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The T.C.Willia1Ds School ol law

euus11111r Volume 2

December 1981

Number 2

Carle E. Davis, L'53, Chairs 1981-82 Law Fund "Eighty-One For Scholarships" Carle E. Davis, L'53, Secretary to the University Board of Trustees, will lead the 1981-82 Law Fund effort to raise $81,000 for law scholarships. Mr. Davis is a partner in McGuire, Woods and Battle. He is also an adjunct professor at the law school, teaching courses in Estate and Gift Tax and Corporate Tax. Mr . Davis replaces 路 Joseph E. Spruill, Jr., L'58, 1980-81 chairman, who successfully doubled both aggregate gifts and alumni participation last year. Excited about leading the 1981-82 campaign, Carle Davis said "I hope to continue the encouraging trend established by my predecessor and have every alumnus contribute in support of the Law School." Mr. Davis w ill be assis ted in the 198 1-82 campaign by John S. Barr, L'70, vice-chairman; James C. Roberts, L'57, law firm chairman; Douglas W . Conner, L'58, al umni chai rman; Lucretia C. Irby, L'78, and Step hen D. Busch, L'80, telethon co-chairmen; and Kent Gilliam, L'82, student fund cha irman. This year's goal and theme " EI GHTY- ONE FOR SC HOLA RSHIP S" w ill emphasize the need to add $8 1,000 t o the ex isti ng endow ment to support the Law Sc hool 's highest priority - SC HOLA RSHIP S.

Carle E. Davis

Library Officially Opened at Law Weekend The $1.5 million Library addition to The T. C. Williams School of Law officially opened Saturday, October 24, 1981. The opening ceremony - just one of many events which occurred during Law Weekend - featured The Honorable M. Ray Doubles, L'26, dean of law emeritus and professor of law emeritus, as the program's guest speaker. The new four-level addition took over two years to complete and provides over 16,000 square feet of new space. The addition includes carrel-type seating for 65% of the student body and additional seats for those who use the library. The opening ceremony also included the "unveiling" of a special donor plaque recognizing those donors who gave $1,000 or more to the Law School Capital Campaign.

1982 LAW WEEKEND-OCTOBER 22, 23 More Information Inside


Board of Directors UR Law School Association OFFICERS. 1981

John G. Rocovich, Jr. '67 President William Julias '57 Vice-President Beverly D. Boone Secretary-Treasurer


Thomas Stark, Ill '59 Amelia, Virginia Theodore J. Markow '68 Richmond, Virginia William W. Muse '73 Richmond, Virginia

The 1980-81 Law Fund Report .... . . . . . . ..... . . . .


Chairman's Message . .. . . .. . . . .. . .


Gift Income Summary . .


From the Dean.


A Word from the Association President .


Alumni Donors by Class .


Law Firms.


Non-Alumni Contributors.


Class Agents .


Faculty News .

. .. 10 .... ... .. .... . . ... 10

Placement Report.

.... . 14

Admissions Report .

........... 16

Student Bar Association . .

. . . . 19

Class Notes Law Weekend.

... . . . . . . . ... .. 20

Class Reunions .

......... . ..... 20

Donald H. Kent '60 Alexandria, Virginia Joseph P. Massey '77 Portsmouth, Virginia Henry A. Thomas '58 Alexandria, Virginia Reginald N. Jones '65 Richmond, Virginia Ian R. D. Williams '74 Colonial Beach, Virginia

Many changes are occurring within the Law School and every effort is being made to report on these changes. There are, however, a great many other developments, both within and without the Law School, that are of interest to alumni, friends, faculty and students. Readers are, therefore, encouraged to submit items of general interest, of either news or commentary value, for publication.

The Newsletter is published for alumni/ae, parents and friends of The T. C. Williams School of Law by the University Development Office.

Editor: Jon B. Tracy Photographers: Leigh Drewry Eric Dobbs Bill Parrish Mark Williams Lewis Longest Dale Hargrove Jon Tracy Editorial Office: Development Office Maryland Hall University of Richmond Virginia, 23173 Telephone (804)285-6281 Typesetting and layout prepared by Creative Graphics.

Thank You Thank you, Alumni for helping us surpass our Law Fund goal by more than $5,500. We feel this was a tremendous outpouring of support and generosity. For a wrap up of this drive, see pages 3 through 9. We are truly grateful for our many, many friends.


The 1980-81 Law Fund Report Our $65,000 Goal Was Surpassed Chairman's Message The 1981 Law School Annual Giving Campaign was a great success. This will come as no surprise to anyone familiar with the loya lty of our Law School alumni, the dedication of a sma ll group of volunteers, and the persistence of Dean Edmonds and Jon Tracy, who mobilized this most successf ul fund-raising effort, by far , in our history. Forty percent of our alumni (more than twice any previous level of participation) contributed over $70,000 towards a fund to provide scholarships for our deserving law students. Prior to the 1981 campaign, we never have raised more than $38,000. To those whose generosity made possible this historic achievement, our heartfelt thanks. Our very special appreciation is due C. Daniel Stevens, J. Waverly Pulley, Charles F. W itth oefft, and Joseph P. Massey, who worked tirelessly and unselfishly throughout the campaign. Finally, I am pleased to acknowledge our appreciation to the University administration and President Heilman for making available the resources and staff support to enable us to launch our own independent fund-raising campaign effectively, thus giving us the oppo rtunity to demonstrate that law school alumni are indeed a special, but loyal, part of the University family. The next campaign will be under the able leadership of Carle E. Davis, John S. Barr, James C. Roberts, Douglas W. Conner, Lucretia C. Irby, and Stephen D. Busch. With the cost of a law school education escalating so dramatically each year and the consequent competition among law schools for quality students, the challenge is before us. We all want our Law School to maintain its rightful place among the nation's best. May each of us resolve to do our part, when the call comes, to keep it there.

Joseph E. Spruill, Jr., L'58 Chairman, T. C. Williams Law Fund 1980-81

Joseph E. Spruill, Jr .. '58

Alumni . .................. $ 53,380.88


Law Firms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

12, 100. 00

Friends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $


4,987, 78

$ 70,468.66


From the Dean


Thomas A. Edmonds

As the 1981-82 academic year gets under way, I am struck with the realization that this will be the 5th year in which I have been privileged to serve as your Dean. In looking back over the last

four years, the progress which we have all made together is apparent, yet I am satisfied that the problems and opportunities which lie ahead, both for our law school and for legal education in general, will continue to provide us with ample challenges to our imagination, intellect and resourcefulness. In the areas of admissions, placement and faculty recruitment and retention, for example, it is clear that serious difficulties loom on the horizon. While our law school has continued to out-perform alarming adverse national trends in all of these areas, we will have to protect our enviable position in the future by redoubling our efforts and devoting more adequate resources to these aspects of our program. On the admissions front , we have experienced steady growth over the past 3 years in the number of applications received by the law school, and there has been a corresponding improvement in the credentials of our entering class each year. For the class which entered this fall, we received a total of almost 1, 100 applications; and the apparent qualifications for the study of law possessed by the 155 students who enrolled are unsurpassed by any prior class. Our limited recruiting efforts to date and the reputation and quality of our academic program have clearly served us well, and it might appear that little needs to be done in this area. The problem, however, lies in the demographics of the coming decade, along with the fact that many law schools have been established or expanded over the past decade in response to the surge in demand for legal education. The number of college-aged persons in the populations of Virginia and the other mid-Atlantic states from which we have traditionally attracted most of our students is expected to decline precipitously during the next 10 years, and it is obvious that the number of persons seeking to attend law school is

Five Year History Of Annual Giving $70,468 $70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000






20,000 10,000





*Year Capital Campaign for Law Library conducted-no separate annual giving effort.



also likely to be sharply curtailed. Accordingly, unless we are prepared to see the size and quality of our applicant pool dramatically diminished, it will be necessary for us to enhance our recruiting program and continue to encourage our alumni to strongly recommend the school to well-qualified applicants. Similarly, with regard to placement opportunities for law school graduates the future is problematic. The number of lawyers in the United States has almost doubled in the last ten years, and the total number is expected to exceed 750,000 by the end of this decade. Compounding problems of over supply in the profession generally are the current cutbacks at both the federal and state levels which have sharply reduced the number of law school graduates being employed by federal and state agencies. Once again, primarily because of the effective job done by our placement office and the loyalty of our alumni who tend to look primarily to our law school in satisfying their placement needs, our graduates have been better off from a placement standpoint than law school graduates generally across the country. In order for this to continue to be the case, we will all have to remain alert and sensitive to the needs of our students and the placement opportunities which become available in our area, and we will have to provide additional resou rces for our placement office for development and promotional purposes. The final area of concern which I would like to share relates to the matter of attracting and retaining a high quality full-time faculty in the future. Here again, I feel we have been fortunate in assembling and keeping a very able and talented group of full-time faculty members. Our young people currently on the faculty are working out extremely well, and we have sound leadership on the part of our senior faculty in both the areas of effective classroom teaching

and scholarly and professional accomplishment. With the ever in creasing number of lawyers in the country, one would think that the future would portend a buyer's market insofar as hiring new faculty is concerned. The fact is, however, that employment opportunities have never been better or more lucrative than they are currently for the best and the brightest law school graduates, from whose ranks we have traditionally sought to recruit our full-time faculty members. Indeed, the salary disparity between top graduates who have chosen to enter and remain in private practice and those who have opted for the academic community is growing so great that many people路 involved with legal education in the country are predicting great difficulty for most law schools in the future in attracting and retaining well-qualified faculty members. It is absolutely essential that we continue to work toward a salary structure and working conditions at our law school which will at least minimize, if not completely prevent this prediction from becoming a reality for us. On balance, I would say that we have a sound program in almost every respect at this point, and the agenda for the next decade will be to preserve, nurture and strengthen that program. I look forward to the task at hand with great confidence, in no small part because of the strong role which many of you will play in assisting and further improving the law school.

