Diabetes: Type 1
What is Diabetes?
When you have diabetes, either:
– your pancreas cannot make ENOUGH insulin – your body cannot PROPERLY USE the insulin made by the pancreas – OR BOTH
When your body lacks the proper effects of insulin, glucose BUILDS UP in your blood
Signs and Symptoms
Being very THIRSTY Being HUNGRY all of the time URINATING often – especially at night
Having occasional BLURRY vision Feeling very TIRED during the day Losing WEIGHT without trying
Signs and Symptoms Having
very DRY, ITCHY skin Having sores that take a LONG time to HEAL Getting more INFECTIONS than usual LOSING feeling or getting a TINGLING feeling in the feet Vomiting
Type 1 Diabetes
Occurs in 1 out of 10 people with diabetes Usually diagnosed during CHILDHOOD or ADOLESCENCE Pancreas makes LITTLE or NO insulin Person must INJECT insulin every day to live There is NO known way to PREVENT the development of Type 1 diabetes
Insulin – – – – – –
Short acting Intermediate acting Long acting Insulin pens Insulin pumps Inhaled insulin (Exubera) Click here for more information about Insulin
It is important to understand what to do on a sick day when you may not be eating normally Click here for Sick Day Tips
Heart disease Blindness (retinopathy) Nerve damage (neuropathy) Kidney damage (nephropathy) Foot problems Dental disease and problems Click here for more information on Complications
The ABC’s of Diabetes
It is important to have your diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol under control Talk to your doctor and take an active role in caring for your diabetes and health
Additional Resources
American Diabetes Association – www.diabetes.org
CDC website – http://www.cdc.gov/Diabetes/
Thank You!! Pharmacy Outreach Program College of Pharmacy University Of Rhode Island 1-800-215-9001