SUNSHINE: Final dissemination report

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WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 – 325161


Proceedings and dissemination material

WP 6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination

Task 6.2 – Large scale dissemination and openness activities

Revision: Final Authors: Sabina Dimitriu, Pietro Elisei (URBA), contributions from the whole consortium. 1

WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 – 325161

Dissemination level

PU (public)


Sabina Dimitriu, URBA Contributions from all partners of the SUNSHINE Consortium


Federico Prandi, GRAPHITECH


Raffaele De Amicis, GRAPHITECH

Partner in charge(s)


Due date


Submission Date







2nd October 2015

Sabina Dimitriu



29th December 2015

Sabina Dimitriu



8th January 2015

Sabina Dimitriu



5 February 2015

Sabina Dimitriu



10 February 2015

Sabina Dimitriu


Description Document created. Structure of the report Chapters 2-4 finalized. Input from all SUNSHINE partners. Final Draft Document reopened, inserted new input (SET, TNET, EPS, GT, GL) Executive summary and conclusions. Final report

Statement of originality: This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise. Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been made through appropriate citation, quotation or both. Moreover, this deliverable reflects only the author’s views. The European Community is not liable for any use that might be made of the information contained herein. 2

WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 – 325161

Table of content Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................... 5 1

Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 6


Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 2.2 2.3


Awareness, networking and dissemination in SUNSHINE ......................................................... 11 Scope of the present Report ...................................................................................................... 12 Considerations and evolution of communication supervision .................................................. 15 Methodologies ............................................................................................................................... 16

3.1 The goal and general dissemination strategy ............................................................................ 16 3.2 Partnership roles in communication, dissemination and awareness ........................................ 17 3.3 Target audiences and key messages .......................................................................................... 18 3.3.1 Target users and needs addressed by scenario .................................................................. 22 3.3.2 Target users per pilot .......................................................................................................... 24 3.3.3 Key messages and focus points of dissemination ............................................................... 25 3.4 Selection of appropriate tools for engagement ........................................................................ 26 3.5 Strategy for gathering feedback ................................................................................................ 27 4

Internal communication ................................................................................................................ 28 4.1 4.2


Tools for maintaining optimal internal communication ............................................................ 28 Consortium support - the Guideline for Implementing and Reporting Activities ...................... 29 Dissemination tools ....................................................................................................................... 36

5.1 SUNSHINE logo and project identity .......................................................................................... 36 5.2 SUNSHINE project websites ....................................................................................................... 37 5.2.1 Public website ..................................................................................................................... 37 5.2.2 SUNSHINE web platform ..................................................................................................... 39 5.3 Web 2.0 networks ..................................................................................................................... 41 5.4 Newsletters and contact database ............................................................................................ 44 5.4.1 Newsletters ......................................................................................................................... 44 5.4.2 SUNSHINE COMMUNITY DATABASE ................................................................................... 47 5.5 General and targeted project flyers, posters, brochure ............................................................ 49 5.6 SUNSHINE event-based dissemination tools ............................................................................. 51 5.6.1 The SUNSHINE Challenges .................................................................................................. 51 5.6.2 The SUNSHINE Final Conference ........................................................................................ 52 6

Overview of proceedings ............................................................................................................... 54 6.1 Conferences and events where SUNSHINE was promoted ....................................................... 55 6.1.1 SUNSHINE presentation at REAL CORP 2013 ...................................................................... 55 6.1.2 „Together for a green, energy sustainable Europe!“ - HEP ESCO Open door days presentation in the Zagreb Energy Week 2013 ............................................................................... 56 6.1.3 Workshop Policies and Financing Schemes for Energy Efficiency in Buildings ................... 56 6.1.4 WEB 3D CONFERENCE 2013 ............................................................................................... 57 6.1.5 INSPIRE CONFERENCE 2013 ................................................................................................ 57 6.1.6 GI_Forum 2013 ................................................................................................................... 58 6.1.7 “(Ri)illuminiamo Bassano”, 2013 ........................................................................................ 58 6.1.8 Smart Cities Workshop, INCD 6th Intl. Conference, 2013 .................................................... 60 6.1.9 The ASITA National Italian Conference 2013 ...................................................................... 62 6.1.10 22nd International Symposium on Human Factors in Telecom .......................................... 62 6.1.11 Geospatial World Forum 2013 ............................................................................................ 62 6.1.12 INSPIRE Conference 2014 and the SmeSpire / SUNSHINE Challege ................................... 63 6.1.13 DATA 2014 Conference ....................................................................................................... 64 3

WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 – 325161

6.1.14 ASITA Conference Presentation .......................................................................................... 65 6.1.15 7th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change ............................ 65 6.1.16 WEB SUMMIT 2014 ............................................................................................................ 66 6.1.17 TEDxTrento 2014 ................................................................................................................ 67 6.1.18 SUNSHINE at the IEEE event “Trento e il Trentino, città e comunità intelligenti al servizio del cittadino” ...................................................................................................................... 67 6.1.19 Conference "UNDER A NEW LIGHT: LED - HEALTH - VISION - EFFICIENCY" ........................ 68 6.1.20 INSPIRE – Geospatial World Forum 2015 ........................................................................... 69 6.1.21 European DATA Forum 2015 .............................................................................................. 70 6.1.22 ICT Exhibition in Lisbon, 2015 – The SUNSHINE Challenge awards .................................... 71 6.1.23 Thinkshops in Edinburgh (1) SMESPIRE group, 2)Security, Privacy and Ethics in Smart-city) ........................................................................................................................................ 73 6.1.24 Croatian Energy Weeks and Open Door Days of HEPESCO ................................................. 73 6.2 International seminars, workshops, training activities .............................................................. 75 6.2.1 Training workshops in Ferrara ............................................................................................ 79 6.2.2 The joint SUNSHINE Training workshop in Trento .............................................................. 80 6.2.3 Workshops on CityGML ADE ............................................................................................... 82 6.2.4 "Engaging citizens in Smart Cities mapping" workshop in OpenLivingLab Days 2015 85 6.2.5 SUNSHINE Trainings in Bassano del Grappa ....................................................................... 87 6.2.6 SUNSHINE Trainings of HEP ESCO in Croatia ...................................................................... 92 6.2.7 The AM/FM Workshop 2014 .............................................................................................. 94 6.2.8 INCD Urban Incerc Conference “Challenges and innovative solutions for energy efficiency” workshop ....................................................................................................................... 95 6.2.9 STATUS “Urban Planning – Large Scale Modelling” ............................................................ 96 6.2.10 Trentino Network meets ENAIP .......................................................................................... 96 6.2.11 Linking SUNSHINE with Urban Planning and the OGC ........................................................ 97 6.3 Overview of all conferences, events, workshops conducted in SUNSHINE ............................... 98 6.4 Articles and papers .................................................................................................................. 102 6.5 SUNSHINE in the online and written press .............................................................................. 103 6.6 Presentations and key meetings with stakeholders ................................................................ 108 6.6.1 Sinergis – Ferrara .............................................................................................................. 113 6.6.2 HEP ESCO – Zagreb Pilot ................................................................................................... 114 6.6.3 GraficaLight – Bassano del Grappa ................................................................................... 116 6.7 Liaisons .................................................................................................................................... 121 6.7.1 Liaison with the CEN/TC 287 - GIStandards ...................................................................... 121 6.7.2 Liaison with other European Projects ............................................................................... 121 6.8 SUNSHINE Final Event 2016 ..................................................................................................... 124 7

The general awareness Surveys ................................................................................................... 129 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5

Profiling the responders ................................................................................................... 131 Feedback and insights on Scenario 1 ................................................................................ 132 Feedback and insights on Scenario 2 ................................................................................ 134 Feedback and insights on Scenario 3 ................................................................................ 137 General feedback on the SUNSHINE project .................................................................... 138


Future plans and actions .............................................................................................................. 140


Conclusions .................................................................................................................................. 143


List of tables ................................................................................................................................. 145


List of figures ................................................................................................................................ 145


Annexes ....................................................................................................................................... 147


WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 – 325161



Automatic Measurement System


Automatic Meter Reading Baseline Emission Inventory Buildings Performance Institute Europe Computer Aided Design


Combined Heat and Power Association City Geographic Markup Language Carbon Dioxide Sport and Leisure Centre


Energy and Environmental Prediction Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Energy Saving Company Energy performance of large scale building stocks


European Union Geographical Information System Geography Markup Language Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe


Joint Research Centre Level Of Details Light Pole Monitoring Emission Inventory


Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent Network Operation Centre Nearly Zero Energy Building OpenStreetMap


Point of Presence Polyvinyl chloride Research and development Remote Terminal Unit


Sustainable Energy Action Plan Thematic Working Group Zero Net Energy


WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 – 325161

1 Executive Summary SUNSHINE – “Smart UrbaN ServIces for HIgher eNergy Efficiency” has been a three year European co-funded project which developed three innovative digital services: Automatic large-scale assessment of building energy behaviour, optimisation of energy consumption of heating/cooling systems through automatic alerts and interoperable control of public illumination systems, which were tested in different configurations in 8 pilot sites across Europe. As a complex project addressed not only to energy experts, academia and industry but also to local administrations and citizens, SUNSHINE needed a solid communication, awareness and training backbone supported by the work conducted in WP6, which ran throughout the whole implementation period. This report describes the openness, awareness, dissemination and training outputs and activities developed by the consortium under coordination of URBA, from the planning and methodology to the final stages and closure of the project, which was marked by the End Conference. This final deliverable is also the only report on these activities, and has subsequently been designed as a self-contained report with annexes of all actions performed by the SUNSHINE consortium. The deliverable will outline the provisions of the Description of Work (DoW), scope, methodology and strategy for engagement and feedback gathering; further, it will detail the tools set up for both internal communication as well as dissemination to outside audience. Proceedings will be described in Chapter 6: Conferences and events where SUNSHINE was promoted, Training activities, International seminars and workshops, articles and papers, press, presentations and key meetings with stakeholders, as well as liaisons. The report will subsequently detail the results of the survey on awareness performed in the last stage of the SUNSHINE project and the future plans and actions of partners in the consortium pertaining to the continuation of training or dissemination activities. The communication, awareness and training results are both impressive and inspiring: over the three-year project lifetime and especially during the last 12 months of SUNSHINE piloting, the consortium has managed to deploy a very wide scale action which in the end reached a total number of 6823 target users. Training has been performed in 23 events yielding 575 trainees, and the SUNSHINE project was presented in 71 conferences, workshops and international seminars. Moreover, 17 papers have been accepted and published on SUNSHINE and a number of 92 presentations and key stakeholder meetings at local level ensured a reach of over 2100 important local players, with some of which collaboration is envisaged in the future. As in all projects, there are also champions which spearhead the proceedings; In SUNSHINE, the chapter 6 details the successful proceedings of the Ferrara, Zagreb and Bassano del Grappa cases, all three providing exceptional results in what concerns 1) working together with the local administration and energy companies from the beginning and involving about 2000 stakeholders at local level, 2) making an impact at national Croatian level through a very high number of dissemination and training events which led to further rolling out of SUNSHINE training to 500 employees of a shipyard company and 3) involving and working together with the community at local level and gathering an exceptional amount of citizen buy-in and feedback through a total number of 1023 live audit surveys. 6

WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 – 325161

The report also presents at large the results of the general stakeholder survey conducted in order to both inform as well as gather feedback and indicators of perceived usefulness and impact of SUNSHINE. Conclusions of the survey outline positive answers by a landslide in favour of all three scenarios being expanded locally or (in case of outside responders) being implemented at local level. The report will close with the review of the final indicators of performance for Workpackage 6. Conclusions show that the initial foreseen actions have not just been fulfilled but, on average, have been 3 times higher than the DoW provision. Annexes are provided in support to referenced materials and actions enclosed in the D6.3.


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CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 – 325161

2 Introduction SUNSHINE – “Smart UrbaN ServIces for HIgher eNergy Efficiency” – delivers innovative digital services, interoperable with existing geographic web-service infrastructures, thus supporting improved energy efficiency at the urban and building level. Specifically, SUNSHINE delivers a smart service platform accessible from both a web-based client as well as an App for smartphones and tablets. In particular, the SUNSHINE platform is structured into three main scenarios, which have successfully been implemented during the three-year deployment of the project: 1. Automatic large-scale assessment of building energy behaviour, based on data available from public services (e.g. cadastre, planning data etc.). The information on energy performances is used to automatically create urban-scale “energy maps” (or “ecomaps”) to be used for planning activities and large-scale energy pre-certification purposes. 2. Pilot Buildings Energy Performance Management: Localised weather forecasts available through interoperable web-services are used to ensure optimisation of energy consumption of heating/cooling systems at “pilot buildings” level, through automatic alerts that will be sent to both the SUNSHINE App installed on the smartphone of the final users and centralised systems adopted by firms in order to manage adequate energy efficiency policies. 3. Remote Public Lighting Management: Lastly, SUNSHINE ensures interoperable control of public illumination systems based on Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) facilities remotely accessible, via interoperable standards, from a web-based client as well as from an App for smartphones or tablets. The SUNSHINE technology is also the result of the customisation and integration of existing software components developed by other EC-funded projects focusing on smart-city technologies, including BRISEIDE1, i-SCOPE2, and i-Tour3, capitalizing on the vast existing resources and advancements at EU-level implemented by these projects. The objectives of SUNSHINE are manifold: 1. To deliver three web-services compliant with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) addressing the three above-described scenarios; 2. To integrate existing technologies for SOS/SES services within a middleware based on OGC standards, for: a. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) to allow accessing data from smart meters based on EN 50065-1 protocol, on a geographical basis via smart a service. b. This will also allow automatic notification of alerts via OGC – standard Sensor Alert/Event Service (SOS/SES). 3. To deliver three client applications through customization of existing software solutions: a. All 3 scenarios: A desktop-based user-friendly 3D geobrowser supporting OGC standards. 1




WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 – 325161

b. Only scenario 2: A SUNSHINE App for smart devices (smartphones, tablets) to be used by final users to set specific information on the building (e.g. type of heating/cooling system or environmental preferences) and receive notification by the smart service. c. Only scenario 3: A mobile App, which will allow onsite surveying and control of lighting units of public buildings or public lighting systems (including functioning of the various parameters). 4. To formalize an extension to the OGC standard CityGML on building energy efficiency and to propose it to the OGC standardization committee. This will be done through definition of an Application Domain Extension (ADE) on building energy efficiency that will account for the concept of “reference building” and for the parameters required for comprehensive energy assessments of building. 5. To integrate and validate the technology delivered within 8 pilots for a duration of 12 months. 6. To assess the impact and sustainability (both in the short- and long-term) of the project through comparison of baseline energy data collected over 12 months in the first part of the project with the data collected during the pilot stage in terms of: 1) Energy savings, 2) Cost benefits and 3) User acceptance. 7. To develop new business models based on dynamic schemes that adapt energy fares according to specific conditions (e.g., varying environmental conditions or pollution levels) to encourage optimal use of energy. 8. To ensure a wide set of dissemination actions including workshops, publications, media production, conferences targeting a number of stakeholders group including, but not limited to, actions targeting the general public, building managers, industrial players, ESCOs. The last objective represents the focus of the present report, which outlines the results of SUNSHINE Consortium’s dissemination actions employed during the project’s lifetime, but also prospects for continuing the dissemination and project solution awareness in the wider European setting after the end of SUNSHINE. SUNSHINE has been piloted for the duration of 12 months, in the context of 8 sites (originally 9, with CEIT Alanova as a pilot partner for all three scenarios in Schwechat, Austria) across 4 countries, aiming at energy and emission savings ranging, within the various pilots, from 10% to 30%, with higher savings being foreseen for pilots relying on older buildings, or equipped with older heating, cooling or lighting technologies. Energy savings are currently compared to a one-year baseline data acquired during the first stages of the project prior to the deployment of the pilots. The partnership map illustrating SUNSHINE coverage is presented below. The distribution of partners favours the southern part of Europe, with very high clustering potential of the pilots in norther Italy.


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Figure 1 – SUNSHINE Partnership Map


WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 – 325161


Awareness, networking and dissemination in SUNSHINE

Buildings account for approximately 40% of the whole final energy consumption within European communities (European Commission, 2010). Within this sector, energy is mainly consumed at household level: in 2009, European households were responsible for 68% of total energy used in buildings, mainly for space heating (almost 70%), domestic hot water (14%), lighting and electrical appliances (13%) and cooking (4%). Through an innovative approach, the SUNSHINE Project takes an active stand against issues and externalities of inefficient heating and cooling systems, as well as inefficient public lighting. Thus, the project has ambitious goals and features cutting-edge technology for assisting end-users heighten the energy efficiency of buildings and lighting systems, as well as plan ahead for building investments at city scale. However, creating awareness of these solutions and even of the necessity for employing energy efficiency actions is an essential aspect in itself, as without the tools and actions to support proper diffusion of knowledge, information and the developed technology, the project will fail to make a notable impact in the European energy efficiency market. Hence, the project relies abundantly on communicating the right messages to the SUNSHINE target groups and communities; considering the complexity of the project and different solutions developed, the approach in communication is more specific than the general campaigns implemented in projects and therefore demanded research of the characteristics of the target groups in order to conduct good planning, assuring the project communication activities will be custom-tailored to the needs of audience. The Workpackage 6 – Awareness, networking and dissemination aims at: •

• • • •

Disseminating to the stakeholder community the achievements and innovative solutions of the project through networking, social media, workshops, conferences and other tools and channels and to increase project awareness especially by the citizens. Gathering feedback from relevant stakeholders through the necessary networking activities. Offering support to the whole consortium and particularly pilot partners in order to ensure a high level of communication for their activities. Assessing the impact of the project and the level of achievement of the initial objectives. Building capacity, transferring skills and assisting exploitation of project results through training activities aimed at facilitating uptake of SUNSHINE solutions in a realworld scenario.

Awareness, networking and dissemination activities represent transversal activities of the SUNSHINE project and have been implemented throughout the whole 36 month project lifetime, ensuring support for all thematic work packages, as illustrated below:


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WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

Awareness, networking and dissemination

Figure 2 – Schema of SUNSHINE work packages. Source: SUNSHINE Project DoW


Scope of the present Report

The primary purpose of this document is to present and summarize the dissemination actions implemented by the SUNSHINE consortium during the whole period of the project (M01 – M36), as well as the outputs and results of these activities. Moreover, the report will also judge the success of the SUNSHINE dissemination actions in comparison with the indicators featured in the Description of Work – namely, how well the initial goals of the project were achieved. The DoW features the following indicators for evaluating the performance of dissemination and awareness in SUNSHINE: Table 1 – Awareness and dissemination indicators and expected progress.

No. Objective / result 10

Awareness and dissemination


Awareness and dissemination


Awareness and dissemination Awareness and dissemination



Method of measurement Project web site home Web stats page (no. of page views) Conferences & events Total for attended where the project project is promoted Articles, papers, Number publications Conferences and Number of events w/ project conferences evidence and events

Year Year Year 1 2 3 10k 20k 50k











CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 – 325161

WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material


Awareness and dissemination

Perform public presentations

No. of public presentations made




Given that, during the implementation of the project, no other dissemination reports have been foreseen within the DoW, the present deliverable represents a self-contained document, meaning it encompasses all work carried out by the consortium, materials developed, results accomplished, throughout the three SUNSHINE Project years.

WP 6 - Awareness, networking and dissemina`on

T6.1 - Project Website, web 2.0 social networks and SUNSHINE Community

D6.1 Project Website

T6.2 - Large scale openness and dissemina`on ac`vi`es

D6.3 Proceedings and dissemina`on material

T6.3 - Training

D6.4 Training material

D6.2 Media Pack

Figure 3 – Work Package 6, its tasks and deliverables

Specifically, the present report covers activities of the consortium afferent to the task 6.2 – Large scale dissemination and openness activities, with the aims of promoting awareness among citizens and disseminating results, involving target users in the project, networking and gathering relevant feedback, organizing large-scale international events for the promotion of SUNSHINE services, facilitating liaisons with existing projects and assessing the impact of the project and the achievement of the desired level of awareness. However, the present report is also strongly linked to the other tasks of the WP, as it relies on T.6.1 for providing the necessary tools for dissemination activities and on T.6.3 for gathering specific, targeted feedback from first-hand users of the three SUNSHINE solutions. Beyond the Workpackage, the Report capitalizes on all outputs, documents, meetings accomplished with the scope of implementing WP1 – WP5 and including WP7, offering in turn support to the Management work package (WP8). The logic of the report, its contents and contributors is the following:


WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

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Figure 4 – Structure and contents of the D6.3 Report

In the following chapters, the report will present the chosen methodologies for communication, dissemination and awareness in SUNSHINE, the outlined target groups and audience per each scenario as well as key involvement messages, the tools used to engage stakeholders, an overview of all activities conducted by SUNSHINE partners which contributed to achieving the Work Package 6 goals and the final results of this process. Intended audience for the D6.3 Report Readers Relevance and reason for reading Members of the To be informed about the dissemination activities performed SUNSHINE consortium by the whole consortium within the project as well as on the results they contributed to. The European Commission The D6.3 Report represents a deliverable of the SUNSHINE project and as such an important read for the PO and Evaluators Representatives of To capitalize on shared public knowledge of the SUNSHINE organizations involved in project, its practices in communication, dissemination and similar smart technology awareness and its best practice in engaging target users projects or initiatives General public, project To be informed about the dissemination activities of stakeholders and SUNSHINE and their results / outcomes, as well as to further affiliates, potential new develop a community of interest in order to continue end-users or partners SUNSHINE promotion.


WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 – 325161


Considerations and evolution of communication supervision

The SUNSHINE project has started initially with 16 partners and 9 pilots. Following financial difficulties which made the continuation of CEIT Alanova’s involvement unfeasible, as well as the findings and proceedings of the 1st Yearly Review of SUNSHINE, the initial Work Package 6 Leader CEIT Alanova has been de-committed and the Schwechat, Austria pilot has been removed from the Project, as per the Project Officer’s decision. WP6 leader CEIT Alanova has effectively suspended its activities in the project in April 2014. Following discussions with the Coordinator and the Project Officer of SUNSHINE, partner Urbasofia (URBA) has agreed to take lead of the Workpackage 6 and has proposed so in the DoW amendments compiled and sent on September 18 2014. URBA has been de facto WP6 leader pending approval since April 2014 and effort of the partner has been dedicated to this task. Taking into account the proposal of SGIS, on October 14 2014 after a scheduled telco, URBA has agreed to take on the overall coordination of task 6.3 (training), overseeing training activities and material developed by SGIS, GT and partners. Amendment no. 1 to Grant Agreement no. 325161 of SUNSHINE – “Smart UrbaN ServIces for HIgher eNergy Efficiency” has been signed on February 2 2015. Subsequent tasks of WP6 have been maintained fully operational during the three-year period of SUNSHINE deployment and have not been impeded by the above-mentioned changes.


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3 Methodologies 3.1

The goal and general dissemination strategy

During the three-year period of SUNSHINE implementation, partners across the network have collaborated in order to achieve the overarching dissemination, communication and awareness goals outlined in the Description of Work. The Goals of WP6 can be summarized as the following: 1. TO INFORM on the project, its goals, objectives, solutions developed and pilots where the solutions were tested; 2. TO SHARE the proceedings of the project and its achievements, as well as benefits to the identified target users, as widely as possible; 3. TO INVOLVE target users and actual third-party or affiliate companies and end-users in the testing of the three SUNSHINE solutions; 4. TO LIAISE AND NETWORK with existing projects and initiatives revolving around the SUNSHINE Themes: Energy Efficiency, Internet of Things, Location, Standards and EU Policies, Open Energy; 5. TO PROMOTE the testing, use and adoption of the developed Energy Maps, Building Energy Awareness and Remote Control of Lighting Networks solutions; 6. TO FOSTER DIFFUSION and UPTAKE of SUNSHINE technology in the future, not only by users but also by providers of services. SUNSHINE represents a complex piloting project and, as such, a targeted approach needed to be outlined from the beginning in order to ensure that the right message gets to the right audience. Firstly, the consortium defined the different types of dissemination to be achieved through the project: a). Dissemination for Awareness – tools, materials and actions directed towards making the broad audience aware of SUNSHINE, in general terms. This type of dissemination was particularly important at the beginning of the project (1st year), as by then the project had the proper communication channels set up but not yet concrete, finalized outputs to present through them. b). Dissemination for Understanding – tools, materials and actions directed towards the specific target groups of SUNSHINE, using key engagement messages and providing specialized information in order to make potential users gain a deeper understanding of the three SUNSHINE solutions in development. This type of action gained importance as the technical solutions were developed and demos could be shown to interested parties. c). Dissemination for Action – tools, materials and actions aimed at fostering adoption of SUNSHINE standards, roadmap, methodologies and ultimately technology. This type of dissemination, focused on industry, energy managers, lighting managers, ESCOs and generally specialized audience, is of more complexity and has been developed for the late stage of the project, when the necessary Training materials and public deliverables of the project were made available. Secondly, it was important to delineate the key phases of dissemination implementation, consistent with the phases of project development and with the project Gantt. There are three main phases of project development, and each provide different opportunities and results for dissemination and networking. Broadly speaking, they can be described as:


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WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

The INCEPTION phase (year 1) in which the communication tools are being set up, the project kicks off and preparatory activities are implemented and finalized: • • •

WP1 Pilot preparatory activities; WP2 Pilot information collection; WP3 Standardisation and interoperability.

This phase contained mainly general information and publicity of the project to the citizens and relevant actors. The DEVELOPMENT phase (year 2), in which the SUNSHINE solutions have been implemented, mainly revolves around WP4 – Integration of SUNSHINE pilot smart urban services. In this phase, the project yielded its first tangible results (the Map4Data app, the demo platforms, etc.) and thus more specific dissemination and awareness activities could be implemented, such as presentations of the stage of the project (evolution), initiated actions, finalized actions, first results, involvement of pilot affiliates and municipalities in the improving of the prototypes. The PILOTING phase (year 3), in which the mature SUNSHINE solutions have been tested in the 8 project pilots, and which is consistent with the most robust part of communication and dissemination. Within the last year, it was possible to implement pilot-specific dissemination and awareness actions, such as training activities, public presentations of how the SUNSHINE pilot works, public presentations of results, workshops and so on.

INCEPTION • General informason and publicity



• Targeted disseminason and first results

• Pilot- and result- specific disseminason and awareness


Partnership roles in communication, dissemination and awareness

In order to successfully deploy and manage WP6, it was essential to delineate the roles in the consortium, each partners’ responsibilities, tools available, local and global target users which needed to be engaged. Following the replacement of CEIT Alanova as WP6 leader with URBA, the matrix has been the following (bold marks direct coordination responsibility): Table 2 – General roles of partners in disseminating SUNSHINE

Partner / Role in T6.1 partner type Lead Partner X WP6 leader X Pilot partners Other partners

Role in T6.2 general dissem. X X X X

Role in T6.2 pilotspecific dissem. X X

Role in T6.3 training X X X


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The partners not managing a pilot are very diverse in background and area of specialization (business, applied meteorology, urban planning, standardization activities, security in communications networks) and while their involvement can be perceived as more diffuse, it was essential for targeted promotion towards specific industries and for creating liaisons beyond like-minded EU projects. Of particular importance is the pilot-specific awareness, dissemination and communication, as well as subsequent training activities implemented by the pilot partners. Since the 8 pilot partners implement the three scenarios in different combinations, with only Val di Non / Cles piloting all three solutions, this reflects strongly on each pilot’s target users, results, and thus methodology.

Figure 5 – The SUNSHINE Consortium partners by type and scenario focus

Subsequently, the SUNSHINE dissemination has been conducted with partner-specific methodologies, while always keeping in mind the final goals and results planned of this collective action.


