Winter 2018 Upper Room Fellowship Focus Newsletter

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Winter 2018


News and Updates for Friends of The Upper Room

Fellowship Focus When Christ Becomes Real Stephen D. Bryant, Publisher, The Upper Room

For centuries, people have been remembering the extraordinary event of Jesus’ birth by reenacting living nativities. The image of a living nativity is a wonderful reminder of the word Incarnation, which is central to our Christian faith. It literally means “to en-flesh.” We associate it with Christmas, God taking human form in Jesus of Nazareth over 2,000 years ago. But this word and this image are more meaningful and expansive than even that. Incarnation is also about God in Jesus taking form in us, in Christlike living. Incarnation is what Paul described when he said of the faithful in Corinth, “You are a letter of Christ…written…with the Spirit of the living God…on tablets of human hearts” (2 Cor. 3:3, NRSV). Through these believers, Christ became real to others. Incarnation is also what happened at Pentecost. The same Spirit that was in Jesus became manifest in a community of people set on fire with God’s love for the world. Each new church in the Book of Acts began as a little Pentecost where God’s presence became real, transforming groups of ordinary people.

Incarnation is God’s chosen way to reach the world, not only once upon a time 20 centuries ago but today and every day through people of Christ-like faith and courage. One of my faith heroes, the late Clarence Jordan, talked about “incarnational evangelism.” We see this when communities of faith become demonstration plots, where people live to show that God is real and that God’s kingdom has come near. When that happens, the world takes notice; the world changes. Incarnation was Jesus’ way as well. Whenever he taught the nearness of the kingdom, he followed the message with an amazing demonstration of the availability of God in someone’s life. The same, he showed, is possible to us all, by faith. Jesus was always showing us what he meant; he was forever turning his words into reality. Go and do likewise. Seek to incarnate the love of God. Hear what God says, and do what you hear. Pray to become God’s answer to the needs of others.

The Living Nativity The Living Nativity by Larry Peacock explores how nativity sets, Advent wreaths, candles, carols, Christmas cards, and other traditions help prepare our hearts for the God “who bends low to enter our world and our lives.” To order, visit or call 1.800.972.0433.

Advent Prayer from The Living Nativity: Holy One, into such a world as ours and such a time as this, you chose to enter. Again and again, you visit us in the darkest times of life. Again and again, you surprise us in the midst of hectic schedules, tense cities, world crises, and worried lives. Loving God, help us keep alert in this Advent season. Help us to slow down for prayer, to stand up for justice, to breathe deeply your love each day. Open us and make us ready for you. Amen.

This Advent follow Upper Room Books on Instagram and share your favorite nativity scene using #MyLivingNativity.



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Spanish Edition

Celebrating 80 Years of Glo The Spanish-language edition of The Upper Room daily devotional guide, El Aposento Alto, commemorated its 80th anniversary of publication this year. Worshipful celebrations were held in Nashville, Tennessee; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Puerto Rico. El Aposento Alto staff, Jorge Berríos, Theresa Santillán, and Blanca Longhurst, shared the story of the Spanish edition from its beginning in 1938 to its current ministry with publishing partners throughout Latin America and the

Caribbean. Recent highlights include the start-up publication in Cuba in 2015, which has doubled its circulation to 7,000 copies, opening a regional office in Buenos Aires, and an audio version of El Aposento Alto in Quechua, a native language in the country of Perú.

Upper Room staff Peter Velander, Jorge Berríos, Stephen Bryant, Blanca Longhurst, and Theresa Santillán celebrate 80 years of El Aposento Alto.

As The Upper Room celebrated its 80th anniversary in Korea in September, 51 participants from ten Asian counties met at Central Methodist Church in Seoul for the first Asia Upper Room Leadership Seminar.

Korean Edition

by Thomas Kim

Participants attended sessions on editing and translating The Upper Room into their own languages to fit it in their cultures. The Rev. Jong Wha Park preached at the 80th anniversary service, where participants wore their traditional clothes to the ceremony. Youngjoo Goh from Seoul shared how she uses an English/Korean bilingual

edition of The Upper Room not only as a devotional guide but also as an English study textbook. “The Upper Room is a necessity of my life like water and food, and I always carry it with me,” she said. “It has been greatly helpful for my spiritual life and my English study.” Elvira Solnechnaya from Komsomolskon-Amur, Russia, was proud to be part of the event. “I saw diversity of

countries and nationalities,” she said. “It was the brightest event when Indians and Russians, Malaysians and Filipinos, Thais and Nepalese, Koreans and Americans dressed up in their national costumes.” Thomas Kim is the director of Korean/Asian news for United Methodist News Service in Nashville. Our appreciation to Rev. Im Jung, Upper Room director of international relations in Asia, for her leadership at the Korean event.

