2001 web0000

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games we

people we meet lessons we learn

decisions we make

University — particularly w ith jriencfs

and faculty. It's





work a mong

- Leonard S.

such o utstanding

Goldberg, VP



There is just something about the of the University of Richmond — no matter how

things can get, when

you see your friends and look at the you can't

being anywhere else. freshman

Amy 'ideufaaue


Lift There's more to your four years in college than the classes that meet Monday through Friday. These — y ears are about the friendships forged and the memories made. You do your part to make a difference and earn a quality education at the same time. College is at its most, what you make of it, and at UR, it's really just






Several members of the class of 2001 take a group picture following their formal class picture. Senior women wore black dresses to Proclamation Night while freshman wore white.

First year Westhampton women line up based on heights before their class picture on the Westhampton Green.

During their induction into the University, several first year women prepare to light their candles.


On S eptember 10, 2000, the women of

Westhampton College class of 2001 gathered with the class of 2004 to eclebrate Proclamation Night.

As is done each year, the women

gathered for class pictures before going to Cannon Memorial Chapel. At the Chapel, the first year women were officially inducted into the college as they signed the honor code and wrote letters to themselves. The senior women were able to read the letters they had written three years before. "My favorite part about Proclamation Night was when we all went around and lit our candles.

We started to sing the Alma Mater

and I felt for the first time how important the night was," freshman Christine Livingston said.

Freshmen hall-mates Megan Johnson, Bailey Hampton, Lauren Finklestein, Charissa Lopez-Linus, Chrissy Livingston, and Ashley Brinster smile for a picture while waiting to have their class picture taken.

ejhmen pose for a picture on the Westhampton Green before taking class picture.




parking lot

Not many college students voluntarily get up early on Saturday mornings to put on nice clothes and head out to a parking lot, but for Spider football fans, it is a time honored tradition they can't imagine any other way. "Tailgate is quite an amazing college phenomenon, it is unbelievable how the mention of alcohol can inspire s tudents to wake up and dress up early on a Saturday morning," sophomore Meg Neu man said. Regardless of students' motivation, tailgate brings them in mass to the parking lot across from UR stadium. The lot fills up early as Spider fans are able to come out, meet friends, mingle between parked cars, discuss the game they are about to attend, and just have fun.

After getting all dressed up for tailgate, senior apartment mates Lauren McGovern, Zeek Gladstone, Beth Scott, and Katherine Foret pose for a quick picture.

Sophomores Lauren Schneider and Lisa Ficke take a quick picture at the tailgate during parent's weekend.

Freshmen Bo Keeney, Lauren Trout Liz Ansley, Anne Saldutti, Nat Gouveia, Nikki Kimball, Linsle Dischinger, Emily Zimmerman, Chuc Kelly, and Jana Smith at tailgate.


Freshman Ally Morris, Jamey Nollan, Geesh, Kim Lauber, Kate Hursthouse, Opie, and Bryan take a break from tailgate to pose for a picture with a member of Richmond's finest.

Junior Travis Mullan has a great time at tailgate. Mullan tried to attend every tailgate in the fall because he enjoyed getting up early to meet friends and support the Spiders.


Senior. Kristen Mason, junior Marissa Nardelli, and junior Lindsey Whyte pose for a picture with two Richmond children at Trick-or-Treat Street. The Panhellenic and Intra-Fraternity Councils sponsored and ran Trickor-Treat Street to raise money for the Boys and Girls Club of Richmond.


TEETER-TOT< Sophomore Brett Ambler shows off his see-sawing skills at Alpha Phi Omega's Teeter for Tots. Ambler teetered nearly six hours during the week because he liked the cause and had fun with it.

University of Richmond students take a break from their hectic schedules to participate in Teeter for Tots. The teeters were open 24 hours a day so students could come whenever they had time to help raise money for underprivileged children in the Richmond area.


^aren kaing plays Bingo at Faye Towers, a downtown ichmond nursing home, as a part of her volunteer work with the i(9ner Scholars.

helping hand

Volunteering is one thing University of

Richmond students do and do well. There are more than two dozen groups and organizations devoted to encouraging and promoting Richmond students to help their community. From Trick-or-Treat Street to VAC's Community Field Day to the UR Century Bike R ace, students do what they can to help out the less fortunate. Many students choose to get involved in organizations that do volunteer work year round such as Habitat for Humanity, the Volunteer Action Council, or Alpha Phi Om ega. "My favorite event we do for APO is Teeter for Tots," freshman Taylor Clark said. "I spent around 40 to 50 hours there. It is such a great experience to spend so much time working with so many different organizations from Richmond."

A Richmond College student helps paint a home with Habitat for Humanity. The University of Richmond Chapter of Habitat for Humanity has raised more money for the oraganization than any other college or university chapter in the nation.

trick^treat For many Richmond students, Halloween is one of a few times each year that they have an excuse to dress up in crazy attire and head out to parties. "Halloween this year was quite memorable. The parties were great and everybody looked interesting, to say the least. There were lots of girls who wore costumes -- I persona lly went as a fairy," freshman Day F reeze said. Regardless of their costume choices, Halloween proved to be a night worth remembering. It was a chance for students to take a break from their studies to spend time with friends, take lots of pictures, and have some fun. "When else do you get to dress up lik e an idiot and go out in public to act like an idiot?


college at it's best," sophomore Kim Fisher said.

Freshmen Samantha Honig, Kenny Holliday, Lauren Alberts, DJ Tognarelli, and junior Meredith Johnson pose for a picture at one of the many Halloween parties held at the apartments.

Freshmen Sarah Forney, Erica A group of UR students pose fori Wibel, Kerry Maher, and Kate picture in their Hallowee' Hursthouse smile for the cameras costumes before venturing out ti while at a Halloween party. the parties.


Sophomores Melise Mullins, Ann Blair Hanes, and Bekah Sellers dressed up as Charlie's Angels for Halloween.

cracktfe books When it comes time to prepare for class, students use many different approaches to get their work done. While some students are able to get their work done in a timely matter, many find that procrastination is the best way to go. They find themselves choosing to talk on IM, playing Snood , taking naps, or watching television instead of doing their work. Freshman Angela Peters does not procrastinate. She said, "Lots of times I feel like my roommate and I are the only people at this school who do not procrastinate. It's so confusing to wake up in the middle of the night and see people just starting their essays that are due the next day. I just don't know why they do it to themselves."

Raz, Rios, and Natalie take a laid back approach to studying, finding that the best thing about lap top computers is the simple fact that you can lie in bed with them and still do some work.

Senior Jonathan Petro finds that UR students show that studying at eating a healthy snack helps him the library does not have to be to stay awake while trying to all work and no fun. memorize his notes for a test.

A Richmond College student attempts to explain his position while studying with friends.

having 5^fun When it comes to aressing up and dancing the

night away, University of Richmond students do it like i t is their job. Each year there are a variety of different formals and socials for students to attend.


fraternity and sorority socials to the RC Formal to Westhampton's Winter Formal to the many senior socials, students always have options. "I loved going to the socials, whether it was with a date or not, because you could spend the entire evening breakin' it down with your sisters. I think

that one of my favorite socials was the

one at Havana 59 that I kind of crashed this year. I wasn't going t o go because I had a lot of work, but at the last minute, I chan ged my mind and had so much fun getting my mind off of all my school work," freshman DG Emily Smith said.

Richmond students know how to have good time, as these students show at one of the senior socials.

These UR students pose for a quick picture before going to the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Valentine Social.

Senior Alpha Chi Omegas smile for a group picture during their last formal of the year.

University of Richmond students appreciate any excuse to dress up as these seniors show.

One of the best parts of formals is getting to dress up and spend time with that special someone.



When it comes to dressing up and dancing the

night away, University of Richmond students do it like it is their job. Each year there are a variety of different formals and socials for students to attend.


fraternity and sorority socials to the RC Formal to Westhampton's Winter Formal to the many senior socials, students always have options. "I loved going to the socials, whether it was with a date or not, because you could spend the entire evening breakin' it down with your sisters. I think

that one of my favorite socials was the

one at Havana 59 that I kind of crashed this year, i wasn't going t o go because I had a lot of work, but at the last minute, I chang ed my mind and had so much fun getting my mind off of all my school work," freshman DG Emily Smith said.

Richmond students know how to have good time, as these students show at one of the senior socials.

These UR students pose for a quick picture before going to the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Valentine Social.

Senior Alpha Chi Omegas smile for a group picture during their last formal of the year.

One of the best parts of formals is getting to dress up and spend time with that special someone.

having more fun

Alpha Chis and their dates take a picture at a party

b t c c

e f o r h e i o w b o r u s

e r y h

dance. The dance was held the S a t u r d a y night after

initiation at Wolf

Gray Grill.

Freshmen members of Kappa Kappa Gamma pose for a picture at the Kappa Krush Dance.

Josh Mershfelder, Drew Train, Lindsey Whyte, and Kellie Kenneweg pose for a picture.

A group of Kappa girls and their dates pose for a picture before the Kappa Koral formal.

one of the school's many socials.

'"Wf birthday

Birthdays are the one time each year where

friends and family come together to show you how much they love you on the day that is all about you. Friends are always trying to come up with the most new, different, and surprising ways to celebrate birthdays. "For Kristen's 20th birthday we set up a surprise party in the lounge.

I tol d her I wa s in there

studying and everyone came over and helped set up. When we were ready I came back to our room and told her that the sink was leaking and there was water all over the floor. Super RA tha t she is, Kristen comes FLYING down the hall and bursts into the room, ready to tackle gallons of water, and there are all her friends, with cake and noisemakers," sophomore Sam Bain said about her roommate Kristen P etersen's birthday.

Freshman Bailey Hampton carries Eddie Manfre's birthday cake.

Freshmen Megan Johnson, Chrissy Livingston, and Charissa LopezLinus smile with Chrissy's birthday cake at the Olive Garden.

Freshman Erica Wibel poses with friends for a picture on her birthday.

Junior Rebecca Halsey stands up as the staff at Friday's sings her "Happy Birthday" on her 21st birthday.

amnigtoqether "There is something amazing about walking down the stairs knowing that it is your time to shine -- that your friends and family are all there for you," junior Lindsey Whyte said. On February 24, 2001, members of the class of 2002 joined together at the base of the stairs in the Jefferson Hotel to form the traditional Westhampton "W" and receive their class rings. For m any the road to Ring D ance was a long one, as they began looking for the perfect dress nearly a year before the event. Regardless of the work, the events of the night are memories that students can cherish.


members of the junior class, it was a night of dancing, having fun, and perhaps most importantly, spending time with loved ones.

it'srfoweekend After a stress filled week, it does not usually take much to get Richmond students ready for a weekend of partying.

They generally spend

Thursday night at bars, Fridays and Saturdays at the Row, apa rtments, or off campus. "Probably one of my favorite things about going to the University of Richmond i s that no matter how stressful or tiring your week has been, you know that your weekend will be that many times more fun. There have been so many weekends where I didn 't want to go out at all and those ended up being the weekends where my friends drug me out and we had the craziest times. It is hard to believe I've only been at school a year when I have such great memories of so many fun weekends," freshman Megan Johnson said.

During FIJI'S Heaven and Hell party, these University of Richmond students pose for a picture.

Many students came out for FIJI'S These first year Westhampton annual all day party in April, FIJI Women pose for a picture before going out for the night. Island.

A Richmond College student gets a drink during an apartment party.

coming to close On Saturday, May 13, 2001, around 825 members of the class of 2001, parents, friends and families gathered at the Robins Cente r for t he University of Richmond's graduation ceremonies.


Philadelphia Mayor Edward G. Rendell addressed the class, encouraging them not to be afraid of failure and to follow their dreams. During the ceremonies Rendell received an honorary doctoral degree, as did James T. Laney, former president of Emory and former ambassador to South Korea; Neil de Grasse Tyson, Frederick P. Rose director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York City; K. Randel Eve rett, president of the John Leland Center for Theological Studies in Falls Church; and William B. Graham, re tired president of The Consulting Company.



After four short years, we must face graduation and moving on with our lives. It's hard to believe we will no longer be waking up each morning, trying to convince

ourselves that we really can make it to class, no longer pulling those all-nighters to prepare for tests, and no longer spending our weekends at the Row. We are getting jobs orgoing on to graduate school. Yet w e are realizing that regardless of where life takes us, we will never stop being a Spider.



C a n d a c e R en e e A d a m s

N a t h a n i e l W. A d a m s

C h r i s t o p h e r A l ba n e s e

Chester, Virginia Sociology, elementary education

Amherst, Massachusetts Criminaljustice, Psychology Men's soccer t>o or do not, there is no try. -yoda

Cemaoreach, New yorte Business Administration, biology Tracte and Field

Caron Elaine Alfriend

S a r a h E mi l y A l t m a n

J u s t i n A l va r e

Alexandria, Virginia Biology golden Key Honor society

Kittanning, Pennsylvania Health, Business Administration wc^A senate, RHA, Alpha chi omega, eTA, sigma Ljamma, golden Key Honor society

tsoylestown, Pennsylvania economics and Political science sigma Chi, Rugby, May mont Booster Club "once in a while, you get shown the light, ir, the strangest places if you loote at it right."

B r i t t a A nd e r s o n

S h a u n a An d e r s o n

Point Pleasant "Beach, Newjersey •Biology, "Business Administration Kappa Alpha "Theta, eq uestrian, Team, <s;olden Key Honor Society, Beta Beta Beta

eastern,, Pennsylvania Leadership studies, American, studies Bonner scholar Kappa Alpha "Theta, vice President panhellenic director of Rho Chi's, Resident Assistant

Alexandria, virgin-ia Finance, Spanish E>elta <sjamma, golden Key H-onor society

Christina L. Andreassi

Katherine Aphaivongs

Katherine Ariola

Sc.ars.dait, New yorte

Bnwgteote, ihnllnwd Rioetorlc nwd Comm.uwlcntlow studies, studio Art, spnwlsh Habitat for Humnwlty "Life caw owly get better." -Mnhnln Aphnlvowgs

HnmptowBnys, Newyorte Flwnwce, iw terwatlowal Buslwess iLnppn Alpha Theta, lUwlverslty Iwstructors, Mewtor Holdew Hey ttowor society

J e n n i f e r L yn n A rm u s e w i c z

K e n d r a A r no l d

A l a m I. A s a d o v

sou.thnm.ptow> New yorte Sociology, Math, Flemewtnry Fducntlow utwlverslty Bawd, Wo mew's e^olf Club

Bnssett, vlrglwln Leadership studies, Poll scl, spnwlsh WCCjA Pres, A (LA Pres, NC,OMA,Ot>it, clgwn Scholar, Mortar Board, R..H..PE.S. "I caw do all thlwgs through Christ which strewgthews me." —Phlllpplnws 4:±3


Katherine Blair Atkins

S t i n a A ug u s t s s o n

J e n n i f e r D . B a ch e l d e r

Ri.chm.owd, vlrglwln Chem-lstry savers, Pre-Health Club, Iwtervnrslty chrlstlaw Fellowship, Chem-lstry Howor Society

Fairfax stntlow, vlrglwla Biology, sociology Delta L;amma, Beta Beta Beta, Alpha (Lappa D elta

White Rivevy uwctlow, vermowt

Kelly Baggs

J a m e s M c C a l l B al d w i n

P e t e r E r ne s t Ba l t u t i s

calsbad, New Mexlo Flwawce

New orleaws, Lou.t-st.awci Accouwtlwg htappa Alpha, Track.

ttuwtlwgtow, New yorte History, Frewch Catholic ca wt.pus Mlwlstry, RC ttowor Society, studewt Adwusslows Rep, OPK "Why settle for good whew there Is excellewce to be had ?" ;JFK.