Target audiences and key messages


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From the beginning of the project, the DoW featured a comprehensive list of target users and their needs addressed within SUNSHINE, for each of the three scenarios. This list was further expanded and detailed with specific use cases within the deliverable D1.1 – SUNSHINE use case. Broadly speaking, the main target groups of the project are the Figure 6 – SUNSHINE Stakeholders following: 1. Building managers, energy managers and technical operators The building (energy) manager is the person in charge of the energy management of the building (or a series of them) and has access to heating/cooling system controls. The building (energy) manager needs to monitor the energy consumption history of his building (including the change of use overtime, equipment installed and other relevant information that can be visualised accordingly onto specific dashboard in order to support decisions) , compare it to the corresponding weather conditions and control the heating/cooling systems of the building to be able to react appropriately to different conditions. Technical operators are the persons in charge of managing the sites infrastructure in terms of energy equipment and remote site operations. Building and energy managers are a key target user group of the SUNSHINE Project and its subsequent Scenarios and represent the individuals in charge of the energy management of the buildings or urban islands, having access to the heating/cooling system controls. Through the developed solutions, the project ensures an improvement of the building management and energy certification process (Scenario 1), a better building stock management, better energy performance and cost/performance ratio (Scenario 2) as well as cost-effectiveness through the use of a tool for optimizing public lighting levels (Scenario 3) for technical operators. 2. Local / public administrations and subsequent departments SUNSHINE, mainly through Scenario 1, is addressed also to the local administration, specifically relevant municipal departments (GI, energy, public lighting, urban development), to municipal energy managers, mayors and councils as well as, on a broader scale, to national and European Courts of Auditors. The SUNSHINE services and solutions will be particularly useful for local administrators, who will be able to use them to gather an overview of the overall state of the buildings in the city energy-wise, and subsequently to design targeted policies and take well-documented decision. Public Administration (PA) officers will thus use SUNSHINE mainly to extract analytic indicators necessary for the definition of energy saving policies for the existing public built assets and to define energy pre-certification mechanisms. Moreover, whenever possible, the 19

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service should suggest improvements to building infrastructure with the aim to increase its energy performances. This functionality will be very useful for a more "local" type of user, like a building manager or, eventually, citizens. 3. Urban and regional planners The implementation of SUNSHINE Scenario 1 can assist planners develop substantiation studies and cost-benefit analyses for updating planning documentations, drafting urban regeneration strategies and programmes, etc. Its usefulness resides in the capacity for providing rapid estimations of energy performances at large urban scale, as well as producing thematic maps which can allow precise delineation of areas in need for urban renewal. Moreover, through Scenario 3, planners can define strategies and priorities regarding public lighting based on precise information on illumination networks. 4. Business, industry and research Through the three piloted scenarios, SUNSHINE ensures the development of innovative tools useful for businesses and industries involved in urban energy efficiency. The Scenario 1 will generate large-scale awareness of energy performances of public buildings, creating a positive feedback loop mechanism for greener buildings based on transparency, standardized metrics and reliable information which, on a longer term, will be likely to generate new business in more extensive interventions for building performance improvement. Moreover, the scenario can be extended to the whole urban context, allowing for the creation of eco-maps and pre-certification for privately managed commercial and residential buildings as well, thus creating new opportunities for business. The second Scenario will allow industry and service providers to access information on realtime energy consumption that can enable them to create more sophisticated billing and notification systems for users. It could lead to significant business opportunities for companies exploiting the developed service, addressing a potentially large market of home users. The App will be made available for free to download during the duration of the project, while the opportunity to create a commercial service beyond the project duration, based on use of SUNSHINE mobile App and smart service, will be explored further by the consortium. Last but not least, through Scenario 3, professionals will be able to enter a platform from where to access information on public illumination network and where to update georeferenced information on new/updated lighting systems. The scenario will also generate significant benefits for ESCOs, through providing improved interfacing to existing public illumination networks via interoperable protocols through a standardized interface.


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Experts and academics in the energy efficiency domain can further capitalize on the findings from the project and can offer valuable feedback on the solutions developed. 5. Citizens Citizens will be able to use SUNSHINE for reducing energy waste caused by heating/cooling systems unnecessarily running in weather conditions that do not require it. Through Scenario 2, dwellers of pilot buildings will be able to lower their energy bill by receiving personalized automatic alerts on weather conditions that require changes to their very own cooling/heating systems (down to their specific building). While the scenario addresses public buildings in the first step, it can easily be up-scaled to encompass private residential building stock as well. Through the citizen-oriented alert and communication management service, data consumption regarding electricity will be gathered using the same platform used for public buildings. In this case, the target will be the feedback given to the consumer using his/her real time consumption data and the prediction of overall consumption. SUNSHINE aims thus at modulating domestic consumption by means of “human feedback”: informing in real time (by texting, twitting, notifying a smart phone app, etc) of a spike in actual consumption, possibly caused by faulty electric appliances, changing weather conditions or extraordinary scheduled high\low tariff time intervals. The SUNSHINE solution can also help citizens to avoid the damages of an imminent controlled outage caused by peak of energy request due to forecasts based on weather data. Through SUNSHINE, citizens will be also able to be kept informed about the energy efficiency of public buildings and their energy costs, as well as the energy preservation practices employed, thus increasing awareness on the state of the art of public building stock, transparency and good governance, favoring regeneration policies across Europe The following table, provided in D1.1, lists the main actors involved in the three scenarios:

Provide enhanced information

Implementing new energy efficiency policies at private organisation level Access information

Survey data from private infrastructure (only internal use at private firms)

Analyse data for new urban and energy regulations

Access synthetic overview

Actor (“who”) GI Department Local administrator Urban Planner Energy Manager Technical

Create public geodata repository

Action (“what”)

Table 3 – List of actors involved in the three scenarios. Source: D1.1


















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operator Citizen 3.3.1



Target users and needs addressed by scenario

Due to the fact that different pilots implement different scenarios or combinations of the three SUNSHINE solutions, it was equally important to first assess and delineate the direct needs of the above-described target users, which can be addressed through SUNSHINE. Having a good understanding of each user’s needs is a requirement SCENARIO 1 Target users

Needs addressed

Building / energy managers

• Acquire information about possible refurbishment and retrofitting solutions at building level which will allow delineation of buildings or building parts in need of improvement; • Assess public building energy performance on a monthly basis through the SUNSHINE application and compare them with the real energy behavior of the public structures; • Compare different building certificates or “facet browse” the consumption data due to energy pre-certification of the buildings involved in urban areas, in accordance with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. • Access tools to analytically define „cost-optimal levels” according to ”Reference Building” as defined by the EPBD Directive and as proposed by the TABULA project; • Publicly show building energy behavior based on analytical models; • Rapidly estimate energy performances of buildings at urban scale and produce relative thematic maps; • Retrieve analytical indicators which can be used further in substantiation studies, cost-benefit analyses etc. for updating planning documentations, drafting urban regeneration strategies and programmes, etc, • Define based on the large scale assessment of building energy behavior specific local energy saving policies; • Create energy-saving policies based on true requirement of public building stock; • Delineate and prioritize intervention areas / districts for large-scale, concerted and cost-effective investments aimed at building refurbishment; • Keep informed about energy efficiency of public buildings and subsequent energy costs and savings; • Be aware the state of the art of public building stock, transparency and good governance, favoring regeneration policies across Europe. • More transparency, standardized metrics and reliable information; • New business for more extensive interventions targeting building performance improvement; • New opportunities: eco-maps and pre-certification for privately managed commercial and residential buildings. • Benefit from results of the project (new open source based methodology / SUNSHINE toolkit


Public administrators


Industry and business

Universities / research

SCENARIO 2 Target users

Needs addressed


• Acquire information about possible refurbishment and retrofitting solutions at building level which will allow delineation of buildings or building parts in need


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Public administrators Citizens

Industry and business, incl. ESCOs Universities / research

of improvement; • Assess public building energy performance on a monthly basis through the SUNSHINE application and compare them with the real energy behavior of the public structure: manage existing public and private building stock to the highest possible level of energy performance • Use the SUNSHINE App integrating real-time weather observations and predictions, correlate consumption and weather conditions and receive automatic suggestions on how to improve energy performance, so informed decisions can be made on how best to manage the building stock (S2); • Store and easily access historical energy costs in order to plan for system renovation or develop feasibility studies for installation of new heating/cooling systems based on current standards (S2) • Retrieve analytical indicators which can be used further in substantiation studies, cost-benefit analyses etc. for updating planning documentations, drafting urban regeneration strategies and programmes, etc, • Create energy-saving policies based on true requirement of public building stock; • Keep informed about energy efficiency of public buildings or their own buildings (potential extension) and subsequent energy costs and savings; • Receive automatic alerts notifying on changing weather conditions which require changes in setting for heating and cooling systems, personalized for their building, for optimal energy-use /comfort ratio. • Create more sophisticated billing mechanisms based on real-time consumption level and communicate this to the users. • Exploit free-to-download SUNSHINE App for commercial services beyond SUNSHINE duration • Benefit from results of the project (new open source based methodology / SUNSHINE toolkit

SCENARIO 3 Target users

Needs addressed

Building managers

• Remotely assess public lighting devices status and consumption, in order to measure possible energy savings deriving from the ability of the system to optimize the luminous flux of the individual devices according to actual situation; • Remotely control lighting devices in public buildings in order to be able to adjust the level of illumination of different parts of facilities or public spaces in accordance with their current use (ie. effective lighting necessity of a road, cycle lane, parking, etc). Adjustments can be done in accordance with measurable parameters such as traffic amount or weather conditions • Define planning strategies and priorities regarding public lighting based on precise information on illumination networks • Optimize running and maintenance costs at city level through large-scale optimization of public illumination network according to real requirement; • Access information on status of the illumination network through a standardized protocol; create “energy maps” showing dimming level of illumination at different times and consequent savings. • Benefit from a safe and well-lit urban environment, improved traffic and lowered accident and crime risk, at an optimized public cost; • Improved interfacing with existing public illumination networks through standardized interface via interoperable protocols consistently throughout the city/region;

Planners Public administrators

Citizens Industry and business, incl.


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ESCOs Universities / research

• Benefit from results of the project (new open source based methodology / SUNSHINE toolkit


Target users per pilot

Within the DoW, under the section informing on the project phase and impact, a number of total users is given, in the aim of involving them directly (through use, awareness, feedback) in the SUNSHINE project. The table below illustrates the initial forecast: Number of users involved ID Pilot Location

Professionals and industry (incl. SMEs)

Public RTD staff NGOs and administration, (researchers, Citizens associations ESCOs, etc. students)



Ferrara, Italy



















Trentino, Italy Zagreb and Split, Croatia Bassano del Grappa, Italy Lamia, Greece








Paola, Malta



















3 4


Rovereto, Italy Valle di Non, 8 Italy TOTAL

930 35

40 2045

After the submission of the DoW amendments, which have been approved on February 2 2015, partner HEP ESCO who was initially piloting all three scenarios has exited Scenario 1. Hence, the value of 800 citizens has been downsized to reflect this change, to approx. 200 citizens. Scenario 1 is the most visual and appealing to citizens, while scenarios 2 and 3 have a very strong focus towards professionals, ESCOs and research. Quantifying of the users involved per each pilot, as well as globally, is currently carried out using the following tools: 1. The Stakeholder Database. The Description of Work provisions read as following: Additionally, each consortium member will network with possible stakeholders, inviting them to join the virtual community of stakeholders and to contribute with key feedback to later consultation events planned by SUNSHINE. For this, a database of relevant contacts will be maintained by URBA, with input from all partners on target users to be involved in dissemination and SUNSHINE events. For each person the information provided will include: given name and family name, name of institution, e-mail address, Field of specialization (target user type) and optionally, social network ID (Skype, LinkedIn etc.), telephone number, Web page.


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Given that some of the SUNSHINE partners have exposed clear company policies of not providing business contacts to third parties, quantification of their users reached (through presentations, trainings, etc.) has been limited to provision of estimate numbers, pictures and participants lists without e-mails. However, the Stakeholder Database has been enriched with contacts from other partners, such as SGIS and URBA. 2. Outputs of meetings, workshops, events. Starting as early as the first bi-monthly reports, the SUNSHINE partners have been asked to provide a number of attendants and the attendee types for all events organized or participated to. The numbers were to be supported by clear evidence (pictures, participant lists, etc.) which allowed the WP6 leader to properly quantify the final numbers of engaged audience. Final results of this assessment are presented at large in Chapter 6 of the present report. 3.3.3

Key messages and focus points of dissemination

The SUNSHINE identity is built on the following concepts and keywords: Smart urban services; Open-source software; Software as a service (SAAS); Interoperable standards; Interoperable web-based services; Easy to use CityGML compatible 3D client; Energy efficiency enhancing solutions; Energy pre-certification; Dynamic optimization of public illumination through SAS and SES protocols; Integrated geospatial access and control; ICT trustworthiness; Confidentiality and privacy / data protection. From the point of view of message types, we identified the following foci which have been integrated in dissemination and awareness actions and tools: 1. Focus on the project: Aim of the project, potential impact, major developments, key milestones, consortium, news and activities; 2. Focus on the key features: Smart urban services for higher energy efficiency, namely the three scenarios developed and piloted; 3. Focus on innovation: what does SUNSHINE bring new which makes it stand out from the research and innovation ecosystem in Europe? 4. Focus on expected outcomes: in the end, what are the platforms, apps, deliverables, toolkits which SUNSHINE will produce? 5. Focus on adoption and diffusion: how can SUNSHINE be used, and further implemented and maintained?


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Selection of appropriate tools for engagement

Proper communication and dissemination relies on delineating early-on the specific methods and ways to reach the target users. The understanding of the specific needs, the way of working and communication of the target audience is a key success factor for an effective dissemination. Table 4 – Dissemination tools and activities selected and their expected outcomes Best dissemination, Target Best dissemination tools to communication and Expected outcomes user types reach group awareness activities to engage group - Project website (deliverables; - User meetings; Building and energy tutorials); - Project presentations; managers become Building / - Professional web 2.0 networks - Workshops; aware of solutions, energy (LinkedIn) and social media; - Training workshops; and test them. They managers - Targeted flyers; - Webinars; demos; are informed of the - Newsletters - Papers and articles; SUNSHINE toolkit. They offer feedback. - Project website (media; - Articles and publications; Planners get tutorials); - Conferences (local / informed on specific - Professional web 2.0 networks international); solutions of Planners (LinkedIn); - Seminars; Scenario 1 and its - Social media; - User meetings; benefits in their line - Targeted flyers; brochure; - Workshops; of work. - Newsletters - Papers and articles; - Project website; - Briefings; PA are aware of - Targeted flyers; - Formal and informal SUNSHINE and its Public - Project brochure; project presentations; benefits. PA from Adminis- Press and online articles; - User meetings; pilots (S1) start trators - Seminars; using the platform. They offer feedback. - Project website (deliverables; - User meetings; ESCOs become tutorials); - Conferences (local / aware of solutions, - professional web 2.0 networks international) project SUNSHINE toolkit, ESCOs (LinkedIn) and social media; presentations; platforms and test - targeted flyers; newsletters; - Workshops; them. They offer - Training seminars; feedback. - Demos; - Project website (deliverables - Conferences and other Heightened section, training materials); events; awareness of the - Professional web 2.0 - Articles and scientific science community Other prof. networks; papers; in regard to and - Newsletters; - Seminars / workshops; SUNSHINE and its research - Press and online articles; - Training events for solutions and community - Alike projects in the ICT-PSP universities; deliverables. and beyond: direct contact - Alike projects in the ICTCollaboration with also suitable; PSP and beyond: formal complementary liaising activities; projects. - Project website (general); - Public presentations; General awareness - Social media; - Workshops; of the project, - General project flyer; - Training events and energy efficiency, Citizens - YouTube general demos. solutions for presentations; households. - Press and online articles; Feedback


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Strategy for gathering feedback

In order to support the development of successful, reliable and useful SUNSHINE solutions, the gathering of feedback is essential. Beneficiary and stakeholder feedback can orient the project towards the most successful path, identifying any incompatibilities that might exist between the expectations of the SUNSHINE consortium and the reality. Mitigating inaccurate requirements represented the first step in ensuring sustainability, allowing the uncovering of all information needed from all different stakeholders. This was achieved through the deployment of an on-line survey by GT and SGIS, in partnership with project SMESpire, launched on July 4 2014, which was responded to by 116 stakeholders. Furthermore several workshops and meetings, as well as remote / skype calls were implemented in the period February 2013 – June 2014 in order to refine the use cases of the project. Following the definition of reliable use cases for SUNSHINE, during the development of the WP4 – Integration of SUNSHINE pilot smart urban services, it was equally important to discuss with beneficiaries, to present the ideas, interim results and prototypes/ demos in order to request feedback on the usefulness of services. Thirdly, during piloting phase and deployment of mature SUNSHINE platforms and apps, which could publicly be accessed, the last step of gathering feedback has been implemented: - Gathering in-depth feedback of the use, behaviour and expected impact of the SUNSHINE solutions from actual SUNSHINE technology users (building managers, ESCOs, energy companies etc. involved in the testing phase) - Gathering public feedback, from citizens and stakeholders not directly involved in the piloting, on the usefulness, attractiveness and potential of adoption and behavioural change of SUNSHINE. The scopes, structure, proceedings and results of questionnaires will be presented in the dedicated Chapter 7 of the present report.


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4 Internal communication Internal communication within the SUNSHINE consortium has been set up with the specific aim of facilitating provision of information on partner activities and planned dissemination, communication and awareness actions, as a means for ensuring effective transfer, centralization and interpretation of information. Several tools have been used during the project’s lifetime, as illustrated below.


Tools for maintaining optimal internal communication

Project management tool – Adobe / Google forms Bi-Monthly reports The bi-monthly report has been introduced by coordinator Fondazione Graphitech in order to gather detailed descriptions of project activities from each partner. The Dissemination of Knowledge section was structured as a form requesting the following information: 1. Have you organized/attended any WORKSHOP or any CONFERENCE disseminating the SUNSHINE project? Conferences, workshops, special sessions, and other events co-organized Participation to conferences or workshops 2. Have you presented SUNSHINE project to any company or other possible STAKEHOLDER? Project presentations 3. Have you done any PUBLICATION regarding SUNSHINE during this two months? General Publications (project flyers, brochures, newsletters) Scientific Publications (presenting technical aspects and solutions of the research) Other Publications (e.g. news in general, press releases, interviews) 4. Have you posted any NEWS about SUNSHINE project on internet or social networks? Figure 7 – The SUNSHINE Bi-Monthly form template 5. Have you done any OTHER DISSEMINATION provided by the coordinator (Link) ACTIVITIES? This tool has been particularly useful in offering insights on accomplished dissemination actions, which could afterwards be followed up for details and materials generated (i.e. participant lists, photographs, etc.). The Bi-monthly report online forms #1 through #16 have been filled in by partners. For the periods #17 and #18 (the last four months of the project), the on-line form was not requested anymore, due to the fact that a close communication and several consortium meetings (October, December, January) were more effective in gathering all partnership accomplishments. 28

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Collaborative Google Spreadsheets on planned activities Furthermore, several online collaborative tools for collection of future planned dissemination activities have been set up in order to ensure that proper support and promotion is given to these events: - A calendar of the local and international events where SUNSHINE was planned to be promoted; - List of local training and openness activities in pilots, tentatively scheduled by partners. Direct communication with partners via Skype and during meetings The success of the SUNSHINE consortium (and any partnership) depends on good internal communication: a well-paced succession of direct meetings, timely conversations, good recordkeeping, appropriate written agreements, open discussion and more. During the project’s lifetime, the consortium organized the following meetings: 1. Kick-off Meeting, 6-7 February 2013, Trento, Italy 2. Technical Meeting #1, 14-16 October 2013, Trento, Italy 3. Review Meeting #1, 14-15 April 2014, Trento, Italy 4. Technical Meeting #2, 11 September 2014, Trento, Italy 5. Technical Meeting #3, 3-5 March 2015, Zagreb, Croatia 6. Review Meeting #2, 27-28 April 2015, Zagreb, Croatia 7. Technical Meeting #4, 6-7 October 2015, Athens, Greece 8. Technical Meeting #5, 15-16 December 2015, Trento, Italy 9. Final Conference and Technical Meeting #6, 12-14 January 2016, Bologna, Italy 10. Review Meeting #3 (Final), dates and location to be set. The meetings have provided a regular setting for the whole consortium to come together and discuss the state of the art and proceedings of the project. Furthermore, each meeting has provided a specific section in which WP6 tasks implemented to date have been presented, and future activities have been jointly discussed and planned. Apart from consortium meetings, updating and provision of dissemination information, as well as partner support has been conducted through 1-on-1 Skype meetings, scheduled individually, or in what concerns pilots, as a complete updating session on the overall proceedings (in collaboration with Fondazione Graphitech and Sinergis).


Consortium support - the Guideline for Implementing and Reporting Activities

Albeit not a deliverable, in lack of an existing Communication Plan foreseen for the SUNSHINE project, this Guide has been developed in October 2013 by Urbasofia and updated in January 2015, in order to provide partners with step-by-step support for their communication and dissemination activities. The Guideline is reproduced below. Introduction This document has been edited by Urbasofia as the Task 6.2 Leader and contains a set of dissemination activity guidelines, together with general reporting requirements for the SUNSHINE project and a checklist for activity organization by partners. The purpose of this document is to streamline, improve and standardize the procedure of dissemination and its subsequent reporting, assisting SUNSHINE partners to set up and deploy communication, dissemination and openness tasks afferent but not limited to WP6, by explaining: 1. The importance and general framework for these activities, including ICT PSP Programme rules with respect to communication 2. The main SUNSHINE dissemination activities which partners are expected to contribute 3. The project’s target users and potential engagement activities 29

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4. Organizing and participating to events 5. Disseminating the results and contributions to the D6.3 About communication and dissemination The activities envisioned in Workpackage 6 are an integral, cross-cutting part of SUNSHINE particularly important due to the following: • They are the instruments we use in order to communicate project information, activities and results to interested stakeholders; • They promote awareness among citizens towards the project; • They facilitate the gathering of relevant feedback from stakeholders in order to refine, adapt and make the project solutions truly marketable; • They permit an accurate assessment of the impact of the project and the progress towards achieving its goals; • They ensure better results through liaisons with existing projects and SUNSHINE’s continuity through follow-up sessions. ICT PSP offers some general guidelines for communication which are quite relaxed – it is up to the projects to define their concrete list of things-to-do. The guidelines are collected in the Good Communication Practices for ICT PSP Project document, which can be accessed here. ICT PSP Projects general obligations: 1. The acknowledgement of EU Funds and display of the EU Flag Example: “This project is partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme by the European Community” 2. The Disclaimer Example: “Any opinions expressed in this communication/publication belong to the author(s)/ organization(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the EC” Apart from these general obligations, all communication and publication material will feature the SUNSHINE Corporate Graphical Identity. More information about the project identity and information to be displayed can be found in the D6.2 Media Pack. The SUNSHINE Logo has 2 versions, made by Graphitech, which will be used and placed visibly on all project dissemination material (title version and full version). What are the main SUNSHINE dissemination activities that the project partners participate to? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Publishing articles, papers and publications Participating in conferences and international events Holding public presentations of the project Organizing workshops, seminars and user meetings Ensuring the liaison with different other projects, standardization bodies and other institutions 6. Participating in the final project conference and the 3 international seminars for the circulation of project results 7. Continuously disseminating project information through social web channels: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. 30

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What are the target users of SUNSHINE? How can they be best engaged through the T.6.2 activities? Target users Building managers Planners Public Administrators ESCOs Other professional and research community Citizens

Best engagement activities User meetings, project presentations, workshops, training workshops, webinars, publications, social media; Articles and publications, conferences, seminars, user meetings, workshops, social media Formal and informal project presentations, user meetings, workshops, seminars, publications User meetings, project presentations, workshops, training, publications, social media; Conferences and other events, articles, publications, seminars, social media

User meetings, public presentations, workshops, seminars and webinars, social media, publications

Articles, papers, publications Every partner is strongly encouraged to publish: Articles in scientific journals and peer-reviewed conferences • Publish in scientific journals with significant impact factor Articles in newspapers/magazines (print and online) • Target the population by the message you want to convey: you can either disseminate the project results to citizens in general (national, regional or local population) or specifically to your target users, though industry magazines (Planning websites, …) Broadcasts on TV, radio, live streaming… • Be sure to record the activity! Press Releases, PR documents, etc. • Publishing press releases after each important project event is a good communication practice Focus on conveying the right message to the target audience through the right media. Participating in conferences and events Participating in conferences and international events is a very good opportunity to disseminate the SUNSHINE project’s idea and scenarios it develops, its outcomes, results so far and its impact in the market. Aim to develop papers and presentations for conferences on the following topics (DoW, Workplan table, pp. 37/51): • Smart Cities Sustainability in cities Smart Grids Urban Technologies Large conferences are fixed a long time before the date, so you can correlate the internal delivery calendar of SUNSHINE with the upcoming events in order to plan ahead which articles you will present where • • •


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When preparing to participate, aim for ensuring the project’s visibility throughout the event: • Prepare handouts: print SUNSHINE flyers and brochures, but also consider going beyond that – for example, you can hand out custom flash drives with project information and outputs • Use the projects’ identity on the presentation and make sure you give the audience the proper channels to find out more about SUNSHINE on their own: share the website link, Facebook page, etc • Ask the organizers to provide you with the participants list so interested parties can be added to the SUNSHINE database of interested parties and updated on the future progress of the project. Organizing your own events – workshops, and user meetings, seminars Most partners will organize workshops and meetings with their target stakeholders in order to gather needs and opinions from relevant users and stakeholders, involve them in designing sellable final products, ensure liaisons with existing projects, disseminate results and project achievements and promote the exchange of experiences. In order to do so, there are several key steps you have to prepare for well in advance: Before the event Start planning by first clarifying: • What is the main objective of your workshop / user meeting / seminar? Think of a theme or title! Building Planners MGMT • Who do you want to reach? What are the target users? • What are the most effective ways of reaching out to the audience? TARGET Public ESCOs AUDIENCE Adm. Based on the target users and the key messages you want to convey, Other profeCiszens • Start building up your audience: think both in terms of ssionals newcomers and of people who have already been involved , but could become more committed or useful to the project if engaged again; • Draft a first version of the event’s agenda. Be sure to give proper time for Q&A sessions and, if you plan for the media to attend, include a slot for press conferences or interviews. • Plan your speakers in accordance with the target users: if you organize an event directed at building managers and PA for example, you will need to be able to provide them with knowledgeable speakers able to answer any technical question of interest that may arise. • Plan for the venue, catering, accommodation, technical equipment and handouts in a timely manner. After you have everything set up, send out the invitations. For best results, do not limit yourself at sending email notifications or telephone calls – you can also invite the target audience through online media channels. 32

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For the registration, best course of action is to opt for online registering: attendees can submit their details online, either by mail or into a database that can be afterwards quickly transformed into a printed out attendance list for them to sign upon arrival. • Basic details to ask for the registration: Name, Title, Affiliation, Email, Phone number (optional); During the event •

Register guests and provide them with the workshop/meeting/seminar folder. The folder might include: • The SUNSHINE Brochure and Flyer (if it is a local event consider offering a translated version) • The name badge of the attendee • The agenda of the event • Handouts of presentations, if it is the case • Pen, paper, the folder itself (can be branded) • A questionnaire or a feedback form Flyers are provided to you for specific target user categories as well so consider using the following if you have targeted events: • Flyer for building managers, • Flyer for public administration and planners, • Flyer for citizens. Keep the session interactive, giving ample time to the engagement of participants. Depending on the target users and the scope of the event, there are several ways to go in organizing such events: • If you organize a presentation of the project and its results, your focus should be on clearly conveying the message – what will SUNSHINE provide for you? How will the project help you in achieving a lower energy bill / better management of buildings and lighting systems / better energy efficiency? • If your target is the gathering of information from stakeholders, focus on asking the right questions: engage them in scenario-building, focus on discussions that start with convergent thinking and then move to divergence. It is of capital importance to have good moderators and facilitators. • Similarly, if you aim for the target users’ feedback, ensure a wide array of methods to collect the opinions: use good facilitators, make use of tools for them to express their views (flipcharts, boards, questionnaires, etc.) After the event There are two main activities that you will have to conduct after the closing of the event: • Follow-up by providing the participants with the event documents as well as a report (optional) of what has been achieved in the meeting. Consider issuing a press release or a media article if the event has been of greater importance, post the outcomes and pictures on Facebook , LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube • Capitalize the results locally and within the partnership: report on the outcomes, go through the feedback questionnaires you collected (or, if that wasn’t the case, send a feedback form to the participants after the event, but not later than within the first week!). Use the information in newsletters (your own company’s and the SUNSHINE biannual newsletter). 33

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Advice for making the most out of your events Always take pictures: • If you are holding a SUNSHINE presentation, make sure you have at least one picture depicting the presenter and the screen; • Take pictures of the whole audience – it helps showing you had real, interested, present participants; • In sessions with user feedback such as workshops, go for pictures illustrating dialogue, engagement, round table discussions, user input (for example, flipcharts), etc. • If you have used promotional materials (banners, roll-ups, brochures, flyers), it is generally a good practice to have that on record Ensure the project’s visibility within the event: • Use the flyer and the brochure GRAPHITECH created – translate them if necessary • Think about additional promotional material: project roll-ups, project branded workshop folders,… Ensure that the information you convey is clear and accessible for everyone: • A workshop or meeting organized for citizens will be quite different than one for which you invite professionals or academia for example – always tailor the discourse and the message for the target user, making it clear and understandable; • If you organize a local meeting but also have guests from abroad, be sure to always provide the necessary language support: events with foreign attendance have to be translated into English Always record and ask for feedback: • A workshop or a project presentation meeting goes both ways: it helps informing target users and creating a pool of interested stakeholders and a future market, but it also provides valuable insight for the bettering of the presented solutions; • Recording roundtable discussions, workshops, Q&A sessions will help you remember the topics discussed, concerns voiced and suggestions given by the guests • Drafting up event questionnaires and sharing them during the event helps getting immediate feedback that would otherwise diminish afterwards Build your interested stakeholder database • One of the main scopes of the dissemination and openness activities is to get target users interested in the SUNSHINE project and the products it develops, to gather their feedback and – based on user input – to bring the developed solutions to marketability: following up on stakeholders is therefore key: • The main way of contributing to the database of stakeholders is to use the participants lists of your events to create a common pool of interested target users (separated by types identified) which will continue to be involved by: 34

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§ Being sent the SUNSHINE newsletter and other project dissemination material via email; § Being invited to the next events you are going to organize; § (Possibly) being further involved in the T.6.3 Training task lead by SGIS: training workshops, assisted self-learning activities, etc. Disseminate your results within the consortium and contribute to the D.6.3 • For articles and publications, follow the checklist provided on page 7 and provide URBA and GRAPHITECH with the necessary documents related to your activity; • For events you have attended or organized, prepare and send an event report (see example) CHECKLIST FOR EVENTS – What you should send: Agenda and invitation – for dissemination purposes Scanned participant list (name, e-mail, affiliation / type of target stakeholder) The presentations held, in .ppt or .pdf version Press release, PR documents and other publications about the event – accompanied by an English description (if the case) Pictures The event report (internal) or follow-up document you sent to participants (external) Questionnaires or general evaluation of the outcomes of questionnaires

EVENT REPORTING – template example Author


Date & Location

Meeting subject


Other details

SYNTHETIC REPORT – SUMMARY • Use a bullet list to briefly describe what has been presented, by whom, what the reactions were in the Q&A session and what important conclusions have surfaced; • Write your intentions for follow-up; • You can include pictures and attach the participants list; • The report can also be sent to the participants after the event and can serve as a basis for a release.

