Selected Nursing Faculty Publications 2021–2022 Kaur, K., Arcoleo, K. J., Serebrisky,, D., Rastogi,, D., Marsiglia,, F. F., & Feldman,, J. M. (2021). Impact of caregiver depression on child asthma outcomes in Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. Journal of Asthma. Advance online publication.
O’Donoghue, S. C., Hardman, J., & DeSanto-Madeya, S. (2021). Moving forward: Lessons learned from the covid-19 pandemic. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 40(6), 309–310. dcc.0000000000000497
McGovern, C. M., Harrison, R., & Arcoleo, K. (2021). Integrative review of programs to improve outcomes for children with comorbid asthma and anxiety/depressive symptoms. Journal of School Nursing. Advance online publication. doi. org/10.1177/10598405211061508
Tjia, J., Clayton, M. F., Fromme, E. K., McPherson, M. L., & DeSanto-Madeya, S. (2021). Shared medication planning in (simplify) home hospice: An educational program to enable goal-concordant prescribing in home hospice. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 62(5), 1092–1099.
McGovern, C. M., Hutson, E., Arcoleo, K., & Melnyk, B. (2021). Considerations in pediatric intervention research: Lessons learned from two pediatric pilot studies. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 63, 78–83. Attin, M., Reifenstein, K., Mehta, S., Arcoleo, K., Lin, C. D., & Storozynsky, E. (2022). Reported signs, symptoms, and diagnostic tests before cardiotoxicity among women with breast cancer: A pilot study. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 37(2), 104–111. doi. org/10.1097/jcn.0000000000000848 Ogbogu, P. U., Noroski, L. M., Arcoleo, K., Reese, B. D., & Apter, A. J. (2022). Methods for cross-cultural communication in clinic encounters. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 10(4), 893–900. Coppa, D., Winchester, S. B., Maestri, X., & Roberts, M. B. (2022). Nurse practitioners in home-based prepalliative care demonstrate an innovative, value-based approach to end-of-life care planning. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 34(5), 701–710. Kutahyalioglu, N. S., Scafide, K. N., Mallinson, K. R., & D’Agata, A. L. (2021). Implementation and practice barriers of family-centered care encountered by neonatal nurses. Advances in Neonatal Care. Advance online publication. D’Agata, A. L., Kelly, M., Green, C. E., & Sullivan, M. C. (2022). Molding influences of prematurity: Interviews with adults born preterm. Early Human Development, 166, Article 105542. doi. org/10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2022.105542 Clark, L. T. S., Sanchez, S., Phelan, C., Sokol-Hessner, L., Bruce, K., & DeSanto-Madeya, S. (2021). Covid-19 inpatient cohorting team. Nursing Management, 52(5), 38–45. numa.0000737624.29748.4e Clements, C., Barsamian, J., Burnham, N., Cruz, C., Darcy, A. M., Duphiney, L., FitzGerald, J., Holland, S., Joyce, C., & DeSanto-Madeya, S. (2021). Supporting frontline staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Nursing, 121(9), 46–55. doi. org/10.1097/01.naj.0000790632.18077.c1 Hurley, S. L., DeSanto-Madeya, S., Fortney, C. A., Izumi, S., Phongtankuel, V., & Carpenter, J. G. (2021). Building strong clinician-researcher collaborations for successful hospice and palliative care research. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 24(1), 64–69. doi. org/10.1097/njh.0000000000000818 O’Donoghue, S. C., Church, M., Russell, K., Gamboa, K. A., Hardman, J., Sarge, J., Moskowitz, A., Hayes, M. M., Cocchi, M. N., & DeSanto-Madeya, S. (2021). Development, implementation, and impact of a proning team during the COVID-19 intensive care unit surge. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 40(6), 321–327. doi. org/10.1097/dcc.0000000000000498
Sannes, T. S., Pirl, W. F., Rossi, J. S., Grebstein, L., Redding, C. A., Ferszt, G. G., Prochaska, J. O., Braun, I. M., & Yusufov, M. (2021). Identifying patient-level factors associated with interest in psychosocial services during cancer: A brief report. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 39(5), 686–693. Saint-Eloi Cadely, H., Hutchinson, M. K., & Sutherland, M. A. (2022). The influence of pre-college behaviors and parenting practices on alcohol misuse, sexual risk-taking, and adverse outcomes among first-year college women. Journal of American College Health. Advance online publication. Liebermann, E., Hammer, M. J., Gúzman, N. F., Van Devanter, N., & Ompad, D. (2021). Dominican provider practices for cervical cancer screening in Santo Domingo and Monte Plata provinces. Journal of Cancer Education, 36(4), 693–701. Liebermann, E., Van Devanter, N., Frías Gúzman, N., Hammer, M. J., & Ompad, D. (2021). Dominican provider attitudes towards HPV testing for cervical cancer screening and, current challenges to cervical cancer prevention in the Dominican Republic: A mixed methods study. Journal of Cancer Education, 36(6), 1170–1185. doi. org/10.1007/s13187-020-01746-w Kumar, S., Usmanova, G., Nair, T. S., Srivastava, V. K., Singh, R., Mohanty, N., Akhtar, N., Kujur, M. S., Srivastava, A. K., Pallipamula, S. P., Agarwal, G., Singh, A. B., Kashyap, V., McCarthy, M., Liebermann, E. J., & Ginsburg, O. (2022). Implementation of a large‐scale breast cancer early detection program in a resource‐constrained setting: Real‐world experiences from 2 large states in India. Cancer, 128(9), 1757–1766. Ridge, L. J., Liebermann, E. J., Stimpfel, A. W., Klar, R. T., Dickson, V. V., & Squires, A. P. (2022). The intellectual capital supporting nurse practice in a post‐emergency state: A case study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Advance online publication. Sarich, P., Cabasag, C. J., Liebermann, E., Vaneckova, P., Carle, C., Hughes, S., Egger, S., O’Connell, D. L., Weber, M. F., da Costa, A. M., Caruana, M., Bray, F., Canfell, K., Ginsburg, O., Steinberg, J., & Soerjomataram, I. (2022). Tobacco smoking changes during the first pre-vaccination phases of the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 47, Article 101375. doi. org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101375 Lopez, D., Malloy, L. C., & Arcoleo, K. (2022). Police narrative reports: Do they provide end-users with the data they need to help prevent bicycle crashes? Accident Analysis & Prevention, 164, Article 106475. Magan, K. C., Hirschman, K. B., Starr, L. T., & Meghani, S. H. (2021). Longitudinal trajectories and correlates of post-caregiving depressive symptoms in former caregivers of persons with alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 39(6), 725–736.