Thomas A. Edmonds Dean

A Word From The Law School Association President Our Law School is entering the 1980's with an excellent ouilding and a strong Dean, who has great plans for the school's future. The appointment of Dean Thomas Edmonds several years ago met with a favorable response from the bench and bar, the faculty and the student body. Under his leadership, the Law School has achieved and sustained good momentum. Our physical facility has improved rapidly in recent years, our library has grown, the faculty and course offerings have expanded, the quality of the entering student body has steadily improved, and our applications John G. Rocovich. Jr .. '67 for admission continue to in crease, contrary to the national trend of law school admission applications, which has been moving sharply in the opposite direction in recent years. In addition, the school employs a full -time placement officer and now has the benefit of a development director, both of whom have had significant impact on the Law School's progress. Certainly, we are moving in the right direction. As you are no doubt aware this momentum is principally the result of our Dean,

Tom Edmonds, who in my opinion is second to none so far as law school deans are concerned. However well things are going, the school still needs significant help from the alumni. In order to strenghten and improve our school further, it is essential to have strong alumni support. This need is especially evident since our body of living alumni is small. We should be able to accomplish Dean Edmonds' objectives, providing that the Law School Association does its part. During recent years, we have helped fund building additions, additional scholarships, a faculty chair and other special events. We must continue to support these programs in order to compete with other law schools for the best available faculty and students. Since legislative appropriations support three of our competitors, the cost gap in attending our school and the state supported schools is widening. Consequently, an increasing share of the burden will continue to fall on the law alumni. With our solid support, the Law School's reputation for excellence will continue to attract good students , some of whom will be our own sons and daughters, and it will continue to graduate the outstanding young lawyers who will become our future

~~.~~. John G. Rocovich, Jr., L'67 President, Law School Association


Alumni Donors By Class 1910


Number in Class - 1 Number of Contributors - 1

Number in Class - 9 Number of Contributors - 4

Participation - 100%

Participation-44.4 %

M . Melville Long

Total Dollars-$270 Archie C. Berkeley Emory L. Carlton Frances Farmer Robert Randolph Jones

1916 Number in Class-2 Nunlber of Contributors - 1 Participation-50% John J . Wicker, Jr.

1921 Number in Class-3 Number of Contributors-1 Participation-33.3% W . Richard Broaddus, Jr.

1923 Number in Class-5 Number of Contributors-2 Participation - 40% Total Dollars-$425 W. L. Robinson T. Dix Sutton

1924 Number in Class-3 Number of Contributors-2 Participation-66.6% Total Dollars - $400 Felix E. Edmunds James T. Knight

1926 Number in Class-8 Number of Contributors-3 Participation -37. 5% Total Dollars - $165. W . Moscoe Huntley D. Gardiner Tyler A . L. Witcher , Jr.

1927 Number in Class - 6 Number of Contributors-3 Participation-SO% Total Dollars - $1095 R. S . Bristow, Jr. Thomas J . Headlee John C. Williams

1928 Number in Class - 9 Number of Contributors - 3 Participation - 33.3% Total Dollars - $150 William L. Carleton Leonard R. Hall Wilbur H. Ryland

1929 Number in Class - 5 Number of Contributors-3 Participation - 60% Total Dollars - $590 Temple W . Broaddus John J . Moschetta Harold F. Snead

1931 Number in Class-7 Number of Contributors-7 Participation - 100% Total Dollars - $3775 George F. Abbitt. Jr. Watkins M . Abbitt William S. Cudlipp, Jr. Emanuel Emroch Moncure P. Patteson Beecher E. Stallard J ohn 0 . Whitehurst , Jr.

1932 Number in Class - 10 Number of Contributors - 3 Participation - 30% Total Dollars - $375 Louis C. Carlton J . Westwood Smithers* H. Branch Wood


1934 Number in Class-16 Number of Contributors - 6 Participation-37 .5% Total Dollars-$690 John A . Currie Vernon L. Duncan Fred 0 . Funkhouser Carlyle H. Palmore James B. Puller, Jr. Lawrence A. Thompson

Elio J. Nannini Books P. Shetter Ara L. Sumney William D. Temple


1941 Number in Class-16 Number of Contributors-9

Participation-56.2% Total Dollars - $2835 John B. Boatwright, Jr. Leroy E. Brown, Ill Fred H. Caplan Melvin B. Gaskins James Waddell Gordon, Jr. Eugene Mccaul John W. Pearsall Moody E. Stallings William Yeatts


Number in Class-11 Number of Contributors - 5 Participation - 45.4% Total Dollars - $315 Anthony J. Baroody James A. Betts, Jr. William M. Blackwell William M . Pope W. Griffith Purcell

Number in Class-13 Number of Contributors - 7 Participation-53.8% Total Dollars-$1335 Charles Fetter Ligon L. Jones Robert R. Merhige, Jr. L. Shields Parsons, Jr. Neal J. Patten Joseph L. Savage, Jr. Flavuis B. Walker, Jr.



Number in Class-19 Number of Contributors - 7 Participation-36.8% Total Dollars - $11 ,510 George E. Allen. Jr. B. L. Campbell J . Marker Dern John T . Grigsby Charles W . Kent Arthur Ritz Kingdon Luther Libby, Jr.

Number in Class - 6 Number of Contributors-3 Participation -50% Total Dollars-$1625 Charles A . Appel Edward L. Field, Jr . Duval 0 . Hicks, Jr.


1937 Number in Class-10 Number of Contributors - 5 Participation-50% Total Dollars-$325 A . Fleet Dillard Benjamin F. Kong Lewis W . Martin James L. Warren Harold B. Yudkin

1939 Number in Class - 12 Number of Contributors - 7 Participation - 58.3% Total Dollars - $2465 Martha 8 . Conway James C. Knibb Samuel J . T . Moore, Jr. Charles H . Ryland G. Thomas Taylor Bra xton Bryan Townsend David Meade White, J r.

1940 Number in Class-17 Number of Contributors - 9 Participation-52% Total Dollars-$1465 E. Parker Brown J. Newton Dovel James William Fletcher Wildman S. Kincheloe, Jr. James L. Mclemore, Jr.

1949 Number in Class - 36 Number of Contributors - 18 Participation - SO% Total Dollars - $6740 Robert F. Babb Cary L. Branch Fred A. Crowder Walther B. Fidler Jack P. Fine Harold L. Flax Walter R. Gambill Ernest T. Gearheart, Jr. John Taylor Green Joseph B. Hudson , Jr. Paul A . Jamarik James M. Minor, Jr. G. Clinton Moore Walter W . Aegirer Julian E. Savage Virginia S. Simms Harry L. Thompson W . Bailey Wilkinson


1945 Number in Class-5 Number of Contributors - 1 Participation -20% Albert M . Heiter

1946 Number in Class-12 Number of Contributors - 4 Participation-33.3% Total Dollars - $150 J . Frank Church Samuel Feinberg Max Geldin D . Orville Lahy

1938 Number in Class-10 Number of Contributors - 5 Participation - 50% Total Dollars - $497 Joseph A. Alexander. Jr. I. Norris Blake Ernest H. Dervishian Fred H. Timberlake Benjamin F. Woodson

Number in Class - 29 Number of Contributors - 10 Participation - 34.5% Total Dollars - $845 W . 0 . Dixon L. D. Geiger R. E. Gibson John W . Knowles Albert Russinoff George W . Sadler Wilbur L. Skinner Howard G. Turner George W . White, Jr. Stuart Lee Williams

1947 Number in Class-14 Number of Contributors - 9 Participation - 64.2% Total Dollars-$293.630 David Arenstein E. Ballard Baker Thomas P. Bryan Marvin F. Cole Clyde Y. Cridlin Alvin Guttag C. Berkley Lilly Albert L. Philpott John A. Snead

Number in Class - 67 Number of Contributors- 26 Participation - 38.8% Total Dollars - $4411 M. Dannehl Aldridge, J r. Joseph S . Bambacus T . Jack Bondurant Stephen J . Boyle. Ill L. Paul Byrne C. Thomas Chandler Martin F. Clark Cabell F. Cobbs T. Taylor Cralle George A . Davis Gilbert Leroy Duckworth Welford S . Farmer Vasil Fisanick James W. Fleet, Jr. Frederick T . Gray Walter H. Lockowandt Robert E. Pembleton David L. Raine Joseph P. Rapisarda Winston G. Sewell Blackwell N. Shelley Joseph F. Spinella Nicholas A. Spinella W. Bryan Stockdon Hugh R. Thompson, Jr . James M. Wiltshire, Jr .

Notice to Alumni Every effort has been made to insure the listing of all contributors, but errors may have been made. If your name is not listed and you made a contribution in fiscal year 1980-81, please write to Jon B. Tracy, Assistant Director of Development, and he will correct the oversight.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L a w Fund Report 1951 Number in Class-27 Number of Contributors- 19 Participation - 70% Total Dollars -$2915 Charles L. Apperson John F. Bane, Jr. Delmar L. Brown F. Elmore Butler Leslie D. Campbell, Jr. Charles E. Carter William E. Carter, Jr.