Last but not least: Capitalize the dissemination and openness events you organize or participate in as much as possible: spread the word, analyze the outcomes and build on the spiked interest within future project activities Keep by the checklist provided and send all material gathered to the WP leader and SUNSHINE Project leader, AND/OR in the SUNSHINE Dropbox folder: WP 6 and T.6.2 Leader: • Sabina DIMITRIU – • Pietro ELISEI – Project Coordinator: • Raffaele DE AMICIS – • Ružica Bukša TEZZELE – 35

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5 Dissemination tools Different stakeholders and target groups of SUNSHINE gather their information and knowledge via a plethora of different channels. While for example the business community is quite active in professional web 2.0 networks such as LinkedIn, the general public is more sensitive to magazines, local news websites, Facebook and so on. There was hence a need to find a well-balanced dissemination format, taking also into account the necessity to customtailor language, keywords and modes of communications. The SUNSHINE project found a broad, appropriate mix of tools and channels for each audience to suit its purposes best. The sections below will details each tool used so far within the project.


SUNSHINE logo and project identity

Building a consistent branding identity is of capital importance for the recognition of the SUNSHINE project. This requires developing a branding which exhibits the same design elements and color scheme across all mediums. All communication material used within the SUNSHINE project, project templates, as well as the website share the same or very similar design features to create a unified and easily recognizable “brand”. The project coordinator, Fondazione Graphitech, has established a core branding for the project, with a distinct logo and branding style to guarantee a consistent design. This has been achieved within the deliverable D6.2 Media Pack, delivered in April 2013. The SUNSHINE Logo is used consistently across all project outcomes and dissemination activities in order to visually consolidate the SUNSHINE branding. The full logo with the cityscape has been provided as an alternative, and the motif of the cityscape has been imported in other dissemination materials as well.

Figure 8 – SUNSHINE Logo and cityscape alternative

Within the same D6.2 Media Pack, templates for presentations, reports and deliverables were enclosed for future use in all SUNSHINE activities, realized by Fondazione Graphitech. The initial SUNSHINE presentation template has been modified by URBA during the second year to reflect a friendlier, minimalistic, modern design.

Figure 9 – Presentation templates for Project SUNSHINE


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Furthermore, templates for reports and deliverables have been provided and since April 2013 have been used consistently throughout the project activities.

5.2 5.2.1

SUNSHINE project websites Public website

The SUNSHINE website represents the main online access point to the project and the project public showcase to external stakeholders. The website has been used as an important dissemination tool, as it shares the most important information related to the project. It has been designed to provide information related to the project and consortium, solutions and final outcomes of the project, publications derived from the project, as well as updated news on the project progress and news related to the events and conferences. Furthermore, it provides connection to the web 2.0 channels in order to improve dialogue with the community. The website also provides private access to the members of the consortium in order to create a collaborative work environment in which the partners of the project can exchange knowledge and information related to the project. The aim is to maximize the synergies among the consortium to improve the work within the work packages. The SUNSHINE website has been created at the beginning of the project and launched in April 2013, but has required a redesign over the time (March 2015), achieved by URBA, in order to give more emphasis on the products and solutions that were developed within the project, to include an ample description of what it has to offer to stakeholders, including training, as well as to provide more details for the pilots.

Figure 10 - Tree structure of the SUNSHINE Website contents


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The most important sections dedicated to stakeholder and user engagement are the following: ABOUT: the brief take-away description of the project – what is SUNSHINE all about? SOLUTIONS: a page with different subsections for each type of specific stakeholder, describing how SUNSHINE responds to their needs. Within Solutions, TRAINING provides documents, videos, slides aimed at transferring knowledge from the consortium to interested parties. NEWS: all relevant news of the project DELIVERABLES: the place where all public outputs of the project are uploaded and can be consulted DISSEMINATION: the page which contains access to all SUNSHINE material (Articles, publications, PR materials, liaisons, newsletters) SOCIAL MEDIA buttons CONSORTIUM and CONTACTS. Figure 11 – The SUNSHINE website front page Data retrieved from the SUNSHINE website analytics illustrates the following: SUNSHINE WEBSITE KEY METRICS Number of Visits (total until 30.01.2016) Number of Absolute Unique Visitors (total until 30.01.2016) Number of pageviews (total until 30.01.2016) % new visits (average) Newsletter subscribers (total until 30.01.2016) “Hits” on Newsletter issues (total until 30.01.2016) Number of project news in the news section

13412 9321 33,368 69.39% 99 64 51 so far


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SUNSHINE web platform

The SUNSHINE Energy Web Portal has been a deliverable of Workpackage 4, Task 4.6 (D4.9, delivered on 9th of March 2015), which has been set up in order to provide access to all the services which the SUNSHINE consortium has accomplished. The portal has been created by the lead partner, Fondazione Graphitech, who configured it with functional modules according to the requirements collected in Workpackage 1. The solution makes use of Open Source Software (OSS) as well as commercial off-the-shelf, in order to be a reference example for integrating OSS and proprietary components. The web portal is based on existing libraries, and also integrates services and client functionalities for viewing, accessing and analysing geographical information related to building efficiency.

Figure 12 - Tree structure of the SUNSHINE Energy Web Portal. Source: D4.9, Graphitech

The SUNSHINE Energy Web Portal can be reached at It has been designed bearing the elements of identification and style of the public SUNSHINE website. The Portal features a Login module through which users can provide their login data in order to access all functionalities of the platform. Because 39

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Scenarios 2 and 3 are specifically addressed to specialized personnel in charge of building and lighting network maintenance, these can strictly be accessed once logged in on the platform. Scenario 1 can be overviewed by any visitor, however without the possibility of editing details within the Building Analysis and Simulation Tool.

Figure 13 - The SUNSHINE Energy Web Portal (left) and overview of the Scenario 1 in Ferrara (right)

SUNSHINE WEB PORTAL KEY METRICS Number of Visits (total until 30.01.2016) Number of Visitors (total until 30.01.2016) % new visits (average)

3.611 2.131 58.96%

Figure 14 – The SUNSHINE WEB PORTAL visitors trend


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Figure 15 - The SUNSHINE WEB PORTAL visitors by country


Web 2.0 networks

The creation of SUNSHINE social media accounts allowed the project to actively participate and engage with various actors from around Europe, while also keeping pace with the ongoing discussions and emerging ideas on the topics of Energy Efficiency, Open Energy, ICT Technology, standards. The use of various social media platforms is aligned with the overall dissemination strategy for SUNSHINE. The social media platforms gave the opportunity to open another communication channel with stakeholders to promote the project’s aims, scenarios, activities and events to a wider audience but also maintain a certain visibility to the outcomes and achievements of SUNSHINE during and even after its completion. The web 2.0 social networks, together with the project website and SUNSHINE community are part of the Task 6.1, led by Graphitech and contributed to by URBA and INFOTN (after the decommission of CEIT Alanova, in charge of them for the first year of the project), which have driven the use of social networks in order to raise the level of project impact by supporting the building of the virtual project community. The SUNSHINE project set up the following dissemination channels:


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1. Facebook page, accessible at The project Facebook page has been set up early on and has been one of the primary information and dissemination channels used by the consortium. All posts of news, events, and accomplishments have been shared by members of the consortium, allowing for a wider post reach and higher awareness of the project. Currently the last post of the page, promoting the final conference, has had a reach of 434 people. So far, there have been in total 84 posts directly pertaining to the project displayed on the Facebook page. The Page currently has a total number of 106 “likes” and it will remain active after the end of the project.

Figure 16 - SUNSHINE Facebook Page

Facebook statistics, average, for the available period of the last 180 days are the following:

Table 5 - SUNSHINE Facebook key statistics, monthly average for the last 180 days

SUNSHINE FACEBOOK KEY STATISTICS, MONTHLY AVERAGE 28 Days Page Engaged Users 40 28 Days Total Reach 463 28 Days Total Impressions 2613 28 Days Reach of page posts 402 28 Days Total Impressions of your posts 2464 28 Days People Talking About This 17 2. Twitter account, accessible at The Twitter account of Project SUNSHINE has been another key dissemination channel, through which a total number of 130 tweets were issued and which is currently followed by 80 persons and companies.


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Figure 17 - SUNSHINE Twitter Account front page

3. LinkedIn group, accessible at While the LinkedIn group has been mainly a professional network dedicated to members of the SUNSHINE consortium (40 members), other LinkedIn groups have been consistently used throughout the project to promote events or gather feedback. Below is a list of active Groups on which feedback on the three solutions has been requested, in form of a questionnaire to be filled in, with the secondary role of heightening awareness of the project: -

"HORIZON 2020 " Framework Programme for Research & Innovation [Official Group] "H2020 SMART CITIES & Communities" ICT in Building and Construction, ASCE, BIM & VDC "H2020 SME / COSME" Competitiveness of SMEs, Small Business, Growth & Innovation EU Funds GRASP (Global Romanian Society of Young Professionals) Int. Urban Planning & Regional Planning Group Smart Growth Group SMART URBANISM smeSpire Urban & Regional Planning 43

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4. YouTube account, accessible at The account has been set up in order to allow uploading of general SUNSHINE presentations such as the “SUNSHINE Trailer” but also videos which go in-depth presenting the way the Web Platform and Mobile Apps work. The videos on the page are grouped in playlists based on type: SUNSHINE development, SUNSHINE training material, SUNSHINE Featuring (external project-related presentations, for example those done by GraficaLight for the Bassano pilot) and SUNSHINE on TV. Currently the videos have been viewed a number of 1191 times.

Figure 18 - SUNSHINE YouTube Channel

5.4 5.4.1

Newsletters and contact database Newsletters

During the three years of project implementation, the SUNSHINE consortium produced sixmonthly electronic newsletters targeted to a large public of stakeholders and others which subscribed to newsletter receipt on the SUNSHINE public website. The Newsletters contained input on the project’s progress, an overview of implemented events and our future plans for the upcoming months. Newsletters of the project have been sent to the subscribers of the project, in total 860 stakeholders from industry, professional networks, research and development, local and regional authorities, energy managing and utility companies as well as interested citizens or students to technical universities. All newsletters are available via the public website, following this link. A final, sixth newsletter will be issued after the end of the project containing its proceedings and an overview of the overall accomplishments of the SUNSHINE project. 44

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Figure 19 - SUNSHINE newsletters to date

In order to ensure the information gets disseminated as widely as possible, apart from sending the materials to the SUNSHINE subscribers, newsletters #3 to #5 have also been sent to the mailing lists of SUNHINE partners. Example below illustrates the performance of Newsletter #4, republished by Urbasofia.

Figure 20 - Newsletter performance in extended mailing lists (Urbasofia)

Special newsletter editions of have also been sent to the subscribers on several occasions marking the preparation of important events such as the SUNSHINE Challenges or the Final Conference. They have generally been received well, with an over-average performance (the platform used was Mailchimp). 45

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Figure 21 – SUNSHINE Challenge 2015 special issue newsletter

Partners have also individually promoted the project’s proceedings and achievements within

Figure 22 – Individual partner corporate newsletters (URBA and INFOTN)

their own corporate or institutional newsletters. Informatica Trentina has been especially prolific and has issued three SUNSHINE-centred newsletters in the last period of SUNSHINE, promoting the training workshop in Trento as well as the Final Conference in Bologna: 1. Newsletter no. 62 – November 2015 2. Newsletter no. 63 – December 2015 46

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3. Newsletter no. 64 – January 2016 5.4.2


The Contact Database of the SUNSHINE project has been designed as a list of partner- and event-specific contacts of SUNSHINE stakeholders, forming the project community. The list features contact names, institutions, e-mails, optionally websites of institutions, and stakeholder type or field of specialization (local administration, planning and architecture, construction and building management, departments of GIS, energy, economy, researchers, engineers, teachers at universities, etc.). Some partners have chosen to restrict access to contact details of stakeholders (specific or general), as a company policy. The entire database of contacts for SUNSHINE is enclosed to the present deliverable as the ANNEX 5. Table 6 – SUNSHINE Community Database

No. Partner 1 GRAPHITECH (SUNSHINE Newsletter Subscribers)






Stakeholders Stakeholder Types 860 Local administrations and regional authorities, energy experts, utility companies, industry, research and development, press, general citizens subscribers to the SUNSHINE newsletter 59 Local administration, regional authorities from Romania, planners, architects, construction experts 74 Experts and authorities from the GIS and Environment departments, researchers, architects, CEOs and Directors of business and industry contacts involved in SUNSHINE 113 Engineers, teachers, regional agencies, figures of authority, directors and CEOs of business and industry contacts involved in SUNSHINE 14 Education and energy experts involved in SUNSHINE 109 Local utility companies, Technological Institute of Lamia, Municipality, Central Greece Technical Chamber, experts from affiliated EU projects (Epsilon GR and IT) 519 Energy Managers, industry, utility companies, research and development 19 SET Distribution CTI Operators, System Managers, IT Service 42 Municipalities (public servants and planners), regional authorities, 47

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associations, energy managers, university and research, industry Joint event 11 Final conference

69 Experts from affiliated EU projects, local and regional authorities, EC representatives, architects, planners, representatives of ICT and Energy companies, university



640 SMEs involved in innovative and smart solutions pertaining to the INSPIRE directive




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General and targeted project flyers, posters, brochure

The SUNSHINE dissemination and PR material represents the business card of the project, widely distributed online and in print. At the beginning of the project, in April 2013, a first set

Figure 23 - Initial Brochure (left) and SUNSHINE Flyer (right) - April 2013

of material containing a general flyer and a brochure were issued by Graphitech. However, these items have evolved over the project implementation in order to accommodate the key messages and project progress.

Following the redesign of the project website and the enhancement of sections concerning key target users, specific project flyers were designed in order to address different groups of interest better, and in order to promote the training activities planned in the project. By then it had become apparent that the project needs to use a more targeted approach, given its complexity and wide range of interested parties, in order to ensure that the right message gets to the right people. Consequently, three targeted flyers have been designed by URBA illustrating the benefits of SUNSHINE for building/energy managers, PA and planners, and

Figure 24 - Targeted Flyers front (left) and back for Building and energy managers (right).


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Figure 25 - Targeted flyers back for Public Administration and planners (left) and Citizens (right)

citizens. In 2015, a new and final round of promotional material was developed by Graphitech, redesigned with a more modern and clean look, containing the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A general project flyer (A5 format) A project roll-up, to be displayed at events A SUNSHINE Poster illustrating the needs addressed by the project A SUNSHINE Poster illustrating the three scenarios in piloting A 6-page project Brochure containing information on the scenarios, pilots, target users and their needs, the technical approach employed and innovative aspects, as well as the Consortium and contact for the project.

All material produced within the project over the three-year period is available on the

Figure 26 - SUNSHINE Flyer (boths sides, left) and Roll-up redesigned in 2015


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SUNSHINE website, under the section Dissemination - PR Materials.

Figure 27 - SUNSHINE Posters: Solutions developed (left) and needs addressed (right)


SUNSHINE event-based dissemination tools

Within the project, several large-scale events were organized which needed a clear approach from the point of view of dissemination as well, in order to allow for better and more targeted promotion. 5.6.1

The SUNSHINE Challenges

The WP6 T6.2 task also includes all the activities necessary for the annual “SUNSHINE challenge”, including: - Editing of the “SUNSHINE challenge” call text; - Preparing of the advertising campaign; - Detailing the review and selection process; - Writing the award procedure. The challenges promoted and awarded noteworthy initiatives: -

innovative ideas that are likely to guide research in the near future; challenges to existing assumptions prevalent in the planning as well as research and business community and novel applications and technology trends that create new research, societal or business challenges.

While the 2014 Challenge has been organized jointly with the EU Projects SMESpire, i-Scope, C-Space and eENVplus and hosted on the SMESpire platform in order to capitalize on the 51

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exposure and network of the more developed project at the time, including on the database of 600+ SMEs which SMESpire contained, the 2015 Challenge has been organized stand-alone and a dedicated Challenge page has been set up on the SUNSHINE platform.

Figure 28 - SUNSHINE Challenge 2015 page at

Several other dissemination and promotion materials have been drafted and sent to the SUNSHINE contact database or printed out for the actual awarding event which took place on 21 October 2015 in the ICT 2015 conference held in Lisbon from 20-22 October 2015. A special

Figure 29 - SUNSHINE Challenge 2015 newsletter and postcard (front)

newsletter edition and a postcard for the challenge are presented below. 5.6.2

The SUNSHINE Final Conference

For the final conference of SUNSHINE, held on the 14th of January in the Auditorium Biagi, Salaborsa, Bologna, with the support of the Urban Center Bologna, a dedicated website containing all information on the event, its objectives and expected results, the event agenda, 52

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the speakers, location, conference committee and registration procedure (using Eventbrite) has been set up. The final conference has been thoroughly promoted via the website, social networks and a dedicated Final Conference newsletter.

Specially-designed printed promotional material for the final conference (Conference pack) contains the following: - The conference folder, provided to all attendees; - The Brochure of the conference, an A5 8-page document providing details on the achievements in SUNSHINE as well as the organizational set-up and speakers for the final event; - A3 Posters to be put up in the venue; - Conference badges, provided to all attendees. Materials are available on the SUNSHINE public website.


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6 Overview of proceedings Since the project was launched on the 1st of February 2013, the SUNSHINE consortium has accomplished an impressive amount of dissemination activities. The general purpose of these activities has been that of raising awareness of the public impact in the SUNSHINE Community, as well as the familiarization of key stakeholders, local and international, with the aims and proceedings of the project. During the lifetime of SUNSHINE, the project was disseminated through more than 170 events, excluding internal meetings and technical consortium reunions. These meetings, conferences, workshops were organized in order to meet as many targeted audiences as possible, multiplying and diffusing the impact of communication and creating both synergies and support around the objectives and achievements of SUNSHINE. This allowed SUNSHINE in the end to reach over 6800 individuals, experts, building and energy managers, architects and planners, CEOs and directors of related business and industry, researchers, university staff, local administration representatives, etc. Our work attracted the interest of a wide audience, but also of the high political levels, as the SUNSHINE project has raised interest of, for example, the Regione Emilia-Romagna, the Romanian National Information Ministry, and many more important actors. Dissemination, communication and awareness foreseen in the SUNSHINE DoW for Workpackage 6 has been established as a wide plethora of activities of partners: 1. 2.






The publication of articles in scientific newspapers and peer-reviewed conferences, journals and books, which would present the project intermediate results The participation with presentations in conferences, national and international, related to the topics of: a. Smart Cities b. Sustainability in cities c. Smart Grids d. Urban Technologies, etc. The organization of workshops and international seminars in order to ensure liaisons with existing projects, collect needs from relevant users and stakeholders, disseminate results and achievements of the project in the wider community, and promote exchange of experiences The organization of meetings, formal and informal presentations to key stakeholders, meant to inform, involve, gather support and create long-lasting liaisons; The establishment of liaisons and information linkage with like-minded projects among which: a. Relevant EU funded projects in the field of smart cities b. SC3S (Smart City 3D Services) Living Lab, promoted in the context of the iSCOPE project c. Other EU Institutions (the DC-JRC, EEA) d. Relevant standardisation bodies (such as ETSI, CEN/TC 287, OGC) The creation and promotion of user feedback questionnaires The organization of the SUNSHINE annual Challenge, an open, European-level call for submissions in order to promote: a. Innovative ideas which are likely to guide research in the near future;


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b. Initiatives, projects and policies of cities and planning departments which are meant to improve living conditions in European cities; c. Smart technology solutions, applications and products which have the potential to change the way society and business work. 8. Through T6.3, Training activities related to pilots. The following chapters will highlight the above-mentioned achievements within the SUNSHINE project. A complete factsheet of all activities, by type, is enclosed in Chapter 7.


Conferences and events where SUNSHINE was promoted

Highlights of the dissemination and awareness activities in SUNSHINE are presented below. 6.1.1

SUNSHINE presentation at REAL CORP 2013

The REAL CORP 2013 “Planning Times” conference (The 18th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society”) has been held in Rome, Italy, on 10-13 May 2015 and has been co-organized by partner CEIT Alanova and Dr. Pietro Elisei of URBA, as well as ISOCARP. REAL CORP explored topics related to: -

Environment and spaces over time Slow or fast economy Timing society Moving tempo “As time goes by... Never-Ending (Under) Development Stories”

The conference was attended to by a total number of 350 participants from all over the world, with over 200 presentations. The SUNSHINE Project was featured within the conference with a presentation of the reviewed paper “SUNSHINE – Smart UrbaN ServIces for Higher eNergy Efficiency” by Linda Dörrzapf, Barbara Mušič, Manfred Schrenk and Wolfgang W. Wasserburger, describing the rationale of the project, the scenarios and pilot use cases, as well as the future plans of implementation. Overall, the project was met with great interest by the cca. 40 participants to the presentation. The complete proceedings of the REAL CORP 2013 are available on the website and can be accessed following this link.

Figure 30 - L. Dörrzapf (CEIT Alanova) presenting the SUNSHINE paper in CORP2013. CORP Plenary 55 (left). Source:

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„Together for a green, energy sustainable Europe!“ - HEP ESCO Open door days presentation in the Zagreb Energy Week 2013

The City of Zagreb, as the capital city of the Republic of Croatia and signatory of the Covenant of Mayors as well as supporting structure of the European CommissionDirectorate General for Energy, is highly interested to provide maximum support for and to undertake the appropriate measures in order to realize energy savings, the implementation of energy efficiency measures, use of renewable energy sources and environmentally friendly fuels as well as to provide professional support and help to all local and regional associations that show interest in the said topics. The Zagreb Energy Week represents an annual event, at its 4th edition in 2013, which was held on 13-18 May 2013. On Wednesday, May 14, between 17-19:00, the special “open doors” session dedicated to SUNSHINE Partner HEP ESCO has represented an opportunity to present the project, at the beginning, and heighten awareness among attendees concerned by energy saving and energy efficiency. HEP ESCO presented SUNSHINE among other energy efficiency projects that include modernization, reconstruction and renovation of the existing plants and objects in the sectors of building, public lighting, industry and energy supply.

