, to breaking off singing from the group, it was primarily easy because I’ve always been able to do this. Like I’ve always CW: I can understand that. Definitely appreci- been making music and performing. I was ate you giving us the opportunity to share what performing by myself before I became a been going on with that brother that’s doing it member of the group Day 26, so I could do it after the group, while we are taking this break. BIG, BIG MIKE! So that transition was easy, but I must say at BM: Hey, I appreciate Urban Tymes as well! first it was weird, because I was used to CW: Well let us get to the having four other meat of the matter so to members on stage with speak Mike, and get our me, right beside me readers and your fans signing, but its fine. But ready for what happening for the most part the with Big Mike! transition has been cool, BM: Ok! because I’ve always been this kind of artist….. CW: Mike, you’re known now me being me, do to be the well versatile, whatever I have to do well rounded performer now to give good music. fluent in many gifts, how important is that? To be CW: Ok so let’s reflect able to do all that you do? 2010 single dubbed BM: Well, I think the bigSextape, was well gest thing that helps, is received….how has your when it comes to reinventmusic grown from then ing yourself. To give your until now? fans something to watch and to truly be entertained by, To not only be able to BM: My music has grown go on stage and sing, but tremendously. I’ve been you have to be able to through a lot more from that time until now. I’ve keep them entertained, mainly by being able to portray what you are actually singing about. had a lot of heartache, a lot more happier There’s really nothing that I can’t do on stage, movements, a lot more pain…just different so that’s really the biggest key that I take from situations in my life, I’ve lived a lot more since then and that’s what makes great music! it, it’s kinda like you have to be a “jack of all trades” in today’s industry, because everyone Things that you go through on a daily basis, is what makes life possible, is what makes music has seen everything, so you have to do it in so great. Being able to make sure you relate to order to be able to get to the next level or to the people. In 2010 I didn’t go through the be able to go from one thing to the next. CW: Well many of your fans know you as that things that I’ve gone through in 2015, and it’s made me a better person. I now have much soulful balladeer from the group Day 26, but more to say and much more to give to my fans how has that transition from you being a to helps someone through something or to give member of a group that was out there in the public’s eye to your now amazing solo career? someone guidance through a situation. BM: Well the transition has been a little rough, only because how I wanted to build my brand CW: Big Mike! Hello brother! BM: Hey how you doing man! It’s hot out here! Finished wrapping up a meeting and on to the next one, no rest!
“For me, it’s about capturing those moments and being real. That’s the kind of music that I want to do now.”
CW: Very good bro! Wow, so let’s keep talking about that music, your music. Got a chance to listen to your new single “How Do I Go On” definitely a banger, hands down! BM: Man, thank you! CW: I mean really, this single show a definitive style and range of “pure R&B “ and of course, we’ve heard of other singles that you’ve done that followed that caliber, such as “Time Machine” and “Cold Mutha” so what’s been the concept or motivation behind the songs that you are making? BM: Well, basically the motivation behind it has been I want to get back to real music. I want people to be able to relate to it, I want people to feel good when they hear it. I grew up in a time to where when you heard a song; it made you feel some kind of way. I mean a song that make you feel the same way for years and years to come, it wasn’t like a cheap thrill like just for that time span or time period, you felt some kind of way then but years later, then you can’t listen to it any more. You reflect, and it doesn’t make sense or connect to you anymore. So now, I like to give music that is really emotional, things that people actually go through and can relate to, no matter when or what time they listen to it. To sing about how you turn someone cold from a relationship, or question how you can be separated from the person you truly love, all those different
scenarios. For me, it’s about capturing those moments and being real. That’s the kind of music that I want to do now.
CW: So what we expect about your upcoming album? If you could tell you fans what they are in for? BM: Off the EP that I’m about to put out, you can expect great music, a lot of real music! Everything that I write, everything I put out, it has a personal message to it, and it is real. I don’t put out anything that I don’t feel, that’s the biggest part. I know a lot of people that buy music and they don’t have any way to relate to it or the music doesn’t make sense to them, but it’s just me out here, and how it happened to me, that’s what I’m giving to the people. Not really any type of genre, I just want people to have open ears, and hear me, no matter what. CW: Ok, so shifting gears, you’re riding around, windows down in the vehicle, beautiful day, what does Big Mike have on deck to listen to? What’s your playlist? BM: Oh man, that question always gets me (laughing) Well when I put on the radio station wherever I’m at, I listen to all kinds to music, Even when I was a kid, I listened to Gospel, Jazz, Rock, pop, R&B, I’ve always listen to everything, I truly like all kinds, all genres of music. So I guess it depends on whatever mood I’m in. If I’m playing something off my iPod, R&B, I love Tyrese new album “Black Rose” that’s a nice album. Umm…Sam Smith, I like Sara Bareilles. It’s a lot, I have a lot of different artists, its eclectic, and I’ll tell you that! CW: I must say it’s great to see that even with your busy schedule; you have within you the desire to help young talent. With their vocals, at step events, tell us how important is it to you to mold and guide the talent of the future? BM: Well it’s very important to me! To give the youth of today their opportunity to live out their dreams and do the things that they imagine because they are the tomorrow.