Arthur B. Crush, Jr. Douglas P. Dettor Dorothy 0. Ferguson Vernon T . Forehand 0. J. Graham, Jr. William Mazel D. W. Nuckols Richard C. Rakes Robert J . Skahan Reid M. Spencer J . Martin Willis Alvin Raymond Young

1952 Number in Class-47 Number of Contributors-16 Participation-34% Total Dollars-$3120 James H. Barnes William 0. Bivens, Jr. Richard H. Catlett, Jr. G. Mason Connell, Jr. Bennie L. Dunkum J . Albert Ellett Meredith A . House Jack 0. Kingsley Willard J. Moody Robert C. Moss Elmer J. Nochta H. Clyde Pearson J . Alfred Taylor, Ill Clyde M. Weaver Archie 0. Wells Thomas A. Williams

1953 Number in Class-26 Number of Contributors- 7 Participation-27% Total Dollars-$4003.13 Carle E. Davis Willard Finney Jacob H. Kelly, Ill Michael W. Moncure, Ill Truman L. Sayre Harry Shaia, Jr. Hugh A. West

1954 Number in Class-31 Number of Contributors-9 Participation - 29% Total Dollars - $830 William B. Bolton Hudson Branham Ernest C. Consalvo Milton 0. Gross Harvey S. Lutins Carl E. McAfee James C. Robertson Harold Shaffer Boyce C. Wornon

1955 Number in Class-19 Number of Contributors - 8 Participation - 42% Total Dollars-$740 Kenneth Irvin Devore Nettie S . Draper Harry L. Mapp, Jr. John D. O'Bryan, Jr. Owen B. Pickett George T. Rison, Ill James W. Renney Stephen G. White

1956 Number in Class-28 Number of Contributors - 10 Participation - 35. 7% Total Dollars - $1487.50 Frederick J. Dean Ill John W . Edmonds Ill James A. Eichner F. Ward Harkrader, Jr. Seymour Horwitz John F. Kelly, Sr. Robert C. Markham Thomas W . Moss, Jr. Charles Skomski Linwood E. Toombs

1957 Number in Class-22 Number of Contributors-12

Clifford E. White Furman B . Whitescarver, Jr.

Ronald W. Williams

Participation - 54.5%


Total Dollars -$ 1020 John J. Bosley William W . Coppedge Herbert I. L. Field William C. Fugate Carl C. Gillespie, Jr. James A. Harper James W. Morris, Ill John W . Parsons William M. Phillips Joseph R. Riggs James C. Roberts Harry B. Vincent

Number in Class-35 Number of Contributors-a Participation-22.8% Total Dollars -$1500 Frederick H. Creekmore Mack T. Daniels Claude C. Farmer, Jr. James W . Gilliam Donald H. Kent Herbert Ivan Meyer William G. Thomas George M. Trible, Ill



Number in Class-27 Number of Contributors - 11 Participation-40. 7% Total Dollars-$1610 Ernest K. Geisler, Jr. J. Patrick Graybeal Donald R. Howren Jay J. Levit Milton E. Maddox N. Andre Nielsen Henry P. Perciballi Gerald Press Joseph P. Rushbrooke Joseph E. Spruill, Jr. William L. Wimbish

Number in Class - 53 Number of Contributors-24 Participation-45.3% Total Dollars -$4318. 76 Paul S. Barbery Bruce A . Beam C. Champion Bowles, Jr. Robert F. Brooks Boyd F. Collier John M . Folkes Ralph M . Goldstein John N. Lampros Joseph L. Lewis Albert J. Lilly, Jr. Arthur S. Maris Vincent J. Mastracco, Jr. Jack C. McClung Reginald P. Morris Charles A. Ottinger John Evangelo Pappas Edward H. Rountree William R. Smith John R. Stump R. Kenneth Wheeler W. Eugene White James L. Whitlock Ebb H . Williams , Ill William A. Young, Jr.

1959 Number in Class - 32 Number of Contributors - 13 Participation-40.6% Total Dollars -$4301 Sidney Barney Joseph B. Benedetti W. Stephen Bradshaw F. Ross Coates James Peyton Farmer Oliver A . Pollard, Jr. William J. Rhodes, Jr. Birg E. Sergent, Jr. John S. Smart Frederick P. Stamp, Jr. Thomas Stark Ill Henry A . Thomas Edgar L. Turlington, Jr.

1960 Number in Class-30 Number of Contributors - 10 Parti cipatio n-33.3% Total Dollars-$1410 Robert E. Bailey Thomas 0 . Beane E. Beale Carter, Jr. Robert D. Gleason William A. Julias Philip B. Morris Donald B. Vaden

Laurence G. Kessler Lawrence L. Koontz, Jr. Frank Edmund Lynch J. Raymond McGill, Jr. Ralph E. Mirarchi Michael Morchower Elton A . Moskalski Alfred J . Owings Carl R. Pigeon John P. Rawlings Harvey E. Schlesinger William R. Stephens H. Franklin Taylor, Ill David A . West Thomas F. Williams, Jr.


1965 Number in Class-55 Number of Contributors-22 Participation-40% Total Dollars -$2865 J. Edward Betts Andrew J. Canada, Jr. Henry W. Crook, Jr. Robert E. Gillette Stuart Davis Glasser James L. Hutton William S. Kerr

Number in Class-49 Number of Contributors-20 Participation - 40.8% Total Dollars-$1575.50 John R. Amos William S . Burton, Jr. Aubrey Marshall Daniel, Ill Thomas B. Davidson, Jr. James G. Di Zerega Dudley J. Emick, Jr. Stanley M . Franklin Griffin T . Garnett, Ill James F. Ingram J. Jerry Kantor Wm. H. Ledbetter, Jr. George A . Nea, Jr. Jeffrey Rosenfeld Louis A. Rosenstock, Ill Mark C. Schnitzer A. Grey Staples, Jr. Elmo L. Stephenson C. Daniel Stevens Anthony F. Troy William C. Wood

1967 Number in Class-54 Number of Contributors - 17 Participation-31.4% Total Dollars-$2835 F. Bruce Bach William F. Burnside Scott A. Carter, Ill Robert G. Clements John C. Cowan Patrick M . Crawling, Jr. E. Olen Culler Davis G. Heatwole Lowry J. Miller Robert G. O'Hara, Jr. Henry R. Pollard, IV Carleton 0 . Powell Robert A . Pustilnik

1961 Number in Class - 32 Number of Contributors - 11 Participation - 33.3% Total Dollars - $7800 Hugh Campbell Douglas W. Conner Robert Epstein Robert 0 . Goff Max Jenkins L. Dale McGhee Charles E. Mervine, Jr. S. 0. Roberts Moore Nicholas Doyle Street A. Thomas Witherington Thomas S. Word , Jr.

1962 Number in Class - 48 Number of Contributors -1 8 Participation - 37 .5% Total Dolla rs - $1615 Stuart W . Atkinson Charles P. Beemus Charles 0. Boyles C. A. Christophersen Donald J. Coureas Frank N. Cowan A . James Kauffman Conrad C. Lewane Warren Grey Lineberry Dennis F. McMurran Richard S. Miller Phyllis L. Renick L. Wallace Sink James E. Spinks George Frank Tidey

Alumni Donor Statistics Number of unrestricted gifts to law school. Total number of alumni. Percentage of participation. Total unrestricted dollars .

.841 2,129 .40% .. $53,380.88

Class Achievements Leading classes by percen tage of members giving: Under 50 members 1910, 1 member, 1 gift . 1931, 7 members, 7 gifts. Over 50 members 1973, 87 members, 40 gifts 1964, 53 members, 24 gifts

.. 100% .. 100% .45.99% . 45.3%


W . Marshall Tuck William 0. Tune, Jr. Glen A. Tyler Archer L. Yeatts, Ill

1968 Number in Class - 63 Number of Contributors-22

Philip Deb Rome William F. Schutt Allan W. Smith Harold E. Starke, Jr. Michael A. Starr William R. Wahab Robert B. West

Participation - 34.9%


Total Dollars - $2405 Ralph L. Axselle, Jr. William F. Binford, Jr . Duncan M . Byrd, Jr. W . Davidson Call Barry S. Comess William Birch Douglas, Ill William L. Dudley, Jr. G. Blair Harry Charles A. Hartz, Jr. Carolyn M . Hill L. Peyton Humphrey Edward F. Johnson, Jr. Reginald N. Jones

Number in Class-51 Number of Contributors - 21 Participation-41.2% Total Dollars - $2380.09 Archibald C. Berkeley, Jr. Robert K. Caudle Denis C. Englisby Charles V. L. Hoback Walter L. Hooker James W. Hopper Franklin J . Jenkins Grayson S. Johnson Hamill D . Jones, Jr. Donald A. Lahy Brian K. Miller Vernon B. Oakley, Jr. Joel H. Peck James L. Polley Joshua Pretlow, Jr. J. Waverly Pulley Ill C. Jeffers Schmidt, Jr. Richard W. Stephenson, Jr. John W. Whitehurst Morton V. Whitlow Charles F. Witthoefft