Figure 31 - Zagreb Energy Week poster. Source:

The full programme of the event is available on the Zagreb Energy Week webpage and can be accessed following this link. 6.1.3

Workshop Policies and Financing Schemes for Energy Efficiency in Buildings

The two-day workshop held in Belgrade, Serbia on 18-19 june 2013, aimed to enable exchange of information, experience and know–how about polices and financial mechanisms regarding implementation of energy efficiency projects among the participants from different countries. The participants were representative of National authorities (Ministries, Agenc ies etc.) as well as many prominent professionals working for Energy Efficiency (EE) and Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) at various levels in various organizations, in different case study countries from central-eastern Europe. Within the workshop, partner HEP ESCO was one of the participating ESCOs from countries such as Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and FYR Figure 32 - ESCO market in SEE. Source> Nadejda Macedonia, as well as other countries part of Khamra, UNECE EE and Central Asia. As such during the workshop it was possible to establish important liaisons and exchange perspectives with like56

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minded companies and institutions such as BERD, UNDP, UNECE, the EIF. Proceedings of the workshop are available following this link. 6.1.4


The WEB3D Conference represents a major event for researchers, developers, entrepreneurs, experimenters, artists and content creators, focused on new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies. The 18th edition of ACM International Web3D Conference will take place in San Sebastian, Spain, in June 20-22, 2013. Within the conference, Fondazione Graphitech presented a paper titled “Visualization and Analysis of CityGML Dataset within a Client Sever Infrastructure” – Prandi, Federico (Fondazione Graphitech, Italy), De Amicis , Raffaele (Fondazione Graphitech, Italy), Devigili, Federico (Fondazione Graphitech, Italy), Soave, Marco (Fondazione Graphitech, Italy). Mr. Raffaele de Amicis of Graphitech has participated actively within the workshop `Web3D Geospatial portrayal” organized by TU Delft and the WEB3D consortium, which brought together leaders in the OGC and Web3D communities to converge the information standards and services for web-based portrayal of Geo models including city environments. These web services, among their manifold applications in GIS applications and systems, represent fundamental components for mobile application and system development, and as such the discussion was of high interest from the point of view of the SUNSHINE lead partner. 6.1.5


Each year a European INSPIRE conference is held with the support of the EC to provide a forum for stakeholders from government, academia and industry to hear about and discuss the latest developments of the INSPIRE Directive. The Conference provides an excellent opportunity to present Europe's INSPIRE Directive to the community and hear about the developments in National SDIs. The conferences are organized through a series of plenary sessions addressing common policy issues, and parallel sessions and workshops focusing in particular on applications and implementations of SDIs, research issues and new and evolving technologies and applications. In 2013, the conference took place 23-27 June 2013 in Florence, Italy, and was attended by several partners on behalf of the SUNSHINE project. On Sunday 23 June 2013, the workshop Enhancing Resilience of Communities and Territories Through Smart Technologies was chaired by Raffaele de

Amicis and Federico Prandi of Graphitech, a workshop which aimed at presenting and discussing the topics implemented by four Figure 33 - Group photo INSPIRE 2013. Source:

FP7 and ICT-PSP projects, among which the SUNSHINE project. The workshop leveraged on resources by the four projects to take a 57

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systemic approach to smart city services, introducing requirements, showing achievements and reporting on developments and lessons learned. The workshop provided not only technical insights on how technologies have been developed, but also highlighted the role of SDIs and standardisation to the creation of smart city services, showing results of validation and assessment in a variety of different scenarios. Last but not least, the workshop highlighted the societal implications of smart cities discussing how the creation of such an ecosystem of services can have societal implications by empowering citizens, by facilitating participatory governance processes, by improving inclusion of diversely abled citizens, by fostering new generation business and by promoting forms of “smart living”. The session lasted over three hours and featured lecture based on presentations, among which: -

“No one is left behind – enjoying the benefits of ICT for a smartcity”. Dr. Pietro Elisei, Urbasofia Smart grid service infrastructures – Dr. Eng. Luigi Zanella, SinerGIS CiTY GML visualization through smart services – – Dr. Federico Prandi, and Dr. Eng Marco Soave, Fondazione Graphitech The importance of inclusive routing – Dr. Manfred Schrenk and Dr. Wolfgang W. Wasserburger, CEIT Alanova

The Workshop description can be found here. 6.1.6

GI_Forum 2013

The creation of the GISociety is on its way through technological development, theoretical and empirical scientific research and inclusion of technology into education with increasing pedagogical justification. Defining new dimensions of hard- and software, brainware and orgware are all needed to further develop the GISociety. The Geoinformatics Forum ( held in Salzburg from July 2-5, 2013, links into these research areas. Topics of the 2013 proceedings included: - Advances in Geographic Information Science and Geographic Information Technology - Spatial Citizenship - Education for Digital Earth - Ecosystem and Biodiversity Monitoring: Best Practice in Europe and Globally (EO4Hab) Within the conference, with the participation of CEIT Alanova, the paper “SUNSHINE: Smart UrbaN ServIces for Higher eNergy Efficiency” (Manfred SCHRENK, Wolfgang W. WASSERBURGER , Barbara MUŠIČ and Linda DÖRRZAPF) was presented to a large audience, benefitting from exposure and allowing wide dissemination of the project in its incipient stage as well as of the future foreseen implementation of SUNSHINE. The paper, part of the conference proceedings, is available here. 6.1.7

“(Ri)illuminiamo Bassano”, 2013

From 12 to 27 October 2013, the ‘Urban Center Bassano’ hosted at its headquarters in via Port of Brenta the exhibition “(Ri)illuminiamo Bassano”, organized by GraficaLight as the manager of the Bassano Scenario 3 pilot, a thematic exhibition on new proposals for sustainable lighting in the historic area of Bassano del Grappa. The approach of the Bassano pilot and the GraficaLight team relies strongly on the idea that the future public lighting of the city does not have to be decided or imposed from behind a 58

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desk, but rather experienced and appreciated by the citizens. Following successful `PLUS` and `Enigma` projects, the SUNSHINE project aimed directly to involve the population in orienting the choices of public officials regarding the city lights.

Figure 34 - One of the Exhibition panels implemented by GraficaLight for the (Ri)illuminiamo Bassano workshop

The exhibition on 16 October 2013 illustrated the framework of European projects and compared the old and obsolete lighting systems in the city with the concept of the new LED prototypes that will be submitted to the judgment of the people. After the workshop and during pilot implementation, a first set of vertical lighting was to be designed and tested. Three types of prototype LED would be operationalized and, through a set of questionnaires, citizens would answer a questionnaire on the spot or online and express their views on the perception of the parameters of lighting: -

Lighting levels, Perceived ‘color’ of the light, Visual comfort Aestethics of the lamp itself.


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Overall, the workshop was a big success and reached its purpose to study of public lighting in the town of Bassano del Grappa, from a historical analysis (the past), an analysis of the status quo (the present) and the estimate of the project (the future). The three analyzes were separated into different rooms, and were intended to inform and intrigue the visitor through graphical representations of effect and equipment as examples. The presentation of Ivo Zancarli (GL) was attended to by 40 people, stakeholders from public local administrations, the city of Bassano, professional associations, energy managers, university representatives, etc. The Workshop was afterwards promoted within the local press, and the article from

Figure 35 - La luce Democratica" article by Alessandro Tich in Bassanonet and the page of the workshop ion the UC Bassano page. Sources:,

Bassanonet received very positive online comments on the initiative as well. The workshop represented one of the events with direct SUNSHINE evidence, consistent with the DoW provisions. 6.1.8

Smart Cities Workshop, INCD 6th Intl. Conference, 2013

The sixth edition of the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development took place on October 18 2013, in Bucharest, Romania. Its focus was to present the trends of research in urbanism, architecture, constructions, and connected disciplines in the light of challenges launched by Horizon 2020 Strategy. Sessions were especially focused on: -

how to bridge the gap between research and the market by turning technological breakthroughs into viable products with real commercial potential, How to create partnerships with the private sector and Member States to bring together the resources needed How to enhance international cooperation between ENBRI institutes.

Within the conference, URBASOFIA organized a special session dedicated to Smart Cities and the SUNSHINE project. The workshop contained a presentation session and a roundtable discussion on the topic of implementing smart cities solutions in Romania. There was ample 60

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interest directed towards the SUNSHINE project, and the partner was able to establish liaisons with important local and international stakeholders (from Italy and the US). The dissemination and awareness-raising for SUNSHINE has been consistently raised through the printing and distribution of the SUNSHINE general flyer (pictures below).

Figure 37 - SUNSHINE Presentation by Dr. Pietro Elisei, URBA, Oct 20013

Figure 36 - The INCD 2013 Smart Cities special session and promotion of SUNSHINE

The workshop represented one of the events with direct SUNSHINE evidence, consistent with the DoW provisions. 61

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The ASITA National Italian Conference 2013

The XVII National Conference ASITA was held in Riva del Garda from November 5 to 7 ASITA, organized by the Italian Federation of Scientific Associations for Territorial and Environmental Information. The Conference is the most important national scientific event in the sector and every year attracts a lot numerous audience of Italian and International scholars and specialists such as researchers, teachers, professionals, public and private users. Within the conference, Graphitech (Raffaele de Amicis, Federico Prandi) presented the “City GML Model: smart cities e catasto 3D” SUNSHINE presentation. 6.1.10 22nd International Symposium on Human Factors in Telecom The 22nd International Symposium on Human Factors in Telecommunication has been held in Berlin, Germany, on 4-5 December 2013. On behalf of the SUNSHINE consortium, Mr. Scott Cadzow of C3L has participated within the event and has presented the paper “Smart city, large city: Challenges to protect the citizen and his telecommunications”. The paper is available here, and the presentation at this link. Findings conclude that the smart city represents a significant rethinking of the role of ICT as part of the infrastructure of cities. For city planners this means that power, transport, water are no longer the infrastructure but share that infrastructure with ICT and work to have that infrastructure build societies for people to live, work and play in. 6.1.11 Geospatial World Forum 2013 Geospatial World Forum has gained a repute of being a not-to-be-missed conference for the professionals engaged in geospatial sector and its application domain. It is the most premium global platform for geospatial community and offers the best opportunity for learning, sharing, connecting, branding and networking with senior decision makers associated with geospatial world. The conference aims at enriching the 62

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geospatial ecosystem with market intelligence, technology trends, success stories and capacity building. The 2013 event has been held in Geneva, Switzerland on 5-9 May 2015. Within the dedicated GeoEnergy Session, the section 3 - Future in Smart Grid and Demand Response has accommodated a SUNSHINE presentation made by Piergiorgio Cipriano, Sinergis. The focus of the session was discussing the role of geospatial technologies in a modern-day distribution set up, and the event provided a very good opportunity to network with participants and interested stakeholders and to promote the SUNSHINE project as widely as possible. The presentation had an attendance of 40 persons. Piergiorgio Cipriano, Sinergis, Italy discussed integrating energy usage data from smart meters with city models using the CityGML standard with the goal of improving the energy performance of buildings on an urban scale. Location is essential for linking information from different providers and sources. The “ecomap” represents the “energy need” at building level. For this simple map, it is necessary to integrate at the very least the following data in order to predict building Sunshine ecomap energy performance with sufficient precision: -

Building footprints Building height (or number of floors) Building use(s) Building age and corresponding building envelope stereotypes Stereotypes for heating/hot-water/ventilation systems

The presentation is available here. 6.1.12 INSPIRE Conference 2014 and the SmeSpire / SUNSHINE Challege The first SUNSHINE challenge has been organized in cooperation with the SMESPIRE CHALLENGE 2014. The challenge was structured into two tracks: “Best Practices for INSPIRE” and “Open Source Software for INSPIRE”, encouraging submissions related to successful INSPIRE implementations in vertical application domains. The SmeSpire Challenge Awards in collaboration with the SUNSHINE Project have been presented today within the SmeSpire/NASA World Wind Workshop in the INSPIRE 2014 Conference in Aalborg, Denmark. The winning projects, GetLOD (Track 1) and HALE (Track 2) have been presented as well by their project teams.


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Figure 38 - SUNSHINE/SmeSpire Challenge teams and winners

Moreover, the liaison with the SmeSpire project has been strengthened with the participation of SUNSHINE consortium representatives within the “The smeSpire EEIG: a contribution to INSPIRE capacity building” workshop. smeSpire ( is an FP7 Support Action aimed to support GeoICT SMEs to turn INSPIRE implementation challenges into business opportunities. Before the end of the project in April 2014, an EEIG (European Economic Interest Grouping) has been established in order to maintain, update and upgrade the project results. Within the GeoSmartCity workshop, Piergiorgio Cipriano (SGIS) held a presentation on open data and energy efficiency, which can be found here. The workshop represented one of the events with direct SUNSHINE evidence, consistent with the DoW provisions. 6.1.13 DATA 2014 Conference The 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA) was held on 29 August 2014 in Vienna (Austria) and it brought together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in databases, data management, data security and other aspects of information systems and technology involving advanced applications of data. Within the event, Mr. Umberto di Staso of Fondazione Graphitech has presented a scientific paper illustrating the concepts and methodology for SUNSHINE project’s Scenario 1 – Large scale assessment of Building Energy Behaviour and Visualization of the Energy Performance of Buildings with Ecomaps. The paper is available following this link.

Figure 39 - DATA2014 Flyer,


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6.1.14 ASITA Conference Presentation The project’s rationale, aims and methodology have been featured in the 18th National Conference, ASITA 2014 held in Florence, Italy, on October 15 2014, where partner Sinergis has presented a SUNSHINE poster: 6.1.15 7th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change The 7th International Scientific Conference on “Energy and Climate Change” of the PROMITHEASnet took take place at the premises of NKUA (Kostis Palamas building) on October 8-10, 2014 in Athens, Greece. The Conference promoted the Green Economy issue and following its structure to bring together members and representatives from the scientific community, governmental authorities, members of parliaments, market stakeholders, banking officers and representatives from international and regional organizations. It was divided into three main sections: -

Policies promoting the Green Energy Development Scientific presentations A “Brokerage event” that will bring together scientists and engineers with policy makers and market stakeholders so as to increase their cross-interaction promoting innovative solutions and cooperation on common importance topics

Within the third section, the Paper “SUNSHINE: Smart Urban Services for Higher Energy Efficiency” by Alkis Astyakopoulos, Stelios Kalogridis, Marc Bonazountas (Epsilon International Greece) has been presented and sparked a large amount of interest. 65

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Figure 40 - SUNSHINE paper in the 7th International Scientific Conference on “Energy and Climate Change”

6.1.16 WEB SUMMIT 2014 SUNSHINE has been promoted at the Websummit 2014, the leading technology-industry conference centered on internet technology, held in Dublin, Ireland, on 4-6 November 2014. Host to over 22,000 attendees from CEOs and founders of tech start-ups to players in global technology industry and related industries, the Summit was a great opportunity to promote the concepts, services and platform of SUNSHINE, together with its liaisons Project i-Scope and the Smart Islands EEIG.

Figure 41 - The SUNSHINE, Smart-Islands and i-SCOPE delegation at the websummit 2014


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6.1.17 TEDxTrento 2014 The TEDxTrento event has been organized on 22 November 2014 in Trento (Italy). This year’s theme was “Creativity and Diversity” and Fondazione GraphiTech, as an official partner, has presented the SUNSHINE project to the wide public.

6.1.18 SUNSHINE at the IEEE event “Trento e il Trentino, città e comunità intelligenti al servizio del cittadino” A year ago, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) selected Trento among the top ten smartest cities in the world. Each of selected cities was invited to develop a project about a specific area and to share its achievements with IEEE and other cities. Trento has to identify technological and innovative solutions to improve citizens’ quality of life. In order to achieve this objective, the Municipality of Trento, University of Trento, Trento Rise and IEEE have organized the event called “Trento e il Trentino, città e comunità intelligenti al servizio del cittadino”, on 12 December 2014 in Trento. The event involved the city system of higher education and research, as well as companies and institutions with research centres located in the area. It was the occasion for the exchange of information and ideas, as well as for presentation of on-going projects related to smart cities. GraphiTech awoke a lot of interest with the presentation of its on-going i-SCOPE and SUNSHINE projects, their research results and expected final outcomes.


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Figure 42 - IEEE SUNSHINE Demo, December 2014

6.1.19 Conference "UNDER A NEW LIGHT: LED - HEALTH - VISION - EFFICIENCY" The development of LED technology in lighting, in a very short time, has introduced new and great opportunities, but also posed some questions and revolutionized many aspects previously considered set in stone. Through the SUNSHINE pilot on smart remote control of public lighting, the municipality of Bassano del Grappa, Italy, aims to spearhead the innovation movement introduced by LED technology. The pilot action, led by partner Grafica Light, has been a part of the conference held at the MUSE in Trento, on 27 November 2014. The conference aimed to discover the potentials and highlight the conditions which should be considered so that the new technology can be used to improve livelihoods and to make an important contribution to better lighting, more efficient, comfortable, and creative performance.


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Figure 43 - Promotional poster for the “Under a new Light” Conference

6.1.20 INSPIRE – Geospatial World Forum 2015 The theme of this year’s INSPIRE – Geospatial World Forum 2015 (25-29 May, Lisbon) was “Convergence: Policies + Practices + Processes via PPP", aimed at addressing the need for greater coordination among policy-makers, technology providers and users to benefit the industry – a very important theme of SUNSHINE Two workshops entitled "The GeoSmartCity Hub: a data platform for supporting the Covenant of Mayors initiative" and "Development of the CityGML Application Domain Extension Energy for Urban Energy Simulation” have been held as a combined workshop for 2 x 90 minutes on 25 May 2015, presenting the OGC CityGML ADE and its applications in the SUNSHINE Project (Umberto di Staso, Fondazione Graphitech – details here). Furthermore, Mr. Piergiorgio Cipriano of Sinergis has presented, on May 28, the “Map4Data: a mobile App to refine geodata for the SUNSHINE “Building Efficiency Pre-certification Service” (article, presentation). Overall, the project has been featured prominently in the INSPIRE + GWF 2015, and the consortium had a great opportunity to present its work, to learn and to gather with experts, service and equipment providers from all around the world. 69

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Figure 44 - SUNSHINE at INSPIRE - GWF Forum 2015

Figure 45 - SINERGIS (Luca Giovannini, left, and Piergiorgio Cipriano, second picture right) present within the INSPIRE GWF 2015)

6.1.21 European DATA Forum 2015 The European Data Forum (EDF) is a meeting for industry professionals, researchers, policymakers and members of community initiatives to discuss the challenges of Big Data and the emerging Data Economy and to develop suitable action plans for addressing these challenges. Of special focus for the EDF are Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), since they are driving innovation and competition in many data-driven economic sectors. The range of topics discussed at the European Data Forum ranges from novel data-driven business 70

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models (e.g. data clearing houses), and technological innovations (e.g. Linked Data Web) to societal aspects (e.g. open governmental data as well as data privacy and security). The European Data Forum (EDF) 2015 took place on November 16-17, 2015 in Luxembourg, a country full of attractions and contrasts, where tradition and modernity coincide harmoniously. Technological and social innovation combined with fast and flexible responses are the key to the Grand Duchy’s advance on the international stage.

Figure 46 - SUNSHNE Promotional Material and stand at the EDF2015, Graphitech

GraphiTech presented a poster of the SUNSHINE project in the EDF2015 Poster Session, for the paper entitled “SUNSHINE: Smart UrbaN Services for Higher eNergy Efficiency” which was accepted at the conference. The paper is available for download on the SUNSHINE website. Furthermore, SUNSHINE was amply disseminated through the new promotional material of 2015 within the project stand which Fondazione Graphitech (Umberto di Staso) set up. 6.1.22 ICT Exhibition in Lisbon, 2015 – The SUNSHINE Challenge awards ICT 2015 Innovate, Connect, Transform is one of the biggest ICT events in the EU that comprises a number of activities such as interactive exhibition showcasing the best results and impact of the most recent ICT research and innovation, a presentation of new Commission’s policies and initiatives on research and innovation in ICT, as well as funding and networking opportunities to enhance quality partnerships. The SUNSHINE Challenge 2015 award ceremony took place in the ICT 2015 Exhibition in Lisbon on 21 October 2015. During the award ceremony, Mr Daniele Miorandi and Mr Antonio Massaro presented the project SunRISE (A Dynamic Time-of-Usage Tariffing Schemes for Carbon-Neutral Energy Provisioning), winner of the SUNSHINE Challenge 2015.


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Figure 47 - Winners of the SUNSHINE Challenge 2015 at the ICT 2015 Lisbon conference

The SUNSHINE Project was present through Fondazione Graphitech and had a dedicated presentation booth (SUNSHINE booth C18 in the Connect Area). The booth was equipped with a display and a projector so that SUNSHINE demos and real-life hands-on training and showing of how the platform behaved and what its functionalities are could be done. The event thus bore all SUNSHINE identity evidence, and it sparked remarkable interest among the attendants of ICT Exhibition 2015.

Figure 48 - The SUNSHINE Booth in ICT Exhibition 2015


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6.1.23 Thinkshops in Edinburgh (1) SMESPIRE group, 2)Security, Privacy and Ethics in Smartcity) SUNSHINE was presented in two thinkshops in Edinburgh on 23-24 April 2014. The topics in this case were the SmeSpire group (charged with implementing the INSPIRE Directive amongst SMEs where the INSPIRE Directive charges all local governments in making spatial data of their geo-jurisdiction available and open), and on the second day the topics of Security, Privacy and Ethics in smart city. The aim of the second day, the i-SCOPE thinkshop, in particular was to try and provoke debate on adding Ethics in machine-to-machine systems in a smart city environment, with a view to trying to get agreement that we should be aiming that smart cities behave with respect to citizens as Ethical Turing machines. The theme of the day was to open debate on smart city, approaches to it, the role of GML and CityGML and obviously to look at how the way in which we are promoting these technologies, in SUNSHINE among others, are making the smart city a bit more likely. 6.1.24 Croatian Energy Weeks and Open Door Days of HEPESCO Thanks to partner HEP ESCO, the project has witnessed very high attention from energy experts, the industry and citizens. The SUNSHINE project was presented to a large audience comprising of public administrations, regional and extraterritorial organizations and bodies, financial service providers and consultants, during the “Energy Community” Workshop on Energy Efficiency held in Vienna, 18 March 2015. The City of Zagreb organizes Zagreb Energy Week every year in May as the biggest and most important energy event which has a significant role in reaching the energy targets of the City. Within the manifestation, a number of conferences, seminars, trainings, presentations and fairs are held, directed at various target groups including energy experts and citizens. This year, the HEP ESCO Open Door Day (14 May 2015) has promoted the SUNSHINE project and its objectives, presented to a wide array of stakeholders. More over, on 9 June 2015, SUNS HINE was prese nted within an Exper 73

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t Lecture of EU project STEEEP, organized by the Croatian Chamber of Economy. The result has been an increased awareness of the project’s results and benefits among public authorities and VET providers associations.


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International seminars, workshops, training activities

Under guidance of URBA, structured Training Actions were foreseen to be organised involving the various SUNSHINE partners of the different interested stakeholders involved through the project, most notably those not part of the consortium. These actions consisted in training workshops in different partner’s locations and assisted self-learning activity through interactive videos to be prepared by the consortium. At least 5 training actions were expected during the final phase of the project in order to transfer the knowledge about the SUNSHINE results, with the participation of at least 200 stakeholders. The main action packs of the task are: a) Identification and involvement of possible stakeholders on SUNSHINE topics, b) Collection and development of training material, c) Organization of training activities. Responsibility for coordination of all actions lies with URBA, while SGIS and GT have been in charge of developing pack b) in particular. All involved partners were expected to contribute to the Training activities task: •

• •

Providing a database of potential stakeholders (local to the pilots or international) who could be involved in SUNSHINE training, ie. invited for training workshops/ seminars, invited to live-stream webinars or to access SUNSHINE training repository; Providing content for the development of training material: documentation for system design, software development, pilot testing; Organizing training workshops/activities, both locally such as SUNSHINE days in Pilot cities, as well as internationally through the creation of videos as specified in the DoW.

Due to the following aspects: 1. Leadership change in Training (proposed in October 2014, approved in February 2015), 2. Postponement of pilot activities start until February 2015, 3. Final tested, validated platforms of S2 and S3 ready in late November 2015, Training activities have been deployed in the second half of the third year, for Scenario 1, and in the last 2 months of the project for Scenario 2 and 3. This represents an important factor in the overall training deployment, as, while SUNSHINE has successfully reached its indicators, an even more ample training will be conducted after the project ends. The training materials developed make the object of a separate deliverable – D6.4 Training Materials, developed by Sinergis and Graphitech in particular and finalized by URBA. The Materials are available on the SUNSHINE webpage with the following structure:


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Native language training materials have been developed in Italian (by SGIS, SET, GL, INFOTN, TNNET) and Croatian (by HEP ESCO). A training event calendar has been set up early in the third year to collect partner intentions to organize training activities. The overview of organized events until 31 January 2016 shows a number of 23 training activities performed in all 8 pilots, with a reach of 575 total trainees. Table 7 – Overview of training activities in SUNSHINE

Pilot Bassano del Grappa

Ferrara Naxxar Val di Non





Subject Bassano sotto le stele – „Choose the light for your city”, training with citizens Final citizen live audit of SUNSHINE pilot, with trained volunteers SUNSHINE Training Workshops on Scenario 1 and 2 MCAST Training with teachers SUNSHINE Training workshop in Trento, all scenarios Informatica Trentina Spa internal training of consultancy, service design and general direction SUNSHINE training sessions for: • Center operators, use of application at monitoring level • Lighting system managers, use of application at management level • IT service, management of IT infrastructure on pilot side • Center operators, use of application at monitoring level • Lighting system maintenance unit, maintenance of hardware on pilot side Training for Energy Managers and Energy Assistants of the HEP Group

Project training and future development with the ENAIP - Professional Faculty for energy operators • Demonstration and training on the Map4Data App to students of the Technological Institute and citizens • Demonstration and training on Scenario 2 in the City Hall of Lamia to building managers, energy auditors, students of the institute, citizens

Date 17.06.2015 25.06.2015 January 2016 25.09.2015

Trainees 80 Total 200 60

14.10.2015 27.11.2015 Dec 2015 -Jan 2016

10 95 18

17.12.2015 21.12.2015 23.12.2015 15.01.2016 20.01.2016

4 2 1 4 7 Total 18

19-27.01.2016, 6 training events (see Annex 5) 11.04.2015

Total 72

12.08.2015 5.10.2015

10 9



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Demonstration and training on Energy Maps to students of the Technological Institute, surveyor engineers and citizens Demonstration and training on Energy Maps in the City Hall of Lamia to utility company, municipal workers, Technical Chamber of Central Greece

2.11.2015 2.11.2015


20 10 Total 50 575

Apart from these events, there have been several other training events and hands-on workshops organized in international settings, detailed in the overview table of Conferences and Workshops and in the following sections which will provide details on the most prominent training and workshop activities conducted during the three years of SUNSHINE, but particularly during the last year, when the pilots have been running and the solutions were mature enough to represent a proper training basis. Training videos and online training support Online training support has been provided within the project via the YouTube platform account Sunshine Project EU. The training videos uploaded have been structured under the following: 1. General module a. SUNSHINE Project – Technological Overview 2. Training on Scenario 1 a. SUNSHINE training module – Energy Maps – WEB b. SUNSHINE training module – Energy Maps – Mobile c. SUNSHINE Project – Scenario 1 – Ferrara Mobile demo training 3. Training on Scenario 2 a. SUNSHINE training module – Scenario 2 – Ferrara and Trentino (WEB) b. SUNSHINE training module – Scenario 2 – Ferrara and Trentino (Mobile) 4. Training on Scenario 3 a. SUNSHINE Training module – Scenario 3 – Rovereto (WEB) b. SUNSHINE training module – Public illumination system (WEB) c. SUNSHINE training module – Scenario 3 – Rovereto (Mobile) d. SUNSHINE training module – Public illumination system (Mobile) The reach of these modules is totalling the following views / users trained: No. Module Users trained 1

General module



Training on Scenario 1



Training on Scenario 2



Training on Scenario 3



781 78

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Training workshops in Ferrara

The first training workshop of the SUNSHINE project on the theme of “Energy Maps” was organized on 25 September 2015 in Ferrara, Italy. The objective of the workshop was to present the platform developed within the SUNSHINE project, as possible support to municipal energy planning and monitoring of activities foreseen in the Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP). There were discussions related to maps, i.e. geographic data and how to integrate data from various sources to estimate the energy requirements of buildings throughout the city. The agenda of the workshop can be found here. The workshop was free of charge and open to all interested parties (up to a maximum of 100 people). It was accredited by the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape architects and Conservators of the Province of Ferrara The following day, on 26 September, a “Mapping party” was organized: in the morning, divided in groups, participants used the app developed within the project to monitor and complete the data of buildings in one area of the city of Ferrara, while in the afternoon the organized together with the participants verified how (in automatic) the energy performance estimation changed. The training session provided ample feedback on the use, wide-scale acceptance and behavior of the SUNSHINE App, Map4Data and Platform. Key issues, favoring factors for the penetration of the technology, barriers and perspectives were synthetized. Mainly, the following strengths were outlined: - SUNSHINE leverages on existing technology, with a wide availability of technologie and intervention models; interoperability of geodata exists through consolidated protocols with OGC, ISO, INSPIRE. It is an open-source GIS which allows intelligent management of public real estate; - There is a gradual increase in the availability of data streams for georeferenced energy; information base which is open, scalar and updated in real time; - SUNSHINE promotes sustainable development and integrates GIS and the area of planning and development. There is also a need for real estate registers, which are enabling infrastructures for other municipal services. - The presence of national Italian legislation on energy efficiency provides resources to implement interventions directed towards efficient public housing. There are also funding instruments (the structural funds through ROP ERDF axis IV) - However, there are also barriers which need to be taken into account: - lack of effective use of existing protocols for interoperability and lack of interoperability for energy consumption data (the US has the GreenButton, but it is not adopted in Europe) - Difficulty in obtaining data, data is generally fragmented, public data is unavailable or very difficult to achieve (such as the data energy certificates in the Emilia-Romagna region). SEAPs are prepared on statistical data, which is helpful for the baseline but impossible to use for monitoring. - Lack of public awareness, of knowledge and the potential of GIS represent barriers; - There are several politico-organizational barriers such as lack of dedicated organizations, roles of municipalities still poorly defined (energy is still seen as a proactive policy), lack of concentration on strengthening the local social capital, scarcity of resurces for producing a layer of knowledge of public real estate. 79

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Opportunities for positive developments in the next 3-5 years and predictable criticalities for the same period were also discussed. Overall, the workshops provided extremely valuable insights and information for the betterment of the SUNSHINE solutions and for creating a sustainable perspective on the solutions’ development within the Ferrara pilot after the closure of the project.

