The Citizen badge is one of the hardest for your scouts to
obtain. Why? Because it is too much like going to school. Every effort you put into making it less like school will make your task much easier and the scouts will enjoy it much more.
A number of activities can be done in a roundtable sort of discussion. Likewise, a number of different scenarios can be developed to incorporate several of the requirements.
Examine the great seal of the U.S. (See back of a dollar bill). Was the designer superstitious? (Count how many groups of 13 items you find in the seal.)
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Use beach towels to practice flag folding.
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Explain the judicial system. Select a judge, 3 panel jury, defense attorney and prosector, and defendant. Run a mock trial with made-up violations (totally dumb ones like "lost left shoe while sleep walking - violation of city ordinance
Invite a foreigner to come to your meeting to talk about his/her country. What type of laws do they have? What must
they do to become a citizen?
Develop your own declarations. soaking paper in coffee
to get
Give paper an old look by a parchment
twig with a sharp point for a quill pen. Explain the procedures for voting.
Use a tree
Possibly have 2 or" 3
Webelos run for a pretend office and do a skit at the pack meeting to solicit votes. Let people vote for their candidate. Use the requirement for Presidents as skits for a pack meeting. Presidents meet and discuss what they accomplished.
Have the boys keep a fictitious budget for 2 weeks. Citizen is a year-round activity. throughout the year.
Do a number of
good deeds
Set up a scenario where your group has discovered a new country or planet. Each scout will establish a city on this new land. He can name his city and he has to establish services (water, sewer, electric, etc.) to take care of his people - a fair-sized group consisting of one or two highlyskilled laborers or farmers. He has to establish trade agreements with other cities and all cities must look to some form of unity to defend themselves from any possible outside force.
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The EAGLE PLAQUE will hang proudly on your wall.
MATERIALS: 14 Jumbo Craft Sticks One gummed picture eyelet One 10mm paste-on eye Lightweight cardboard One index card White, yellow, tan and brown paint
WINGS: Working on waxed pa
space between them in the center.
top of these five sticks as shown. Glue and tape two more sticks to each side of the wings, with the end of each stick extending 1" past the stick below it. This is the back side of the wings. When dry, remove the wings from the waxed paper and
Glue a 2" x 4" piece of cardboard on
turn them over.
per, glue the two 5" sticks to a whole
stick, edge to edge, as shown in Fig. 1. Glue and tape the edges of two more whole sticks to the edges of .!""., cxboui a i ihc 3 StiCf\3.
Twelve whole sticks two 5 sticks
FIG. 1
ZD_ (
1" '-—J T
BODY & TAIL: Glue a whole
FIG. 2
the wings.
stick on top ol two other whole sticks with the upper ends of the two slicks touching and the lower 'jends spreading out past the single (top) stick (Fig. 2). Let dry, then glue the body to the center front of the wings with the top of Ihe body extending about W above the center part of
tan and Ihe wings and tail brown.
feet are glued to the sides of the lower part of the body. Attach the picture eyelet to the back of the wings and apply Mod Podge. Let the gloss dry and paint the head while, the beak and feel yellow, Ihe body
Using the patterns, cut the head and two leel from cardboard. Glue the head to the top of the body. The
Use the feather pattern to cut six feathers from an index card and glue them to the lower two sticks of the wings. Glue the eye to the head.