Thomas 0. Jones John Randolph Maney, Jr. Theodore J . Markow Howard S. Marley Patrick M. McSweeney Jon C. Poulson John G. Rocovich , Jr. Daniel E. Rogers, 11 William K. Slate, II Eugene K. Street

1969 Number in Class - 47 Number of Contributors-18 Participation-38.2% Total Dollars-$1045 Joseph J. Aronica, Jr. Isabel H. T. Atlee Richard Y. Atlee George H . Bagwell, 11 R. Franklin Belote, Jr. Emanuel A. Bertin Lawrence E. Blake Theodore J. Burr, Jr. Robert B. Cousins, Jr. Francis T . Eck Walter S . Felton, Jr. Thomas G. Hodges Russell W. Jordan, Ill John T. King Roger L. Morton C. Allen Riggins Michael L. Rigsby Edward F. Younger, 111

1970 Number in Class-48 Number of Contributors - 22 Participation-45.8% Total Dollars - $2825 William J. Baker Robert N . Baldwin Thomas W. Blue Stanley B. Brock Dennis P. Brumberg Donald K. Butler Henry P. Custis, Jr. Michael S . Ferguson Michael T. Goode Barry S. Hackney Virginia H. Hackney Thomas F. Hancock, Jr. William S. Hudgins, Jr. George H. McNeal, Ill Charles M . Morrison, Jr. Clifford W . Perrin, Jr. Gerard P. Rowe Laurens Sartoris George L. Smith, Jr. William J . Strickland Charles Kent Trible Sandy T. Tucker

1971 Number in Class-57 Number of Contributors - 19 Participation - 33.3% Total Dollars - $795 G. Montague Barnum Richard E. Carter James H. Chamblin Sharon Faye Clark Marshall L. Ellett Charles B. Foley Herbert C. Gill, Jr. Peter A. Nikas John J. O' Keefe Cordell M . Parvin Joseph B. Prince, IV Terrence E. Reideler


1973 Number in Class-87 Number of Contributors-40 Participation-45.9% Total Dollars - $2452.50 Howard P. Anderson , Jr. Robert M . Armstrong James Ashby, Ill Cha rles E. Ayers, Jr. Joesph E. Blackburn, Jr. James A . Butts, Ill Lawrence M. Cardon Edward Knight Carpenter Frederick H. Combs, II William S. Davidson John J. Davies, Ill . Bruce E. Dozier Paul W. Duke M. Richard Epps Richard 0 . Gates Michael Fielding Gibson James Carney Hawks Greer Palmer Jackson Richard Croswell Kast Marion Frederick King John Lewis Knight William Henry Logan, Jr. David Storey Mercer John Howard Milne Sterling H. Moore Norman Devere Morrison William Wayne Muse Thomas T . Palmer James Fenda11 Parkinson, Ill Richard Saul Rothenberg George W . Rowe Wilbur L. Sawyer, Jr. Charles Eric Schelin Fred Andrew Talbot John Dirffie Tyler George D . Varoutsos Ferris Sleight Wafle, Jr. Kenneth Roger Weiner David Shaw Whitacre Henry A. Whitehurst James S. Yoffy

1974 Number in Class - 81 Number of Contributors-33 Participation-40. 7% Total Dollars-$1326 O'Conor G. Ashby William D. Bayliss Edward A. Beck, Ill William A. Beeton, Jr. Edwin A. Bischoff T . 0. Bondurant, Jr. William F. Branch Matthew J. Cody, Jr. Stephen L. Comfort George F. Cridlin Lester L. Dillard V . Thomas Forehand, Jr. Gregory D. Foreman Vincent D. Hardy Albert H. Jacoby, Jr. W. Richard Kay, Jr. Dennis 0 . Laing

John W. Luxton Geroge A. McLean, Jr. W. Edward Meeks, Ill Olin A. Melchionna, Jr. N. Kendall Newsom Michael R. Packer Stephen A. Palmer Westbrook J. Parker Robert D. Perrow John R. Pritchard, Ill William A. Pumphrey

Cary A. Ralston Stran L. Trout F. Dixon Whitworth, Jr. Ian A. 0. Williams

1975 Number in Class - 90 Number of Contributors-27 Participation-30% Total Dollars-$725 Joseph L. Anthony Hugh T. Antrim Richard K. Bennett William U. Corbett, Jr. C. Felix Cross, Ill Gary L. Denton Louis R. Durnya R. Mitchell Garbee Colin Robert Gibb William G. Hancock Marshall Lamont Haney John Henry Herbig Peter H. Holler Lawrence T. Jones George G. Joyner, Ill Stuart R. Kaplan Harold L. Kestenbaum John F. Mardula, Jr. John R. Marks John H. Mclees, Jr. Dennis J . Mcloughlin Herbert F. Niles, Jr. Nina K. Peace Robert S. Ricks David W. Seitz Gary Spahn Stephen M. Yost

Thomas W. Williamson, Jr. Carl J. Witmeyer, II Robert G. Woodson , Jr.

19n Number in Class-119 Number of Contributors-38 Participation - 31.9% Total Dollars - $2479.88 Robert Kevin Adams William R. Bess Robert Porter Boyd Stephen A. Bryant Robert Bruce Brown T. Norman Bush Charles C. Cosby, Jr. Wilhelm Hans Den -Hartog Richard B. Donaldson, Jr. Vera Duke Steven M . Edmonds Nile Kim Falk Norman Thomas Fow1kes, Ill R. Leigh Frackelton , Jr. Gary Robert Griffith Eric Ward Guttag Hartwell Harrison Robert Bryan Hatchett Joel H. Holt Thomas Branch Hoover Bradford E. Landon David Ray Lasso Ronald Allen Martin Joseph P. Massey Wade W . Massie Roger J. McDonald Sara Redding Myers Carl Marion Rizzo Bradford Boyd Sauer Steven V . Schuster Pamela H . Sellers David William Shreve Lenora H . Solodar Charles J . Strauss James Fenton Stutts Farris Frank Trestman J . Gaston B. Williams David H. Worrell , Jr.

1978 1976 Number in Class - 145 Number of Contributors-53 Participation - 36.5% Total Dollars-$2407.50 William M. Baskin , Jr. David B. Beach Dennis I. Belcher Thomas Marvin Blaylock Frank 0 . Brown, Jr. Norma 8. Carl Ramon Earl Chalkey Ill Richard Bruce Chess Joel P. Crowe Richard Cullen Ronald W. Denney Janet Fritz Early Ronald S. Evans T. Keith Fogg Barry Neil Frank Carl C. Giragosian Pamela Gordon G. Ronald Grubbs, Jr. Gregory S. Hancock James H. Hudson , Ill William J. Irvin William 8 . Judkins Gary W. Kendall Floyd W. Kirby, Jr. Andrew P. Kline Gregory Michael Luce Howard Taft MacRae, Jr. Joseph R. Mayes Burke F. Mccahill James L. Mclean Louis A. Mezzullo James Howard Mills John G. Mizell, Jr. J. Randolph Nelson Michael J. Oglesby William J . Dison Edward F. Parsons Torsten E. Peterson , Jr. W. McMillan Powers Barry L. Proctor Stanley Dale Profitt Glenn Walthall Pulley Alan M. Salsbury Richard B. Smith James G. Steiger Thomas N . Tarzwell Wilson R. Trice Lawrence W. Trull John Willis Vaughan , Jr. M . Coleman Walsh , Jr.

Number in Class-142 Number of Contributors - 34 Participation-23.9% Total Dollars - $2452 Norman C. Anderson , Jr. Lewis M. Baylor Patsy Ann Bickerstaff Richard M. Bing Gilbert Butler Thomas J . Cavuto Calvin W. Colyer Gordon Cooley Paul A. Cushmam James Lewis Davenport Margaret Phillip Foti Michael A. Glasser Susan Grimm Glenn Hammond Stephen Heitz Charles L. Hibbitts Lucretia Carrico Irby James C. Judkins Thomas R. Klein Frederick R. Kozak K. Tucker Landon Frank Bonner McCann, Ill Linda Arey McCann Brian E. Moran Roscoe J. Nuner, II Julian P. Sanderson Thomas Emden Snyder Paul Christian Stamm , Jr. Marion Bruce Stokes Edward C. Trope Evelyn G. Tucker William T. Webb, Jr. Peter W. Wright

1979 Number in Class - 123 Number of Contributors-24 Participation-19.5% Total Dollars - $555 John M . Claytor John V. Cogbill, Ill Robert E. Draim Janet R. Fowler Thomas Lee Gordon Wayne Halbleib Fay Hibbitts Ralph Kipp William E. Kirkland Margaret I. Lane W . Reilly Marchant Thomas. P. McPherson


Dennis 0 . Miller Everett L. Motley, Jr. James D. Phillips John C. Quigley, Jr. Deborah M . Russell William M . Ryland Robert L. Samuel, Jr. Ava Maureen Sawyer John T . Shrader Steven S. Smith Thomas Emden Snyder Kenneth T. Whitescarver, Ill

1980 Number in Class-130 Number of Contributors-21 Participation - 16.1% Total Dollars - $615 Ward L. Armstrong . Don P. Bagwell, Jr. Robert T . Billingsley Donald Carl Blessing Louise C. Boggs Neil Randolph Bryant

Douglas D . Callaway Susan Harris Coleman William Stephen Coleman Henry G. Crider Julia W . Davis Louise E. Dunn John D . Epps Stephen Ashton Hudgins Mary M . Kent Garrison 0 . Lickle Robert C. Light, Jr. M . Dabney Oakley, Jr. James Smith Scot Pedin Bruce W . White Stephanie B . Wishnack