Figure 49 - Ferrara September 2015 workshops


The joint SUNSHINE Training workshop in Trento

The workshop was organized by Informatica Trentina (INFOTN) with the patronage of the Order pf Engineers of Trento, on November 27 2015 at Trentino School of Management premises in Trento, Italy, with the support of GT, TNET, SET, GL and SINERGIS, which held presentations within the event. The workshop was very successful and addressed issues related to the territorial and geographical data, their collection and cataloging, and how these, integrating with other information sources, can be used to map the energy consumption of an urban area and assess its real energy needs. The objective of the event was to present not only the methodological framework but also the technological platform developed within the project SUNSHINE that offers a valid support to municipal energy planning and governance. The workshop was structured in three parts: 1. Introduction to the project, during which the SUNSHINE project was presented with its scenarios, with a specific depth on the experience of user involvement in Bassano del Grappa, Italy. 2. Energy saving and policy, interactive panel with institutions and companies (about estimation of energy consumption, spatial planning, new markets and energy saving from the provider’s point of view). 3. The last session on technical details: o data model, mobile application, crowding and validation process.


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Figure 50 - Training workshop in Trento, INFOTN, 27th November 2015

Speakers and their presentations in Italian language (all presentations are CC BY-NC licensed): Federico Prandi (Fondazione GraphiTech): Introduzione al progetto SUNSHINE Francesco Calzolari (Informatica Trentina): Scenario 1: Valutazione della presentazione energetica a scala urbana Diego Taglioni (Trentino Network): Scenario 2: Informazioni real-time e consapevolezza dei consumi Alberto Bertaso (SET Distribuzione): Scenarioi 3: Controllo remoto impianti illumiazione Umberto Di Staso (Fondazione GraphiTech): Presentazione architettura e piattaforma SUNSHINE* Ivo Zancarli (Grafica Light): Il coinvolgimento degli utenti: l’esperienza di Bassano del Grappa negli impianti illuminazione pubblica Luca Giovannini e Piergiorgio Cipriano (Sinergis): Direttiva INSPIRE e Armonizzazione dei Dati Marco Berti (Fondazione GraphiTech): Elementi di validazione della stima e considerazioni sulla qualità dei dati Luca Giovannini (Sinergis): SUNSHINE data workflow: raccolta, integrazione, processing, validazione, fruizione… Umberto Di Staso (Fondazione GraphiTech): Utilizzo dei servizi della piattaforma SUNSHINE con strumenti GIS Standard Among panel members were: Comune di Trento4, PAT Agenzia per l’Energia5, Habitech6, Green Building7, Trenta Spa8, EcoGriddy9, AGSM Verona Spa10. The workshop trained the over 4 6 7 8 9 10 5


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80 attendees in using the SUNSHINE Ecomaps platform and App (Scenario 1), and was of great interest for professionals (most of the practitioner Engineers and Architects), which came in large numbers also because the training was organized in order to provide several professional training credits for them. At the end of the workshop, the participants signed to the Order of Engineer (the one willing in getting the training credits, for the other participants was not mandatory) were prompted with a test. The test was submitted by 45 participants with four modules of questions with the following results: • 7 minimal score (1-2) • 15 medium score (3-4) • 23 high score (4-5) Also, quality questionnaires were distributed to participants with three basic questions, with possibilities to answer on a scale, from “Irrelevant – 1 point” to “very relevant – 5 points”:

How do you assess the relevance of the topics discussed with respect to your needs for rehabilitason / renovason?

How do you assess the quality of educason for this event?







10 12

1-very low




5-very high

The questionnaire provided an insight into the demand and satisfaction of SUNSHINE-related training activities. Of all three questions, the one related to the quality of education was responded to with the most favourable answers, the other two being fairly balanced and providing an upper-average answer of about 3.5 points out of five. Source: 34 questionnaires with complete answers provided by the participants and scanned by INFOTN.







How do you evaluate the usefulness of this event with respect to your training needs?




12 12







Workshops on CityGML ADE

The SUNSHINE Description of Work provisions outline the requirements for the Task 3.2 – SDO Submission Packages for Changes to the existing standards. This important aspect is aimed at 82

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working with the SDO to define the submission package requirements and document these for future use. The team will then generate the submission packages for all changes required to standardise the harmonisation. One submission will be an Application Domain Extension (ADE) for CityGML as interoperable standard model to store, analyze and interchange data about buildings and their properties, aiming to facilitate state simulation (yearly, monthly balance) as well as dynamical simulation (hourly time step). In the recent years many research groups, companies, and users intensively worked with CityGML on energy topics. In order to promote the use of CityGML in the energy sector e.g. for individual, quarter wide or city wide computations and simulations, the OGC CityGml SWG, the SIG3D and Hochschule fuer Technik Stuttgart hosted a series of workshops, in which the SUNSHINE consortium brought its contributions, for a coordinated and harmonized version of a EnergyADE. Aim of the workshops was to discuss and define a harmonized version of a CityGML EnergyADE and other development tools like libraries for wide spread use in the development of applications in the energy sector. The first Joint SIG 3D and OGC Workshop on CityGML ADE for a building data model for urban energy simulation (Energy ADE) was held in Stuttgart, Germany, on 27 May 2014, with the participation of Sinergis (Piergiorgio Cipriano, Luca Giovannini) and aimed at: -

Figure 51 - CityGML ADE first meeting, Stuttgart, May 2014

Connecting CityGML based building models to urban energy simulations through a CityGML Energy ADE, o

Use of CityGML with different models and levels of energy simulations


Time varying feature properties (spatial and thematic, e.g. energy demand or production potential for a building along the course of the day / week / year)


Needs of simulation systems to characteristic values and features


How to build a bidirectional process work flow between building models and simulation systems


Discussion about the development and harmonization of a CityGML EnergyADE, which in short, surfaced the following: o o

There is a need to define the scope and boundary of the ADE – do we need to include in the model also the output of simulation? Systems used in a building (meters, solar panels, heat exchanger, etc.) may also not be included as spatial objects but as properties of the building, but CityGML is geometry-driven. We may say that a specific feature is not having a specific geometry, but is “in” the building


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o o o o o

Many convergent proposals for an EnergyADE; The Stuttgart proposal (0.2) is focused on simulation There is a need to integrate input from different communities, including INSPIRE BU properties related to energy EnergyUse class is on demand, but properties could be also used for the real energy consumption (further work and updates on this) Three energy flows to be considered: demand / production / supply Actions taken: § Sub-groups on specific issues, next meeting in 6 months (Wed 26th October, Karlsruhe).

SINERGIS presented the use cases and requirements from SUNSHINE, which were discussed and in the following months, the working group developed together and finalized a unique ADE Model. For SUNSHINE, this coincided with the Deliverable D3.1, which accentuates the importance of this succession of meetings. The following workshop - 2nd Workshop CityGML EnergyADE - Karlsruhe, 30th of October 2014 advanced the discussion for several topics: Energy aspects of the INSPIRE Building Model, Material module for ADE Energy, Building Physics module, Occupancy module, Energy system module, metadata module. SUNSHINE was discussed by Sinergis in the Occupancy module for ADE Energy. The conclusions of the session are reproduced below.

Figure 52 - Occupancy module for ADE Energy participants. Source:

Three different forms of ADE Energy implementation were brought up: 1. a uniform ADE Energy, integrating all developments of the working groups 2. a mandatory ADE Energy core on one side, and on the other side an optional extended ADE Energy (inspired from the Core3D and Extended3D from INSPIRE) 3. an ADE Energy core linked to several ADE Energy modules corresponding to different attributes categories (i.e. time-series, material, occupancy and energy systems). The last scenario was accepted. The ADE Energy core corresponds to the Building Physics Module, which sets a data structure to link the different modules. The ADE Energy modules will be integrated in the same UML schema ADE Energy, in a modular way. Extensions of each 84

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of this module outside the "Building Energy" topic will be still later possible (e.g. creation of a ADE Materials or ADE Occupancy). Furthermore, SUNSHINE has been presented in the 3rd Joint SIG 3D and OGC Workshop - CityGML ADE for building energy calculation (Energy ADE), May 12th 2015, Sophia Antipolis, France. The presentation stressed SUNSHINE’s initiative to develop an automatic way to determine building efficiency and (pre)certify buildings based on 3D city model (so-called ecomap). The aim of the workshop, in which d Sinergis participated, was to discuss updates on the new Energy ADE release, compatibility of the recent release and related work as well as to gather requirements, ideas, suggestions and experience from CityGML users, data producers, software vendors and scientists developing and using a CityGML Energy Application Domain Extension.

Figure 53 - 3rd Joint SIG 3D and OGC Workshop - CityGML ADE 6.2.4

"Engaging citizens in Smart Cities mapping" workshop in OpenLivingLab Days 2015

OpenLivingLab Days is the annual summit of the worldwide ENoLL Living Lab community integrated. The annual 4 day event included interactive sessions, workshops, lively discussion panels with excursions and off-site visits with the aim of giving the participants a wider insight about models, theories and technologies related to Living Labs. Participants have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience from the leading experts on the subject and to network with other Figure 54 - OpenLivingLabDays 2015 Living Lab enthusiasts. The SUNSHINE project has been represented in the OpenLivingLab Days 2015, hosted in Istanbul (Turkey) 85

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from the 25th to the 28th of August, within the "Engaging citizens in Smart Cities mapping" workshop held on the 28th of August and organized by INFOTN, with participation from SGIS and GT (from remote). The aim of the workshop is to provide some techniques, methodologies and scenarios to engage with smart cities users (e.g. citizens) in order to gather relevant data from the crowd as well as from the PSI (Public Sector Information) to build innovative services using codesigning and participative techniques. The workshop supported the sharing of similar experiences in citizen engagement for data mapping inside smart cities. The workshop was organized around the “Rainforest Canvas model , going through the 3 phases: seed, cultivate and nourish. •

Phase 1- Seed (25’): Experts will introduce some case studies: enabling mobile apps, smart services delivered to the community and citizen engagement experience collected from two EU projects.

Phase 2 – Cultivate (45’): participants will be split in groups in order to interactively build an high level picture of a novel smart city mapping and visualization idea

Phase 3 – Nourish (10’): short presentation for each group

Figure 55 - Presentation of the workshop with SUNSHINE evidence

The event was a great opportunity to present some results and the experience gathered from the SUNSHINE project related to user-involvement, linking with the Living Labs methodologies. Awareness of the project has been accomplished by a presentation (SGIS) of the SUNSHINE Mobile App and a demo of the SUNSHINE platform over the internet (GT). There was a high interest around the platform, and the workshop was a success. Widening dissemination as far as possible has been achieved by the distribution of SUNSHINE brochures at the Living Lab Fair, the day before.


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Figure 56 – OpenLivingLab Days 2015 Workshop


SUNSHINE Trainings in Bassano del Grappa

Choosing the light for Bassano del Grappa With the platforms and applications for the three scenarios up and running, the SUNSHINE pilots have started their local surveys and dissemination activities. The Bassano del Grappa public lighting pilot on scenario 3 has started very prolific discussions with the local communities, organizing several population audits („Choose the light for your City”) during city events „Bassano sotto le stelle” on June 17 and „Bassano Summer White Night” on July 22. The third event, „Bassano Winter White Night”, has been held on December 5-7 2015. Bassano del Grappa has had an exciting SUNSHINE roadmap so far, prompting several press articles to be published on the new innovative lighting infrastructure installed.


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The succession of three workshops relied abundantly on citizen and stakeholder feedback. As the whole Bassano pilot revolves around co-design of the solutions with citizens, a SUNSHINE project survey was drafted in order to involve as many as 1000 citizens in the end. The first surveys were positive by a landslide with respect to the energy efficient lighting proposed and implemented through SUNSHINE. The Survey plan is listed below: SUNSHINE Bassano del Grappa awareness procedure: • Live interviews in the historic town centre with the help of volunteers and scout groups. • Didactic seminar inside local main youth volunteer associations and high school technical Institutes. • Survey publication on major social network. Live interview in the historic town centre The live interviews have been performed during the period June 2015 – January 2016 with a number of 24 live audits in total aimed at gathering feedback from the citizens. The scope of the surveys was not just to collect the data required for SUNSHINE but also to rise citizen awareness regarding the project and actively involve the youth. The schedule was centred on three main events organized for SUNSHINE: 1) Opening of “Bassano sotto le stelle” (June 17). 2) Bassano “Summer White night” historical downtown (July 22). 3) Bassano “Winter White Night” (December 5-7). Interviews were held by pairs of young (15-30 years) volunteers or scouts, a maximum number of 8 people per night, for a duration of 2-3 hours. Volunteers were made available the following items: • T-shirt with survey’s logo and slogan (same as SUNSHINE promotion panels exposed), Bassano municipality logo, and Sunshine logo. Bassano aimed to give an official uniform to this event, thus, providing the correct light to the project, and exposing to the citizen all the people behind the projects. • Paper opinion poll forms • Tablet questionnaire forms • Special questionnaire form with tablet support for live light device dimming tests; in order to have real time operational activity and to demonstrate immediate energy savings solutions (only during events in agreement with the municipality). • Explicative Flyer (A4). GraficaLight and the team also schematically illustrated the important principles that conducted to these lighting choices for the city. Explaining the scientific reasons, the energy and cost savings, highlighting that energy saving in public lighting means saving energy and money for all our communities and therefore for all of us. The flyer will serve as a "memorandum" to the volunteers for any questions placed to the public and will be delivered by the volunteers themselves during the survey directly to citizens who want to have a schematic explanation of the project, and also during the educational sessions. In total, the survey reached a number of 1026 citizens through the following survey sessions: 88

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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

17 June 2015 (Live audit 1 - 48 citizen reached) 25 June 2015 (Live audit 2 - 32 citizen reached) 22 July 2015 (Live audit 3 - 80 citizen reached) 28 July 2015 (Live audit 4 - 40 citizen reached) 31 July 2015 (Live audit 5 - 38 citizen reached) 03 Aug. 2015 (Live audit 6 - 12 citizen reached) 01 Sept. 2015 (Live audit 7 - 23 citizen reached) 19 Sept. 2015 (Live audit 8 - 11 citizen reached) 4 Oct. 2015 (Live audit 9 - 10 citizen reached) 10/11 Oct. 2015 (Live audit 10 - 19 citizen reached) 15 Oct. 2015 (Live audit 11 - 14 citizen reached) 18 Oct. 2015 (Live audit 12 - 23 citizen reached) / 24 25 Oct. 2015 (Live audit 13 - 25 citizen reached) 30 Oct. 2015 (Live audit 14 - 10 citizen reached) 7/8 Nov. 2015 (Live audit 13 - 15 citizen reached) 14/15 Nov. 2015 (Live audit 14 - 16 citizen reached) 21/22 Nov. 2015 (Live audit 15 - 21 citizen reached) 28/29 Nov. 2015 (Live audit 16 - 10 citizen reached) 5/6 Dec. 2015 (Live audit 17 - 23 citizen reached) 12/13 Dec. 2015 (Live audit 18 - 26 citizen reached) 18 Dec. 2015 (Live audit 19 - 15 citizen reached) 20 Dec. 2015 (Live audit 20 - 12 citizen reached) 22 Dec. 2015 (Live audit 21 - 13 citizen reached) January 2016 – Final survey among the citizen final users, volunteers family members and stakeholders (Final live audit - 490 citizens reached).


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Figure 57 – SUNSHINE Bassano survey materials

Educational Seminar PURPOSES: - Let citizen know the significance of this project that the municipality has activated. - Let people understand the concept of energy saving on larger public prospect, rather than within one’s own house limits. - Let people know what light is, and what the meaning of new quality public lighting is. - Understanding the energy saving values. - Make it clear to the youngsters, that they may be directly involved in the life of the city, and not just passive viewers. - Collect Sunshine required statistics for the project. The didactic sessions in the associations will be managed according to the association availability with their relevant procedures; but any school seminar must be arranged by the municipality with the schools themselves, for 1 hour lesson at available date. This is a longerterm activity deployed in SUNSHINE and it will be conducted even after the end of the project. In the Scout associations small activities will be designed with the leaders, to get across the concept of energy saving, to understand the work done by the municipality and the Sunshine Project. At the end of such activities each scout will share the facts and will fill in the questionnaire survey with the family. Inside the schools will be organized lectures with accessibility and student age in mind. At the end of the class, students and families will be invited to fill in questionnaire or to go directly to the town square to take part of the live survey that will decide the new town light settings. The first event was a Lesson on SUNSHINE and the topic of energy saving through public illumination in the Cles Technical Highschool, to students aged 16 (30 of them), on January 9 2014. 90

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Survey exposure throughout the social networks The creation of Facebook and Instagram pages to publish the survey and the project on web, with posts and images updated monthly. The Survey is presented at large in the Best Practice Section in the following chapter. 1. In your opinion how important is this historical research?


2. How much you like this new device? In your opinion it is fine in our historic downtown? Is It in harmony with the environment?


3. Do you Like this white light? Do you find it comfortable? (Try doing the test without looking directly into the light, but walk normally).


4. Do you think there is enough light for walking? Can you see objects and their colors well in Via Vi‰orelli?


5. Do you think there is enough light for walking? Can you see objects and their colors well in Piazze‰a Guadagnin?

60% 6. Do you think there is enough light for walking? Can you see objects and their colors well in Vicolo della Torre?

50% 7.This new light can save energy over 60% compared to the present lanterns, (saving about € 21,000 of our money annually for the historic center). Knowing this, could you tell us again about your new light opinion? 8. Lowering slightly the intensity of light (your eye will not nosce the difference and security will be guaranteed); it would save further energy, 20% compared to the light that you see now (saves about € 1,000 more of our money per year, only for the 9.Dimming the light a bit during hours of li‰le use, aŒer midnight (your eye will not nosce the difference and security will be guaranteed), it saves energy for more than 30% compared to the light you see now (about 1,520 € of our money annually to the 10. The light installed pollutes our sky 33% less than the present lanterns with orange light. Knowing this, form 1 to 5, how do you value this new light?




11. Dimming the light a bit more (your eye will not nosce the difference and security will be guaranteed) pollutes our sky 20% less than the light that you see now. You think it's reasonable to do so?










12. How do you evaluate the way we’ve worked through the historical study, the design of this new lamp, the test in these pathways, up unsl this current survey?


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SUNSHINE Trainings of HEP ESCO in Croatia

HEP ESCO conducted a series of trainings in several Croatian cities for the HEP Group energy managers and assistants, with the aim of presenting the SUNSHINE project and its main results as well as for training the participants on the use of the SUNSHINE platform online. Special emphasis was given to the suggestion service in HEP buildings. The participants (except those in Rijeka) were asked to fill in the shortened SUNSHINE social impact questionnaire. The total number of participants who attended the trainings is 72 and the total number of participants who filled in the questionnaire is 67. The trainings were held as follows: • 19th Jan 2016 – RIJEKA • 20th Jan 2016 - ZAGREB • 21st Jan 2016 – OSIJEK • 25th Jan 2016 – ZAGREB • 27th Jan 2016 – SPLIT The training included a short theoretic presentation of the SUNSHINE project and a practical hands on training on the use of the SUNSHINE platform

Figure 58 - Bassano del Grappa survey on public lighting in the Figure 59 – HEP ESCO Training in Osijek (1), Rijeka (2), Split (3) and Zagreb (4-6) historical center done by GraficaLight


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The Survey conducted during the training sessions aimed at gathering feedback from the participants on the usefulness, advantages and disadvantages, as well as support for upscaling of the Scenario 2 – Building energy awareness. The results are as follows:

The Building Energy Awareness tool would be useful for: 19

What would be the biggest advantages of using the Building Energy Awareness tool?





22,9 40,1 45,8 Public buildings (schools, hospitals, etc.) Commercial and producson spaces

Residensal buildings None of above

Monitoring energy consumpson 93 Managing energy costs Alarms in case of changes in energy consumpson Choice of desired spasal temperature

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Do you personally use, or are you aware of any technology for monitoring energy consumpson in buildings? 1,4

What would be the biggest turn-of of using the Building Energy Awareness tool? 9

27,5 60,9

3,9 3,9

14,1 69,2

Yes - I use an applicason for my household Yes – In office/workplace No

Costs of investment in equipment Impracscality of offered solusons Space is rented I am not interested in energy saving Other

Would you support the Building Energy Awareness tool for both public and residensal buildings? 1,4 1,4 30 67,1

Yes – in public and residensal buildings Only in public buildings Only in residensal buildings No

The questionnaires were filled in by 67 trainees and results show a general positive attitude and availability of using SUNSHINE Scenario 2 solutions (moreso for public buildings). Costs represent the biggest issue of interest, as perceived usefulness revolves around managing and lowering cost of functioning, and the biggest barrier is considered to be the initial value of the investment in equipment. However, it is to note that the Croatian market is still largely uptapped, as most respondents (60.9%) pointed out that they do not, as of yet, use any technology for monitoring energy consumption in buildings.


The AM/FM Workshop 2014

The experts’ workshop on “Location as unifying element of actions and information for citizen services”, held in Rome (Italy), on 24 September 2014, has benefitted from Mr. Piergiorgio Cipriano’s presentation on “Energy and Location”, exposing the SUNSHINE project goals in the current context of general lack of data and data harmonization with respect to the building energy efficiency retrofit market. The presentation was centered on the pilots of Ferrara, Zagreb, Lamia, Trento, Cles and Paola/Naxxar, showing the progress which was made in Scenario 1 and explaining the methodology behind the implementation to date as well as the project’s links with the INSPIRE Directive and the CityGML ADE. In the afternoon, a workshop allowed maximizing the inputs from the morning speeches and white paper, as well as designing collective actions to be held by AMPM and the whole Italian communities, with recommendations targeted to politicians, public authorities, industries (LE, SMEs). A few conclusions: 94

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There is a lack of good quality 3d open datasets. It is difficult to obtain 3d data over wide areas, 3d project are often bound to small areas/projects Contracts for the provision of geodata to public authorities should be conceived so that the data produced should be available to everybody, and not only other public authorities of for no-profit goals Construction companies/designers should be obliged to provide a 3d file of the new buildings with geographic references Recommendation: to insert 3d data into the energy certification of building, since this is a by-law, considering also that energy certification is binding for obtaining EU funding for smart cities. More in general, improve inter-institutional collaboration for producing quality 3d data each time a by-law procedure on a building is being carried out.

The workshop has represented an excellent opportunity to discuss and explore the themes of the White Paper with the same title, and has been connected to the AMFM Annual Conference held the next day. 6.2.8

INCD Urban Incerc Conference “Challenges and innovative solutions for energy efficiency” workshop

The workshop has been an associated scientific event organized by URBA (Pietro Elisei, Sabina Dimitriu, Matei Cocheci, Livia Morega) with the online participation of Sinergis (Luca Giovannini), of the IXth international research conference on constructions, economy of buildings, architecture, urban and territorial development, held at the INCD Urban-Incerc research institute on 13-15 May 2015. The conference was attended to by more than 300 researchers from Romania and abroad. A stand-alone event, the workshop was aimed at discussing the following: -

European state of the art in energy efficiency and the Romanian national commitments and energy policy measures for energy efficiency and renewable energy SUNSHINE – “Smart UrbaN Services for HIgher eNergy Efficiency” general presentation by Sabina Dimitriu, URBA Assessment of energy performances in cities and building energy awareness – Speaker online, SUNSHINE technical expert Mr. Eng. Luca Giovannini A roundtable discussion dedicated to the following: o Opportunities, instruments and limitations for achieving 2020 energy efficiency goals in Romania o Financial support for developing a sustainable energy policy for cities o Possibilities and requirements for large scale urban renewal in Romania o The role of public engagement and participatory tools for ensuring a more effective energy consumption in buildings

In the context of Romania’s requirement to install smart meters until 31 December 2016, as well as the launch of the new Regional Operational Programme and Large Infrastructure Programme (ERDF) which adopt an energy-efficiency and mobility-centric approach, the workshop session held the full attention of the 22 participants, but also the interest of attendees to other sessions with which URBA has networked. The conference demo and live presentation done by Sinergis were considered very interesting and have been fed back on by the attendees mainly positive, albeit it has been argued that the Scenario 1 needs a bit of improvement, mainly in the areas of: Optimizing loading times for the homepage; 95

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A more intuitive selection of the scenarios and the explanation that Scenario 2 and 3 are only available after login A differentiation of the full stand-alone pilots from the succession of scenario 1 small towns of the Val di Non / Trentino area A more intuitive button system, the capital letter buttons having been described as „rather confusing”.

URBA will explore after the full maturation of SUNSHINE and constitution of the EEIG the possibility of further developing the Scenario 1 for small and middle-sized towns in Romania. 6.2.9

STATUS “Urban Planning – Large Scale Modelling”

The South East Europe „STATUS” project held a workshop titled “Urban Planning – Large Scale Modelling” on the 8th of September 2014 at Museo Alto Garda (La Rocca) in Riva del Garda (Italy), where nearly 60 professionals have attended, discussed and provided expertise on the aspects of developing integrated geographical information systems, localization and crowdsourcing solutions as well as innovative visualisations and tools for urban and territorial development. STATUS Content Management (partner URBASOFIA) and Technical partner (GRAPHITECH) have established a strong connection between the two projects, and explored the idea of integrating SUNSHINE solutions within the Strategic Integrated Agendas that the partners in STATUS will develop. 6.2.10 Trentino Network meets ENAIP ENAIP (Ente Acli Professional Education) is a national network of services for training and employment promotion. It works in the sectors of education, vocational training and active policies for employment, and by the size and richness of the offer, it is the most important educational and training institution in Italy.


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TNET organized at their headquarters on 11 April 2015 a project presentation and training on the platform for the ENAIP - Professional Faculty for energy operators, for 30 youth interested

in the project, which took notes during the demo and training and generally offered a very good feedback. 6.2.11 Linking SUNSHINE with Urban Planning and the OGC As founders of the Urban Planning Domain Working Group (UP DWG), GiStandards and Urbasofia’s director Pietro Elisei have participated in the Barcelona OGC TC Meeting on 9 March 2015, in the aims of jointly developing, within the DWG, system interoperability standards for data and related processing services for urban design, implementation, and maintenance. The discussion has focused on public space and urban planning framework, the potential to develop a common Planning Markup Language, as well as the connection of the DWG to projects related strongly to urban planning, such as SUNSHINE, i-Scope, STATUS, i-Loate, eENVplus, UNCAP, NEWPLAN. The discussion was an opportunity for the project to become involved in one of the most ambitious initiatives of bringing the innovative concepts of hyperconnectivity, realtime development and Location Based Services into the traditional Urban Planning.