Chad Evan Balug

J u s t i n Gr a h a m B a n k s

Darrel Barbato

"Brocteport, New yorte Marteetlwg, speech Cowt-wtuwlcatlow "Baseball

Rlc.hwt.owol, vlr glwla

oveldo, Florida

Flwawce, Political sdewce

N i c h o l a s B ar l e t t

Mugsy Barnett

Natalia Barolin

c;lew Allew, vlrglwla H-lsto ry

Trurubull, Cowwectlcut Leadership studies, "Buslwess, speech Cowt-ruuwlcatlow Water Polo, Swltwwuwg, "Bowwer Scholars

Mawassas, vlrglwla iwterwatlowal studies, Wowcew's studies Kappa Alpha Theta, Bowwer scholar


B r a d l e y Ba r r e t t

Matthew Bartman

K a t i e B as s e t t

Fast Northport, New ybr\z Accounting RCSSJA senate, signed phi Fpsllon, golden Key Honor Society, Phi B-etd ^e ltd

Allentown., Pen-nsylvdn-ld Accounting, History

Pdoll, PennsylVdnld Mdndgeneent systenes, French

B r o o k e B az l e n

Jacqueline A. Beadle

M a r c D ou g l a s B e ck e r

e;len Allen, vlrglnld Political science, B-lology, Tdnce wc^A senate, stndent Admissions Representative, Alpha C-hi. Oneegd Sororlty, Pt. signed Alpha ttonor Society

Megueon, Wisconsin

Midland Parte, New yorte FCOIA.OHL.LCS, Fend nee Kappa signed, International Fdeecdtlon

William Becker

S co t t A. B en n e t t

Tdrnestown, Md ny Id n-d Flwdwce, International Business (-anebda CHI Alphd, IRCSC;A sen-dte

south la tee,Texas

J a s o n A . B en z i n g e r Crdn.berry Township, Pennsylvania Fln.dn.ce, H istory Kappa signed, Beta ÂŁ}anema signed, qolden Key "Life Is whdt's hdppen-lng when, we're busy neatelng other pldns."

Geeta Bhagchandani

D a n i e l R o s s B i e g e ls o n

Republic of Pauaw.a Accouutlu0, Bullish, Wowu's studies Resldeuce dfe, WILL, cjoldeu Key t-touor Society, VAC, Phi B-eta telta

scotch Plains, Newjersey Bullish, History Poetroj syw.poslu.rn., wtCBjJo.1, The Messeucjer I am. ri sing the way pluw. blossows fall, slowly, deliberately, aud wovlu0 towards sowethlu0.

D e r e k R . B o g da

A n d r e w Bo g l e

ttocteesslu, Delaware Accouutlu0 ROTC, savers, cjoldeu Key H-ouor Society

Rlchruoud, vlr0lula B.lolo0y

J a m i e L yn n B i g e l o w t-tocteessliA,, Delaware Chew,lstry, Math, Psycholo0y lutervarslty, Sy uchroulzed swlw.wiu0, WC Couucll

Remi Boisvert Acu.shu.et, Massachusetts

Football, octaves, Pre-H-ealth club, cjoldeu Key H-ouor society "The readluess, 'tis all." - H-awiet

K e v i n J. B o l a n d

A n d r e w Z ah l e r B on a n s e r a

James Bounds

Ortiawd, Peuusylvaula Bcouowics, cjerw.au Ru0by Club, sierra club, sl0w,a Chi "It's all about dolu0 your wou thlu0 lu your owutlwe." —Easy Rider

Miller Place, New yorfe Fluauce, luteruatloual B-usluess Richwoud Rowdies, cjolf club, studeut developw.eut ceuter "t>o It. to It well, aud eujoy It."

Lancaster, Pe uusyLva ula plruiu.ce, Maua0ew.eut

Andrea Bowe

Freeport, B>ahamas Health VP Caribbean .ยง African integrated student Organization, class cabinet. Head Resident south court and Heller Hall, UMOJA Cjospel choir "if yon can Imagine It, you. can achieve It; If you can dream It, Ljou become It." -William Arthur ward

Alexis J. Brandolini

J a n t z e n Bridges

"Berwyn, Pennsylvanlan Marketing varsity Lacrosse, FCA "Thanks to my family, friends, and teammates especially Lacy,jess and wesch. TOJTT It all started with a penguin."

Auburn, New york

S h e l l e y Br o o k s

Jonathan William Brosnan

J e a n n e t t e Ro x a n n e Br o w n

Reston, Virginia Leadership studies, History History department student Liaison

Mllford, Newjersey Finance

PortJefferson, New york Mathematics, C-o\M.y>\A.ttr Science, SocloioQij, Studio Art golden Hey Treasure^ "Bonner scholar class Cabinet

K a t h e r i n e B r ya n

Patrick G. Budden

Christoper Bugel

"Buffalo, New york

Greenwich, Coi^i^eatLc-ut Bconomlcs, Spanish Water Polo, slgma Chi

Rockvllle, Maryland


Carolyn Burke

S c o t t B ur t o n

T h o m a s C l a de r

Mnhopnc, Newyorte

Stavuford, Cowwectlcut

Richw.0 wd, Virginia History nwd Rellglow utwlverslty Orchestrn, <c;oldew Key, Fewclwg club "if the strlwg Is too Loose L t will wot •piny, but If the strlwg It too tight It will break."

C h a r l e s C a l dr o n e y

B r a n d o n C a mb e l l

C h r i s t o p h e r J o hn C a r i n i

cexlwgtow, Kewtuctey Cendershlp Studies., Mnrteetlwg CAB,JS^A, slgrwn Phi epsllow, Om-lcrow iceltn Knppn, (qoldew Key, Mortnr Bonrd, Alphn Knppn Psl, Phi Alphn r>eltn, R-HA, H EART

Uowg Bench, New yorte Buslwess Admiwlstrntlow, Biology, cheruistry Betn Betn Betn, Cjoldew Key t+owor society

Kwoxvllle, Tewwessee Flwnwce, Knppn Alphn

Melissa Carr

Christopher Carver

Lynda Cavin

Allewtoww, pewwyslvnwln

Lnrchw-owt, New yorte

ttntboro, Pewwsylvnwln Biology, edncntlow iseltn Peltn Beltn, wc^A, Betn Betn Betn, club Bnsteetbnll, Knppn i>eltn p i

S a r a h K a t e C ha p m a n

A n d r e a C ha s e

Jessica Chou

Los Altos Hills, California Business AdvuiuistratlouKappa Alpha Theta

Glens Falls, New york Leadership studies, Political science Kappa Alpha Theta, Golden Key

Gainesville, Florida Marketing, Managing Kappa Alpha Theta

T a y n a M. C h r is t o p h e r

S a l v a t o r e R .L . C i o l i n o

Patrice A. Clarke

La coaster, Pennsy Iva nla Psychology

Mount vernon, New york Gettysburg, PeiA-usylvawla Marketing Khetorlc and c-ovuvuuvueatiou studies, Theater CAB-, Alpha slgma Theta, MSK, studeut RCSGA Activities Committee, dgna Scholar you see things and say, "why?" But I drea m things that never were, and say, why not? -George Bernard Shaw

Michael David Clifford

Matthew Cline

F . D o u g l a s C o by II I

Farmvllle, Virginia Khetorlc and Commuu/lcatloiA- studies, Jourualls/u wocejjo.i. General Manager The Collegian

Frederic, Maryland Biology slgma Phi Fpsllon, Alpha Kappa Psl, Golden Key, Beta Beta Beta

Mllford, Connecticut Marketing, Finance slgma Alpha epsllon, ECBSB-SGA

R o b e r t C h a r l e s C oc k r i l l

Nicolle Lyn Coffelt

K i m b e r l y L aS h a w n C ol b e r t

Rlchm-owd, virgiuia Leadership studies, Rhetoric aud CoruruuiAlcatioiA. studies sig &j>, RA, SPEECH Cousultaut, studeu-t Admissions Rep,Jsa\A, Career "Provuise "Life is too short to sweat the srw.all stuff."

Buffalo, New yorte Psychology Delta Delta Delta, Bonner scholar "Life is Beautiful."

Richrw,ond, Virginia Biology, sociology Alpha Kappa Alpha, umjoma gospel choii; cigrvo Scbolav

B r o c k H a rl o n C o le

Alissa Collins

Lisa C ollins

Bethany Beach, Delaware sociology, "Bw.siiA.ess club volleyball, Ljolden Key H-onor society, Sociology t+onor Society

Little Rocte, Arkansas Cherw-istry, Major Delta c^nvuvun, sigma Delta pi

"Boca R aton, Florida Marketing golden Key H-onor society, Delta <^arw.rw.a, FCRSB ttowor Cou.rv.cil

C a r o l y n C on s t a n t a k i s

M e g a n E l i z a b e t h C on w a y

S u s a n Ma r i e C oo m b e r

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Forty Fort, Pennsylvania Sociology, Biology Field ttocteey, SAAC

Allendale, Newjersey Sports AdrwiiA-istratioiA., Business Adrw-irUstratioiA. SyiA.chroiA.ized Swimming Kappa Alpha Theta

J e n n i e C a i t C o op e r

T h o m a s P . C o r c or a n

Adam Cornwell

CorvdvU), New Yor\z Am.erlcniA, studies, Lendership stu.dt.es Htnppn Ht nppn <qnm.m.n, student AdrvtussloiA-s Teepresemtntlve

H-nsbroucte Heights, Nev\g)ersey FliA.niA.ce, Hist ory

Alphnrettn, <qeorgln ecoiA.om.lGS "Rugby

E l i z a b e t h C. C o r s o n

Cory K. Critchley

C u r t i s Ra y m o n d C o r m e e k

"BryiA. Mn rnor MnrteetliA^j niA.d "Business MniA.ngem.eiAt i^eltn <qnrM.kM.ct, clu b Field ttoeteey PniA,hnlteiA.lc Couruil

Rutlnud, Mnssnchusetts Mnruagem.eiA.t, ttcstory RDTC, PL K tnppn Alphn

Rnm.sey, N ewjersey Accou utliAg iv chrlstlniA. Fellowship

J e f f e r e y Mu r r a y Cr o o k shrewsburg, Newjersey Ft.iA.ntA.Ge Trncte, Cross-Cou.iA.try

David J. Cutler

wnterBury, cou.IA.ectLcut AotoiA,, Mnssnchusetts Philosophy, History ACCOUIA-tllAg PL Betn Phi, Phi sigiun Tnu, <qoldeiA, KLey, cnm.bdn chl Alphn Frntemity TGIA.IA.Ls, Phi FTA slgm.n, "we m-nde n promi se, we swore we'd nlwnys Richm-emd Tutorlr^g AsslstniA-ts Progrn rem.em.ber. No retrent, bnby. No surrender." -"Bruce spri-iA-gsteeiA/ eniors

Emma Dantonio

K i b w e K. A . D a i s y

Demetrious Daniel

Roctevllle Centre, New yorte Psychology

New orleaws, Louisiana Marteetlwg, Leadership studies Resident Assistant, 6CRSP. H-owor coum'U, studewt Adnclsslows Rep, Alpha keippa Psl, Ltwlverslty Instructors TUtov; ttabltat for H-uma wlty

Richmond, Virginia Acco untlng "B.ut seete thee first the telwgdoru. of ÂŁ}od." -Mathew &:33

D a i s y M. D e Co s t e r

M i c h a e l D e n n i s De c r o u r e y

N i c o l e D ef l u m e r e

callfow, Newjersey ewgllsh, Womew's Studies, History WILL, sierra club

Mahwah, Newjersey Marteetlwg, Sports Admlwlstratlow Lambda Chi Alpha

Winchester Massachusetts "Business Adm-lwlstratlow Phi "Beta Phi, golden key l-towor society

Brian P. DeSmedt

J a c q u e l i n e K at e De y o

Jennifer R. Dillow

Marltow, Newjersey Marketing "Life Is a highway...

Mountain cakes, Newjersey Histo ry golden key H-onor society

smlthfleld, Pewwsylvawla Political science, Philosophy, Theater Arts Chair WCJudicial Couwcll, Unlverlsty Players, H-6AR.T Alpha Psl omega

I wa nt to drive It all wight long."

Anna C. Doerflein

A l i s o n C h r i st i n e D o mi n i c a

H a r d i k D os h i

elllcott city, Maryland Hlstory,Journallsm The Collegian, wcJudicial Couwcll, ultimate Frlsbee, intramural Floor Hocteey, Basketball, soccer

Aotoi/v, Massachusetts •polXtlc.nl science sirens, Fellowship of christian Atheletes, qolden Key Honor society "I love you. M om, isad, andJohn."

Mumbal, India Finance, 6coiA.om.lcs

D a h l i a A . Do u g h t y

D e n n i s P. D ow d , J r .

Ginger Doyel

Trlnclty, Trlmldad and Tobago Chemistry, Women's Studies, Computer Sclemce WILL, Caribbean and African. Integrated Student Organization 'And we met...and that Is the magic."

spartlca, NewJersey ACC.OUlA.tlM) slgma Chi, tzjC- ju dicial Coucll, Orientation Advisor

Arnold, Maryland

S e a n P a t r i c k Dr u m m o n d

L a u r e n K a t h e r i n e D u f fy

Jessica P. Du nne

Midlothian, Virginia studio Art, sducatLoiA* ttappa t>elta pi, golden Key H-onor 'I have lo st iM.ar.Lj things In my hands anol I bave lost them all; but whatever I have plac ed In qod's hands, I still possess." -Martin Luther

Haverford, PeiAtASLjlvarcla Sports Science, Business Field H-octeey, Phi Beta Phi

callfon, Newjersey Accounting VIP Tutoring

N o r a h - A n n e E l li s

Joel S. Elsea

A m a n d a Ja y n e E r r ic k s o n

BarrlwgtoiA., RMode islaw d

Marietta, Georgia History

Robblwsvllle, Newjersey Biology, Education, OjoldeiA. Key, Kappa pelta pi, "Beta "Beta Beta

D a v i d S a ss o n E t e m a d i

J a m e s G . E uw e r III

A m b e r H ay n e s Ev a n s

Brooklyn, New yorte Flwawce, Accouwtlwg ^oldew Key Howor S>ocitty, Spider Fuwd, Alpha Kappa Psl, wr>CSj)o.-i.

westfleld, Newjersey Rhetoric awd Com,m,uiA.i,catloiA, Studies, Spanish, Buslwess Reslden.ee Life, slgm.a Chi, water Polo "Finite to fall, butt Infinite to veiA.tu.re. For the oiA-e ship that struts the shore rwam-y's the gallawt, overwhelm-ed creature wodatwg In. wavles u-everm-ore."

