specialities and beyond the traditional classroom training. We are already seeing the crucial role of digital-based learning programmes which offer distinct advantages in a region as far-reaching and diverse as Europe. New training systems need to be continually developed, updated or be made responsive to the technologies of today or in the future. This is a constant challenge for educators and mentors and in surgery, skills refinement and training certainly have a crucial role in reducing morbidity and complication rates.
European Urology Today Dr. Ben Van Cleynenbreugel, ESU Board Member
later (until 2014 ) I coordinated the training. The initial six laparoscopic training stations were gradually expanded to 15, and seven more endoscopic training stations were eventually added, three for TUR, and four stations for URS. Q: What are your goals for the European School of Urology?
Van Cleynenbreugel: With my work in the ESU’s minimally invasive training curriculum, we eventually developed the e-BLUS programme in collaboration with the EAU Section of Uro-Technology (ESUT). This programme was also the basis or constituted the core of the “training in urology group” developed in
Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The e-BLUS programme and exams, which systematically assess the laparoscopic skills of trainee surgeons, are now being offered and introduced in several countries.
Based on the success of this programme, we created the “ESU Training & Research Group” where I serve as chairman. In collaboration with the EAU Section on Urolithiasis (EULIS) and ESUT we are developing a training curriculum for endoscopy and laparoscopy. Q: What is your role in the ESU board?
Van Cleynenbreugel: Within the ESU Board I focus on hands-on training programmes, aside from the
Q: In a high-pressure career as a specialised surgeon and educator, how do you find time for family and recreational activities?
Van Cleynenbreugel: One needs to set aside quality time for family, not only out of responsibility but also to find the necessary energy for one’s work. One needs to re-charge every now and then after a week or days of constant work. I am happily married and the proud father of a six-year-old girl. In my free time I enjoy my motor bike and recreative shooting.
Official newsletter of the European Association of Urology
Vol. 28 No.1 - January/February 2016
ESU Courses and HOTs in Munich
Advances in laparoscopy
Pursuing training goals East Africa
Complete overview on page 18
For urological indications – Part 3
11th Jacob Lester Eshleman Workshop
18 omprehensive ESU programme in Munich
Prof. Magnus Grabe
EAU16: Anticipating future challenges
ESU Courses
Adrenals • Advanced course on upper tract laparoscopy (UPJ, adrenal and stones) • Adrenalectomy
Prostate cancer • Robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy • Retropubic radical prostatectomy – Tips, tricks and pitfalls • Focal treatment in prostate cancer • Surgery or radiotherapy for localised and locally advanced prostate cancer • Prostate cancer imaging: When and how to use it • Screening and active surveillance – where are we now • Prostate biopsy - tips and tricks • Metastatic prostate cancer
• Practical aspects of cancer pathology for urologists. The 2016 WHO novelties
Urethral strictures • Advanced course on urethral stricture surgery Urothelial tumours • Practical management of non-muscle invasive bladder • UTUC: Diagnosis and management • Laparoscopic and robot-assisted laparoscopic radical cystectomy • Management and outcome in invasive and locally advanced bladder cancer • Nerve-sparing cystectomy and orthotopic bladder substitution - Surgical tricks and management of complications
Scientific Programme balances relevant core issues with new developments in urology
Andrology • Office management of male sexual dysfunction • The infertile couple - Urological aspects Female urology • Prolapse management and female pelvic floor problems • Advanced vaginal reconstruction
By Joel Vega
Renal tumours • Robot renal surgery • Small renal masses: From concepts to tips and tricks in daily management • Advanced course on laparoscopic nephrectomy • Surgery for renal cancer beyond minimally invasive approaches: Opportunities and limits
Reflecting emerging trends, onco-urology issues such as prostate, kidney and bladder malignancies will be Fulfilling its core goals, the 31st Annual EAU Congress examined. Focusing on themes such as Guidelines Male LUTS 16) from 11 to 15 March in Munich, Germany, implementation, evidence-based medicine, diseases • Management of BPO:(EAU From medical to surgical treatment Traumaof the world’s biggest urological • Post-surgical urinarywill incontinence in males to one of the elderly, and urothelial cancer, plenary and bring • Urinary tract and genital trauma Neurogenic and non-neurogenic voiding Unclassified and miscellaneous topics dysfunction events the best of clinical practices, scientific research thematic sessions will address the dilemmas and • A tool-kit for practising evidence based urology • Chronic pelvic pain in men and women • An introduction to social media: Why this is • General neuro-urology breakthrough developments in international challenges encountered in daily clinical practice. important for urologists • Lower urinary tract and dysfunction and • Evaluation of risk in comorbidity in uro oncology urodynamics • How to proceed with an hematuria • Video Urodynamics urology. The special Late Breaking News segment in Plenary • How to write a manuscript and get it published in European Urology Paediatric urology • Surgical anatomy • Paediatric urology for the adult urologist: A Session 1 will highlight the most recent developments • Ultrasound in urology practical update • Laparoscopy for beginners “Every year we not only a comprehensive in prostate cancer. Congress participants will get the • organise Update renal, bladder and prostate Guidelines Penis/testis 2016, What is changed? • Testicular cancer Basic surgical and endo urological skills • Penile diseases ESU Social media training programme of •scientific topics with international, latest updates on key developments that have taken expert lecturers as resource speakers but also aim toJanuary/February place in the last four months. 