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Overview of all conferences, events, workshops conducted in SUNSHINE

Table 8 – List of conferences, workshops and special sessions conducted in SUNSHINE Conferences, workshops, special sessions N. 1

Project Partner(s) GT

Name of event









„Together for a green, energy sustainable Europe!“ - HEP ESCO Open door days presentation




Policy and Financing Scheme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings



WEB 3D CONFERENCE 2013 - "Visualization and Analysis of CityGML Dataset within a Client Sever Infrastructure" INSPIRE CONFERENCE 2013 - : "Enhancing resilience of communities and territories through smart technologies" SUNSHINE presentation at GI_Forum Towards a Low Carbon Economy in the Danube region: State of Affairs, Challenges and Prospects - Panel speaker Ms. Vlasta Zanki

The impact of Standards on panEuropean Geographic Information projects A CEN/TC 287 Workshop 32nd Plenary of CEN/TC 287 National Italian CIP ICT day - Best practices and success cases SUNSHINE presentation at REAL CORP 2013

Date of event


No. of attend 10



Oslo, Norway




Oslo, Norway Rome, Italy



Rome, Italy


Zagreb, Croatia



Belgrade, Serbia



San Sebastian, Spain

100 n/proceedings/CORP20 13_proceedings.pdf /files/download_eng_2 013/Letak-Eko-Zg-HR2013-ENGL.PDF eu/energyefficiency/wo rkshop/policies-andfinancing-schemesenergy-efficiencybuildings http://www.web3d201


Florence, Italy



Salzburg, Austria Brussels, Belgium



Toronto, Canada

30 s/inspire_2013/ m/page/ws#ppp_1_3_3 es/default/files/event/ media/Programme%20 Conference%209%20Jul y%202013%20%281%2 9.pdf


Frascati, Italy Bassano, Italy


40 om/watch?v=do3AJ6Rv P5Q








11 GT

12 GISt

Energy Efficiency and Materials Optimization Conference 2013 - "Enhancing the resilience of our communities and territories through smart technologies" 33rd CEN/TC 287

13 GraLight

Workshop “ri-illuminiamo Bassano”



15 GT,

SUNSHINE Workshop in The 6th Edition of the Research Conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development ASITA Conference 2013, “City GML


Bucharest, Romania


http://www.sunshinepr esentations/SmartCities _Urbasofia%20%20Agenda%20RO.pdf


Riva del



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17 GL

18 C3L

19 C3L

20 C3L



Model: smart cities e catasto 3D” 22nd International Symposium on Human Factors in Telecom. - "Smart City, Large City, Challenges for protecting the citizen and his telecommunications" Lesson on SUNSHINE and the topic of energy saving through public illumination in the Cles Technical High School, to students age 16 Presentation in the 9th ETSI Security Workshop - "New look at risk analysis in smart city"

Thinkshops in Edinburgh (1)SMESPIRE group, 2)Security, Privacy and Ethics in Smart-city), Presentation on the aims of SUNSHINE in the ETSI TC CYBER meeting Joint SIG 3D and OGC Workshop on CityGML ADE for a building data model for urban energy simulation Presentation at Geospatial World Forum

Garda, Italy 2-5-Dec-2013

Berlin, Germany

A2013/titoli.html 20 T13/paper13/05_cadzo w_slides.pdf


Cles, Italy



Sophia Antipolis, France


23 - 24-Apr2014

Edinburgh, UK


22 - 23-May2014

Sophia Antipolis, France Stuttgart, Germany


Geneve, Switzerland



http://www.geospatial nergy.asp n_Page http://www.geospatial nergy.asp




SUNSHINE presentation incl. anticipated results in Zagreb Energy Week (Open Doors HEP ESCO) SUNSHINE public presentation in NEGAWATT Conference (roundtable, panel discussion)



Presentation at Inspire Conference and SmeSpire/SUNSHINE Challenge


26 GT

DATA 2014 Conference presentation STATUS “Urban Planning – Large Scale Modelling”

29 - 31-Aug-14



Zagreb, Croatia


Opatija, Croatia


Aalborg, Denmark


Vienna, Austria Riva del Garda, Italy

30 s/inspire_2014/ http://www.dataconfer http://www.seecityplat 4/ tivita/convegni-eseminari/2014workshopinternazionale.html eu/energyefficiency/wo rkshop/workshopenergy-efficiencypolicies-escos-andfinancing


8 - 9-Sep-14



AM/FM Workshop


Rome, Italy



Workshop on Energy Efficiency Policies, financing and ESCOs


Varese, Italy



7th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change ASITA Conference Presentation

31 SGIS 32 GISt

CEN/TC 287 Workshop at the University of Delft - SUNSHINE


Athens, Greece


Firenze, Italy



Delft, The Netherlands



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Project presentation, incl. Standardization activities Energy Efficiency - Succes Stories of 2014



Workshop on CityGML ADE on Energy

35 GT

Web Summit 2014


International Forum on Renewable Energy Sources 1st Seminar Energy Management - EN IO 50001:2012 Presentation at TEDxTrento JRC workshop Benchmarking Energy Sustainability in Cities


40 GraficaLigh t, SET



Zagreb, Croatia



Karlsruhe, Germany


4 - 6-Nov-14

150 55


22-Nov-14 25-Nov-14

Dublin, Ireland Rovinj, Croatia Zagreb, Croatia Trento, Italy Torino, Italy g/index.php/Workshop _Karlsruhe_2014

100 70



Trento, Italy


2nd Conference on Energy Efficient Lighting IEEE event “Trento e il Trentino, città e comunità intelligenti al servizio del cittadino” Session with MCAST Tech Users


Zagreb, Croatia Trento, Italy

50 eu/energyefficiency/wo rkshop/benchmarkingenergy-sustainabilitycities http://www.ordineinge cumenti/corsi_seminari /CORSI_E_SEMINARI_2 7/Programma_OIT_AIDI .pdf




http://external.openge c/UrbanPlanningDWG/ Barcelona2015UpDWG page/portal/ENC_HOM E/DOCS/3648193/120A 6965866C7D14E053C92 FA8C0BCF9.PDF 5_NI_Minutes_of_the_ Workshop 1859


42 GT



14-Dec-14 9-13-Mar-15

Naxxar, Malta Barcelona, Spain


OGC TC Meeting in Barcelona SUNSHINE Presentation (Urban Planning DWG)


“Energy Community” Workshop on Energy Efficiency


Vienna, Austria



3rd Joint SIG 3D and OGC Workshop presentation


Sophia Antipolis, France



INCD Urban Incerc Conference “Challenges and innovative solutions for energy efficiency” workshop "The GeoSmartCity Hub: a data platform for supporting the Covenant of Mayors initiative" and "Development of the CityGML Application Domain Extension Energy for Urban Energy Simulation” workshops in the INSPIRE – Geospatial World Forum 2015 Bassano sotto le stele - "Choose the light for your City"


Bucharest, Romania


Lisbon, Portugal



49 GL


http://geospatialworldf op_list.html

17/06/2015 and 25/06/2015

Bassano del Grappa,



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Italy 50 SGIS

51 EPS




56 SGIS 57 GT

58 EPS

59 EPS


SUNSHINE & CityGML use presentation in the AM/FM Conference Demonstration and training on the Map4Data app to students of the Technological Institute and citizens "Engaging citizens in Smart Cities mapping" workshop and training in OpenLivingLab Days 2015 SUNSHINE Training Workshops


Livorno, Italy



Lamia, Greece



Istanbul, Turkey



Ferrara, Italy Lamia, Greece


http://www.openlivingl glab-days-2015


Naxxar, Malta Bologna, Italy Lisbon, Portugal




Demonstration and training on Scenario 2 in the City Hall of Lamia to building managers, energy auditors, students of the institute, citizens Training at MCAST - Teachers


SUNSHINE presentation, ASTER Workshop, Smart City Exhibition „SUNSHINE Challenge 2015” award ceremony in the ICT 2015 Exhibition + SUNSHINE Promo Booth Demonstration and training on Energy Maps to students of the Technological Institute, surveyor engineers and citizens Demonstration and training on Energy Maps in the City Hall of Lamia to utility company, municipal workers, Technical Chamber of Central Greece European Utility Week 2015





Lamia, Greece



Lamia, Greece





Zagreb, Croatia Luxembourg



SUNSHINE Poster Presentation in the European Data Forum 2015


SUNSHINE presentations in the Training Workshop in Trento


Trento, Italy

95 files/SUNSHINE_submis sion_3.pdf

training session for the center operators – Use of Sunshine application (monitoring level) training session for the lighting system managers - Use of Sunshine application (management level) training session for the IT service – Management of the IT infrastructure on pilot side Final survey among the citizen final users, volunteers family members, and stakeholders SUNSHINE Final Conference and demo training training session for the center operators – Use of Sunshine application (monitoring level)


Rovereto, Italy



Rovereto, Italy



Rovereto, Italy



64 SET

65 SET

66 GL

67 URBA + All 68 SET


14-Jan-16 15-Jan-16

Bassano del Grappa, Italy Bologna, Italy Rovereto, Italy




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69 GT

70 SET


Presentation at ICVAIV 2016: 18th International Conference on Visual Analytics and Information Visualisation training session for the lighting system maintenance unit - Maintenance of the hardware on pilot side Training for Energy Managers and Energy Assistants of the HEP Group



19-27 Jan 2016

London, UK


Rovereto, Italy


Rijeka, Zagreb, Osijek, Split, Croatia





Articles and papers

A full list of articles and papers in scientific magazines is available below. Papers have been made available on the SUNSHINE project website.

1 2 3



6 7 8

9 10



13 14

Table 9 – List of SUNSHINE articles and papers published Dörrzapf, L., Mušič, B., Schrenk, M., and Wasserburger, W. W. "SUNSHINE – Smart UrbaN ServIces for Higher eNergy Efficiency". Real Corp 2013 Schrenk, M., Wasserburger, W. W., Mušič, B., and Dörrzapf, L. "SUNSHINE: Smart UrbaN ServIces for Higher eNergy Efficiency". GI Forum 2013: pages 18-24 Cadzow, S.W., "Smart city, large city, challenges for protecting the citizen and his telecommunications", 22nd International Symposium on Human Factors in Telecommunication, December 2013 Giovannini, L., Pezzi, S., Di Staso, U., Prandi, F., and De Amicis, R. "Large-scale Assessment and Visualization of the Energy Performance of Buildings with Ecomaps". 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA 2014), Vienna, Austria, August 2014. Giovannini, L., Di Staso, U., Cipriano, P., Prandi, F., and De Amicis, R. Poster presentation: "Progetto SUNSHINE: servizi smart, open ed estendibili, per stimare la performance energetica degli edifici residenziali alla scala urbana". 18th National conference ASITA, Florence, Italy, 14-16 October 2014 Giovannini, L., Cipriano, P., Pezzi, S., Berti, M., Di Staso, U., Zuppiroli, M., and De Luigi, F. "Map4Data: a mobile App to refine geodata for the SUNSHINE Building Efficiency Pre-Certification Service". Geospatial World Forum/INSPIRE Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 25 May 2015 Cipriano, Piergiorgio, "Building Energy Pre-Certification Service at Urban Scale proposed in the context of Project Sunshine ", October 15th 2015, AiCARR, Bologna, Italy. Cipriano, Piergiorgio, "Meter and Sensor Data Management Service for Buildings proposed in the context of Project Sunshine", October 15th 2015, AiCARR, Bologna, Italy. Cipriano, Piergiorgio, “Development of the CITYGML application domain extension energy for urban energy simulation", accepted for the Building Simulation Conference 2015 (BS2015), 7-9 December 2015, Hyderabad, India. R. de Amicis et. Al., “SUNSHINE: Smart UrbaN Services for Higher eNergy Efficiency”, submitted and presented with poster at the European Data Forum 2015, 16-17 November 2015 in Luxembourg. R. Nouvel, P. Cipriano et al., “Genesis of the CityGML Energy ADE” Poster at CISBAT 2015, the "International Conference on Future Buildings and Districts - Sustainability from nano to urban scale" held on 9-11th September 2015 in Lausanne, Switzerland. L. Giovannini, M. Berti et al., "Meter and Sensor Data Management Service for Buildings proposed in the context of Project Sunshine" at AiCARR (Associazione Italiana Condizionamento dell' Aria, Riscaldamento e Refrigerazione) national conference on 15th October 2015 in Bologna, Italy. Federico Prandi, Umberto Di Staso et. Al., „Hybrid Approach for Large-scale Energy Performance Estimation based on 3D City Model Data and Typological Classification”, presented in the ICA European Symposium on Cartography (EUROCARTO), Vienna, 10-12 November 2015 Marco Zuppiroli, Piergiorgio Cipriano et. al, „Servizio di Pre-Certificazione della Prestazione Energetica degli Edifici a Scala Urbana proposto nell’ambito del Progetto Sunshine”, submitted in the Ferrara


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Workshop, 25.09.2015 Luca Giovannini, Marco Berti, „Servizio di gestione dei dati energetici degli edifici proposto nel 15 Progetto Sunshine”, submitted in the Ferrara Workshop, 25.09.2015 Umberto di Staso , Luca Giovannini, Marco Berti, Federico Prandi, Piergiorgio Cipriano, Raffaele De Amicis, „Large-Scale Residential Energy Maps: Estimation, Validation and Visualization Project SUNSHINE - Smart Urban Services for Higher Energy Efficiency”, Volume 178 of the series Communications in Computer and 16 Information Science, pp 28-44, 31 October 2015 Umberto Di Staso, Marco Soave, Alessio Giori, Federico Prandi, Raffaele De Amicis, „HeterogeneousResolution and Multi-Source Terrain Builder for CesiumJS WebGL Virtual Globe”, ICVAIV 2016 : 18th International Conference on Visual Analytics and Information Visualisation, London, United Kingdom 1817 19,2016


SUNSHINE in the online and written press

During the lifetime of the project, SUNSHINE was consistently reported in the press (both online and analogue), with a very wide exposure especially in the northern Italian area. 1. „SUNSHINE Kick-off meeting”, Invest in Trentino, 6 February 2013 2. „ Progetto Sunshine: l’open source per ottimizzare il consumo di energia”,, 23 April 2013; 3. „Sunshine, efficienza energetica e risparmio modello open source”,, 22 April 2013 4. „Energia, al via il progetto europeo anti-sprechi - Sunshine integra informazioni geografiche e previsioni meteo per ridurre i consumi”, Lettera 43, 23 April 2013; 5. Trentino Network SUNSHINE interview with Ideegreen Blog, 13 May 2013; 6. „Building on BIM”, Geoff Zeiss, GWF Magazine, August 2013 7. „ Al via il progetto "Sunshine": edifici e città più efficienti!”, Aequinet hub dell’innovazione sociale, 25 Aprile 2013 8. „Projetto SUNSHINE”, Citta di Bassano del Grappa 9. „Ecco I lampioni gestiti da Trento”, Article in L’Adige newspaper, 9 October 2013 10. „I Lampioni hi-tech piu „inteligenti” e con minori consume”, Article in Trentino newspaper, 9 October 2013 11. SET Distribuzione news item presentation of San Giorgio smart lighting, SUNSHINE Scenario 3 in Rovereto (1:46 min) 12. „La Luce Democratica”, Alessandro Tich,, 17 October 2013; 13. Caterina Zarpellon. "Nuova luce in centro. Al via il test europea". Il Giornale di Vicenza, 8/11/2013, page 46 with official mention of the project SUNSHINE. 14. „Improving energy performance of buildings in an urban environment using 3D models”, Geoff Zeiss, Between the Poles Geospatial blog, 3 July 2013; 15. Graphitech and Trentino Network Interview with local broadcaster RAI3 about energy management and Sunshine project 16. „Open standards-based foundation for integrating BIM, geospatial and smart meters for urban energy performance optimization”, Geoff Zeiss, Between the Poles Geospatial blog, 1 July 2014; 17. „SunRISE wins the Sunshine challenge 2015”, Invest in Trentino, 4 November 2015 18. „Bassano, test di illuminazione pubblica nel progetto Sunshine”, Vicenzareport, 22 September 2014 19. Technical workshop „rilluminiamo Bassano”, 16 October 2015, promoted on the Reverberi website, Youtube, and Urban Center Bassano (1 and 2) 103

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20. „Projetto SUSHINE – la conferenza finale in Auditorium Enzo Biagi”, Biblioteca Salaborsa, 24 December 2015 21. „Projetto SUNSHINE: la conferenza finale”, Urban Center 22. „Il Risparmio Energetico del futuro parte da Bologna”, Laura Iazzetti, Bologna –, 14 January 2016 23. "Sunshine", tecnologia e risparmio energetico si incontrano il 14 gennaio, Bologna Cronica, il Resto del Carlino, 12 January 2016 24. Mr. sc. Tomislav STAŠIĆ, dipl. ing., Sandra MAGAJNE, prof., „Let the SUNSHINE in…” EGE 4/2014 25. Sandra Magajne, Dva europska projekta u tijeku, EU fondovima prijavljeno još sedam, HEP VJESNIK 268 (308), LIPanj 2013. 26. „SUNSHINE, un progetto che rivoluziona il risparmio energetico”, Maria Tomaseo, Green Planner Magazine, 12 January 2016

Figure 61 – Newspaper dissemination of SUNSHINE pilot in Rovereto

Figure 60 – HEP ESCO dissemination of SUNSHINE in magazines and professional spreads (3 articles)


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Figure 62 – SUNSHINE in the News (RAI BuonGiorno Regione 22.04.2014)


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Figure 63 – Bassano pilot online news and articles (Citta Bassano del Grappa,


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Figure 64 – Invest in Trentino articles on SUNSHINE Kick-off and Challenge 2015

Figure 65 – Geospatial blogs, Geoff Zeiss, articles on SUNSHINE


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Figure 66 – Vincenza Report and Green Planner Magazine articles on SUNSHINE


Presentations and key meetings with stakeholders

While international or large-scale awareness events have put the SUNSHINE project in the European spotlight and have helped achieve a truly international audience of interested stakeholders with diverse backgrounds (researchers, engineers, architects, planners, ESCOs, prominent industry players, etc), it is the local individual events which oftentimes yield the most important results for the pilots of SUNSHINE, and for projects in general. Individual or group meetings with key stakeholders on which the best possible implementation roadmap of SUNSHINE depends, or which can represent powerful liaisons or future partners represent capital events, are important. Through meetings, SUNSHINE researched the first level of involvement with the contacted actors. The partners can ask for direct feedback and can push forward important decisions with impact the project on a positive level. Below is a selection of project partner activities which consisted of direct relationing and involvement of key stakeholders for the project. Table 10 - List of SUNSHINE Consortium meetings and presentations to key stakeholders Project presentation to companies and potential stakeholders

Project Partner(s)

Description of event

Date of event


No. of attend.



Presentation illumination plan (AKA PICIL) to majority group at Comune di Bassano


Bassano, Italy




Meeting APPA italian stakeholder Arch. Carlino


Trento, Italy



Graphitech, INFOTN

Meeting Cles Municipality italian pilot and stakeholder


Trento, Italy



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Presentation of the project to the technical commission of Comune di Bassano


Bassano, Italy




Sunshine project presentation to the Municipalities involved in the Valle di Non Pilot (Cles and Fondo Municipaities)


Cles, Fondo, Italy




Pilot inspection with the Municipalities Involved for the use case description


Cles, Italy


7 8

GraficaLight GraficaLight

Presentation to Gikispy Presentation illumination plan (AKA PICIL) to associations and other stakeholders

06-Mar-13 19-Mar-13

Bassano, Italy Bassano, Italy

4 30



Informal project presentation addressed to participants to the National Day of Community information for the CIP ICT PSP Program


Bucharest, Romania




General internal Kick-off of SUNSHINE at TNET premises


Trento, Italy




Presentation at the technical session between JRC and Republic of Croatia, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency


Ispra, Italy





Kavala, Greece




STATUS Project Kick-Off Meeting presentation of SUNSHINE as part of URBA portfolio Presentation of the project to the Italian industry stakeholders Telecom


Trento, Italy




„Together for a green, energy sustainable Europe!“ - participation and verbal presentation



Local promotional event, HEP ESCO Open Day


Zagreb, Croatia



Graphitech, INFOTN

Technical meeting on 27th of May in INFOTN about the status and exploitation of the joint innovation projects (I-SCOPE, SUNSHINE)


Trento, Italy




Event on Smart City, including project presentation, at Villa Vecelli Cavriani in Mozzecane


Verona, Italy




Presentation at the Trentino Municipalities ICT References


Trentino, Italy




Participation and presentation of SUNSHINE in Energy week of the city of Rijeka

17-20-jun-13 Rijeka, Croatia



Graphitech, INFOTN

Technical Meeting with Trentino pilots


Trento, Italy



Technical Meeting with Trentino pilots


Trento, Italy


22 23

GT, INFOTN, SET, TNET, GL, Comunita Val di Non) INFOTN Graphitech

Pilot Meeting in Cles Presentation of technical implementation during the OGC technical committee on 3D portrayal services

05-Sep-13 24-Sep-13

Cles, Italy Frascati, Italy

5 15



General Project Presentation and meeting with ENERGIECOMFORT


Schwechat, Austria




Standardisation and harmonisation - discussion with EC Project Officers


Brussels, Belgium



Press conference - General Project Presentation and firsts months activity to press and municipal administrators


Urban Center via Rosmini, Rovereto, Italy


15-May-13 Zagreb, Croatia



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Meeting on topic enegy data/ metering data of Multiversum Schwechat with the Austrian Eenergy Authority WienEnergie


Schwechat, Austria




Flyer and project presentation within the 'Execonomo' Exhibition


Athens, Greece




Meeting with stakeholder of Cesio Maggiore




Graphitech, INFOTN

Meeting with Stakeholder of Cles Municipality 27Th of November in order to discuss the pilot implementation


Cesio Maggiore, BL, Italy Cles, Italy

31 32

Graphitech Graphitech

Presentation to Rete Enel Gas Presentation at FP7 Coordinators Day on Project Management and Reporting

12-Feb-14 12-Mar-14

Milan, Italy Bruxelles, Belgium

8 120



18 - 20-Mar2014

Athens, Greece




Trento, Italy



Graphitech, Grafica Light, TNET UIRS

General Project Dissemination and networking at exhibition of conference ‘Furure Internet Assembly 2014, FIA’ Interview with national broadcaster of Trentino Network's President about SUNSHINE project General project presentation at the Faculty of Civil engineering


Ljubljana, Slovenia






Ljubljana, Slovenia Aalborg, Denmark



General project presentation to the Faculty of Architecture, Informal presentation within the INSPIRE Conference

38 39





Presentation at JRC with prof. Madsen General project presentation to Institut Jozef Stefan,Center for energy efficiency

16 - 19-Jun-14



25-Jun-14 25-Sep-14

Ispra, Italy Ljubljana, Slovenia

6 5

General Project Dissemination to workshop ‘eENVplus'

1 - 3-Oct-2014

Athens, Greece



General project presentation to attendants to STATUS local Workshop


Kavala, Greece


42 43 44

Graphitech Graphitech SGIS

Presentation to Patrimonio Trentino Presentation to Ducati Energia General presentation to CIMNE, MEEO, GDFSUEZ

24-Oct-14 31-Oct-14 04-Nov-14

Trento, Italy Trento, Italy Ferrara, Italy

6 4 2



General presentation to CIMNE, MEEO, GDFSUEZ


web conference




General presentation to CIMNE, MEEO, GDFSUEZ


web conference




General presentation to ASTER, the innovation agency of the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy


Bologna, Italy


48 49


3rd HEP Opskrba Customer Days in Split 3rd HEP Opskrba Customer Days in Opatija

20-Nov-14 26-Nov-14

80 45

50 51


3rd HEP Opskrba Customer Days in Osijek Meeting of the Standards Harmonization DWG

05-Dec-14 06-Dec-14

Split, Croatia Opatija, Croatia Osijek, Croatia UK



4th HEP Opskrba Customer Days in Zageb





IEEE event called “Trento e il Trentino, città e comunità intelligenti al servizio del cittadino”


Zagreb, Croatia Trento, Italy

75 15



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General project presentation at main shareholder PAT, in the annual meeting for balance sheet


Trento, Italy




1st HEPESCO Customer Day in Zagreb




Zagreb, Croatia Rovereto, Italy



"L’ecosistema trentino dell'ICT e le opportunità della piattaforma Fireware", SUNSHINE Presentation by INFOTN



Meetings for kick-off of pilot activities for Scenario 1 and 2


Ferrara, Italy




Presentation of INFOTN activities and SUNSHINE within the workshop „IC 1302 Keystone Meeting”


Riva del Garda, Italy




General project presentation at the Ivančna Gorica Municipality





General project presentation to INMAPA S.A. Company


Ivancna Gorica, Slovenia Palencia, Spain



General project presentation to SMARTER Cluster initiative


Bucharest, Romania




SUNSHINE Presentation to Rostov on Don Urban Planning Centre


Bucharest, Romania




Meeting ZRMK


Ljubljana, Slovenia





Trento, Italy




Project presentation and future development at the ENAIP - Professional Faculty for energy operators General project presentation at the Towns and Spatial Planners Association of Slovenia


Ljubljana, Slovenia




General project presentation at the City of Kranj


Kranj, Slovenia




HEP ESCO Open Door Day SUNSHINE presentation within Zagreb Energy Week 2014


Zagreb, Croatia




Presentation in I-SCOPE project final conference


Rome, Italy


Zagreb, Croatia Zagreb, Croatia






Expert Lecture of EU project STEEEP




Energy Efficiency Study tour of the Russian and Turkmenistan delegation in Croatia




General project presentation at the City of Kranj


Kranj, Slovenia







73 74


28-Sep-15 29-Sep-15



Meeting with MCAST Manager Meeting with Experts of Renewable Energy. - Demo of i-Scope project and intro on Sunshine. General project presentation at the Towns and Spatial Planners Association of Slovenia

Ljubljana, Slovenia Naxxar, Malta Luqa, Malta


Ljubljana, Slovenia




Presentation at SEWCU and demo of SUNSHINE web portal and mobile app


Luqa, Malta




„Energy Map per Ferrara” presentation in the Ferrara Energy Day


Ferrara, Italy




General project presentation at the City of Ljubljana


Ljubljana, Slovenia



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SUNSHINE Presentation to corporate management within HEP at the Systematic Energy Management Program


Zagreb, Croatia




SUNSHINE Presentation within the European Utility Week 2015,


Vienna, Austria






Ljubljana, Slovenia




Project meeting HEP SEM Program for Energy Managers


Zagreb, Croatia




Project meeting HEP SEM Program for HEP Transmission Systen Operator


Zagreb, Croatia




Project meeting HEP SEM Program for HEP Generation


Zagreb, Croatia




SUNSHINE presentation to Assessore Ambiente Comunità di Valle Val di Non: portal presentation, training on main available features


Cles, Italy




SUNSHINE presentation to Comune di Trento


Trento, Italy




Follow up meeting with The General Manager and a teacher (Deputy manager)


Naxxar, Malta




Meeting with Energy Experts, Professionals in energetic certification. - Presentation of the project and Demo of sunshine web portal and mobile app.


Floriana, Malta




SUNSHINE presentation to Deloitte consultancy - Survey on best practices on public lighting for the Italian Economic Ministry (ConfCall)


Trento, Italy




General project presentation at the City of Ljubljana


Ljubljana, Slovenia




Presentation of Sunshine results to the municipality of Rovereto


Rovereto, Italy




Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Agriculture Land Management Division - Project presentation


Ljubljana, Slovenia




Globally, more than 6800 stakeholders have been met during the 3-year period of SUNSHINE implementation. A few best practices from the consortium are presented as follows: Ferrara (Sinergis), Zagreb (HEP ESCO) and Bassano del Grappa (Grafica Light).