Coopersburg, Pewu.sylvaiA.la (wterwatlowal studies, Leadership studies, Fren-ch Kappa Kappa <s;am,m,a, Tracte an,d Field

E l i z a b e t h An n F a u c h e r

N i c h o l a s P at r i c k Fa v r e t

Michaelan E.J. Ferguson

Portsmouth, Rhode islawd Leadership studies, Rhetoric au.d Leadership studies Syn.chron.lzed Swlm.rn.lwg

Upper Arllwgtow, Ohio Flwawce, iwterwatlowal Buslwess, Marteetlwg RCSL^A sewate. Kappa slgrua "People say to worte hard awd play hard— whatever—have fuw."

Ljlewwood, Marylawd History, Rhetoric awd Com.m.uwlcatlow studies Alpha chl om-ega, rebate Team., Poetry Symposium.

C h r i s t i n e N i c o l e Fe r r a r i

Christopher T. Field

J e s s i c a D i a n e F i nn e y

Teye, New yort e Psychology, Crlm,lmalju.stlce

vermom, Commectlcuct Leadership stwdles, Political sdemce College T&epu-bllcams, "Bonder scholar

T>ry Forte, vlrglmla Theater, Fremch wuverslty Players, Alpha Psl orwega, wpcfjjo.1, orn.lcroiA, pelta Kappa, cjoldem Key Homor society, ream's List

Julia Fern Fischer

Klmgsport, Temmessee Biology RA, catholic cam-pus Ministry "They g ot tuch go tu.h c\od, amd they got tub fumd ou.t ab out ll\/lm' fu.h thewtselves." —Their Syes were watchlmg c^od

Devon Leigh Fisher

Megan E. Fisher

Cherry Hill, NewJersey Psychology, edmcatlom (Lappa Kap pa cqamma, Kappa &elta Pi, Psl Chi, <^oldem Key H-ou.or.soolety

Adamstowm, Pemmsylvamla Journalism,, Bduoatiou Syrv-chrorv-lzed Swlrumlmg, Bommer Scholar

E m i l i e M ar i e F i t c h

Ryan Fitzsimons

strathawi. New Hampshire Leadership studies, Bwslmess Adrwlmlstratlom, Political Sclemce Kappa Alpha Theta, Commect Memtorl mg, Plus Tutorlmg

e^lemvlew, illlm ols Scomomlcs, Buslmess Admlmlstratlom splderfucmd, Beta cjaw-w slgma, Fcomlmtlc Society

R y a n W i l l ia m F l y n n

"FLpctevllle cen tre, New, Yorte Fumamce, Political sdemce , club Lacrosse, catholic caucus. Mlmlstr ••• J-1 laj^mch yoccrsetp om A ^. tacM wtormei Ir opportfrW-tles amd loote toward amothe^ lamd. ~me,re Is mo other lame mo other life tham this." - Thoreau


M e g a n L. Foos c\\nynedd valley, Pennsylvania Psychology, English water Polo, viP Tutoring), Delta c,amma, Psy chl

Kathryn Ford

Stephany P. Ford

Rxdegwood, Newjersey Accounting, Spanish

Abingdon, Maryland "Theatre, Dance University Players, Alpha Psl Omega 'All the world Is a stage and all the mew and women, merely players."

K a t h e r i n e M a r i e Fo r e t

Kristine Lynn Fort

Midlothian, Virginia C-rlmlnalJustice, sociology Alpha chl omega, carver Promise "Nothing In life Is to be feared. It Is only to be understood." -Marie Curie

cjreenlawn, New yorle English, History, Education Alpha chl omega, teappa Delta Pi, Areopugus

Cewlsburg, west Virginia Economics, R.hetorlc and Communication studies Delta c^amma, golden Key Honor society, student speech Consultant, Omicron Delta Kiappa

C a r l a M . Fr a n c i s c h e t t i

J o a n n e L e i g h Fr a n c i s c u s

M . J e n n i f e r F r ee r

North Potomac, Maryland •Rhetoric g Communication Studies, Spanish student Admissions Representative, speech Consultant, Delta Delta Delta, omicron Delta teappa

Middlesex., Newjersey Political Science, CriminalJustice, •Business Administration, Sociology Delta Delta Delta

Lebanon, Pennsylvania Psychology, CriminalJustice Women's c^olf Team "Worte Wee you don't need the money, love lllee you've never been hurt, and dance lllee no one Is watching."

S h a r o n B r o o k e Fo r e m a n

Tobias Jose Friedl

V i n c e F r oi o

Scott D. Fuller

sanJose, Costa Rica Political science

West Chester, Pennsylvania Marketing varsity "Baseball, sigma Chi "Das Wnssu.fi."

shaker Heights, Ohio Philosophy,Journalism The Collegian

Lisa Gable

Erica Rose Galinski

D e a n n a G al l v c i o

DelMar, California Economics, Finance Delta Delta Delta, ECRSE-L^A senator orientation Advisor

Coltsneck, Newjersey History, Education pl "Beta Phi

ef len- Rock Business Administration, Marketln-g, rhetoric an-d Communication Studies Delta cjamma, omicron Delta Kappa, golden- Key Hon-or society, Softball

V i n d h y a A rm a r a n t h a Ga n h e w a

Joseph K. Gardner

S h a r o n Gi l m o r e G ar n e r

•Ri.chm.on-d, vlrgln-la 'B-usiness Administration-, Political Sclen-ce "I can- do all things through Christ who gives me strength." - Phllllplans 4:13

Chattanooga, Tennessee Physics, Math Invervarslty Christian Fellowship, ultimate Frlsbee "Delight y ourself In the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalms 3JF4

Richmond, Virginia Latin, Classical civilization, efreek, Religion pi Beta Phi, ETA sigma Phi, golden Key HomyS>ocitt\^, Phi ETA sigma


L a u r i e G a ss e t t

Vanessa Giles

G r e g o r y M. G i u f f r i d a

West Newton, Massachusetts

spring La tee H-elghts, NewJersey History, Russian (Lappa Alpha "Theta, Phi Alpha theta

Palm "Beach ^ard eic-s, Florida Joutrrusllsrw, FJJI, The Collegian, cervtucry club "i should like to elbow aside the established pieties and raise ruy martini glass Insalut: to the mortal arts of pleasure." - "Bob Shacochls

J e s s i c a R o s e G l ad s t o n e

R o b e r t T h o m a s G l ea s o n , J r .

Audra R. Gomez

Mechanlcsburg, peu-iA/sylvau-la Biology, Fduoatlou/ Alpha chl Ortega, Beta B-eta "Beta, Kappa t>elta pi, golden (Ley t+ou,or society

t>rexel Hill, Peu-u-sylvaiA/la Sociology, Political Science Crew

Hlngham, Massachusetts Fcou/orulcs, Rhetoric and Communication studies Field Ftocteey

Jamie Gosik

Krista Grandey

S a r a h G ra n d y

Hartsdale, Newyorle Business Adrulu-lstratlou,, Accounting, Spanish Resident Assistant, Alpha chl omega, Alpha (Lappa Psl "i r ule!" - iLevlnspacey

sasteatoou,, Saskatchewan Canada "Biology, Anthropology pi "Beta Phi, "Beta "Beta "Beta, golden iLey H-onor society

Rlchruond, Virginia Finance

G e o f f r e y Gr e e n

M a t t h e w G re e n

Elizabeth F. Green

Holder, Massachusetts Physics, Math "The only regrets you. have In ll-fe are the risks you didn't take."

jeswlch, Massachusetts Political science Rugby, <qolden Key ttouor Society

Berwyn, Pennsy Ivanla Leadership studies, Rhetoric and Communication studies Women's Basketball, Kappa Kappa L}amma, SACC

Karen A. Greiner

Emily E. Griffey

Garrett R. Griffin

Columbia, Maryland Accounting Majot; Music Minor Alpha Chi Omega, university Choir

Kausas city, Mousourl Leadership studies, English jssjA, Lelta Ljamma, Bonner Scholars, WCLJA

South Burlington, Vermont Biology, Psychology RC Honor Council, slgma Alpha Bps lion, Richmond ^oerattn^, Omlcron t>elta (Lappa

M a t t Gr i m e s

A n d r e w G eo r g e G ue n d j o i a n

Jennifer L. Gustafson

Brookfleld, Connecticut Rhetoric and Communication Studies, Leadership Studies, History RCSLjA, university Band, Elections Chairman, Pep Band, TziehiM-o^d Row dies "Without the people we can't do anything. With the people, we can do everything." - Richard Nixon

e^aydtv^ city, New york History, Rhetoric and Communication Studies pi Kappa Alpha, orientation Advisor

Newark, Ohio Biology

A n d r e a L y n n Gu t h e r i e

Kristin H abeeb

M egan C. Hackett

Charlotte, North Carolina Marketing and Management Systems, History i>elta iselta &elta, orientation Advisor, Avneriean Marketing Association, v>iving "Team

Chrlstlansburg, Virginia "Political Science

Woodstock, Connecticut Health science, sociology class cabinet, ETA slgma c^amma. Alpha Kappa t^elta, golden Key Honor Society, W.R. Well

R y a n C hr i s t o p h e r H a l l

R e b e c c a M. H a ls e y

K e y o n a R e n e e Ha m

Pogixoson, Virginia Physics, Math (ntervarsity,sigma Phi sigma, Phi Mix. BTA "yet I will rejoice lie-the Cord, I wi ll be joyful lie- c^od, my savior. The sovereign Cord is my strength; he rn.ak.es my feel like the feat of a deer, he enables me to go ore the heights." - Habakkuk 3: ij~-iÂŁ

Riverside, Connecticut Criminaljustice, sociology, "Business Administration Women's varsity swim, Team "People say true friends must always hold hands, but true friends know the other hand will always be there."

E m i l y Dr e s c h e r H an s e n

F r a n c e s H ar a n i n

Valerie K. Hardy

qermantown, Tennessee "Business Administration, Marketing and Management systems WCCyA senate, c,olden Key Honor society. Fellowship of christian Athletes, varsity Cltxb Rowing Team, ETA slgma Phi National Honor Society

"Bellefonte, Pennsylvania International "Business, Finance volunteer Action Council, delta c^amma, VIP Tutoring, Clixb Softball

Tyler, Texas English, Economics Mortar "Board, Phi ETA sigma, golden Key National Honor Society, Areopagus, Alpha Chi omega

Washington, H.C. Rhetoric and Communication Studies, Spanish, dance Ngoma African dance Company, wwoja gospel Choir, Pre-Orientation Counselor, class cabinet o-f 2.001, msk "if you don't plan to work to change It, don't | complain about It; Nothing changes whew wi sit and do nothing."


L a u r e n S ta p l e t o n H a r l e y

Rachel Harper

A n g e l a D a w n Ha r r i s

Augusta, Cytorgla Marteetlwg awd Mawagemewt Systems Delta Delta Delta

Atlanta, Oytorgia Accouwtlwg, Frewch Delta Ljamma, FCRSB Howor Couwcll, LjoldetA, Key Howor Society

Lywchburg, Virginia Health sdewce, sports scletA.ce BotA-wer scholar FTA slgm.a c^avuvua, LjoldetA. Key, studewt Athletic. Trailer "A smile lasts owly a mo me tA,t, bu t the mtvuory may last a lifetime."

A n d r e a T y le r H a rt s f i e l d

J o n a t h a n L a m o n t H ar v e y

Alissa Danielle Hascup

c^tYvuautovju, Tewwessee Flwawee, Political Science Pi slgma Alpha, Ljoldew Key Howor society, Alpha Kappa Psl, Phi Alpha Delta, Deal's List, Iwtervarslty

Columbia, Maryland Political ScleiA.ce, H istory KOTC "This iM.oru.iug I rea lized I could rule the world...who tewows what tomorrow will brlwg."

Mowtvllle, Newjersey Leadership studies, Womew's studies Kappa Kappa Ljamma, WILL

Shenee Haskell

J u l i e Ha w k i n s

Michael Hemme

Richmowd, vlrglwla

Barrlwgtow, Rhode is la wd Flwawce, Accouwtlwg Delta cjamma, FCRSB sewate, splderfuwd, class cablwet, Beta cjamma slgma, Ljoldew Key Houor Sooiety

Arllwgtow Heights, llllwols Flwawce, Computer sdewce Cycllwg Team, Ambassador Program

J e s s i c a C h r is t i n e He n d e r s o n

Amanda Gerard Herold

Katherine Cummings Kickok

chapel Hill, North carollvux Health science, sociology

Flllcott city, Maryland Spanish, Psychology sirens, writing Fellow, Kappa Kappa <^amma, Mortar "Board, golden Key H-onor sooitty

Carlisle, Per^n.sylvarvla •Rhetoric and Communications, Political science "L-lfe has meanings only In the struggle. Trlw.rn.ph or defeat Is In the hauds of the e^ods so let us celebrate the struggle."

Suzanne Alexis Hile

H a r o l d B. Hill I II

university Heights, Ohio Business Administration, Spanish studeut Admissions Representative, golden Key Honor Society, slgma Telta pi, club Lacrosse

voorhees speech Communication, Leadership studies Fellowship of christian Athletes, gospel choir

voorhees, Newjersey Health and sport science Football Team, Fellowship of christian Athletes

"TO r^od be the glory."