1981 Number in Class-143 Number of Contributors-3 Participation - 2.1 % Total Dollars - $640 Louise Hoover Sheldon F. Mcleod Jonathan H. Poston

Non-Alumni Contributors George E. Allen Ill Wilbur C. Allen George & Frances Armour Foundation Wade Berryhill Epperly Broaddus The Cabell Foundation Harry L. Ca rrico John B. Catlett Continental Financial Services Arthur Diamonstein Dibrell Brothers Inc. Thomas A. Edmonds Sally S. Fairbanks Sidney Faison The Alan G. Fleischer Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John W. Freeman Mildred E. Goode Mrs. Edward H. Gunst The Hampton Foundation The John Jay Hopkins Foundation

Edward M . Hudgins Mrs. Hamill D. Jones, Sr. The Kresge Foundation Ellene Lowry Phyllis Macrae Moody, Strople, Brahm & Lawrence, Ltd. Daniel T . Murphy Northwestern Mutual Life Arthur I. Palmer, Jr. Carlyle H. Palmore Memorial Jane Pope Douglas E. Ray Davis R. Ruark Faiz Shaheen Robert E. Shepherd, Jr. Student Bar Association Peter N. Swisher Virginia Environmental Endowment D. Dortch Warriner

Law Firms

1980-81 Class Agent Roster

The Law School extends a special word of appreciation to the partners and members of the following Virginia law firms that in 1980-8 1 supported the ongoing effort to increase the scholarship and financial aid resources for law students by providing annual or endowed firm scholarships:

Initiated last year, the class agent system was chiefly respon sible for doubling the law school's alumni participation in one year. The class agent system has an alumnus/ alumna from each class serve as a class agent, or representative. These agents contacted their classmates in the spring with an individual letter. By incorporating the class agent system into the development program, an effective avenue of communication was opened to our alumni . It is our hope that the more informed alumni are, the more they will ¡respond when contacted by representatives of the law school and their classmates. J. Waverly Pulley, Ill, '72, served as the chairman of this phase of the 1980-81 Law Fund campa ign. Listed below are the individuals who volunteered their time and energy to help establish this program. Their results speak for themselves:

Browder, Russell, Morris & Butcher Christian, Barton , Epps, Brent, & Chappell Davis, Davis, Davis & Welch Gentry, Locke, Rakes & Moore Hunton & Williams Hirschler, Fleischer, Weinberg , Cox & Allen

Maloney & Chess May, Miller & Parsons Mays, Valentine, Davenport & Moore McGuire, Woods & Battle Moody, Strople, Brahm & Lawrence, Ltd. Press, Fenderson, Culler, Jones & Waechter

Alumni Chairman: J. Waverly Pulley, Ill 72 Decade 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's -

Captains: A. L. Philpott '47 Boyce C. Wornom '54 Anthony F. Troy '66 Robert N. Baldwin 70

Class Agents: John W . Fussell '28 Archie C. Berkeley '33 John A. Currie '34 John T. Grigsby '36 Martha B. Conway '39 James W . Fletcher '40 Eugene Mccaul '41 L. Shield Parsons '42 Duval 0. Hicks. Jr. '43-'46 Lester L. Dillard '47 Edward E. lane •48 Walker W. Regirer '49 F. Elmore Butler '51 J. Albert Ellett '52 J. Tivis Wicker '53 James C. Roberson ' 54 Harry L. Mapp, Jr. '55 John F. Nelly '56 H. Benjamin Vincent '57 J. Patrick Graybeal '58 Joseph B. Benedetti '59

A. Conrad Bareford '60 Thomas S. Word, Jr. '61 Leonard A. Paris '62 N. Lesl ie Saunders '63 R. Ken neth Wheeler '64 Robert E. Gillette '65 Aubrey M. Daniel Ill '66 Archibald Wallace Ill '66 R. Carter Scott '67 C. Thomas Mustian '68 Michael L. Rigsby '69 William J. Strickland '70 Charles B. Foley '71 Joshua Pretlow, Jr. '72 Frederick H. Combs II '73 Edwin A. Bischoff '74 Joseph L. Anthony '75 David B. Beach '76 Carl M . Rizzo '77 M . Bruce Stokes '78 Kenneth T. Whitescarver '79 W. Stephen Coleman '80


For any non-series law book needs, please call the UR Bookstore at (804) 285-6256.


Faculty N e w s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

McCann Leaves Lane Appointed Linda Arey Mccann. Assistant to the Dean of the Law School for the past three years, has resigned from the Law School staff, effective September 8, in order to accept a position with a federal agency. Mrs. Mccann will be serving as Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary of the United States Department of Education in Washington. She will continue to reside in Petersburg where her husband practices law. Mrs. McCann's duties at the Law School have included handling all student recruitment activities, coordination of the work of the admissions staff and the admissions committee, administering the law school's financial aid program , and general administrative tasks. Under Mrs. McCann's leadership, interest in the law school on the part of the undergraduate students at a wide range of institutions throughout the mid-Atlantic region has increased significantly, and the number of applications received by the law school during her period of service increased from 887 to 1075. Margaret I. Lane was appointed to fill

Linda Arey McCann

Margaret I. Lane

the position of Assistant Dean of the Law School, as of late September. Ms. Lane received her J. D. degree from T. C. Williams in 1979 and a B. A. degree in History from Mary Baidwin College in 1973. Since graduation from law sc hool , she has been in general practice with the Richmond firm of Bell, Lacy and Baliles.

Her primary responsibility will be in the area of law school admissions. She will also administer the law school's finan cial aid program. Since joining the Law School staff she has spent a considerable amount of time visiting undergraduate college talking with prospective students about the Law School.

Dean Elected Chairman

Boone Appointed to Hierarchy of NALP

The dean of the University of Richmond Law School was elected chairman of the Southeastern Conference of the Association of American Law Schools on August 15 at the organization' s annual meeting in Williamsburg. Dr. Thomas A. Edmonds. dean , will preside over the next annual meeting and other Conference functions as the new chairman for 1981-82. He succeeds Dean Kenneth Penegar of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville College of Law. Virginia law schools hosted the 1981 meeting in Williamsburg, where Dean Edmonds moderated a panel on "Legal Education in the 1980s: A New Landscape ." Panelists discussed the anticipated decline in college age students and in educational resources as they are expected to affect law school cu rricula and instruction. The Southeastern Conference is made up of all accredited law schools in 12 states. Next year's annual meeting will be held in Savannah, Ga. , with the Georgia law schoo ls as hosts. 10

At the annual meeting of the National Association for Law Placement held in June, 1981, in Boston, Massachusetts, our Placement Director, Beverly Boone. was appointed Regional Coordinator for the

Southeast Region of NALP. As such she will be responsible for planning the program for the regional meeting to be held in February in Savannah, Georgia.

Placement Report Over the summer the Placement Office moved into newly renovated space which was a part of the old law library. The office now occupies two rooms, a private office for the Director and a reception/information gathering area for student use. The office is entered through Room 111 which is located to the right of Classroom 109. Thirty employers had already scheduled on-campus interview dates for the fall semester before the end of August. Most

were law firms, but an accounting firm and severa l government agencies were also represented. Any alumnus who wishes to schedule an on-campus interview should contact Mrs. Boone in the Placement Office by writing the Law School, University of Richmond, Virginia 23173 or by telephoning (804) 285-6483. If the alumnus is unable to interview students on-campus, a job notice about any openings will be posted by notifying Mrs. Boone as well.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F a c u l t y News

New Faculty Paul J . Zwier has joined the faculty as assistant professor of law. He comes to UR from Temple University School of Law in Philadelphia, where he was the Freedman Fellow and a lecturer in law. Zwier received his bachelor's degree with a major in Philosophy and History from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Mich., Juris Doctor from Pepperdine University School of Law, and LL.M. from Temple in May of this year. He was assistant general counsel of th e Temple Lega l Aid Office from 1979-8 1. The new faculty member was admitted to the Bar in California and Pennsylvania in 1979. His teaching experience includes the subjects of civil trial advocacy; lawyering process; torts; corporations; and interviewing, negotiation and counseling. In the current academ ic year here he is teaching Torts I and II, Corporations and Professional Responsibility. Stephen M. Fuller of Tulsa, Okla., has been named visiting associate professor of law at The T. C. Williams School of Law for the 1981-82 academic year. Fuller joins UR after having served for the past year as visiting associate professor of law at the University of Tulsa College of Law . He also has held faculty posts in the law schools of Arizona State, Brigham Young, and the University of New Mexico. The new appointee holds the J.D .

Paul J. Zwier

from the University of Tulsa and LL . M. from the University of Virginia , where he was special assistant to the general counsel and is now a candidate for the SJ D degree. Fuller was graduated from Arizona State University with highest distinction and earned his M.A. there with a concentration in History. He holds the Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico. The visiting associate professor is a former Fellow of the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Program for

Law Teachers at the University of Chicago Law School and was a member of the Curule Chair at the University of Tula College of Law, where he also worked with _the Law Journal. He is a member of several national professional organizations and the author of a number of professional articles. During the fall semester, he will teach Torts I, Civil Procedure I and Legal Drafting Seminar; in the spring term, Torts II and Civil Procedure II.