Africa Upper Room

Fond Farewell to Africa Upper Room Director Roland Rink “It is the right time for new energy to take up the challenge to offer every African the opportunity to spend time with God each day. It has been my privilege to plant seeds of hope in the African vineyard during my 18 years at Africa Upper Room Ministries.” – Roland Rink Roland Rink, the founding director of Africa Upper Room Ministries, is leaving his post after 18 years of faithful ministry. “Roland has been truly instrumental in establishing our presence in South Africa and bringing The Upper Room magazine and quality spiritual formation resources to the African continent,” said publisher Stephen Bryant. Rink, a former marketing executive for Samsung telecommunications, sensed something was missing in his life when

he attended The Walk to Emmaus South Africa in April 1991. Later, he served on the Emmaus International Steering Committee and became acquainted with other Upper Room resources. By 1999, Rink knew he would only find peace if he followed his heart and answered the call to work on a business plan for The Upper Room that would offer every African the opportunity to spend time with God each day.

Some of the highlights of his tenure include: • Seeing readership of the devotional grow from zero to thousands. • Connecting South African authors Trevor Hudson, Wessel Bentley, and Smunga Kumalo with Upper Room readers. We have given their voices a global platform. • Helping South Africans get into the habit of keeping their daily appointment with God.

2 | Your gift makes God’s love real for Christians around the world. Give today at

obal Friendship Please contribute to the Emmaus Gift Fund, a love offering designated for emerging international communities. Plans are underway now for new start-up communities in Argentina, Kenya, Peru, and Bolivia.

6 Ways

to Prepare for God’s Great Gift by Karen M. Leet

Christmas is about gifts and giving, love and caring, joy and celebration. But Christmas is, most of all, about Jesus, God’s great gift to us. How can we get ready to receive that gift? Here are a few ideas:

1 Get quiet. Yes, it’s a busy time,

and we have lots to do. That’s why it’s so important to spend some time each day being quiet and listening for God. Set aside time to just be aware of God’s presence. Start with a couple of minutes and add on as this time becomes a habit for you.

2 Soak up scripture. Read your

Bible daily. Choose verses to learn that help you focus on God throughout your day.

Emmaus hosts Training for African Leaders The first-ever Emmaus Ministries Leadership Development Event for the African continent was held September 20- 23, 2018.

3 Love. Is John 3:16 a favorite verse

for you? It is for many people because this verse tells us why God sent the Son. Jesus came because of love. God gave us the greatest gift of all because God loves us that much! And God wants us to share that love with those around us.

HARARE, ZIMBABWE — The event, hosted by the Zimbabwe Emmaus Ministries National Board, included 60 participants from Nigeria, Ghana, Malawi, Swaziland, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.

The African Leadership Development Event came at a time when new communities are starting in Nigeria and Ghana, as well as on the eve of opening events in Nairobi, Kenya.

4 Pray. Ask God to help you to get

“As The Walk to Emmaus continues to spread in Africa, our main objective is to work with leaders to connect Emmaus with the local church’s plans to make and empower disciples of Jesus Christ,” said Rev. Stephane Brooks, International Spiritual Director of Emmaus Ministries. “It is important that we see ourselves as partners in the making of vital churches that are inviting persons to know Christ, to grow in Christ, to serve in Christ, and to share Christ.”

Rev. Dr. Adegbemi Adewale, Archbishop of the Methodist Church in Nigeria, said the experience was transformative, equipping, and empowering. As a recent “graduate” of Emmaus, he believes the event brought the clarity needed to see Emmaus not only as a tool for individual transformation but also as a resource for church development.

5 Show appreciation. Start by

From The Upper Room staff! May the love of Christ be made real for you this season.

your heart ready for Christmas. Ask God to help you live each day the way Jesus taught us to live.

thanking God each day for the gift of Jesus. Then thank God for all of the people you love and care about. Let your thankful attitude pour out in the way you treat your family and friends, your classmates and teachers, your neighbors, and those in need.

6 Give freely. There’s nothing we

need to do or can do to “earn” God’s love or the gift of Jesus. God gave the gift of Jesus freely. So look for ways you can give to others. Give kindness and love. Give help and encouragement. Give in small ways and large ways. Give as a way to honor God who never stops loving and giving to us! Used with permission from Pockets magazine.

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to support the ministries of The Upper Room this year


of donations were from

of all donations were

first-time donors

*From October 2017 through October 2018

$100 or less

THE UPPER ROOM Daily Devotional Guide is distributed in


including print, website, app, audio, Braille, British sign language, and email


Around the World Aruba Australia Bahamas Brazil Canada Colombia Czechia Germany Guam

Hong Kong Indonesia Ireland Japan Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand Norway Philippines

Puerto Rico Singapore South Africa Switzerland Thailand United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Virgin Islands


HOW DONORS GAVE All other areas The Academy for Spiritual Formation

is celebrating its



Where Most Needed


Emmaus Gift Fund International Editions

9% 11%

20% Chaplains’ Ministry



Born in 1983 out of a need and longing for a deeper and more holistic expression of Christian formation, 2018 saw:

127 people enter a 2-Year

Academy program and The Upper Room covers all its ministry expenses from product sales, participant’s fees, interest income, and the generous support of donors. We do not receive any apportionment funds from The United Methodist Church or any other denomination. Donations are needed to help sustain and expand the reach of our ministries so others may experience God more fully.

23 five-day Academies hosted, including two in South Korea, one in Russia, and one in the United Kingdom.

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