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Sinergis – Ferrara

Sinergis is in charge of the Ferrrara pilot for Scenarios 1 and 2 and has consistently, throughout the project, maintained a very close relationship with the pilot users, namely the Local Administration and the Olicar company managing the heating systems in the buildings of the municipality. As early as 2013, the SUNSHINE Project was included as priority project no. 9b – Iniziative per il risparmio energetico negli edifici pubblici Progetto “Sunshine” (P) in the Comune di Ferrara SEAP – „Piano Clima” 20072020. The objectives of the project were adopted by the Municipality:


Optimize the energy management of some public buildings through the use of ICT Set priorities of public interventions to increase the energy efficiency ofmanufactured on the basis of specific performance indicators Reduce consumption of energy for heating and cooling in buildings public through the adoption system Make citizens aware of the classification efficiency of public buildings and improved performance achieved over time Make public the maps of energy as a means of pre-certification increase awareness of the state of the housing stock to implement choices shared on incentive policies. If the pilot project is successful on buildings it can be extended to all buildings public and also to the people who can use the alerts to adjust their thermal plan accordingly.

For Scenario 1 the pilot user is Eng. Ivano Graldi, head of the Environment Service of the Municipality of Ferrara and his staff. For scenario 2 the pilot user is Elisa Gamberoni of Olicar, the company managing the heating systems in the buildings of the municipality. –

– –

Sinergis met with Municipality of Ferrara more than 20 meetings in just the first two years of SUNSHINE implementation. In total, there were more than 30 meetings with them, and representatives of the Comune di Ferrara have also participated in the SUNSHINE End Conference. Both ICT and Energy departments were involved SGIS presented to them the piloting phase, and discussed with them how to efficiently involve them to support on: • Testing the 3D client functionalities (starting from scenario 1, in early March 2015) • Supporting the Dept. Architecture in the data quality controls • Disseminating the results of Sunshine activities within the local Government and outside, based on the fact the Sunshine project was included as an “action” in the Sustainable Energy Action Plan of Ferrara (Covenant of Mayors) • Feeding back on the use of the SUNSHINE through the dedicated user questionnaires developed within WP6 and WP5 Task 5.10 by URBA and ESADE. 113

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– Through SGIS, SUNSHINE has started collaboration with the dept. of Architecture of Ferrara University who supporting the project on refining methodology (right approach and algorithms for calculating the energy need at building level) and data collection and quality check. – In the context of the EIT Climate-KIC11 Sinergis and University of Ferrara Architecture Dept. have joined the Pioneers into Practice professional mobility programme involving pioneers in Sunshine’s piloting activities for Ferrara. In this way low Carbon Economy professionals from education, research, enterprise and administration join and put into practice their expertise to create new products and services in the field of the climate change. Meetings were particularly helpful in aligning the expectations and points of view, and the responses were very positive. Eng. Graldi and staff were willing to test the tools in their daily activities and they committed to give a written report of their activities and further feedbacks. 6.6.2

HEP ESCO – Zagreb Pilot

The Zagreb pilot represents one of the best practices of the project, on the communication and training side, for managing to raise awareness and involve local users (energy managers, specialists, industry, ESCOs, associations and citizens) despite the lack of support of the Municipality and national authorities. The initially-planned Scenario 1 involvement foresaw contribution to wide-scale involvement of about 930 stakeholders, many of them citizens, yet due to political changes and lack of interest at local level, as well as lack of data availability from the Ministry for Construction and Physical Planning, HEP ESCO focused after the DoW amendments only on Scenario 2 and 3 – solutions with a more restricted interest of general stakeholders. However, in spite of the difficulties faced, the company deployed a very wide scale and consistent dissemination, awareness and communication strategy under the umbrella of parent-company HEP of Croatia, which yielded in the end the promotion of SUNSHINE in a total number of 28 events over the course of the three-year implementation period as follows: • • • •

16 presentations and meetings, of which 9 in „Open Door” and „Customer Days” events with a total reach of 587 attendees; National conferences, events and meetings dedicated to specialized personnel and the target users of Scenario 1 and 2 of SUNSHINE: 629 participants; 5 international events, with a reach of 171 attendees; A multi-city training during the period of 19-27 January 2016, held in Rijeka, Zagreb, Osijek and Split, with 72 specialists trained.



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The City of Zagreb organizes Zagreb Energy Week every year in May as the biggest and most important energy event which has a significant role in reaching the energy targets of the City. Within the manifestation, a number of conferences, seminars, trainings, presentations and fairs are held, directed at various target groups including energy experts and citizens. HEP ESCO traditionally organizes a HEP ESCO Open Door Day within the Zagreb Energy Week. The SUNSHINE project was presented to the participants at the HEP ESCO Open Door Days several times (in 2013, 2014, 2015 and in different cities – Zagreb Split, Rijeka, Opatija, Osijek).

Figure 67 – Several training and awareness events of HEP ESCO

The SUNSHINE questionnaire for stakeholders has been promoted on the HEP Esco Website as well as on the HEP Group Intranet (with a direct reach of 12,000 users) and support has been given throughout the project implementation for furthering the reach and impact of the Scenario 2 and 3 solutions in Croatia. Furthermore, due to duly kept participants lists for the events held, HEP ESCO has also contributed significantly to the creation of a wide-reached SUNSHINE Community Database. Best practice: Overall, the partner has managed to involve a total number of 1252 stakeholders, of which 1081 nationally, in 28 awareness, communication, training and publicity events. HEP ESCO has held, during the lifetime of the project, trainings for 72 stakeholders, which were also asked to fill in feedback questionnaires, with very positive results (see chapter 6.2.6). Plans for training have been more ambitious, with a liaison set in place with the Viktor Lenac Shipyard for a programme called „Green Shipyard Training”. Due to delays in rolling out the final tested platform for Scenario 2 and 3, these trainings will be 115

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conducted after the end of SUNSHINE. The total number of trainees foreseen for the Green Shipyard Training is of 500, raising the number of trained specialists at 572 for HEP ESCO. 6.6.3

GraficaLight – Bassano del Grappa

The Italian regional law “lr16/07” requires municipalities to regulate their public lighting, for less sky lighting pollution, to save energy and money. All lighting of the Bassano del Grappa city should subsequently follow the principles of the law and therefore should not waste light by shooting it towards the sky or where it is not needed; the municipality hence has had to implement a way to reduce both consumption and costs. This is the logic of the SUNSHINE Scenario 3 implementation in the GraficaLight managed pilot. The baseline situation witnessed the old historical part of the city center being lit by lanterns attached to historical arms in cast iron. To meet the new standards, the bulbs of the lanterns were required to be installed in a way called „cut-off”, which causes the light to flow downwards only, thus mitigating light pollution. Unfortunately, this action could not be implemented with the original light fixtures, as the glass diffused the light upwards and therefore needed to be removed. Yet research has shown that the fixtures were not really historical. The type of lantern was first used in the 19th century with other light sources: first the flame in oil and then the gas flame. When they started using Edison bulbs and the hydroelectric power station of Bassano was built, the lanterns disappeared to give way to the plate type, more effective. The „historical” lanterns reappeared in style during the 70s, and by the beginning of the project they functioned in the city center producing a poor quality light. Furthermore, they did not have a technology which allowed to dim the light at night. The lights were always on with the same intensity, even during late nights, which was basically similar to leaving the light bulbs in one’s home on all night long. Hence, the Bassano del Grappa pilot project was a test to experiment the innovative lighting devices managed by the SUNSHINE platform (web & app) and to optimize the effectiveness (to provide light only where, how and when needed). Alongside, to have a feedback on the study done, Grafica Light wanted to involve the citizens in an extensive survey, concerning not only energy aspects, but also: equipment aesthetic, quality of light emitted, visual comfort; to ensure that the public lighting service will meet the citizen’s likings. Thanks to the project and the funds made available from Europe, the Municipality of Bassano del Grappa was able to install new prototypes of luminaries. The new lighting devices respect the regulations and do not scatter light into the sky. Several key points were made available to citizens and stakeholders in flyers, meetings, workshops and in press: •

• •

The LED bulb contained in new equipment is already cut-off, then address the light only downward. They have a form tailored for Bassano and its history Historical research has shown that the device in the form of plate, that this 116

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• • •

• • •

new device is based, is typical of our historical town, since when at the early twentieth century they began to use the Edison bulb. This type of device disappeared in the '70s to make way for today's style lanterns. The light of the new equipment is very similar to the one we have at home. The light of the new equipment allows us to see clearly all colors and all materials: concrete, marble, plaster, etc. With less orange light we can see better (try to see the colors of your clothes under the light!) The new LED technology allows to decide whether to have light warmer or cooler, but always as white as the sun light The new LED technology consumes 72% less energy with a saving of € 80 of our money per year per unit Thanks to LED technology and wireless we can adjust the intensity of the various units in the city, for example in the late night hours, while still providing security ... nevertheless more money-saving. With wireless you can also have the control of all the lighting fixtures in the city and identify failures and consumption.

A preliminary workshop and survey called “ri-illuminiamo Bassano” has been held in Bassano on 16 October 2013. The workshop aimed at discussing the several versions of possible efficient lighting in the city center, after a series of presentations of the overall SUNSHINE concept in Bassano and application of LED technology for public lighting. An exhibition with panels on the lighting concept has been set up and a first survey has been conducted. As a result of the preliminary survey, studies and projections from Grafica Light, in a stretch of Via Vittorelli, in the alley of the Tower and square Guadagnin were installed 11 new lamps. From modern technology, combined with the lines of the past, they have been designed and built specifically for the old center of Bassano. In order to best calibrate the new type of lighting and to verify the satisfaction of the population, over the 12 months of piloting, the Administration asked residents, visitors and tourists to make a judgment on new lamps and light radiation type. The questionnaire could be filled in by photographing the "QR code" of the light with smartphones or by consulting the website of the City. Moreover, in collaboration with the scouts, real interviews with passers-by were made. The communication best practice in Bassano speaks volumes on what happened during the 12-month piloting period: a very extensive audit summing online, QR-accessible and live interview questionnaires was conducted together with the training of volunteers / scouts involved in deploying the interface with citizens, leading to 1026 interviews completed, which asked information and feedback on: Engineering and perception, Safety comfort degree, Energy saving awareness, Volunteers preparation and training, Social network boost share. An important amount of work has been accomplished to prepare all survey tools, train volunteers, set up and schedule all Bassano live citizen audits. About 30 trainees have been involved and they are fully active in promoting the SUNSHINE project throughout the audit programme and in the everyday life circumstances. The final survey stage has been deployed in January and has reached 490 citizens. About 200 volunteers were involved with the SUNSHINE citizen live audit, afterwards presenting the survey within their family environments to reach the total of over 1000 filled forms.


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Figure 68 – Bassano live audit materials and volunteer team

The Audit Poll near-final draft (993 interviews compiled and reviewed) presents the overall outcome of the project in Bassano. Engineering and perception have slightly different views: from the first impression citizens seem to like softer, warmer light tones. White LED light might meet deeper and best color vision; but it does not meet 100% people liking. As, only 1 out of 3 Bassano citizen (especially the over 50) like the 3000 LED light tone. Due maybe to cultural background (long term yellow light exposure), or due to eye light sensitivity taste. Consequently, as soon as GraficaLight were through with more data collection and analysis they aim at starting to adjust LED light source closer to people sympathy.


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Perception of safety was highly positive, people responding that light can be dimmed down to 60% without lowering citizen safety perception. In this case scenario, the municipality can really adjust light emission to encounter European energy standards and meeting citizen safety requirements.

The Audit Poll adjusted by residents versus non-residents shows a real difference between the previous general outcomes compared by dweller choices. The latter have a clear increased appreciation for the work done on the device development, and a slight increase of appreciation of the overall SUNSHINE project activity.


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6.7 6.7.1

Liaisons Liaison with the CEN/TC 287 - GIStandards

The Liaison status of SUNSHINE was established at the 32nd Plenary of CEN/TC 287 in Oslo, Norway on April 11-12, 2013. The liaison status is affirmed by Decision 276 in Document CEN/TC 287 N 1565. The substance of Decision 276 was thereafter confirmed in the minutes of the Oslo Meeting, see item 6.1 of CEN/TC 287 N1566 (copy of document included in Annex A), the said minutes which were later agreed in the 33rd CEN/TC 287 in Frascati, Italy on October 2-3, 2013.

Proceedings are detailed in the project deliverable D3.2 – Liaison Agreements and Process Documents, available here. 6.7.2

Liaison with other European Projects

The SUNSHINE technology is the result of the customization and integration of existing software components developed by other EC-funded projects focusing on smart-city technologies, including BRISEIDE, i-SCOPE and i-Tour.

BRISEIDE (BRIdging SErvices, Information and Data for Europe) aims at delivering 1) timeaware extension of data models developed in the context of previous/ongoing EU INSPIRE related projects (e.g. in the context of GMES, eContentPlus), 2) application (e.g. Civil Protection) based on the integration of existing, user operational information and 3) value added services for spatio-temporal data management, authoring, processing, analysis and interactive visualisation. The use of GI requires re-consideration of time/spatial accounting to achieve optimality geo-processing services essential in environmental management, as demanded by planners and decision makers. With a few exceptions, current guidelines and standards do not provide such a support whilst funded by EC programmes or initiatives as


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GMES, eContentPlus and INSPIRE. It is the aim of BRISEIDE to fill-in this gap.

i-Tour will develop an open framework to be used by different providers, authorities and citizens to provide intelligent multi-modal mobility services. i-Tour client will support and suggest, in a user-friendly way, the use of different forms of transport (bus, car, railroad, tram, etc.) taking into account user preferences as well as real-time information on road conditions, weather, public transport network condition. To do so i-Tour promotes a new approach to data collection based on recommender system based on the information provided by the whole user community.i-Tour mobility client applications will feature a very user-friendly interface accessible from PCs, PDAs and Smartphones. i-Tour clients are designed to promote use of public transport by encouraging sustainable travel choices and by providing rewarding mechanisms for users choosing public travel options. Sustainable travel preferences, e.g. measured in terms of CO2 emission saved by using public transport, are rewarded, e.g. through free public transport tickets, thus promoting and encouraging environmental friendly travel behaviours.

Based on interoperable 3D UIMs, i-SCOPE delivers an open platform on top of which it develops, within different domains, three ‘smart city’ services. These will be piloted and validated, within a number of EU cities which will be actively engaged throughout the project lifecycle. The services will address: 1) Improved inclusion and personal mobility of aging and diversely able citizens through an accurate city-level differently-abled-friendly personal routing service which accounts for detailed urban layout, features and barriers. 2) Optimization of energy consumption through a service for accurate assessment of solar energy potential and energy loss at building level. 3) Environmental monitoring through a real-time environmental noise mapping service leveraging citizen’s involvement will who act as distributed sensors city-wide measuring noise levels through their mobile phones. All smart services will be based on already available technologies which will be integrated, deployed and made publicly available from a “3D smart EU cities” portal. Potential trust, privacy and data security risks and vulnerabilities, i.e. due to localisation of people, are integral part of the project and will be explicitly addressed. 122

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Other liaisons are illustrated below:


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SUNSHINE Final Event 2016

In closure of the project, the SUNSHINE FINAL EVENT Conference aimed at delivering the results of the 3-year innovative initiative, within a large international participation, as well as to promote and network with other EU Projects on Energy Efficiency. The conference has been held on January 14 2015, in the Auditorium Biagi room of the Salaborsa of Bologna, Italy. The event was organized in partnership with the Bologna Urban Center.

Figure 69 – Bologna Urban Center

Figure 70 – SUNSHINE Conference in the Auditorium Biagi

The SUNSHINE end event has been organized as a two-fold experience. Firstly, we aimed at offering the citizens and all stakeholders interested in Energy Efficiency the opportunity to take part in the SUNSHINE Demos and experience first-hand the solutions for Energy Maps, Building Energy Awareness and Remote Control of Public Lighting. Second, the Final Conference Session has been the core part of talking SUNSHINE and has gathered the project partners as well as speakers, panellists and expert invitees from a wide array of institutions: representatives of fellow innovation projects, of the municipality, region and energy supply companies, pioneer companies, institutes and research groups in the area 124

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of energy efficiency, location, the IoT, Standards and EU Policies as well as Open Energy. The day-long meeting provided the opportunity to present project achievements and innovative tools developed in the 3 years of project activities. The event has been an appropriate opportunity to set up the basis for new partnerships to continue the efforts of the SUNSHINE project in the upcoming programming period, but also a means to support and transfer knowledge and lessons learned to stakeholders confronted with similar challenges in the Energy area. In preparation of the event, a dedicated Conference Page has been set up as well as promotional material (conference folder, roll-up, posters, flyers, the brochure of the Conference, etc.).

Figure 71 –The SUNSHINE final conference website,

The registration has been organized via EventBrite, with 86 confirmation for which badges have been made consistent with the SUNSHINE identity. However, during the event a registration and promotion desk has been set up at the entrance of the Salaborsa (a public space building with a very high foot traffic) and newcomers could register directly on blanks.


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Figure 72 – SUNSHINE registration desk

Project flyers and details were given to many interested visitors of the Salaborsa. Table 11 – SUNSHINE final conference agenda



Auditorium Biagi Room 09:30 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:30

10:30 – 11:20

11:20 – 11:35 11:35 – 12:30

12:30 –

Registration of participants Opening Session Welcome from the Municipality of Bologna

Giovanni Fini

Introduction from the Project Coordinator, Mr. Raffaele de Amicis (Fondazione Graphitech) SUNSHINE - “Smart UrbaN Services for HIgher eNergy Efficiency”

Raffaele de Amicis (GT)

SUNSHINE project overview


Energy maps and Real time communication with building managers: the Experience of Ferrara pilot Optimisation of power consumption of public lighting systems A look back, a look forward: Lessons learned and the future of SUNSHINE Coffee break Section 1:Energy efficiency, Location and Internet of Things in the EU: common grounds, challenges and opportunities The project RES H/C Spread for renewable energy planning Building typology: An approach to mapping and modelling of the building stocks Supporting city energy strategy for buildings with Project ACCENT in the context of EIT Climate-KiC actions Light lunch


Michele Sansoni Gašper Stegnar Sara Picone


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13:30 13:30 – 14:25

14:25 – 15:20

Section 2: Standards and EU policies Supporting energy efficiency in the building sector through the EU Buildings Stock Observatory, a public data portal on buildings’ energy performance in EU-28 CityGML and the collaborative development of its Application Domain Extension on the Energy domain Autonomic Smart Infrastructure Section 3: Open Energy The benefits of open data for public planning and citizens Big Energy Data

15:20 – 15:35 15:35 – 16:15

10:30 – 16:00

Design of an innovative energy-aware IT ecosystem for motivating behavioural changes towards the adoption of energy efficient lifestyles (H2020 ENTROPY project) Coffee break

Aleksandra Arcipowska Jean Marie Bahu Muna Hamdi Massimo Fustini Daniele Miorandi Joelle Mastelich

Roundtable discussion and networking session: Joint capitalization of Energy Efficiency initiatives Panel members: SUNSHINE Consortium, Regione Emilia Romagna, Comune di Bologna, ARPA-ER, representatives of ICT-PSP and Horizon projects, University of Bologna Final conclusions and closing SUNSHINE system showcase – DEMO of SUNSHINE functionalities

Renowned experts from the regulatory, research and business sectors coming from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and the United Kingdom shared their expertise in the field of energy efficiency, Internet of Things, standards and EU policies, as well as open energy in a high level round table. The speakers invited to present in the three specialized sections (Energy efficiency, Location and Internet of Things in the EU: common grounds, challenges and opportunities, Standards and EU Policies, Open Energy) have been the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Aleksandra Arcipowska, Building Performance Institute Europe - Brussels, Belgium Michele Sansoni, ARPAE Environment and Energy Agency - Bologna, Italy Jean-Marie Bahu, European Institute for Energy Research - Karlsruhe, Germany Muna Hamdi, iMFV - Intelligent Mobility: FutureVision - Portsmouth, United Kingdom Daniele Miorandi, U-Hopper Trento, Italy Massimo Fustini, Emilia-Romagna Region - Bologna, Italy Joëlle Mastelic, European Network of Living Labs (HES-SO Valais-Wallis) - Sierre, Switzerland 8. Gašper Stegnar, Building and Civil Engineering Institute ZRMK - Ljubljana, Slovenia 9. Sara Picone, ASTER - Bologna, Italy Their full profiles and presentations are available for downloading on the Conference webpage.


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The conference was an excellent occasion for joint capitalization of European initiatives targeting the availability of building-related data, and highlighting the increasing interest and number of initiatives at European level involving institutions, local authorities and the

Figure 73 – SUNSHINE in-depth 1-on-1 Demos in the Final Conference

business sector. Citizens and stakeholders interested in energy efficiency also had the opportunity to take part in the SUNSHINE live demos and experienced first-hand the solutions available for energy maps, building energy awareness and remote control of public lighting. In closure, a panel discussion has been conducted with the speakers and invited experts on topics concerning the trends, barriers and projections of Energy Efficiency, ICT, Open Standards and Open Energy. The discussion has been very interesting and engaging, and the overall feedback has been excellent.

Figure 74 – SUNSHINE expert panel presided by the Project Coordinator

Overall, the SUNSHINE conference had over 100 participants, with 74 of them writing up and signing the analogue participants list as well. Approximately 160 flyers were given to interested parties in the registration public area. The event was a success, largely publicized by the SUNSHINE consortium, the Salaborsa, Urban Center Bologna, ASTER, and other organizations.


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7 The general awareness Surveys The questionnaire is part of the SUNSHINE project and it is meant to support in assessing the need and effects of implementing energy efficiency and management systems in European cities, as well as in determining the future use of the SUNSHINE solutions. We asked for 15 minutes of general stakeholders’ time to help us get valuable insight into how we can improve what SUNSHINE has to offer and how to better aid energy efficiency in cities and homes through our solutions. We have included presentation videos of each solution for those keen on finding out more about SUNSHINE. We know your time is valuable and therefore, if they are not interested in watching them, responders can simply skip them – but including videos represented a very good opportunity to help even persons unfamiliar with the project gather a few insights sufficient for responding to the feedback questions asked. The information in this questionnaire is confidential and will only be used for statistical purposes. Given that most pilots are Italian, and the small and middle-sized towns of Bassano del Grappa, Cles, the Val di Non region, the Trentino region, Rovereto etc. are not proficient in English, URBA developed an English Questionnaire with an Italian translation. Hence, there are two general questionnaires developed in WP6 T6.2, in liaison with the task 5.10 – Socioeconomic impact analysis of SUNSHINE Pilots: one in Italian and one in English, identical in contents. The SUNSHINE Project Questionnaire for Stakeholders in English The SUNSHINE Project Questionnaire in Italian The questionnaire was divided into 6 sections, based on the need to provide context and a header to all three scenarios but also to collect some background data on respondents and to provide a first page general introduction. Keeping pages manageable in size has been a choice aimed at mitigating the problems which came by creating a rather long, very dense questionnaire. The SUNSHINE Project Questionnaire structure is the following: 1. INTRODUCTION General information on the questionnaire, its scope, privacy aspects, and an introduction into the three scenarios of the project, complete with a presentation „Trailer” of the project”. No questions are asked on this page and users can skip it. 129

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2. A FEW GENERAL QUESTIONS This section helps us gather a bit of insight into the respondents' profile, knowledge and interest for energy efficiency in their day-to-day life as well as in what concerns the actions of their municipality. The section has 12 questions: Type of respondent (citizen, NGO member, architect, planner, building manager, etc.), age, gender, Highest level of education completed, City of residence (the 8 SUNSHINE pilots and the option Other) How would you define energy efficiency? How would you describe energy prices in your country? How interested are you in energy saving as an individual action? So far, have you implemented any energy efficiency measures at an individual level? Which are the biggest barriers for energy efficiency, in your opinion? In your opinion, what would be the five most important barriers hindering the penetration of energy efficient technologies/practices in the buildings sector? Which of the above measures would you rate as the most important for achieving energy efficiency? How would these measures help you? 3. SUNSHINE Energy Maps Solution This section requests feedback on the 1st SUNSHINE Scenario. In the beginning, a training video of Scenario 1 is provided together with a more detailed description of what it actually does. There are 7 questions and an additional slot where respondents can (optionally) put in their feedback. 4. SUNSHINE Building Energy Awareness This section requests feedback on the 2nd SUNSHINE Scenario. In the beginning, a training video of Scenario 2 is provided together with a more detailed description of what it actually does. There are 7 questions and an additional slot where respondents can (optionally) put in their feedback. 5. SUNSHINE Remote Control of Lighting Networks This section requests feedback on the 3rd SUNSHINE Scenario. In the beginning, a training video of Scenario 3 is provided together with a more detailed description of what it actually does. There are 5 questions and an additional slot where respondents can (optionally) put in their feedback. 6. Just a few more questions and we’re done! This is the wrap-up section of the questionnaire, which aims at gathering feedback and insights on the OVERALL perceived impact of SUNSHINE on a number of social and economic states (improving quality of life, increasing employments, stimulating investment in energy efficiency, etc). The section also asks whether the respondents would „support the development or extension” of Scenario 1 / 2 / 3 in their city and if they would like to attend to a SUNSHINE Training if it would be held in their city or region. The closing of the questionnaire contains an invitation for further feedback, if desired. The full questionnaire responses are enclosed in the annexes. For the purposes of this report, the responses up until 31 January were considered and interpreted (96 responses) – hence this is an interim evaluation, albeit the similarity of responses between the English and Italian questionnaires indicate homogenous perspectives which could be extrapolated at this point in time. In order to evaluate impact and long-term interest, it is important that this questionnaire be used further in disseminating SUNSHINE and gathering the necessary feedback for market deployment. 130

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Subsequently, the questionnaire will remain active together with the other dissemination, communication and awareness tools of SUNSHINE. 7.1.1

Profiling the responders

With over a half of inputs (60.4%) coming from individuals responding as individuals / citizens, the questionnaire hit the mark on addressing the larger population and creating awareness not just between the specialized or highly-skilled stakeholder groups of the project, but also among citizens. The average responder is just over 35 years old, well educated (81% of the responders reported they hold at minimum a Bachelor’s degree), and live preponderantly in SUNSHINE Pilots (Trento – 20, Bassano – 12, Trentino region – 11, Rovereto – 11, Lamia – 7, Zagreb – 6, Naxxar – 4), but also other cities in Europe (25). When questioned, the responders consider that Energy Efficiency is strongly correlated with rational consumption, otherwise the most accurate response in the series.

How would you define energy efficiency? Other Reducson of greenhouse gas emissions Isolason of construcsons Rasonal consumpson - using less energy to provide the same service Use of alternasve/renewable energy sources Energy saving through conservason I don't know











Respondents also consider energy prices quite high, despite coming from different countries (Italy, Romania, Croatia, Greece, etc.) with varying median prices as well as average incomes, showing that energy expenditure is generally a concern irrespective of country. Answers from Italy on the Italian questionnaire generally identify prices as being higher than the overall considerations of international responses.