English Appointed Law Librarian

Distinguished Educator Robert E. Shepherd. Jr .• professor of law, was one of five University faculty members who were awarded the University's 1980-81 Distinguished Educator Award during the Opening Convocation at the Uni versity on September 2. The winners are chosen annually through a process involving faculty, alumni, students. administrators, and trustees. The Distinguished Edu cator Awards, which are presented by the Board of Trustees and ca rry a prize of $2,000 for each recipient. were inaugurated at the University in 1975 for the purpose of attracting and retaining outstanding teachers. The initial challenge gift to underwrite the awards was given by the Robert G. Cabell, Ill and Maude Cabell Foundation .

Stephen M . Fuller

Robert E. Shepherd, Jr.

The Law School is pleased to announce, effective as of October 1, 1981, the appointment of Susan B. English as Law Librarian and Assistant Professor of Law. She replaces Leigh Morris who left the University to take a position in Denver, Colorado. Mrs. English joined the University of Richmond in August, 1980, as the Associate Law Librarian. She has a B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, a M. S. L. S. from Drexel University and a J .D. from Temple University. Prior to coming to the University, Mrs. English worked at the Biddle Law Library, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania .


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Faculty N e w s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Admission Report by Jean Morris Tarpley

New & returning law students enjoy a get-acquainted picnic during the first week of classes.

Jean M. Tarpley

Dual Degree Programs With V.C.U. The Law School currently offers 2 "Dual Degree" programs . In the Dual Degree programs a student may earn 2 degrees which would normally involve a 5 year ed uca tional commitment, in only 4 years . These Dual Degree programs are being offered in cooperation with the Virgin ia Commonwealth University Graduate Schools of Social W ork and Urban Studies and Planning, respectively. These programs were designed to attract a few highly motivated stu dents. Students enrolled in these programs are permitted to count one semester's work in the law school towa rd ¡ meeting the degree requirements in the respective grad uate schools and vica versa. The Juris Doctor and Master in Social Work Program began in the Fall of 1979. Graduates of this program wi ll, of course, demonstrate competency in both law and social work. This competency is applicable to areas of practice drawing upon knowledge and skills from each of these fields. It is expected that this program will bring together not only persons sensitive to both the legal and human elements in social and personal dysfunctions, but also two fields that call for certain similar as well as different kinds of knowledge and skills directed toward resolving human problems. This effort to integrate education in law and social work will draw on the contributions each can make to a professional


base for practice in both fields. Seven students are currently enrolled in the J.D .-M .S. W . program. The co ncept underlying the Dual Degree Program in Law and Urban Studies and Planning addresses socia l and economic concerns through institutions which shape the direction of urban change. Whil e lawyers are often concerned with the impact of leg islation and judicial decisions on groups and individuals, planners concentrate on social, econom ic, and political impacts on land use with the aid of legal strategies to guide commun ity growth and development. The Master of Urban Stud ies and Regional Planning and Juris Doctor dualdegree program integrates these two professional curricula to provide the necessary expertise to app ly legal and planning ana lysis to the resolution of urban and regional policy issues and problems. One student is enrolled in the J .D.M.U.R.P. program, which was begun in 1980. The Law School and The E. Claiborne Robins School of Bu siness of the University of Richmond are currently working to develop a third Dual Degree Program , the J.D.-M.B.A. program . It is hoped that such a program will be approved for the Fa ll of 1982.

Law School applicants continue to be on the rise with an increase of 67 this year over last year's 1,013 applications . Many outstanding applicants are seeking admission, which gives the Committee on Admissions a tough job! We contin ue to add undergraduate institutions to our list of those to be visited by representatives of the school. Through these calls, correspondence and visits , our contacts with these schools have become more personal. The result has been that we are drawing students from a wider range of schools and backgrounds geographically. We add, however, that approximately three-quarters of our students are sti ll Virginia residents . An interesting fact to note is the average age of our stu dents is now about 26 years. This reminds us of th e early 50's when the World War II veterans were re, turning and entering the school. For those of us who have long served the school, it makes us proud to see the accomplishments of so many who have gone from our law school out into the profession. The student body has vastly c hanged over the years, not only in size but in gender! Our average total enrollment each year numbers approximately 425, of which one-third are women. We are delighted with our facilities, which now very adequately accommodate these students, and we urge you, if you have not already done so, to come and visit the new library addition just comp leted in July - where, hopefully, you will find a student in every carrel!



Notes From the Law Library by Susan B. English

In May the library made its .final move into the new building. The staff has spent a busy summer getting the library ready for the fall semester. We invite all alumni / ae to return and take a look at the new facility. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. You are also welcome to use the library and borrow books. If you wish to borrow books,

Federal Civil Practice Seminar Series The Hon. John D. Butzner, Jr. , The Hon . Robert R. Merhige, Jr., and The Hon. D. Dortch Warriner head the list of outstanding speakers for the FEDERAL CIVIL PRACTICE AND LITIGATION Seminar Series being presented by The T . C. Williams School of Law of the University of Richmond from September 15 through November 10, 1981. This Continuing Legal Education Program will consist of nine separate two-hour lectures to be offered each Tuesday night from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The intensive and advanced course of study is designed both for practicing attorneys with previous limited experience in federal civil litigation, and for those attorneys with more extensive federal court experience who are interested in keeping abreast of the most recent developments in the area of federal practice. Other speakers during the course of the seminar series will include James C. Roberts, Lewis T. Booker, Wilbur C. Allen, George E. Allen Ill, William K. Slate, Robert P. Geary, W. Carter Younger, James P. McElligott, and Professor W . Clark Wil liams, Jr. The course of study will focus on the most frequently encountered areas of difficulty in federal litigation, including jurisdictional problems , pleading and motion practice, the Federal Rules of Evidence, and appellate practice and procedure. Due to the popularity of this seminar, the Law School will be video taping the entire seminar series. Those individuals or groups wishing more information may contact Professor W. Clark Williams, Jr., or Beverly D. Boone, Placement Director, The T. C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond, Virginia 23173, or by telephone at (804) 285-6337.

please apply for a library card at the circulation desk. You will be asked to show this card each time you borrow materials from the library. One new feature of the library which has aroused particular interest is the acquisition of LEXIS. For those of you who are not familiar with LEXIS, it is a computerized

legal research system marketed by Mead Data Corporation. Access to LEXIS will greatly enhance the educational experience of our students as well as the research capacity of our faculty . Because of our special educational rates, it may be used for educational purposes only and may not be used by outside practitioners .


LAW REVIEW Published four times a year, the Review emphasizes issues of interest to the practicing Virginia Lawyer.

Selected Articles From Recent Issues:

Virginia's Continuing Negligent Treatment Rule: Farely v. Goode and Fenton v. Danaceau ............... . ... . ............... J. R. Zepkin A Re-examination of Sovereign Tort Immunity in Virginia. . . . . . . . . ..... .. ...... . Edward W. Taylor Discovery of Penalties . ....... .

. .......... W. Hamiton Bryson

When Cops are Robbers- Municipal Liability for Police Misconduct Under Section 1983 and Bivens . ......................... Brenda D. Crocker Support of the Surviving Spouse and Minor Children in Virginia: Proposed Legislation v. Present Law . . . .... . ..... J. Rodney Johnson Recovery for Accidental Injuries Under the Virginia Workmen's Compensation Act. . . . . ............ Douglas E. Ray R. Craig Evans Jay H. Steele -









University of Richmond Law Review The T. C. Williams School of Law University of Richmond, Virginia 23173 Enclosed is $18.00 to begin a subscription to the current volume of the University of Richmond Law Review. (Renewal subscriptions are automatic unless a subscriber directs discontinuance.)

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I' !


Judge M. Ray Doubles Presented Distinguished Service Award Former Dean M. Ray Doubles, L'26, was honored by the Student Bar Association during the Official Opening ceremony of the new Library addition. Steven E. Farrar, L'82, President of the Student Bar Association, presented the Student Bar Association's Distinguished Service Award to the ceremony's guest speaker, Judge M. Ray Doubles. Judge Doubles received his LL. D from the Law School and became a member of the faculty that same year. He holds the distinction of being the second person in the history of the Law School to officially hold the position of Dean, a position he assumed in 1930. In 1947, after seventeen years as Dean, Judge Doubles resigned to accept an appointment as Judge to the Richmond Hastings Court, Part II. After retiring from the bench in 1965 he rejoined the faculty at T. C. Williams as an associate professor and taught courses in Administrative Law and Criminal Procedure. Judge Doubles officially retired from the faculty in June, 1971, but returned in September to serve as Acting Dean of the Law School, due to illness and subsequent passing of his close friend and associate, Dean William T. Muse. The Student Bar Association Distinguished Service Award was funded by an anonymous donor who approached the Student Bar Association in the spring of

Ten 1981 graduates were selected for judicial clerkships. It is an honor to be chosen for such a position and the Law School wishes to congratulate these men and women and to identify them to our alumni. Ann Annase - Law Clerk to The Hon. J. Calvitt Clarke, Jr., United States District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Virginia, Norfolk, Va. Mary Commander - Law Clerk to The Hon. John A. MacKenzie, United States District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Virginia, Norfolk, Va.

Judge M. Ray Doubles receives the Distinguished Service Award from Steven E. Farrar, L'82, Student Bar Association - President.

1980. The donor's gift endowed the award to honor annually an alumnus or staff member of the Law School who has distinguished himself/herself by service to the Law School. The Student Bar Association made a contribution to the Law School Scholarship Endowment Fund in the name of Judge M. Ray Doubles, in addition to presenting him with a certificate commemorating his selection.