S y l v i e M a i T ra m H o

Elizabeth Hollowell

Shannon E. Hornung

salem, Virginia Biology, Accounting ECRSB Honor CoumLI, Bonner Scholars, WCf^AJudicial Council

charlotte, North Carolina Finance Kappa Alpha "Theta, RU PFS Tutoring

Louisville, Kentucky Leadership Studies, Art 1-tis.tory jSr^A- Lelta <qamma

Joseph Horowitz

Kip Horton

T a y l o r M a r sh a l l H u b b a r d

Long "Beach, New yorte Rhetoric and Communication, Sociology student Athlete Advisory Committee, Liolf Team "Thantes for the memories." - "Bob Hope

Ridgewood, Newjersey "Business Rugby Team., Ljolden Key H-oi^or soeuety

Ashland, Virginia Political science, Leadership studies "The We b, Phi Alpha t^elta, Phi sigma Alpha, Lean's List, who's who, golden Key "Life is one grawd sweet song, so start the music." - Ronald Reagan,

Nathan D. Hulley

Sara L. Hu nnicutt

Aa ro n N o a h Hu n t e r

Northhampton, Massachusetts Finance Phi c^amma Lelta

Ambl-tr, Pennsylvania sociology, "Business c>elta <s;amma, A lpha Lelta Kappa

"Baltimore, Maryland "Business, Management systems

J e n n i f e r Leigh Hu r l e y

C a s e y W. H yn e s

Lexington, Massachusetts Psychology, sociology

South Riding, Virginia French Phi Lelta Theta "Has anyone seen my clipboard?"

M o r g a n S t ar b u c k I r v i n g

Wood la nds^Hills, California Leadership, "Business Administration Intervarsity, Intramural Soccer "Stealt to thante my parents for worteing so hard and giving the opportunity to attend vtniversity of Richmond... Lis and Papa, l love y ou."


Jill S. Jac kson

Ellen Leigh Jacobs

Jessica Carol Jagger

warren, PewiA-sy tva nla

chesterfield, Virginia Leadership studies, span-lsh Delta Ljamrua, Club Tennis, RJSA, golden, Key, Phi STA slgma, slgma Delta pi, Phi Beta Delta

Torus River, Newjersey Biology, French, woruen-'s studies equestrian-, WILL, w ind ensemble, Pep Ban-d, Beta Beta Beta 'The future belongs to those who believe In, thi

Am.enc.au studies, Bducatiom University cMior, Mortar Board, Kappa Delta pi, Residence Life "TO drear*, of the person, you'd lite to be Is to waste the person, you are."

Jay Jenco

L a u r a J e ns e n

M a u r e e n L e e J e tt

Horha Parte, NewJersey Accounting Club Rngby

Srulthtown, New yorte Rhetoric and Communication Studi.es, Leadership studies js^A, speech c-on-sultan-t, golden. Key tton,or society, Lambda pi S7A

Beaverdaru, vlrgln-la Coruputer Sclen.ce, Cherulstry golden, Key tfon-or Society, woruen-'s Basteetball club

B r i a n P a t r i c k J o hn s o n

Elizabeth Radcliffe Johnson

Kristin Johnson

Holbroote, New yorte Accounting, Business Adrulnlstratlon pl Kappa Alpha, ROTC, Accounting Society, golden Key Honor society

Chatham, Massachusetts Marteetlng Kappa Kappa e^amrwa

olney, Maryland International Studl.es, Political science, History Alpha chl omega "Wherever you go, there you are.

D a n i e l l e L y n a J oy c e

B u m p e i Ka m i s h i m a

Scott William Kauffman

Collegevllle, Pennsy Iva nla Rhetoric and Coruruui^icatiou. studies., French, Spanish Lambda pi bta, slgma phi lota, .sierra club, golden. Key HonorSociety, Mortarboard "Reserving jucdge^vten-ts is a matter of Infinite hype." - F Scott Fitzgerald

To leyo,Japan economics

Topetea, K ansas Business Adntln-lstratlon., Leadership studies Men/s Basteetball, splderfund, Beta ^atwiuti slgma, cjolden Key tton-or Society

4 ^< M a t t h e w L. Ke lley

Peter G. Kelly

L i s a A n n e K e r ts o s

Charlotte, North Carolina Business Adm.ln,lstratlon, Soccer, Sigma Chi

Manhasset, New york Business, Studio Art

Frederlcsburg, virgimla International studies, Political Science Amnesty International, sierra Club, Field Hockey "I travel on life's pathways, know not what the years may hold. I've wandered, oh, grows fonder Preclons memories flood my soul." —JJ. Cale

F a r h e e n La l u r u k h K h u r u m

Kristen B eth Kencaid

Dhatea, Bangladesh Marketing, Studio Art, Worn.en,'s Studies Bon-n-er Soholav; Resident Assistant, A^vterlcan, Marketing Association,, Nationalstudent Partn-ershlp, WILL

Jonathan Dean Kipp

Pennington, NewJersey Jactesoi*-, Mississippi Spanish, international studies, Fngllsh, Business Management Systems education, History volunteer Action Connell, Kappa Alpha Theta, Rho Chi, OA, Spanish Drill Intervarslty, Resident Assistant, ODK Instructor Mortarboard, golden Key, Phi slgma lota, slgma Delta pi, Kappa Delta emors pl, Phi Alpha "rheta

Brandon J. Kivler

A n t h o n y G . K i r i l u s ha

Chris G. Kirk

Kits/, Ukraine

PoIA-te vedra Beach, Florida Finance Men's Soccer, Business School senator,

"Biology pl Mu Fpsllow, Bet a B-et a Bet a, <qolden- K ey Honor society,

Computer Science, Mathematics,

Computer Science Club "And so it


Mortarboard, carver Promise, golden Key Honor society, E>elta s igma

"it's all good!"


"Htnsvllle, Newjersey Finance, international business, Spanish Beta rqamma slgnta, cqolden Key Honor society, Alpha Kappa Psl, Phi BiA sigma "The tru.e value of a human being can be

found In the degree to which he has attained liberation- from, the self."

K r i s t i n a A n n e K l em p

John Klousia

Jordan Knapp

Ri-chboro, Pennsylvania Accounting, Biology

Alexandria, Virginia

Memphis, Tennessee Fcnance

Timothy Kozik iziverview,


Computer Science,


Karmon Kriechbaum

Robert L. Kreig Jr.

Marietta, Ohio

Cheshire, Connecticut Leadership studies, Political science, History

pi Kappa Alpha, sjolden Key

Honor society,

student Admissions representative, \ntramural Coordinator

J a n e l l e R en e e K r i n g e l

M a r s h a Kr o n m a n

Joshua D. Kuder

"Dover Delaware "Biology, Rellglow

Maworvllle, New yorte Accoa.wtlwg wcyA senate, class cabinet, carver Prowuse, r^oldew Key H-owor Society, Phi eta slgrwa, Mortar "Board, "Beta ^a wtnea slgrwa, Wwlverslty scholar Alpha Chi ow.ega

wlwter ttavew, Florida Fi-wawce cavwbda Chi Alpha

M a r k G l e nn L a n e

Melissa Lanza

L o r r a i n e C h r i s ti n e L a r s en

Mt. Crawford, vlrglwla Bwgllsh, Rellglow "Baptist stwdewt utwlow

Rli/yjoes, Newjersey Bwgllsh, spawlsh, elewtewtary edu.catlow Delta c\a\M.\M.a, f older, Key H-owor Society, slgwta Delta pi

L-octe t+av ew, Pe wwsy Iva wla "Biology, chew-lstry Ofwlcrow Delta, Mortar "Board, <qoldew Key ttowor Society, Phi STA slgm.a, Clu.b Soccer "Beta "Beta "Beta, <s;a m.m.a slgrn-a Bps I low, Pre-Health Professors Club, Phi "Beta Kappa

Leah Latham

E m i l y La t s h a w

Joanna Lederle

Farlfax, vlrglwla iwterwatlowal studies, ecowowtlcs, Political sclewce

uebawow, Pewwsy Iva wla Bwslwess Adm-lwlstratlow, Flwawce, Art H-lstory

Arllwgtow, vlrglwla


Jenniffer Lee

Joshua Lindemans

E v e r e t t L i n d sa y

t+arrlslonbw.rg, Virginia BioLogy, (_atln

ocean Township, Newjersey Ft na wee W&cfjjo.T

Cow.pw.ter Science, .Studio Art '"Depending on how w,w.ch yo w. read Into It, every statewent Is profow.nd."

James Loberg

Ka mara Leigh Lo cke tt

Car oline A. L omo

Charlotte, North carollwa saxe, Virginia Econowlcs, Stwdlo Art Rhetoric, and Cow.w,w.nlcatlon stw.dles, slgw,a chl, nltlw.ate Frlsbee, intervarslty sociology "Blessed Is the w.an who preserves w.ndertrlal, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Peer Advisors and for whew he as stood the test he will receive the Mentors Prog raw,, Residence dfe staff croww of life that c\od has prowlsed to those "say what yow. wean, wean what yow. say. who love h lw."jaw,es 1:12.

Accra, <s,ha wa "Biology, chew-lstry international clw.b, Caribbean, and African integrated stw.dewt organization "it Is w.ore bless ed to give thaw to receive."

Adam Lord

Paul Loukas

David Luppens

Reading, Pe^t^syiva^ia FIwawce, Marketing Phi Delta Theta, interfraternal Council, Webbers 'j)j"oh. Big cjw.lps, hw.h...well...see ya later."

Washington, DC Marketing, Managewent Systew,s, Spanish caw-bda chl Alpha, Lacrosse

sallsbwry, Maryland Biology

H i l a r y Be c t o n Ma c D o n a l d

J a s o n Ma d i s o n

M a t t h e w M al l o r y

Riverside, Cowwecticut Rhetoric awd Com.m,uwicatiow studies.

Midlothiaw, Virginia Rhetoric awd Com,m.wwicatiow studies RCSL;A vice President, HRTV, ori.eiA-tciti.oiA, Advisor Reside wt Ass1st a wt

Richm.owd, vlrglvua visual Arts

Jason H. Marcus

A l l i s o n M a r g a r e t M ar s h

J o h n D a n i e l Ma r s h II I

Rawdolph, Newjersey Philosophy, Leadership studies cjoldew (Ley t+owor society, H-u.IA,ger awd Hom.elesswess

t+awover Pewwsylvawia

oate Ridge, Tewwessee Leadership studies, B-usiwess Admiwistratiow Residewt Assistant, Bowwer scholar

Bc.oiA-om.lcs, Le adership, Womer-'s studies WILL, w cJudicial COKWCII, W ritiwg Fellow, om-lcroiA- Lelta Kappa, cjoldew Key "Som.etlm.es the fw.tu.re Is so bright, It burws gour ewes."

K a t h e r i n e J o y M ar t i n

R y a n M ar t i n

Rediwgtow, Newjersey Psychology, Leadership studies Lelta L,am.m.a, carver Prom-lse, omicrow i>elta Kappa, Mortar "Board, Psl Chi, Pi pelta Kappa "your bed m ight be the warm-est awd m-ost omfortable place iw the world, but you still have to get out of It."

Dominika E. Martyniuk

Mahwah, Newjersey Com.m.uwicatiow, Busiwess "Baseball Team., Fellowship of chrlstlaw Athletes

Tom.s River, Newjersey Iwterwatiowal studies, spa wish Iwterwatlowal Club, R.HA, Ambassador Program.

Kristin Mason

David W. M cA l o o n

S t e p h a n i e P a t r i c i a M c Co n k e y

"BeAumont, TEXAS

Mlllersvllle, MAry lAnd Htstory, PolltlcAl Science golden Key Horsor Society, phi &eltA ThetA

CAiA,AstotA, New yorte sociology, PolltlcAl science Tutoring, pi slgrvtA AlphA, AlphA KA ppA t> eltA, golden Key Honor Society

Patrick McConnell

Erin M ar i e M c D o w e l l

L a u r e n Ma y M cG o v e r n

woshlngtonvllle, New yorle "Business, Accoxrvting ""Beer Is proof thAt <s;od loves us And wAnts us to be hAppy." - "BeryAmin FrAntelln

Avon,, Connecticut MArleetlng, MAnAgerwent celtA e^AmmA, AmerlcAnA MArteetlng Assoclotlon

Westf.eld, Newjersey "Biology, French AlphA Ch i OmegA, golden, Key Hon,or Society, "BetA "BetA "BetA, university choir

R o s i n S i n e a d M cG u c k i n

M e r d i t h Mc G u i r e

M a r g a r e t Ma l i n d a Mc L e m o r e

SAn-ford, MA Ine AruerlcAn, studies uebAte TEAwt, sjolden Key Honor society

"BAltlmore, MArylAnd FInAnce, MArteetlng DeltA <S JAm.mA, eC RSB-Se+A

FrAntelln, Tennessee Art History, Studio Art Crew Club, <qolden Key Honor Society, The Web, i ntrAmurAl Soccer BAsteetbAll, Floor H-octeey

M a t t h e w M cL o u g h l i n

William F. McNamara

R e b e c c a M cN e i l

Wayne, Pennsylvania H-Lstory

wantagh, New yorte Biology Phi. Ljamma Delta

Painted Post, New yorte Political science, Leadership studies Kappa Kappa ^amnta

Matthew J.Meehan

A n d r e w Me n g

M a r i s a D e n i s e M er c a n d e t t i

Sparta, Newjersey Marketing Football, Intramural Basketball "No farmers, wo food."

Taipei Taiwan Biochemical Ultimate Frisbee, interversity christian Fellowship ^Jesus is the real deal, everything else is just hype."

West Windsor Newjersey Political Science, International studies, Spanish, History, Rhetoric ยง Communication OmicroiA, Delta Kappa, Phi Beta Delta, Pi sigma Alpha, Phi Alpha Theta, sigma Delta Pi, Lamda pi bta. Delta Delta Delta, phi Alpha Delta "The only thing we have to feat; is fear itself."

E d w i n J o e l Me r r i c k II

Melissa A. Mickle

Atlanta, Georgia Political science

Brookly n, Newyork Biology, Anthropology Delta sigma Theta, Multicultural Student Knion

Corbin Price Miller Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanian Leadership, Spanish, Business Administration JSLS, Lambda Chi Alpha "a ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for." - William shedd eniot^VU Hi


M i c h a e l W. M i l l a r d

Janine E. Miller

Rebecca L. Miller

Lowwlwg Toww, Pewwsy Ivawla Fiic-awce, Mawagemewt Systems Football Team.