How would you describe energy prices in your country? 60


50 40


30 20 10 0

0 Very low, affordable


4 Low



Very high, prohibisve


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Respondents are also highly motivated and interested in energy saving as an individual action, with 57% of individuals responding „Highly so” (5 out of 5) when asked to mark their interest on a scale. We have also asked the stakeholders to let us know what kind, if any, of energy efficiency measures they already implemented at individual level. Out of the responses, the clear winner was the installation of energy saving light bulbs, a very low-cost measure for saving. 69.8% of the general stakeholders and 94.3% of the Italian ones reported they have already installed such devices. Quite obviously, these were followed by the owning of devices graded energy type A or above (about 49% of the responders), and by the installation of windows with low energy emission (just over 47%). As it is a rather new and quite costly fixture, just one of the responders owns a heating pump. When asked what the biggest barriers for energy efficiency are, in general, most responders answered „Lack of Finance” (79.1% of the English-speaking respondents and 62.3% of the Italian ones, quite a gap) and lack of information on relevant products and contractors (44.6% on average). The five most important barriers hindering the penetration of energy efficient technologies/ practices in the buildings sector are, based on the answers, considered to be the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Higher up-front costs for more efficient equipment (77) Lack of access to financing (46) Administrative and regulatory barriers(47) Lack of enforcement/monitoring (38) Energy subsidies for fossil fuels Performance risks Energy efficient solutions not mature yet Administrations hesitant to adopt new/innovative market solutions (48) Market fragmentation Other

The responses are centred on two big issues of implementing energy efficiency projects: Lack of financing (and EE costs consistently more up-front, a turn-off for individuals or companies which cannot afford to spend big and then pay off the investments by savings generated, on the longer term) and the lack of proactivity of the administration, be it for actual investments, for administrative barriers or for lack of capacity to implement functional regulatory and monitoring frameworks. The same type of answer was observed to the question „ Which of the above measures would you rate as the most important for achieving energy efficiency?”. Most respondents focused on: 1. Policy packages to promote energy efficiency in buildings (61) 2. Financial aid for upgrading thermal insulation or heating/cooling systems (53) 3. Measures for increased investment in energy efficiency (52) 7.1.2

Feedback and insights on Scenario 1

The SUNSHINE solution 1, at first glance, seems to be considered particularly of use for determining annual potential savings and reducing the electrical bill (over 50% both, multiple answers possible), not so much though in what concerns improving conditions or safety at one’s own premises or achieving a desirable temperature inside. 132

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The vast majority (over 90%) of respondents declared to be interested in a tool capable of estimating heating energy needs for residential buildings. Some opportunity is also perceived for the use of the Energy Maps in one’s daily work (62.1% of answers). Regarding the benefits expected from Scenario 1, users reported the possibility of retrieving analytical indicators for studies and thematic maps as the first benefit; as citizens, users report they consider the most important direct and indirect benefits of Energy Maps, in order, as: 1. Keeping updated with one’s home energy efficiency or his neighbour 2. Keeping informed with the state of art of energy efficiency in the whole city 3. Making informed decisions when renting or buying property.

Figure 75 - Interest in estimating heating energy needs (English, Italian questionnaires)

These insights are particularly important for the future marketing strategy of SUNSHINE. Comparative incentivizing (i.e. how much your neighbour is saving) is particularly effective in strategies for energy efficiency encouragement, an aspect which could be considered and

capitalized on by SUNSHINE as well. Furthermore, since the answers demonstrated energy efficiency as a real criteria in property selection, real estate services integration could be a path pursued in the future by the EEIG. The responses above, highly positive towards providing details through the Map4Data app, indicate SUNSHINE Scenario 1 could have potential in the future for crowd-sourced and supported expansion. 133 Figure 76 - SUNSHINE questionnaire: user availability to provide information for their building via Map4Data

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Figure 77 - SUNSHINE Questionnaire: Perceived impact sectors for Scenario 1 – intl. questionnaire

By far, for the international (English) questionnaire, the highest user-perceived impact of Scenario 1 is represented by the enhancement of local administration capacity to design effective local or regional energy strategies (74% moderate and high positive impact perceived), supported by accurate studies and better planning documentations. At the opposite side, users do not think that Scenario 1 will enhance the share of investments in energy efficiency – it is perceived more as a policy support tool than an investment-support tool, albeit it can be argued that good local strategies lead to reliable funding for investments in the future. Italian responders rated a higher positive impact of Scenario 1 across the board – including for the possibility of attracting financing. This enhances the possibilities of deploying Scenario 1 further across Italy. In closure of the section, individual feedback, while scarce, was positive, specifically for the Sunshine scenario 1 capitalization of crowdsourced data (Map4Data App). This will be considered for the future upscaling of the project, as the marketing will need to adapt to the demand and selling points identified, including with the help of this questionnaire. 7.1.3

Feedback and insights on Scenario 2

The Building Energy Awareness scenario was considered by the responses useful, in order, for: 1. Public buildings (schools, hospitals, etc.) – 91.3% of respondents 2. Commercial and production spaces – 74.7% 3. Residential buildings – 69%


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While SUNSHINE Scenario 2 was deployed in the piloting phase specifically for public buildings, aims for the future are for expanding the scenario to residential buildings as well. The realistic answers of questioned persons indicate a lower use (or interest of use) towards residential buildings, possibly due to the fact that in most of the cities from responding countries, citizens live in collective buildings, which makes implementation difficult. There is an interesting discrepancy between the respondents from Italian pilots and the ones from international pilots or other cities with respect to technology for monitoring and adjusting energy consumption already in use in homes. While numbers are still low, more than a double Italians use such technology at home than of the international English speakers (26.4 versus 11.6%). While 65.1% of the English-speaking respondents reported that they do not use any such technology, Italian respondents paint a similar picture, with 58.5% of them not using such solutions.

Figure 78 - SUNSHINE Questionnaire: use of energy monitoring and adjustment technology among respondents

When questioned about the use of the Scenario 2 technology and their interest in receiving weather alerts to plan in advance the behaviour of heating / cooling system schedules, the responses were positive to both in near-unanimity, pointing towards a very high interest in the deployment of the SUNSHINE S2 App.


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Figure 79 - SUNSHINE Questionnaire: Interest in the S2 technology and tools

The biggest perceived advantages of the second scenario are, in order (first 3): 1. Sustained consumption monitoring: I can see how much energy I use (74) 2. Cost monitoring and planning based on in-detail historical data: I can better plan and gather a more in-depth understanding of my costs (64) 3. Ease of use of the smartphone/tablet app: I can receive alerts wherever I am (39) When asked what the biggest „turn-offs” of using the Building Energy Awareness Tool, the majority of users (67.5%) answered with the fact that initial installation of hardware is costly. Far behind, the second reason was lack of interest due to living in a rented apartment. However, we then next asked the following:


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Figure 80 - SUNSHINE questionnaire: Using S2 at no further cost

Some of the responders will, in future, have to support part of the costs for the installation of smart meters in their buildings. SUNSHINE is hence „almost certainly” to be used, but if no further cost than the outside-imposed initial expenditure (supported or not through Structural Funds or national / regional programmes) is incurred. In closing, it was suggested that the biggest barrier towards S2 success is the problem of cultural and end-user awareness. 7.1.4

Feedback and insights on Scenario 3

Users were generally unaware of the use or lack thereof of any monitoring and remote control of streetlights for their cities, with about half answering „I do not now”. 16.7% of the total responded that their city uses both technologies (for monitoring and controlling). Regarding the usefulness of such a tool, it was considered, in order, that it is particularly useful for: 1. Optimizing running and maintenance costs at city level for the public illumination network according to real requirement 2. Generally improving the urban environment by ensuring it is well-lit 3. Creating visualizations (“energy maps”) showing dimming level of illumination at different times and consequent savings. 4. Generally improving traffic and lowering accident and crime risk. No negative answers („it is not useful at all”) were recorded.

Figure 81 - SUNSHINE questionnaire: necessity for public lighting cost-efficiency


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Users consistently reported a high necessity of implementing cost-efficiency measures for the public lighting network. Moreover, they were highly in agreement with selective dimming of public lighting in the means of saving energy, and thus money and CO2.

Figure 82 - SUNSHINE questionnaire: user agreement with selective dimming for savings

In closure, we asked for feedback on scenario 3 and received a couple of interesting points of view: • There are considerable benefits to be gained from rethinking public lighting, over and above on/off control. Most luminaires are based around incandescent lighting, with sodium lighting for roads. The use of LED technology, with local control including vehicle & people sensors potentially offers great benefits. • The role of local government is to ensure the safety and quality of life of citizens. Such measures may have a financial burden so saving money is not necessarily the essential goal but may be part of financial efficiency (this is similar to buying food - good ingredients may cost more but the quality of the meal may be substantially better even if the calorific content is identical to lower cost ingredients - quality of life may be worth paying more for) 7.1.5

General feedback on the SUNSHINE project


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In closure, respondents were asked to provide a few insights into how they perceive the usefulness of SUNSHINE, overall, for society. SUNSHINE received high – very high grades for the following: Reducing CO2 emissions and improving environment Improving local energy efficiency Improving the quality of life of citizens Improving the municipal decision making process Creating new business. Mixed - low rated answers were received in what concerns the increase in employment as direct output and the reduction of energy poverty and inequalities. A very strong positive impact across the board has been generally reported in the Italian questionnaire. Respondents were then asked if they would support the development of the scenarios in their cities and the answers were positive by a landslide: 1. Scenario 1 – 91.2% positive 2. Scenario 2 – 83.1% for both public and private buildings 3. Scenario 3 – 97.3% positive In closure, 84% of respondents answered they would attend to a SUNSHINE training or informing session if it were to be held in their city or region.


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8 Future plans and actions SUNSHINE has been a three-year project co-funded by the Commission for the development, testing and piloting of the three innovative smart energy efficiency scenarios: Energy Maps, Building Energy Awareness and Remote Control of Public Lighting Networks. The piloting stage has been deployed for a 1-year period and, while it has yielded significant results both in terms of economic and social indicators as well as creating awareness at local and international level, this is clearly a process which needs to be continued and sustained in order to create the necessary impact in the market and for the users. In this regard, the SUNSHINE consortium has under guidance of ESADE prepared a solid short and long-term exploitation plan, which makes the object of the D7.1 deliverable. However, in support of this process of maturation and reach of a local and European critical mass, further dissemination and training events have been planned for the period after January 31 2016, when the project officially ends. These activities have been designed with different objectives in mind, based on the partner options for using SUNSHINE after the project lifetime: 1. Continued and expanded training activities for pilots, especially relevant for the pilot managing partners which have implemented Scenario 2 and 3, which have witnessed delays in making use of a fully-functional web platform; 2. General training activities for Scenario 1 and the use of Map4Data app; 3. Dissemination and awareness of the work conducted by technical partners, especially standardization bodies (GiStandards, C3L) on standards and results of SUNSHINE; 4. Creation of a communication and training support package for cities interested in becoming affiliated with SUNSHINE; 5. General dissemination of the project and results, on medium-long term. In this regards, several project partners have already defined concrete activities for the 6 months following the official end of SUNSHINE. Below are presented the most prominent dissemination, awareness and training activities for which the planning has already been deployed: HEP ESCO: Training on Scenario 2 and 3 HEP ESCO have established a liaison with the Viktor Lenac Shipyard, one of the leading shipyards for ship repair, conversions and offshore in the Mediterranean. Viktor Lenac has built a respectable reference list of complex projects in conversion and offshore and is among the few specialized yards for ship conversions and gas platform construction in the entire region of the Mediterranean. Within a programme called „Green Office and Green Shipyard”, HEP ESCO will provide during February – March 2016 the client with a rollout of SUNSHINE training for approximately 500 employees of Viktor Lenac. With the same green office educational programme for SUNSHINE, HEP ESCO will also train during 2016 and 2017 approx. 500 employees of the HEP Group in Croatia. Their numbers in training will hence rise for the next two years to about 1,000 trained staff and experts. 140

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Furthermore, they plan to publish an article in the HEP Vjesnik magazine (corporate HEP Group magazine) related to the implementation and finalization of the SUNSHINE project and its results for the HEP Group. It will go out in March 2016 and it will be added to the SUNSHINE website. SET Distribuzione: Further trainings and lectures SET have already continued their work in SUNSHINE with the 2 February 2016 workshop on SUNSHINE results and training for the SET Management, which witnessed approximately 30 participants.

Figure 83 – Follow-up activities of SUNSHINE in Rovereto: SET presentation and training for Management personnel, 2.02.2016


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Moreover, SET have been invited to host a SUNSHINE training and presentation to a professional school (CFP Veronese) in Rovereto on 4 March 2016. The event, coming after the finalization of the construction works conducted by the city to install a new lighting system on Schio and Zugna avenue, is aimed at providing the students with a formative educational lecture and an illustration of use of the SUNSHINE Scenario 3 with respect to the already tested remote control and management systems in San Giorgio and Marco roundabout. The event is expected to have approximately 100 youth participating. EPSILON: SUNSHINE Days in Lamia, Greece Partner EPS have already taken the necessary steps to prepare the organization of a „SUNSHINE” days event in Lamia, which will be held between 26-29 February 2016 at the City Hall. The workshop will aim at presenting and disseminating the project’s final results, as well as the organization of a training session for the stakeholders to use the SUNSHINE Apps (Scenarios 1 – Energy Maps and 2 – Building Energy Awareness). The event is expected to be attended to by approx. 25 stakeholders. GEOSYS: SUNSHINE Day in Naxxar, Malta GEOSYS will organize a „SUNSHINE Day”-type event in Malta as well, planned for the 12th of February 2016. The event will take place at the Cavalieri Hotel in San Julian, Malta, and it will represent an informative conference, with a Project Presentation and Pilot Presentation. Guest speakers from academia and the industry will be contributing to the proceedings. 40 stakeholders from the educational / university field, renewable energy experts and professionals will participate.


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9 Conclusions

SUNSHINE – “Smart UrbaN ServIces for HIgher eNergy Efficiency” delivered innovative digital services, interoperable with existing geographic web-service infrastructures, supporting improved energy efficiency at the urban and building level. The term “delivering” is not just implying that the solutions have been successfully developed but also that they have reached their potential users in many ways, during equally as many events in the three years of SUNSHINE lifetime. The project was indeed complex and, as it addressed multiple scales (from regional, city or district scale to buildings and public road networks) it also needed to speak a consistent and understandable message to all the different target users: local municipalities, municipal departments, planners, energy managers, lighting network managers, industry and companies, research and development, universities and students, as well as citizens. Furthermore, its challenge lied not only in transmitting the right message, but also in making sure that the target users were receptive and that, in the end, the dissemination and training conducted in SUNSHINE reached its mark. The first phase of the project (year 1) witnessed a general dissemination of the project’s scope and description, under coordination of CEIT Alanova, which reached users internationally in high-profile events such as the CORP conference, but also locally as pilot managers set up the basis of collaboration with key stakeholders and figures of authority. It was in the second year, under coordination of URBA, that the approach was refined and the methodology was structured in order to define the target users, key involvement messages and to create the proper awareness and dissemination targeted tools, after relevant findings of the D.1.1 Use Cases and results from the use case survey conducted by Sinergis and Graphitech. The last 12 months have been by far the most engaging and have reaped the results of functional platforms for all three scenarios, piloted in the 8 sites across Europe. Final results are shown below: No.

Table 12 – Awareness and dissemination indicators and final results Objective / result Indicator Method of Year 3 measurement planned


Awareness and dissemination


Awareness and dissemination


Awareness and dissemination Awareness and dissemination



Awareness and dissemination Training


Project web site home page (no. of page views) Conferences & events attended where the project is promoted Articles, papers, publications Conferences and events w/ project evidence Perform public presentations Sessions organized for training activities

Implemented in SUNSHINE

Web stats


33.368 (web site) 3.611 (web portal)

Total for project






Number of conferences and events



No. of public presentations made Number of training sessions (webinar,Ytube)




9 training videos – 781 23 local trainings pilots – 575 users trained 15 training slidesets 10 training documents 57 TOTAL


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The communication, awareness and training results are both impressive and inspiring: over the three-year project lifetime and especially during the last 12 months of SUNSHINE piloting, the consortium has managed to deploy a very wide scale action which in the end reached a total number of 6823 target users. Training has been performed in 23 events yielding 575 trainees, and the SUNSHINE project was presented in 71 conferences, workshops and international seminars. Moreover, 17 papers have been accepted and published on SUNSHINE and a number of 92 presentations and key stakeholder meetings at local level ensured a reach of over 2100 important local players, with some of which collaboration is envisaged in the future. It is clear that the indicators for the project have not only been achieved, but surpassed greatly, in some cases by over 400% (indicator 13, 14). But it is not only a question of quantity which was reviewed in this report, but one of quality: • Did SUNSHINE successfully manage to communicate its objectives, methodology and deliverables (platforms, mobile apps)? • Did it create a relevant critical mass at local level and an impact in the local communities? • Did proper communication and sustained awareness creation set the scene for followup activities and support the continuation, in several pilots, of the project implementation? For the most pilots, as well as for the consortium as a whole, the answer is a solid positive. Through the training of 575 individuals, the project managed to create local capacity for using the tools and platforms created, as well as to ease its way into becoming a staple product for several local administrations and energy companies across Italy, Greece, Malta and Croatia. The ease of use, consistent promotion and pursuance of the consortium pilots of local opportunities lead to the creation of new pathways to engage and train even more experts: in Croatia alone, the period of 2016-2017 will mean the rollout of another set of trainings for both the HEP energy company as well as one of the biggest shipyards in this area of Europe, which will in numbers mean another 1,000 users trained on SUNSHINE. In Bassano del Grappa, a 43,000 inhabitant city in northern Italy, the work conducted by Grafica Light lead to raised awareness and direct feedback of the local residents and to more than 1,000 audit surveys conducted within the city, which means that over 2% of the population in the city was directly involved in the project, with assistance from 200 trained volunteers. This is an inspiring benchmark set by the project. Furthermore, in Ferrara, the project was introduced from the very beginning in the municipality’s SEAP and the consistent collaboration of pilot manager Sinergis with the municipality and the energy company Olicar lead to a seamless implementation of the project, with very successful end results. A critical mass of awareness has been created in the northern Italy part, where the coordinator – Fondazione Graphitech – and pilots Ferrara, Trentino, Val di Non / Cles, Rovereto and Bassano del Grappa have been located. This synergy has been successfully capitalized on in multiple individual and joint events such as trainings (the large-scale INFOTN training in Trento, the SGIS training in Ferrara), workshops, TEDxTrento conferences (GT), other local SUNSHINE- or externally-organized conferences, mapping parties and so on. The results show very much promise of extending the SUNSHINE project and rolling out the solutions on the European market, further endorsed by the strongly positive perceptions and evaluations provided by surveyed citizens (Chapter 7). In the end, we can appreciate the dissemination, awareness, openness and training work conducted by the whole consortium as a remarkable effort and a best practice in the European project ecosystem. 144

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10 List of tables Table 1 – Awareness and dissemination indicators and expected progress. ............................. 12 Table 2 – General roles of partners in disseminating SUNSHINE ............................................... 17 Table 3 – List of actors involved in the three scenarios. Source: D1.1 ....................................... 21 Table 4 – Dissemination tools and activities selected and their expected outcomes ................ 26 Table 5 - SUNSHINE Facebook key statistics, monthly average for the last 180 days ................ 42 Table 6 – SUNSHINE Community Database ................................................................................ 47 Table 7 – Overview of training activities in SUNSHINE .............................................................. 77 Table 8 – List of conferences, workshops and special sessions conducted in SUNSHINE .......... 98 Table 9 – List of SUNSHINE articles and papers published ....................................................... 102 Table 10 - List of SUNSHINE Consortium meetings and presentations to key stakeholders ... 108 Table 11 – SUNSHINE final conference agenda ....................................................................... 126 Table 12 – Awareness and dissemination indicators and final results ..................................... 143

11 List of figures Figure 1 – SUNSHINE Partnership Map ...................................................................................... 10 Figure 2 – Schema of SUNSHINE work packages. Source: SUNSHINE Project DoW ................... 12 Figure 3 – Work Package 6, its tasks and deliverables ............................................................... 13 Figure 4 – Structure and contents of the D6.3 Report ............................................................... 14 Figure 5 – The SUNSHINE Consortium partners by type and scenario focus ............................. 18 Figure 6 – SUNSHINE Stakeholders ............................................................................................ 19 Figure 7 – The SUNSHINE Bi-Monthly form template provided by the coordinator (Link) ........ 28 Figure 8 – SUNSHINE Logo and cityscape alternative ................................................................ 36 Figure 9 – Presentation templates for Project SUNSHINE ......................................................... 36 Figure 10 - Tree structure of the SUNSHINE Website contents ................................................. 37 Figure 11 – The SUNSHINE website front page .......................................................................... 38 Figure 12 - Tree structure of the SUNSHINE Energy Web Portal. Source: D4.9, Graphitech ..... 39 Figure 13 - The SUNSHINE Energy Web Portal (left) and overview of the Scenario 1 in Ferrara (right) ................................................................................................................................. 40 Figure 14 - SUNSHINE Facebook Page ........................................................................................ 42 Figure 15 - SUNSHINE Twitter Account front page .................................................................... 43 Figure 16 - SUNSHINE YouTube Channel ................................................................................... 44 Figure 17 - SUNSHINE newsletters to date ................................................................................ 45 Figure 18 - Newsletter performance in extended mailing lists (Urbasofia) ............................... 45 Figure 19 – SUNSHINE Challenge 2015 special issue newsletter ............................................... 46 Figure 20 – Individual partner corporate newsletters (URBA and INFOTN) .............................. 46 Figure 21 - Initial Brochure (left) and SUNSHINE Flyer (right) - April 2013 ................................ 49 Figure 22 - Targeted Flyers front (left) and back for Building and energy managers (right). ..... 49 Figure 23 - Targeted flyers back for Public Administration and planners (left) and Citizens (right) ................................................................................................................................. 50 Figure 24 - SUNSHINE Flyer (boths sides, left) and Roll-up redesigned in 2015 ........................ 50 Figure 25 - SUNSHINE Posters: Solutions developed (left) and needs addressed (right) ........... 51 Figure 26 - SUNSHINE Challenge 2015 page at ..... 52 Figure 27 - SUNSHINE Challenge 2015 newsletter and postcard (front) ................................... 52 Figure 28 - L. Dörrzapf (CEIT Alanova) presenting the SUNSHINE paper in CORP2013. CORP Plenary (left). Source: ................................................................ 55 Figure 29 - Zagreb Energy Week poster. Source: ...................... 56 145

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Figure 30 - ESCO market in SEE. Source> Nadejda Khamra, UNECE .......................................... 56 Figure 31 - Group photo INSPIRE 2013. Source: ...................................... 57 Figure 32 - One of the Exhibition panels implemented by GraficaLight for the (Ri)illuminiamo Bassano workshop ............................................................................................................. 59 Figure 33 - La luce Democratica" article by Alessandro Tich in Bassanonet and the page of the workshop ion the UC Bassano page. Sources:, ........... 60 Figure 34 - The INCD 2013 Smart Cities special session and promotion of SUNSHINE .............. 61 Figure 35 - SUNSHINE Presentation by Dr. Pietro Elisei, URBA, Oct 20013 ............................... 61 Figure 36 - SUNSHINE/SmeSpire Challenge teams and winners ................................................ 64 Figure 37 - DATA2014 Flyer, ...................................................................... 64 Figure 38 - SUNSHINE paper in the 7th International Scientific Conference on “Energy and Climate Change” ................................................................................................................ 66 Figure 39 - The SUNSHINE, Smart-Islands and i-SCOPE delegation at the websummit 2014 .... 66 Figure 40 - IEEE SUNSHINE Demo, December 2014 ................................................................... 68 Figure 41 - Promotional poster for the “Under a new Light” Conference ................................. 69 Figure 42 - SUNSHINE at INSPIRE - GWF Forum 2015 ................................................................ 70 Figure 43 - SINERGIS (Luca Giovannini, left, and Piergiorgio Cipriano, second picture right) present within the INSPIRE GWF 2015) ............................................................................. 70 Figure 44 - SUNSHNE Promotional Material and stand at the EDF2015, Graphitech ................ 71 Figure 45 - Winners of the SUNSHINE Challenge 2015 at the ICT 2015 Lisbon conference ....... 72 Figure 46 - The SUNSHINE Booth in ICT Exhibition 2015 ........................................................... 72 Figure 47 - Ferrara September 2015 workshops ........................................................................ 80 Figure 48 - Training workshop in Trento, INFOTN, 27th November 2015 ................................. 81 Figure 49 - CityGML ADE first meeting, Stuttgart, May 2014 .................................................... 83 Figure 50 - Occupancy module for ADE Energy participants. Source: ........ 84 Figure 51 - 3rd Joint SIG 3D and OGC Workshop - CityGML ADE ............................................... 85 Figure 52 - OpenLivingLabDays 2015 ......................................................................................... 85 Figure 53 - Presentation of the workshop with SUNSHINE evidence ........................................ 86 Figure 54 – OpenLivingLab Days 2015 Workshop ...................................................................... 87 Figure 55 – SUNSHINE Bassano survey materials ...................................................................... 90 Figure 56 - Bassano del Grappa survey on public lighting in the historical center done by GraficaLight ........................................................................................................................ 92 Figure 57 – HEP ESCO Training in Osijek (1), Rijeka (2), Split (3) and Zagreb (4-6) .................... 92 Figure 58 – HEP ESCO dissemination of SUNSHINE in magazines and professional spreads (3 articles) ............................................................................................................................ 104 Figure 59 – Newspaper dissemination of SUNSHINE pilot in Rovereto ................................... 104 Figure 60 – SUNSHINE in the News (RAI BuonGiorno Regione 22.04.2014) ............................ 105 Figure 61 – Bassano pilot online news and articles (Citta Bassano del Grappa, ......................................................................................................................................... 106 Figure 62 – Invest in Trentino articles on SUNSHINE Kick-off and Challenge 2015 ................. 107 Figure 63 – Geospatial blogs, Geoff Zeiss, articles on SUNSHINE ............................................ 107 Figure 64 – Vincenza Report and Green Planner Magazine articles on SUNSHINE .................. 108 Figure 65 – Several training and awareness events of HEP ESCO ............................................ 115 Figure 66 – Bassano live audit materials and volunteer team ................................................. 118 Figure 67 – Bologna Urban Center ........................................................................................... 124 Figure 68 – SUNSHINE Conference in the Auditorium Biagi .................................................... 124 Figure 69 –The SUNSHINE final conference website, ......................................................................................................................................... 125 Figure 70 – SUNSHINE registration desk .................................................................................. 126 Figure 71 – SUNSHINE in-depth 1-on-1 Demos in the Final Conference ................................. 128 146

WP6 – Awareness, Networking and Dissemination D6.3 Proceedings and dissemination material

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Figure 72 – SUNSHINE expert panel presided by the Project Coordinator .............................. 128 Figure 73 - Interest in estimating heating energy needs (English, Italian questionnaires) ...... 133 Figure 74 - SUNSHINE questionnaire: user availability to provide information for their building via Map4Data ................................................................................................................... 133 Figure 75 - SUNSHINE Questionnaire: Perceived impact sectors for Scenario 1 – intl. questionnaire ................................................................................................................... 134 Figure 76 - SUNSHINE Questionnaire: use of energy monitoring and adjustment technology among respondents ......................................................................................................... 135 Figure 77 - SUNSHINE Questionnaire: Interest in the S2 technology and tools ....................... 136 Figure 78 - SUNSHINE questionnaire: Using S2 at no further cost ........................................... 137 Figure 79 - SUNSHINE questionnaire: necessity for public lighting cost-efficiency ................. 137 Figure 80 - SUNSHINE questionnaire: user agreement with selective dimming for savings .... 138 Figure 81 – Follow-up activities of SUNSHINE in Rovereto: SET presentation and training for Management personnel, 2.02.2016 ................................................................................. 141

12 Annexes Annex 1 – Papers submitted within SUNSHINE Annex 2 – Consortium support material Annex 3 – Communication material Annex 4 – Questionnaires Annex 5 – SUNSHINE Community Annex 6 – Training output questionnaires


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