Student Bar Association by Stephen E. Farrar

The Student Bar Association begins the new school year intent on strengthening the ties between the law students and the undergraduate students at the University of Richmond. Because of the location of the Law School on the campus, and the great academic demands placed upon our students, there has been a decreasing emphasis on involvement with the general University. In an effort to strengthen association with the University, law students have worked with such groups as the University Board of Publications, the WDCE Board of Directors, and a subcommittee of the Board of Trustees. By offering our ex-


Ten Take Clerkships in Class of 1981

perience in student activities we hope that the law school will increase its visibility on campus and have more participation in student decisions. Around the school the Student Bar Association is as active as ever. The list of events sponsored by this group grows annually. Examples: The Association sponsored teams to the National Client Counseling Competition held in Columbia, S. C. and to the National Labor Law Moot Court Competition held in New York. In addition, the Student Bar Association conducts the Legal Forum, an excellent speakers series, and the Juris Public1~ our school newspaper, and a myriad of social events.

Drew Gallalee - Law Clerk to The Hon. Richard B. Kellam, United States District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Virginia, Norfolk, Va. Philip Hart - Staff Clerkship, Va. Supreme Court, Richmond, Va. Wack Mcintosh - Law Clerk to The Hon. J. Harry Michael, United States District Court Judge for the Western Distict of Va. Jennie Montgomery - Law Clerk to the Alexandria Circuit Court, Alexandria, Va. Terry Morris - Staff Clerkship, Va. Supreme Court, Richmond, Va. Bruce Phillips - Law Clerk to The Hon. Eugene Gordon, Jr., United States District Court Judge for the Middle District of North Carolina, Greensboro, N. C. 路 Betsy Shuff - Staff Clerkship, United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, Richmond, Va. Barbara Vann - Law Clerk to The Hon. D. Dortch Warriner, United States District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Va., Richmond, Va.

Alumni Volunteers Wanted For more information call Jon B. Tracy, Assistant Director of Development, (804) 285-6281

Three Law Firm Scholarships Announced Three Virg inia firm s includin g two from southwest Virginia Sturgill and Sturgill and Browning, Morefield, Schelin & Arrington, P . C. , recently expressed their loyal support of T. C. Williams by establishing an endowed and annual firm scholarship respectively. The third firm, from Richmond, Va ., Boone & Warren, join the growing list of 15 Virginia firms now helping to promote the Law Schoo l's effort to continue to attract outstanding students. Spearheading the 1981 -82 Firm Scholarship Program, James C. Roberts stated, "This is a clear and deeply appreciated effort on the part of these firms to assist t he Law School in its development of additional

s 8

"5 ~I

resources of finan cial support for students. Through the establishment of these scholarships they are helping to secure the future and continuing excellence of our Law School." The goal of the Firm Scholarship Program accord ing to Dean Edmonds, this year, is to have at least 25 Vi rginia firms suppo rtin g the Law School's financial aid and scholarship needs through annual or endowed firm scholarsh ip . Firms seeking additional information pertaining to this program may call (804) 285-6336, or write: Thomas A. Edmonds, Dean, The T. C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA., 23173.

Mrs. Jean Morris Tarpley Celebrates 30 Years with University of Richmond The faculty , staff, students and alumni surprised Mrs. Jean M. Tarpley on the day of her 30th anniversary with the Law School. Currently Director of Admissions, Mrs. Tarpley started working at the University for Dean William T. Muse as his secretary on November 6, 1951 . Mrs. Tarpley is the second longest employed staff member of the University, next to Dr. George Modlin , Past President and current Chancellor of the University. Comp letely surprised, Mrs. Tarpley said, "This has to be one of the best days of

my life at the Law School and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this surprise."

In Memoriam George D. Bowles, R'21, L'25 Richmond, Virginia July 25, 1981 Norman V. Cavanaugh, L'31 Delray Beach, Florida December 25, 1980 Warren F. Curtis, L'35 Richmond, Virginia July 25, 1981 William J . Hopkins, R'30, L'32 Richmond, Virginia January 25, 1981 Thomas B. Inge, Jr. L'63 Kenbridge, Virginia September, 1981 James Lyttleton Landrum. L'23 Doswell, Virginia 1981 John Ossea, Jr., L'49 Washington, D.C. August Z7, 1981 J. Kenneth Rader, L'35 Richmond, Virginia September 22, 1981 J. Westwood Smithers, L'32 Richmond, Virginia June. 1909 - June, 1981 Elizabeth Nelson Thompkins Richmond, Virginia June 25, 1981

The NEWSLETTER invited alumni to write to the Law School advising the Alumni Office of news of interest for publication in the "Alumni News" section of the newsletter. The postcard on the back of this issue may be used for this purpose. Changes of status within a firm, changes of an association and selection for positions of leadership in community or professional organizations are only a few examples of "Alumni News" material. Changes of address may also be sent to the Alumni Office, Maryland Hall. University of Richmond, Virginia 23173.


Mrs. Tarpley's cake

Dr. Modlin congratulates Mrs. Tarpley


Moot Court Winners Moot Court finals in the Barnett Competition were held Nov. 7 in the Moot Court room of the T.C. Williams Law School. The Barnett Competition, open only to second-year law students, is a competition where contestants are given a hypothetical case to research, brief and argue in a mock Appeals Court situation. This year, fifty contestants, or 25 teams, voluntarily entered the double elimination tournament. Winners of the Final Round of the Competition Colin Connelly Lisa Lahrman Overall Best Advocate Steve Gravely New National Team Members Ray Luphold Steven Higgs Rebecca West Wayne Stahlmann Deborah Rawls Steve Gravely National Team Alternates Kim Smithers Kent Porter New Members Selected to the Moot Court Board John Ivins Fletcher Harkrader Pia Trigiani Peggy Kellam Anne Setien Dick Vorhis Lisa Lahrman Colin Connelly Marla Graff Tim Persons Faith Dillow Dave Johnson Ellen White Keith Cacciatore Ron Wiley Mike Ward Kim Smithers Kent Porter Best Brief Award Angela Hochmesiter Anne Setien Brief-Honornble Mention Lisa Lahrman Steve Gravely Colin Connelly John Ivins


Westhampton Alumnae Association Establishes Tompkins Scholarship The Westhampton College Alumnae Association is now raising funds to endow the Elizabeth Nelson Tompkins Scholarship, to be awarded annually to a Westhampton senior for continuing study at The T. C. Williams School of Law. The scholarship will honor the memory of a distinguished Westhampton graduate, Class of '19, who became the first woman to graduate from the U. Va. Law School. Miss Tompkins died as a result of an automobile accident on June 25, 1981.

She practiced law in Richmond until her retirement in 1979, and was devoted in her service to Westhampton as an alumna. Miss Tompkins was a member of the UR Board of Trustees from 1941 -1971. The alumnae association's goal to endow the scholarship is $10,000. For further information, please contact the Westhampton College Alumnae Association, Jane S. Thorpe, Director of Alumnae Relations, University of Richmond, 23173, telephone (804) 285-6455.

J. Westwood Smithers Memorial Scholarship Fund and Portrait Fund The J. Westwood Smithers Memorial Scholarship has been established to honor the memory of a distinguished attorney, former city council member and emeritus professor of law at the University of Richmond. Mr. Smithers, a Richmond native who died in a local hospital June 22, graduated from The T. C. Williams School of Law in 1932 and was a research fellow at the Harvard Law School in 1935. Twice elected to the City Council in the '60s, he taught at the UR law school from 1932 to 1964 and from 1970-79-a total of 41 years before being named emeritus professor of law. For the past 45 years, Mr. Smithers conducted a bar review course for law students preparing to take the Virginia State Bar examination. He also was executive director emeritus of the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, an honorary designation accorded him when he retired in 1977 after 15 years as the association's executive director. In addition, he was a former editor of the association's Law Letter. Mr. Smithers was a life member of the American Law Institute and a member of the Richmond, Virginia, and American bar associations, the American Trial Lawyers Association and the Harvard Club of Virginia. Memorial contributions to the scholarship fund may be directed to the Development Office, University of Richmond, Virginia 23173. In addition, contributions are being sought by a group of his friends for the pur-

J. Westwood Smithers

pose of commissioning a portrait of the late J. Westwood Smithers. When completed, the portrait will be presented to The T. C. Williams Law School and hung in the law building. Persons interested in having a part in this effort may send donations in any amount to: The J. Westwood Smithers Porttait Fund, T. C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond, Virginia 23173.

Class Notes 1954 William B. Bolton, L'54, Fredericksburg, Va., is a former president and currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of United Virginia Bank/Spotsylvania. He also was elected to the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association of Lenoir-Rhyne College. James C. Roberson, L'54, Norton, Va., served as chairman of the Wise County School Board for the last ten years. He is now substitute Judge for the General District Courts and Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts of the 30th Judicial District Court.

1959 William L. (Bill) Gulley, L'59, Howell, Ml, was recently promoted to Vice-President -General Counsel for Michigan Life National Casualty Insurance Company.

1962 Richard S. Miller, L'62, Lynchburg, Va., has been appointed Judge of the General District Court for 24th Judicial District of Va.

1965 H. Franklin Taylor Ill, L'65, Richmond, has been elected to the Executive Council of the International Softball Federation as North American Vice-President. He is past national president of the Amateur Softball Association of America and is currently serving as a delegate to the United States Olympic Committee.