62ulwcy, Massachusetts Biology, Psychology

Palmyra, PewwsyIvawla Jourwallsm, Marteetlwg "The Collegiaw, <^oldew htey H-owor society, Amerlcaw Marteetlwg Assoclatlow

Scott Miller

C h a n d r a Mi t c h e l l

wllllawsport, Maryland Sports Scler.ce, Business Admlwlstratlow special olywplcs of vlrglwla "Be tha wteful for the adversities lw your life because they have taught you. pair., syw-pathy, tolerar.ce, which others could wot hav e do we."

t+arrlsowburg, vlrglwla Fwgllsh, Teellglow Baptlst studewt uwlow, Mortarboard, Areopagus, folder, key t+owor society

Plttsford, New yorte Marteetlwg, Leadership Studies Alpha Chi omega, America w Marteetlwg Assoclatlow, Crew

E m i l M l ad e n o v

Kurt B. Mohrmon

Staci A. Montarello

Sofia, Bulgaria I wterwatlowal Buslwess, Flr.ar.ce, Fcowomlcs

east vvllllstow, New yorte Boomim-los., Political Sclewce slgma Chi, ecor.ow.Lcs Society

Thoy, New yorte Psychology, Crlw.li/u2ljustice pl Beta phi, par.heller.lc Couwcll, Psl Chi

A z u r e e S h e v o n Mo n t o u t t e

Brooklyn, New york Political science, sociology Alpha Kappa Alpha, clgwa scholar pi slgtw.a Alpha, Mortar Board "Mommy ^ Daddy, you. were ruy light In the darkness. I will love you always! Thank you for everything."

K a t h l e e n A . M oo n e y Pittsburgh, Pennsylvala Marketing, economics Kappa Kappa e^amma

B r e t t A s h le y M or g a n

Tampa, Florida Marketing, t-tlstory slgma Alpha epsllon, club Baseball, Pho lota, HiytM^er a\A,d tto melessness, wpctjo.i, Webber "RicbiM-oi^d Rowd ies, Rick, ttouston Fan club "By the grace of c^od go I, Int o the great unknown, things are going to change In our favor." 窶認or Sgulrrels

Kess Gullyn Mughelli

J a c l y n M or r i s

Kristi L. Morse

Buffalo, New york French, SducatloiA, Delta Delta Delta

Scotch Plains Sport Administration, merman, Computer Science volleyball

J a s o n G i lb e r t M ul l e r

M a n d y M u ll e r

B r i a n M. M ur p h y

Succasunna, Newjersey Psychology, Rhetoric and Communication Studies Phi qamma Delta, Residence Life, student Admissions Rep., Intramural Roller t+ockey, Omlcron Delta Kappa, Technology and Writing Fellow, Board of Trustees Student ^ep., Mortar Board, Psl Chi, Phi BTA slgma

Weston, Connecticut Business, Marketing club Field i-tockey, Delta r^amma, wcgA "ttapplness should be the way you travel but not ijour destination."

Rockvllle, Maryland Business Administration, Finance, Marketing K-appa Alpha

Charleston, South caroii^a Sociology, Biology Track and Field, CASio, clgna scholar Intervarslty Christian Athlete, MCV Pediatric volunteer FCA, Tutor "Cord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure." - Psalm

Kevin G. Murphy st^more, Cowwectlcut C-om.-pu.ter Sole wee, Mathematics Phi Delta theta "The story of Life is gulcteerthaw the wlwte of aw eye. The story o-f L ove Is hello awd goodbye. utwtll we meet agalw..." -jlml f+ewdrlx

C h r i s t o p h e r M us i a l e k

Holly Ann Nash

Collegevllle, Pewwsylvawla (wterwatlowal studies, Muslo, spawlsh

Lebawow, vlrglwla Biology, Womew's studies iwtervarslty christian. Fellowship, lUwlverslty Dawcers, WILL, Bowwer Scholar "For £}od so loved the world..." -Johw 3:±£>

M a r c u s N e al

J a m e s A . N e l so n

Jessica L. N e m e t h

charlotte H-all, Maryland Sport Solewc-e Football Team "I caw do all thlwgs through Christ who strewgthews me."

Bralarcll-ff Ma wor New yorte Flwcawce pi Kappa Alpha, Orlewtatlow Advisor 'As the suw sets slowly lw the west... I bid you a -fowd -farewell." - Clare woe Worley

Pocowo Summit, Pewwsylvawla Marteetlwg, computer Sclewce

Alicia E . Nesline

Erica N ewmark

Rebecca Nicholls

chapel Hill, North carollwa Psychology, Biology Kappa Kappa c^amma, Studewt Admissions •Rep., w c judicial Couwcll, club soccer MortarBoard, e^oldew Key Horror Soc-iety

Religious studies

Worthlwgtow, Ohio Iwtramural Studies Pi Beta Phi


Michael Nicholson

H a r r y C ha d w i c k No r r i s

W i l l i a m S ay r e O ' B r i e n

Roanoke, virginia Marketing, Psychology slgma Alpha epsllon, orientation Advisor, Fellowship of christian Athletes, wc>cej)o.Âą, "Baptist student union, stu-dewt Adu^lsslows Representative

Swampscott, Massachusetts Leadership studies, entrepreneurshlp JSLpA "Bonner Scholar slgma Chi "There are no days In life so memorable as those which vibrated to some stroke of the Imagination." —Ralph Waldo emerson

K r i s t a M a r i e O ' C o nn e l l

C a s e y R ya n O 'C o n n o r

Erin L. O'Connor

Pampano Beach, Florida Psychology, Wo\M.ei^,'s. Studies &elta icelta r>elta

Chester Springs, Pennsylvania Management systems Htappa Alpha "Theta, equestrian Team, golden (Ley ttonor society

Paul J. O'Connor

villa nova, Pennsylvania "Biology Lappa slgma, golden (Ley ttonor society, "Beta "Beta Beta







Illinois Marketing, ManagementSystems Pi "Beta Phi, Rupes Mentoring, R.HA Havu>\/tr T>ar\z,




Tyou.tvi.LLe, vlr glwla cherulstry Phi. t>elta Theta




east RrLfu.ou.th, Massachusetts Ewgllsh, Wowtew's Studies Ewgllsh Howor Society

Matthew Page North saleru., New yorte El wa wee slg rua Alpha Epsllow

E l i z a b e t h T . P a r ke r

Cara Parks

Sonal Patel

Colts Neck, Newjersey SooloLogy, t+lstory, Leadership studies pl Beta Phi, WDcejo.i

Stafford, vlrglwla (wterwatlowal Buslwess, Marteetlwg baptist Studewt utwlow, I wtervarslty Chrlstlaw ReLLowshlp, Phi ETA slgm.a, Ljoldew Key t+owor Society, Beta <qam.fua slgrua

"The WoodLawd s Marteetlwg, Mawagewtewt Systeuus

G e o r g e Pa t e r s o n

L e e G ar r e t t P e r r i n

S o e r e n Al e x a n d e r P e te r s e n

RXohfuofv-d, vlrglwla Ewgllsh, Computer Sclewce, Philosophy, Math "Try fu>t. Lo, or do wot. There Is wo try lwg." -yoda

Richrwowd, vlrglwla TKhetorlc awd Corwru-uwlcatlow studies, Educatlow Kappa Kappa ^arufua, speech Cowsultawt

Ruwgsted Kyst Political sclewce, Ecowowtlcs Crew, WLCEJ^O.I

Pl Beta Phi, PawheLLewlc Executive CouwclL

A n t h o n y T . P e t r iN o

Johathan Petro

Mocvtvllle, Newjersey Flwawce Phi Kappa Alpha

Torus River, Newjersey Leadership studies, Political science, {5co wo rules RCSLJA, RCjudlclal Cowwcll, Webbers JJY you.wg Lern-oerats, Phi Alpha Telta, Mocte Trial, ttabltat for Hw.ru.aru.ty

Michael C. Phillips

A a r o n W. P h i l l ip s

sayervllle. Newjersey Philosophy, Political sdewce, Rhetoric awd Corwrwunlcatlon, studies kappa slgrwa, Phi Betta Kappa, golden. Key ttowor Society, Philosophy l+owor Society "Awd he th at hath the steerage of rwy co urse, guide rwy sails." —Shakespeare

T y l e r A . P h i ll i p s

S c o t t P i e r so n

"&elru.owt, Massachusetts Marteetlwg B-asteetball

Medford, Newjersey Rhetoric awd Coru.ru.u.rucatlow studies, B-wslwess, Studio Art, Spawlsh Arwbassador club, Spanish club, Iwterwatlowal club

Erin L. Pingelski

R e b e c c a Ch a r l o t t e Pi n k h a m

C a r r i e L ee P og a n y Napervllle, illlwols "Biology, education. Kappa Kappa <qaw,ru.a, wccjA

S t a c e y P on i c h t e r a

C o u r t n e y Ji l l P o p a c a

J e s s i c a L a i n e P op h a m

sprlwgfleld, oregow Historij, Frewch Alpha Chi omega

Nomu?n,dy Beach, Newjersey Psychology Delta Delta Delta, Psl Chi, Mortar "Board, cqoldew Key t+oru>r society "Thawtes, mom awd dad!"

Awwapolls, Maryland Rhetoric awd CommM.wlcatloiA. Studies l-acrosze

Joseph E. Purcell

E l e n a Ma r i e P si h r a m i s

B l a k e M . Pu h a k

Halifax, vlrglwla Buslwess Adrnlwlstratlorv

Telford, Pewwsy Ivawla Com.pw.ter science, Mathematics pi Mw. eplsllow, <SJoldew Key Howor Society

David Pustylink

L a u r e n J e s s i c a Q ua i l e

S c o t t C. Q u a r f o r t h

North wales, Pewwsylvawla Jowrwallsm, Marketing Delta c^amma, Rho Chi, WC<sjA, Bowwer scholar; Faces editor; <sjoldew Key, omlcrow Delta Kappa, Phi FTA slgma "We chained agaIw, awd yet agalw, awd It was wow too late awd too far to tutrw bacte, awd so we wewt ow." -Charles Dlcteews

Way wesboro, Virginia Health awd sports sclewce. Psychology Phi <qamma Delta, Webber 37-

Brooklyn, New yorte FIwawce, Mawagemewt systems Football "To all those I have h ad the joy of belwg with for the last four years, mawy tharlfes. Co wtlwwe toloe who yow are."


D o m i n i c k Q u ar t u c c i o

Kevin J. Quinn

A l e x a Q uk u

Raw.sey, Newjersey Leadership studies Law,da Chi Alpha, orlewtatlow Advisor, RCSL^A "yea, you. are c^ary."

Plpersx/llle, Pewwsylvawla computer Sclewce

FrautelLu. La tees, Newjersey FKstory TEwwls, t>elta t>elta t>elta

K i r a A . R ah m o n k u l o v a

D e v o n An n e R a t c l i f f e

Jaclyn Raveia


sag H-arbot; New yorte (wterwatLowaL studies, Iwterwatlowal Beowom-Lcs, ttLs tory pi "Beta PhL , studewt Adwdsslows Rep. "each owe of us, to sorweowe, as teey wLth w ,awy uses, without doors welther pew or shut." - Bile vvlesel

Fairfax, vlrglwla Cowtwtuwlcatlow studies,

vsMetorlc aivd

sducatlot^ soccer,

e^oldew Key Howor society

T h o m a s M ar i o n R a w l s

Collin Ra ymond

J e n n i f e r E r i n R e i dy

Newport News, vi.rgi.wla Rellglow Baptist studewt u.wLow, The octaves, Schola Cawtorum.

Put warn, valley, New yorte Psychology, studio Art WTcCBJ)0.Âą, Am.westy iwterwatlowal "Th u wd er...th u wd e r...T>+HNI>6RCATS-

Freelawd, Mary la wd Crlm-lwalJustice, Psychology Phi Beta Kappa, Ljoldew Key f-towor society, CMoccr du Rol


S a m a n t h a Re n n e k e r

Maria Rinaldi

D a n i e l C ha r l e s R i t so n

Blrwawgham, Alabama Leadership studies, Rhetoric atwd C-ommuwlcatlow studies twtervarslty Christina Fellowship, utwl\/erslty C>oiA,cers

Howell, Newjersey Biology, Spa wish pi Beta Phi

verowa, Newjersey Flwawce Phi ejamM Delta, WDCSJ)O.i "What would you do today If you tewew you. could wot fall?"

E l l i o t H . R i tz e m a

Adam Rogalski

Lisa Young Rondinelli

Aurora, Ohio Fcowomlcs, History l<u?ppa Alpha

C-hapel H ill, North carollwa sociology, Fducatlow pl Beta phi, Happa Delta pi

J o a n n e L o u i s e Ro o p Bethesda, Marylawd Hea lth,J ourua lis m

Dana Rosen

J o h n C h r i s tm a s M c L e m o r e R o s s III quwtersvllle, Alabama Political sclewce, Buslwess Admlwlstratlow Lamda chl omega, waterPolo, swlmmlwg


Kathleen Roth Buffalo, New yorke Political scleu-ce, Psychology pelta <qam,m.a, golden, hsey Honor society, pi slgm,a Alpha, Psl Chi, Phi Alpha t>elta

Kelly Roth Shateer

Heights, Ohio

Marketing, Spanish

WC Hoie-or Council, OmXcroic, r^elta K appa, Kappa Alpha iheta, o^olf, Meutorlug, Mortarboard

Jeff Roudabush Ashburic-, Virginia caMe, Classical civilizations Alpha Psl ovrxga, university Players, University PatA,cers "Nothing lie, this world Is accomplished without passloie,." Theater,

Lisa Cheryl Rubolotta

Jeffrey R. Rush

M e a g h a n A nn R y a n

Memdham., NevyJersey Accounting, Crlmiu-alJustice folder, i<sey H onor society, Alpha Kappa Psl

eastoiA,, pemmsyU/aula Political scleu.ce

c^raie-d Fortes, North &ateota Marteetlug, Spanish, Wom,en/s Studies FCRSBscjA, Aieeerlcaie, Marteetlng Association, WILL., nelta uelta icelta, Carver Promise, Mortarboard, Orientation Advisor, Ofoiden

Key, &elta sigma pi

S t e p h e n W. S t . J a c qu e s

Michael R. Santos

D a n i e l S a rj e a n t

oate Hill, Virginia Imtermatloual Business, Economics golden Key Honor Soclety

Falrhaven-, Massachusetts chemistry, Biology golden. Key Honor .society, Rugby, cjam,wi sigma Fpsllon,

charoltte, North Carolina Fugllsh, Rieetorlc and Communication Studies sigma Alpha Flpsllou. vjj^emors^^^/

Ja son Lanc e Savedo ff

Marc B. Sartori

Caroline A. Savage

Mahopac, Newyorte Health, education. R.HA, La crosse, Basteetball Manager "Through adversity on-e bu ilds success."

