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Another toughie!! Talk about schoolwork. This is an activity badge that few Webelos achieve. Here are a few suggestions. Good


Inquire of your PTA or Principal if there are some service projects that the scouts can do. Upkeep of a flower garden,

room setup for a PTA meeting, board are possibilities.

and preparation of a bulletin

Visit a public library and see how it works. All scouts should apply for a library card if they don't already have one.

Ask a local school administrator to visit and explain how the school system operates. Also explain why bond issues are needed. You could probably do this yourself in a discussion group.


Perform a book drive. Collect books for the school's library and your public library.

Invite a person from another country to come to a meeting

Create a diploma or document. To acquire a brown, aged look, soak typewriter paper in a pan of coffee for an hour

and discuss how schools are run in their home country.

or two.

Blot and let dry.

The paper should look sepia or

light brown in color. Obtain several feathers at a craft store and by cutting the end off at an angle, you create a quill pen. Use the quill pen and ink to create the document. If you cannot find feathers, a twig about the thickness of a pencil can be sharpened and used as a pen.

a i






, The basic shape maybe cdt from wood or heavy cardboard. You also will need string and two 1-inch drapery rings or washers.


To move one ring from hte right side or loop to the

left loop( so both rings sre on one side) without untying the




hold the pull the

yoke as shown in assembly above, then center loop down a couple of inches.


Move the right ring through the center loop and over to the right side out of the center loop.


Feed the entire center loop through hte hole and pull all string through.


Feed ring through Ihe two loops on the back


side of the yoke.



Pull center loop back through center hole; straighten loops and both rings should be on the same side;

reverse process to return to start.

Classical oriental puzzle which can be arranged into 150+

Fl six








7 MAflTC





and ^losetheir^srHoldthis^iti^'r ^^ ^^ Tou^

Keepmg eyes closed, drop hands down I \t T ab°Ut 10 seconds, turn around three times Withnn* *° their side and b°th people

try to touch palms agliA. th°Ut °Penlng their W. reach out ^d

a: Once two people can accomplish this,add a third,fourth,fi^th.

etc. and perform a MASS STAND-UP with more than 5 people. PAPER CUP 1.

PUZZLE Use a measuring cup,




of water into a


cup; mark the level, pour out the water and then cut off the top part of the cup so that it will hold only

3 ounces 2.

Do the

of water..

same thing for





3. Now have the scouts figure out a way to use the 3 and 5 ounce cups only to measure out 4 ounces of water.


Some words offer themselves to more than just a word, but are also visual words. Have the scouts come up with such words. Here are a

few examples:::




Sometimes combinations of words will illustrate a point. Here are a few examples to get the boys thinking: '

y r


To a tablespoon of salt gradually add 1 ^espoo^of

Water while stirring, for about 30 second^after^ ^ ^^ Then, dip a clean pen or small fÂŁctc }?t

will become visible.

ur message on a clean



Two fathers and two sons went fishing.

Each person caught a fish,

but they brought only three fish home with them. 2.

A farmer had seventeen sheep. in the fence and wandered avay.



All but nine broke through a hole


Hov many wera left?

Waterlilies on a certain lake double in area every twenty-four hours.

From the tirr.a the first waterlily appears until the l£:ce

is completely covered takes sixty days.

On what day is it



How many S-cant stamps are there in four dozan?


Suppose you and I have the saita amount of money.

How much must

I give you so that you have ten dollars more than I?



Fifty-six biscuits are tc ha fad to tan pets;

each pat is either

a cat or a dog.

Each dog is to gat six biscuits, and each cat

is to get five.

How many dcgs and hov many cats ara there?

Sergeant Zupp came into Inspector Ketchum's office and handed him a sheet of paper. "We took this from one of the members

OT- n-^o," =a-:d tha Sergeant.. aa*SM**S**SMU******** •«• hava him in"the next room. His boss likes using secret codas. It-s too soon to make any sense out of it, but it doesn't look as x. it s goino to ba too much of a problem. Only eight letters of the

didn-tfthtm to get mi*ed up with the letter I and °-"









The activities for scientist can be a lot of fun and can be applicable to other badges. For example, build the sky hook or balancing bird from wood for part of the Craftsman badge. The Webelos book is excellent for this badge; some other ideas are included here.