1967 Thomas J. Fadoul, Jr., L'67, Mclean, Va., has become a partner in the firm of Brown, Younger & Whilhoit, P.C., specializing in business law, immigration and international law.

Thomas Olivieri, L'75, is engaged in private practice (Olivieri and Lamparello) in Jersey City, N.J.

1976 Rick Ches, L'76, a former Pennsylvania State Representative, is now VicePresident of the Metro- Richmond Chamber of Commerce. John Edward Lane Ill, L'76, Altavista, Va., is a partner with Eller, Beeton & Lane. Daughter born 3/13/80, Melanie Elizabeth Lane. E. Baxter Lemmond, L'76, Key West, Florida, is in private practice. Member of Florida, Va., and Washington, D.C . Bars. Howard Macrae, L'76, Richmond, Va., is now employed as Assistant General Counsel of Wheat, First Securities, Inc. James Mclean, L'76, Northridge, CA, served as Vice-Chairman for Finance in the National Reagan for President Campaign, was admitted to California Bar, and pursued his interest in acting. During the summer he acted professionally at Knott's Berry Farm and can be seen in the forthcoming films: "Honky Tonk Freeway" and Francis Ford Coppola's "One From The Heart", both summer '81 releases. Glenn W. Pulley, L'76, Danville, Va., is employed with Clement & Wheatley. He married Pamela Floyd Pulley, WC'73, and has two sons, Carson and Drew. Thomas E. Roberts, L'76, Staunton, Va., was elected to Staunton City Council in May, 1980. He is an instructor of Business Law at Mary Baldwin College and has formed a partnership with John R. Hooe Ill, L'77. Carl J. Witmeyer II, L'76, Richmond, Va., has formed partnership with Steven K. Webb practicing as Witmeyer & Webb.

1973 David S. Whitacre, L'73, Cross Junction, Va., has two children, daughter, Katherine M., and son, Shawn B. Whitacre.

1974 W. Edward Meeks Ill, L'74, is Commonwealth's Attorney for Amherst County, Va. Richard E. Smith, L'74, Jonesville, Va., has been appointed Judge, 30th District Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court.

1975 Harold L. Kestenbaum, L'75, New York, is practicing as a solo practitioner at 200 Madison Ave., 26th Floor, N.Y.

19n William R. (Rod) Bess, L'77, and Evelyn K. Krippendorf have formed a partnership for the general practice of law in Roanoke, Va. Prosser D . Carnegie, L'77, Charlotte, N. C., has formed a partnership with Leslie H. Miller, L'79.

J. Gastlon B. Williams, L'77, Roanoke, Va., is Assistant U. S. Attorney, Western District of Va.

1978 Jeffrey Rogers Allen, L'78, announces the birth of their daughter, Emily Rogers Allen on August 13, 1980. Jeffrey is serving in the U. S. Army, Trial Defense Services as Criminal Defense Counsel, and stationed at Ft. Stewart, Ga. Gilbert Butler, L'78, Roanoke, Va., is associated with Gardner, Cranwell and Rocovich, P.C . Glenn B. Hammond, L'78, Troutville, Va., is an Attorney-Advisor, Chief Judge, Office of Hearings and Appeals, Roanoke, Va., Social Security Administration. He was promoted to Major, U. S. Air Force Reserve, JAG, Assistant Staff Judge Advocate, Langley AFB, Va. Judy Noel Riddle, L'78, Midlothian, Va., is Assistant Corporate Counsel for Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Richmond, Va.

1979 Robert E. Draim, L'79, Richmond, Va., is an associate with McGuire, Woods & Battle. Susan Evans Greenlief, L'79, Fairfax, Va., is an associate with Siciliano, Ellis, Sheridan and Dyer, Arlington, Va. David A. !Dan) Neal, L'79, Long Beach, CA., is a labor attorney for Atlantic Richfield Company, Los Angeles, CA.

1980 Robert T. Billingsley, L'80, has completed a one-year clerkship with the Hon. James C. Tuck, Chief, U.S. District Court Judge, for the Western District of Va. He is now an associate in the Richmond Office of McGuire, Woods and Battle. Henry G. Crider, L'80, is an associate with Warren, Parker, Williams and Stilwell, Danville and Chatham offices. He also was elected delegate to the Va. State Democratic Convention held in Va. Beach 5/23-30, 1981. John Richardson, L'80, is an associate with Williams, Worrell, Kelly & Greer, Norfolk, Va.

Theodore L. Chandler, Jr.. L'77, Midlothian, Va., is associated with Williams, Mullen, Christian, Pollard and Gray. He has a new daughter, Katie. David W. Shreve, L'77, Altavista, has been appointed to the Board of Central Fidelity Bank's Altavista office.


Law Weekend 1981 Annual Fall Gathering of Law Alumni

John Rocovich and President Heilman greet guest at Fall Gathering

lam Williams and Henry and Bobbie Thomas renew acquaintances at Fall Gathering

dent, said, "The 1981 Law Weekend program was the best we have had in many years . All of those who returned truly enjoyed themselves. Some of the classes, I have been told, even plan to have informal reunions every year. That is what Law Weekend should be, and we will continue to encourage reunions each year!" Plans for the 1982 Law Weekend are currently underway. Dean Edmonds stated, "The Council has already chosen the week end of October 22-23 for the 1982 Law Weekend, and we will have reunions for the classes for the years '77, '72, '67, '62, '57, '52, etc. Mark your calendars and join us here at T. C. Williams and celebrate your class reunion."

In appreciation to the following reun ion chairmen, the Law School Association Council expresses its gratitude for their efforts and fine job in organizing the 1981 reunions :

Class Reunions The law alumni from eleven classes met during Law Weekend to reestablish and enjoy an old tradition that was lost during the 1970s. Reunion dinners for classes dating back to 1916 on 5-year intervals were held at various locations around the City of Richmond. Each reunion was individually organized by a member ot the class, who selected the reunion location, wrote individual letters and even placed calls to as far away as California to assemble their classes. The Law School Association Council, which sponsored and encouraged the class reunions was extremely pleased with the feedback tram alumni who attended the class reunions. John G. Rocovich, Presi-

CLASS OF 1926: (L-Rl Horace Edwards, M. Ray Doubles, Lovell Witcher


CLASS OF 1916 and 1971

John J. Wicker, '16 Horace H. Edwards, '26 William S. Cudlipp, '31 George E. Allen, Jr., '36 J. Clifford Hutt, '41 Henry D. Garnett, '46 F. Elmore Butler, '51 John W. Edmonds Ill. '56 Thomas A. Word, Jr., '61 Allan W. Smith, '71 Louis A. Mezzullo, '76

CLASS OF 1941 and 1946: Leroy and Phyllis Brown, J . Clifford Hutt, and Frances and Henry Garnett CLASS OF 1931: Front (L-R) Mrs. Emroch, Mrs. Abbitt, Mrs. Stallard and Mrs. Cudlipp, Back (L-R) Emanuel Emroch , George Abbitt, Beecher Stallard, and William Cudlipp


CLASS OF 1936: Mr. and Mrs. Westwood Winfree, Mr. and Mrs. George Allen and Mr. and Mrs. John T. Grigsby

CLASS OF 1961 : (L-R) seated : Thomas S. Word, Hugh Cambell , Charles Leppert, Robert Epstein, (L-R) standing : S. D. Roberts Moore, Douglas W. Conner, L. Dale McGhee, and Judge Robert M. Hurst.

".... ,,... l-~; , ,""'""'"' CLASS OF 1956: (L-R) Professor Andre Moenssen, Thomas Moss and John Edmonds

CLASS OF 1951: Front (L-R) Helen Moss, Martha Edmonds, Eleanor Campbell and Jean Rakes, Back (L-R) Bob Moss, Dean Thomas Edmonds , Leslie Campbell , Elmore Butler and Dick Rakes



Tour of the President's Home

Alumni enjoy refreshments at President's Home

Judge Donald Kent and Judge Marvin Cole tour President's Home

Betty and Bruce Heilman welcome Judge Kent and Dean Edmonds for tour of President's Home

Law Library Opens

President Heilman introduces Judge M. Ray Doubles as guest speaker during library opening

President Heilman addresses alumni at library opening

Judge M. Ray Doubles gives key address at library opening

Judge Doubles and Dean Edmonds unveil Law School Capital Fund Plaque

Dean Edmonds cuts ceremonial ribbon during library opening


Lewis Booker. Rector. cuts ribbon to officially open new library addition

John Rocovich opens Partner's Forum

Law School Capital Fund Plaque

lumni Enjoy Picnic and Reception

Alumni pass through picnic buffett

Alumni Reception in Keller Hall for Irving Younger. banquet speaker

(L-R) Mr. and Mrs. William Cudlipp and Mr. and Mrs. Watkins Abbitt

(L-R) Irving Younger. banquet speaker, meets John and Sue Ellen Rocovich at reception

Irving Younger Guest Speaker for Banquet

Alumni returning from buffet at Fall Banquet


(L-RI Judges: Ballard Baker, Paul Byrne and Marvin Cole welcome alumni back for Law Weekend

Allan and Kathy Smith enjoy their di nner during law banquet


SEASON'S GREETINGS Best wishes for the holidays from the T. C. Williams School of Law

T. C. Williams School of Law University of Richmond Virginia 23173

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