Medway, Massachusetts economics, Marketing Delta celta Delta, ECRSBsenator American. Marketing Association,

Allen-town,, NewJersey Political Science, econ-omlcs Alpha Kappa Psl, RrtA, econ-omlcs Teachln-g Asslstan-t, Roman. Ljod "we must all hang together or most assuredly, we shall all han-g separately." -Benjamin, Fran-klln,

K i m b e r l y S c h e ll

J a m e s A nt h o n y S c h e t t i n e

J e n n i f e r L y n n S c h ia v e t t i

Rlgewood, Newjersey Political sclen.ce

Bemus Poln-t, New york Leadership studies, Political sclen-ce Preslden-t RCS<qA, slgma chl, golden- Key Hon-or Society, Omlcron, Delta Kappa

Midlothian., vlrgln-la French, International Studies

Peter Nutt Schiffer

B r i t t a n y A n ge l i n e S c h il l i n g

S u z a n n a S c hm e e l k

Algen-, Pen-n-sy Ivan-la Marketing, Ma nagemen-t Systems

Lan-caster Ohio Biology, education. In-tervarslty Christian. Fellowship, Alpha Phi omega

Richmond, vlrgln-la Computer science, Math Mortar B-oard, golden- Key t+on-or Society "enjoy Life!"

Erika Schmierer

D a v i d S ch m i t t

James C. Schneider

Fairfax, Virginia

Paradise valley, Arizona •Business Administration Phi <qancnta Delta, The ColleglaiA-

Roctevllle Center New yorte Political science, l-tlstory pi Kappa Alpha, C-rew, v olleyball, uaarosst

J o n a t h a n P a u l S c hn e i d e r

K a r e n E l i z a b e t h S c h ne i d e r

V i c t o r i a S ch n e i d e r

Indianapolis, Indiana Flrumce, Economics Dean's cist, Diving, intematlonalstudent Arvtbassador

Reston, Virginia English, Women's studies WC Honor Cou\A,ciI, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, wicc, isocreteans "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor the heart op nam conceived what cjod has prepared for those who Love hin t, who have been called aecordivug to his purpose."

Westchester New yorte Marketing, international Business Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Kappa Psl, golden Key h-omr soeietij

Mark G. Schofield

R e b e c c a E l l e n S c h ul t z

M a t t S ch w a b

westford, Massachusetts Accounting •slgnta Alpha Epsllon, RCjudicial Couucll, The collegian.

Rantsey, Newjersey Rhetoric and Communication Studies, Education Kappa Kappa e^amma, cantbda Pi Eta H-onor Society, golden Key Honor society "£}od b less."

St. Charles, Missouri Rhetoric and Communication studies, History Webbers 'jj-

international studies, <s}erntan, English Delta cjamnta

Jeffrey N. Schwenk

B e t h A du r e y S c ot t

Catherine Scott

Newton Square, Pennsy Ivanio Marketing, Management systems water Polo, pi Kappa Alpha

icelmnr New york Com.pw.ter Science, Bolw.enti.ow Alpha Chi omega, Synchronized Swimming

Bedford Hills, New yorfe Biology, Business class President, stwdewt Aolmissiows Representative, BMT

B r i a n S c ul t h r o p e

L e i g h A n n Sh a f f n e r

M a n s i S h ah

Plantation, Florida History, Business Administration sigma Phi Bpsilon, Webbers 'JJJ-, RCS^A ""Thetrwth is always in the last place you look."

Mechnwicsbwrg, PewwsyIvania Leadership studies, Rhetoric and Communication studies jSLjA, Orientation Advisor Leltn Delta Detla, speech Consultant, Lambda pi BTA

Midlothian,, Virginia Political science, Women's studies pi Beta Phi, WILL, young Democrats

Jennifer Katie Sharp

R o g e r J . S h a w n I II

Floyd, Virginia B-iology, chemistry Baptist stw.o(ewt wtnion, Amerieaw Chemical Society

Westerly, "Rhode Island Bconomics, CriminalJustice Phi Delta "Theta "Who is this that speaks to me as though I needed his advice?" —Brnvehenrt

Columbia, Pennsylvania chemistry. Biology Beta Beta Beta, golden, Key, chemistry Honor Society, Am.erlc.atA. chemical Society "In every town, in, America there is a wobody wishing he was a somebody. Don't wake wp wishing."

Melissa Lynn Shelly

Kristen L. Shelton

R . D a v i d S hi m p

sellersvllle, Pennsylvania B-uslness, Economics, Rhetoric and Communication Studies Class cabinet, Fellowship of christian Athletes, Writing Fellow

Chesapeake, vlrgli/da international studies <qolden Key Honor Society, Beta Beta Beta, International club, Delta <s}amma

ttoustou-, Texas Leadership studies, Biology slgma Alpha Fpsllon, studeu-t Admission RepresentatlvejSLjA "There are some things for which words are too Incredible." —Dante

H e a t h e r S h or t l i d g e

Christopher J.Sillman

K i m b e r l y B e t h S i l ve r m a n

west <prove, Pennsylvania Leadership studies, •Business Administration, Women's Studies

Cold spring Harbor New yorte Marketing, History

Southampton, NewJersey Leadership studies, studio Art Kappa Alpha Theta

Robyn E. Skinner

A l i c e E l i z a b e th S m it h

A m b e r L a ur e n S mi t h

chase city, Virginia Journalism The Collegian

Powder springs, Georgia French, Spanish Baptist student wu-on, Alpha Psl omega, omlcroiA, Delta Kappa, student Rep., Phi slgma lota, chapel choir


D a n i e l We l l e s S m i t h

L e e - A n n S m it h

wlltou,, Cowuectlcut Marleetlwg Resident Assistant, Kappa signed

carvwel, California Chemistry, Spanish, Math Club Tennis, golden Key ttoiA-or society "Fear no one, respect everyone."

Robert T. Smith

S t a c e y S m it h

S t e p h a n i e K at h r y n S mi t h

ttolrudel, Newjersey Political science Phi ^aiuiua Delta, golden Key Honor Society, pi slgma Alpha

Lees burg, Virginia CriminalJustice, Sociology Field ttocteey

tterwdow, Virginia Marketing Field Hocteew

M a r i a K. S m i t h

S t e p h e n T o b ia s S m i t h

J . A n d r e w S o ar e s

Lisa Sobieski

Louisville, Kentucky History Honor COUIA-CII, noldew Key, Phi Alpha "rheta

"&lllerlca, Massachusetts Finance, Spanish

RXchruou-d, V irginia Sociology, Crlmlnaljustlce, Religion "i prefer to believe the best In everyone. It saves so ruuch trouble." —Rudyard Kipling

B r o o k e S o l d we d e l

Melissa Rae Sorbello

Stephen F. Spear

Napervllle, Illinois Economics, Marketing, Math Delta Delta Delta, golden Key Honor society, Orientation Advisor

Palm city, Florida Marketing, Economics, "Biology WCcjA senate, student Ad^lsslo^s, Rep., Orientation Advisor Alpha Chi omega, American Marketing Association, golden Key t+onor Society, Omlcron "Delta Kap pa "Never give In and never give up."

D a n i e l N o r t h S po o n e r

J o s h u a R e e d S pr a k e r

N i c h o l a s E dw a r d S t an d l i c k

North calotwell, Newjersey English, classics Kappa Alpha

Colleyvllle, Texas Marketing Football

Tziehvu.oiA'd, Vi rginia "Business, Economics splderfund, Alpha Kappa Psl, College Republicans, Economics Society

B r y a n S t ar k

Whit ney K. Steger

M a t t h e w W. S t o c k b u r g e r

"Buchanan, Virginia "Business Administration pi "Beta Phi

"Blacksburg, Virginia Finance, Management Phi c^amma Delta

H~erndon, Virginia H-lstory, Sociology Phi Alpha Theta,


Brian F. Stockunas

G r a h a m S tr u b

K e v i n M i c h a e l S tr u n k

"&ectver Falls, Pennsylvania Finance, Management Systems Football "The Lord Is my light and my salvation-, whom do I fear ?" - Psalm 27-:!

Long "Branch, Newjersey "Biology Lambda Chi Alpha "if you think, you tan, or you can't, ijou're right."

Penlcyn, PennsyIvan-la Fug lis h, History volun-teer Action- Coun-cll, web E>evelopmeni, Catholic Campus Mln-lstru

Erin K. Stults

M e g a n Ad r i e n S t ur g e s

C o u r n t e y Ly n n e S u l l i v a n

Princeton-junction, Newjersey Music, education schola Canto rum, Kappa t>elta Pi, Phi Kappa Mu "Frlen-ds do n-ot live In- ha rmony, merely, as some say, but In- melody." - "Thoreau

Mobile, Alabama Leadership studies, R-hetorlc an-d Communication Studies

R.octevllle, vlrgln-la Psychology, sports sclen-ce synchronized swlmmln-g, t>elta t>elta pe lta "Frlen-ds are angles, who lift us to our feet when- ourwii^ds have trouble remembering how to fly." —

Russell Michael Sullivan

Emily C. Sylling

Anne Talley

Lafayette, Newjersey Marketing Football

Stafford, vlrgln-la span-lsh, computer science Alpha Chi omega, slgma t^elta Pi "It's all good, It's alright..."

Midlothian-, vlrgln-la Marketing Kappa Kappa <qamma

J u s t i n T a rq u i n i o

Kristin Taylor

Rebecca L. T h a r p

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Flvvan.ce, Le adership studies Swlvwruivvg, 6CRSB. senate, Orientation, Advisor

Berwyn,, Pennslvania Fngllsh, Religion, eduoatlort golden. tsey Hon-or Society, Theta Alpha Kappa, Aeropagus, Richvuon-d isocrateau-s

Murrysvllle, Pennsy Ivaula AecouiA-tlug

S a r a h Ma y T h o m a s

C a i t l i n S u s a n n a h T ho m p s o n

R y a n T o bi n

Mechanicsvllle, Virginia Marketing, Biology

Carlisle, PeuusyIvaula Sports Sclen.ce, Music, shola ca utorru, university B>an.d,jazz Fusevuble, Tracte, Pep B>an,d, u niversity players "We n-ever ten-ow how high we are 'til we are called to rise; an-d then. L-f w e are there to plan., our statures touch the steles." - Fmily licte.ln.son.

G. Keiler Todd

Ryan F. Tolhurst

Ridgeflsld, Connecticut Marteetlwg, Fln.an.ce Phi e^aruvwa r>elta

Wexford, Pennsylvania sports sclen.ce Football

i Jason B. Tomasino Con,g B-each, New yorte Fcon.ow.lcs

Andrera Kirsten Tomforde

M atthew R. Torri

Ryan Robert Travis

Northa mptow, New yorte iwterwatiowal Busiwess, Fiwawce, <s}erwiaw

Woodly w, Pewwsylvawia Fiwawce Phi ejaiuM Delta, owlcrow Delta Kappa, Phi BTAsigw.a, e^oldew Key Howor Society

way we, Newjersey Marleetiwg, sport Adwti.wLstratf.ow judicial Couwoil

Sarah Lee-Trimble

J a m e s T r i pp

M i c h a e l R o b e r t T r op p

t+ai<u.ptow, v irgiwia Aoeou.wti.wg, Music, Baptist stucdewt Kwiow, ut wiversity Choir, Alpha Phi owega

uateelawd, Florida Mathematics

Media, pewwsylvawia Politioal soiewoe, ttistory Richwtowd College sewate, Riohwtowd Forum, Speech Cowsultawt

L a u r e n T r a v is

James P. Typodis

Dana Parry Tyson


St. Louis, Missouri Marteetiwg, studio Art Kappa Kappa Ljamma

Bast ttawover Newjersey spawish, womew's studies pi Beta Phi, WILL


J u s t i n P h i l i p p e Us h e r Cos Altos Hills, California c-om.pw.ter science, busln.ess soccer

Justin B. Vaugn Nashville, Tennessee Spanish (Lappa Alpha

Management Systems,

Tammy G.Vavra Allendale, Newjersey sociology Lelta Ljamma, Tutoring Marketing,

"if you aren't the lead dog, the view never changes,."

Cassie K. Veat ch

Laurie Verbiniski

Marjorie F. Wagner

St. Low.Is, Mlssowrl

warminister, Pennsylvania

Alpha Chi omega

Plainsboro, Newjersey Sociology, CriminalJustice, SpaiA-lsh Lelta Lelta nelta, volleyball

E Wall kk e r t rrii ec N a t h a n wa

Kevin W al s h

speech and izethoritic studies,. Marketing


r^amma, panhellenic


Dana J. Wallace •RJ-C

, - - • vuon , Virginia


canaiorarie, Newyorte NewYorte canajorarie, phgslcs, Math, Computer Computer Science Science Physics,

biology, economics ^ _ in-tervarslty Intervarsity Christian Christian. Fellowship, AC tton-or Council, Intervarsity Christian Pe? band, ultimate Pep ultimate Frlsbee Frlsbee :ellowshlp, orchestra, Omicron Lelta (Lappa, -"For & ' ^y grace yow. have beer Tor It Is us by beer,, saved, saved, Mortarboard, beta beta Beta throw.oih ruot from iayourselves, our selves, it throw.gh faith and this not is the gift of Ljod..." ephesians 2:8 _

Malvern, Virginia Sports Science


S e a n Wa l s h

C h e u n g - T z o n g Wa n g

M i k e C. W a r d

Actore, Massachusetts Fireai<ece Lambda chi Alpha

Taipei, Taiwan Bcoreomics, History, 'Political Science Phi Alpha x>eita

victor, New york Journalism, Rhetoric an-d Commureicatiorestudies "The Collegian., Residence Life, omicror e pelta Rappa, Mascot, WWF Fan. "it's tme! it's Truce!" —Ru.rt Arvgle, Olympic Hero § WWF Champion.

Y o l a n d a Wa r d

B r o o k e M. W e a v e r

C r a i g We b b

Richmond, virgireia Rhetoric a red Commu creicatiore Stucdies Ngoma African, t>an.ce, 'B.orereer scholar

J a mestowrc, N ew yo rfe Accorcretireg, Management Systems Rappa Rappa <qamma

Metairie, Louisiana Finea n-ce Rappa Alpha

R e b b e c c a We b b e r

D a v i d H a r p e r W e is s

David P. Weiss

Malvern,, Pen.resylvan.ia Firean.ce, Spareish

Hoecstore, Texas Ireterreatioreal Stecdies, Span-ish, Political Scien.ce Rappa Alpha, golden, Rey Horeor society

Rochester New yorfe Firean.ce Lambda Chi Alpha, Jucreior Achievement Program

R y a n We i n e r

B r i a n W e so l o s k i

R a c h e l We s t

Laurel Sprlwgs, NewJersey Flruarxe, Marteetlwg <^oldew (Ley ttowor Society

North "TUwawawda, New yorte Leadership stw.dles, Rhetoric- awd Commw.wlcatlowStw.dles Speech Cowswltawt, Mewtorlwg, "TUtorlwg

Richmowd, vlrglwla Ecowomlcs

Ross V. Weythman

K a t e Wh i t e

Christy L. Williams

Red B-awte, Newjersey Sociology, Studio Arts

Loy les Ru.ww, Pewwsylvawla spa wish, iwterwatlowal stwdles .appa Alpha Theta, omlcrow t>elta (Lappa, Ljoldew iLey t+owor Society, Aerobics lwstrw.ctor. SblwwUR.