Make various paper airplanes; adjust parts of wings, etc. for looping or diving; throw to a circle target or distance line.


Make a Cartesian diver. By drawing lines on the container used for the diver, you can create a series of games.


For the brave of heart - Construct the water rocket launcher to demonstrate air and water pressure.





3. Fold lbs right aVk down to *• i

1. Fold paper la half Ihc loog way.

4. Repeal ao you have (hi*.

center Mac

2. Opta. Fold Ibe right comer to Uw ccnlcr liac. Fold the left corner la Ihc



7. Your plane wfll look Ilka tak.

S. Fold the aldca up together.


I. Held plane at arrow aad forward.

t. Fold dm along the dotted III Repeat an other akk to fana wtaga.


3. Fold domlhe top left

to look

1. Fold paper la half the long way.


left edge of the paper.

2. Fold the top right comer down to the

7. Fold fUpe toward the ccerfcr.

S. Fold lop point dowa, at thorn.

I. Open year plaa* to look Uuchfa.

Âť. Fold the ÂŤUm up together. wfagi hack aloe* dotted Uaca.


( ~

3. Fold dm right CBtaaf la the ccater Mae fanaiag a poatf.

I. Fold paper la half the short way.




looka Uka Ihk.

4. Ktaaataartw left aide to foarplaat

2. Fold fha right caraer to Iht ccater ha*. Fold the left corner to Uw ccalcr




3. IWtWaUaiaptogecaar. Fold Iht

wtap dowa akaf the dotted Han.

«. HaWMdt




If you take the time to look at a variety of structures, you will notice one thing that most of them have in common, especially taller ones. Most structures are wider al the bottom than they

are at the top. One reason for this is that a tall building has a lot more weight which must be supported. Also, a wider base ensures that a structure's center of gravity (the imaginary point within a structure from which it would be equally balanced in

ill'- '"lie .-i

try it 3 feet apart. WhafcfiangesTTry lMe~above~aT>ai(


time have your other two friends sit down with their backs against the backs of your legs. What happens this time? Do you

understand what a buttress does? Try it yet again, but this time have your other two friends stand behind both of you with their

arms extended, pushing against the backs of your waists. What happens this time? Do you understand what a flying buttress does?

all directions) will remain over its base of support no matter

what forces it is subjected to. Think about your sugar 'brick wall in an earlier investigation. How far would you have to tip

a 1-brick thick wall for it to fall over? Suppose it were 4 bricks thick, then how far would it have to be tipped?

\ ,

Investigation 13 - All Kinds of Structures Materials needed: Commercial construction toys such as Legos, Lincoln Logs, Tinkertoys, or a set of blocks. (Perhaps you have

one of these sets from when you were younger, or can borrow a

set from younger sister(s) or brothers). Many commercial construction toys offer opportunities to build a variety of structures featuring arches, columns, corbells, beams, buttresses, frames and other constructs. Use one or

more of the sets mentioned above to build a structure or structures using all of the various techhniques mentioned in this sheet. Look at each structure you build and see if you can find examples of compression and tension stress. Can you build a

Investigation 11 - Making A 'Skyhook' Materials needed: Wood, styrofoam, or corrugated cardboard Trace the skyhook pattern onto a V*-Vi inch thick piece of one of the materials listed above. Then cut the pattern out with scissors, a knife or a saw. (Get adult help if needed.)

structure that shows a visible strain? Look at how the parts of

the set go together and see if you can figure out what technique is being used. How tall a structure can you build? How strong a

structure can you build? Are there any parts you wish you had, but don't? What would they look like?

Using the tip of your finger, try to balance the skyhook from ihc small end. Now slip a fairly stiff leather or plastic belt into she slot in (he thick end of the skyhook, letting both ends of the

Mi hang down evenly. (If the buckle is heavy, make that end a little shorter.) Try again to balance the skyhook on the tip of vom linger. Could you do it this time? Do you know why? Where is the center of gravity of the skyhook by itself? Where is the center of gravity of the skyhook with the belt? Where is iho base of support when you try to balance the skyhook?

iiiiiiiilllllllliiiiiiii Center of Science & Industry


280 East Broad Street

Columbus, OH 43215 614/228-6362





There are many examples of this, the simplest and least messy.

however this one I find

You will need a quart sized clear plastic bottle(liquid soap

container) and a medicine dropper(glass ones work best).

