STAFF Profile
Linda Lipani Registrar When EIOH Registrar Linda Lipani arrived five years ago, she brought her skills from School of Medicine and Dentistry and reorganized operations to better align with the needs of dental residents, applicants and alumni. In the short time she’s been in this role, she has established a customer-focused office that performs a wide range of functions related to resident records and academic administration as well as admissions and resident support services. She has contributed significantly to increase the number of Master’s students and preceptors. She has invested the time to learn many states’ licensure requirements to help residents navigate through the often difficult process necessary to obtain dental licensure. Throughout Covid, Linda was instrumental in the transition to online learning and she credits her team for their outstanding customer service, efficiency and accuracy.
Q. What do you love most about being EIOH Registrar?
A. Plain and simple – I love the residents!
Q. If you could learn any skill, what would it be?
A. Since I grow roses and have lots of bees in the garden I’ve though many times about becoming a bee keeper.
Q. If you could have any question answered, what
Q. Last time you challenged yourself?
would it be?
A. To let my hair grow gray!
A. Why do spiders come in my house?
Q. Time waster you indulge in.
Q. Last road trip?
A. Summer 2019 to Massachusetts for a weeklong antique show.
Q. What are you looking forward to most about being
back to ‘normal?’
A. To see smiles and to be able to hug people again.
A. Watching cooking shows although I’m not a very good cook!
Q. The talent I would most like to have?
A. I would love to be an artist. I would paint the things that make me happy - flowers, bees and cats.