Newport News, Virginia "Biology, Rhetoric awd Commucwlcatlow studies Alpha (Lappa Alpha, Residence Life,

T a m i k n N i c o l e W i l l ia m s

A z u r De e W i ls o n

Sow.tham.ptow, B>ermw.da twterwatlowal stw.dles, B.w.slwess Admlwlstratlow Tracte, iwterwatlowal stucdewt crgawlzatlow

ttood River; oregow Marteetlwg, Frewch slrews, t>elta pama, cjoldew |Ley t+owor society

J a s o n R. W i l l i am s

WCc^A Advisory C-ow.well

Cristin Witcher

L e s l i e K a r e n W i ls o n

S c o t t W ip p e r m a n

Houstow, TEXAS ACCOUwtlwg

sutM.iM.lt, N ewjersey History Kappa Alpha

James R. With am

Kelley C h r i s t i n a Wo l f e

Jessica A. Wong

cover celaware Political sclewce, CrlrwlwalJustice Football, RDTC "Live everyday lltee It's your last"

tttrudou, vlrglwla "Biology, ewgllsh class Cabluet, nwlverslty "Bawd

Wedway, Massachusetts Accouwtlwg, Flwawce pl "Beta Phi, Ljoldew Key H-owor society, class cab I wet

Elizabeth B. Whoodhall

Elizabeth Ann Wurster

M i t c h e l l Wy s s

TDllawd, Cowwectlcut Leadership studies, Frewch

Salisbury, New yorte Political Sclewce, Crlrwlwaljustice, spawlsh Kappa Kappa Ljarurua

Ri.chm.owd, vlrglwla Cocuputer sclewce, Political sclewce. Philosophy "evil will always triumph because good Is ducub." —carte Helmut, spaceballs The Movl«

West Chester Pewwsylvawla Leadership studies, "Buslwess Adcu-lwlstratlo JSL;A, (Lappa Kappa narurwa, studewt Adculsslows Rep., orlewtatlow Advisor "Thawte you. to everyowe who guided rue through this beautiful school, it has beew a io urwew."

n Donna Yip

P a t r e c e Y a n ce y

G r e g o r y M ar k Y e ad o n

c-hase city, Virginia Sociology SCSH. folder, Key Homor Society

Malvern., PemiA-sylvamia Marteetiwg, Leadership stu.di.es Kappa sigma, t-tabitat for H-umamity, America IA. Marteetimg Association.

K a t h r y n T ho m a s Y ou n g

A m y Ru t h Ze m a i t i s

B r e t t Z im m e r m a n

Scottsdale, Arizona American, studies, ttistory Alpha Chi Omega, swim. Team., Advisory Coumoil

cir.mam.iiA.soiA,, Newjersey Mamagememt Systems "t plead the fifth."

Pheomix, Marylamd B-iology, Math WCLjA t+omo r CouiA-c.il, Beta Beta Beta, Phi Mu epsilom, Phi Beta Kappa, Omic-oiA, i^elta Kappa, MortarBoard

E m i l y Z im m e r m a n Fiman.ce, imtermatiomal Business

virgin-ia Beach, vlrgLr.ua Leadership studies. Business Administration., Political Science

From Delta Gamma's Anchor Splash to FIGI Island, Greek life at the University of Richmond >_ provides all students with an opportunity to get involved and have some fun. While each sorority and fraternity works to support their philantrophies, they increase awareness and promote activism



ms3 H jebu


Skeeeeee-wee, my Sawahs...This is a SERIOUS

that has been given to us through our years together.. .As

matter...Only Pretty Girls wear 20 pearls...The FIRST

you all go on your separate paths that God has in store

AND FINEST...06', 08', (you know the rest)...We are the

for you, always remember that you can count on you

lovely ladies, in pink and green....Often imitated, never,

sorors to be there for you, through thick and thin,

ever, ever, ever, duplicated...parties at UVa, WStM , a nd

whether you need a shoulder to cry, someone to talk to

aiyfta kayya afyfia VCU..."Club Hendo"

in the wee hours of the morning, or if you want to share a special/great accomplishment...We will never forget

Sisterly and Phirst Pham

you, for you have all worked so hard to get to where

love... Remember the Car Wash?...Project SEND, Buckle

you are today, and where we are today...Good luck with

Up Safety, Coat Day....RHO MU WEEK...Clusters and

your future endeavors and continue to captivate the

Regional Conferences...

world with all that you have to offer...Continue striving

To o ur sorors, Christy, Kendra, Azuree, Kim, Alison,

for the stars (show the world how Alpha Kappa Alpha

and Kammie -- We will miss you terribly!!! Thank you

ladies run things) and never forget that WE LO VE YOU,

for all of the advice, encouragement, support and love

SORORS!!! We are so proud of you!

- ...

••p m m

*?llpha Kappa Alpha love, extending beyond the UR cam pus, as Rho Mu participate in Coat Day, an annual AKA project, with graduate Chapter Pi Rho Omega.

iEmma Delua, Azuree Montoute, Kim Colbert, Christy Williams, and Kendra Arnold having a great time at Trick o r Treat Street last October.

Sonars, Emma Delva and Kendra Arnold, show some AKA love at their car wash last year. ^Everyone gathered together in sisterly love as four new sorors were initiated into the first African-American Sorority, last spring.

Sorors posing in their traditional AKA l ean....Skeewee Sorors!!!


T'fie (Deaf Chapter: lota Mu Philanthropy: Victims of Domestic Violence Colors: Scarlet Red and Olive Green Badge: The Lyre Flower: Red Carnation Mascot: Penguin Number of sisters who can peel a banana with their toes: 1

afpfia cfii omega On our 10th firtfufay, the toy 10 reasons to f>e a n 'Alpha Cfi 10) Rush p izza - thanks Verbinski! 9) Our interpretive dance numbers 8) No one died volunteering at shelters 7) Caroline is the Greek Goddess 6) Greek Week winners 5) Frisbee Fling 4) Sexy seniors - w e'll miss you! 3) Cute new members 2) Highest sorority GPA 1) Cowgirls have more fun

H a p p y 1 0t h B i r t h d a y A l p ha C h i !

The Gamma Eta Chapter of Delta Delta Delta

Thanksgiving crafts and Valentine's Day

has had another outstanding year! We have

making parties to name a few.

achieved our various goals and shared time with our sisters!

Dolphin Daze last year was a huge success; TriDelta

raised over $2200 for our

Recruitment 2001 went smoothly and

philanthropy, the Association for the Support

successfully. All of our hard work, paid off

of Children with Cancer (ASK)! We h ope to

with the addition of 31 lovely new members!

raise more money this year at Mio's P izzeria

They have been eager to get involved in every

and Casino Night!

aspect of TriDelta, from volunteering at the

defta defta defta <

TriDeltas have danced the night away with


sisters and dates to such social themes as

signing up

Hawaiian Luau and Guys and Dolls.

intramurals and partying at our socials. The Panhellenic and Intra-Fraternity Councils sponsored and ran Trick-or-Treat Street to raise money for the Boys and Girls Club in Richmond.


Dance was a blast out in the countryside of Virginia in a real barn!

Crescent Ball

downtown hopes to be another fabulous evening! Much of this year's success is the result of

TriDeltas got together with the brothers of

the leadership of our seniors. We'll miss you

Kappa Sigma and created a haunted house out

girls! Best of luck to you! We look forward

of their lodge.

to continuing the momentum in the future!

In addition to their individual volunteer

Here are a few more things worth

activities, TriDeltas took monthly trips down

remembering: Carnies and wizards...Falling

to St. Mary's Hospital to bring smiles to the

through the cracks...What's the state of the

faces of the patients in the Children's Ward.

Union?.. .Scoop...Laser tag.. .the endless jokes

We had spring flower making parties,

during rotation...Tiki Bob's...mullets...

*3Celly Shields, Meredith Cox, Megan Hockel, Beth Swanson, PJ Oleksak, and Becky Lee at the TriDelta Bid Day Celebration.

harlotte Edwards, Kate Cordenner, Meriel Rodak, and Mark Dwire at the Kappa Sigma Lodge during Trick-orTreat Street.

.Senior TriDeltas get together for one of their last group pictures at Proclamation Night. Jliza Stutts, Sarah Murphy, Paula Monte, and Lindsay Cresitetlo pose for a picture before the Hawaiian Social.

faking a break from the dancing, junior TriDeltas gather for a quick 'Jaki picture during Ring Dance.

Sarah Murphy, Kate Materna, Steph Allen, Katie Haller, and Lindsay Cresitello at tailgate.

{Another exciting year for the amazing women

dressed down in crazy clothes from all decades

in the


at Have a Nice Day Cafe...while in the spring

Gamma...Raising money for the national

DGs celebrated Valentine's Day at Mios,

philanthropy Service for Sight, the week long

continued spring break at Havannah 59, and

Anchor Splash in the fall proved once again that

recognized our amazing seniors during the Senior

the DGs are "Strong to the Finish."

DGs also

Soiree...when not shooting each other with

< slaved away in the

Lasers, bowling with our then new members or

apartment kitchens

hiking through the Delta Gamma Jungle to Camp

baking fresh cookies to deliver those lucky

DG, Delta Gamma Sisterhood shined in events

enough to order them during the biannual Cookies

such as fall tailgates, firesides, countless dinners

and Milk. Socially, the fall saw DGs decked out

and the strenuous competition found in DG Fie ld

in tropical island attire for an on-campus Luau

Day. It h as been quite a year for Delta Gamma

on Westhampton Green, dressed up all pretty

and we will all miss our wonderful seniors next

during Anchor Ball at the Virginia Hotel, and

fall. Rock o n Delta Gamma!

Zeta Gamma Chapter of



CE-very ye ar Delta Gamma hosts the week-long Anchor Splash to raise money for our national philanthropy, Service for Sight. We love our new members who get to know each other better as well as bond with older sisters at an off-campus retreat.

Delta Gammas had a blast during this year's recruitment in the DG jungle. These wild seniors will definitely be missed next year.

lot Damn Delta Gam! DG's dance all night after Bid Day with new members at Have a Nice Day Cafe.

AX0 AZ0 AZ0 AZ0 AZ0 AX0 Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., was founded January 13,1913, at Howard University. The


sorority came to the University of Richmond


was officially founded. The sorority's

officials colors are crimson and cream; its official flower is the African violet.


public motto is that "intelligence is the Torch of Wisdom." AZ0 AZ0 AZ0 AZ0 AZ0 AZ0


cruitment was a memorable and exciting time for Theta as they welcomed an amazing new member class. The Hawaiian themed Bid Day was a blast, and was followed by some competitive games of bowling. These hot Thetas ended the year with a bang at the annual Black and Gold formal.



'These sophomores showed the campus how they "Rock out" during Pi Phi 's Lip Sync event during Greek Week. Axl, Slash, Duff, and Steven Adler led the Thetas to a stunning performance of Guns and Roses' "Welcome to the Jungle".

%ayya *A(yfia T'fieta

*T"heta shows how tough they are by winning Powder Puff in Sigma Chi's Derby Days this Spring.

"It's all

about the girls."


had an awesome time playing in their annual Kickball event while

raising money for CASA. This event wrapped up Greek Week and every Greek

'These Thetas show their rocking personalities at the first "Rock-Star" social of the year.

organization on campus participated.


'1v1.ardi Gras social. "How do Angels get their beads? They just wing it!" :Beaux and Arrows Formal in November.


Pledge Class 2001. "Knock, knock, knockin' on Heaven's door."



x beta vfii

uring initiation week these Pi Phis pose for a picture before their Pink Party.


The Beta-Beta Chapter of Kappa Sigma

philanthropy side, Kappa Sigma has

Fraternity en joyed a great year in 20 00-

adopted a new relationship with SaveOur

01. Once again, they achieved the highest

Shelters, a group that rescues dogs from

GPA a mong the men's fraternities, and

pounds and attempts to get them adopted

initiated the largest pledge class for the

in Cary Tow n on Saturdays. In addition,

third y ear in a row.

once again, our

In addition to this,

Kappa Sigma still had fun.

kayva sigma

Our annual

chapter's largest

pledge party, entitled "Kappa Sigma Goes

event was setting

Hollywood," was once again one the

up and cleaning up an antique show for

biggest parties for the year, and in

the Richmond Medical Auxiliary.

intramurals, we had a record year,

whole, we had a lot of funthis year. We'll

highlighted by winning the Intramural

miss our seniors, but are looking forward

Basketball Championship.

to lots of fun with our new initiates.

On the

As a

The Virginia Tau chapter of Sigma

Scholarship award and Best New

Alpha Epsilon enjoyed an extremely

Member Education program.

successful year, winning numerous


awards and building on the great

community, SAE has continued to

tradition for the UR campus. SAE won

support the Multiple Sclerosis Society






through fund-raisers and

Sigma 'Afpfia

volunteer work. All in all, it has been an exciting

the John 0. Mosely Zeal Award from

and fun year, but won't be the same

the national office, awarded yearly to

without our seniors. We will miss you

the one chapter nationwide that is felt

guys, and you have led the way for all

to best exemplify the virtues that SAE

of us. Thanks for everything you have

stands for, and also won the Top


si3ma _phi e_psi(on

rTom Marino, Mich Inge and Chad's ass at the Valentine's formal. rr:,ny Lemen, Andrew Cormier, Jamie Hough, and Steve Vecchione keeping it real at Ring Dance.

The new millennium has ushered in a new era of change for our fraternity. Who were the geniuses behind the alcohol-free idea? And, what in t he world happened to our lodge? It's n ice. Seriously, grab some paddles and play beer-pong. And yeah. . . we did start it.


deft tfieta a

Greywolf formals and Virginia Beach. A dry

founded: University of Miami in Ohio, 1848

lodge = trouble for 501,506, and 202. Don't

chapter: Virginia Defta, 1875 cofors: Azure and A ' rgent

be such a James, Randy Dads and James Crabisteux are forever missed. The Cellar,

jphdanthropy: Lou Gehrig's Disease motto: An for one and one for ad

BW3's and Potter's. Drunken d-hall. You've all been knothed. Good luck seniors. We could never live up to your legacy.

ake Emerson and President Mike Coleman at the Valentine's Formal.


he Mexican (Ben Rhem) and the Octave (Chris Snyder) guard the door of our last lodge party.

The games we play can end with moments of triumph or bitter disappointment. Regardless of their outcome we leam a littlemore about ourselves and the power we possess. It's about strength and it's about courage; it is about the will to play and to win. Some will argue that sports are merely an extracurricular activity, but to others the games are everything, they are life. For the University of Richmond, sports provide yet another




---------jie(d hockey

men's soccer


women's soccer

mens basketdaCC

r women's 6asket6a((


cross country "


— I •!

