URMC Unveils Equity and Anti-Racism Action Plan under New Leadership In naming Adrienne Morgan (PhD ’13) as senior associate dean for Equity and Inclusion at the School of Medicine and Dentistry, URMC reinforced its commitment to build an anti-racist culture. On Oct. 7, 2020—within months of Morgan’s appointment in July—the Medical Center released its Equity and Anti-Racism Action Plan, a five-year effort to strengthen diversity and inclusion, address inequities in patient care, and reduce health disparities in the Rochester community. Morgan added the role to her existing responsibilities as associate vice president in the University’s Office of Equity and Inclusion, which supports increased integration of the Medical Center into broader efforts across the organization. “I am thrilled that Adrienne agreed to take on this role and has launched comprehensive and inclusive action planning,” said URMC CEO Mark Taubman, MD, dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry. “She’s a proven, energetic leader who knows our challenges and is trusted by faculty and learners. And by serving as the link with the University, she ensures that policies,
interventions, and approaches are consistent across the enterprise.” URMC’s Equity and Anti-Racism Action Plan is the product of a process begun in June 2020, when Taubman, after participating in the Medical Center’s White Coats for Black Lives demonstration, acknowledged “the imperative for leadership to move immediately from rhetoric to action in supporting people of color.” Taubman and University of Rochester President Sarah Mangelsdorf joined other community leaders in signing the “Racism Is a Public Health Crisis” declaration by the Greater Rochester Black Agenda Group. “Our intent is to lift everyone up to become their best and healthiest selves, regardless of their identity or the challenges they face,” said Taubman. “These have long been goals of the Medical Center, but now we’ve put a leadership structure and accountability measures in place to ensure we make progress.” To gather input for the plan, Morgan and Medical Center leaders met with students, trainees, faculty, and staff and with organizations such as the Alliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering, Association of Minority Residents and Fellows, Black Physicians Network, Diversity
Adrienne Morgan