Cities of the future - YPLAN presentation for highschool students

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Cities of the future Urban planning for sustainable and smart cities “Iulia Hasdeu” National College Bucharest – 16th of November 2016

Who are we? A team of 5 urban planners.






Cities today ▪ 54 % of world population living in cities (66 % expected in 2050) ▪ 1 billion people exposed to outdoor air pollution annually ▪ 475 kilogrammes of waste generated by each person in a year (European Union). ▪ Managing urban areas has become one of the most important development challenges of the 21st century.

What is a sustainable city? ▪ Environmental protection ▪ Ecological and efficient transport ▪ Social benefits ▪ Economic viability Providing public transportation, as well as housing, electricity, water and sanitation for a densely settled urban population is typically cheaper and less environmentally damaging than providing a similar level of services to a dispersed rural population. (UN, 2014)

Land must be efficiently used‌

‌ but green areas must not be neglected

Improved water management‌

‌ enhancing urban agriculture

Efficient energy systems

Eco-performing urban transport

What is a smart city?

What is a smart city? ▪„… a city in which ICT is merged with traditional infrastructures, coordinated and integrated using new technologies…“

▪„…a city, whose economy and governance is being driven by innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, enacted by smart people…“

▪„…is also an inclusive place, using technology and innovative solutions to increase social inclusion…“

Technology is central to the concept of Smart Cities


ICT is just an enabler, a vessel

for living sustainably, inclusively, comfortably.

‘SMART’ Living,

Services & governance, Working,


…keeping a balance between economy and the environment.

Any high-tech city is not automatically a smart city â–Ş A smart city is also a cooperative and inclusive city: Working together in order to make the urban environment capable to provide a good quality of life to everyone.

Mexico City: side lanes to pedestrian space

Possible scenarios…

Source: Professor John Urry

The high-tech city

Possible scenarios……

Source: Professor John Urry

The digital city

Possible scenarios………

Source: Professor John Urry

The liveable city

Possible scenarios…………

Source: Professor John Urry

The fortress city

How do you see your ideal future city? (three words)

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