I •

~~~~---- track I I I



- - - - - - synchronize! , , swimmina

I .__




)1 I I ( tudent

roups It is not hard for University of Richmond students to find things to fill their time. Many students actually have a tougher time deciding




commitments to the various organizations they're involved with. From the Martial Arts Club to Habitat for Humanity, students can find an organization to go along with any of their interests. LJ ' n J

r- ÂŁ S S

WESTHAMPTON COLLEGE ADVISORY COUNCIL Front row: (1 to r) Mirni Lumeh, Elise Carlin, Amy Zemaitis, Alison Dolan Not pictured: Kristen Brown, Liz Jamison, Kristina Davey, Julie Bevevino, Christy Williams

WESTHAMPTON COLLEGE JUDICIAL COUNCIL Front row: (1 to r) Jennifer Owens, Syreeta Bailey, Jessica Myers, Mindy Stemborski, Lauren Zimmerman Back row: (1 to r) Allison Marsh, Sarah Forney, Laura Dooley, Jennifer Dillow, Laura Pendleton, Elizabeth Peiffer Not pictured: Nicole Camp, Erica Newmark, Diane Gigantino, Taylor Hazelton, Laura Hogan, Caroline McNamee, Mariel Rodak, Sunny Rubino, Karen Kaing, Sam Ortiz

RICHMOND COLLEGE JUDICIAL COUNCIL Front row: (1 to r) Gabriel Laryea, Michael Waltrous, Sherman Hughes, Chadwick Harris, Randy Demartino Second row: (1 to r) Alex MacFarlane, Matthew Connors, Ryan Travis, Israel King, Mike Nager, Ian Billard Back row: (1 to r) Dennis Dowd, Jon Fabozzi, Paul Denton, Sam Goessling, Gary Welch, Phil Italiano,Jamey Nolan

WESTHAMPTON COLLEGE CLASS OF 2 001 CABINET Front row: (1 to r) Marissa Magnetti, Donna Yip, Leslie Wilson, Jess Wong, Tara Spicer, Megan Hackett, Catherine Scott Back row: (1 to r) Jackie Beadle, Carrie Pogany, Sarah Thomas, Kelley Wolfe, Lauren Quaile, Jeannette Brown, Andrea Bowe, Jennifer Bacheider, Melissa Shelly Not pictured: Maria Rinaldi, Shenee Haskell, Keyona Ham, Lisa Kerisos

WESTHAMPTON COLLEGE CLASS OF 2 0 0 4 CABINET Front row: (1 to r) Jessica Schwartz, Leslie Canuso, Missy McDonald, Kate Noice, Kaitlin Yapchaian, Christie McDiffet, Kristen Cerniglia, Charissa Lopez-Linus Second row: (1 to r) Lauren Dougherty Jennifer Hansen, Wallie Beth, Lyndsay Smoak, Amy Vest, Caroline Kornelis, Lyndsay Delquadro, Tricia Radford, Romney Joi Smith, Deana Spundarelli Back row: (1 to r) Tina Beecham, Lindsay Fisher, Anna Fitzgibbons, Lily Hayes, Megan Johnson, Chrissy Livingston, Laura Burleson, Kristen Bandura, Stephanie Hoffman, Ellen Brooks, Andrea Roscoe Not pictured: Jenny Hobgood, Blair Williams



RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION Front row: (1 to r) Eric Fuhrman, Gina Manzoli, Sarah Glick, Mike Valluzzo, Jessica DiTommaso, Jason Savedoff, Randy DeMartino Back row: (1 to r) Michael McCabe, Ilan McNamara, Dan Fiobgood, Brian Daly, Vivek Sequeira, Dana Marchetti, Rachel Kaplan, Josh Ilgen, Sarah Altman, Tom Dunn Not pictured: Charlie Walsh, Kevin Buck, Kelly Gyenes, Jannelle Whitfield, Angie Rittel, Colette Connor, Melissa Jones, Jason Jones


^iT—trSfe iKM£E*4Si-i$m^

STUDENT ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVES Front row: (1 to r) Matt Reinaker, Karen Puccia, Patricia North, Elisa Barbetti, Jenny Hobgood, Jason Muller, Kim McKnight, Holly Gordon, Jennell Whitfield, Marci Smith Back row: (1 to r) Marc Kaliser, Jonathan Piques, Tyrone Hanley, Ryan Babiuch, Peter Baltutis, Dan Cellucci, MJ. Lynch, Sherman Hughes, J.T. Lauber


-Qr g a n i z a t i o n s

VOLUNTEER ACTION COUNCIL Front row: (1 to r) Holly Gordon, Allison LaBuz, Nicole Sciarandre, Lauren Birney, Olivia Kohler Back row: (1 to r) Kevin Strunk, Bethany Cooper, Giselle Johnson, Jennifer Brown, Jack Urbanski, Karen Lewis Not pictured: Maura Weeks, Frannie Haranin, Emily Ward

STEALING HOME Front row:(l to r) Michele Laaksonen, Samantha Bain, Michelle Pardee, Evan Baum, Dan Fabian Back Row: (1 to r) Jason Hatcher, Steve Vecchione, Whitney Buckholz, Colin Rooney, Dan Jones, Amy McMullen

r UNDERGRADUATE GIVING PROGRAM Front row: (1 to r) Julie Bevevino Back row: ( 1 to r) Catherine Scott, Kevin Lingerfelt, Nick Sciullo, R. Eric Berlinger Not pictured: Andrea Roscoe, Gary Welch, Josh Schreier, Katy Young, Jof Cindric, Paul Denton, Kelly Gribbin, Brian Letoumeau, Cat Scott

WDCE CAMPUS RADIO Front row: (1 to r) Herb King, Michael Clifford, Collin Raymond, Kathryn Tunis Back row: (1 to r) Rob Vendig, Graham Eng-Wilmont, Ian Mackaye, Bill Boner, Alexander Stewart

BAPTIST STUDENT UNION Front row: (1 to r) Sarah Thompson, Brent Miller, Thomas Rawls. Kristin Adkins, Shelby Tigget Second row: (1 to r) Mike Clements, Amber Smith, Sarah Trimble, Jessica Schumann, Erin Sharp, Jennifer Lee, Will Rawls, Cara Parks Back row: (1 to r) Janelle Hubert, Sam Keyes, Dave Vatzlavick, Rob Wright, Sandy Whitesides, Meredith


OCTAVES Front row: (1 to r) Scott Olmstead, Will Rawls, Brent Miller, Andrew Bogle, Kevin Powell Back row: (1 to r) Brent Sullivan, Thomas Rawls, Patrick Traynor, Chris Snyder, Andrew Nalband, Chris Ward

SIRENS Front row: (1 to r) Ellen O'Nan, Lauri Sheibley, Kessiah Carlbon, Alison Domenica, Christina DeLillo, Christine Norris Back row: (1 to r) Carolyn Richie, Azur Wilson, Melinda Scott, Sarah Hormell, Lisa Wilcomes, Amanda Herold, Molly Terrenoire

CHOEUR DU RO I Front row: (1 to r) Jake Monaco, Amy Vest, Jen Naquin Back row: (1 to r) Randy Resnik, Daniel Gibson, Steve Barkley, Allison Kane, Brett Ambler, Bailey Hampton, Tiffanie Chan, Jenn Brown, Lauren Bailey, Jer Dunn Not pictured: Jen Reidy

CHEERLEADERS Front row: (1 to r) L indsay Orr, Sarah Devoe, Ronda Cox, Gigi Smith Back row: (1 to r) Maria Fabbroni, Romney Smith, Allison LaBuz, Courtney Daly, Sara Scavongelli

MARTIAL ARTS CLUB Front row: (1 to r) Will Gretes, Lauren Davis, Johanna Beyenbach, Amanda Folk, Jimmy Hwang Back row: (1 to r) Steve Wang, Steffen Soeffner, Andrea Landine, Jessica Gring, Geoff Goddu, Eric Fleming

WOMEN'S ULTIMATE FRISBEE Front row: (1 to r) Annmarie Robustelli, Sarah Gregory Back row: (1 to r) Cindy Silvester, Alena Amy, Laurin Lucas, Jennifer Griffin, Anna Frost, Karen Cahill






fL'acidty M

The University of Richmond consistently ranks high by U.S.

News & World Report. It's a highly selective institution with 3,400 full-time students. Richmond has an endowment of over $1 billion, _ but what does this all mean to you? It m eans that each day you work, you have the opportunity to shape some of the best and brightest young minds. You have a chance to research with future leaders in their fields. Every day you have the chance to make a difference.

Art and Art History (left







Sjovold, Denton,







Softie, Waller

Biology (front row, left to right) J e f f Elha i, D a v e S m i t h , M a r y Farrell, D e b r a W o h l , P e te r S m a l l w o o d , V a l e r i e Kish, J o h n B i s h o p

(back row, left to right) P e n n y Re y n o l d s , Krista S t e n g e r , M ar e n

Reiner, Linda N iedziela, Paula L essem, John Hayden

Chemistry (firstrow) S t u a r t C l o u g h , S u z a n n e O ' H a n d l e y , R ay m o n d D om i n e y , Em m a G o l d m an , S a m u e l Abrash, Karen Mc Grady, S teven Suljak

(second row) J o h n G u p t a n , G e r a l d i n e F e r g u s o n ,

R e n e K a n t e r s , J o h n Wi n e b u s h , W i l l i am My e r s

Economics (left to right) R o b e r t N i c h o l s o n , Erik C r a f t , S u s a n M . H o p f e n s p e r g e r , T r a v i s T a y l o r , Lis a V o e k s , J o n a t h an W i gh t , K i m ma r i e M c G o l d r i c k , D a v i d D e a n ( s t an d i n g ) , R o b e rt C o o k , R o b e r t S c h m i d t , S . P a t r i c k R a i n e s , R o b e r t D o l a n , J a k e P a s t er n a k

Finance Dr. J e r r y S t e v e n s , Dr. D a v i d N o r t h , Dr. J o h n Ear l, Dr. G i n n y F r i n g s , Dr. M i t c h Co n o v e r , Dr. C a r o l L a n c a s t e r

Modern Languages (front row, left to right) Dr. N a n c y , B r a d l e y -C o m e y , Dr. K a t h ri n B o w e r, Dr. T o m B on f i g l i o , R o s e T a n , Dr. F r a n c o i s e R a v a u x - K i r k p a t r i c k , A i d a D e a n , A k i r a S u z u k i , Dr. La ra S e m o n e s , Dr. J u l i e H a ye s ( D ep t . C ha i r ) , Dr. K a t ri n a P e r r y , Dr. S u s a n a R u b i o , F r a nc i s c o K u h n B o la n o s

(back row, left to right) Dr. L o r e n z o M a r c i n , Dr. R o b e r t T e r r y , Dr. A n d r e w R o s s , Dr. C l a u d i a Ferman, Dr. Jennifer Doucet, Dr. Kapanga Kasongo,Ted Peebles, Dr. Kevin O'Donnell

pictured) Dr. S h a r o n F e l d m a n , Dr. A l v a r o K a e m p f e r


History (front row, left to right) J o a n Bale, B o b Ke n z e r , H u g h We s t , J o hn G o rd o n (back row, left to right)S y d n e y Wa t t s , C a r o l S u mm e r s , E r n i e B o l t , Ge o r g e H e r r i n s , Wo o d y Ho l t o n

Leadership Studies (left to right) K a t h y B r a d l e y , J u d y M a r b l e , J a c k T h o m a s W r e n , T i f fa n y Keller, R i c h a r d C l o u t o , D o u g l a s H i c k e s , S u e M u r p h y , A n n e P e r k i n s , M o n i c a G i l l e s p i e , T e r r y P r i c e , Gi ll Hickman, Fred Jablin

(notpictured) J o a h h C h i o l l a , E l i z a b e t h F a e r , S u e R ob o n s a i n


Military Sciences (front row, left to right) M r s . L a n W e i d l e , M S G D a r i u s P a r k e r , Dr. L y n n S i m s (back row, left to right) S S G R o n a l d G e o r g e , M A J S t e v e n S c h w i c h l e r , 2 L T N i c k I n g e , LTG J a m e s Meredith, CPT Frank Cook, SGT Bradford Bethea


Philosophy (left to right) Ian B e l l , M i r i a m M c C o r mi c k , L a d e l l e M c W h o r t e r , C e o f f G o d du (notpictured) J i m H a l l , N a n c y S c ha w z e r ( on s a bb a t i c a l ) , G a r y S ha p i r o ( o n s a b b a t i c a l )

Political Science (front row, left to right) V i n c e n t W a n g , T a t T h i e l , J o h n W h e l a n (middle row, left to right) Arthur Gunlicks, Avis Jones-DeWeever, Tracy Roof, Ellis West (back row, left to right) A k i b a C o vi t z , J i mm y K a n d e h , Larry B u t l e r , J o h n O u tl a n d

Psychology (front row, left to right) Dr. J u l i e G r a n t , Dr. C a t h e r i n e B a g w e l l , D r . B a r b a r a S h o l l e y , D r . Jane Berry

(back row, left to right) Dr. p i n g Li, Dr. C r a ig K i n s l e y , D r . V i n c e n t B r o w n , D r .

F r e d K o z u b , Dr. S c o t t A l l i s o n

R i c h m o n d Co ll ege Dean's Office (left to right) D e a n R i c h a r d M at e e r , C o er y L o u c y , C a t r i n a W i l l i a ms , J o y ce F a r m er , J a s o n J o n e s , Me g a n R a p c h i c k , D a n F a b i a n , J o a n L a c h o w s k i , B u z z L a m be r t , T e r r y Z w e r dl i n g

Westhampton College Dean's Office (front Melissa









row ,









righ t) Lee

Moore, Holly



Blake, Cindy


Juliette McGuire

Women's Studies (left to right) McGoldrick,



Blake, Perry







speciafthanks to...

the 'Board'of Puhfications The 80th volume of the University of Richmond's WEB yearbook was printed by Herff Jones in Gettysburg, PA. The 175 pages were submitted on disk for a press run of 1,000. The book was made using Adobe PageMaker 6.5 on Macintosh computers. Fonts used include Apple Chancery, Charcoal, Helvetica, Lucinda Handwriting, Skia, and Trebuchet MS.

CandiedCofor 'Photography Jenni Sauer, ConrofCer LeonardQofdherg, Student 'Affairs Max Vest, StudentActivities Scott 'Devore, Bferff Jones Stacep Brann, 'Athletic Communications Vaferie Cemproia, Controller's Office our staff

Anna Solomon, Day Breeze,

% a f i Bo x m a n , L au r a QCeefe, M e g a n J o h n s on , T'ay for pfubhard












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