Rinse the soap thoroughly out of the bottle,


the top with


then fill it

In a glass filled with water, place a medicine dropper to make certain that it will float. Squeeze the bdlb and

| fill it with water. If it floats, add more water. If it

sinks, let some out. Keep doing this until the dropper justs barely floats upright in the water ( the rubber bulb should just barely be at the surface). Carefully take the dropper from the glass and put it into the plastic bottle. Try not to loose any water from the dropper.


the bottle to overflowing and replace the

Now by gently squeezing the bottle





side of the plastic

the dropper will sink or rise in the bottle.


some practise, control can be obtained to suspend the dropper where ever you wish. Ask the scouts to watch this very carefully and to figure out how this happens and how it is commonly usedsubmarines, diving bells, etc.



You need a large jar with a metal screw-cap top and a smaller bottle to fit inside the bigger one. Dissolve two

tablespoons of baking soda in 2 cups of water and pour into the large jar. Fill the smaller bottle with vinegar and place inside the large jar.



With an ice pick or nail and ha^er^punc^a^ol^in the big

sars a: zxzzi RITRRLE



you can use the s.e fixture above in a 2-liter plastic pop

bottle to llTbl^\ldl^ttXlU to bottle - add some liquis detergent

-TnedrlaCctL째nfJirfroduce n,any soap bubbles which out of the bottle and down the sides.

Fora few bucks and an hour's time, you can turn your back yard into a "mission control' 7



The sophistication of today's toys is

nothing short of amazing ... but it's dif ficult, sometimes, to justify the «xpense of such playthings. By using just a little old-fashioned ingenuity instead of mon ey, though, you can keep your budget intact and provide the youngsters in

your fold with countless hours of safe entertainment.

For example, if you can dig up a cou ple of two-liter plastic soft drink bottles, a bicycle tire pump, some pine scraps, string, a plastic dry-cleaning bag, hard ware odds and ends, and perhaps $2.00

worth of plumbing fittings, you can put together the water-powered skyrocket that you see here ... a truly impressive "extraterrestrial" traveler that's guaran

teed to put pizazz into any family's day!

The two-stage missile uses, believe it or not, nothing more than compressed air and water to achieve altitudes of well over 100 feet... and then, at that

point—when the "booster" has expend ed its fuel supply—the first stage sep arates and deploys its payload: a nose cone that, with the help of a small para chute, floats safely back to earth. As you've probably guessed, one of the soda bottles serves as the propul sion unit... a sensible choice, since the

jug's polyethylene skin is capable of •


withstanding nearly 200 pounds per square inch of water pressure before bursting. (Of course, you'll only be feed ing it a fraction of that amount, so there'll be plenty of launchings available from a container before it self-destructs.) To prepare the first stage, you need only to paint or tape the body to simulate one of the "big jobs" ... but do remember to

leave an untouched strip the length of the bottle so you'll be able to see how much H,0 "fuel" it contains.

The nose cone, on the other hand, is made from the neck and upper portion of the second container... just cut around the bottle at the point where the taper meets the straight midsection. Next, a

simple parachute can be fabricated by cutting a 2'-diameter circle of light weight plastic from the dry-cleaning bag and attaching—with small tabs of adhe sive tape—eight 18" pieces of string spaced equally around the chute's cir cumference ... the free ends of the cords are then gathered together and tied to a hole in the side of the cone.

Finally, the threaded part of the neck can be adorned with a piece of foam rub ber cut to a pointed shape.