2016 identify what are the controversial issues, what is the new exciting work balanced with the most actual Challenges ahead developments in clinical practice,” said Prof. Arnulf “Another important feature will be the Souvenir Stenzl (DE), Chair of Scientific Congress Office (SCO). Session during Plenary Session 4 on Tuesday which The SCO is tasked to organise a complex agenda of four will provide an incisive overview of the challenges Plenary Sessions, 19 Thematic Sessions and around 91 ahead and future directions in the next three years. Poster sessions which present 1,189 abstracts. The various topics range from uro-oncology, transplantation, andrology to paediatric and functional urology,” he said. Aside from the Plenary and Thematic Sessions, participants can look forward to a dynamic meeting of Complementing the compact programme are the various urological specialists from around the world, specialised meetings of the EAU Section Office with representing 12 international and regional groups, eight meetings organised by the various Section during the Urology Beyond Europe sessions to be Offices, ranging from paediatric, reconstructive, held on the opening day, 11 March. Running concurrently on the same day is the 6th International transplant to andrology, to name a few. A main highlight of the section meetings is the seven-hour Live Congress on the History of Urology which highlights Surgery Sessions jointly organised by the EAU Section not only pioneering landmarks but also presents insights on how early discoveries continue to shape of Uro-Technology (ESUT), EAU Robotic Urology Section (ERUS) and the EAU Section of Urolithiasis (EULIS). and impact contemporary urology. Infections • Dealing with the challenge of infection in urology Kidney transplantation • Renal transplantation: Technical aspects, diagnosis and management of early and late urological complications
Stones • Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PCNL) • Update on stone disease • Flexible ureterorenoscopy and retrograde intrarenal surgery: Instrumentation, technique, tips and tricks, indications
ESU Hands-on Training Courses
Laparoscopy • E-BLUS • Basic laparoscopic training • Suturing and knotting (Anastomosis) Robot • Introduction to robotic surgery Diagnostics and follow-up • Urodynamics • Fluorescence imaging • MRI Fusion biopsy Functional urology • Women's health SUI • OnabotulinumtoxinA administration for OAB • Sacral neuromodulation Endoscopy Lower • TUR (b/p) • Enucleation techniques • Laser vaporisation • HoLEP Upper • URS semirigid and flexible
A new feature are the topic-oriented “Semi-Live” video sessions on surgical procedures on Day 4, Monday, with a thorough assessment by invited experts. The segment will feature minimally invasive “organ-sparing” procedures. Four Special Sessions will also be held on Saturday, 12 March, with the EAU Research Foundation, History Office, the Young Urologists Office and the annual General Assembly.
carefully select the meetings and focus on what is most useful to their interests and needs.”
Stenzl: “All together, the overarching goal is to provide practical and useful insights by critically looking into current procedures and the efficacy of treatment regimens, both medical and surgical. In a span of almost five days, the range of issues up for discussion is extensive, requiring participants to
“If we can provide insights, knowledge and share the necessary skills with congress participants, and make them fully aware of the challenges ahead and how best to anticipate and resolve potential issues in daily practice, then we can say we have again accomplished our aims,” added Stenzl.
Aside from taking into account the demands and needs of modern medicine and contemporary urology, Stenzl noted that insights and knowledge to be gained by congress participants from the annual event will prepare them for future developments.
Re-evaluating and restructuring our Assocation Changes in the EAU structure to reflect new policies for the future Prof. Chris Chapple EAU Secretary General Sheffield (UK)
Following on from a brainstorming session held over a year ago, the Executive has set in motion a number of changes which are aimed to provide the best service to members and, consequently, to our patients. This article reviews the changes that we have made, which reflect our altered policies relating to our activities.
C.R.Chapple@ sheffield.ac.uk
The Strategy Planning Office has been extremely successfully run by Prof. Didier Jacqmin and his colleagues, Drs. S. Buntrock, H. Hashim, and Prof. B. Malavaud and Ass. Prof. C. Surcel). The subject D. Jacqmin of strategy planning is inextricably linked with other EAU activities and with this in mind, and after extensive discussion, we do not feel that a separate office dealing with this is the most effective way of progressing our aims. This will give the opportunity for more EAU members, involved in the various offices, to directly contribute to our strategy planning activities via the EAU Board and Executive, and the discussions we hold there and, subsequently, at the board meetings of the various offices.
Dear Colleagues, May I take this opportunity of wishing everyone all the very best for the forthcoming New Year on behalf of my colleagues at the Executive and the Board of the European Association of Urology (EAU). As you know, the EAU is going from strength to strength, thanks to all of the hard work and support of the membership. In particular I would like to thank the members of all of the various offices for all that they have done and are continuing to do. I would strongly encourage members to review our website to access the benefits that are available to them and to get more involved in EAU activities. Those that are already involved will then inevitably, based on their level and degree of involvement, be in a strong position to become more involved in our activities.
D. Schultheiss
Gains and strategies Prof. Dirk Schultheiss has led another office which has made an enormous contribution to the EAU, namely the History Office. As the membership will know, this has been an extremely productive office, which over the last
Launched at EAU16- Dr. Johan Mattelaer's Forbidden Fruits: Sex, Eroticism, Art
Continued on page 2
The International Relations Office will also cease to exist. I was involved in chairing this office before my appointment to the Executive 18 months ago, succeeding Prof. Jacqmin. Clearly, international relations are also inextricably linked with the EAU’s strategic activities. In this context, the Executive and Board will be taking a more active role in discussing this with advice from a number of EAU members who will be co-opted on to an advisory board. I would also like to acknowledge the enormous work and support that has been provided by other members of the association who are now finishing their term as chairmen of offices. Prof. Luis MartinezPineiro has made an enormous contribution as
January/February 2016
Chairman of the Section Office and without doubt will continue to advise the association in the future. Prof. Martinez-Pineiro has a number of other key roles which he wants to devote more time to, and I would like to formally acknowledge his hard L. Martinezwork and contributions. Prior to Pineiro leading the Section Office, he had a pivotal role in establishing the Residents Office when he served as chairman.
For EAU members only: Abstracts available as of 11 February European Urology Today