They are who we are leaving everything to. I didn’t have that kind of stepping stone as a kid, so I want to be able to give that to someone else, so they will not have to do the same things that I did just to get here. I’m just trying to make things easier for the next generation or for the next kid in line to get to this point a little earlier than I did. I hear a lot of people talk about wanting to fulfill their dreams but they don’t understand the work behind it. So to be able to educate everyone about this industry and how things go, because they see all the glitz and glamour, but they don’t realize that’s a small percentage of this business. There’s a lot of hard work and thing you don’t see that they don’t show you, unless you are in the industry or a part of it. I want to prepare people for this, and ask “do you really want to be in this?” and if they do, let me give you advice to prepare you.
what the next amazing adventure for Mike? BM: Well right now, I’m focused on my music, and I’m doing a college tour of all the HBCUs in North Carolina. Getting out performing and doing meet and greets, and just hitting the road, getting back out to the people and showing them what my whole brand is about. Giving them a show, that’s my biggest focus, to pour into people this new music that is coming out. And I’m also a BET Music Matters Artist, in which I’m visiting the schools, I’m at the awards shows, and whatever BET has in store for me, CW: Ok, so Big Mike is an actor….. I’m a part of! BM: Right….. CW: Man, congratulations on that! That’s truly CW: So here’s a good question, what method big, and says a lot about your hard work and your involvement in this industry! That’s major or role could we see Big Mike in? Would it be right there! the serious dramatic actor, or playing the hero, BM: Thank you, thank you! or light comedic role? Where do you see yourCW: Well folk, get ready for what Big Mike is self on the screen or T.V.? BM: Well, I can see myself as a serious dramat- about to do some major things. Things are ic role, or a fun goofy role, because that’s a part about to escalate! of me, that’s who I am. The dramatic and serious, I just auditioned for a role not too long ago, BM: Get ready, get ready, get ready!!! And peowhere I did a dialogue from the movie “John Q” I ple can Follow me on my social media via Facebook: I AM BIG MIKE and Michael McCluney . read Denzel Washington’s part, it was really My Twitter: @Mike_day26 . Instagram: good. I have to do a play, it’s a real serious 86_bigmike. Youtube: I AM BIG MIKE and visit character, and I actually like doing it, because my website: www.iambigmike.com. I truly apit’s a whole other side of me and I get to be a different person. I would take the serious char- preciate yall! acter, or the goofy, silly one. Yin and Yang, either or! CW: So you’ve done all these things….. music, choreography, acting, fashion, mentoring, so
College Barbeque Drive-In By Shkethia Young LCSW
I’m not a barbeque queen but hey when in Rome…you many things but one eat the barbeque. I ordered common claim is being the small chopped barbeque home to some of the best tray and cheese fries. After barbeque establishments. waiting a few minutes, One place that has proven to several individually wrapped contribute to the popular items arrived to my table. I belief is College Barbeque was blown away by the located in Salisbury, North generous amount of Carolina. When you pull into chopped barbeque that the parking lot the old school came with the $6.95 platter. drive in sign takes you back to 1965 which happens to be Alongside the barbeque was the debut year for the the restaurants own special barbeque haven. made coleslaw garnished with two fluffy hush puppies The smell of smoking pig and a toasted bun. Before definitely fills your nose tasting my food I when you step out of your immediately searched for the vehicle. If the sign doesn’t barbeque sauce. I was take you back in time the educated by the waitress green and white diner style that the restaurants special décor will definitely act as a “dip” sauce was the only reminder. After walking thing I needed to accompany around the crowded but my juicy, succulent cramped restaurant during barbeque. The vinegar lunch time I was able to find based sauce added an extra an empty table for one. I bang to the already tender was immediately greeted by barbeque. The sweet and a friendly waitress who tangy homemade coleslaw informed me that the barpaired nicely with my meal beque sandwiches and hot and I had to pile it onto every dogs were the best selling bite! items. College Barbeque definitely holds the banging barbeque title for Rowan County!
The south is known for