The launching platform is just a 1/2* X

12" hunk of plywood—trimmed to form an octagon—upon which is fastened, us ing five countersunk No. 8X1-1/2" wood .-»;■•.

screws, a control shack consisting of

one 6"-long 2X4 braced perpendicularly with another that's 4" in length (both

members should be beveled and shaped to approximate the silhouette of a real blockhouse). Three 3/4" X 3/4" X 4" - wood strips are similarly screwed to the bottom of the base (as shown in the dia

gram) to serve as legs ... and as a final measure, a 3/8" hole is bored through the platform and the leg beneath it, op posite the control shack, to accommo

date an anchoring nail or gutter spike. The plumbing fittings function as both a support for the rocket and a means

of delivering the pressure necessary to

launch it. Assemble them by first thread ing the inside of the ribbed end of a 1/2" ABS female pipe-to-barb 90* elbow with a 3/8" pipe tap. Then screw a 3/8" brass hose barb into that opening, and fit the elbow's other end with a 2" nipple of Schedule 40 1/2" PVC pipe. Fasten the air-supply hose—a 12-foot piece of 3/8"

plastic tubing fitted at one end with the valve stem from an old inner tube—as in dicated in the illustration, and then, after drilling a 1-1/8" hole in the center of the launching pad, mount the plastic elbow

to the underside of the plywood with a pair of 1/2" copper-pipe clamps and No.

4X1/2" wood screws. (Make sure the PVC pipe nipple protrudes squarely from the pad's central hole.) Now force a garden hose gasket over that nozzle support and temporarily slip the bottle onto the nipple. Carefully mark a line on the 2 X 4 block directly

across from the collar molded into the container's neck, and then bore a pair

of 1/8" parallel holes at this line and far enough apart to equal the outside diam eter of the neck itself, which should be about 1-1/8 inches. (If you must remove the control shack blocks from the plat form in order to align these holes prop erly, by all means do so.) Finish the release mechanism by

bending a 10" piece of 1/8' welding rod into a "U" shape (to match the holes), slipping the wire prongs through the block, and bending their tips outward so they'll slide over the neck collar easily. A 12' length of cord equipped with a dowel handle can then be tied to the welding rod to serve as a remote-control launching "trigger".

To protect the wooden platform from the effects of necessarily wet blastoffs, you'll probably want to paint it in the color scheme of your choice. As soon

as it's dried, you'll be ready to try a first launch.

Select a location free of trees and overhead wires, and anchor the board to the ground with a spike. Prior to launch

ing, it'd be a good idea to coat the PVC nipple with plumber's grease. Then you

can fill the craft's propulsion stage

about three-fifths of the way up with wa ter, nimbly invert the booster so it rests atop the nipple (you'll lose a little, but not much, liquid fuel) and shove and lock the welding rod clip over the bot tle's neck collar, forcing the container down against the hose gasket as you do so.

At this point, with "T minus zero" rap

idly approaching, prepare the payload for successful reentry by lightly folding and packing the parachute and its cords (you didn't get them all wet, did you?) into the cone and placing that cap over the

booster's blunt nose. Then, as one per

son plugs the air valve into the bike

pump and proceeds to build up pressure,

while another stands at the ready with release cord taut, a third (and, most like ly, a fourth and fifth, etc.) can be watch ing the platform for signs of pressure-in duced leakage (everyone should be standing well back from the rocket...

make no mistake, this toy is powerful). When the seepage occurs—at about 40 to 50 PSl—the crew's excited cries will signal the launch technician to yank the 3 release ... and w-h-o-o-o-s-h ... you all | can enjoy the thrill of a scaled-down t

NASA space mission! 9

,'"r . 5


HI As you can ^ee, it doesn't take much to put together vour own backyard space shuttle. The tire pump can be a handor foot-operated type. {2/ The booster stage should be filled a

little more than ha/fwav with water "fuel", then inverted, locked onto the platform's pipe nipple, and capped with the

nose cone. (31 BLAST OFF!

The missile will travel high in to the air, then . . . [4/ the pro pulsion stage will separate from the nose cone. [5/ While the booster falls harmlessly to earth, the payload drifts slowly down with its own parachute.
















It withstands the trigger

wire much better when the Scouts jerk their releases.

4- Use hardwood (painted) for the blockhouse.

Pumps on a $4.00 pump I purchased.

3. A foot pump is much easier for the Scouts and I have close to 12,000

better seal ont he bottle and is less messy.

2. I found a rubber stopper bored with just under a 1/2 inch hole gives a

you place the launcher.

1. I now use 2 X 4's on end for the legs which allows some latitude in where

(see drawings)



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