Belgrade mail

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The Initiator, the Artist, his Advocate and the Urbanist a platform for culture and city-making Project Description: Somewhere in-between chaos and order, in the absence of a solid, stable regulatory urban planning system, many Balkan cities today rely on vigorous self-organization. Solving problems through self-organisation created specific “yes, we / I can” culture showing great vitality, creativity and resilience in the times of crisis, causing positive impact on the economic, social and spatial development of neglected urban neighbourhoods. Still, potentials of this energy are not being fully utilized, because of a lack of a strong platform to showcase local knowledge and offer support in finding the common ground with the institutions.


How can the benefits of this cultural phenomenon be disseminated throughout the typical Balkan city? What is the strength of the local self-organising micro networks? How can local neighbourhood interests be consolidated into manifesto for future development? What should institutions do? In the quest for answers, this project assumes four keyperspectives - The Initiator, the Artist, his Advocate, and the Urbanist- so as to determine a course of action. Starting in three culturally distinctive neighborhoods of Belgrade, Tirana and Skopje, the projects engages a full range of actors (international young urban professionals, local artist collectives, and institutional representatives) and strengths the culture of self-organizing micro networks through the development of an online “ideas and resources meeting place”, the organization of three IAAU workshops and the promotion of the IAAU platform at relevant local and international cultural festival.



INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR HOUSING AND PLANNING Frederiksholms Kanal 30, - DK-1220 Copenhagen K - Denmark - Tel. + 45 3056 9686 - -


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